Flowers from corrugated paper, facing on plasticine. DIY paper trimming: master class

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Elena Anikina

Technique trimming on plasticine is to create a framework from plasticine and gradually attaching the compressed paper members thereto. This technique allows you to make a craft volumetric and"Fluffy".

With this technique, you can create a variety of postcards, toys in the form of animals, flowers and much more... DIY crafts using trimming will cause surprise and delight. And your imagination will allow you to realize the most unexpected ideas. By using trimming, you can create voluminous crafts.

Let me bring to your attention master class on trimming on plasticine.

Appointment: as a gift for moms for March 8, decoration, for participation in exhibitions of handicrafts.

Target: making cactus corrugated paper method trimming on plasticine.


Teach children the techniques and methods of making cactus by facing;

Improve the skills of working with corrugated paper;

To develop strong-willed qualities, the ability to bring the work started to the end;

To foster creativity in children.

For work, you need such materials:

Corrugated paper needed flowers(of your choice);



Simple pencil;


Woolen threads;

Artificial flowers.

Let's start our work with the fact that you need to sculpt a small pot (it took me 2 pieces plasticine) .

The pot can be wrapped with a flagella twisted from a strip of corrugated paper. The children and I wrapped it with woolen thread.

Next, we sculpt the foundation for the future. cactus of the selected shape. Cactus can be round, flattened shape (2 pieces left too plasticine) ... The basis for cactus need to be well strengthened with a toothpick to the pot. Choose based on for cactus the place of attachment of the eyes. We attach them to small balls from plasticine so that in the future the eyes are at the level of the thorns. And on top, in the place where it will be located flower, we attach the flattened ball. It turns out like this blanks:

For trimming you need squares of green corrugated paper. You can use different shades, it turns out unusual and beautiful!

We put the sharp end of a simple pencil in the middle of the square, closing its corner to the corner, crush the paper around the rod, twisting it between the fingers to form a tube. Without removing the tube from the rod, we stick it into plasticine starting from the bottom. Facing we carry out from the bottom up. Older preschool children can do it!

It remains to add cactus a little expressiveness (nose, mouth, flower) and a cheerful gift is ready.

The pot can be sealed with golden thread. Happy Holidays!

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Facing on plasticine

Sometimes you want to while away the time for an interesting and uncomplicated activity, the results of which would please the eye. An excellent offer would be the trimming applique, which will captivate not only children, but also parents. Such fakes do not require a lot of materials and are quite easy to make. There are many different types of trimming applications. In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with facing on plasticine.

The technique of facing on plasticine consists in creating a base from plasticine and gradually attaching elements compressed from paper to it. This technique allows you to make a fake voluminous and "fluffy".

With this technique, you can create a variety of postcards, toys in the form of animals, flowers and much more. DIY crafts using facing will cause surprise and delight. And your imagination will allow you to realize the most unexpected ideas.

With the help of facing, you can create volumetric crafts.

Let's hold a small master class on plasticine trimming.

Cactus in a pot

    For this work, you will need corrugated paper of different colors for the cactus, pot and flower (at your request), as well as the corresponding color of plasticine.

    Let's make a small cylindrical plasticine pot and a cactus base (ball). Wrap the pot tightly with corrugated paper, folding it in half. This will keep the fake in shape.

    Fix the sculpted cactus base in a pot with a toothpick or wooden skewer. To create thorns, cut the paper into small squares and fold them diagonally. Put the blunt end of the skewer in the middle of the square and twist it between the fingers. We stick the formed lump into the base of plasticine at a right angle so that it holds firmly, starting from the bottom of the cactus.

    Attach the eyes to the cactus (you can buy ready-made ones or cut them out of cardboard). To do this, put small balls of plasticine under them so that the eyes are flush with the surface and do not get lost among the thorns.

    To create a flower, fold a 3 * 10 cm strip of paper in several layers and cut out the petals. Squeeze the petal around the skewer, making a slight bend at the base.

    In a similar way, we will make a plasticine base for the flower and attach petals to it.

    Your cute fake is ready!

A similar technique can be used to create holiday cards. To do this, you just need to grind the plasticine on the cardboard surface of your postcard and trim it using the method described above.

The work was done in the technique "Facing on plasticine". This creation will be an excellent demonstration material for an ecological corner or an attribute of the "Farm". Can be used during educational activities for cognitive speech and artistic and aesthetic development. The work is designed for an audience of 5 years and older. Inspired me to work "Fruit vase" in the technique of facing, and the plot itself was not long in coming. My chicken bore offspring: yellow fluffy lumps - chickens immediately pushed me to the idea of ​​making a chicken with chickens. I suggest you look at and evaluate what I have done.



corrugated paper, plasticine, scissors, toothpick or cotton swab,

feathers and straw.

Getting Started

We sculpt the silhouette of a chicken from plasticine

Based on the size of the chicken, we sculpt the chickens

Mother hen with chickens

Cut into 7mm squares yellow corrugated paper

We wind a square on a cotton swab or toothpick

We put a stick with a twisted tube on the chicken, and only after that we take out the stick

The result is such a tube-facing

We put the next end face tightly next to the previous one

Side view

In the technique of lateral facing (facing are placed sideways), we make the wings

It turns out like this

We fill the back, wings, tail with end faces

We make a head, from black ends - eyes, red - a beak

For the flower, take corrugated paper of two colors: for the petals and for the core. You will also need green corrugated paper for the stem and leaves.

  1. Take a piece of plasticine (preferably the same color as the petals), commensurate with the size of a plastic bottle cap. The cover is also useful as an auxiliary tool. Shape the clay into a hemisphere.
  2. Cut paper squares with a side of about 5 cm. You will need about 15 of them.
  3. Fold several squares diagonally at once.
  4. Cut out the petals. Do the same for all the squares.
  5. Now take the facing tool. This can be a ballpoint pen or a small wooden stick - a skewer with a blunt end.
  6. Place the stick with the blunt end in the middle of the petal about two-thirds of the petal's length.
  7. Bend the free end of the petal forward.
  8. Stick a stick with a petal into the bottom of the plasticine blank. Take out your wand.
  9. The petal is slightly bent down. That's what the cap comes in for. Put some plasticine on it while you cook the next petal.
  10. Stick the next petal next to it every 4-5 mm.
  11. This is how the finished first row looks from above. See that the petals are bent down at the same angle. You can open the petals with your finger.
  12. Cut the sepals out of a 4 cm square.
  13. Place them on the back of the plasticine.
  14. Using a stack or a nail, press the paper along the edge of the workpiece into the plasticine.
  15. Now cut into 3.5 cm squares for the second row of petals. There may be a little less of them. In the same way, cut out the petals from the squares. Stick in the petals of the second row 3-4 mm higher than the first in a checkerboard pattern. Make sure that these petals also bend down, and do not stick out to the sides. This is easily done by tilting the stick. Then the flower will acquire the desired spherical shape.
  16. This is what the second row looks like. The petals can also be aligned and expanded.
  17. For the inner rows, cut into squares with a side of 1.5 - 2 cm. Place the stick on the square diagonally to the middle.
  18. Fold the corner of the square by closing the wand. Crumple the paper on all sides with the fingers of your left hand and roll it so that it turns into a tube.
  19. Stick the stick with the petal very close to the second row.
  20. Make two rows of these tubular petals.
  21. Cut out squares of the same size from paper of a different color and make a core.
  22. For the stalk, take a wire or skewer. Cut a strip of green paper 1-1.5 cm wide. Grease the tip with glue and wrap around the stem.
  23. Stick the stem into the flower.
  24. From a square of green paper with a side of 8 cm, make a leaf of a flower. Fold the square in half and straighten it (fold line along the corrugation lines). Spread one side well with a glue stick.
  25. Put a wire wrapped in paper in the middle of the smeared part and cover with the second half of the paper
  26. Cut out a leaf, make cloves around the edges. While the paper is wet, you can draw streaks with a rod or stack.
  27. The other two leaves can be made separately and glued to the stem of the first leaf. Wet paper can be shaped to any shape. When the glue dries, the leaves will become tough.
  28. Here's a flower with a leaf turns out in the end.

The vase in the first photo was made by students

Paper trimming allows you to make fluffy crafts, unusually beautiful volumetric paintings. Postcards and even topiary can be made using this technique.

The content of the article:

Paper gives you immense scope for creativity. They draw on it, fold it, making unusual crafts. You are already familiar with many of them, but not everyone knows about facing. This craft technique is quite simple: pieces of paper are curled and glued or attached to a base. The result is voluminous and airy compositions.

Paper trimming: technique, master classes

This handicraft is of several types:
  1. Contour. When curled pieces of paper frame a drawing along a pre-applied contour. This technique is sometimes used in conjunction with scrapbooking.
  2. On a plane. This is a trimming technique in which the workpieces are placed next to each other, filling the entire surface with them.
  3. When facing in layers parts are glued into each other. At the same time, the combination of elements of different shades helps to create interesting effects.
  4. Volumetric facing most often made on a plasticine basis. Twisted parts are attached to the molded workpiece, which allows you to make complex compositions.
Let's look at a simple example so that you understand how to work with this technique.

To make such a violet, take:
  • corrugated paper;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • a bottle of glue with a spout.
Redraw the presented image onto light cardboard. From corrugated paper, you need to cut squares with a side of 1 cm.

To fold paper elements, you need to use a special trimming stick. If you don't have one, you can replace it with a pen body, sharpened with a pencil.

  1. With one of these tools, press a small piece of paper in the center, wind it around the stick.
  2. Roll your fingers without removing from the tool. Lubricate a small section of the contour with glue, attach the twisted workpiece here directly on the stick, carefully remove this tool.
  3. Create the second element in the same way, glue it next to the first. Having completed the contours, proceed to filling the inner part of the petal.
  4. When the blanks are glued to all the petals, twist the same elements from the squares of yellow corrugated paper. Glue them in the center of the flower.
If you wish, you can draw only the contours of the plant, then the work will be completed faster. If, on the contrary, you want to prolong the pleasure of creativity, then cut out the same squares from light paper, twist them, fill in the background, or proceed to the next work. See how napkin trimming is done.

To get this job done, take:
  • bright napkins;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • gouache;
  • stick for trimming.
Cut strips 1 cm wide from napkins, chop them into squares with the same side.

Draw the outline of a tree on a white piece of cardboard. Apply the glue to a small area to prevent it from drying out.

At this time, take a square from a napkin, wind it on the tip of a trimming stick, glue it to the smeared contour. Then glue another one and others.

Take napkins of different colors to make the tree bright and cheerful. Fill in the entire crown, paint over the trunk with brown gouache.

Since you made the foliage of the tree from elements of different colors, make the frame of the picture from napkins of the same color.

Make a background with blue napkins. Elements for this are also created using the facing technique.

You will get a wonderful picture that will surprise and delight everyone who sees it.

Using this technique, children and adults can do many other amazing works by performing face-to-face or contouring.

For this, corrugated paper was used in yellow, orange, lilac, green, white and blue colors.

First, glue a sheet of blue paper on white cardboard, then draw the outlines of a fish, seaweed. After that, blanks for facing are twisted from yellow squares, fill the tail of the fish with them. Make her body out of orange, and make her head out of lilac. And white and blue will create the eye of the fish. It remains to fill algae with similar elements and admire the wonderful work.

See how you can make interesting crafts using another facing technique.

Templates for volumetric crafts made of paper and plasticine

Blooming cacti like this will also help create trimming. For these crafts, take:
  • well sharpened pencil;
  • plasticine;
  • corrugated paper;
  • a toothpick;
  • packing tape or satin;
  • a pin with a bead;
  • colored cardboard.
Let the child make three blanks from plasticine. The large oval one will turn into a cactus, the small round one will become a flower, and the square one will become a pot for an artificial plant. From green corrugated paper, cut into triangles, from yellow - figures of the same type, but only with an acute angle. Cut the petals from lilac paper.

Stick a toothpick into the cactus and the other end into the pot. Attach the base of the flower to the cactus. Fill his body with beautiful volumetric blanks. To do this, place a pencil in the center of the paper triangle, wrap it around the rod, stick it into the plasticine base.

Follow the first row, placing the elements close, then move on to the second and the next.

To make the petal the desired shape, leave its tip free, twist only the part that you will attach to the plasticine.

To decorate a flower, you need to make 1–2 such petals, then make its middle with triangular blanks of orange paper.

See how the pot is designed. It needs to be wrapped around a strip of colored cardboard or brown paper and tied with tape.

A cactus made by cutting from corrugated paper is created.

Look at the process of making another piece of work using volumetric techniques. It will help your child develop creative thinking, fine motor skills, and imagination. Children show interest in working with paper, as a result of which such wonderful models appear.

Prepare the following:
  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • album sheet;
  • pencil.
Cut small squares out of paper. Place blanks of each color in separate containers. If the child is not very small, have him draw an apple on half a sheet of the album. If you cannot do this on your own, adults will help.

Smearing small areas with glue, let him attach squares here to make a fabulous rejuvenating apple.

You can draw a twig or glue a thin strip of brown paper instead.

You can glue one blank of a different color into an already attached one, thereby obtaining the effect of facing in layers. The next two papers are devoted to this technique.

Facing schemes from corrugated paper in layers

New Year is not far off. Children together with their parents will certainly prepare for this holiday. They will be able to make a postcard by placing a Christmas tree on its front side.

Prepare with children:
  • corrugated paper;
  • herringbone drawing;
  • glue and a brush for him;
  • pencil;
  • thick sheet of paper.
The work begins with drawing a Christmas tree on a sheet. You can use a template for this. Cut squares from green paper, as well as from sheets of a different color.

First, the child will fill in the contours of the Christmas tree with green squares coiled around a pencil. Then, in some places, you need to glue blanks of other colors on top of them. They will become a decoration for the Christmas tree.

But you can do not facing in layers, but along the plane. Then you will first need to glue the colored squares, which will become toys, and then fill the surface with green ones.

You can give your mother or grandmother a souvenir scarf. They will certainly be delighted, especially since such a work was done by their beloved child.

To make a scarf, you need to take:
  • a sheet of red cardboard;
  • corrugated paper of different colors or napkins;
  • glue along with a brush;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • pattern pattern.
If the gift is made by March 8, then let dad or grandfather transfer the pattern template to cardboard. You will need a triangular piece of the base. To do this, draw a square on cardboard, then it is cut diagonally.

Starting with small areas, have your toddler fill the drawing with squares of different colors. You will need a lot of them. If your child doesn’t have the patience to twist the bevels, help him with this so as not to reduce his interest in work.

The result is such a wonderful scarf. The next work was done by his mother together with the child. A great example worth taking into account. The result is mushrooms and autumn leaves, made by trimming in layers.

To create an autumn forest, take corrugated paper in red, orange, yellow. You can also make blotches with brown, green.

For crafts, take:
  • colored paper, cut into squares with a side of 2 cm;
  • templates for application;
  • trimming stick or pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
It is convenient for children to glue with a brush or by taking a glue stick. Provide them with these materials, help them cut squares out of paper.

You can take your favorite mushroom and leaf templates from the Internet or use the presented ones. You can draw them yourself on thick cardboard, cut them out.

The most painstaking work is cutting out squares and forming twisted blanks. Place the square of paper over your left index finger to shape as desired. Hold it with your thumb. Place a pencil in the center of the workpiece, twist it.

As you can see, this is another option for forming parts. We will also glue it in another way, so that you choose the most suitable for you.

Pour the glue into a bowl. When dipping the trimmer here, attach it to the leaf template. After gluing the red one, attach the yellow one with PVA directly to it. The result is an interesting effect. Also, yellow is glued to the orange blank, use green and brown squares as a base.

To make mushrooms, line the leg with white ends and the hat in brown, yellow, or red.

Children's pictures from corrugated paper

The facing technique will also help to make them. Such children's pictures turn out to be very cute and touching, they will remain for a long memory, they will decorate any corner of the house.

If the child can, let him draw a round lake, reeds along its banks, swimming ducklings. It will depict where the birch, the rainbow will be, draw the horizon line. If it is difficult for a child, then adults will help.

For such work, you will need squares of corrugated paper with a side of 1.5 cm.

The larger the size of the paper blanks for facing, the higher the pile of the finished work will be.

Having cut them, you need to start pasting. In this case, it is best to fill the space on the left side. First, pour over the rainbow with colored stripes, then make grass around it, glue the green edges. Also on this side, decorate the sky, fill it with twisted blue squares. Leave room for the clouds, glue the white blanks here.

Also, on the left side, begin to glue the brown parts in the form of reeds, make chickens yellow, lay out the lake in blue.

Gradually moving to the right, arrange a white birch trunk with black blotches, rolled from paper of this color. Fill the entire space with volumetric blanks, after which you can enjoy the view of the colorful picture. For a kindergarten, such a craft will be an ideal option. Having brought it there, the child will certainly take first place in the competition.

But there are also more complex work that schoolchildren can do.

These viols were created by students in grades 1-8. Such joint work unites the guys.

On a sheet of Whatman paper, you need to draw a viola with a pencil or transfer another image here. Then each of the guys will fill the flower with twisted ends of a certain color.

Winter paintings can be made for the New Year.

If you are good at drawing, draw the future art on cardboard with a pencil, if not, then just redraw. Embroidery patterns are a good template. They are transferred to a sheet, decorated with twisted paper pieces of a certain color.

Please note that the outlines of the trees are made of blue elements. This technique allows them to keep their shape and look fluffy, snowy.

In conclusion, see how to make a New Year's garland, which the facing technique will also help to create.

For her, on a Whatman paper or white cardboard, draw the letters of the future inscription, cut them out. Now each must be framed first with a white trimming, glue the red ones inside.

Use a satin ribbon for the base. Using a glue gun, letters are attached to it to make an inscription. Remember to keep the distance between individual words.

Here's how much interesting and useful facing will help to do. But this is far from all that can be made using this technique. If you want to create a voluminous snowflake, watch a visual master class.

Another will teach you how to make a heart shaped topiary using the same technique. You will give this to your loved one for his birthday, on Valentine's Day.


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