Bitter lipstick for children. How to choose healthy baby lipstick

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Children's lips need the same care as adults. In frost, wind, in open space, they must be protected from the harmful effects of natural factors. Children's lipstick is a cosmetic lip care product based on wax and oils. Available in solid, liquid and creamy forms.

Lipstick for children differs from an adult in a gentle composition. It does not contain potentially allergic substances, preservatives, fragrances. It is allowed to use a child from an early age - from 1 year. The lip product is not very durable, it is easily washed off.

The peculiarity of such lipsticks is that they are produced in bright packages with the image of cartoon characters, babies like it. Pigmented hygiene products are not recommended for girls under 10 years of age. It consists of dyes, it can cause allergies in the baby.

Composition of children's lipstick

Children's hygienic lipstick is made from natural ingredients based on beeswax, includes auxiliary substances designed to protect the skin of the lips in winter. The wax gives hardness, has a softening and enveloping effect.

Also includes:

  1. Vitamins A and E. Promote cell renewal, soften, moisturize.
  2. Oils (almond, sea buckthorn, castor). Nourish and moisturize.
  3. Cocoa extract. Softens, exfoliates the surface, gives a chocolate aroma.
  4. Azulen. Retains moisture, has a protective effect.
  5. Aloe Vera Oil. Antiseptic effect, restores chapped tissue.

In summer, SPF filters are used to protect lips from sun exposure. The sun dries out the skin and deprives it of moisture. This lipstick must be used regularly while the child is outside.

Avoid using baby balms with mineral oils, paraffin. These components increase the shelf life of the product and can give a negative reaction to the baby's skin. If the lipstick has a shelf life of more than 1 year, it probably contains these elements.

Types and manufacturers

In winter, the skin of the lips lacks vitamins, so it is worth choosing nourishing hygiene products for the child. They contain oils, vitamins and chamomile extract. Protect baby sponges from chapping, cracking, hypothermia.

  • "Our mother";
  • "Children's Pharmacy";
  • "Morozko".

For dry skin and in summer, lipsticks with a moisturizing effect are indicated for use. It is given by such components as extracts of rose hips, calendula, sea buckthorn, vitamins A and E.


  • "La-kri";
  • Little Fairy;
  • "Tutti Frutti";
  • "Princess".

The favorite gift of little ladies is a unique product of children's cosmetology - edible lipstick. It cannot be eaten, but when licked from the lips and ingested, it does not harm. Such balms have a sweet taste and smell good. They are brown or pink (due to cocoa and strawberry extracts).

Chocolate and strawberry lip hygiene products are available from:

  • "Masha and the Bear";
  • "Spivak".

Using the ingredients you need, you can make an edible lipstick at home. You will need beeswax, butter and a sweet ingredient (cocoa or fruit gruel).

Precautions for use

It is better to buy the product in a pharmacy or children's stores. To check if the baby may have a reaction to lipstick, apply to the inner side of the hand in the wrist area and wait 10-15 minutes. In the case of allergens, redness and itching will begin.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate and an expiration date. You should not buy lipsticks from dubious manufacturers due to the low price. According to experts, it is not recommended to purchase hygiene products for young children, which contain glitter and allergic components:

  • fragrances;
  • dyes;
  • menthol, camphor;
  • petroleum products (petroleum jelly, mineral oil);
  • salicylic acid;
  • silicone.

You should abandon the balsam of bright color, such lipsticks have acquired a rich shade, thanks to the chemical dyes included in the composition. You should not paint your child's lips for a photo, even 5 minutes is enough for an allergic reaction.

Little princesses want to imitate their mothers and use their cosmetics. Trying to please their beloved child, women forget about the consequences that the use of adult cosmetics for children's skin can entail. To avoid allergies, redness, soreness, you need to seriously approach the choice of children's hygienic cosmetics.

Cosmetics for children are no longer a luxury, but a necessity. This is not about mascara or blush, but about hygienic lipstick, which will come in handy both in summer and in winter. Modern manufacturers of children's cosmetics offer a wide range of products that care for delicate skin, among which there are pigmented lipsticks that give a light coloring effect and transparent hygienic ones, which are most appropriate for use at a young age.


Little women of fashion often repeat after their mother and daily paint their lips with improvised means. To make the ritual really adult and useful for a young lady, mothers often give their daughters baby hygienic lipsticks - indispensable means of caring for vulnerable baby skin.

Hygienic lipstick for children is a safe hypoallergenic product, which does not contain synthetic components and too heavy (mineral) oils, parabens and other "chemicals". For children, it is necessary to choose precisely children's care products that have passed the appropriate tests and whose composition is as natural and safe as possible. When a mother gives her daughter her own lipstick, even if it is transparent and hygienic, this is not entirely correct, since adult cosmetics have a rich composition and potential allergens.

Hygienic lipstick for children has a number of features:

  • Often it is produced in bright packaging with your favorite characters, thereby attracting the attention of a young lady;
  • The composition of the product is natural, there is nothing superfluous among its components - no mineral oils, no preservatives, no dyes and flavorings;
  • Hygienic lipstick for girls is used from a very young age, from about a year and older;
  • It is recommended to give pigmented products to children at least 10 years old.


Children's hygienic lipstick is based on wax - a natural ingredient that gives the product texture density. Additional components in the composition of the product are oils and additional additives such as vitamins A, E, flavors. Pediatricians recommend abandoning hygienic lipstick, which is based on valsin and gives a tint on the lips, at least not to get carried away with such products and use in exceptional cases.

  • Waxes: beeswax, candelilla, carnauba. On the basis of this component, both adult and children's hygienic lipsticks are created. The wax has emollient properties, allowing the product to have a firm texture and a creamy finish. You can notice that after applying lipstick on the lips, a thin film forms, its appearance is provided by wax;
  • Almond, apricot oils nourish and soften the skin of the lips;
  • Jojoba extract fights inflammation on the skin, eliminates and heals them, protects from adverse external conditions;
  • Castor oil, like coconut, they gently moisturize the epidermis;
  • Cocoa extract well softens the surface of the lips and fights flaking;
  • Aloe vera oil can often be found in children's lipsticks. In addition to the antiseptic effect, it is famous for its ability to enhance the regeneration of skin cells and more likely to heal wounds, microcracks, restore a weathered, damaged surface;
  • Azulene does not allow accumulated moisture to evaporate and creates an invisible barrier on the surface of the lips;
  • Vitamins A and E- frequent guests of hygienic lipsticks for children. These components moisturize and soften the surface of the lips, stimulate cell renewal, which leads to early healing of wounds and restoration of the integrity of the skin;
  • Honey often found among the components of lipstick and has a softening effect. The ingredient is an allergen and cannot be used in hypoallergenic cosmetics for children;
  • Summer foods contain SPF filters that are necessary for baby skin;
  • Liquid paraffin has a moisturizing effect and can replace or supplement wax.


A set of chocolate lipsticks can be eaten, according to the manufacturer of children's cosmetics. For example, the manufacturer "Spivak" has a whole line of aromatic lipsticks with a chocolate flavor, but in the literal sense of the word, you cannot eat lipstick. But nothing terrible will happen if the girl licks the tasty composition, since there is no "chemistry" and dangerous components in it.


  • "Morozko"

The winter product with chamomile extract, vitamins A and E is completely transparent, has an oily texture and is used to protect delicate skin in winter. Light, but slightly glossy finish allows you to create an invisible barrier on the surface of the lips and protect them from wind, frost, snow, because it is not for nothing that the product was nicknamed "winter".

Brand name "Morozko" and children's hygienic lipstick are the most popular products for the care of children's skin of the face and lips, since it has a high-quality composition and copes with the task of protecting and moisturizing by 100%.

  • "Princess"

The lipstick has a delicate pink tint, but gives a colorless finish. The product has a pleasant orange scent and lays on the surface of the lips in an even layer.

  • "Tutti Frutti"

The Russian brand presents highly rated hygienic lipstick. It has a softening, regenerating, protective and antiseptic effect, increases the resistance of delicate skin to external conditions (wind, frost, high temperature).

  • "La-cree"

The balm is contained in a tube package, which means it is suitable for independent use by older girls. It is intended for intensive care of dry and sensitive skin, hypoallergenic.

  • "Children's pharmacy"

Lipstick has additives in the form of rosehip and calendula extracts, yarrow and sea buckthorn. It has a caring effect, moisturizes and protects well.

  • "Our mother"

The lipstick contains chamomile extract, that is, it has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

How to choose?

In order to purchase the most suitable cosmetics for children's skin, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations when choosing:

  • Choose a hypoallergenic formulation without additives if your baby's skin is sensitive;
  • The retractable tube is convenient even for babies, while the packaging with a dispenser is suitable for older children;
  • It is better to choose a product with waxes, liquid paraffin, rather than petroleum jelly;
  • For children, only colorless formulas will come in handy;
  • For the winter period, choose thicker textures or those products that say "for winter".

Children's hygienic lipstick is a hypoallergenic product that does not contain harmful components, chemical constituents, parabens and silicone.

The difference between children's hygienic lipstick from an adult

The main difference between children's lipstick and an adult is a gentle composition. It does not contain allergenic components, preservatives and fragrances. You can start using the balm after 1 year of a child's life. The lip care product does not have a long-lasting effect, therefore it is easily washed off and does not leave marks.

Hygienic lipstick for a child is produced in bright packaging with the image of cartoon characters or fairy tales. Little women of fashion should not use pigmented lipsticks until they are 10 years old, or they contain dyes. This can provoke an allergic reaction to the components of the lipstick.


Children's lip balm is made from natural ingredients and excipients that protect baby's skin during the cold season. It is based on beeswax, or another suitable component.

Lip balm also includes:

  1. Vitamins A, E. they soften the epidermis, moisturize and promote skin cell renewal.
  2. Oils. Almond, sea buckthorn, apricot, castor,. The components are designed to nourish the dermis, moisturize, eliminate dryness and flaking.
  3. Cocoa extract. Gives a pleasant chocolate aroma, exfoliates, softens the skin.
  4. Azulen. An ingredient for retaining moisture in the dermis, designed to protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment.
  5. Aloe oil. Heals the skin, has an antiseptic effect.
  6. Herbal extracts. Chamomile, calendula. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Lanolin. Protects the dermis from chapping and cracking.

Children's cosmetics should not contain dyes, menthol or mint flavors.

Rating of the best balms / hygienic lipsticks

There are a large number of cosmetics for baby skin and lip care on store shelves. All of them are natural, clinically tested and proven to be safe and effective. Let's see which manufacturers are popular and produce the best hygiene products:

SIBERICA BIBERIKA Children's protective balm from wind and sun Sponges-Berries


  • no sticky feeling;
  • light aroma;
  • moisturizes;
  • melting texture.


  • not often found in stores.

Little fairy

The balm is suitable for use for a one-year-old child. The composition ensures complete safety of the product, even if the baby licks his lips. The product contains castor oil and vegetable oil, due to which the epidermis becomes softer and more tender. Shea butter, cocoa butter and beeswax are present as an active ingredient in the Little Fairy lipstick. All this helps to protect baby lips from bad weather, strong wind and sun. You can choose a sunscreen for the face for problem skin at.


  • moisturizes and nourishes the dermis;
  • it is inexpensive - 150 rubles;
  • evenly applied;
  • has a pleasant aroma.


  • not completely natural composition, chemical additives are present.

My sun with chamomile

Lipstick My Sun well protects baby skin from sunburn and chapping. Chamomile included in the composition has an anti-inflammatory effect, and vitamin E and shea butter actively nourish and moisturize the epidermis, preventing it from drying out and flaking.

Price - 50-60 rubles

The product is suitable for use for children over 3 months old. The cosmetic product is based on beeswax and various oils - castor, sunflower, cocoa. The My Solnyshko brand belongs to.


  • moisturizes and nourishes well;
  • has a therapeutic effect.


  • not a pleasant smell;
  • mineral oil in the composition;
  • leaves an oily sheen.

Moscow cosmetic factory "Rassvet" Malysh

The balm is intended for the care of baby skin in the cold season. Lipstick protects the epidermis from wind, frost and bad weather. The product is suitable for use for children from birth.

As part of the lipstick contains nutritious components that are safe for the baby:

  • chamomile extract and peach oil heal cracks on the lips, and also prevent their appearance;
  • olive oil and beeswax have a nourishing effect, soften the epidermis, and also form a protective film that prevents the dermis from drying out and chapping.


  • suitable for children and adults;
  • price - 115 rubles;
  • has a therapeutic effect;
  • heals cracks;
  • moisturizes.


  • poor quality packaging.


Balm for girls Princess provides complete care, gives a light shine to the lips. Lipstick protects against bad weather, strong wind and frost. The product contains beneficial oils and minerals that saturate the skin with microelements, soften and nourish the delicate dermis. Castor oil and vitamins are responsible for this.

The price of the balm is from 115 to 130 rubles.


  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • nice texture.


  • may cause allergies.

LITTLE ME children's shine-balm


  • aroma;
  • moisturizes and softens the epidermis;
  • protects from frost.

Our Mom Protective

Means Our mother has an anti-inflammatory effect, as it contains chamomile extract. The protective balm heals the skin of the lips well, has a regenerating effect, and also protects the epidermis from the cold in winter and from the scorching sun in summer. Find out what should be the care for dry skin.

The balm is made on the basis of natural ingredients: oils and carnauba wax. The tool is suitable for use by children aged 1 year and older.


  • pleasant aroma;
  • moisturizes;
  • easy to apply.


  • mineral oil;
  • overpriced - 150-200 rubles.

Spivak Sea Buckthorn

Sea buckthorn lip balm is designed to protect the delicate skin of children's lips from chapping and cracking. The product contains natural oils and extracts that moisturize, nourish and soften the epidermis. Apricot oil has a pronounced moisturizing effect, cocoa butter normalizes the water balance in the dermis, sea buckthorn oil nourishes the epidermis, prevents the skin from drying out, and beeswax and carnauba wax have a protective effect.

Price - 110 rubles


  • natural composition;
  • nourishes and moisturizes;
  • affordable cost.


  • aroma.

"Masha and the Bear" Cookie

Cosmetic product Masha and the Bear has a pronounced moisturizing effect. Suitable for protecting baby skin at any time of the year. Shea butter included in the composition protects the dermis from chapping and the scorching sun. Panthenol promotes healing of wounds and cracks, and also has a regenerating effect. Lipstick has a pleasant cookie scent, suitable for both adults and children from 3 years old. Find out how to apply Bepanten Derma for very dry skin c.


  • aroma;
  • price - 60 rubles;
  • protective functions.

Holika Holika Dessert Time Lip Balm

The lipstick is made in a beautiful dessert design, the design is presented in the form of airy cupcakes, each of which has a taste and aroma. The balm adheres perfectly to the lips, does not spread and does not smudge. The product removes dryness and flaking, gives a light shine and shine.


  • Beautiful design;
  • moisturize;
  • give lip gloss.


  • high price - 400 rubles.

Umka Natural baby

Umka lipstick has a natural composition based on waxes and oils. Suitable for daily use for babies from birth. Shea butter, cocoa and jojoba, which are part of the composition, instantly have a moisturizing effect, soften dry dermis, nourish and protect from bad weather and wind. Chamomile and vitamin E have an anti-inflammatory effect, heal small cracks and wounds.

Price - up to 100 rubles


  • moisturizing effect;
  • lack of dyes and parabens.


  • may cause allergies.

Little Siberica "MAMIN SIBERIAN"

Balm Mamin Siberian is designed to protect children's lips from chapping, peeling and cracking. Sea buckthorn oil has a softening and nourishing effect, while cloudberry oil has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The lipstick is suitable for use at any time of the year.

The product contains raspberry seed, cedarwood and wheat germ oils. Such a composition protects the epidermis and heals it in the shortest possible time.


  • low price - 150 rubles;
  • nourishes and softens;
  • economical consumption.


  • absorbs quickly.

How to choose

When choosing hygienic lipstick for a child, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to choose the tool that contains hypoallergenic ingredients.
  2. For babies, you should choose a lipstick with a retractable tube, and for older children, a balm with a dispenser is suitable.
  3. Pay attention to the composition: choose those products that contain wax or liquid paraffin. Try to avoid petroleum jelly.
  4. Don't buy lipstick that contains dyes.
  5. In winter, it is necessary to choose those products that have a more oily texture.

Buy lipstick at a pharmacy, or a specialized children's store.

How to apply correctly

Apply lip balm in a thin, even layer. There is no need to try to paint the layer as thick as possible - the effect of this will no longer be. You can apply lipstick every day, if necessary, or just before going out.

An allergy test is recommended before using a new cosmetic product.

Contraindications and shelf life of balm / hygienic lipstick

Hygienic lipstick, like any other cosmetic product, has a number of contraindications that should not be neglected:

  1. It is worth postponing the use of the balm if there are purulent inflammations on the skin.
  2. It is not necessary to apply the balm if the child has an allergic predisposition to the components of the cosmetic product.
  3. The age at which the product can be used is written on the lipsticks. Do not use the product if the child is younger than the specified age.

Hygienic lipstick, when stored properly, has a shelf life of 1.5 to 3 years. Once opened, it is recommended to use it for several months.

What to do if a child has eaten lipstick

If a child accidentally ate lipstick or licked his lips, then there is nothing wrong with that. The composition of the balm is almost always completely natural and safe. What to do in this case? You can give your child an activated charcoal tablet, according to the baby's weight. Also read about Bubchen's baby cosmetics.


An entertaining video with a review of several children's lip balms


  1. The hygienic lipstick protects the delicate baby code of lips from drying out, chapping and cracking.
  2. It is worth choosing one based on natural oils and wax.
  3. It is better to refuse vaseline lipstick.
  4. Apply the product before going outside or as needed.
  5. The shelf life of the balm is up to 3 years.


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