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0 0 0

One of the ancient elf guards guarding the Well of Sorrow in the Temple of Mythal.

Aveline Vallen

5 4 0

One of Hawke's first companions in Dragon Age II. She fled Lothering with her husband, Sir Wesley, during the Fifth Blight. She was ambushed by the creatures of darkness and was rescued by the Hawk family. Aveline is one of Hawk's companions.

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A Gray Guardian who lives in the abandoned Soldier's Peak.

Avernus was a young mage when Sophia Dryden became Commander of the Fereldan Order of the Gray Wardens.

During King Arland's attack on Soldier's Peak, Commander Dryden, aware of Avernus' blood magic, demanded that he summon demons. Avernus complied, but was unable to keep the demons under control. The veil has been broken.

Avernus retreated back to his laboratory, where he spent almost 200 years in forced confinement, not allowing the demons to leave the fortress, until the Guardian came to the abandoned fortress of the order.

Alistair Theirin

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A cheerful and good-natured Gray Guardian, one of the protagonist’s partners.

The illegitimate son of King Maric, he was raised by Earl Eamon. For some time he studied to become a templar, but was called to the Gray Wardens by Duncan. During the events of the Fifth Blight, he may become king of Ferelden or remain with the Gray Wardens.


2 0 0

The last Inquisitor of the old Inquisition. Became an Inquisitor at the request of his friend Emperor Cordilius Drakkon of Orlais. With the help of a companion spirit, he imprisoned Hakkon and himself in a time loop in an ancient temple.

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Looking into the sky, Avvar priest of the Mistress of Heaven. When the sky opened in the Vault, he realized that it was the Mistress of Heaven speaking. Now, to fulfill her will, he follows the wonderful lowlanders from the Inquisition.

15 41 0

Renegade mage.

Anders is not his real name, but a nickname, which is a reference to the fact that his family was from Anderfels. He escaped from the Fereldan Circle of Mages seven times before being drafted into the ranks of the Gray Wardens.

In the Tower of Vigil, Anders met Justice and communicated with him for a long time. He survived the darkspawn attack on the Tower. He agreed to let Justice into his body, believing that together they could help the magicians. However, Anders' hatred of the Circle of Mages twisted Justice into the demon of Vengeance. The guards did not agree to shelter the possessed man, who they believed was Anders, and the magician had to flee to Kirkwall.

At 9:37, Anders blew up the Church, starting the Kirkwall massacre.


2 1 0

Prophetess Andraste is the founder of the Church, creator of the Song of Light and savior of all believers.

As Andraste's people rebelled against the Tevinter occupation, her visions became more vivid and personal, and her understanding of the Creator's will less abstract and more active. She began to consider herself a mediator between people and the Creator, announcing to people His truth and His requirements for their salvation.

Andraste's husband, Maferath, conspired with Archon Hessarian and allowed disguised Tevinters to enter Andraste's fortress in the city of Nevarra. The Prophetess was captured, taken to Tevinter and burned alive, the most painful and cruel punishment Tevinter was capable of.

0 0 0

Elf mage, healer and former student of Wynn.

He needed time to get used to the Circle, but Wynne, believing that he needed to start learning, did not give him this time. When Aneirin tried to talk to her, she only told him to concentrate on his spells. He often spoke of the Dalish and how he wanted to see them. One night he left the tower, but the templars discovered that the student was missing and, taking the phylactery, went to look for him. Having caught Aneirin, they pierced him with a sword and, considering him dead, left him. As luck would have it, he was found by a Dalish clan who took him in and nursed him back to health.

Anora Theirin (nee Mac Tir)

3 4 0

Only daughter of Loghain MacTear, wife of King Cailan.

1 0 0

Ariana is an excellent warrior and the best hunter of her clan. Fights with two blades. When her clan's ancient book of elven history is stolen, Guardian Solan sends her on a quest to find the book. She is determined to fulfill the order given by the guardian. During her search, she crosses paths with the Guardian, who is looking for Morrigan. During the conversation, it turns out that Morrigan stole the book, and Ariana joins the Guardian to find the witch together.

3 0 0

Kitshok became the Arishok of the Qunari in 9:25 of the Age of Dragons.

The Arishok and his Qunari pursued Isabela, who had stolen the "Writing of Koslun" - a sacred relic that Orlais was trying to return to the Qunari to improve diplomatic relations. The storm sank ships of both sides at Kirkwall. So Arishok ended up in Kirkwall, where he and his army were given a place to stay in the port while they supposedly waited for Qunari ships.

Killed in battle with the Defender of Kirkwall.

The Architect

2 1 0

Garlock is an emissary of the darkspawn, one of those masters who invaded the Golden City. The Architect is the first known creature of darkness to have his own will.

Archon Hessarian

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Hessarian the Unshackled is a mage and ruler of the Tevinter Empire during the Andraste Rebellion. On his orders, the prophetess Andraste was publicly executed.

After the execution of Andraste, he believed in the Creator, and declared Andrastianism to be the only faith in the territory of Tevinter.


0 1 0

Elf smuggler, Hawk's first employer.


0 0 0

One of the rulers of the Ferelden lands, divided among the aristocrats of the Orlais Empire during the occupation of Ferelden. Blood Mage. By killing many young girls, she tried to regain her youth. In the end, the subjects turned their backs on the Baroness and burned her house. Before her death, the Orlesian cast a spell that transferred her soul and the souls of all people to the Fade, a nightmarish version of the Black Swamps.

Bartrand Tethras

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A surface dwarf from House Tetras, Varric's older brother.

Organized an expedition to the Deep Paths. Fell under the influence of a lyrium idol and abandoned Hawke and Varric in the Primordial Taig.


0 0 0

A werewolf whom the Guardian first encounters in Western Brecilian. He is the leader of the werewolves living in the Brecilian Forest.

Bhelen Aeducan

2 1 0

Member of the Dwarven Council and third child of King Endrin Aedukan. Belen is playing a political game and rigged the murder of Trian and the betrayal of the Guardian in order to become the first contender for the throne of Orzammar after his father.

If Belen becomes king, he initiates reforms and works to strengthen Orzammar's connection to the land world. It also gives new rights to untouchables and privileges for military service in battles against the darkspawn. This policy helps Orzammar capture the lost part of the Deep Roads, but draws the ire of the warrior and noble castes. After several attempts on his life, Belen dissolves the Council and rules alone. He will be remembered by some as a tyrant, and by others as a far-sighted ruler.

0 0 0

Chapter of the Charter before the events of Dragon Age: Origins. Invested in the noble hunter Rika. He was killed by the Guardian - a commoner dwarf.

Bethany Hawke

6 3 0

Hawk's younger sister and Carver's twin. She is a renegade mage like her father, causing her family and her to live in fear of the templars. Her father taught her magic.

If Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies at the beginning of the game, but if he (a) is a warrior or a robber, then she accompanies her brother / sister throughout the first act.


2 5 0

Guardian-Constable of the Orlais city of Val Shevin and partner of the Inquisitor.

Blackwall is one of the few Gray Wardens who willingly and enthusiastically chose such a share. He believes with all his heart in the noble ideals of the Gray Wardens and would not trade this life for any other.

Bodahn Feddic

1 0 0

Traveling gnome merchant. In the game Dragon Age: Origins, he, along with his adopted son Sandal, travels with the Guardian. In the second part, Bodan joins Bartrand's expedition to the Deep Roads as a merchant. After the expedition, Bodan, with Hawk's permission, moves to the Hawk estate along with Sandal.

Bram Kenric

1 0 0

Researcher and professor, originally from Starkhaven. Specializes in the history of the early Church, especially the time of the signing of the Nevaaran Treaty. He transferred from Starkhaven to Orlais to be closer to the subject of his research.

0 0 0

Branka was the wife of Ogren, a member of the warrior House Kondrat. It became Perfect thanks to the invention of smokeless coal. In 9:28 of the Age of the Dragon, two years before the beginning of the Fifth Blight, she, along with her entire household except Ogren, went on an expedition to the Deep Roads in search of the Anvil of the Nether.

Ferdinand Genitivi

2 0 0

One of the most famous scholars of the Church, mainly due to his published stories (many of which were considered fiction by his contemporaries) about his travels the length and breadth of Thedas. A significant part of the codex in all games is written on his behalf.

1 0 0

Elf servant of Empress Selina.

On behalf of Selina, she organized the search for Sir Michel de Chevin. During the search, she learns that her parents were killed on Selina's orders. After her break with Celene, Briala assembled an underground army of elves to harass both sides of the civil war.

Bianca Davri

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Inventor, member of the Dwarven Merchant Guild and lover of Varric Tetras, after whom he named his crossbow.


0 0 0

Hagren of the elves in the Denerim elfage. Duncan's old friend.

Varric Tethras

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A dwarf robber and Hawk's partner. It is he who tells the story of Hawke during the interrogation, which is arranged by Cassandra, who is trying to find out what started the war between the magicians and the templars and where Hawke went, who became the Defender of Kirkwall.

Varric is the youngest son of the Tetras family, and his older brother Bartrand is the head of the house and runs the family business. His real business is leading a "spy network", the main task of which is to provide information to the Tetras family, part of the Merchant Guild, and also to quietly solve the family's problems.

After disappearing, Hawke of Quirkall was interrogated by Cassandra and joined the Inquisition.

1 0 0

The successor to the guardian of the clan of the Dalish elves, a potential partner of the protagonist. She knows well how much the elves lost in the war with people, and considers it right that people with the invasion of the creatures of darkness lost no less.

Velanna has a short temper and is not afraid to say what she thinks, even if it might offend someone. She hates people, but will help them in pursuit of her goal.


1 2 0

Senior sorcerer knight of the Orlesian Circle of Mages. Potential partner of the Inquisitor.

Vivien was one of the main candidates for the post of First Enchanter in Montsimmar. But the conflict between the magicians and the templars and the civil war in Orlais prevented her from officially taking this position.

Vivien is called the “iron lady”, and she fully lives up to this nickname. This formidable woman, the head of the magicians and the official sorceress of the imperial court, achieved her position through cunning and skillful political games.

4 2 1

Mage, Senior Sorcerer of the Fereldan Circle of Mages and one of the possible companions of the Guardian in the game "Dragon Age: Origins". He plays a cameo role in the Awakening expansion and is also one of the main characters in David Gaider's book The Phantom Mask.

Wynne was born with a natural gift as a Spiritual Healer.

Vaughan Kendells

1 0 0

Son of Urien Candels, Earl of Denerim.

After Earl Urien Kendells died, Loghain made his supporter Rendon Howe Earl of Denerim. Vaughan was jailed.

Gereon Alexius

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Tevinter magister and Venatori commander who occupied Redcliffe. Was the teacher of Dorian Pavus.

Hakkon Wintersbreath

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Oghren of Orzammar is known throughout Ferelden as a comrade of the Gray Warden who stopped the fifth Blight. Some say that Ogren was the hero's constant companion; others believe that Ogren was just trailing behind the Guardian. But all the stories agree on two important facts: Ogren is a real beast on the battlefield, and he can easily take liquids that will knock down a weaker person. After defeating the Archdemon, Ogren settled with his longtime sweetheart Felsi and had a child. Those who know him say he was truly happy, at least for a while. But Ogren was born and raised a warrior, and, as he likes to say, you can take the warrior out of the battle, but you can never take the battle out of the warrior.

I haven't found a new video yet, but it must be published. When it appears, I will update this post. In the meantime, you can look in which he was introduced in the original game.

Here are a couple of new screenshots:

I myself practically didn’t take Ogren with me in DA:O. Only according to the plot in Deep Roads. But, perhaps, mainly because my main character was a warrior, and as a backup I would rather take Shale. And Ogren is a very cheerful and spontaneous guy :)

Companions of the main character in Awakening:

– (Anders)
– (Velanna)
– (Sigrun)
– (Mhairi)
– (Oghren)
– (Justice)
– (Nathaniel Howe)

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Mhairi is a female knight and also a Gray Warden recruit. I dreamed of becoming a Gray Warden all my life. Accompanies the main character during the cleansing of the Vigil Tower. Dies during initiation.


Anders is a renegade mage from the Circle of Mages. He repeatedly escaped from the Circle of Mages. But even with his resourcefulness and talent, he was always caught by the templars and sent back to the Circle. Once again, he fled to the Vigil Tower. Accompanies the hero during the cleansing of the Vigil Tower. After purification, he can be accepted into the order, or released, or returned to the templars. Upon initiation, he survives safely. Gifts for Anders: Kitten. Found in the Tower of Vigil. Golden earring. Also found in the Vigil Tower. Knitted scarf. Stays in Amaranthine (in the church). Collar with bell. Also located in Amaranthine. Amulets of magicians. You can find it in the Architect's laboratory (Vending Forest, Silverite Mines). Engraved silver bracers. You can find it in Kal Hirol, in the shopping district.


Oghren is a dwarf who wants to become a Gray Warden. A description of his life can be found in the article “Companions in Dragon Age Origis and Gifts to Them.” Ogren decided to become a Gray Guardian and for this he came to the Tower of Vigil. Can be accepted by the player, but if not, he will join the Ferelden army. Gifts for Oghren: Aqua Magus. You can find it in Amaranthine. Dragon urine. She can also be found in Amaranthine (Hubert's hideout). Hirola eruptions. The name suggests what you can find in the Thicket Hills. Mackay Whiskey. You can also find it in Amaranthine. Toy horse. Lying in the Black Swamps. Brandy from West Hill. You can find it in the Vigil Tower.

Nathaniel Howe

Nathaniel Howe is the son of Rendon Howe, who knows nothing about his father's atrocities. Infiltrated the Vigil Tower to take heirlooms. But he was caught and put in prison. The Gray Warden will be allowed to judge Nathaniel. The player can execute him, release him, or accept him into the Gray Wardens. Nathaniel will also survive the initiation calmly. Gifts for Nathaniel: Bow Hou. Found in the Vigil Tower. Letters from Delilah. Also located in the Vigil Tower. Locksmith tools. You can find it in Amaranthine. Grindstone. You can find it in Cal Hirol. Golden vase. You can find it in Amaranthine (grocer Oktam). Bronze cultist. Located in the Wendig Forest.


Velanna - Dalish elf, mage. She was expelled from the clan. She believes that it was people who kidnapped her sister and now wants revenge on all people. The hero can call Velanna into the Order of the Gray Wardens. He will also survive the initiation safely. Gifts for Velanna: Elven Runestone. Lies in the Tower of Vigil and the mines of the Deep Roads. Elven keychain. Located in the Vening forest. A discarded diary. Located in Amaranthine. Blank notebook. Also in Amaranthine (in the church). An ornate silver bowl. Lying in the Black Swamps. Sparkling malachite. Found in the Silverite Mines (Wending Forest). Carved jade. Found in the treasury of Kal Hirol.


Justice is a spirit from the shadows. Helps a village in the shadows escape from the baroness. Accidentally inhabits the body of the dead Gray Guardian Christophe. Justice offers its services to you. You may agree. Gifts for Justice: Elvish funeral prayer. Can be found in the destroyed elven camp in the Vending Forest. Poetry of dreams. In the throne room of the Vigil Tower. Lyrium: a gift from the Creator. Lies in Amaranthine, in an abandoned warehouse. Lyrium ring. Found in Kal Hirol. Christophe's medallion. You can find it in the Black Swamps. Memorabilia of Christophe. You can find it in the Amarantai tavern “Lion and Crown”.


Sigrun is a female dwarf, legionnaire of the Legion of the Dead. Of the entire legion, she was the only one who survived. If she had not met the player, she would have died too. She joins the hero and cleanses Kal Hyrol with him. Once Cal Hyrol is cleared, the player will have the opportunity to invite Sigrun into the Gray Wardens. In this case, she successfully survives the initiation and becomes a Gray Warden. Gifts for Sigrun: Heart of a Warrior. Found in the throne room of the Vigil Tower. Toy carriage. Located in Amaranthine. Spyglass. Lies in the Silverite Mines (Wending Forest). Plant in the pot. Lying in Amaranthine. A ball with the snow. Also located in Amaranthine. Soap on a string. Found in the dungeons of the Vigil Tower.

Conversation points are the statue of Andraste in the courtyard of the Vigil Tower, a tree on Amaranthine Street, lyrium in the Kal'Hirol forge.

Note: if you give Anders a kitten, it will appear in your inventory under the name Ser Lancelap. Activating Ser Lancepaw brings back to life all comrades who fell during the battle, as long as at least one member of the group remains conscious.

Not far from the Lion and Crown tavern there is an elf named Namaia. If you talk to her with Anders in the group, she will inform him that she found what he asked for, and it is in Amaranthine. After this, Namaya will leave, and Anders will tell you what his phylactery meant. Anders intends to steal his phylactery, because he does not trust the templars and does not really believe that the status of a Gray Warden can protect him if they decide to pursue him.

Go to the abandoned warehouse building in the eastern part of the city - it is located not far from the gunsmith Glassrick. Come inside. Explore the warehouse and you will be confronted by templars (usually they appear when you approach the back door) who have deliberately set a trap for you. It seems that Anders felt danger for good reason.

If you resist the templars' desire to arrest Anders, you will have to fight them. In this case, it will not be possible to settle the issue peacefully.

If you left Anders in the Vigil Tower and did not return to defend it, then he will remain alive if you have completed all the quests to strengthen the castle and equip your soldiers.

Anders will die if you have not completed all the quests in the fortress.

Depending on whether you completed Anders' personal quest or not and how high his approval was, he may remain a Gray Warden or leave their ranks.


A special gift is a toy pony (in the ruins of a village in the Black Swamps).

Gifts – alcohol of any kind (you can read more about gifts for teammates in the Gifts section in the addon).

Conversation Points - Notice board at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Church in Amaranthine, forge in the Kal'Hirol trading district, boat in the Black Swamps.

Felzi will appear in the Vigil Tower when Ogren's respect for you exceeds 25. Their heated argument will show you that Ogren joined the ranks of the Gray Wardens against Felzi's wishes and does not intend to return to his family.

In order to complete this quest, you need to wait until Ogren's attitude towards you exceeds 75. After this, in a conversation, he admits to you that he is not made for a family and that Felzi, most likely, understands this too. Depending on how you behave, you may gain or lose influence with Oghren, but the quest will be completed either way.

Oghren will die if you leave him to defend the Vigil Tower, remain to defend Amaranthine and do not complete all the quests to strengthen the fortress.

If Ogren survives, he always remains with the Gray Wardens.

Depending on whether and how you complete his personal quest, he may remain on good terms with Felzi and visit his son, or be removed from their lives entirely.


A special gift is Hou's bow (in the crypt in the dungeon of the Vigil Tower).

Gifts - everything related to the Howe family, useful things (you can read more about gifts for comrades in the Gifts section in the addon).

Conversation points are the Andraste statue at the Church in Amaranthine, a tree near the entrance to the Black Swamps.

In the courtyard of the Tower of Vigil, the old caretaker recognizes Nathaniel and tells him about the fate of his sister. Nathaniel will express his desire to find her in Amaranthine.

Nathaniel's sister, Delilah, is located near the armorer Glassrick. Her conversation with her brother will complete this quest.

If you do not take Nathaniel with you to Amaranthine and remain to defend the city, Nathaniel will die unless you have completed all the quests to improve the Tower.

If you have strengthened the Fortress in every possible way, he will survive.

Depending on how high his approval was, he may remain a Gray Warden or leave their ranks.


Conversation points are the statue of Andraste at the entrance to the Temple in Amaranthine, the corpse of an elf in the Dalish camp in the Vending forest.

A special gift is a lyrium ring (in Kal'Hirol, in one of the eastern rooms of the Central Chambers).

Gifts – everything related to lyrium and Kristoff (you can read more about gifts for teammates in the Gifts section in the addon).

Ora, Kristoff's wife, will speak to Justice when he first appears in the courtyard of the Vigil Tower, mistaking him for her husband. Having learned the truth, the poor woman will be very upset and go away, and Justice will suggest that you find her in Amaranthine to try to calm her down a little.

Ora is located in the Church building in the room opposite the Reverend Mother's room. A conversation between her and Justice and Justice's promise to avenge Kristoff's death will complete this quest.

Justice will die during the siege of the Vigil Tower if you do not take him with you when going to Amaranthine and remain to defend the city. He may die by your hand if you took him with you, took the side of the Architect and could not convince him that this was the right decision.

Depending on whether you completed Justice's personal quest or not and how high his approval was, he may remain to serve the Gray Wardens or choose his own path.


A special gift is an empty diary (in the Church in Amaranthine).

Gifts - everything related to elves, precious stones (you can read more about gifts for associates in the Gifts section in the addon).

Conversation points are the statue of Andraste in the courtyard of the Vigil Tower, a tree in Amaranthine near the Church Building, two elves near the southern entrance to the territory of Amaranthine.

There is a bug in version 1.3 - the chance of a random encounter that starts this quest is very small, and it may not happen at all.

When traveling around the world map (usually between Amaranthine and the Tower of Vigil), you will come across a group of Dalish elves. Talk to their leader, and then, in the Tower, talk to Velanna. That's all you need to complete the quest.

Having activated the console (you can find instructions on how to enable it in the FAQ article on technical issues), type runscript zz_gxa_debug and press ENTER.

In the dialog box that opens (this appears during any conversation with a choice of answer in the game), select the “Start Plot Specific Debug” item.

Scroll through the list to the third page (the “More” option) and select the “Random Encounters” item.

Select "Jump to a location".

Select "Forest".

Select "RXA170 Meeting Velanna".

Velanna will go missing in the battle with the Spawn of Darkness during the siege of the Tower of Vigil if you do not take her with you to Amaranthine and remain to defend the city. According to eyewitnesses, a huge stone fell on the elf during the battle, but her body will not be found.

In addition to approval, Velanna’s attitude towards the GG after the end of the Awakening event may also depend on whether the GG took the side of the Architect. Upon completion of the personal quest, high approval and acceptance of the side of the Architect, Velanna remains with the Gray Wardens. In other cases, she either leaves after a while or stays, but her relationship with the GG leaves much to be desired.


A special gift is a spyglass (in the silverite mine in the Vending forest).

Gifts – toys, the book “Heart of a Warrior”, a flower in a pot (you can read more about gifts for comrades in the Gifts section in the addon).

Conversation points: Glassrick's armorer's counter in Amaranthine, a tree near the entrance to the Vending Forest.

There is an unpleasant bug in version 1.3 - if you started the quest Law and Order or Smuggler's Path, then you may not receive the Sigrun quest at all. The meeting that starts it simply doesn't happen.

In Amaranthine, near the armorer Glassrick, you will come across a gnome named Mischa, who knew Sigrun in the past. Talk to Sigrun about her, and she will admit that she did not act very nicely (albeit forcedly) towards Misha at one time. Sigrun will want to find Mischa in order to somehow apologize.

Mischa is found in a tavern in Amaranthine. Sigrun will apologize and offer her the ring as compensation for her losses. If you want, you can pay Mischa yourself so that Sigrun will keep the ring as a reminder of her friend, but in any case, after this the quest will be over.

Sigrun will die during the siege of the Vigil Tower if you do not take her with you to Amaranthine and return to defend the Tower, regardless of whether you have completed all the quests for the Tower or not.

She may die by your hand if you took her with you, sided with the Architect and failed to convince her that this was the right decision.

Sigrun will stay with the Gray Wardens if her respect for the PC is high and her quests are completed. In other cases, she will go back to the Deep Paths.

Personal companion quests in Dragon Age: Awakening appear after reaching a certain favor level or meeting certain conditions. The higher the level of favor, the higher the chances of learning from a confidential conversation about the past of the companions, their personal stories, experiences, mistakes made and other secrets. Personal tasks are one or two additional tasks, after which the relationship moves to a new level of trust. Decisions made during the game also help to achieve a high position. The arrangement changes based on the characters and beliefs of the companions: what one likes may irritate another. There are no romantic relationships in the add-on, too little time.

List of personal tasks for companions and conditions for appearance in Dragon Age: Awakening:

  • Anders(task “Free Anders!”) - after talking with Namaya near the northern exit from Amaranthine. She will tell you about an amulet with the blood of a magician, by which he can be found and tracked. The amulet is kept in an abandoned warehouse in front of Glassrick's armorer's shop, on the side of the city's main gate. Templars will be waiting in the warehouse, ready to arrest Anders and send him to the Circle of Mages. The amulet cannot be found.
  • Nathaniel Howe(task “The Howe Family”) - after meeting with the gardener Samuel in the courtyard with the villagers’ houses east of the entrance to the Vigilance Tower. The gardener will tell you that Nathaniel's sister Delilah is alive and married an Amaranthine merchant. All other relatives died during the civil war. You can meet your sister near Master Henley in the shopping arcades of Amaranthine.
  • Oghren(quest “Ogren - the father of the family”) - Felzi, the mother of Ogren’s child, will appear at the Tower of Vigil, angry that her husband is neglecting his family duty. A sincere conversation with a friend, with a high level of goodwill, will help resolve the problem.
  • Velanna(task “The Expulsion of Velanna”) - during the transition to the Black Swamps, a random meeting will occur with former fellow tribesmen of the cocky elf, led by Marren. As it turns out, she was expelled from the clan, but the reasons will become known later, after a sincere conversation in the Vigilance Tower.
  • Justice(quest “Kristoff and Justice”) - Ora, Kristoff’s wife, will come to the Vigil Tower in search of her husband after the squad returns from the Black Swamps. Of course, she will experience a terrible shock when Justice explains that Kristoff is dead, and his body is now inhabited by a spirit from the Shadow. The woman’s experiences will end in the Church of Amaranthine after a second conversation with Justice.
  • Sigrun(task “Sigrun’s thieves’ past”) - in Amaranthine, if you take the right road from Constable Aidan towards the tavern and church (before reaching the stairs and the cart), you can meet Mischa, Sigrun’s old friend, who, through her fault, was kicked out of Orzammar. The meeting will be held in a raised voice. After a frank conversation with Sigrun in the Tower of Vigil, you need to return to Amaranthine and go to the Crown and Lion tavern, where everything can be settled peacefully.
    Mishcha will not appear on the streets of Amaranthine if Constable Aidan’s orders to destroy the bandits in the task “” have been completed, or even taken. You can correct an error in the logic for issuing tasks using the file “Sigrun’s Roguish Past & Law and Order fix”. Download the file Sigrun_Law_Order.rar from the Bioware social network, copy the folder Sigrun_Law_Order, containing three files, in /packages/core/override with the game installed. Sigrun's personal quest will be completed before the defense of the Vigil Tower or before the rescue of Amaranthine, that is, before the start of the final stage of the game. To remove the fix from the game, delete the Sigrun_Law_Order folder.


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