Running strollers. Running strollers Lifehak # 1 - how to buy good insurance

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Baby running strollers are a very popular topic in all Scandinavian countries. It is assumed that mommies and daddy do not walk, but run with their children. Baby, by the way, it really likes it.

In Russia, the situation is somewhat different. We have running strollers buy those few parents who run in the nearest park or ride on the rollers (any running stroller rises upstairs, which is convenient for people who put on the rollers and become 10 cm above their growth).

But the majority, nevertheless buys running strollers as a stroller with excellent, improved shock absorption and large swivel wheels. On such a stroller, it is easy to move around the country off-road, good shock absorbing stroller smoothes bumps and roots while walking in the forest. With such a carriage, it is not scary to go out in winter in a crude courtyard or park.

Running strollers are strollers with good depreciation and patency

It should be noted that running strollers have large wheels (rear wheels 40-45 cm in diameter). As a rule, the front swivel wheel can not only be fixed, but also configure to a certain angle (for running along the track). Often, the strollers have a slowchair on the handle - an extremely comfortable thing when running or just walks over rough terrain. But the most remarkable thing is in the strollers for running with the child - these are their good depreciation. Pleasure strollers and strollers for newborn for running and roller skating are not just good, but improved shock absorption. Even when running off-road at high speed, kids are not uninstalled. The stroller for running just swallows all the irregularities and bumps, quit them. It is necessary to see and feel!

Light stroller with good shock absorption

Well, do not think that strollers for running heavy. As a rule, they are produced from modern materials, frame - from lightweight aluminum, which allows them to meet the requests of moms and dads seeking a light stroller with good depreciation.

By the way, running strollers are not only pleasure. Running strollers for running with a newborn, as well as running strollers for newborns twins. But still moms, professionally running marathons, do not recommend running with children to 4 months.

We summarize. If you ask you to advise the walking stroller, then we advise running strollers with a clean heart. They are the best!

Running strollers
Running stroller
running stroller for newborns twins
stroller running for a newborn
stroller for running
Baby stroller
Stroller for running with a child
stroller for running buy
Thule stroller
with a carriage on the rollers

rollers and strollers
stroller with depreciation
stroller with good depreciation
stroller with soft shock absorption
light stroller with shock absorption

Wheelchair with good shock absorption and rotary wheels
Baby strollers with good depreciation
Easy stroller with good shock absorption

strollers with good shock absorption
Stroller with good depreciation
Best amortization stroller with swivel
Easy stroller with good shock absorption
stroller with rotary wheels and good shock absorption
Easy stroller with good depreciation
stroller with good depreciation and passability
which carriage is the best amortization
Baby stroller with good shock absorption
stroller 2 in 1 with good shock absorption
Strollers with good depreciation 3 in 1
Stroller with good depreciation and patency
Advise a walking stroller with good depreciation

Walk with good depreciation
stroller with excellent depreciation
Running stroller
Stroller with depreciation
stroller for running
Stroller for running with a child
Baby stroller
stroller for running buy
Stroller for running
Strollers for running with a child to buy
with a carriage on the rollers
Advise a walking stroller

Updated 11/18/2019 Author Oleg Lazhechnikov Views 1277. Comments 26.

Today I want to present to your attention my review of the Thule Urban Glide stroller, which I was given to the test. The stroller is not simple, and running! When I first heard about such a combination, I thought that I would not use me in demand. And no, found already reviews that some parents buy straight specifically for running. And it's great that the activity is moving into the masses! Although, of course, the majority uses it as an ordinary baby stroller, for it is amazingly comfortable. The nearest analogue from the famous models of Mountain Buggy Terrain, only it is heavier than 4 kg, and is two times more expensive.

Specifications and price

Thule Urban Glide sports stroller is positioned as universal: for the city and for running with a child. There is one more Thule Glide model (without Urban consoles) with large wheels, a fully fixed wheel, here it is right at all running. But, I think it will enjoy less popular, too narrow niche.

  • Stroller three-wheeled. The front wheel rotating, but can be fixed in two positions.
  • On the rear wheels, shock absorbers, a stroke of about 10 cm.
  • Weight 10 kg, carrying capacity 34 kg. I am relevant, Egor is heavy.
  • There is no manual brake, there is only a foot. He is a tight, but its design is unnecessary, and keeps very good.
  • The back is leaving 160-170 degrees somewhere, that is, not completely horizontally.
  • Rear wheels with a diameter of 40 cm, front 30 cm. The rear is easily removed by pressing the blue button in the center of the wheel, the front only with a screwdriver. The width of the rear wheels is 65cm.
  • The length of the stroller in a disassembled form, the handle in a horizontal position, the front wheel is turned forward - 136 cm. Length, if the knob is omitted - 115cm. Dimensions in folded form 89x40x53cm when the wheels shot.
  • Seating width 28-32 cm, depth 21 cm.
  • Price for August 2015 - 32600 rub. You can buy here in this store.

There are no photos during running, but this process is filmed on the video :)

Review and photos

Let's go from the numbers to the impressions. I think you already understood that I really liked the stroller. The first thing you pay attention to is how it is qualitatively done, it is even pleasant to touch it. The second that you notice is to control! No, I knew that three-wheeled strollers fell easier, but so that so maneuverable ... I don't know how to make a fragile woman, but I easily manage the Urban glide with one hand, which is very useful in some situations. Moreover, she has such an easy turn that even on a small slope can not be left without a brake, will lead. Well, the last one, you would try to fold it, I have not had any baby stroller (and I already changed 5 pieces), which would be so easy formed, it makes it myself. On the video I filmed this process.

I will list various nuances on points.

  • The stroller simply "floats", apparently, at the expense of large wheels. With such more convenient not only to run, but also just walk, both through the streets and off-road. I specifically walked around the city and shopping malls, at the cottage along asphalt and rubble, in the forest and the Colds to check. SUV!
  • As I said, permeability at the height, but by itself a three-wheeled concept for an amateur. For example, when a congress from the border (especially at an angle to it), the front wheel arises crooked because of which the stroller is increasing. It is unlikely that it will fall apart, but it is necessary to keep the handle firmly, you never know. With four-wheeled is much easier in this regard. Probably, this is the only weighty minus.
  • Weighs only 10 kg, that is, less than his classmates. Feelings are light, though, looking at the figure, you will not tell you right away.
  • The fabric is a thin type of cloak, read that in the heat on her a child can be buried, but I myself did not come across this, Egor did not sweat.
  • Bumper, unfortunately, no and for me it is minus, somehow got used to him. But you can buy a table for 2700 rubles, if someone is very necessary.
  • In the folded state, it can not stand (both with wheels, and without), only getting on the wall. In general, in terms of storing the stroller, a little cumbersome and not for small apartments / corridors. However, if you calmly stand on the staircase or in the hallway, the classic four-wheeled cradle, then Thule Urban Glide and will rise.
  • The front wheel is fixed in two positions: under the stroller and ahead of it. In the last version, the wheelbase increases, and it is more convenient for running. However, I ran with a fixed wheel.

The only thing that does not fit into Russian realities is a combination of wide rear wheels and small shops and elevators in residential buildings. In Auchan and Crossroads you will go and buy without problems, but in a small store, where installed, or a narrow door / ramp, or in the presence of narrow rows, it will be closely. In some institutions do not go to any institutions. The same with the elevators, for example, in my house I am placed with a carriage into a small elevator (I also have a cargo), and she comes to the elevator with great difficulties in the lift home, there are doors to push the doors. However, this is rather the problem is not this particular stroller, but our stores / elevators, because with a regular stroller tick there, too, the way is ordered.

Do you need a stroller for running with a child

I'm not an athlete and run from the case of the case, but in general I liked the idea. It really happens such a situation when there is half an hour of everything, and you can combine the benefit for yourself (run) and for a child (to stay in the fresh air). Only now it is advisable to choose the surfaces for running more than the usual streets, because the congresses, borders and other height differences are straining, stroller, though hempsishes, but the child jumps on each obstacle. I will not say that it is directly critical (the child did not express displeasure), but I personally would like more even streets. Also, I can say about our seized by quad bikes forest, there you do not run from a carriage, however, there is not super conveniently to run, and with a regular carriage will not pass so at all.

Ideally, it is necessary to compare with other running wheelchairs, but I do not know such others. Therefore, there is only one experience. At first, it is very unusual that the hands are in a fixed position, but after 5-10 minutes you get used to it and run, as if nothing has happened.


P.S. My usual stroller Peg Perego Pliko Mini did not last and years, our koldobins of her finish. More precisely, she is alive, but some kind of ragged now. Let's see how Thule will behave.

Lifehak # 1 - how to buy good insurance

Choose insurance is now unrealistic difficult, so to help all travelers. For this, constantly monitor the forums, studying insurance contracts and I myself use insurance.

1. Increased safety margin. Running strollers are purchased and used by parents who practice run, incl. In rough terrain, roller skating, and do not want to abandon these practices even after the birth of a child. Manufacturers, realizing the conditions of running wheelchairs, lay a special margin of strength that allows ripping strollers for running at high speed, passing more than kilometers than with ordinary walks. For example, the Swedish Thule's Swedish company gives Thule Urban, Thule Urban Glade 1, Thule Urban Glade 2, 10-year warranty, except for the standard annual manufacturer's warranty.

2. Strollers with excellent depreciation for running or rollers (strollers Sports children). Baby strollers for running are equipped with additional depreciation, which is protected from dust, dirt, moisture. Manufacturers of strollers for running care that the small passenger does not "catch" all bumps, stones, branches that come across the wheels of the stroller at high speed. The only thing that the child should feel is gentle, minimal, smooth shaking. High-quality, good amortization of the stroller for a newborn or a stroller, designed for running, is a prerequisite. Mountain Buggy Terrain owners note that the worse the road, the strongest the depreciation of Mountain Buggy Terrain begins to work. Thule - a stroller with good depreciation, she more clearly works, what mothers like, but in fact, slightly reduces the wheelcharability. It can also be noted that a light stroller with good depreciation, and even a turning wheel is needed not only to parents who run or ride on the rollers ( stroller for rollers). Such. stroller with depreciationwe need everywhere where the roads have a proud name "Russian".

3. Passful strollers. The stroller should not brake the run of the parent, so it can easily overcome the irregularities of rough terrain, bodies, branches, gravel and stones and so on. That is why the manufacturers of strollers for running are equipped with strollers with a large diameter wheels pumped, chamber. By type of cycling. It is such wheels that allow stroller to provide unsurpassed permeability, as well as give additional depreciation. In Russia, running strollers are often used for the city. We in our cities and roads are bad, not European, and snow drifts are. Knowing it, Mountain Buggy Complete TERRAIN with two pairs of rear wheels. One pair of wheels with a diameter of 40 cm for running, the other - a diameter of 30 cm - for urban life. If you are looking for light and passable walking strollers - then better running wheelchairs ( stroller for jogging) You will not find anything. Recommended!

4. Reliable brake system. Where the runner decides to stop, does not even know. Therefore, running baby carriages are equipped with a braking system of increased reliability, which should hardly block the wheels even on the mountainside. In addition, most of the running strollers are also equipped with a slowchair on the stroller handle (by type of cycling brake). The slowchair allows you to control the speed of the stroller when the slope is descending, and also smoothly reduce the speed of your stroller when roller skating. Such a slowman, for example, a running wheelchair Mountain Buggy Terrain is equipped.

5. Big hood.The big hood is needed by parents in order to protect the child from the oncoming wind, usually accompanying the greater speed of movement. sport stroller for running. Usually, the hood has a swivel running wheelchairs, i.e. His, like Thule's stroller, you can dissemble in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stroller handle and omit until the end. Thus, the child is closed from the oncoming wind, when mom rides on rollers with a stroller or runs.

6. Reliable seat belts.Reliable seat belts - a prerequisite for a running stroller. Belts in running wheelchairs, as a rule, with wide and soft inserts, 5 point, with a complex lock, which is impossible to unzip the child. Belts guarantee a safe landing of a child in a stroller running even at a high speed of movement. Thule runframe belts are equipped not only with special tabs in the area of \u200b\u200bshoulders, but also tabs from a special non-slip, breathable material in the child's belt area. Thule's running strollers have no bumper. This is explained by the fact that the presence of a bumper often discourages parents. They find out that the bumper is enough for safety and stop taking off the child. This approach is completely unacceptable when using cross-country strollers. After all, the child rides at high speed, often by a nonideal road. Using seat belts - a mandatory operating condition for running wheelchairs.

When can I use strollers for running?

Of course, all walking beam strollers can be equipped with a challenge for a newborn and become a stroller "2 in 1". And this is a very good version of the stroller for the newborn - it turns out the stroller passable, with excellent depreciation (which is fundamentally important for any stroller used from 0 to 6 months). However, if you want not just to use a stroller with excellent depreciation, but to run or ride on the rollers, we strongly recommend doing it only after your child began to sitstly sit and "moved" into a walking baby carriage for running with a child. That is how Mothers Marathonians advise. And they know what they say).

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stroller for running with a child

Catherine and Vitaly

Vitaly: Positive experience :) began to run with usual, but it was terribly uncomfortable with her. In addition, it is not safe.
The running itself is comfortable, even if just walking down the street with her. Comfortable for a child, quite maneuverable and passable.
The only minus is dimensions. For example, at the airport, our stroller on the tape did not fit in folded form, accounted for wheels to shoot. When transporting cars in the trunk, the same problems (but it depends on the size of the trunk, of course).

Catherine: I ran from a carriage with both children. BOB Revolution SE stroller.
About the stroller: stroller cool, passable, comfortable. Comfortable for both run and for ordinary life, with a fixed front wheel. Over time, when running her began a little to the side. I calmly loaded three children and purchases, came in the sand and on crude roads in the snowfall. She is heavy, but it is not necessary to lift along the steps, at the expense of big wheels, she hits well and moves. On trips is inconvenient, as it does not fit in the trunk of a taxi, it does not fit on the tape in folded.

Pro joy: I prepared with a running wheelchair (rather, to say correctly, with a child) from scratch to the half-marathon. But you need to understand that children can (surprise surprise) do not like to sit in a wheelchair. My did not like. He always ran to sleep with senior. It turns out that he has allocated an hour to workout, and in the end, half an hour is stuck on the site or persuade the child to sit still slightly. In general, when your training depends not only from you, it can strain a little. Therefore, with the younger, I stopped to run. From the carriage, the running technique changes. Running work straight with a stroller is hard, you can put the stroller at the stadium and run around.

From the starts, I ran from a carriage of 5 km in Paris and 10 km on Mm. It is fun, but not running the result.

Ekaterina and Alexander

Alexander: Both run and therefore there were no questions in the choice of stroller. The neighbors around the apartment bought Thule, in our opinion it is more sympathetic compared to other firms, therefore bought the same as neighbors. But the same Thule also has a choice. You can GLIDE 2, you can strolle with a bike fastening. By the way, Glide can be with the front wheel without the ability to spin, it is more speed, the other with the ability to scroll the wheel. We have the second model. It has the front wheel spinning around the axis and can also be fixed. The move is excellent. Now we ride with the cradle, as the child is 4 months old. After 5 we will plant.

Catherine: Model stroller. Why Thule? Probably the most famous and proven firm of running wheelchairs. As they say, marathons are running away from Thule. We viewed different options, asked about the acquaintances, read on the Internet, approached people on the street, and most of all were heard about Thule, and often from people who tried precisely sports strollers from different brands. By the way, we participated in early October in the Charitable Balloonrun race, where one of the distances was 2 km from the carriage, and the absolute majority of their parents were with Thule. There were also representatives of the Thule partner -, which gave strollers with rent. Why Thule Urban Glide? In fact, the purely running model is another - Thule Glide, differs from our large in size, fixed front wheel and the presence of a hand brake (initially this model was released). But Thule Urban Glide, in the opinion of many, more convenient for everyday life, and for running it is quite suitable (it was invented later). Now in the second version of Thule Urban Glide also made a hand brake. In the Thule line, there are still multistive strollers that combine walking, cross-country, bidder, they can even be skiing.

Pros. The stroller goes herself, perfectly overcomes all the bumps and barriers. Not the most compact, but very comfortable: folds with one hand. In principle, if you remove the wheels, fit into any trunk. Initially, walking (for children from six months), but separately you can buy cradle for a newborn. This cracker saved us very much, up to the fact that he replaced the crib on the journey! Mileage. For me, as a young mother, a running wheelchair was a good stimulus to start training. It is much more interesting than for example, an ellipse at home, and more affordable than the gym. Again fresh air. You can start at all in the light pace of 7-8 min / km, which is also perfect for returning to the sport.

Of the minuses, I will call the fact that the stroller gives an additional load, and the pulse rises higher than with the usual run; And the walk-jog is more real in warm time, because after running it is not necessary to change clothes, you can walk for some time and walk, in winter it is more difficult with this. In addition, the husband sometimes ran the husband in the evening, if he had an easy training in his plan (grandparents, we live in another city, so with a child I either, either my husband; he runs in the evenings after working, so if he runs with Baby, for me it is a substantial unloading). The stroller helps us and in joint pastime, again, in combination with the training regime: the husband runs a training with a stroller, and I'm going next to the scooter - everything is in business. It is also convenient for traveling to explore the surroundings or hurt on the race, moving from one point to another. How the child transfers running. Initially, the daughter loved the beerani, bumps and other irregularities, for better falling asleep we walked along the rubble or paths in the forest. Therefore, if the stroller is swayed on the tile, borders, etc., it was only in a plus. By the way, the faster we fled, theover she was calmer. Mons three months have changed a little, and she loved smooth roads, so now running only on flat sites. About distances and pace. In the framework of the competition, I fled from a carriage 2 km on BalloonRun (tempo ~ 4: 30 and 5:30 with floors - I had to sweat) and 1 km at the Children's race of the Yerevan Marathon (~ 6: 00). Probably, the most interesting and long run was running around Moscow on the day of the city (~ 15 km).

About the reaction of others. Basically, surprise with suspicion, sometimes approval or even delight. In general, the whole range of "My God!" Before "This is a sport with you! How cool invented! " There were and curiosity cases. For example, once I fled to the park along the stop, where the bus stood and did not drive away. He opened the middle door and waited for me, and I am only my hand waved. Apparently, the driver did not expect this.

Catherine and Andrey

We ran with Bumbleride Indie - she officially running is not considered, this manufacturer has a stroller Speed, here it is sharpened for the sport, but I believe that Indie is also quite a running. When I chose it, I studied this topic quite a lot and realized that there are a number of criteria - three-wheeled beam strollers, and the front wheel must be able to fix it (it is necessary to run with a fixed wheel!), Inflatable wheels - a big plus, this is an additional immituation, The presence of a manual brake is not necessary, it is not in the indie. For more than that I love bumbleride, there is a good shock absorption, a wide and big seat (the child will be comfortable and sitting, and sleeping), super hood, which is just huge! Plus, it can be omitted in front of the child as a tent, and over the head, on the contrary, leave open space - it may be relevant, for example, in order to face the baby insects, the wind did not blow or did not blind the sun. Well, so, what else to say ... the baby must be fastened! It is important.

Now I have a three-wheeled pram Phil Teds Sport, we haven't run away with her yet, but I want to try - it is generally for all criteria, too: 3 wheels, front fixed, inflatable wheels, good brake right on the handle - if you get a stroller From hand, it slows down. But it is 3-4 kg heavier than Bumbleride and it is very noticeable. Pushing it into our parkan slide will definitely not be easy ๐Ÿ™‚


We run with a multifunctional stroller-breaker Thule.
We drag it and on the vela, and on the ski.

On the "Space" in Samara

When choosing it particularly paid attention to the presence of shock absorbers, because run and rolling on the mountain loss on off-road. The first time the child is counted for 6 months. Child is now 3.5, he is delighted with the stroller.

Rolled to -15 ยฐ ะก skiing. But this is not only depends on the stroller. We sewed a bag warm in a stroller. After all, for example, in the north and in -25 ยฐ with children in the kindergarten are carried on sledding and strollers. In general, it depends on the clothes. There is one point in Moroz: when you collect a stroller from the trunk-fingers frown. But on more modern models, now the assembly is made faster and comfortable. We came to the conclusion that the most comfortable temperature up to -10 ยฐ C. When it is colder, it is difficult to breathe in a slide. At a flat skiing is not so critical. From the wind there is good protection. It happens, "tourists" are experiencing on the ski: "He dies." Child or sleeps, yes, or looks around and caught up (straight coach behind the shoulders!)
But still the most cool application is a bike!


Running with a carriage in our large family is a way to combine family responsibilities, the need to walk or day sleep for a child, and workout.

For a child accustomed to running in a wheelchair, training becomes a period of calm, long movement in the fresh air with changing pictures around or, simply, in a dream. In this regard, for me, running with a carriage is always a long event, by 1.5 hours or more. A short catch is also possible if the child is not sleeping, but if he suddenly falls asleep, it is very sorry to wake him up with the end of a short training. The child accustomed to the running stroller clearly responds to the transition to the step, and, even more so, the long-lasting stop of the movement - wakes up, climbs, if it does not succumb. Holidayly, the pensioner's fellow heads always arises, in fact the most important, the question of the safety of the baby, does not shake, not frozen, is not rooted. In fact, the safety of the baby's safety in the stroller is much more - the stability of the stroller when running, monitoring the movement during the descent or on slippery surfaces in winter, the soft overcoming of the irregularities of the soil, the wind or the sun in the stroller, the cold or heat that are hard to appreciate when the parent He is rapid and runs, and the baby lies with a minimum of movement.

For a runner there are several special moments when running with a carriage. This is a description of the experience that I got with one of the best running wheelchairs - Thule Glide. She is with a rigidly attached front wheel. Do not confuse with Thule Urban Glide with a rotary front wheel and slightly smaller diameter of all wheels. I ride a daughter in the first version of Thule Glide, now released a new version of Thule Glide 2 with a number of small interesting improvements.

For a runner, firstly, this is not the same training when you run by itself. Other muscles work, there is no usual movement of the shoulder belt, and if the stroller moves from one hand - there is asymmetry in motion and need to follow the variety of hands. The stroller drags from the mountain, but it is difficult to push up the mountain or run against the wind - the stroller is very causing. Running regularly slows down, to drive around the obstacle, smoothly enter, without shaking, in the hole on the road or not to spite itself and everyone around dirty water from the puddle. Frequent short stops are possible if the child sleeps restlessly, it is hot or cold him, you need to immediately respond to the problem.

Secondly, running from a carriage spoils runner statistics if you like to use sensors and computing devices like me. To be honest, the developers of cross-country watches, cardiodeators and algorithms for calculating running rates least think about fathers or mothers running with strollers. The clock is not on the wrist, as if the hand pushes the stroller, then there is no adequate accounting of the frequency of the steps - the clock in the pocket of the jacket or pants. Accordingly, the pulse from the wrist is not read. Running chest cardiodeatcher with an extended functionality The heart rate and the step of steps will count, then the clock can be on the wrist, but the couvenake optical sensor in the clock becomes not needed. The algorithms for calculating cross-country indicators always become lower when running with a carriage, when the speed is reduced, the heart rate increases and all the calculated indicators in training with a carriage fall, as well as all the positive dynamics of indicators earned in previous workouts without a stroller.

Thirdly, and this is the positive side of the running of the stroller, you can carry water and food on the handle of the stroller at hand, take with you warm bulk clothes on cold days, and at the end of the workout to solve the household question, call the store for purchases and do not drag them on myself.

Fourthly, it is not for all competitions with a carriage, often this is rightly considered to be hinged in a dense stream of people, especially at the start. Where I ran with my daughter in a wheelchair, I took a place at the end of the starting line, although then I had to start the race very slowly, although he could faster and maneuver among slow runners. There were no dangerous situations in the competition for two years. Only once the sneakers running ahead of the athlete, when he decided to restructure into my line of movement and did not see the front wheel of my stroller next to him, and I did not have time to respond quickly. Fortunately, there was no fall.

With his Thule Glide, I loved running with a stroller. Inflatable wheels of large diameter effectively smooth out the irregularities of the coating. The depreciation system on the rear wheels is very good, made reliably and quenching unexpected strikes. An elongated profile and a non-reflective front wheel make a stroller safe, cooked. Corcelter for hand so that the stroller does not run on the descents, and the hand-made brake consider the useless elements of the design, I do not use them at all. A foot brake fixes the stroller in urban transport or long stops on the street.

With my daughter in the stroller, I began to run from the age of 4 months. The first race with a carriage was recorded on December 10, 2016, it means that for 2 years, as I practitioner training with my daughter in a stroller. For two years, we sang 679 km together with the baby. And I am very grateful to her for calm and cumbersiness. And I ask my daughter forgiveness, which is several times at the start of the race, she had to cry because of the hands of the hands of unfamiliar screaming around people. Finishes We also do not love! ๐Ÿ™‚


I began to run at the end of 2013 and did not plan anything like that. But it was tightened and it became part of life. The first baby was born in November 2015. We had an ordinary stroller. Heavy and driving on 4 wheels. But drifts took the sieve at times. Ran with her straight on the waterfront. As soon as the baby sat down, began to look for a running. After several reviews, the choice was between Thule, Baby Jogger, Bob. Very lucky "cartoon" from Thule, where the stroller is transformed into a bidder or sledge. But the price of 1000 euros in the basic configuration and convenience in operation called for something more practical. So that everyone understood, the strollers are sold as cars in various equipment or only in basic, and for extra charge, you can buy the necessary options selected in the size of the option. That is, Thule 3B1 in the database costs 1000 euros - this is only a brewer, if you want a walking option +200 euros, sledges also + 200 euros. And what about the summer without a grid from mosquitoes and raincoats, + another 100 and 150 euros, respectively.
And so, in fact, all the strollers. Parents must be aware that the running wheelchair is a special product and its price is appropriate.

As a result, we had a delicious offer and we bought the Baby Jogger Summit X3 and all the additional to her. I think the ratio of price / convenience / Comfort / practicality is the most optimal. Yes, Thule Glide goes smaster and easier, but with dopes she and the price tag comes different. In any case, everyone is free to choose.
From spring 2016 I run with my son regularly. Overcome with him 2 full semi-maraphon, ran out of 2 hours (1:52), ran 10 km on the Moscow Marathon. More than 30 parkans raided.
Now the Son has already been 3 years old and he is still happy to run in a stroller with me. But we had a second kid.
Friends have borrowed a cradle for the smallest, and they also helped find adapters so that Maxi Cozy autolo can be fastened to this stroller. Such adapters turned out to be difficult. But we were lucky.
Now I run either with younger or older. The wheel front for running is fixed, there is a hand brake (not on all Thule there is), shock absorbers (Bob has hardness adjustment depending on the weight of the child, but the front wheel in the frame is fixed).
It is more difficult to run, it is more difficult to run, at first it hires well. It became even more to love slides down, on Parkran in Mitino, the main slide is storming with difficulty. The stroller helps stabilize the tempo, sometimes it seems that with a carriage run faster than without.

Our record is 2018 - 22:40 on Parkran Krylatskoye.

Pros and disadvantages of operation of my Baby Jogger Summit X3 stroller.
- quite Ltgova.
- Multifunctional (running, walking. You can use from 0+)
- Combined with other brands.
- It takes shape in one movement.
- Wheels are removed by one movement.
- Good material. Easy wash and erased. Quickly dries.
- Large wheels. Good permeability.
- Good smooth stroke.
- Safety strap.
- There is a hand brake.
- depreciation on all wheels.
- There is a bag for mesh.
- Dopa you can buy on Ali Express.
- Wide wheelbase. Not everywhere breaks.
- At airports you have to remove the rear wheels.
- quickly wear the front wheel sleeve
- no depreciation rigidity is not regulated.
- Not regulated by the departure of the handle.
- To put the cradle, you need to sweep the Polkoloys.
- Insurers are too short.
- Adapters for avtolulka is difficult to find.

Nikita: Thule. Good running stroller. I recommend. Verified ๐Ÿ™‚

Maksim: also glide. Already two children managed to evaluate it.

P.S. Catherine was not specifically searched for publication ๐Ÿ™‚ so coincided, honestly.

Model for Twins Class Premium Swedish Brand Thule It appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, however, I have already managed to conquer the heart of buyers. The stroller for twins will be perfect for urban conditions, as well as ideal for sports parents - adherents of an active lifestyle. The use of jogs with a carriage is obvious: strengthening muscles, overweight, the development of endurance and just raising the mood - and excellent well-being after childbirth Mama is guaranteed. For children, fast ride does not hurt: fresh air and speed help to sleep faster in this pace. If the child has grown, the idea with running will attract him more - after all, he will see so much interesting looking around.

Stroller for twins Thule Urban Glide 2it has a lightweight aluminum frame and a streamlined shape, ideally adapted for active walks.
High-speed movement over rough terrain provides a reliable wheelbase with special shock absorbers, in order to run, the baby did not disturb the irregularities of the road.
The wheels are only three - again for greater mobility of the model and minimalism design. They are inflatable, with the possibility of paging, durable tires and metal spokes. Wheels are easily removed when pressed a special mechanism.
Producers are also taken care of the strength of the product: the frame is resistant to deformations, since it has a completely cast structure.
Rear suspension, foot branded brake rear wheels, manual speed control by lever (on the principle of a bicycle), reduced front wheel diameter and its rotation, fixation when running a coward with a marked lever, all these components make a model suitable for sports!
Sports stroller design for twins Urban Glide 2 is concise and attractive: three options of obscure colors will come to parents.
The quality of the upholstery materials is adequately admiration: the fabrics have a soft, breathable texture, do not wash in the rain, do not fade in the sun. Textiles strollers are almost not dirty, and if a similar thing happened, the details are easily removed and erased at 30 degrees.
The stroller hood has several provisions for the greatest child's comfort. It contains a silicone observation window closing on magnets so that parents can always quickly check the baby.
Wheelchair for twins Urban Glide 2 has two wide seats.
The back of the pleasure blocks is adjustable, leaning around almost to the horizontal position with the help of special straps so that the children rested during a ride.
Seats non-removable, have no reversing position - the integrity of the design provides its greatest reliability.
Pleasure seats are equipped with five-point safety belts.
They are easily fastened for automatic carbines, and paddles with a soft upholstery give the greatest comfort when driving.
Bumper strollers can move and tune in several positions, has a metal frame with leather upholstery, which is comfortable to hold the kids. It is easily removed with one click of the mechanism.
The stroller for twins Thule Urban Glide 2 has a special structure handle created for the rapid management of the model.
It is adjustable in height in several positions, and the base for which you hold on when controlling, is lowered and rises.
On the handle, comfortable skin upholstery, protecting hands from sweating and cold. On the handle there is also a strolle strap.
The sportiness stroller for twins Urban Glide 2 is reflected in a large number of practical pockets, which in this stroller incredible.
On each seat hood there are separate large reticular pockets for small things.
In front of the side of the seat in front of the baby there are mini-pockets, in which you can safely stuff the bottles.
A spacious shopping basket for lightning and valve has light and reliable access from different sides. She will like any mom loving a big shopping.
Under the stand under the legs there is a labeled lever for folding the model.
One movement - and stroller already in the assembled position!
Her compactness will save the place in your car and it will be pleasant to rejoice during storage.

Stroller stroller for twins Thule Urban Glide 2:

  • designed for twins
  • recommended for children from 0 to 4 years
  • folding: Book, in one movement
  • streamlined shape for running
  • hood with sections
  • waterproof fabric protected from pollution
  • silicone viewing window covering the mechanism on the magnets
  • removable versal details
  • mesh pockets on the hood, on the side of the seat
  • comfortable wide seat
  • regulation of the seat backrest in 3 positions to a completely horizontal position with straps
  • security system: removable bumper with leather upholstery, 5-tidy belts with lining on shoulders
  • adjustable folding footboard
  • size in folded form: 89x78x35.5 cm
  • landing Height: 53 cm
  • withstands up to 45 kg
  • weight: 14, 5 kg

Stroller knob Thule Urban Glide 2:

  • ergonomic leather coating
  • telescopic, lowers in three positions
  • the place of capture falls in several positions.
  • strap for capture
  • hand brake

Wheels strollers for twins Thule Urban Glide 2:

  • 3 inflatable wheels with durable tires protected from deformation
  • material: Rubber
  • double metal knitting needles
  • rear diameter: 40 cm
  • front diameter: 30, 4 cm
  • rotary front wheel, fixed with a labeled mechanism
  • simple removal mechanism

Chassis stroller for twins Thule Urban Glide 2:

  • Wheel base: 78 cm
  • rear amortization
  • frame material: Aluminum
  • large basket for things with two access options

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