5 weeks in time. Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

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What happens to the female body, what does the expectant mother feel? Let's figure it out.

First of all, at this time, even the most inattentive girl will suspect that something is wrong. And first of all, suspicion will be caused by the fact that menstruation does not begin. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days. So at this time you can already confirm your feelings with a pharmacy test. By the way, pay attention that it is not expired. Otherwise, the result may be false negative. We also advise you to do the test twice and in the morning.

For most women, the fifth week of pregnancy turns into torture. Such a phenomenon as toxicosis most strongly begins to manifest itself precisely at this time. Constant nausea literally from everything, periodic headaches greatly affect mood and emotional state. Now a pregnant woman simply needs patience and support from loved ones.

Belly at 5 weeks while invisible, although the uterus is already decently enlarged and continues to grow in size.

Hormonal changes in the body are in full swing. Mornings are usually "fun": nausea and vomiting, intolerance to smells, lack of appetite, "running" to the toilet, pain in the mammary glands, chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may feel pain in the abdomen. This is due to stretching of the uterus and squeezing the internal organs.

IN 5 weeks pregnant a woman already feels certain symptoms and signs of pregnancy:

  • A sharp increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, sometimes even to the point of pain.
  • Breast augmentation in size.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen may appear, as before the onset of menstruation.
  • The areola of the nipple darkens.
  • Constant desire to sleep.
  • Tired and lethargic, especially in the morning.
  • Susceptibility to pungent odors and changes in taste sensations.

Fetal development at 5 weeks of gestation

Embryo at the fifth week of pregnancy resembles a tadpole - a knot (head) and a process of the future spine (chord).

Now the fetus is already as if stuck to the mucous wall of the uterus, where it will be located and develop further. In the endometrium (connective tissue), blood vessels (capillaries) have formed, through which the embryo receives nutrients from the mother's body for its growth and development.

At a period of 5 weeks, the fetus begins to form the thyroid gland. And for its full development requires such an element as iodine. If it is not enough in the female body, the doctor may recommend taking this substance in the form of tablets (for example, " Iodomarin»).

Also at this time, the unborn baby begins to form spinal cord. It is in the form of a thin plate bent into a tube.

Now the first blood cells are beginning to form in the embryo, which will later become the basis for blood vessels and the entire circulatory system as a whole. It is noteworthy that at this stage the baby's heart still exists in the form of two hollow tubes. But the heart is already contracting, and this can be heard on an ultrasound machine with high sensitivity.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, a bookmark occurs:

  • Digestive system
  • nervous system
  • chest cavity
  • abdominal cavity
  • Bones
  • Thyroid gland.

Now your baby has grown to 1-1.5 mm in length and has gained weight of 1 gram. Often at this time, the embryo is compared with a grain of millet.

Moreover, at this time there is an enhanced formation nervous system. Yes, and all other systems begin to form at an accelerated pace and at the same time: tissues, muscles, bones develop in leaps and bounds.

If at this stage of the development of the child to make ultrasound, then you can see the tiny rudiments of legs and arms, fingers, ears, eyes.

The body of the mother and child becomes one, so the condition of the mother is very important for the future baby.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

The most important factor that at this stage affects the development of the embryo is the general health of the future mother, the external conditions that surround her and affect her well-being.

It is worth knowing what 5 obstetric week of pregnancy significantly reduced immunity in women. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. There is also a high risk of contracting ARVI or acute respiratory infections, any infectious diseases. However, pregnancy favorably affects such ailments as diabetes, allergies, psoriasis. A sufficiently high percentage of women experience remission, and even a complete recovery.

Naturally, now mommy is required to give up bad habits completely. The use of alcohol, drugs, smoking is unacceptable. Medicines are not allowed. Only in extreme cases, if necessary, after a doctor's prescription, and only those who have no contraindications during pregnancy.

It is not necessary to carry out any medical manipulations (dental treatment, for example) using anesthesia.

Any adverse effect on the mother's body will negatively affect the unborn child: the process of laying and developing the organs and systems of the fetus is disrupted.

Also undesirable for 5 weeks pregnant dye your hair. And this is not connected with folk signs: it’s just that the chemicals contained in hair dyes penetrate the woman’s body through the skin, which means they are transmitted to the embryo.

What complications can occur at the 5th week of pregnancy

On the 5 weeks pregnant there is still a risk of miscarriage. Although the embryo is already in the uterine cavity and fixed in it, in the presence of any harmful and unfavorable conditions, the fetus can come off and become unviable.

If you experience any discomfort (pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding), consult a doctor immediately. Timely diagnosis of the problem can literally save the life of your unborn child.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 5th week of pregnancy

On the fifth week of pregnancy it cannot be said that the changes in the body and body of a woman are too obvious and noticeable. For some, swollen breasts and morning sickness may indicate pregnancy. And a lot of people don't care at all.

However, the female body has already begun to seriously prepare for the fulfillment of its main task - bearing a child and the upcoming birth. The embryo also contributes - the fetus begins to secrete special substances that cause changes in the hormonal background and, accordingly, changes in the woman's body and sensations. Here we are talking about hCG- human chorionic gonadotropin. It is the level of this hormone that accurately shows the fact of pregnancy. Ladies in an interesting position have a level hCG increases sharply.

In addition, at this time there is an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone. It is vital for the unborn child - so that the embryo is firmly fixed on the wall of the uterus and does not occur miscarriage.

It is worth saying that the lack of progesterone is extremely rare. This can be said especially in the case of artificial insemination, when the embryo is planted in the body of a future mother, who, in fact, is not yet ready for bearing a fetus.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the gynecologist can already determine the “interesting position” even by touch. During this period, the uterus increases in size and becomes softer. So you can safely go to the antenatal clinic and become registered for pregnancy.

Analyzes and medical examinations

At this time, when contacting a antenatal clinic and setting up for pregnancy record a gynecologist can prescribe a standard set of tests: a blood test, urine test. Additional laboratory tests are prescribed in the presence of chronic diseases.

Important to do blood chemistry, blood type and Rh factor, blood clotting ( coagulogram), infections (herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, etc.), as well as hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis.

Do not delay a visit to the gynecologist, even with good health. Analyzes will help to see even hidden deviations in the state of your body.

In addition, listening to the fetal heart rate and monitoring its activity becomes regular.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks pregnant

ultrasound at this stage, it is carried out if there is a suspicion of a multiple pregnancy. In addition, the specialist will make sure that the fetus is in the uterus and not outside it. It also checks for multiple pregnancies.

Ultrasound is done more frequently if there is a high risk of miscarriage. Especially, with artificial insemination of the egg and replanting her future mother. Indeed, in this case, the body simply has not yet had time to prepare for pregnancy and may reject the embryo.

Photo of ultrasound images at 5 weeks pregnant

If your condition is fifth week of pregnancy absolutely terrible, be sure to tell your doctor about your problems. Strong toxicosis may indicate some health problem. And only a doctor can determine these problems.

Do not try to cope with nausea and "psychosis" with grandma's advice. Even seemingly harmless folk remedies can harm both you and your unborn child.

Modern medicine offers drugs that have no contraindications.

Accept vitamins, since at this stage it is simply necessary for the normal development of all the organs of the baby.

You will have to change your wardrobe: give up high-heeled shoes, squeezing clothes and non-natural fabrics.

Swollen breasts can cause discomfort during sleep. Choose a position that is more comfortable for you. You can use small pillows or purchase special pillows for pregnant women.

If during this period you experience severe fatigue, you constantly want to sleep, then take a vacation. You should not force yourself to go to work, sit all day in an uncomfortable position in front of the computer. Especially if there is a risk of complications during pregnancy, then it is better to stay at home, lie more. But do not forget to walk in the fresh air. Strength will immediately increase, and the mood will improve. No matter how uncomfortable the feeling is, try to keep a positive attitude. After all, your future baby already feels your condition.

Do not forget about proper nutrition: more fruits and vegetables. Eat several times a day, but in small portions. Focus on boiled, stewed and steamed dishes.

Drink more fluids: water, juices, compotes. At the same time, you need to take maintenance drugs prescribed by your doctor: folic acid, minerals and vitamins. The lack of certain trace elements can lead to serious deviations in the development of the fetus.

With persistent pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of miscarriage.

Pregnant women at this time have strange taste preferences. But do not be afraid of the desire to eat pickles with strawberries or lard with sugar. One has only to be attentive to the quality of the product and avoid junk food: fast food, fried, smoked.

Sometimes at the 5th week of pregnancy, a fever appears - up to 37.3 degrees. Do not confuse this condition with a cold and do not self-medicate.

If toxicosis is already tormented, then there are several recommendations that will help alleviate unpleasant symptoms. For morning sickness, eat a few pieces of dry biscuits (crackers) or crackers without getting out of bed. Sleep on multiple pillows to keep your head and shoulders high enough. During the day, even in the absence of appetite, try to eat small portions, but often. Arrange snacks every 2-3 hours.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

What is not allowed for a woman 5 obstetric week of pregnancy:

  • The use of alcoholic beverages, even low-alcohol ones.
  • Smoking.
  • The use of narcotic substances.
  • The use of drugs without a doctor's prescription.
  • Eating a large amount of "harmful" food - soda, fatty, salty, smoked, fast food, foods that cause allergies.

Sex at 5 weeks pregnant

Sex at this time is not contraindicated. However, if there is a risk of miscarriage or any other problems (pain, discharge), then sexual relations should be abandoned. As mentioned above, the immunity of the female body is greatly reduced now, so any infection can be extremely dangerous for the unborn baby.

As you know, at this time, in many women, due to poor health, sexual desire can disappear completely. Do not force yourself to fulfill your marital duty by force. This will not bring the necessary positive emotions.

Sports and physical education

Physical exercise on 5 weeks pregnant useful. In moderation, outdoors is the best option for a future mother.

Avoid professional sports. This is fraught with injury and the risk of losing a child. The load on the body is too great, which is already working for wear and tear, preparing to bear a child.

Vitamins and medicines at 5 weeks pregnant

At this stage of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend that you definitely use folic acid. It is useful to take special vitamins for pregnant women. They contain an optimally selected complex of essential vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. After all, the lack of any substance in the mother's body can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The gestation period of 5 weeks from conception or 7 obstetrics is the time when the embryo is actively laying all the organs and systems of the body, and the woman continues to actively produce female hormones, which cause not always pleasant sensations at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Someone says in the future that the first trimester turned out to be the most difficult for them, and someone says that they did not feel an interesting situation, everything was as always.

The main signs of pregnancy at 5 gestational weeks

In addition to delaying menstruation, toxicosis, rashes on the face and body, drowsiness, weight may change. If there is no toxicosis, then most likely you can gain a little. Especially if you eat well. Those who suffer from toxicosis, on the contrary, lose weight. Discrepancies are possible while not large - plus or minus a kilogram. Normally, the expectant mother adds about 300 grams per week. This is fine. So far, almost all of the increase is deposited “in the mother”, but very soon the baby, the placenta, will also begin to gain weight, plus the amount of amniotic fluid will increase.

A mucous plug forms in the cervix of a woman - the same lump of mucus, the discharge of which is one of the harbingers of an early birth. The mucus plug is the child's protection against ascending infection from the vagina.

Another not too pleasant sign of an interesting situation is increased salivation. It is considered one of the components of toxicosis. But in fact, "drooling" persists throughout pregnancy. Drooling also flows in a dream, on a pillow, which is not very pleasant. But nothing can be done about it...

If suddenly all the sensations of pregnancy in the fifth week disappeared

It happens that at this time suddenly the signs of an interesting situation disappear. Nausea suddenly disappears, the chest becomes softer and painless. Why does this happen in the fifth week of embryo development and should we rejoice at this?

Unfortunately, such a sharp relief of well-being often indicates a cessation of the development of the fetal egg, the death of the embryo - a missed pregnancy. But not necessarily. Sometimes the well-being of expectant mothers improves due to changes in the weather, living conditions, etc. For example, a woman lived for several months in an unusual hot climate for her, often experienced nausea, as a manifestation of toxicosis, but when she got home, in the cool, she became significantly easier. No, the pregnancy continued to develop, just the negative symptoms disappeared.

But it also happens that there is no apparent reason why the signs of pregnancy would disappear in the fifth week. Then you can do the following.
1. Take an analysis of hCG in dynamics, see if there is an active increase in chorionic gonadotropin.
2. Go to the doctor and, if necessary, do an ultrasound to check the viability of the embryo. An ultrasound must be done if there is bloody discharge from the vagina or unusual pain.

Dangers - ectopic pregnancy

Without ultrasound at this time, it is impossible to be sure that the pregnancy is uterine. With an ectopic pregnancy, hCG grows in the same way, there is toxicosis and other signs of an interesting situation. The first call may be cramps on one side of the abdomen. Many women perceive this as pain in the ovary due to the corpus luteum, but it has nothing to do with it. The pain does not go away, it becomes constant and acute, spreading throughout the abdomen.

If there is a rupture of the fallopian tube, where the fetal egg develops, there is acute pain, dizziness, loss of consciousness (often). Uterine bleeding begins.

For an accurate diagnosis and at the same time surgical treatment, laparoscopic surgery is performed. The fertilized egg is removed. Leave the fallopian tube if possible. However, the already operated fallopian tube in the future often turns out to be impassable, which again leads to an ectopic pregnancy in it.

What can be seen on an ultrasound

From about the fourth or fifth week after conception, the specialist sees an embryo in the fetal egg. And at 5 weeks old, she can already measure his length, see some of the structures of his body and hear his heartbeat. According to the size of the KTP (coccyx-parietal size), it is possible to calculate the gestational age with very high accuracy (plus or minus two days).

When looking at the viability of pregnancy, then at this time it is the fetal heartbeat that is assessed. In the early days, it can be somewhat reduced, but then it reaches a frequency of 150 beats per minute.

In addition to the embryo and chorion (future placenta), the doctor sees the yolk sac. Its size is 6-8 mm. Normally, the yolk sac at 12 weeks disappears as unnecessary. If there is no yolk sac already at 5 weeks after conception or at 6 weeks of pregnancy, this is bad. Bad sign. However, it often happens that they simply do not see it.

A missed pregnancy is indicated by the absence of a heartbeat in the embryo with a CTE of more than 3 mm. However, if one doctor did not see a heartbeat, this means that you need to urgently clean the uterus. The ultrasound should be repeated in a few days.

Malformations in the embryo at this time are not yet visible.

What happens to the embryo in the fifth week

The embryo is already over a month old! And it weighs just under a gram. Growth is about 8-13 mm.

The child's legs are visible on ultrasound, however, they are still more like fins. The handles consist of two parts: the shoulder and the forearm. And in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brushes, the membranes are the future fingers of the baby.

Increases in brain size. The heart is being improved, now it is two-chambered. The lungs are actively growing, and the rudiments of the bronchi appear.

The esophagus, the anterior wall of the abdomen, and the small intestine are formed. And the appendix and the large intestine are already there. The pancreas appeared - the most important human organ that provides the formation of the hormone insulin. The liver works - creates blood.
On the future face of the embryo, features are distinguished - eyes, nose, mouth. There are even tiny nostrils!

The placenta or chorion becomes more massive. The umbilical cord connects the embryo to the uterine wall, which nourishes it.

The tail of the embryo is still preserved. But don't worry, by week 8 it will be gone.

What does a woman feel

Especially no changes: irritability replaces the feeling of euphoria from his future new role. Discomfort may arise due to the grown breasts. I have to buy new bras. But they still come in handy during lactation. So, buy immediately comfortable underwear made of natural fabric with wide straps. Very comfortable bras with special inner pockets, which can put absorbent liners (during pregnancy, many women leak colostrum).

increased appetite is a normal phenomenon. After all, part of the nutrients received by the body goes to the child. You should slightly increase the calorie content of the diet, but not at the expense of sweets or fast food. Emphasis can be placed on dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables.

Regarding the nutrition of expectant mothers, there are detailed instructions. Especially dangerous is infection with the bacterium Listeria (causes listeriosis). Symptoms: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. Often causes damage to the child's body and spontaneous abortion. You can avoid infection with this bacterium if you refuse to use unboiled milk, cottage cheese (especially home-made), soft cheeses, poorly fried meat and fish, bird eggs without sufficient heat treatment, poorly washed vegetables and fruits.

You should not eat foods and dishes that are prepared by dubious people in unsanitary conditions. Do not buy pies, hot dogs, pizza, etc. on the street.

Also dangerous are animal products without sufficient heat treatment and raw vegetables, as they are sources of other dangerous bacteria, Salmonella or Escherichia coli. Meat should be cooked at a temperature not lower than 70 degrees. Eggs after cooking must have a hard yolk. Hollandaise sauce should not be eaten by expectant mothers as it contains raw eggs.

The liver should not be consumed on a regular basis, as it is a source of large amounts of vitamin A, dangerous in high concentrations for pregnant women.

Why you shouldn't eat fish

Fish is potentially dangerous for expectant mothers and breastfeeding women. And all because in the reservoirs in which it grew, mercury could be contained in large quantities. Clogging of water is due to industrial emissions.

The older and larger the fish, the more potentially dangerous it is. Abroad, women, including those planning pregnancy, are warned about the risk of eating shark meat, swordfish and other large fish species.

The least mercury is found in canned tuna (but not white!), salmon and shrimp. From non-canned fish, it is better to choose smaller sizes and eat no more than 350 grams per week. By the way, not only marine fish, but also freshwater ones are a potential danger. It can be consumed by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, no more than 230 grams per week (weight is indicated before preparation).


Much has been written about the fact that expectant mothers should not drink coffee. However, this ban is not categorical and caffeinated products can be consumed, but only in limited quantities.

It is safe to drink 2 cups of coffee per day, assuming that one cup of coffee contains 150 mg of caffeine. In addition to coffee, many cold medicines and foods, such as chocolate, also contain caffeine. They also need to be taken into account.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Its action begins approximately 15 minutes after ingestion. Slightly increased blood pressure, pulse. For the reason that coffee is advised to drink for expectant mothers with low blood pressure, it is typical for the first trimester of pregnancy. However, coffee is also a diuretic, which is why you should not drink it often, the body loses fluid.

Until recently, it was believed that caffeine provokes miscarriages. But recent scientific research refutes this. Such a relationship was identified, most likely, because those who like to drink a lot of coffee are still addicted to alcohol and often smoke. However, it has been proven that large doses of caffeine (above 300 mg per day) lead to a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus and, as a result, the birth of a small fetus.

Week 5, we become registered for pregnancy (video):

5 weeks pregnant

5 weeks, we become registered for pregnancy


Can I dye my hair and take medicine

Previously, it was believed that this should not be done, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the paint penetrates through the scalp into the bloodstream. But now it is known that a very small amount of paint enters the bloodstream, and it does not have a negative effect on the body of the mother and child.

In extreme cases, you can use natural dyes for dyeing hair - a decoction of onion peel, henna, basma, chamomile, etc.

As for medicines, you need to be very careful with them. For example, many tranquilizers and antidepressants cause fetal malformations if taken in the first weeks after conception. And sleeping pills provoke addiction not only in the mother, but also in the child. There is evidence that in children whose mothers took barbiturates for a long time, after childbirth they had excessive excitability and suffered from epileptic seizures. In addition, they had a violation of blood clotting.

Antitumor (anticancer) drugs are very dangerous for the fetus. They inhibit the development of a malignant tumor, but not only. They lead to disruption of the development of tissues and organs of the embryo. They are the culprits of fetal neural tube defects, anomalies of the skeleton, hands, etc. Cytostatic agents are contraindicated throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Proven the following drugs have a damaging effect on the embryo(the list is long, we give only a tiny part of it):

  • Akutan (used to treat skin problems);
  • Tegison or Soriatan (for the treatment of psoriasis);
  • Thalidomide (sedative sleeping pill);
  • Diethylstilbestrol (a synthetic analogue of estrogen, used in the last century to prevent miscarriage).

Do not take any medications or vitamin supplements that have not been prescribed by your doctor.

Physical exercise and work activities

An active lifestyle is good for expectant mothers. It has been proven that physically active women give birth faster and easier, and their children have a higher IQ. Studies were conducted among healthy expectant mothers who do not have the threat of miscarriage, whose pulse rate does not exceed 140 beats per minute at high loads.

The best sport for pregnant women is swimming. But any other will do if the expectant mother has been doing it for a long time before conception.

Regular walking is useful for all pregnant women, as they train the cardiovascular system and the heart. But sports where injuries are possible are best avoided.

Expectant mothers are not allowed to work. But you need to follow some rules. For example, do not sit for hours in one place, move, this will help to avoid swelling. And also take breaks for rest and drink enough fluids.

It is not worth working in hazardous industries, for example, chemical, engineering, foundry.

So, the expectant mother has come 5 weeks pregnant. This period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. This is what obstetricians-gynecologists say so as not to get confused in terms. In fact, it took about three weeks, when fertilization itself occurred. Doctors always count the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation.

The first two weeks are very important for the formation of the unborn baby. At this time, the woman finds out that she is pregnant. Does a lot of confirmatory tests with further trips to the gynecologist. The 5th obstetric week of pregnancy in women is characterized by a change in their thinking, consciousness changes, and women begin to look at the world differently, because now they have much more responsibility than before.

The effect of progesterone on a woman's body at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Weakness and toxicosis are natural phenomena

It is simply necessary for women to know what is happening at the 5th week of pregnancy during this period. Of course, the delay in menstruation at this time is natural, which once again confirms the condition of the future mother. Changes in the level of hormones produced by the female genital organs. Hormonal restructuring by the 5th week of pregnancy is a normal natural process that prepares a woman for the upcoming motherhood.

The following symptoms of ongoing processes may be observed:
  • toxicosis in the initial, not yet aggravated stage;
  • unpleasant sensations of heartburn that appear in the morning;
  • the appearance of constipation, which can subsequently accompany a woman during the entire pregnancy.

All of the above ailments are associated with the processes that began to occur in the body of a woman after the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. The muscles of the uterus are relaxed, as there is an increased production of progesterone. For the safety of the fetal egg, this same progesterone reduces the frequency of passage of food through the intestines, which is why constipation occurs. Heartburn is added to this bouquet and, as a result, toxicosis begins.

5 weeks pregnant

5th week of pregnancy: discharge, sensations, symptoms, what is happening, abdominal pain


5 6 weeks pregnant.


Video guide. 5 week. Getting registered

1 gestational age 5 6 weeks

Five weeks of pregnancy is accompanied not only by a feeling of heartburn, constipation and early toxicosis. Drowsiness begins to appear, you want to rest more, increased fatigue for pregnant women is characteristic. A woman begins to overreact to smells, there is a gag reflex to certain smells and types of products. You may lose your appetite completely.

A woman during this period, when pregnancy at 5-6 weeks began to make itself felt, should completely revise her nutrition map. It is necessary to increase the number of meals per day. For example, instead of the prescribed three or four times, try eating six to seven times a day. You need to increase the amount of water you drink per day. To prevent unpleasant constipation, fiber is essential. It is found in a large number of fruits, vegetables, wholemeal pasta, nuts, various cereals and cereals. It would be useful during this period to enjoy a piece of dark chocolate right in bed.

A woman should forget about drinking alcohol, even small doses of wine, starting from the fifth week of pregnancy or from the moment she knew that she would become a mother. Even drinking one glass of wine can affect the further development of the baby. It is better to increase the amount of drinking water.

The effect of estrogen on the body of a woman at 5 weeks of pregnancy

In connection with the increased production of estrogen, breasts begin to grow by leaps and bounds, nipples swell. They become a little brownish, thus preparing the expectant mother for feeding in advance. The nipples become extremely sensitive when the 5th week of pregnancy from conception is determined.

Due to sharp hormonal surges, the psychological state of a woman changes. She can become overly whiny. May be subjected to attacks of sudden aggression. Women at this stage of pregnancy are very annoyed because of every trifle. Very rapid mood swings are a clear sign of pregnancy in the fifth week. In a few minutes, there will be no trace of despondency and apathy, and the woman will again be cheerful and cheerful, or, conversely, a good mood in the morning can turn into depression by dinner.

There may also be such signs of a pregnancy that has begun in the fifth week:

  • The stomach has slightly increased due to the fact that the fluid can linger.
  • The number of trips to the toilet in a small way has increased.
  • Increased headaches, dizziness.
  • A small chance of unpleasant pulling pains in the abdomen.
  • Spotting brown or bloody discharge is possible.

All of the above signs at the 5th week of pregnancy are clearly expressed in most women. But there are exceptions, and a woman may not find any signs of pregnancy at all. However, this does not mean that pregnancy proceeds with any pathology.
During this period, you should not get involved in sex with a partner. The gynecologist must warn the pregnant woman about this, since a miscarriage may occur at such a time, which will lead to further problems with the woman's health. Particular attention should be paid to discharge, which is accompanied by discomfort, since there is a risk of losing a child.

In the fifth week of pregnancy, a woman may notice a slight rise in temperature, up to thirty-seven or thirty-seven and a half degrees. This can be caused by the attachment of the amniotic egg to the uterus, and if the temperature rises higher and is accompanied by a runny nose and cough, malaise and lack of appetite, it is worth sounding the alarm. Perhaps these are signs of an early cold or flu, which is contraindicated at this stage of pregnancy. In no case should you get sick, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, this can develop into chronic diseases in a child.

An urgent consultation with the attending gynecologist is necessary, only the doctor can prescribe the appropriate medication. In no case should you self-medicate during the period of five weeks of pregnancy without the advice of a doctor. Pregnant women should know that traditional medicine is something that will have to be forgotten at all stages of pregnancy.

How does the fetus develop at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Photographs taken during the procedure at 5 weeks pregnant show that the fetus looks like a small cylinder 1–2 mm long. And the size of the fetal egg approximately reaches one fourth of the uterus. During this period, all the necessary substances reach the fetus with the mother's blood. Of course, at this time it is still impossible to see anything, except perhaps the location of the parts of the body where the legs, arms, where the torso is turned. In shape, the embryo in this embryonic state resembles a crescent.

In the ultrasound photo at the 5th week of pregnancy, you can see small bulges on the arms and legs. These are already places for the future location and formation of fingers. During this period, the chord is being laid, from which the vertebral system will then be formed.
During this period of five weeks of pregnancy, it is important to take as much folic acid as possible, and here's why. The neural tube of the fetus must be in a closed state, so that later the normal development of the child's nervous system occurs. In parallel with the neural tube is the laying of muscle tissue. The rudiments of the pancreas, thyroid gland, liver, intestines and spleen are also formed.

The circulatory system begins to form. And the heart will work in a week or two. From the respiratory system comes the formation of the trachea and larynx. From the video, you can determine where the ears, eyes and mouth of the unborn baby will be located. But the most important thing during this period, which also affects the size of the fetus, is the amniotic fluid. Indeed, in its subsequent development, the baby will draw all the necessary substances from the amniotic fluid.

What happens to the internal organs of a woman in the fifth week of pregnancy

The shape of the uterus, rather, resembles a certain geometric figure of irregular shape due to the fact that an amniotic egg has attached to one of its parts. And depending on where in the uterus it is attached, there will be a bulge in that place, which the attending doctor can easily detect on an ultrasound machine. Soon the uterus will begin to increase in size gradually, while it will acquire the correct rounded shape. By the size of the enlarged uterus, the gynecologist can easily determine the onset of pregnancy and prescribe the appropriate treatment and observation for the pregnant woman, if necessary.

The fifth week of pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother can find out if she will become the mother of one child or more babies, because twins or triplets can be born. An ultrasound always clearly shows how many amniotic eggs are attached to the uterus. In a week or two, the heart will start to work, and then the gynecologist will tell you with accuracy how the development of the fetus is going, with what rhythm the heart beats, tell you how to navigate mommy in the future so that the pregnancy for her and for the baby proceeds successfully and without problems for both of them. .

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the gynecologist, upon examination, is not able to say for sure whether the woman is pregnant or not. During this period, a woman, if pregnancy is suspected, undergoes the first ultrasound examination, during which it is possible to determine the size of the uterus, multiple pregnancy or not, and the location of the embryo in the uterus. The 5th week of pregnancy is the time when the heart of the future little man begins to beat. A good specialist during an ultrasound examination (subject to modern equipment) will be able to predict and evaluate the development of the fetus by comparing motor activity with heart rhythms.

How is the child growing?

At this stage, the embryo grows at a breakneck pace and now it looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. It now consists of three layers - ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm - which will later form all of its organs and tissues.

The medullary tube, which will later form the baby's brain, spinal cord, nerves, and spine, begins to develop in the top layer called the ectoderm. This layer also provides the child with skin, hair, nails, breast and sweat glands and tooth enamel.

His heart and circulatory system begins to form in the middle layer - the mesoderm. The mesoderm will also form the baby's muscles, cartilage, bones, and subcutaneous tissues.

The third layer, or endoderm, is responsible for the formation of the lungs, intestines and elementary urinary system, thyroid gland, liver, and pancreas. Meanwhile, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which provide nutrients and oxygen to the baby, are already functioning.

Important: the development of each child is purely individual. Our information is designed to give you an overview of fetal development.

Fruit size

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the formation of some internal organs and systems of the baby begins. It is at this stage that the expectant mother should include foods containing folic acid in her diet (or take it in the form of tablets) and worry less, worry, worry, etc., since it is this week that the central nervous system, spinal cord, and brain begin to develop , blood vessels, etc. The amniotic fluid in which the embryo is located exchanges useful (and not only) substances between the fetus and the mother's body. During this period, the dependence of a small organism on the emotional mood, nutrition and lifestyle of his future mother appears. The 5th week of pregnancy is a rather short period, and the embryo at this stage of development is very small - only 2-3 mm, its weight is not more than 3 grams. However, the formation of the respiratory system and digestive organs is already beginning in him. You can also view the rudiments of future eyes, ears, mouth, nose, legs and arms, fingers.

Diseases at the 5th week of pregnancy

The feelings of a woman who is in her fifth week of pregnancy can be very different and contradictory. She may experience sudden mood swings, during this period the woman notes that she has become more tired, feels overwhelmed, she constantly wants to sleep, her taste preferences change. Headaches, dizziness appear, all these conditions are associated with the active activity of hormones in the body. The 5th week of pregnancy can be the beginning of unpleasant sensations associated with the first manifestations of toxicosis. A woman can feel both mild nausea and severe nausea, vomiting often appears in the morning, a feeling of nausea can also provoke a certain smell (of food, deodorants, etc.), the look or taste of food. A woman may completely lose her appetite, she begins to feel smells more acutely.

At this time, the woman begins to urinate frequently, so the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder.

In some cases, it may seem to a woman that she has caught a cold, since a slight increase in body temperature is quite natural in this position and signs of the disease are felt (weakness, headaches, etc.).

Temperature 37

A low body temperature (about 37 degrees) during pregnancy, in particular in the early stages, is quite normal, so you should not be too worried about this. This condition, which may be accompanied by the 5th week of pregnancy, is due to hormonal changes in the body. If the temperature in the early stages is not higher than 37.5 degrees and there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no reason for concern. Doctors explain the increase in temperature by an increased amount of progesterone in the body. In addition, the temperature may rise from excessive exposure to the sun, lack of fresh indoor air, etc.


With the onset of pregnancy, the body's defenses are significantly weakened, which can lead to a cold. The 5th week of pregnancy is a very important stage in the formation of the embryo, so it is highly undesirable to suffer from colds at this time. In the first three months of pregnancy, it is forbidden to take any medications; at the same time, a severe course of the disease can lead to malformations in the child.

At the first sign of a cold, especially in the early stages, a pregnant woman needs plenty of warm drinks (teas with raspberries, honey, herbal infusions), gargling with soda and herbal solutions, and rinsing the nose with special products with sea water. However, folk remedies should not be abused, since many herbs have an abortive effect and can cause miscarriage.


The 5th week of pregnancy may begin with the manifestation of toxicosis. During this period, a woman may begin to feel sick from previously beloved dishes and various smells. A pregnant woman changes completely - from the internal structure to external qualities. Approximately 85% of women in position at the beginning of pregnancy experience an aversion to food. It's all about the hormones. Some women can't stand the sight and smell of fairly unhealthy foods in their current situation (fried foods, seafood, fast food, etc.). But sometimes the female body begins to reject most of the products, among which are those necessary for the proper development of the baby.

Most women cannot tolerate protein foods (poultry, beef, eggs, etc.). But these foods can be replaced with other foods that are high in protein - nuts, legumes. In some cases, women react more to the smell, so you can eat dishes with a low content of protein products (vegetable stew with small pieces of meat).

Milk is also a product that most pregnant women cannot tolerate normally. But milk is the main source of calcium, which is so important for both mother and child. If the body expresses a protest against dairy products, you can replace them with freshly squeezed juices, white cabbage.

Usually, toxicosis resolves on its own at the end of the first trimester. The woman's well-being improves, morning sickness disappears, the usual taste returns.


Nausea is a common complaint in women during early pregnancy. It occurs in more than half of pregnant women, and a slight feeling of nausea at the very beginning of pregnancy is familiar to almost all women.

The absence of manifestations of toxicosis, in particular nausea, does not indicate a developmental pathology, some women do not experience any signs of toxicosis throughout pregnancy. Nausea is the body's reaction to preparing for the process of bearing a child and childbirth. It starts differently for every woman, usually it is the 5th week of pregnancy. It should be noted that the early onset of nausea in a pregnant woman further leads to severe manifestations of toxicosis, in this case, the risks of excessive vomiting increase, the woman’s inability to eat normally, such conditions require medical treatment.

With a singleton pregnancy, nausea will bother a woman up to 11-12 weeks, with multiple (two or more embryos) up to 14-16 weeks.


There are many causes of diarrhea in pregnant women in the early stages. This may be associated with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or damage to certain organs (pancreas, stomach, etc.). In some cases, diarrhea is provoked by diseases of a general nature. Diarrhea can begin with infectious diseases, poisoning, etc. It is known that the body of a pregnant woman is more susceptible to food toxins due to a weakened immune system. Also, unstable work of the nervous system due to hormonal changes, infection with worms, lack of digestive enzymes can be the cause of this condition. The 5th week of pregnancy is the beginning of toxicosis, which can also affect the development of diarrhea in a woman.


The 5th week of pregnancy can begin with such an unpleasant condition as heartburn, which affects almost 80% of women in the position. Usually, heartburn begins to appear in the second half of pregnancy, when the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs increases, which contributes to the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus. Heartburn often starts after eating (or certain foods), it can last from a couple of minutes to several hours, attacks can disturb several times a day.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the feeling of heartburn occurs due to hormonal changes. In pregnant women, the level of progesterone, which is responsible for reducing the tone of smooth muscles, increases. The hormone acts not only on the woman's uterus, but also on all internal organs. It is under its influence that the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach is weakened, which contributes to the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus.


In pregnant women, various types of herpes viruses can become infectious agents. During pregnancy, as a rule, herpes of the lips, skin, and genitals are disturbing. The genital form of the disease is most dangerous at this time. Herpes infection can adversely affect pregnancy and the health of the unborn child, provoke a miscarriage. Characteristic signs of the disease are a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment is usually with topical antiviral therapy.

Herpes often appears in pregnant women, as a weakened immune system creates favorable conditions for the development of the virus.

If a woman first fell ill with a herpes infection while already pregnant, the chances of microorganisms penetrating the placenta increase many times over, but this does not always lead to infection of the child.

If a woman caught the virus when she was 5 weeks pregnant, the chances of spontaneous miscarriage, severe malformations (defects in the brain, organs of hearing, vision, CNS damage, physical abnormalities) increase many times over

If a woman has had herpes before pregnancy, she is a carrier of the virus and her child is protected by antibodies produced by the mother's body.


Viral diseases, especially influenza viruses, pose the greatest danger to the unborn child. In the first three months of development, various developmental disorders may begin due to infection of the mother. The 5th week of pregnancy is such a period when some defects may be incompatible with life, in this case the body rejects the fetus and the woman has a spontaneous miscarriage. But in some cases, the virus does not touch the small organism inside the woman, and the pregnancy proceeds safely.

After the disease, it is imperative to undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests to make sure that no pathologies have occurred.

Runny nose

A runny nose in a pregnant woman is a widespread phenomenon. Nasal congestion causes not only a weakened immune system, but also a number of other reasons. In some cases, a pregnant woman walks with a runny nose for almost the entire period. This condition is called vasomotor rhinitis (pregnant runny nose), which is associated with hormonal changes. Usually, such a runny nose begins to bother a woman at the beginning of the second trimester, does not require special treatment and goes away on her own after childbirth.

If the 5th week of pregnancy began with constant sneezing, a severe runny nose, then allergic rhinitis may have begun. In this condition, you need to contact a specialist for help. When, together with sneezing and runny nose, the temperature rises, weakness, headache, cough appear - this indicates a viral infection.

Treatment with vasoconstrictors (naphthyzinum, farmazolin, etc.) is not recommended for pregnant women. Such drugs also narrow the capillaries of the placenta, due to which hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus develops. Also, vasoconstrictors increase blood pressure and lead to spasms, which should be avoided by pregnant women. You can try to alleviate the condition with a runny nose with the help of traditional medicine.

In addition to vasoconstrictor drops, they well relieve congestion by washing the nasal mucosa with special solutions with sea water (Salin, Aquamaris, etc.). it is also good to rinse the nose with infusion of chamomile or sage, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Also, infusions of herbs can be instilled into the nose (2-3 drops several times a day).

Abdominal pain

Pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy may appear due to hormonal changes in the body. The woman's uterus is just beginning to adapt to its new position. Usually, pulling pain in the lower abdomen appears shortly before menstruation, and the 5th week of pregnancy is just the time when a woman expects the onset of menstruation.

If the pain does not go away after a few days, becomes stronger, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, if necessary, take tests. There are a lot of reasons for painful sensations, and an experienced specialist will help to determine what exactly this is connected with. First of all, the doctor will advise you to take an hCG analysis and undergo an ultrasound examination. After the results obtained, it will be possible to judge the causes of pain. All of the above studies, first of all, will confirm (or disprove) pregnancy. If the doctor does not see the embryo on the ultrasound (due to too short a period), then an increased level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will indicate pregnancy.

Pain in the abdomen in the early stages may occur when the location of the internal organs changes, which is associated with an increase in the uterus. In addition, the process of implantation and fixation of the embryo in the uterine cavity may be accompanied by pulling pains. Hormones can provoke increased bile formation, and in the future, if the gallbladder is displaced to the right, the outflow of bile may be disturbed.

Pain in the fifth week of pregnancy may indicate a threatened miscarriage. During this period, detachment of the amniotic egg begins, accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen. As a rule, bleeding occurs simultaneously with pain. In this case, you need to consult your doctor as soon as possible, if the pain intensifies, becomes cramping, you should immediately call an ambulance. In the first months of pregnancy, miscarriages are quite common, timely medical care in most cases helps to keep the pregnancy.

When abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, it may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible, since the fixation of the embryo does not occur in the uterus, but on the ovary or in the fallopian tube, and the growing embryo can cause organ rupture at any time.

Abdominal pain at the beginning of pregnancy often occurs when the uterus is in good shape (tension). This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus contract strongly, which can cause a miscarriage. Due to the tone of the uterus, placental abruption may begin, and there may also be a delay in the development and growth of the embryo.

If the pain in the lower abdomen has stopped, this means that the dangerous period of fixation in the mother's body has been successfully completed, and a new stage of growth and development is ahead.

Drawing pains in lower back

The 5th week of pregnancy is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower back in many women. At this early stage, the uterus slightly increases in size, the fetus begins to actively gain weight, the woman's center of gravity shifts, and the load on the woman's lower back becomes greater. During this period, the expectant mother may lack many vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended a course of calcium with vitamin D.

Pain in the lower back at elevated body temperature may be associated with the onset of pyelonephritis. With the onset of pregnancy in a woman's body, internal organs without exception undergo changes, and diseases associated with the kidneys are quite common in pregnant women.

If you begin to worry about the pulling pain in the lower back, you need to inform your doctor about it, who will help determine the cause of the pain and eliminate them. Every month, the load on the back will become greater, therefore, if there are no contraindications, you can do therapeutic exercises that will help strengthen the muscles of the back and reduce (or completely eliminate) pain in the lower back.

Ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks pregnant

At an early stage, a doctor with an ultrasound examination cannot always establish an ectopic pregnancy. The level of the pregnancy hormone - hCG, will help determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. The hormone appears in the urine and blood of a woman from about the second week of conception and begins to increase rapidly. If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, a dynamic analysis of hCG is prescribed, in which it is possible to establish the growth rate of this hormone in the body. A lack of a hormone or an insufficiently rapid rate of development may indicate the development of an embryo outside the uterus. The 5th week of pregnancy, which occurs outside the uterus, poses a threat to the life of a woman, since a growing embryo at any time can break the organ on which the fixation occurred (ovaries, fallopian tube).

With an ectopic pregnancy, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention, since the further ability of a woman to conceive may depend on this.

Termination of pregnancy at 5 weeks

In modern medicine, there are 4 types of abortion:

  1. Medication - with the help of special preparations, after which a woman begins to miscarry, is carried out for up to 6 weeks;
  2. Vacuum or mini-abortion - carried out for up to 5 weeks;
  3. Surgical abortion - curettage of the uterine cavity, carried out for up to 12 weeks;
  4. Artificial childbirth - take place according to the principle of ordinary childbirth (after taking special drugs) and end with standard curettage.

The 5th week of pregnancy is quite early, in this case, the doctor can offer two options: medical or vacuum abortion.

With a vacuum abortion, the doctor performs the operation with a special vacuum suction, under the strict control of an ultrasound machine. The operation is performed using local anesthetics and lasts no more than 10 minutes. After a mini-abortion, the healing process is relatively short, and most women do not experience much pain.

Abortion with the help of medications consists in taking special pills (in the presence of a doctor). This type of artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out without surgical intervention in the body of a woman and is considered the safest today.

Lifestyle and safety

The 5th week of pregnancy is a critical time for the development of the baby. Following a few key rules will help protect the health of both the child and the expectant mother.

  • Visit a doctor and do not miss consultations. Good prenatal care is essential to your baby's health. At your first prenatal visit (usually around the eighth week of pregnancy), your doctor will do an examination to look for certain conditions that can lead to complications.
  • Take vitamins. Most prenatal supplements contain more folic acid, iron, and calcium than standard multivitamins. Pregnant women need more of these nutrients.
  • Folic acid supplementation is especially important during the first trimester as it reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects in the baby.
  • Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking. Many drugs are unsafe during pregnancy. When talking to your doctor, also list any supplements and herbs you take.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, placental problems, and interrupted labor. Smoking also slows down fetal growth and increases the risk of stillbirth and infant death. Some studies have even linked smoking to an increased risk of cleft lip in children.
  • It's never too late to quit smoking, every cigarette you give up gives your baby a chance to be born healthy.
  • Stop drinking alcohol. Just one drink a day can raise a baby's risk of low birth weight and increase the risk of developing problems with speech, memory, concentration, and language.
  • Make sure your home and work are safe. Some jobs or hobbies can be dangerous for you and your developing child. If you are exposed to chemicals, heavy metals, certain biological agents, or radiation, your baby's health will be adversely affected.
  • Be aware that some cleaners, solvents, and rust in drinking water from old pipes can also be harmful.


Two weeks ago, when a woman was unaware of her situation, she could drink alcohol without harming the health of the unborn baby. But the 5th week of pregnancy is already a good enough reason to give up alcohol. During this period, a connection begins to be established between the mother's body and the child inside her. The fetus begins to receive almost all substances from the mother's body, incl. alcohol. Therefore, when the pregnancy is confirmed, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol, some doctors believe that alcohol-based drugs for a pregnant woman should also be excluded.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth (quite often with a fatal outcome for the baby), the birth of a child with insufficient weight. Excessive alcohol consumption provokes fetal alcohol syndrome - severe damage to the fetus (facial pathologies, physical and mental abnormalities, diseases of the heart and other internal organs, behavioral disorders).


Many women (especially those for whom the birth of a baby was not included in the immediate plans), having learned about their new position, try to give up their bad habit so as not to harm the baby. But often a woman finds out that she is expecting a baby already when the 5th week of pregnancy comes. The expectant mother can constantly worry about this, even if smoking has stopped at the first suspicion of pregnancy. Cigarette smoke contains a huge amount of harmful substances, in addition, its action in the body blocks the access of oxygen to the baby, as a result, he simply stops breathing.

In the first week of development of the embryo, there is no common connection between him and the mother, the embryo does not receive any substances from the mother's body - neither harmful nor nutritious. In the second week, the embryo is introduced into the uterine cavity and receives nutrition from its own reserves. The subsequent development of the embryo in the uterus forms a bond between it and the mother in order to receive nutrients from her body. Usually by this time the woman already knows about her pregnancy. If a woman smoked in the first weeks of pregnancy, this did not have a harmful effect on the baby, however, smoking in the future may disrupt the function of the placenta and the child will start smoking at the same time as the mother, which will limit the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body of the future man. Due to maternal smoking during pregnancy, severe defects often develop: low weight, malnutrition, increased risk of caesarean section and stillbirth.


The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be different from what it was before. Healthy and wholesome foods should appear in the diet of the expectant mother: fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish, dairy products. Hormonal changes may require completely unhealthy foods (fast foods, fried foods, salty, spicy, chips, etc.), this should be taken lightly. If you really want something “interesting”, you should not suffer and deny yourself. For peace of mind, you can eat what you want, only a little, otherwise it can lead to further health problems (for example, excessive consumption of salty can cause kidney dysfunction).


When the 5th week of pregnancy comes, the process of hormonal changes has already begun in the female body. During the first three months of pregnancy, the formation of all vital organs takes place, at this stage it is extremely important for a woman to receive a full range of vitamins and a healthy diet. Especially important in the first months of pregnancy are folic acid and vitamin B9, the lack of which can cause disturbances in the development of the baby's nervous system and brain. The choice of vitamin preparations should be treated very carefully. Now pharmacies have an incredibly large selection of special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. The doctor will help determine the choice of vitamins, taking into account all the tests and the condition of the woman.

Air travel

The reaction of the body of a pregnant woman to a flight in the early stages of pregnancy in each case occurs individually. It all depends on the duration of pregnancy, the recommendations of the attending physician, the woman's attitude to flights in general. The panic, fear, anxiety that pregnant women often experience is very harmful to the unborn child.

The 5th week of pregnancy is the period of the appearance of toxicosis, therefore, on the plane, the likelihood that unpleasant sensations, in particular nausea, will intensify increases. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, a flight (especially many hours) increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.


Choose a doctor and make an appointment. To prepare, write down the first day of your last period (this will help determine how far along you are), and start making a list of questions you have. Talk to relatives on both sides about family histories. Information about chronic and genetic diseases will help the doctor in the prevention of certain conditions.


5 weeks pregnant can change a woman's libido. During this period, the reaction of hormones is not predictable. Some women begin to feel a strong attraction to their husband, for others the desire disappears completely. In the event that there is no threat of termination of pregnancy (drawing pains in the lower abdomen, bloody or brownish discharge), then there is no reason to refuse sex. A woman in her position must adhere to the principle that pleasure and pleasure not only benefit the woman herself, but also have a beneficial effect on her unborn child.

The 5th week of pregnancy is a very important stage in the development of the embryo. During this period, a woman usually learns about her position. The joy that a woman experiences at this time is already transmitted to her child, which positively affects his development. In most cases, a woman does not yet experience any sensations associated with her new position, in rare cases, early toxicosis (nausea, dizziness, etc.) may begin. This week there is already a connection between the mother's body and her child, it begins to depend on the woman's diet, her lifestyle, and so on. At the 5th week of pregnancy, the laying of vital organs occurs, so it is extremely important for a woman to control her emotional state, nutrition, lifestyle, so as not to provoke malformations.

5th week of pregnancy - the beginning of the second month of gestation. As a rule, it is at this time that a woman discovers a delay and takes a test. Two stripes divide life into two halves: before and after.

What happens to the baby

At the 5th week of pregnancy, according to the obstetric period, the embryo itself is only 3 weeks from the moment of conception. But, despite its tiny size, you can already see the beginnings of a head and legs. What happens inside the fetus? The main internal organs are laid:

  • nervous system;
  • rudiments of the vertebrae;
  • kidneys;
  • liver and endocrine glands;
  • a heart.

The rudiments of future muscles appear, outgrowths are formed, from which arms and legs will develop in 10-14 days.

Some organs are so far only conglomerates of differentiated cells. Others are well designed and functional. For example, a heart that will start beating by the end of this or the beginning of next week.

Now, in a small body, the foundation of your future grandchildren is being laid: the primary germ cells descend into the inguinal region of the embryo in order to turn into spermatozoa in boys or eggs in girls after a while.

Fruit length and weight

The length of the child at this time is 1-2.5 mm, and the weight is about 1 g. Less than a grain of rice! During these 7 days, he will grow another 1 mm and add half a gram in weight.

What's going on with mom

The main event of the fifth week is the absence of menstruation. This sign is the first objective symptom of the onset of pregnancy. There are more subjective signs:

  • change in taste preferences;
  • the appearance of subfebrile temperature;
  • salivation;
  • exacerbation of smell;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • painless pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • drowsiness and a feeling of constant fatigue;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands.

These signs are called subjective because they are not always found and not in all pregnant women. Someone will be lucky to leave the first trimester without nausea, vomiting, heightened sense of smell and drowsiness. Someone will experience the whole complex of unpleasant sensations that accompany the first months of gestation.

Do not panic if the nature of pregnancy is fundamentally different from generally accepted norms. Each organism is unique, so the process of intrauterine development, although it follows one scenario, varies in a wide range of symptoms and physiological phenomena.

Analyzes and examinations

In the antenatal clinic, tests are not prescribed at this time. Pregnancy will be documented by a blood test for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin and ultrasound.

The first analysis of hCG can be done 3-4 days before the expected menstruation, but the most reliable result is obtained after 1-2 days of delay. The presence of a developing fetus is indicated by an hCG level of 25 mIU / ml. For a period of 4-5 obstetric weeks, this indicator varies from 101 to 4800 mIU / ml. At 5-6 weeks - 1110-31500 mIU / ml.

The level of hCG has a large variability, which depends on a number of factors, so you should not calculate the gestational age, focusing only on the analysis data.

What will ultrasound show at 5 weeks of pregnancy? In fact, early ultrasound is a very informative procedure. The study will show:

  • localization of the embryo (uterine or ectopic pregnancy);
  • viability of the embryo (heartbeat is visible already at the end of 5 or the beginning of 6 weeks);
  • number of embryos.

Dangers and Complications

Alas, almost the entire first trimester is a continuous critical period. There is no placenta yet and the fetus is not protected from external influences. Cigarette smoke, alcohol, antibiotics, synthetic additives in food, viruses - all this comes to the child unchanged. Exposure to damaging factors is fraught with, at a minimum, defects in the central nervous system, organs of hearing and vision. In the event of damage incompatible with life, the development of the embryo is inhibited, and then completely stops. The main signs of a threatened abortion at an early stage are pain in the lower abdomen and spotting. In such a situation, minutes decide. Do not look for answers on the forum and do not expect that it will pass by itself. Urgently to the doctor!

Because of one glass of wine or a course of antibiotics drunk out of ignorance, you should not panic and think about the need to terminate the pregnancy. With a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, rare short-term exposure will not harm the child. In extreme cases, you have about 1-1.5 months before the first screening, at which the doctor will assess the progress in the development of the baby and his state of health.

Ultrasounds are done by doctors of different qualifications and on different equipment. Therefore, do not take it to heart if the doctor did not detect a heartbeat at the first examination. And even more so, do not panic if the doctor talks about a missed pregnancy. Consult with another specialist, be examined in another clinic. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis at such an early stage is common.

At week 5, the obstetrician-gynecologist, as a rule, is not ready to register a woman for pregnancy. But you can already start drinking vitamins. In the first weeks of intrauterine development, the embryo needs the entire set of vitamins and trace elements, but iodine and folic acid are most important. Most of the components that compensate for maternal hypovitaminosis are found in special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. Consult your doctor about this.

The first months of pregnancy are a difficult period for the mother's body. Take a break from sports and outdoor activities, if possible - take a break from work. Take care of yourself and baby!


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