What gives a mask with honey and aspirin. Mask with honey and aspirin

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A rather large number of fine sex representatives are trying to get rid of skin deficiencies. Fat shine, irritation, narrowing of pores - precisely with such problems. Application of a mask including aspirin and honey helps to cope with this misunderstanding. In this article we learn about it in more detail.

Many cosmetic preparations consist of chemical and natural components. This combination perfectly shows itself in the work. Natural composition will not cause an allergic reaction due to a small amount. And the chemical part will apply less harm to health. One of the means and is a mask from Honey and Aspirin.

Honey is a frequent component in home care products. He perfectly copes with imperfections. Moreover, he gives the skin moisture and important trace elements.

Aspirin is a preparation against pain and inflammation. It is the last characteristic that makes it a good means in the fight against skin flaws. As part of the drug there is salicylic acid. It helps to remove the redness. Therefore, unpleasant acne will go completely. And combining with the antibacterial effect of honey, it comes out a good cosmetic drug.

Exposure area

Both components of a face mask with aspirin and honey have their own positive characteristics that help improve skin. Thus, the mask has effects:

  • Antibacterial. Honey contributes to the destruction of destructive microorganisms;
  • Copes with eath;
  • The peeling and the smallest unevenness of the skin will disappear under the action of honey;
  • Aspirin promotes better face color;
  • The medicine helps against inflammatory processes and acne;
  • Aspirin well removes fat shine on the skin;
  • Leather cover becomes younger, more pleasant and much more elastic, thanks to honey;
  • Removes extra elements in the pores of the skin;
  • Smoothly copes with unwanted hair on the face;
  • Aligns the space after black dots, removes scars from acne.

It turns out that the mask, where there is aspirin and honey, is an excellent cosmetic agent. The last component was used in the treatment many centuries ago. And aspirin, the same appeared relatively recently, is not only a medical device, but also an assistant in beauty. By combining the properties of these components, an effective mask with aspirin and honey is obtained.

Method of making mask from aspirin and honey

Create this means is not difficult.


  • 4 Tablets aspirin;
  • Teaspoon of water;
  • Half a teaspoon honey.

First of all, it is necessary to chop medicine. It is more comfortable to carry out this process using a special stue for medicines. However, a cutting board or a small cup is suitable for cooking at home. For preparation, do not use dishes from fragile materials, as it can crack with strong pressure.

  1. The tablets are quite solid, so before the start of cooking it is necessary to put them in paper or a napkin, so that in the grinding process they did not scatter on the parties.
  2. You need to put wrapped tablets into a cup or on the board and crush them, applying a spoon, hammer or rope.
  3. Finished powder shift into a cup for making a mask and add water, mix well.
  4. We add liquid honey to the finished mixture and mix again.
  5. Our mask is ready to use.


Each cosmetic preparation has its own readings to use. Homemade means - no exception. Mask from Honey and Aspirin recommended:

  • If your skin often appears irritation, acne, acne;
  • If you have oily skin on your face;
  • When the skin began to show the first signs of age-related changes. In such a situation, a mask for a face with honey and aspirin will help to hide this factor.

Proper use

The prepared mixture is exactly applied to a clean face. The tool must be on the skin of 10-15 minutes, and after it is required to remove with water. A good solution will lie during the procedure. Then the mask will not flock.

Frequency application

This parameter is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin. As a rule, such a means is used once in 7 days. In this case, the person will receive the desired level of vitamins and get into normal smoothly.


Due to the fact that aspirin is a medical preparation made from chemical elements, he carries a group of contraindications. This tool is prohibited to use:

  • Women, nursing breasts;
  • In a state of pregnancy;
  • Having on the face of abrasions, cuts, wounds;
  • With individual intolerance to the components;
  • If your skin is often allergic.

Before using this tool on the face, it is recommended to check it out. Cook the mask, then apply a few drops on the wrist. If after 10 minutes you did not have any negative effect, then the tool can begin to apply on the face.

A face mask with honey is a natural remedy that tones and moisturizes the skin, prevents premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. Honey contains glucose, fructose and sucrose, vitamins B and C, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. The mask is easy to prepare at home.

A face mask with honey moisturizes and tones the skin.

Benefit and harm honey

Honey when applied to the face deep penetrates into the pores and clears them from pollution. It also holds water in tissues, lowering dry skin. Honey has antimicrobial properties, which allows it to use it when dealing with acne. In addition, it stimulates the production of collagen cells of the skin, which makes it more elastic and elastic, warns the appearance of wrinkles. Polyphenols and vitamin B 2, which are part of honey, protect the epidermis from damage to free radicals and prevent premature aging of the skin.

Honey masks with honey should not be applied at:

  • allergies on beekeeping products;
  • extended vessels and capillary sprockets on the face;
  • enhanced hair growth on face.

How to make masks

Before applying masks on the skin of the face, the allergic sample is carried out. A small amount of composition is applied to the back of the forearm and leave for 15 minutes. If a quarter of an hour on the skin, rash or redness did not appear, then the mixture is applied to the face.

Masks must be applied immediately after cooking. For the best effect, the composition is applied to the steaming skin, after a hot bath. After the procedure, the mixture is washed off with warm water, without using any additional means for washing.

Face mask with aspirin and honey

Aspirin with regular use has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to get rid of acne, black dots and redness on the skin. Acetylsalicylic acid regulates the production of skin saline and narrows the pores, which prevents their contamination in the future.

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing women;
  • with scratches and damage to the skin of the face;
  • during the exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • individual intolerance to the means.

It is necessary to crush 4 aspirin tablets, pre-wrapped them into a napkin or handkerchief so as not to scatter the drug. Powder is poured into a bowl, add a tea full spoon of boiled water and half a tea standard spoon of honey, then the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The duration of the first procedure is 10 minutes, in the future the mask can be left on the skin on a quarter of an hour. Such a composition is recommended to apply on the skin once a week.

Face mask with honey and lemon

Lemon levels skin color, brightens pigment spots and black dots. Adding juice of fruits of plants in the mask allows you to narrow the pores to protect them from subsequent contaminants.

Masks with lemon need to be mixed in ceramic or glassware, metal containers can oxide under the action of fetal juice.

Means with lemon can not be used in the intolerance to citrus and skin damage.

It is necessary to mix 2 tea full spoons of fresh lemon juice and a dining room full spoonful of honey. The composition is applied to the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline and leave for 30 minutes. This tool moisturizes and whitens the skin.

To improve the color of the face, a composition consisting of honey, lemon juice and cream is applied to the skin. It is necessary to prepare on one tea full spoon of each ingredient and mix them to obtain a homogeneous mass. The composition is washed in 25 minutes.

Give the skin more healthy kind helps yolk. It is added to it on a tea full spoonful of honey, lemon juice and olive oil. The latter can be replaced with sunflower.

Mask with honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon with external use improves the blood circulation of the skin and tones it. It has antimicrobial properties and reduces inflammation. Reviews about cinnamon masks confirm the effectiveness of the means in eliminating pigment stains and scars after acne.

Cinnamon protects the epidermis from the effects of free radicals and stimulates the renewal of skin cells.

Mask to get rid of black dots and pigment stains

Cinnamon powder tea full spoon is stirred with the same amount of liquid honey. With black points, the means are applied on the face with circular massaging movements. To eliminate pigment stains, the mask is applied by cautious movements on the face. In both cases, the composition leaves on the skin by one third of the hour. Such a mask is used only locally: the tool is applied directly to the location of pigment stains or black points.

Recipe for problem and oily skin

You need to take a third of a tea full spoon of cinnamon in powder and liquid honey, add tea full spoon with low fatty sour cream. Components are stirred until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

The composition is applied to the face by a quarter of an hour. It is washed off with warm water, then washed cold. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

The regular use of this composition allows to reduce the fatty skin, quickly get rid of rashes, the skin will become soft and velvety.

Recipe for dry skin

Mix chicken egg yolk, half a teaspoon cinnamon powder and tea full of honey spoon. The mask is applied by one third of the hour, then wash off warm water.

The procedure is repeated three times a week. Against the background of using the product, the skin becomes more moisturized and soft, peeling disappears.

Yolk additionally moisturizes the skin.

Face mask from bunting and honey

The product contributes to cleansing the skin from pollution, reduces inflammation and satures the epidermis necessary vitamins and microelements.

Tea full spoon of crushed oatmeal mixed with the same amount of honey. The adhesive thick mass must turn out, which is evenly distributed on the skin. After a quarter of an hour, the composition is washed away with warm water.

The use of oatmeal moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and peeling.

For nutrition and skin whitening, a recipe is used with the addition of milk. Prepared on a tea full spoonful of honey, milk, lemon juice, a chicken egg protein is added to them. In the mixture, oat flour is gradually poured before the formation of a thick composition. The mask is applied for 15 minutes.

Olive oil in the composition allows you to additionally moisten the skin. For the manufacture of such a mask mix and tritura to the cascidious consistency, a table full spoon of crushed oatmeal and tea full spoonful of yogurt without sugar. Add a tea full spoon of honey and olive oil and mix. The mask was washed after a third of the hour.

Regular use at home Masks with honey helps to quickly get rid of acne, toning and moisturizing the skin, prevent premature aging and wrinkle formation. To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, additional natural ingredients are added to the composition of masks.

The traction for the beauty of the skin of the face leads women on the trail of experiments: all sorts of cosmetic products of the ladies complement the author's masks and scrubs. In the case of aspirin, honey and yeast, it is confidently said that a cosmetology miracle was created by the hands of inexperienced chemists. Connection success is not only that each component has a wide range of positive characteristics. The main plus is the combination of ingredients together with a quick visible effect.

Therapeutic effect of honey-aspirin masks

The purpose of each woman is clean skin with a uniform tone, without excess fat, acne or peeling, as well as black dots and extended pores. The paradox is that at the same time achieve all points of such a plan. It is practically impossible: some funds remove black dots and narrow the pores, whiten the skin, but they are strongly cut and injured it, others are well powered, help to get rid of acne, but do not affect a number of others Cosmetology defects. In the case of folk recipes based on honey and aspirin, it will be possible to achieve everything if you follow the proportions in the preparation of masks and the fixation time on the face.

Therapeutic properties of the JV cortex are known to all indigenous peoples in the area of \u200b\u200bits growth, but what they are due to largely acetylsalicylic acid are the discovery of the 19th century. Scientists of that time were able to determine that due to this substance is achieved an anesthetic, antibacterial, antipyretic effect.

  • lowers the temperature due to the impact on the brain centers of thermoregulation;
  • diluted blood;
  • expands small blood vessels;
  • affects microorganisms.

And in the following cases, external use also:

  • degreases the surface of the skin;
  • improves local blood flow;
  • removes small skin inflammation;
  • whitens;
  • mechanically exfoliates the epithelium (escape effect).

Based on such an impressive list, it can be assumed that the most aspirin itself for the health of the skin is quite enough, especially if there is a problem of acne, or oily skin. At the obstacle of versatility there are several minuses of frequent use: strong skin cut, especially with frequent, or long use; the possibility of obtaining a small chemical burn; The absence of nutrients in the composition.

To compensate for a part of negative consequences and use honey and vegetable oils in masks with aspirin. In this case, the bee product is an excellent component, because it enhances the anti-inflammatory, healing effect, and in addition blocks the capabilities of acetylsalicylic acid to excessive chemical exposure to the skin. Vitamins and minerals from honey are much easier to enter the skin cells after the surface has been treated with acid, therefore the nutritional effect of the procedure is much stronger.

A face mask with aspirin and honey after the first use reduces the pores, fat brilliance, the amount of acne, and normalizes the tone. For problem skin, the mask is better not to leave in the refrigerator, but cook before use. Mask from honey and aspirin reviews are predominantly positive, but do not neglect the advice of specialists.

Indications and Contraindications for the use of masks

Experts are celebrated, although aspirin and face honey have the benefit of the naked eye, dry-type representatives, having freckles, constant deep skin irritation, asthmatics, allergies should be refrained from using such masks. The fact is that the aggressive component is acid, may not just be too much to cut the already without bold skin, but also cause burn, burning, itching, or so-called aspirin asthma. The latter disease was recorded in those who have already had the intolerance to the funds of the penicillin group, and often used aspirin as an anesthetic, or for thrombosis prevention.

Contraindications for those who are in a state of pregnancy, breastfeeding remain traditional, or has wounds on the skin, high temperature due to the course of the disease (for example, influenza). Given the light whitening effect, you should not resort to the drug after tanning: this will lead to uneven tones, traumatization.

Women having a combined, or greasy skin type can use medical-aspirin masks, following the rules that will not harm skin:

  1. The mask is applied to dry skin, but preheated warm water, drained with lightly blurred towel;
  2. You can apply the tool on the T-zone, or onto the whole face, bypassing the area around the eyes, the nasolabial triangle;
  3. It should be applied not with massage movements, but evenly "overlapping" means;
  4. The duration of the procedure may not exceed 10 minutes!
  5. Wash the mask stands with warm running water, massage movements (exfoliation);
  6. Be sure after washing the mask on the face, a light moisturizing cream is applied!
  7. The frequency of the procedure is once a week.

Recipes aspirin masks

The main function of this means is cleansing, toning, healing. The basic mask based on aspirin has not many components: acetylsalicylic acid, honey (better not crystallized, fresh), water. Depending on the problems that the drug should solve, we can add vegetable oils, sour cream, pollen, propolis.

Important! Buying aspirin in a pharmacy for cosmetics, ask the form of the release and exact composition: it is better to take tablets without a shell and additional components.

For the preparation of a cleansing mask:

  • tablet Grinding to powder condition (in fabric, mortar, special shredder);
  • warm water to a temperature of 40 s;
  • powder add and bring the bee product to a liquid state, if necessary (melting on a steam bath).

Aspirin powder is divorced in water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then honey is added, it is still carefully embroidered. Store the finished mask in the refrigerator is not worth it. It is better to cook every time before applying the fresh composition.

Aspirin fraction should be the larger than the more the skin needs hard cleansing: large particles of tablets when shear from the face will perform the function of the scrub. The mixture of the face is removed with warm running water.

The table shows the proportions of components for different types of masks and leather

Type of skin Characteristic problems List of components Dosage
1. Combined Uneven tone of the skin of the face;

Extended pores;

Small inflammatory processes (acne)


Sea buckthorn oil


2 tablets;


2. Combined Pronounced black dots;

Extended pores;

Uneven complexion

Honey; Tablespoon;

3-4 tablets;

Paul tablespoon

3. Combined Chronic inflammatory processes;

The presence of keloids from acne;

Black dots



Art. the spoon;

4 tablets;

Paul Art. spoons;

4. Fatty Standing pronounced fat shine;

Black dots;

Wide pores;

Clear vascular grid



Floor tablespoon;

4 tablets;

Floor tablespoon;

Tea spoon

5. Dry Uneven tone;

Redness and inflammation;

Scored pores


Olive oil, or sour cream (20%)


2 tablets;

Tea spoon;

Oils - 15-20 drops; sour cream - teaspoon

Using propolis, increases the antimicrobial potential of means of healing capabilities. Some difficulties are possible with the transformation into a liquid, or at least a stretch substance. Therefore, it is appropriate to harvest an aqueous solution from propolis (1 part of propolis on 2 parts of water), which can be stored for more than a year. Add it in this form in the mask follows and instead of water. For example, if the mask is a floor of a tablespoon of water and 6 grams of propolis, then you can just give art. spoon infusion.

Med mask and aspirin sometimes need additional vitaminization. Pollen adds a cosmetic tool of vitamins, useful trace elements, will suit any skin suffering from their shortage. Sour cream and vegetable fats compensate for the active impact of aspirin onto the skin, contribute to the rapid restoration of natural humidity.

The duration of the entire course of aspirin masks is no more than 10 procedures, per week, or until healthy complexes will return.

We restore the skin with masks: mode 2

Purified from excess fat and dirt skin needs to protect and feed. The use of some vitamin means between aspirin exchange rate can provide a high result. An effective means will be masks from honey and vegetable oils, kefir, or yeast with fruit.

You can safely think about women with combination and dry leather in the first place. The fact is that oily skin, with all its not too attractive form, becomes more slowly than combined, or the less dry. Vitamins contained in ordinary bakery yeast, oxygen enrichment capabilities give skin silkiness and elasticity. Oxygen saturation also contributes to the rapid recovery of the facial tone, prevents aging, eliminates acne, acne.

On the second, or the third day after the acid mask, you can prepare the following tool:

  • bakery briquetted yeast - 30-50 g;
  • warm water - 20-40 g.

The addition may become kefir, fruit puree, fresh juice, milk, lemon juice and chicken egg protein. Proportions of additional components - 1: 1 with yeast. The homogeneous mass must be applied to a pre-washed with warm water face 15 minutes with light massage movements. It is necessary to flush with warm running water, the face does not wipe, but sculpt.

The mask is prepared immediately before applying, and the main secret of success is the temperature of the diluent fluid. It should fluctuate in the borders of 30-35 s, otherwise mushrooms will not be able to "go" and make their work. Because of this, you should not store the mixture in the refrigerator, or heat the yeast together with milk, water, kefir on the stove in one container.

Important! Only briquetted bakery yeast are suitable, not dry, or wine.

Expected Result:

  • uniform tone of the skin;
  • velvety texture;
  • reducing the manifestation of acne
  • deep moisturizing;
  • reduction of oily skin;
  • lightening by 1-2 tones.

It is also not necessary to get involved in this means, after several applications with a visible result, you can stop. Making a mask is not more than 10-14 sessions.

A noticeable rejuvenating and recovery effect will occur after 3-4 sessions.

Beautiful and healthy face skin: Secrets of success

Applying any new face mask - from well-known brands, or a mask prepared at home - it is always worth conducting samples for compatibility with your skin type, sensitivity to components. A simple method without laboratory studies is the application of a small amount of substance on the back of the elbow joint. Since the skin is rather sensitive there, then its reaction will give an exact idea of \u200b\u200bwhether the means can be applied to the face.

The second point, providing the health of the skin of the face - wash after masks, and everyday wash. Well, if there are estimated water, or chamomile-based chamomile, calendulas, turns for such purposes. All these herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect, pronounced bactericidal features, gently purify the skin.

It is not necessary to wash with warm water. It is much better if the cleansing of the face will be carried out with the help of contrasts. For example, the washed warm decoction of herbs The face slightly massate the ice cube from the same bravery, but in a frozen form. The bloodstream from such actions is noticeably improved, which affects the appearance of the skin.

The last pledge of success will be regular skin care:

  • cleansing masks - no more often than once a week;
  • vitamin - every other day;
  • healthy nutrition, regular control of the overall health, sports - always.

Acetylsalicylic acid and honey mask will save money on salon procedures and give a high result, but, nevertheless, the pledge of beauty will always be one miracle means, but a regular manifestation of attention to himself.

If you are the owner of oily skin of the face with extended pores, nothing is better than using aspirin in face mask and honey. These cervical, but very effective components are suitable in the fight against greasy and acne, perfectly cope with skin inflammation. A large number of masked reviews with aspirin and honey in the network inspire confidence in their content. So why not try her action on yourself? Want to know her recipe right now?

Mask recipe with honey and aspirin

Such a mask is preparing very easily. As you guessed, it contains two main components - acetylsalicylic acid and honey. The first ingredient is sold in pharmacies, and its cost is the sowing trifles. Honey, for sure, there is a house. Well, now consider the recipe itself.

Take 3 aspirin tablets, grind and scroll into powder. Add a teaspoon of boiled water to it, stir well. Add honey to Cashier (preferably liquid), one teaspoon. Now the resulting mixture is stirred to homogeneity. Some users instead of water recommend adding a herbal decoction of chamomile, calendula or nettle, those herbs that are well removed inflammation. How to use the cooked mask?


Indications for the use of aspirin peeling serve:

Fat or combined leather.
The presence of black dots.
Extended pores.

If your skin is dry dry, the sensation is constantly present, then this tool cannot be used. The mask removes excess fat and dries pimples. Use on dry skin does not make sense, besides, it will aggravate your problem. Holders of combination skin can be used tool only on the frontal and nasolabial areas of the face.

The method of applying aspirin-honey mask

Before applying the composition on the skin, carefully remove the remnants of pollution and traces of cosmetics. The skin must be absolutely clean. Then lubricate the aspirin and honey mixture of the forehead, chin and nasolabial triangle. If you also have trouble skin in the cheekbones, and there are foci of inflammation in this area, then apply the composition and on it. Be careful that the mixture does not hit the eye. On the face of the mask it is recommended to keep 20 minutes. The tool can not rub into the skin, especially if there are foci of inflammation. Then the composition must be washed using warm water and sponge. After the cleansing procedure, a moisturizing cream or milk is applied to the face.

Attention! If after applying the composition you feel burning, immediately delete it. The emergence of discomfort suggests that this tool does not suit you.

Useful properties of a cleansing mask

Aspirin mask has a multitude of useful properties. First, she relieves inflammation perfectly. Secondly, destroys bacteria that are responsible for the occurrence of painful acne. Salicylic acid will get rid of excess skin salts. Thanks to this component, a deep purification of pores occurs. Black dots gradually disappear, and the pores become already. Honey is the second component of the mask, known as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and a natural antiseptic. It complements the effect of acetylsalicylic acid and softens the skin.

Despite all the positive properties of aspirin peeling, it is too often impossible to use it. The procedure is performed once a week. More frequent application is associated with the risk of cutting the skin. Does it have contraindications? Yes, we are now and consider them.


Aspirin mask and face honey is contraindicated in the occurrence of allergy symptoms on one of its components. Also, women who are on the face are visible vascular stars, it is not worth using this composition. Caution about contraindications applies to nursing and pregnant girls, as acetylsalicylic acid in small quantities, but still penetrates the bloodstream, and for the fetus or infant such a dose may be dangerous.

The youth and freshness of the face is what every woman seeks. In the megalopolis, the ecology leaves much to be desired, which is why more and more often the representative of the wonderful sex is noticed that their skin becomes gray and lifeless. But to solve this problem, there are simple and efficient ways. These are folk recipes of cosmetic masks from natural components. They are not only effective, but also cheap. Aspirin and honey will help to cope with some serious problems.

The benefits of aspirin and honey in cosmetology

Aspirin - Pretty distributed drug in cosmetology. He has many advantages for which professional cosmetologists love him so much.

  • Aspirin perfectly dries oily skin. With constant application of masks from aspirin, the skin significantly improves its appearance, the work of the sebaceous glands comes to normal.
  • Thanks to the antibacterial properties, aspirin struggles with inflammation and ranks on the face. Perfectly eliminates acne, acne and gumons.
  • It has a whitening effect. With aspirin, you can get rid of freckles and pigment spots. Also, the whitening property helps to eliminate traces remaining from acne, dark dots and even unwanted tan.
  • Aspirin, as is known, improves the blood supply of cells, due to which the skin is filled with moisture and oxygen. This contributes to a healthier color and elimination of edema and bags under the eyes.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid is a chemical peeling, which allows you to gently and delicately depart dead cells.

Honey Also is considered great assistants in face care. It is saturated with vitamins and microelements, able to work wonders.

  • Honey is the best product for nutrition. Already after the first use of a mask with honey, you can see that the skin has become shining and healthy.
  • Honey has substances capable of producing natural collagen. Thanks to this, you can get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin. The regeneration of epidermis cells is actively promoted.
  • Honey is considered an antimicrobial product containing vitamin C. This property helps us to deal with problem skin.

Honey and aspirin are components that are capable of making a bomb from any mask. These are so effective ingredients that in their strength and action you will be convicted already after the first application of the face mask. So what cosmetics are most effective, and is it worth adding additional components to honey and aspirin, let's try to figure it out.

Skin cleansing mask with aspirin and honey


  • honey - tablespoon;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Melt tablets to powder condition.
  • Mix honey with aspirin, give a powder time for dissolution.

The resulting thick cassea must be applied to the purified face. For a larger effect, you can pre-break the skin on herbal brave. Mask hold to complete drying, after which it must be removed with a wet cotton swab and wash off with water. Such a mask deeply penetrates into the pores, cleans and disinfects them. If you do a course of treatment, consisting of 10 application, then acne and acne will gradually disappear. The skin will become smooth and healthy. The interval between the uses of masks is at least 3 days, since this agent is rather aggressive.

Mask for narrowing


  • honey - tablespoon;
  • aspirin - 3 tablets;
  • egg white;
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  • Quick aspirin into powder.
  • Beat an egg with a medicine.
  • Heat honey on a water bath.
  • Squeeze juice from the halves of lemon.
  • Mix all the ingredients.

This mask is applied to clean skin with a brush. The mask will dry quickly, but you should not wash off it immediately. On top of the dried mask you need to apply another layer of the means. So you can repeat several times, the effect will only increase. Dana mask improves the condition of oily skin, actively narrows the pores, the face becomes silky. After several applications, the production of sebum is normalized. If, after washing the mask, the skin is tightened, then you need to apply a thin layer of lung cream.

Scrub from aspirin and honey


  • honey - tablespoon;
  • aspirin - 3 tablets;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • To grind finely aspirin, but do not bring to the state of the powder.
  • Heat honey on a water bath.
  • Add to honey sour cream, aspirin and large salt.

The mask must be applied immediately after cooking until the salt has time to dissolve. This remedy needs to rub circular movements. Aspirin and salt Like a brush clean the pores, gently remove the upper burner layer of the epidermis. After rubbing, you need to leave natural cosmetics on the face of about 10-15 minutes, after which it was washed off with water. It is important to know that such a mask cannot be applied to the skin on which there are cuts or wounds.

Mask for mature skin


  • honey - tablespoon;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets;
  • medium-sized potatoes;
  • broth chamomile.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a saturated decoction of chamomile inflorescences. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of grass with a glass of boiling water and cook on slow fire. Then close the lid, remove from the fire, give to cool and strain. We will need 3 tablespoons of the beam.
  • Massat aspirin.
  • Grasp raw potatoes on a shallow grater.
  • Mix the potato porridge with a chamomile decoction, aspirin and heated honey.

Such a mass is applied to the face with a thick layer. For a better effect, it is enough to hold the half an hour mask. After that, the tool is washed off with water. This mask helps mature and faded skin - the face is noticeably tightened, small wrinkles disappear, and large becomes less deep and noticeable. When applying the mask, it is necessary to pay special attention to the problem areas - the nasolabial triangle and the skin around the eyes.

Aspirin and honey are able to work wonders. If you regularly use them in cosmetic products, you can achieve clean, smooth and healthy skin.


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