Wynn endorsement dragon age. Dragon Age Quests from companions

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Alistair's family
When Aleister's disposition to you is more than 40, he will tell you about his paternal sister Goldanna. Year after year, his desire to find a family and relatives became stronger and stronger. Alistair learned that his sister lives in Denerim in the shopping district (a house with a yellow door to the left of Wade's blacksmith's house). He will want to drop in to her and tell her everything. We do not deny this pleasure to our best friend. We go into the house and talk to Goldanna. It is better to choose less harsh remarks in a conversation and let Alistair speak. The poor fellow will receive a far from warm welcome from his own blood. After you leave Goldanna's house, be sure to tell Alistair that everyone is mostly happy on their own and doing their best for themselves. This will harden his character and in the future will endear him to Alistair Anor (Queen of Ferrelden). Alistair will be grateful for your help. This will complete the quest.

Leliana's past
As you know, Leliana was not always a quiet and kind girl. She was once a bard and engaged in contract killings. Traveling around the map, you will be attacked by a squad of assassins who, as it turns out, will need Leliana's head. We send the bandits to the next world and move on. Later in the camp, if Leliana's disposition towards you gets above 40, she will tell you about her "fighting" friend and mentor Marjoline. Our red-haired girlfriend will guess that it was she who sent the killers to her and wants to meet her in Denerim. We agree to help her with this. Arriving in the city, we go to the hideout of the Marjoline gang (in the shopping district near the main gate, the place will be marked on the mini-map). After a short conversation, we kill Marjoline and her accomplices. Leliana will be very grateful to you for saving, but for some time she will be in a slight shock from the betrayal and death of her "best friend". The quest is over here.
Note 1: doing it will affect your romantic relationship with Leliana. Even if before that she was already head over heels in love with you, now she will allow you to the body. But this will only be the case if you are not romantically involved with Morrigan..
Note 2: You don't need to kill Marjoline (for this, during a conversation, try to convince Leliana that she is not like her "girlfriend"). In this case, Marjoline will knock her feet on the floor that she will return and leave. There will be no further meetings with her.

Grimoire Flemet
When you free the tower of the circle from the possessed, Morrigan will ask you to find in the office of the first sorcerer an ancient black grimoire that once belonged to her mother Flemeth. We agree to help. Having found the grimoire, we give it to Morrigan (we get a huge plus to favor). Coming to the camp the next time, Morrigan will tell you about how she revealed the secret of Flemeth's longevity. For many years she gave birth to a daughter, taught her witchcraft, and then moved into her. The same fate will soon befall the Morrigan. We agree to protect the girl. To do this, we have to return to the Wild Lands of Korkari and kill Flemeth. This will be very, very difficult to do, especially if you are playing as a warrior. Morrigan will not go with you, which means that you will not have the opportunity to freeze and cast a curse. We'll have to fight honestly. And you will have to fight with ... a dragon-demon. After the victory, take the key to the house from the creature's corpse. There you will find a more serious Morrigan mantle, Flemeth's grimoire (the second and most important), and a couple of other goodies. Give the Grimoire to Morrigan. She will be happy, but show restrained emotions (as almost always).
Note 1: it is from this grimoire that Morrigan learns about a way to keep you alive after defeating the archdemon. Therefore, if you want an ending with the honors of a hero, you must complete this quest.
Note 2: Flemeth need not be killed. Just tell her everything you know, she will offer you to pick up the grimoire, and then she will leave. Morrigan, by the way, will not suspect anything. But in my opinion, it is better to cut down experience for an extra dragon.

Regret Wynne
Magician Wynn, when her disposition to you is above 50, will tell a sad story about her student Aneirin. He was a Dalish elf and things were not going well in his circle. As a result, after a quarrel with Wynne, he decided to run away. The Templars caught and killed him. Since then, Wynn has been haunted by feelings of guilt in front of her student. But maybe not everything ended so sadly? Go to the Brecilian forest in the Dalish camp and talk to the storyteller Sarel (Winn must be in your party). He will tell you about the healer Aneirin, who lives in the depths of the forest. We go to the second location to the home of the mad wizard. Wynne and Aneirin will talk, and then everything will end well. We will receive a good amulet as a reward and go on our journey.

Beresaad's Sword
When Stan's disposition to you is more than 25, he will tell you why he killed a family of peasants who saved him from death. When he woke up, he did not see his sword with him (and for the Qunari this is tantamount to death), he thought that the peasants had robbed him and decided to finish them off. Promising nothing to the Wall, we go in search of the sword. To begin with, we go to the ferry at the Circle Tower. There we will meet the marauder. We ask him about the Qunari sword. He will give a tip to one type. You can find him on the plateau at the gate to Orzammar in the frosty mountains (this will be the merchant Farin). We scare him that we will hand over the thief with giblets to the owner of the sword and get the name of the character to whom this sword was sold. It will turn out to be the dwarf Dvin from Rdcliffe (you will probably already know him by that time). We tell him that we will buy a sword in exchange for his life. The gnome will get scared and give the sword for free (you need persuasion skill 3, otherwise you will have to pay for the sword). We return the sword to the Wall. The quest is complete.

Ogren's longtime sweetheart.
If you sentenced Branca on the deep paths, then very soon Ogren will tell you about his old friend Felsi (you need more than 60 location). The dwarf will say that the last time they had a hard fight and now he wants to return everything. He asks us to go with him to Felsi and talk to her about everything. We go to the "Spoiled Princess" tavern (at the crossing to the circle tower). You can first chat with Felsi yourself, and then send Ogren to her, or you can immediately entrust everything to the dwarf. The success of the quest depends on what Ogren tells her. If you follow your advice, then everything will go well. And although Felsi will laugh enough at our red-bearded friend, after the victory over the pestilence they will be together and even have a child.

Golem memories
Note: The quest is available only with the official DLC "The Stone Captive".
Sheila, when her favor with you is over 50, will ask you to find out something about her past. The following is important here: by that time you will have to go through the quest "Perfect" on the side of Karidin and thereby find out that all the golems were once gnomes. If you complete the same quest on Branca's side, Sheila will leave the squad. So, you are tasked with finding out about Sheila's past. We take her to the party and set off on the deep paths to the crossroads of Karidin. Sheila will remember this place and tell you about the passage to the abandoned teig of the house of Kadash (the marker will appear on your map). Let's go there. We clean the area from the creatures of darkness, making our way to the center of the teig. There will be a monument dedicated to the inhabitants of the teig, who sacrificed themselves, becoming golems in order to defend the dwarven possessions from the creatures of darkness. All the names of the heroes will also be listed there. Sheila will find her name and her memory clear. The quest is complete.

Good relations with companions are bonuses to characteristics and additional quests, help in times of crisis, and in general it's a good thing. And if it is easy to neglect this on easy or medium difficulty, then at the maximum it will work out vryatli (there every penny counts).

The relationship can be broken down into:

Meaning Name What's happening
— 100 A crisis They can hit on the cap or just slip out of the squad
-99 to -26 Dislike
from -25 to 25 Neutral
from 26 to 75 Heat Additional dialogues about the past of companions appear, specializations can open, and quests can also appear
from 76 to 100 friendship Can give something valuable or not very good

To start a romantic relationship, you will have to complete a personal party quest (we won't play as a girl, right?). It is worth remembering that all companions (except for Alistair) will leave the squad if their attitude indicator drops to -100. There are also certain moments of crisis - in these situations, the character can rebel and attack, or leave the squad.

Each major location has a place to start a conversation between satellites. These points are located in the following places: at the entrance to Lothering (after descending from the Trakt and on the bridge), on the first bridge in Redcliffe, in the north of Denerim's Trade Quarter, Orzammar Bridge to the arena, first floor of the Mages Tower, at the entrance to the Dalish camp. The point works only once, to initiate a new dialogue, you need to re-enter the location.

Your Guardian can also talk to his companions, and more conversations are available in the camp. Sometimes a companion can come up to you in the camp and start a conversation. In its course, you can open a secret quest (for example, an Orzammar Nag for Leliana), as well as increase or decrease Influence.

For all companions, there are gifts that can increase influence. Most often, gifts are preferred by one companion, and have little effect on others. Some gifts are special, and after the presentation, a special dialogue will start. For the first presented gift, the colleague will raise approval by 10 points, for the second 9, and for each subsequent gift - by 1 point less than the previous one (but not less than 1). Special gifts can raise Approval by more than 10. This usually happens when a follower asks for a certain thing.

Non-specialized gifts have a primary value of +5, and for donating an item to a follower with a negative attitude, the influence points for him are halved (but remain at least 1). The easiest way to raise Influence is through dialogues or during the course of the game (for some of your choices, companions can increase or decrease Approval), and a companion in which your Guardian has a romantic interest can very quickly raise it to 100. Gifts in such cases should be kept , in order with their help to bring the necessary points of influence to the marks initiating a new dialogue or quest, or to smooth out disapproval of your choice in a given situation.


Alistair will join you in the storyline in Ostagar and will be the only companion who will not leave the group even with a ratio of -100, you will not even be able to expel him until his moment of crisis. With a high Approval, Alistair will teach your Guardian how to be a Templar.

Personal quest - Alistair's family

At the first visit to Redcliffe, Alistair will tell his biography, and with a high Approval, at the next conversation, he will mention a sister named Goldanna and ask him to visit her in Denerim. Goldanna's house is located in the Trade Quarter next to Wade's forge and is not initially marked on the map - for the entrance to appear, approach it with Alistair closer. Inside there is a small conversation with Goldanna, and nothing depends on your answers. At the exit, Alistair will try to discuss what happened.

The moment of the crisis

Alistair will leave the squad if you keep Loghain alive at the Lands Collection. If you tightened it up, Alistair may remain king, otherwise he will be required to execute Anor. Agree with her or not - it doesn't matter anymore, one way or another, Alistair will no longer appear.


The sailor will join the squad at the insistence of Flemeth after rescuing the Guardians from the Tower of Ishal. She can be driven away, but if she remains, then this will reveal additional options for the ending of the game. She can also teach the specialization of the Werewolf Mage. This madam loves it when we act tough, and she doesn't like helping everyone. You can soften the Morrigan after giving the Golden Mirror, asking in return to be kinder to people. After that, she will reduce the Approval less.

Personal quest - Grimoire Flemet

After visiting the Tower of Mages, Morrigan will tell you that in the past some templar stole an important Black Grimmoire from her mother and asked her to find him. The book is in a chest in Irving's office. The next time you enter the camp, Morrigan will ask you to kill Flemeth, find her real grimmoire, and tell you what she learned from this book. You can now return to Flemeth's Hut. Her mistress can simply give the book and ask Morrigan to tell you that you killed her. If you do not agree, the battle with Flemeth the dragon will go. As a bonus for the latter, you will receive a new Morrigan robe. Returning the grimmoire to the witch will complete the quest.

Morrigan as a romantic interest

You need to talk to Morrigan about Flemeth, and when Influence reaches 30, you can invite her to the tent, although the witch can do the same herself. After the presentation of Grimmoire to Flemeth, she confesses her feelings and refuses to share a bed with you. Her gift as a sign of feelings is a magic ring. There is no happy ending with Morrigan in the game.

The moment of the crisis

The first moment will happen before the final battle. Morrigan will make a tempting offer, and if you refuse, he will immediately leave you. If you agree to the ritual, then Morrigan will leave immediately after defeating the Archdemon.


Leliana will be asked to join the group in the lottery tavern post skirmish with the soldiers of Loghain. She can reveal the Bard specialization for you. The adorable Naga will help you catch the Idle Dwarf.

Personal Quest - Leliana's Past

First you need to talk to Leliana about the Orlais bards, and on your next visit to the Camp - about Marjoline, her mentor. After that, when moving across the world map, there will be a random encounter-skirmish with a squad of robbers, whose leader on the battlefield will tell you that he was hired to kill Leliana. The bard will suggest that Marjoline is behind the attack and will ask you to find her in Denerim (this will be a house in the Merchant Quarter). The conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or in battle, and then Leliana will say that she needs to think.

At camp, she will share her doubts about her resemblance to Marjoline. If you want to tighten it up, argue that the pleasure of defeating opponents is part of it, and you can't deny it. Tightening may affect the ending for Leliana.

Leliana as a romantic interest

Leliana gives only two ways to start a relationship. Anyone who has reached Influence of 25 should ask “what a girl like that did in Lothering Church” and compliment her appearance. With a properly developing romance, Leliana will give you a ring.

If you missed the first opportunity (or broke off relations for the sake of flirting with another companion), then you can start dating again after the completion of Leliana's personal quest - in a conversation-discussion of what happened, let her know that people change over time. When she notices that your Guardian reminds her of her former mentor, you can make sure that her relationship is back on the Roman track. Leliana will invite you to spend the night together, when the relationship with her reaches the mark of love - you will not be able to invite her to the tent.

The moment of the crisis

It will happen in the Gauntlet (Urn of the Holy Ashes quest) - if you defile the Ashes and Leliana is in the group, she will attack you. If she stayed in the camp, she will try to leave when you return (if you have a pumped Persuasion, you can persuade her not to leave). The hardened Leliana will not leave the group even if the Urn is desecrated.


A group of mercenaries led by Zevran will attack when moving across the world map after completing one of the story quests. Having dealt with the attackers, you can finish off Zevran or take him to the group. He can teach you the Assassin specialization.

The moment of the crisis

Zevran has no personal quest. The moment of crisis occurs towards the end of the game when switching between Denerim mini-locations (it is not necessary to have Zevran in the group), when you stumble upon a former ally of Zevran named Talisen, who will offer him to return to the Ravens after completing his last mission. If Zevran's attitude towards you is low or negative, he will join the mercenaries and attack you. If it is more or less positive, then Zevran will step aside, leaving you to deal with Talisen on your own. If the Influence on the former contract killer is high enough (and even more so in the case of a novel), Zevran will fight alongside you.

If relations with Zevran are friendly, after the battle he will try to leave the group. You can persuade him to stay for the treasures you find while traveling, or, if his attitude is higher, just as a friend. If you and Zevran have an affair, then he will not try to leave. However, if you break up the romance on the love tag, Zevran will leave the group.


If you are playing as a Noble Man, then you will receive a mabari in the prologue. In all other cases, the dog will join you (if you do not chase him away) after completing the Psar quest in Ostagar, when moving from the Flemeth Hut to Lothering.

The mabari endorsement will initially be 100, so giving him edible gifts can be done just like that. The dog can also bring you gifts for other companions, books with pages from the Codex, a magic staff or part of a set of armor. In almost every location there is a landmark that the mabari can mark, which will provide him with an increase in characteristics in this territory. Actually, there are no dialogues with the mabari, but the rest of your companions now and then communicate with the dog.


The wall can be rescued from the cage in Lothering, where he sits without food and water, serving a sentence for the murder of a peasant family, and call to atone for his sins in the battle with the Spawn of Darkness. You can pick the lock or get the key from the Reverend Mother.

Personal quest - Sword of Beresaad

After asking the Wall about the reasons for the bloody massacre, he will tell that he was insanely upset at the loss of his sword, without which he could not return to his homeland. To find the sword, talk first to the marauder at Lake Calenhad, then to the merchant Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, and finally to the dwarf Dvin in Redcliffe. The sword can be claimed, redeemed, or, if the gnome died, taken from the chest in his house.

The moment of the crisis

If Sten accompanies you in the village of Shelter (Urn of Holy Ashes quest), then he will express his dissatisfaction with the waste of time on all sorts of nonsense. If you fail to convince Stan that a visit is necessary here, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will leave the squad, and if you win, he will stay. If Wall's Approval is high, then he decides not to leave, and even if you agree to a duel, he will not raise his sword.


Wynn can join the squad in the Tower of Mages, where you will go on the story quest Broken Circle. To do this, you need to side with the magicians or offer to sort it out on the spot. If you want to have the templars as allies and do not want to lose Wynn, then you can let the Demon of Pride destroy Irving and the rest of the magicians or save him, and then offer Gregor to isolate the remnants of the Circle.

Personal Quest - Regret Wynn

When crossing the world map, you will encounter an ambush of the Spawn of Darkness, and after the battle, Wynn will faint. Coming to her senses, she admits that for a moment she decided that everything was already over. When asked what she meant by that, Wynn will promise to tell the story at her next stop. The next time you enter the camp, Wynn will talk about what happened to her recently, after which you will have the opportunity to ask if Wynn is afraid of death, and if she regrets anything in her life. As a result, Wynn will tell you another story - about his student Aneirin. Saren can tell about Aneirin in the Dalish camp, and you will find the elf in East Brecilian. After talking with him, the quest will end, and Wynn will receive a new ability.

The moment of the crisis

Wynn will attack you if at the first meeting with her or Kallen a little later, declare that you have come to destroy the magicians. She will also attack if she suspects that your Guardian or Morrigan are blood mages and you will not be able to convince her. This usually happens in the Tower of Mages, and then you can not only use the skills of Blood Magic in her presence, but also teach Wynn herself this specialization. Wynn will also rebel if she was present at the Desecration of Ashes, if she remained in the camp, then upon your next return there she will announce her departure.


Ogren will be asked to join the squad at the entrance to the Deep Paths, where you will go on the story quest Perfect. Ogren can unlock the Berserker specialization for you.

Personal quest - Ogren's Old Love

With Ogren's high Approval, you can hear about his former lover Felsi and the dwarf's desire to make peace with her. For more approval points, go to the Spoiled Princess Tavern by Lake Calenhad without Ogren and talk to her. Then tell Ogren about this, convincing him that preliminary reconnaissance was necessary, and take him with you for a second conversation. During his course, you can help Ogren, in which case the couple will converge again, and the gnome will greatly add to your approval. Otherwise, Felsi will drive Ogren away, and he, in turn, will greatly take offense at you. Talking to Felsi will end the quest, and ending it will affect the epilogue for Ogren. He does not have a moment of crisis.


Loghain can be added to the squad after the Land Gathering if you spare him. Alistair will leave you at the same time, so Loghain also specializes in a sword with a shield. There are no special gifts, personal quests and moments of crisis for him. His Approval cannot be brought to the level of Friendship - at most it will remain Respect.

Personal tasks of companions in Dragon Age: Origins, they appear most often with the achievement of a certain (closer to 50 percent of the fullness of the scale). The higher it is, the higher the chances of learning from a confidential conversation about the past of satellites, their personal stories, experiences, mistakes and other secrets. Personal tasks are one or two additional assignments, after the completion of which the relationship moves to a new level of trust. Get high and trust are also helped by decisions made in the course of the game. The location changes depending on the characters and beliefs of the companions: what one likes, the other can be annoying.

List of personal missions for companions and conditions for appearing in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Sheila(Shale) - after talking with Caridin and reading the golem log in the Void Anvil location (Golem Memories quest). In the next conversation, she will talk about her memories and point to the teig of the Kadash house.
  • Alistair(Alistair) - after reaching a certain level of trust, he will share his desire to visit Sister Goldanna in Denerim's Trade Quarter, next to Wade's shop ("Alistair's Family" quest).
  • Wynn(Wynne) - after reaching a certain level of trust and fainting along the way, she will tell about her first apprentice, the elf Aneirin, who escaped many years ago from the Circle of Mages. He had always dreamed of finding the Dalish elves, but according to Wynn, he was killed by the templars. Sarel, the storyteller of the clan, will tell you that Aneirin lives in the forest, but will not point out the exact place. You can find a former apprentice Wynn behind the camp in East Brecilian (quest "Regret Wynn").
  • Stan(Sten) - after reaching a certain level of trust, he will tell about the lost sword at the pier on Lake Kalenhad, where a marauder will rummage among the corpses, who will point to Farin from the pass in the Frosty Mountains, and he will point to Dvin from Redcliffe ("Beresad's Sword" task).
  • Morrigan(Morrigan) - after reaching a certain level of trust, he will talk about Flemeth's grimoire and ask him to find a book in the tower of the Circle of Mages. In the future, it comes to the proposal (task "Grimoire Flemet").
  • Ogren(Oghren) - after reaching a certain level of trust, he will talk about an old "friend" who went to the surface from Orzammar. Felsi can be found at the Spoiled Princess Tavern by Lake Kalenhad (Ogren's Longtime Sweetheart quest).
  • Leliana(Leliana) - after reaching a certain level of trust, she will talk about her escape from Orlais, where she was hunted by the assassins of her former patroness Marjoline. On the global map, there will be a random meeting with a squad of mercenaries in the location "Forest Stream" (Leliana must be in the squad). Marjoline can be found in one of the houses at the entrance to Denerim's Trade District (quest "Leliana's Past").
  • Zevran(Zevran) - after reaching a certain level of trust, he will talk about. In the backyard in Denerim, there will be a chance meeting with Tallesen (you don't even need to take Zevran with you, he will come running himself).
  • Loghain McTeer(Loghain Mac Tir) - no personal assignment due to late appearance in the game.

"It's okay to imagine all the humiliation you intend to inflict on your enemies, but discussing it ... is not befitting a true lady."

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer Wynn is a scientist by nature, a mage of the Ferelden Circle, who is a possible companion for the Gray Warden. For many years she taught the youth in the Circle, and her associates valued her so highly that they even offered to become the First Sorcerer after Irving. Wynn refused, stating that she absolutely did not want to be in the first roles. She truly believes that sorcerers can learn to control their gift and use it for the benefit of humanity. When the news came that King Kaylan was gathering an army, the healer voluntarily went to Ostagar.

Her talent manifested itself early, especially her ability for healing magic. All the mentors treated her well and appreciated her as a very gifted student. Even the Templars who oversaw her could not help but admit that she embodies the best that the Circle has to offer. Wynne was intelligent, confident and mature beyond her years back then.

Petra, one of Wynn's students, tells us the following:

"I was going down to the library, when suddenly a demon ran around the corner. His eyes burned with anger ... I was sure that I was finished. I was so frightened, it seems, even screamed. And then Wynne appeared in front of me and shielded me from the demon. There were lightning and flashes of fire, blood and chaos ...

When all was quiet, the demon was dead, but Wynn did not move either. I was so scared that she ... that she was no longer there. When I ran to help her, she moved and coughed. I don't even know what I would do if she died ... because of me.

Look after her, okay? She might be okay, but what if that skirmish didn't go unnoticed for her? "

Wynn herself says about this that, it turns out, the very Spirit from the Shadow helped her. Not a demon, but precisely the kind Spirit of courage and compassion, which still keeps her alive, since the demon actually killed her.

She tells this, and then, in case of an accidental skirmish (there must be Winn in the party), the garlock-emissar shoots a fireball at you, severely wounding everyone except her. Then the healer calls on the Spirit for help, and instantly learns a new spell:

Spirit vessel

Wynn releases a burst of energy, causing enemies to become disoriented, restoring some of their health and mana, and gaining bonuses to magical power and mana regeneration. However, upon termination of this ability, Wynn is stunned and suffers a movement, attack, and defense penalty.

Note: You can't have an affair with Wynne.

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer

Joining a group

The Guardian first meets Wynn in Ostagar near the mages' camp. You can talk to her a little.

Once again, the Gray Warden will meet her in the Circle of Magicians, where she stands in front of the spell-sealed door, guarding the children from the intrusion of the possessed. You can either convince her to open the door and go with you (no persuasion skill required), or kill her.

Note: If Morrigan is with you, she may offer to kill Wynn. If you choose the wrong dialogue options, Wynn will refuse to let you through and attack. The codex will be updated to reflect her death.

Also, if you decide to side with the templars (one of them, Cullen, will offer you to kill all the magicians, regardless of whether they are possessed or not), Wynn will not let you go to the last floor of the Tower to Uldred, and you will have to kill her.

If the Guardian defiles Andraste's Ashes, Wynn, with the words: "I hope the darkspawn will destroy you, because you are no better than them," will try to stop you.

If you did not take her with you, she in the camp will condemn you for this act and leave.

Leliana will do the same, but with a developed persuasion skill, you can force her not to draw her weapon.

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer

The wrong way out of the situation ...


Wynn loves to receive books and scrolls as gifts, as well as a variety of wines. She is well versed in such drinks, which surprises Ogren a lot.

Gerryn Ferelden - Radcliffe Castle;

Rose of Orlais - Circle of Magicians;

Search for the true prophet - Orzammar;

Fancy Scroll - Brecilian, Lower Ruins;

Dragon Blood Discovery - Ruined Temple;

Wines - "The Spoiled Princess" or Lothering.

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer

Personal Quest: Wynn's Regrets

Winn's personal quest is connected with her former student. After she tells you about the Spirit, ask if she regrets anything. She will tell about an elf named Aneirin, whom she greatly offended by her behavior as a mentor, so much so that he escaped from the Circle. The Templars caught up with him ...

Say that you do not believe in the death of Aneirin. Go to eastern Brecilian and yes, you will find an elf not far from the mad hermit's dwelling. It turns out that he is not at all offended by Wynn, but always wanted to find the Dalish elves and stay with them.

Aneirin will give you a pendant (gives +10 resistance to electricity / forces of nature / magic of the spirit). Wynne will be very grateful to you.

Botanist Innes

Also, Wynn can be found in Amaranthine, opposite the entrance to the church. She will say that the College of Magicians is meeting and that they want to secede from the Church. Wynn will ask you to find Innes, who is in the Vending forest, out of old friendship.

Innes is standing behind a circle of stones, and she is absolutely not going to return anywhere until she finds the seeds of the northern spine. Offer her your help. The northern spine grows to the right of the entrance to the silverite mines, and looks like an elven root. Take the seeds to Innes and Wynn's Awakening quest will be completed.

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer

Dialogues with fellow party members

I think she will be very happy with you.

It won't come out anymore. This time I'm ready

I just wanted to say that this is all very good for both of you. It's not easy being a Gray Guardian, I'm glad you found each other.

Oh yes, I have no doubt that I'm glad.

Take care of your love, maybe all this is not for long.

That's all I wanted to say.

Truth? And won't you pinch my cheeks? And drive it into the paint?

Of course not. I like you Alistair, you deserve happiness.

Can't even pinch my cheeks a little?

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer

Of course it will pinch!

Dialogue with Zevran:

I think you should know that killing is bad.

I'm sorry ... are you talking to me?

Therefore, you wanted to part with the Ravens ... remorse.

That is how it is.

Joke if you want, but I feel that deep down you regret the life you have led.

That's right, I regret all of this.

What kind of eternal childhood is this? Can't you, at least once, have a serious conversation?

I know I'm terrible ... and that makes me sad. Can I snuggle up to your chest? I want to cry.

I'm sure you can cry and not on my chest.

Did I tell you that I am an orphan? I have never seen my mother.

- * sigh * ... give up


Wynn confesses to Alistair that in the Circle she was "looking for the company" of other magicians, and she had a son. The Church took him, since all the children born in the Circle belong to her. Wynn was too weak after giving birth to prevent the Templars from doing this, and to this day, she thinks about him every day.

Alistair and Wynn have a relationship similar to the way a mother treats her son (or a grandmother treats her grandson). Wynn sews up Alistair's socks, shirts, and tells where the kids come from (if he's having an affair with the Guardian Girl).

Wynn is the only character who does not teach her specialization.

Wynn - Great Healer

Wynn - Great Healer

Concept art.


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