8 weeks 3 days of pregnancy what happens. The condition of the woman and the fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy

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The eighth week of pregnancy (the expiration of the second month after conception), according to obstetric measurements, corresponds to the sixth embryonic week, the end of the second obstetric month and the first trimester of pregnancy.

Modern medicine believes that by the time considered in this article, the most difficult stage of pregnancy has been passed. And, nevertheless, the expectant mother should still be extremely careful and lead a healthy lifestyle recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists. At this time, the age of the embryo is conventionally equal to six weeks - in the range from 35 to 48 days. This vagueness is intended for cases where the woman did not undergo special tests, and it is definitely not possible.

It turns into a fruit. He has already distinguishable human contours. The mother's body begins to rebuild. The enlarged uterus presses on the bladder, which leads to increased urination.

Growth hormone hormone can provoke changes in the body such as thickening of the lips, increased pallor of the face, a stretching of the nose and an enlarged tongue. In general, hormones can have different effects on a case-by-case basis.

Sometimes pregnant women develop age spots, a rash, and the skin of the face may become drier. Sometimes, on the contrary, the rash disappears, the birthmarks lose color, and the skin itself becomes velvety.


The active growth of the uterus continues. By the end of the second obstetric month, it reaches the size of a goose egg, that is, 7-8 cm. The fast-growing uterus is already beginning to squeeze the internal organs and can pinch the sciatic nerve.

Such pinching, in turn, can provoke intermittent pain in the lower back or buttocks. It is worth remembering that the uterus is pressing down on the lower main blood pathways, which, in turn, can cause swelling in the legs.


The mammary glands begin to noticeably enlarge, the nipples swell, both breasts become heavier. Nipples and areoles, which were pale pink in color before conception, darken in the eighth week of pregnancy: shades can vary from a slight darkening to a pronounced brown tone.

Such metamorphoses occur due to the accumulation of melanin in the tissues, generated by the action of sex hormones.

The following symptoms may also appear.

Isolation of colostrum

Yellowish liquid. This phenomenon usually accompanies the third trimester, however, at the eighth week of pregnancy, this is not a pathology. However, if such discharge causes inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

Dry and flaky nipples

Like the previous phenomenon, dryness and scaling of the nipples are typical for later periods, but at the end of the second obstetric month, they can also appear. This is due to reasons such as hormonal changes, deficiency of vitamins A and B, skin irritation due to colostrum secretion or touching the nipples of clothing. Cracks can form without timely action. As a preventive measure, you can regularly apply moisturizer to dry skin. If painful cracks have already formed, the skin is damaged, then the use of Bepanten ointment can solve this problem.

Strengthening the pattern of blood vessels

Blood circulation improves, saphenous veins appear on the woman's chest. This is how the body of the expectant mother prepares for the feeding process.

Enlargement of the Montgomery glands

Small bumps become visible around the halos. These are glands that secrete a substance that prevents bacteria from multiplying.


The abdomen is not yet prominent, it is hardly noticeable to others. Nevertheless, an increase in its dimensions can be revealed during the fitting of trousers or jeans, which two months ago were fit and were loosely fastened.


A small amount of whitish discharge with a sour smell can be considered a normal phenomenon.

If the color of the discharge changes, their amount becomes atypically abundant, pus, mucus appear, there is a burning sensation, itching and pain in the genitals during the excretory process, then this indicates the presence of an infection in the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman.

This course of pregnancy requires medical advice and treatment. Discharge of brown color is especially dangerous, as it is the harbingers of the threat of miscarriage.

What happens to the fetus?

The size is comparable to the size of a berry (cherry or grape): the length is about 14-20 mm, and the weight is about 3 grams.

What does it look like?

The contours of a person in the period under consideration are already quite distinguishable, and this applies not only to the head and limbs, but also to the genitals. Although, it is worth noting that the protruding process of the genitals can be further transformed into both the penis and the clitoris. It is also worth noting the development of the fingers, albeit connected by membranes.

Internal organs

The heart develops to a four-chambered state. The digestive system is actively developing: the intestines are lengthened, the stomach begins to function - it produces gastric juice, the salivary and endocrine glands are formed, and the bile hepatic ducts are formed.

The face is formed: the ears, nose, upper lip are outlined. Taste buds appear on the tongue. The kidneys produce urine.

Changes in the mother's body

Mainly, in the sixth embryonic week, the hormonal background changes. This affects both the mental state (increased irritability, vulnerability, stress) and the physiological aspect. Blood circulation is enhanced. Skin and hair can become "greasy" and acne can still be present on the skin.

Attitude towards sex

There is no need to talk about any strict restrictions on sex. If there are no contraindications due to pregnancy with twins or the threat of miscarriage, then intercourse does not pose a danger to either the mother or the fetus.

If you have sex drive and feel good, you can have sex. One has only to remember that during pregnancy, a woman feels intimacy in a slightly different way: a man must carefully choose postures and carefully listen to the feelings of his partner.


HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is one of the most important indicators of pregnancy and its proper development. It begins to be produced as early as 6-8 days after the egg is fertilized.

At 8-11 weeks of gestation, the level of hCG concentration reaches a peak, then begins to decline.
Normally, at the end of the second month, hCG ranges from 23,000 to 150,000 mU / ml.

Decreased hCG values ​​indicate an ectopic pregnancy or that there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Attention! If the pregnancy is multiple, the hCG level will increase proportionally.


The hormone produced by the corpus luteum, chorion and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal glands of the pregnant woman, at the eighth week of pregnancy, is normally 20.3 - 23.5 ng / ml or 64.8 - 75 nmol / l. If the hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, it is fraught with termination of pregnancy.


Normally, at the end of the second obstetric month, the thickness of the endometrium (the inner mucous membrane of the body of the uterus) should be 10-18 mm. It is with this indicator that pregnancy can further develop successfully. Smaller indicators are pathology. This abnormality is called hypoplasia.

Ultrasound, baby photo

Since during the period under consideration the embryo enters the fetal stage, the ultrasound already has the opportunity to see the first human outlines of the fetus.

Also, ultrasound examination allows you to observe the movements of the baby - the squeezing of the already forming legs and arms. Moreover, the mother herself is not able to feel the movement of the fetus, since it is still too small.


It may seem strange, but in the sixth embryonic week, a woman's immunity naturally drops. Such a weakening of the body is necessary so that the fetus is not rejected.

The functioning of the nervous system is also subject to metamorphosis. This is expressed in:

  • general weakness;
  • malaise;
  • increased irritability;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • dizziness;
  • periodic non-intense headaches.

Taste sensations change. So, for example, a pregnant woman wants to eat foods that are incompatible in taste at one meal (pineapple with mustard, sausages with jam, etc.) or something not gastronomic at all (toothpaste, chalk, etc.).

The sense of smell increases, there is an intolerance to some sorts of perfume and other aromas.

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Elimination of bad habits.
  3. Avoiding stress.
  4. Wearing looser clothing.
  5. Wearing more comfortable shoes (no high heels).
  6. Registration in a medical institution.
  7. Regular consultations with a gynecologist and other doctors.

Scheduled visits to doctors

According to statistics, women who visit doctors already in the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to give birth to healthy children, and the birth itself is easier.

During the first trimester, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist at least once. Eighth week of pregnancy is the normal time to register with a medical facility.

In addition to general advice on the optimal lifestyle in the decree, the doctor can give individual recommendations that will not replace independent reading of medical websites, books and specialized articles.

Necessary research and analysis

There are two groups of tests: standard examinations, prescribed for all pregnant women, and special examinations, prescribed according to indications.

The list of the first group of analyzes looks like this:

  • general blood analysis;
  • identification of blood group and Rh factor;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear analysis;
  • testing for syphilis;
  • HIV testing;
  • test for hepatitis B;
  • test for hepatitis C.

In the first trimester (not necessarily in the eighth week), a woman must undergo an ultrasound scan. Consultations with a therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist are required.

It is advisable that the doctor familiarizes himself with the test results as soon as possible - this will allow timely detection of a dangerous pathology in case of its presence and, without delay, start treatment.

If a woman previously had obstetric and gynecological problems, such as miscarriage or infertility, the following tests are prescribed:

  • determination of the level of progesterone;
  • determination of the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin);
  • determination of estriol level;
  • carrying out the method of polymerase chain reaction to identify infection with causative agents of urogenital infection.


Proper nutrition includes the following foods:

  1. Boiled or steamed lean meats (the main source of protein).
  2. Fish and seafood.
  3. Fruit.
  4. Vegetables.
  5. Milk products.
  6. Dried fruits.
  7. Porridge.
  8. Nuts.


A pregnant woman needs to restrict movement, especially over long distances. Lifting weights should also be eliminated from your lifestyle.

It is required to monitor the food intake (a detailed list is given in the corresponding section), to avoid alcohol intake. It makes sense to limit yourself from stress, excessive excitement.

Compliance with the temperature regime, i.e. the selection of clothing for the weather, is also of great importance. It is advisable for the pregnant woman to live in a favorable ecological environment.

What is prohibited

In addition to alcohol, strong coffee and tea, junk food, physical exertion and stress, which are devoted to the relevant sections of this article, tobacco is prohibited. You should refrain from secondhand smoke no less than active smoking.

And, of course, psychostimulants / drugs are absolutely unacceptable during pregnancy.

Taking vitamins

Taking vitamins makes sense, especially in conditions when a pregnant woman does not have access to a complete diet (natural fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.). The most valuable for pregnant women are B vitamins: B6, B9, B12. And, of course, vitamin C is very important, which promotes hematopoiesis and resistance to viruses.


In addition to harmful factors from which the expectant mother can fence herself in the external environment (severe overheating, heavy lifting, tobacco smoke, etc.), there are also a number of internal dangers such as diseases and genetic abnormalities. The former are treatable, the latter should be taken into account during pregnancy and, if possible, protect yourself from their manifestations.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain is provoked by an enlarging uterus, the bottom of which is located in the pubic region at the sixth obstetric week.
Signs of increased tone are aching pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. Above normal tone in the eighth week increases the chances of termination of pregnancy.

Back pain

In the sixth obstetric week, an abrupt pain in the lower back is possible, which is eliminated as follows: you need to lie on the side opposite to the center of the pain, and after a while the pain will subside.


Discharge of blood from the vagina is an alarming symptom. At the end of the second obstetric month, this signals the threat of miscarriage. The amount and duration of bleeding is inversely proportional to the chances of maintaining pregnancy. In such circumstances (and bleeding can last for several days), you should immediately consult a doctor, and also observe bed rest.

If heavy bleeding carries with it blood clots and tissue particles, then the process of detachment of the ovum from the uterus takes place. The opened neck pushes the fetus out after short contractions. A pregnancy that develops according to a similar scenario will not be able to survive.


The acceleration of metabolic processes in a woman's body provokes a slight increase in temperature - up to 37.2 degrees Celsius. However, exceeding this indicator, as well as prolonged hyperthermia, are no longer the norm.

Temperatures from 37.3 degrees can signal inflammatory processes; in this case, additional examination is highly desirable. Prolonged hyperthermia is a threat to the fetus, its development and life. Antipyretic drugs should be taken after a visit to a specialist.


Toxicosis at the end of the second obstetric month is a very common phenomenon. Its characteristic feature is nausea, turning into vomiting. This reaction is especially characteristic for the morning hours following the first meal.

You can fight toxicosis with a light snack in the morning, even before getting out of bed. You should not make sudden movements. Daily walks will also come in handy.


Nausea is common in the sixth obstetric week. A total hormonal change dictates a change in taste preferences, a desire to combine incompatible foods in the diet (for example, yogurt and sausage).

The alternation of a colossal appetite with aversion to food and, as a result, intoxication, frequent nausea, urge to vomit. Several urges per day at this time are the norm.

Important! And yet, if there are more than five such urges per day, you should consult a doctor.


Colds in the sixth embryonic week can be extremely dangerous and lead to fetal hypoxia, placental pathologies and abortion. The most desirable is the prevention of colds in the form of limiting contact with sick individuals, avoiding appearing at public events, as well as choosing clothes and shoes strictly according to weather conditions.

If it was not possible to avoid the disease, then it makes sense to be treated after consulting a specialist, using drugs to a minimum.

The most proven path to healing is through:

  • adherence to bed rest;
  • gargling with a solution of soda, decoctions of herbaceous and flowering plants (chamomile, calendula);
  • rinsing the upper respiratory tract (nose) with salt sea water;
  • warm drink in increased quantities (mint or linden broth, milk + butter, tea + honey).


The eighth week of pregnancy, like the entire first trimester, is a very risky, dangerous period for taking antibiotics. They are able to provoke fetal malformations.

However, bacterial infections can make pregnancy very difficult. It is important to understand which antibiotics are dangerous and which are harmless.


Alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream of the developing baby, destroying its cells. The consequences are as follows:

  • developmental delay inside the womb;
  • weight and height below normal;
  • problems with visual and auditory perception, as well as memory;
  • violation of bone structure and facial tissues (micromegaly, distortion of the jaw, etc.).

Since the eighth week of pregnancy refers to the first trimester, during which the small fetus is especially vulnerable to all kinds of threats, the expectant mother should take advice about alcohol very seriously.


If the pregnant woman does not follow the rules that guarantee the good development of the fetus (proper nutrition, less stress, avoiding alcohol, etc.), a miscarriage is quite possible - especially considering that the eighth week of pregnancy refers to the early period at which the risk of fetal death is greatest. high.

This behavior can be attributed to negligence and unwillingness to give birth, and not to ignorance, since by the end of the second month from the moment of conception, a woman probably understands that she is pregnant.

With a proper attitude of a woman to her health, a miscarriage in the sixth embryonic week can be due to the following reasons:

  1. Genetic breakdowns. In other words, about three quarters of pregnancies that have spontaneously terminated are the result of natural selection, when weak individuals simply do not survive, are rejected by nature.
  2. Infections.
  3. Hormonal Disorders.
  4. Defects in the development of the genital organs of the pregnant woman (bicornuate uterus, saddle-shaped uterus, septum in the uterine cavity, etc.).
  5. Isoserological incompatibility of the fetus. In such a situation, the mother's body begins to generate antibodies in response to the father's foreign antigens, which are in the fetus.

Possible dangers and complications

If the above recommendations are not followed, complications are likely to arise. The entire period of pregnancy is a serious test for both the mother and the unborn child, however, it is at the eighth week that a significant number of restrictions and conditions should be observed in order for the offspring to grow up healthy. It is then that the fetus acquires those features, properties and rudiments that will subsequently develop into full-fledged organs, organ systems and limbs.


Watch this video about 8 weeks pregnant:

8 weeks pregnant is the second obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 50-56 days have passed since conception. The 8th week of pregnancy is the final one in the second obstetric month of gestation and represents. For expectant mothers, it is not much different from the previous ones, but for the baby and his development, the 8th week of pregnancy is of great importance, since it is during this period that the laying of all its main organs ends and their further development and improvement begins.

Development and size of the fetus (embryo) at 8 weeks of gestation

The 8th week of pregnancy is the period when the embryo can already rightfully be called a fetus, since day by day it becomes more and more like a real person. Despite the fact that the baby is still quite tiny and in size (the growth of the fetus reaches 2 centimeters, the weight of the fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy is no more than 3 grams) it resembles a grape, pea or currant, its main organ, the heart, is already completing its preliminary formation. Now it is subdivided into four chambers, like all mammals. It is at the 8th week of pregnancy that the fetus begins to develop the genitals, which causes a strong hormonal surge in the expectant mother.

In addition, the first convolutions appear on the brain, the stomach takes its proper and permanent place, the bronchi begin to branch out, the baby's intestines and nervous system are formed. The legs are several times smaller than the handles, nevertheless, they are already able to bend, since large joints appear, and the baby thereby gains the ability to move. While these movements are chaotic, but with the development of the nervous system, they will begin to acquire a more meaningful direction.

Fetal ultrasound - ultrasound at 8 weeks gestation

At 8 weeks, an ultrasound is not required, but many mothers do it for their own peace of mind, to make sure what is happening with the baby, whether everything is in order with him, and also to exclude the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy. The 8th week of pregnancy is the period when on ultrasound you can clearly distinguish between the head and trunk of the embryo, as well as notice the formation of individual facial features. The eyes still look like 2 black dots and are not symmetrically located to each other, however, the eyelids and cilia are already beginning to form, and the outlines of the nose, lips and chin are more and more clearly visible. The main indicator of the correct course in the development of the fetus at this time is the number of contractile movements of the baby's heart muscle. Normally, at 8 weeks of gestation, the frequency of strokes ranges from 150 to 170 beats per minute.

Photo of ultrasound at the 8th week of pregnancy

8 week of pregnancy. What's going on with mom

It is almost impossible to guess about the "interesting" position of a woman who is at the 8th week of pregnancy, by external signs, since the tummy is not at all noticeable to others. However, the mother-to-be herself begins to notice that her old clothes are becoming too tight for her. This is due to the active growth of the uterus and its already significant increase by the 8th week of pregnancy.

The changes are also noticeable in the chest area. It swelled up significantly, and even possibly increased by 1-2 sizes. In addition, venous streaks began to clearly show through on it, and the nipples increased and darkened, which is a consequence of the preparation of the pregnant woman's body for lactation, namely the growth of the milk ducts responsible for feeding the baby after birth.

Another reason for anxiety and anxiety in a future woman in labor at 8 weeks is increased hair growth in those places where they were previously almost invisible. For example, in the abdomen. If this happened, then there is no reason for excitement, because this is a normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes. This phenomenon is temporary and after the birth of the baby there will be no trace of it.

Photos of tummies. Belly at 8 weeks pregnant

8 week of pregnancy: feelings of a future mother

The first trimester, in particular the 8th week of pregnancy, is considered the most difficult morally and physically for a future woman in labor, especially with regard to her general well-being. At this time, mothers are increasingly beginning to complain of severe fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, lack of strength and desire to take any action. In addition, almost all pregnant women are worried about severe nausea, sometimes reaching vomiting, and due to changed eating habits, intestinal upset may occur, manifested in the form of gas formation, or.

Increasingly, there is an urge to go to the toilet, outsiders can observe the emotional instability of a woman. All this is the result of hormonal changes in the body, which affects not only the well-being of a woman, but also her external beauty. As a result, there may be a deterioration in the structure of the hair, as well as the occurrence of problems with the skin of the face and nails. All these phenomena are temporary, and by the 12th week, most pregnant women begin to feel a surge of energy. The main thing is to be patient.

8 week of pregnancy: complications

The first three months are considered the most dangerous for the fetus, especially the 8th week of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that miscarriages and fading of pregnancy are most often stated. Right now, the baby is most vulnerable to external stimuli. It can be killed by any infection in the mother's body, regardless of its type.

Frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks gestation

The main signs of fetal freezing are the following: a sharp cessation of toxicosis and other manifestations of pregnancy, as well as the appearance of bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract. If the absence of toxicosis can be attributed to the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy, then the appearance of atypical discharge is a reason for an early call to an ambulance, since blood from the genital tract is a sign not only of an undeveloped fetus, but also of a miscarriage that has begun, a medical facility can be stopped while maintaining the pregnancy itself.

8 week of pregnancy: discharge

Normally, at 8 weeks of gestation, the discharge has a transparent or slightly whitish color, and it may also slightly increase. If suddenly the discharge not only became noticeably more abundant, but itching and discomfort in the genital area is also observed, then this is a direct indication of the presence of a genital infection. Urgent action is needed to eliminate it, since many infections are fatal to the fetus. Only a doctor can select the correct treatment.

Another reason for contacting a healthcare professional may be the appearance of painful sensations when urinating. In itself, frequent urination during pregnancy is the norm, since an enlarged uterus at 8 weeks puts significant pressure on the bladder, but the appearance of a cramming or burning sensation during this process may indicate the development of cystitis or other kidney diseases. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since a pregnant woman is now responsible not only for her health, but also for the life of her unborn baby.

In addition, it is important to understand that any infection that is now in the mother's body can lead, if not to the death of the fetus, then to the formation of pathologies or defects in its internal organs and systems.

Severe toxicosis at 8 weeks of gestation

Complications during pregnancy can also include aggravated toxicosis, which manifests itself in the frequent urge to vomit. Hospitalization is referred to if vomiting occurs more than 5 times a day, constant weakness is felt and severe weight loss is noted.

The child's brain and nervous system have formed, and he begins to make his first movements. If you undergo an ultrasound scan, you will see that the baby's face can be seen very clearly. You can see the nose, mouth, eyes, lips. Small fingers are visible on the hands, which the child periodically moves.

Bone tissue is also formed, the child's joints become mobile, and you can see that he is actively moving his arms and legs. Internal organs also develop: stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas. The conductivity of the nervous system increases, and the internal organs begin to respond to the child's activity. The child's weight reaches 3 grams.

The woman begins to feel that the uterus has increased significantly and is about to begin to rise. Painful sensations such as constriction or violent spasms may occur. It is very good if these sensations arise, because this indicates a positive course of pregnancy. If pain bothers you, contact your gynecologist, he will advise you and prescribe several medications.

Also, the gynecologist will prescribe the following tests for you:

  • General blood analysis;
  • HIV and RW;
  • Urinalysis to determine the amount of protein;
  • Chorionic gonadotropin analysis.

You will undergo weighing and body measurements. The doctor will determine the average basal temperature and take several smears. It is very important to undergo a medical examination, you can prevent possible diseases of the child and cure him even before delivery.

Signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks

At a period of 8 weeks - pregnancy for the expectant mother is no longer a secret. By this time, many signs of pregnancy usually appear, which in different women can manifest themselves with different intensities. Thinking about the health of the unborn child, a woman should reconsider her daily routine and immediately give up all bad habits. At this time, the influence of any negative factors on the development of the child is very large, in addition, they can worsen the condition of the expectant mother. Therefore, the 8th week is included in the so-called "critical period of pregnancy".

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the use of alcohol, nicotine is strictly prohibited, lifting weights should be avoided. In addition, you should carefully monitor your diet, make it as healthy and balanced as possible. It is not recommended to do x-rays, as well as to use anesthesia for dental treatment.

Another sign of "interesting position" at 8 weeks of gestation is significant breast enlargement. Sometimes vessels may even be visible. This happens under the influence of hormones to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. Therefore, it is important to choose a comfortable bra during this period. Also, under the influence of hormones, the condition of a woman's skin often changes: sometimes it becomes more elastic and clean, has a healthier appearance, and for many, on the contrary, the skin becomes drier and prone to peeling.

From the 8th week of pregnancy, it is better to give up high heels, do not overwork, do not put a lot of stress on your legs, and raise them higher during rest. This is associated with an increased risk of dealing with varicose veins.

Pregnancy symptoms

At a period of 8 weeks, most often all signs of pregnancy are already very clearly manifested. However, it happens that the symptoms of pregnancy are not clearly expressed, which often worries the expectant mother, makes them worry about whether everything is going “according to plan”. The overwhelming majority of women, during this period, feel "all the delights" of their position in the brightest colors. The most common symptom is toxicosis. A woman in this state feels dizziness, nausea, accompanied by vomiting. Vomiting once or twice a day is considered normal. By adhering to some dietary practices, you can overcome this symptom. But if the toxicosis is very strong, then it is better to consult a doctor, since frequent vomiting can have an adverse effect on the baby.

Sensations at 8 weeks

Toxicosis is not the only "companion" of a pregnant woman. Feelings of constant sleepiness, weakness, emotional instability and excessive irritability become real tests at 8 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, swollen, enlarged breasts can cause some discomfort. It is better to put up with this manifestation, since there is still a long way of pregnancy and lactation ahead.

The body weight of the expectant mother at 8 weeks is practically unchanged, because the baby is still very tiny. Many women, especially those who are faced with toxicosis, do observe weight loss.

Photo of tummies at 8 weeks

Pain at 8 weeks

The list of unpleasant sensations characteristic of the 8th week of pregnancy is quite extensive. In addition to the banal toxicosis, which often disappears by the 12th week, a pregnant woman is faced with other not very pleasant symptoms. Irritation of the sciatic nerve from the growing uterus can provoke pain in the pelvis and hips. You can fight this phenomenon by reducing the pressure of the uterus on the nerve, for this you need to lie on the opposite side.

The bladder also experiences discomfort from the enlarged uterus, which leads to increased urination. In this case, urination itself should not be painful, but urine should be clear and clean. If there are such sensations, you need to consult a doctor, since pain during urination may indicate cystitis or pyelonephritis.

In connection with a digestive disorder at this stage of pregnancy, heartburn may appear, which also delivers certain unpleasant sensations.

Already at the 8th week of pregnancy, another source of pain may appear - false (training) contractions. True, at this time they are still insignificant. However, if the painful sensations are quite strong, there are strong pulling pains in the lower abdomen, if they are accompanied by bloody discharge, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a doctor, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.


Bleeding and any spotting at the 8th week of pregnancy indicate a threat of miscarriage, and possibly a miscarriage that has already begun. The amount and time of bleeding is directly proportional to the risk of termination of pregnancy. Bleeding that lasts for several days (weeks), pulling pains in the lower abdomen, cramps similar to menstrual cramps, back pain indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy (abortion). It is very important in such a state to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, to observe rest and bed rest, to protect a pregnant woman from all experiences and negative factors.

If at the 8th week of pregnancy there is increased bleeding with blood and tissue clots, this indicates detachment of the ovum from the uterine wall, and means that the miscarriage has begun. The cervix opens and contracts, resulting in progressive contractions, causing the uterus to push the fetus out. Unfortunately, stopping a miscarriage in such a situation is very unlikely.

Discharge at 8 weeks

At 8 months of pregnancy, a woman has normal discharge. They should be moderate, light in color with a sour smell. Different color deviations, an increase in the amount of discharge, the appearance of mucus or pus signal an infection of the woman's genital organs. In addition, itching and burning, painful discharge can also become alarming signals. In such cases, you just need to consult a doctor for advice for immediate treatment.

The danger is brown discharge, sometimes in combination with pulling pain in the abdomen, dizziness, weakness. Discharge of this color may indicate the separation of the ovum from the walls of the uterus, which leads to blood leakage. Such symptoms should not be neglected, since in such a situation there is a great threat of miscarriage. Seeking medical attention in a timely manner will increase the chances of saving your baby.


In the normal course of pregnancy at 8 weeks, the uterus is approximately 7-8 cm (the size of a goose egg). The doctor can establish the growth process of the uterus through a gynecological examination of a pregnant woman. It is not yet possible to determine the increase in the size of the uterus through the abdominal wall. The specialist will be able to confirm the presence of pregnancy, having established that the uterus is soft, the isthmus is softened, the external pharynx is closed.


Following the examination, the next step in establishing the indicators and health status of the expectant mother and the fetus will be the prescribed tests. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the following tests are included in the list of mandatory: urine analysis for protein, general blood test (study of the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes, determination of the Rh factor, absence of HIV), general smear, fecal analysis, hCG analysis.

An increased level of protein in the urine, revealed during the tests, may indicate kidney disease of the pregnant woman. A complete blood count (CBC) will help the specialist create a more complete picture of the health indicators and the course of pregnancy. In particular, a decrease in the number of red blood cells indicates anemia or possible leukemia, and an increased level may indicate lung disease. In turn, a lowered leukocyte count, detected using a general blood test, may indicate viral hepatitis, influenza or rubella, while an increased indicator may indicate bacterial infections (tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)

The level of a hormone that is produced by the membranes of the fetus (chorionic gonadotropin) is constantly increasing during the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, the analysis for hCG makes it possible to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding without deviations from the norm.

Photo of ultrasound at 8 weeks

Ultrasound at 8 weeks

At 8 weeks gestation, the fetus is very small, the size of a raspberry berry. More and more, he begins to look like a little man. He can already move and wiggle his legs. You can observe the capabilities of the baby through an ultrasound scan. It is also possible to register the fetal heart rate, which will allow you to hear the baby's heartbeat. During this period, a small heart beats twice as fast as that of a mother: about 150 beats per minute.

8 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

Despite the fact that the baby is already moving at the 8th week of pregnancy, the mother does not feel these movements, since the length of the baby from the crown to the sacrum is about 14-20 mm, and weighs about 3 g. It is becoming more and more like a person, acquiring characteristic features ... On the now "more human" face, cilia appear, the nose, upper lip and auricles begin to appear. Hands and forming fingers are clearly visible. The arms at the elbows and wrists begin to bend. The neck is well outlined.

The laying of the main systems and organs is coming to an end, the period of their active and rapid development and functioning begins. The heart is already in communication with large blood vessels, the septa between the atria become stronger.

Active development has not spared both the nervous and respiratory systems. The diaphragm begins to form, the bronchial tree grows. The stomach and intestines are already completely formed, they have taken their place. The production of gastric juice begins. The kidneys are already excreting urine.

At the same time, the sweat and salivary glands are just forming. There is a rapid development of bone and muscle tissue. Taste papillae begin to form on the tongue, and receptors begin to form in the nose, but so far the nasal passages are closed with mucus. During this period, the optic nerve is born, the eyes are still set very wide, but the eyelids begin to appear. If a boy is born, then now his testicles are forming, and if there is a girl, then during this period the formation of ovaries and eggs is taking place.


Science knows several differing points of view about whether it is possible (and if so, how much) a pregnant woman can drink alcohol. The arguments may be different, but the indisputable fact is that when the mother enters the body, alcohol penetrates the child. At the same time, it has a destructive effect on the cells of the baby: it destroys them, or makes them inferior. The formation and development of the fetus at a period of 8 weeks is very rapid, in particular of the brain and nervous system. Therefore, during this crucial period, alcohol should be excluded, even in the smallest doses. Failure to comply with this indication can provoke the development of fetal alcohol syndrome, which can manifest itself in a delay in the intrauterine development of a child by all criteria, in a variety of anomalies and abnormalities at birth (delayed weight gain and growth, mental retardation, problems with vision, hearing and memory, changes in the structure of bones faces and skulls (small skull, disproportionately small eyes, distorted jaw, etc.)

Temperature at 8 weeks

The body temperature of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy rises slightly, the norm is considered to be slightly above 37 degrees. This situation is due to an increase in the rate of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman. At the same time, one should not frivolously write off a significant increase in body temperature solely for the presence of pregnancy. It is possible that there are inflammatory processes in the body that can be identified by conducting appropriate tests.

If the temperature rises to 38 degrees, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The prolonged state of a significant increase in the body temperature of the expectant mother is fraught with serious defects in the development of the child. The temperature of the fetus and the environment that surrounds it, as a result, rises and leads to damage to the tissues of the child. In addition, the consequence may generally be fading, and then termination of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and in no case self-medicate.

The temperature should be brought down only after prior consultation with a doctor. It is better to first try to lower the temperature with rubdowns and compresses with cool water. If the condition has not improved, resort to an antipyretic drug, agreed with a medical specialist. Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take aspirin, because it has the property of changing blood clotting, and this leads to bleeding.

Cold at 8 weeks

You should be very vigilant so as not to get a cold early in pregnancy, in particular at 8 weeks. A cold can be an extremely negative factor in the development of the fetus. A cold can disrupt the functioning of the placenta and lead to fetal hypoxia, and may even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, in such a crucial period for the development of the child, you need to protect yourself, and therefore him from a possible threat in all possible ways. Try to avoid large crowds of people, especially in the autumn-winter period, avoid contact with sick people, and dress appropriately for the weather.

If it so happens that you are not saved and still get sick, the treatment does not tolerate delay. Since the usually used medicines cannot be used, you will have to resort to "grandmother's methods". It is also not worth overestimating the harmlessness of folk methods, it is better to discuss them with a doctor.

Fighting a cold at the 8th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to observe bed rest, drink plenty of warm drinks, rinse your nose and throat. You can drink warm tea with honey, warmed milk with the addition of butter, linden and mint decoctions. Saline solution for rinsing the nose, gargle with soda solution or decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula). It is advisable to include fruits and vegetables, dairy products in the diet, while it is better not to eat meat for now.


Nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role, including at 8 weeks. The diet of the expectant mother should be varied and balanced. Observing the simple rules of nutrition, a woman will help her actively growing child to develop normally, as well as provide her body with the necessary elements. Meat is a source of protein, which is extremely important for a child's development. It is important that it be low-fat varieties, steamed or boiled. Various meat variations: jerky, corned beef, etc. do not fit well into the "right diet."

Fish and seafood are very useful and necessary for the balance of nutrients. Fruits and vegetables will improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation. Don't forget about such a source of protein and calcium as dairy products. You can safely eat dried fruits, cereals, nuts.

Products made from yeast dough, legumes, fresh bread lead to gas formation and flatulence, hinder the work of the intestines, so it is better to exclude them from the daily diet. It is not advisable to drink strong tea and coffee during pregnancy, as they stimulate the nervous system.

You should not overload the stomach and liver with the “classic forbidden four” (fried, salty, spicy, fatty). Their use will lead to heartburn. In addition to everything, salty food retains fluid in the body, and this is fraught with edema.

Sex at week 8

The question of intimate life, and most importantly its safety for a growing organism, interests and even worries both future parents. Are 9 months of abstinence ahead? Of course not. With the exception of special contraindications of the doctor (threat of miscarriage, pregnancy with twins), sex does not pose a danger to the fetus. If a woman feels good, has sex drive, sex at 8 weeks of pregnancy is not something forbidden or dangerous.

It is important that the husband, taking care of the condition of his wife, is attentive, listens to her feelings, because now the woman feels everything a little differently. You should not, of course, be overly active with sex, be more careful in choosing positions. After contact, a woman may experience a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Keep in mind

In the event that you feel pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, bleeding or "daubing" - consult your doctor immediately.

At the eighth week, the woman has an almost formed little man in the belly. Only very tiny. Now that the initial formation has passed, it only needs to grow and grow further.

  1. Treat your changed state and appearance calmly and wisely, find something pleasant in everything, enjoy life.
  2. If the doctor does not find any special problems, just monitor your diet, emotional state, exercise and take vitamins.
  3. Sex can be engaged if there is such a desire and it is better in certain positions.

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Author of the publication: Svetlana Sergeeva 

The eighth month of pregnancy or the 6th obstetric week from the last menstruation is a difficult and sometimes critical period. At this time, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage remains, so a woman who is impatiently awaiting the birth of a child should pay maximum attention to her health, create all conditions for full growth, etc. During this period, the expectant mother needs to be extremely careful, since any negative effect on her body can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. With each new day, the intrauterine life of the fetus changes, new vital processes are laid. The well-being of the woman herself also changes. All signs of pregnancy become more distinct. At the 8th week, a woman should already be registered with an antenatal clinic, periodically take laboratory tests, visit a doctor who can assess the condition of the fetus, and give the woman useful recommendations.

The first weeks and months of pregnancy, always exciting for a woman, since it is during this period that all the organs of the child are laid, there are risks, the woman feels visible sensations in her well-being. No exception for such excitement is the 8th week of pregnancy or the 2nd month. At this stage, the fetus is actively developing. He already looks like a tiny man. Pronounced changes also occur in the body of the expectant mother. A woman feels a surge of hormonal changes on herself, which significantly affect her well-being.

What happens to the baby

The fetus at 8 weeks is still very small, but it already resembles a human. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the expectant mother has the opportunity to clearly see his small arms, legs, head. At this stage, the size of the fetus does not exceed 15-20 mm, and its weight is only 3 - 5 grams. Despite its tiny size, almost all vital organs are actively formed, the rudiments of fingers and toes appear, and internal organs are rapidly forming. At the 8th week, the intestines are formed in the fetus, the peripheral nervous system is rapidly developing, a four-chambered heart is formed, which is capable of pumping blood into large vessels. The rudiments of the genital organs begin to form, but there is still no way to recognize the sex. In addition, the kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, brain and nervous system are formed.

At the 8th week of the fetus, the facial features are almost formed. He has eyes, which are still tightly closed by the eyelids, there are ears, lips, a nose. The wall of the oral cavity has muscle tissue, the first salivary glands are formed, as well as the papilla of the tongue. At this stage, joints form quickly. The fetus has the ability to bend and unbend them.

Starting from the second month of pregnancy, the placenta develops, which in the future will fully provide the fetus with all the necessary substances for its life. Branching of the bronchi occurs in the lungs. The fetus is constantly moving in the womb, but for her these movements are not perceptible, since the expectant mother will feel the first movements no earlier than at the 4th month. Despite the rapid development of the fetus, all its organs are not fully formed, so it is very important to monitor your health so as not to disrupt this process.

What's going on with mom

At the 2nd month of pregnancy, the woman already knows about her interesting situation. By that time, she already has the first signs and sensations. For full growth and, for a good course of pregnancy itself, the expectant mother must reconsider her lifestyle, give up bad habits, and realize the responsibility for the health of her child.

By the time of 8 weeks, pronounced hormonal changes with different intensities occur in the woman's body.

Some women do not experience any changes at all, while others begin to experience early toxicosis, frequent mood swings, increased irritability and other pronounced signs.

All the changes that a woman experiences at the 8th week are associated with hormonal imbalances. Under the influence of hormones, a woman's body prepares for bearing and giving birth to a fetus, which cannot remain unnoticed.

At the 8th week, the uterus increases in size, spasms may appear, which will cause discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. Normally, the pain is insignificant and should not be a cause for concern. Some women also have external changes. A woman's skin reacts differently to pregnancy. For some, it takes on a healthy look, becomes smooth and tender, while for others, acne breakouts, pimples appear, the skin loses its natural color, becomes dull and ugly. The same changes can occur with the hair and nails of the expectant mother.

Pronounced changes also occur with the mammary glands, which are preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding. One of the most unpleasant sensations of this period is toxicosis, which is also the result of hormonal changes.

At the 8th week, the woman's uterus begins to increase, putting pressure on the bladder, intestines.

Such changes cause frequent urge to urinate, heartburn often torments. Some women do not feel any changes at all at the 8th week, but in the overwhelming majority of women they are still present and give the woman a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms of the 8th week of pregnancy

The level of hormones at the 8th week rises rapidly, which cannot go unnoticed for a woman. Against the background of hormonal changes, a woman has the first visible symptoms, including:

  1. Constant mood swings, tearfulness, drowsiness, irritability.
  2. Frequent urge to use the toilet.
  3. Stool disorders not associated with food intake.
  4. Toxicosis, more often appears in the morning.
  5. Change in taste preferences.

At this stage of pregnancy, due to an increase in the growth of hormones and an increase in the uterus, vaginal discharge is present. Normally, they are light or transparent in color, do not have a pronounced odor.

Among all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy at this stage, toxicosis is considered the most pronounced.

It often interferes with a woman's food intake, especially in the morning. Often disturbed by the urge to, taste preferences change. Many women start eating foods that they avoided prior to pregnancy.

Against the background of reduced immunity, some diseases of an infectious or non-infectious origin may appear or worsen, therefore it is very important to consult a doctor at their first signs. It is important to understand that when chronic diseases are present in a woman's body, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this.

Analyzes and examinations

From the moment a woman was registered at the antenatal clinic, she periodically undergoes examinations, takes laboratory tests, and visits a doctor. For a period of 8 weeks, a woman must undergo the following tests:

  1. analysis of urine for protein;
  2. general smear;
  3. stool analysis;
  4. analysis on.

The results of laboratory tests will allow the doctor to assess the course of pregnancy, recognize visible abnormalities and abnormalities in the development of the fetus and the health of the woman herself. With an increased level of protein in the urine, it may indicate a violation of the kidneys.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe an unscheduled ultrasound examination, which allows:

  1. Find out the exact place of attachment of the ovum.
  2. Detect possible obstetric pathologies.
  3. Estimate the size of the fetus, gestational age.
  4. Recognize multiple pregnancies.
  5. Confirm the normal course of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination is carried out in a transvaginal way. It is completely safe for the health of the fetus and pregnant woman.

If necessary or suspected of a pathology, a blood test is prescribed, which makes it possible with an accuracy of 98% to assess the presence or absence of fetal pathologies.

In addition to laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat every month, measures the abdominal circumference.

Possible dangers at 8 weeks gestation

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of its termination is quite large, so a woman needs to listen very carefully to her body, to monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. At this stage, the fetus is actively developing, so any deviations can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Its signs can be recognized by bloody or brown discharge, severe pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. With timely access to medical specialists, there is every chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

At this time, and can be detected, which poses a great threat to the life of a woman. Symptoms appear as the fetus grows. Pathology can be recognized using ultrasound diagnostics, the results of which will accurately determine the pathology.

In the second month of pregnancy, as well as at any other period, it is very important for a woman to monitor her health and understand that she is responsible for her unborn child.

In order to reduce all sorts of risks, a woman needs to follow the following recommendations, which the doctor will definitely give:

  1. Balanced, fortified and proper nutrition.
  2. Lack of heavy physical exertion.
  3. Fresh air and daily walks.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. Do not contact pets.
  6. Monitor personal hygiene.
  7. Do not take medications without first consulting your doctor.
  8. Avoid hypothermia.
  9. Healthy sleep and good rest.
  10. Lack of stressful situations.
  11. Visit a doctor regularly, take all the necessary tests and examinations.

During pregnancy at any time, a woman should spare her body and understand that any negative impact can provoke complications, and sometimes irreversible consequences. Observing all the doctor's recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of various complications, endure and give birth to a strong and healthy baby.

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During the eighth week of pregnancy, the most surprising fact is that the weight of the fetus during this time increases several times. Due to the intensive development of the embryo, a woman may feel some deterioration in well-being, because the level of hormones is constantly changing.

Also, the 8th week of pregnancy is notable for the fact that the embryo at this stage can already be "officially" called a fetus. Within a short period of time, he acquired a new, more "adult" status.

Due to frequent bouts of drowsiness and decreased performance, the expectant mother is advised to take a short vacation and rest a little. Even two or three days at home will allow you to regain peace of mind and enjoy peace away from the hustle and bustle.

Calculation of the due date

Fetal growth and development

At 8 weeks of gestation, the fetus is usually 14 to 20 mm long, and by this time its weight can be as much as 3 grams.

Now the baby is in size

Like a cherry

Height1.6 cm

Weight1 g

In the body of a tiny child at this stage, the following happens:

  • The heart, which a week ago was two-chambered, becomes four-chambered, as it should be in a human individual.
  • The body of the fetus straightens a little, previously it was arched.
  • The fetal brain increases in size and divides into sections.
  • Knee and elbow joints are formed.
  • Fingers become visible on the hands and feet.
  • The intestines are significantly lengthened.
  • The stomach is located inside the abdominal cavity, not on top of it.
  • Boys begin to develop testicles, girls - future ovaries.
  • Salivary glands are forming.
  • Auricles are formed.
  • The bronchi begin to branch out inside the lungs.
  • The kidneys are being formed.
  • The optic nerve is formed.

And one more important feature: at the 8th week of pregnancy, the future baby begins to move inside the uterine cavity. Of course, his movements are still very weak, so a woman will not be able to feel them with all her desire, but during an ultrasound scan, the doctor will be able to notice fetal movements.



In addition, the uteroplacental blood flow is formed. From now on, the child will be able to receive nutrients from the mother's body without much effort through the umbilical cord.

Thus, the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the embryonic stage of development of the new organism has already been completed, and the fetal or fetal stage has begun. Unlike a month old embryo, at 8 weeks, the fetus is already more formed and developed.

Changes in a woman's body

The female body is increasingly adapting to carrying a baby. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the following changes can occur in it:

  • Weight gain within a week can be about 300 grams, but in the case of severe toxicosis, a woman's weight may remain the same.
  • The abdomen at 8 weeks is almost the same shape as before, but the uterus continues to enlarge, and now its size is approximately the same as that of a grapefruit.
  • The manifestations of toxicosis can be quite strong, but not in all women. Some expectant mothers have signs of pregnancy so pronounced that they cannot normally have breakfast in the morning, and their well-being improves slightly only in the afternoon.
  • In the mammary glands, a fairly active process of replacing the adipose tissue of the glandular occurs, which leads to a noticeable increase in breast size and the appearance of a feeling of heaviness. Such processes are necessary in order for a woman to be able to fully breastfeed her baby in the future.
  • In some cases, insomnia occurs, especially if the expectant mother is overly worried about pregnancy.
  • In some women, the lower back hurts or aches, which may be a symptom of disorders in the activity of the musculoskeletal system or indicate kidney disease.
  • Sometimes the lower abdomen pulls a little or mild cramps are felt. If such signs are poorly expressed, then there is no need to worry. The uterus and surrounding tissues gradually stretch and move to the side.
  • The woman's body temperature may still be slightly elevated, but very soon she will return to normal.
  • The level of progesterone in the woman's body continues to increase. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the norm of the content of this substance is about 33 nmol / l.

In general, a woman's feelings can be very diverse, depending on a number of factors.

Analyzes and examinations

If in the previous 7 weeks the expectant mother was registered for pregnancy and passed the necessary tests, then at 8 weeks you can do without a visit to a specialist. In the event that a woman decides to visit a medical institution just now, then she will need to go through a number of standard examinations when registering:

  • A general analysis of urine and blood, as well as the determination of the Rh factor and blood group, which is necessary to assess the likelihood of the subsequent development of the Rh conflict or other problems with the course of pregnancy.
  • Determination of blood glucose levels. This will assess the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
  • Measurement of the external parameters of a woman's body: height, weight, abdominal girth, etc.
  • Vaginal swab.
  • Measurement of blood pressure in order to timely detect signs of hypertension or, conversely, hypotension.

Ultrasound examination is usually done a little later, for a period of 11-13 weeks, since it is at this time that one can more accurately assess the degree of fetal development and identify possible deviations in its development. But in the case when a woman is worried about any alarming symptoms, an ultrasound can be done at 8 weeks of pregnancy in order to identify the causes of possible violations.

By conducting an ultrasound examination, you can find out about what is happening with the baby and mother, take photos and videos of the fetus. What the fetus looks like at 8 weeks, you can see on the thematic forum. There you can also see photos of the tummies of expectant mothers and compare them with your figure.



Possible dangers at 8 weeks gestation

Although the period of 8 obstetric weeks of pregnancy or 6 weeks from the moment of conception is not a critical period, nevertheless, there is a risk of miscarriage at this time. All organs of the fetus continue to form, so the slightest deviation in the programmed process can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Bloody, pink, or brown discharge may indicate a risk of miscarriage. A single daub can pass without a trace, but a change in the color of the vaginal discharge for several hours is a reason for an urgent visit to the hospital. Severe abdominal pain and the appearance of blood in the discharge can be a sign of a frozen pregnancy.

The most dangerous symptom is bleeding at 8 weeks of gestation. In this case, the woman should immediately stop any physical activity, lie down, call an ambulance and wait for the arrival of doctors. When a spontaneous abortion begins, specialists can still provide the necessary assistance to save the fetus, but if the situation has gone too far, it is necessary to take all measures to preserve the woman's health, including her reproductive capacity.

Light yellow discharge at 8 weeks of gestation is a less alarming symptom. This color may be due to the presence of a bacterial infection or even be a variant of the norm at this time.

The likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy also continues to be relevant. For 7-8 weeks, the growing fetus can stretch the fallopian tube, which is a serious danger. Therefore, if suspicious pains appear, an ultrasound scan should be done at 8 weeks of gestation to make sure that this pathology is present or not. Video tips from experts will help you feel more confident in an unusual situation.

    Video guide. 8 week. Physical education during pregnancy

    8 weeks pregnant (what happens to a woman)

    8 week of pregnancy: fetal development, what happens, pulls the lower abdomen, fatigue, nausea, vomiting



At the 8th week of pregnancy, the following recommendations may be relevant for a woman:

  • The doctor should be warned about the presence of chronic diseases in a woman. For example, if the thyroid gland is underactive or overactive, it can have serious consequences for the fetus. Lack or excess of thyroid hormones can be corrected by prescribing special medications.
  • The nutrition of the expectant mother should be tailored to the needs of the developing fetus. Fruits, vegetables and dairy dishes should be present on the table every day.
  • On the advice of a doctor for a period of 8 weeks. you can take vitamins, including folic acid, which is necessary for the full formation of the fetal nervous system. About what kind of vitamin preparations are needed in this period, how to take them correctly, you should consult with a specialist.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the urine. A change in its shade, as well as the appearance of pain in the bladder or kidneys, may indicate the development of cystitis or pyelonephritis. The likelihood of these inflammatory diseases increases during pregnancy.
  • A cold at 8 weeks gestation can also be dangerous for the development of the fetus. To protect yourself from respiratory diseases, it is necessary to avoid crowded areas, strengthen the immune system and provide a balanced diet.
  • Physical activity should be moderate. You should refuse jumping, running, sudden movements, lifting and moving weights.
  • You should revise your wardrobe and choose the most comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics for daily wear. Particularly close attention should be paid to the quality of the bra and panties. Underwear should be used only from natural fabrics, mainly cotton, so that the skin can breathe. Such clothing helps to prevent the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • If the expectant mother has increased oily skin, acne and pimples appear, then even external preparations can be used only after consulting a doctor. The components of creams, ointments and lotions can be absorbed into the skin and enter the body through the bloodstream, which can also affect the unborn child. You can only use disinfectants on your own, which evaporate from the surface of the skin almost instantly. For the same reason, it is necessary to minimize the amount of decorative cosmetics used, because some products are also potentially dangerous for the baby.
  • Throughout pregnancy, it is advisable to abandon hair dyeing, and not because of various superstitions, but due to the fact that the chemical components of the dye can enter the bloodstream through the skin and harm the baby. In addition, during the gestation of the baby, the hormonal balance changes dramatically, so the hair can be poorly dyed.

At work, it is advisable to inform the employer of your situation in order to have the legal right to refuse business trips and perform strenuous work. If possible, you should take a short vacation to take a break from the accumulated fatigue. The emotional state of the expectant mother directly affects the development of the fetus, this should not be forgotten throughout pregnancy.


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