Thick soap. For this incredible aroma of currants, I forgive him everything

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    Cosmetic care begins with professional cleansing of hair and body. Only clean pores are able to accept vitamins and healing components from caring agents. A popular novelty for deep cleansing is a thick soap from "Phytocosmetics".

    How thick soap works and why it is beneficial to use it

    Condensed soap is a soap concentrate that contains natural oils, herbal extracts and decoctions, juices and active complexes.

    Benefits of thick soap:

    • The high concentration of cleaning ingredients is several times higher than in conventional soap or shower gel.
    • Economical use - a teaspoon of the product is enough to cleanse the whole body.
    • Convenient consistency - no need to dissolve or foam the product, it is enough to evenly distribute it on the surface of the skin and head.
    • Deep cleansing - a special formula that opens pores and quickly removes dirt from the deepest layers of the dermis.
    • Thick soap Phytocosmetic does not leave plaque on the surface of the skin and hairs, it is easy to wash it off with warm water.

    Assortment "Phytocosmetics": which soap is right for you

    Dense soap "Goat Dereza"

    The products of TM "Koza Dereza" are made on the basis of natural goat milk. This product is rich in vitamins, fatty acids and beta-casein. The benefits of these substances have been proven by the research of the best cosmetologists.

    There are three products to choose from in the series:

    • "Moisturizing and nourishing" - the composition is enriched with rosehip oil, linden and string decoction. Phyto-soap soothes, deeply nourishes and saturates the skin with moisture.
    • "Rejuvenating". The product contains natural peach oil, green tea and chamomile extract. Perfectly relieves irritation of the dermis, smoothes wrinkles and restores elasticity to the skin.
    • "Revitalizing" - a phyto-soap based on wheat germ oil, aloe vera and marine collagen. The product protects the body and hair from stress and harmful factors, restores vitality and health to the skin.

    Thick soap in jars "Folk recipes"

    The "Folk recipes" line is products made according to old and modern recipes of world cosmetologists. Thick soap for hair and body of this series contains only natural ingredients, without GMOs and parabens.

    In the top three phyto-soaps "Folk recipes":

    • Gold soap for a bath honey-sea buckthorn. The tool cleans all layers of the epidermis, helps to eliminate toxins and improve metabolic processes in tissues.
    • Anti-aging clay soap. The composition is enriched with blue Baikal clay, amaranth oil and lemongrass extract. Refreshes the body, rejuvenates cells and hair plates.
    • Tar regenerating soap. Birch tar is a powerful natural cleaner and a storehouse of vitamins for skin and curls. The product contains juniper oil and St. John's wort extract.

    You can find out "firsthand" about our products in the "thick soap reviews" section. Users note the high quality of the products, delicate pleasant aroma, the effect of strengthening hair and radiance of the skin with purity.

    You can buy any products from the line right now. Choose a product that

    is right for you, consult with our beauticians online and make purchases without leaving your home!

    Hammam organic oils thick soap is a versatile cosmetic product that is equally well suited for hair care and body care. The savings are obvious: you do not need to spend money on shampoos and shower gels, because one product is enough, which ideally combines the functions of two hygiene products at once.

    The products are made according to old Turkish, Moroccan and Syrian recipes. Contains exclusively herbal ingredients: organic oils and herbal extracts. Despite the absence of artificial foaming agents and fragrances, the soap foams easily, has a pleasant, not pronounced odor. It not only cleanses the skin and hair from impurities, but also provides an additional healing effect. For example, Beldi black Moroccan soap nourishes and moisturizes the skin, promotes cell regeneration, makes hair shine. Its main active ingredients are organic argan and black olive oil, which, by the way, explains its unusual color. Also in the soap contains volcanic clay ghassoul - a natural adsorbent that helps to eliminate toxins.

    Zeytun Allep Thick Soap produced according to the recipe of the Syrian soap makers. Thanks to the oil of green olive, laurel and black cumin, it restores damaged hair structure, softens the skin, and prevents the appearance of cellulite.

    Sabun Thick Turkish Soap contains saffron oil, rose and pomegranate extract. Due to these components, metabolic processes in the skin are enhanced and, as a result, a rejuvenating effect is realized. With regular use of the cosmetic product, the skin and hair receive the necessary supply of vitamin, therefore they look healthy and beautiful.

    You can get more detailed information about each of the listed products by reading the description accompanying each item of the catalog.

    The online store offers cosmetics at an affordable price, which allows you to purchase a full range of body care products. So, for example, Hammam organic oils will help to maintain the feeling of freshness after taking water procedures and to consolidate the achieved result. For peeling, you can buy scrubs, and for emergency hair restoration - a nourishing mask.


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