How to make a man (husband, boyfriend...) jealous and is it worth it? How to make your husband jealous? Reviews and recommendations from women.

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Are you looking for effective ways to make your husband jealous? You've come to the right place! Today we will talk about what your behavior should be, what should be changed in your appearance, how to evoke the desired feeling at a distance if you have a child and have an ex-spouse. You will also learn which methods should absolutely not be used so as not to spoil the relationship.

To make your husband understand that he can lose you, psychologists advise acting wisely. You can evoke feelings of jealousy if you look impeccable. Nothing will work out if you turn into a plump woman whose husband, quite naturally, no longer wants. He remembers you as slender and young, and not as a flabby hippopotamus. The first piece of advice is to lose those extra pounds.

What do you wear at home? If it's a greasy robe, it won't even occur to your husband to be jealous of you. A woman should be neat and well-groomed. Why not do the following: show your husband your worn-out old breeches and torn T-shirts – just nice, clean underwear? You can choose a new style or buy several new items that will refresh your look.

Transforming your appearance is a winning move, as the man will be afraid of losing you. Visit a beauty center and undergo several rejuvenation and care procedures. Try new makeup or learn how to apply it better than before. Remember, you must shine and look convincing.

Men, if we delve deeper into psychology, often suspect women of cheating or falling in love when they begin to preen themselves and take care of their appearance, especially makeup. This is very easy to piss them off or even drive them crazy.

How to behave with your husband

Previously, you couldn’t wait for the weekend to go relax with your husband, but now he doesn’t really want to spend time in your company? It is useless to make him jealous; you need to act tactfully: stop dragging your spouse on walks or shopping trips together.

Think about girlfriends, old friends. Go with them to a cafe or a movie, just like you used to do when you were a student. Come up with a new leisure activity: visiting a sauna, a water park - it all depends on your imagination. Your husband will definitely notice that for some reason you suddenly began to spend your time differently, the thought will settle in his head: “Suddenly a rival has appeared?”

You shouldn’t start sitting embroidering or knitting, burying your face in your knitting needles for hours and wearing glasses. Choose a hobby that allows you to interact with men, and so that your spouse knows about it.

Start going to the gym. There are an incredible amount of handsome, muscular guys there. Take a private lesson with a trainer. In the evening, tell your husband how diligently he helped you perform each exercise correctly. Get ready for a flash of rage, showdowns, or inquisitive questions about the attractiveness of the coach. This will mean that you have achieved what you wanted.

A good choice would be to purchase a dance, Latin, hip-hop, or modern dance subscription. Your husband will begin to imagine how you move together with another man, how he touches you on the waist and buttocks. Dance is always a passion. Rest assured, your husband will begin to show jealousy immediately.

What to do from a distance

It happens that your spouse flies away on a business trip or spends a lot of time at work without pampering you with attention. What to do? Move away, before you wrote SMS during the day, were interested in his affairs? Stop being available at any time of the day or night. Create personal space. You can sometimes skip the call, saying that you were doing something urgent, or pick up the phone a minute later.

Start being active on social networks. Post pictures of you having fun with your friends. Let male friends be present. Upload photos of how you visited the cinema, theater, alumni meeting, or sat in a cafe.

Don't overdo it if your relationship develops at a distance! Don't overload your news feed with your pictures. Publish new photos sparingly, 2-3 times a week. Write in your statuses: “Everything is fine with me,” “It was a great day,” “I’m happy.”

First of all you need. Here are some tips on how to dress to please a guy.

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To gain new fans, you need to learn. We have revealed all the secrets of this delicate process in our other article. You will learn to be natural, dress tastefully, and speak to the point.

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If you don’t know what plans your common-law husband has for you, here’s how you can. You will be able to determine whether he is using you or really loves you.

Having a child, of course, will not allow you to have greater freedom of action, but the situation can be resolved. Here are some tips:

  1. To find time for yourself, you can leave your child with close friends or grandmother, or hire a nanny. If a man becomes her, your soul mate will definitely be shocked.
  2. Sign your child up with a tutor and attend classes together. Go to places where older men may be present. Perhaps it will be a children's climbing wall, a cafe, a museum, a park. In the evening, joyfully share with your husband what a great time you had. The spouse will definitely wonder why he was absent.
  3. In the evening, when your husband calls you to bed, tell him that you are very tired from walking with your baby, that you still need to put him to bed.

Sooner or later, a husband who is constantly deprived of attention will begin to fuss to get into his wife’s field of vision.

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How to make your ex-spouse jealous

Girls are used to suffering after breaking up with a loved one, and women can even go into depression after a divorce. The other half, on the contrary, lives life to the fullest, has fun, without knowing grief.

To make your ex-husband jealous, create a full, rich life: attend parties, enjoy every day, visit friends and close relatives.

Your ex-spouse will be very offended that after the separation you began to live better. What if he got a new girlfriend or even children? Do not rush to criticize her at the first opportunity. On the contrary, praise his choice, show that you liked the new girl. You will immediately grow in his eyes and seem better.

Treat your ex-spouse as you would an ordinary acquaintance—neutral. Keep contacts to a minimum. Don’t always answer calls, write in the chat that you are busy now and that you will answer tomorrow. Showcase your successful life. He may try to get in touch with you - don’t ignore him, but don’t drag out the conversation either. Let them know that it is time for you to go and say goodbye.

Prohibited methods of how not to drive a man to madness

There are several techniques that can definitely make your spouse feel jealous, but use them with awareness of the possible consequences:

  1. Sex blackmail. Imagine how perfect you look, but you don’t show any desire to jump into bed with your husband. The spouse will begin to bite his elbows from guessing what happened. The man will begin to desire you with redoubled force. Inaccessibility attracts. But at the same time, you don’t need to constantly push your spouse away.
  2. Gifts from suitors. Previously, did you carefully hide the attention of the opposite sex in your direction? Now openly demonstrate to your spouse the interest of your acquaintances and colleagues. You can even buy yourself flowers, saying that they were just given by a stranger on the street. At the same time, show that this does not matter to you, and, if necessary, you can calmly throw away the bouquet.
  3. Cruel joke. When getting ready to meet your girlfriends, turn around in front of your loved one and ask how he likes your outfit. The spouse will definitely ask: “Where did you dress up like that?” Answer: “On a date!” Then laugh and say you were joking. Enjoy the suspicious look and the offer to accompany you to your girlfriends.

This video gives some good advice, be sure to watch it:

In fact, making your husband jealous is not so difficult, but then how to get rid of this feeling that will poison your life...

Jealousy is a woman’s main weapon, helping to kindle her husband’s interest. She makes him understand that a ring on the ring finger and a stamp in the passport does not turn his wife into a slave or a thing that will not go anywhere. By skillfully manipulating male instincts, a woman, instead of an offended and deprived victim, becomes an object of desire, a precious prize worth fighting for.

Useful changes

Your spouse is not the center of the universe. The wife is not obliged to devote her free time exclusively to His Majesty, giving up all the joys of life. To strengthen family life, it is useful to remember old hobbies and hobbies, or find new activities.

Good idea: sign up for a dance where there are a lot of hot and seductive men. You can attend foreign language classes, where you will definitely find a charming teacher or a handsome and amorous student. There are a lot of interesting and useful courses that allow you to broaden your horizons and, as a bonus, gain a fan.

Bad decision: take up macrame, embroidery and other exclusively female hobbies. The husband, as an individual not deprived of intelligence, will realize that he has no need to fear forty-year-old lonely women, and will change his mind about being jealous.

Advice: A hobby is a way to relax and go out with people, which has a positive effect on women’s self-esteem. The main thing is not to forget about the existence of a husband who needs clean shirts, a delicious dinner and the pleasant company of his legal wife.

Beauty is a reason for jealousy

Men love it when the house is tidy and the kitchen smells delicious of borscht, but it’s not the sight of fresh pie or washed dishes that turns them on. Males are driven crazy by a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

Has your wife swapped her ponytail for a sophisticated updo? Instead of a well-worn housecoat, does he wear seductive outfits? Can't go to the store without makeup? The male brain begins to actively move its convolutions and look for the cause. One of the first questions will be: “Is she cheating on me? Has your wife got a lover?"

The wife’s task is to pacify her husband’s rage and indignation by convincing him that he simply decided to take care of himself. At the same time, it is worth sowing a seed of suspicion in his subconscious, which will not allow him to sleep peacefully.

Active sports, dieting and visiting a cosmetologist will make the husband jealous, and make the wife more confident and attractive. A beautiful woman is a desired prey, who is afraid to lose or give to another.

Advice: Don’t get carried away with strict diets while simultaneously exhausting your body with heavy loads. A hospital bed is not the best way to make your husband jealous.

A phone call at 8 pm made your spouse jump in surprise, and then retire to another room or go out into the entrance? For the first time, the strange behavior of the missus does not arouse suspicion among husbands. They just shrug their shoulders and continue watching another football match. But if the situation repeats regularly, and every evening the wife spends from 30 minutes to several hours with an unknown subscriber, or writes messages to someone, the husband becomes wary.

The gray matter in the head tells that a woman cannot chat with her friend or mother every day without devoting him to the details of the conversation. He begins to get nervous, watch, and tries to study the contents of the phone book and the folder with incoming messages. Suspicions gradually intensify and develop into jealousy.

Action plan:

  1. Ask a friend for help by signing it “Zhenya’s work” or “Sasha’s courses.” An alternative is to resume communication with an old male friend, warning that it is better to call in the evening.
  2. Leave the phone near your spouse so that he can hear the sound of messages and incoming calls.
  3. Make an innocent-frightened face, try to quietly hide the screen from your husband, quickly move away from the sofa on which he is sitting.
  4. Take your phone with you to the bathroom and kitchen; you may accidentally forget it in the bedroom so that your spouse has the opportunity to study the contents of the smartphone.
  5. Set a password, especially if the spouse previously had unlimited access to all files on the phone. Sudden defense is an excellent excuse for jealousy.

Important: Messages should not contain compromising information that could not only arouse suspicion, but become direct evidence of treason.

Help from the audience

Do you have a childhood friend who is ready to take an active part in the fun game “Drive Your Husband to White Heat”? It’s great, because she may have serious problems, and her wife will have to come to her often and stay overnight. It’s good if the young lady lives on the other side of the city, or in the suburbs.

Combat plan:

  1. Tell her husband that Masha broke up with yet another boyfriend, who turned out to be a scoundrel, and now she will have to console the unfortunate girl.
  2. Take pajamas and warn that after work you will have to spend the night with the abandoned young lady so that she doesn’t do anything in a fit of rage.
  3. Forgetting to answer 2-3 calls, then calling back, and coming up with a plausible excuse: I turned off the sound so as not to disturb my friend, decided to take a shower, and forgot my phone in the kitchen.
  4. Ask Masha to pick up the phone instead of his legal wife and say that she is busy right now.
  5. Returning home, convince your husband that you really stayed with a friend, and he has no reason to worry or be jealous.

When the husband goes out to drink beer with friends, the wife finds no place for herself, painting pictures of betrayal in bright colors. Similar feelings take over the husband when his missus goes with the girls to a bar to remember his youth and unwind a little.

Suspicions creep into a man's head if his wife is late at work, even if she warns about it. Some people begin to worry if their spouse arrived 20-30 minutes later because she was stuck in traffic or there were long lines at the store.

Smart young ladies know how long it takes for their spouse's indifference to give way to doubts and suspicions, and they know how to linger for a while while finishing a report, or discussing girlish problems in a cafe with their best friend.

Important: You cannot disappear all night without explanation, and return home in a shabby state, with a pungent aroma of fumes. Such behavior will not only make the husband jealous, but will also push him to think about divorce.

Sex is a weapon for jealousy

Men associate marriage with regular and free sex. If you deny your spouse intimate intimacy, he will definitely begin to look for the cause of headaches and prolonged critical days. He will ask the Internet for advice, and will definitely receive the answer: “My wife has someone else.”

The wife’s task is to refuse gently, finding logical and plausible excuses so that her husband does not accidentally think that he has ceased to be attracted to her. He should suspect her of infidelity and be jealous, and not lose confidence in his abilities.

Important: You cannot completely deny your spouse intimate intimacy, otherwise the place of the legal wife will be taken by a mistress who is not tormented by migraines and remorse.

Clear signs

Has your husband given you flowers for a long time? Have you forgotten that a woman needs to be cherished? Time to remind him of his direct male responsibilities, and treat himself to a cute bouquet or cute decoration. Money for a gold ring can be taken from the stash that the wife collected for a fishing rod for her lover.

Buy flowers at different points, preferably not near work. Otherwise, acquaintances will see a woman repeatedly leaving the store with a luxurious bouquet, but without an escort, and the secret will be revealed.

A few words about flirting

A girl who takes care of her appearance and manners attracts men. They offer to carry bags, treat you to coffee, or give you a ride. To make your husband jealous, it is enough not to refuse help, and allow him to see you in the company of other males.

A sweet smile addressed to his friend will make the spouse clench his fists and grind his teeth with dissatisfaction. A woman must convince her lover that she is trying to look friendly, and nothing more, in order to avoid a scandal.

Prohibited technique: You cannot compare your husband with his exes, saying that they showered his lady with flowers and gold, but he is not able to give his wife a plastic hairpin. Such actions lower his self-esteem and kill his love for his wife.

The woman who started the game must understand that she needs to behave carefully and not leave any evidence. Its main task is to hint and force one to make painful guesses. The main thing is not to forget that jealousy can either save a dying marriage or completely destroy it.

Video: how to make a man jealous

If your spouse has finally relaxed and is one hundred percent sure that you will definitely not leave him, then let him know that he is mistaken. Psychologists say that an emotional shake-up is useful for relationships, and its most striking manifestation is jealousy and fear of loss.

In what cases will an emotional shake-up be useful?

  • If you've been in a relationship long enough, but it doesn't develop further. You expect him to act, but nothing happens. At some point, it may even seem to you that he is simply comfortable with you.
  • If you guess that he is cheating on you. In this case, it is simply necessary to ignite the fire of passion and jealousy between you.
  • If the relationship has reached a dead end and is mired in everyday problems.

What to do to make a man jealous

Start ignoring him sometimes. If earlier you ran to the phone to hear the voice of your loved one, now do not rush to answer his calls. Miss a few of his calls. Let him think about what you are doing at this time. Then say that you just didn’t hear or were busy.

Start surprising him with your changes in appearance. Start dressing more brightly and seductively. If you wore trousers for a walk with your man, now your daily wardrobe should only include dresses and miniskirts. Take care of yourself, try to impress with your appearance. Of course, one day he will ask: “Where did you dress up like that?” or “Who did you dress like that for?” Be prepared for such questions, it means the fish has bitten! Answer that your changes in appearance are only for him, his beloved. Of course, such an answer will not be enough for him - for six more years in a row his missus would not get out of jeans and shirts, and now she has put on a short dress. He will start to get jealous.

Make other men pay attention to you. Always try to look your best so that when you walk with your lover, strangers will turn to look at you. This will make your partner feel proud of you and he will reconsider his attitude towards you. Of course, you need such a cow yourself!

Order a bouquet of flowers home by courier. Make a surprised face when you receive it. And rejoice that there are finally fresh flowers in your home! It is better not to overdo it with this method, since the reaction to such a gift from a “secret admirer” can be very different. In any case, he will think that someone cares about you.

Try to control your man less. This method will work great if up to this point you have been running after your lover like a tail, calling him ten times a day and pestering him with questions about where he was and what he was doing. Give him freedom - he will quickly notice these changes and he will feel uneasy.

Don't show your man that you are jealous of him. In response, he may also begin to deliberately provoke you into jealousy, and this will be the reaction that you need! Don’t react to his game yourself.

Don't be afraid that your man will stop loving you after this. Of course, his attitude towards you will change, but for the better. The most important thing: when the result is achieved, do not tell him that you deliberately made him jealous, otherwise all the efforts made will be in vain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Jealousy is a strong emotion, to one degree or another, characteristic of almost all people without exception. Jealousy can both destroy a relationship and strengthen it if you play on this feeling correctly. In any case, you need to make a man jealous skillfully and very carefully, so as not to go too far. A jealous man is capable of the most decisive actions, but at the same time, a woman must behave wisely in order to direct his behavior in the right direction, and at the same time not provoke a conflict. So, if you have problems in your relationship, you can try to correct them by provoking jealousy. But in order for the result to turn out exactly the way you want, be sure to use the tips given in this article.

In what cases can jealousy help?

It should be noted that it is not always possible to predict the behavior of a jealous person. The most calm and balanced man under the influence of this feeling can become uncontrollable. Therefore, a woman should be extremely careful so that the situation does not get out of control. If your love relationship is stable and successful, it is better not to provoke your loved one to jealousy, so as not to ruin everything.

It is advisable to make a man jealous in the following cases:

If he cheats As experience shows, many almost openly when they are confident in complete impunity - that is, that the other half will forgive everything and will not go anywhere. And if there is a threat that the woman will repay in kind, the cheater may think and reconsider his behavior. So, if your lover often “goes to the left,” try to arouse jealousy in him - and his thoughts will quickly switch from his mistress to you. To revive fading feelings When a relationship lasts for a relatively long time, a man often begins to grow cold towards a woman and perceives her as if he had read a book. This can be seen in his behavior - it becomes more restrained and indifferent. If you feel that your sweetheart has lost interest in you, you can save the situation with jealousy - let him be afraid of losing you. Revenge A man who left for another woman deserves to be made to feel jealous and annoyed. Even if this does not bring him back, he will definitely experience unpleasant feelings, since all men are owners.

Arouse interest In order for the guy he likes to pay attention to you, he must see that you have fans. A feeling of jealousy that arises on a subconscious level can ignite a spark of passion in him. The stronger sex has a very developed instinct of competition. Therefore, a pretty girl with whom many guys are in love is always more interesting to win than a lonely girl who is not needed by anyone. It is no exaggeration to say that with the help of jealousy you can get your man back. When he sees that not only he needs you, he will think about it. The jealous feelings he will experience can convince his mind that you are dear to him.

Ways to make you jealous

The most important rule for a woman who does not want to harm a relationship, but at the same time wants to incite a feeling of jealousy in a man, is not to cheat physically under any circumstances! A loving man is able to forgive his beloved woman a lot, but almost never betrayal. Therefore, a smart woman must act very cunningly and carefully. So what should you do?

1. Photos on social networks

Thanks to the Internet, we all have the opportunity to convey information about our lives to friends and acquaintances. Therefore, if you are offended or abandoned by your lover, do not rush to remove him from your friends on Odnoklassniki or Facebook. You will be revenged when he sees your photo, in which you will be captured with flowers in your hands, or in a restaurant in the company of a nice guy. This is where he will feel like he is losing you forever. This will make him think and take some action to get you back. Of course, this method is unacceptable if you are still in a relationship with a man - in this case, such photos can become a catalyst for a serious scandal.

2. Subtle hint about the existence of a rival

This method can be used by women who have a developed imagination and have at least some acting skills. Come up with a fan whose existence your man cannot verify, and tell him how he allegedly tries to court you. For example, complain that after work you are met for the second time by an unfamiliar guy who claims that he really liked you. You supposedly explain to this guy that you have a beloved husband, but that doesn’t stop him. If you play everything as naturally and believably as possible, your man will be seriously worried.

3. Increased care for your appearance

A guy will never be jealous of his girlfriend if she looks unattractive: her makeup is faded, she is dressed modestly. He understands that other men won’t look at her like that. But it’s a completely different matter when a woman looks her best - there’s a much higher chance that she’ll be beaten off and taken away. Therefore, if you want to arouse jealousy in the man with whom you live under the same roof, even dress for work as if it were a holiday. Let him see you combing your hair and preening in front of the mirror more often - he will probably have jealous thoughts and suspicions.

4. Deliberate delay after work

When your significant other is walking around in an unknown place, even a person who is not prone to suspicion will become jealous. Therefore, if you always rush home to your beloved man at the end of the working day, start systematically staying late. You can just walk around the city, or go to a friend’s house for coffee. Don't be too late - no more than an hour. Say (if he asks) something different each time: either the boss asked you to stay late, then you went to the store, or you met friends on the way home. Then he will not have a reason for a scandal, but there will be a reason for jealousy.

5. Coldness and indifference

If a man is shown love and adoration all the time, he may stop appreciating it and begin to take it for granted. At the same time, he will have confidence that the woman has already been completely conquered by him and will not go anywhere under any circumstances. Some men are so weakened and spoiled by such a good attitude that they become cold towards their women - both externally and internally. To, figuratively speaking, shake up a cold husband or boyfriend, try to dramatically change your attitude towards him - show him coldness and indifference. At the same time, sometimes smile mysteriously, go away to talk with your friends on the phone in another room - let him think that you have something to keep secret. Jealousy is bound to appear.

6. Answering phone calls late

If you want to make your man jealous, try sometimes not picking up the phone when he calls. And then, after some time, call back yourself. After several such times, he will probably begin to suspect something and be jealous of you.

  • Choose decent ways to provoke jealousy so that your reputation does not suffer. If you, for example, start hugging someone else right in front of your loved one, or try to seduce his friends, you will only turn away and push the man away from you. In any case, act in such a way that he in no way suspects that you are an easily accessible person who does not take into account the rules of decency and morality. In addition, for a guy to be jealous of you, but at the same time not stop respecting you, he must see that it is other men who are running after you, and not you after them.
  • The approach to the matter must be thoughtful and careful. It is important that the man does not see through your game. If he understands that you are deliberately making him jealous, he will never succumb to provocations. Therefore, your behavior should look natural, and not deliberate and demonstrative.
  • Sometimes, in order to discourage a guy from looking at other girls, it is enough to simply threaten him with betrayal. Instead of throwing tantrums, just warn him that you will also “go to the left” if he does not correct himself. If you are dear to him, he will probably be scared.
  • To make your loved one jealous, you don’t have to actually cheat on him. Moreover, if he is sure that you have been in another man’s bed, he may completely and irrevocably turn away from you.
  • This method should not be used on pathological jealous people. If your husband or lover is jealous and suspicious like Othello, it is better to choose another method to revive his feelings and revive his interest in you. Please note that a man who is unable to control his jealousy may become insane under the influence of this feeling. So it’s better not to provoke him into scandals and showdowns.
  • If your lover does not react in any way to your provocations, then there may be two options: either he realized that you are provoking him, or he really doesn’t care. In general, draw your own conclusions.
  • When there is no love and never was, then no amount of jealousy will help the matter. A man can only be jealous of a woman who evokes at least some feelings in him - love, sympathy, attraction. Remember that jealousy is only an auxiliary tool that can kindle a flame where there is at least a small spark. Therefore, if you understand that your boyfriend or husband has completely stopped loving you or never loved you at all, do not waste your time trying to win him back, but rather tune in to a new relationship - it will certainly turn out to be better than the previous one.

Contents of the article:

You are a young, beautiful woman, men on the street look at you, and in the team your work colleagues constantly pay attention to you, but when you come home with a bouquet of flowers, you don’t hear a kind word from your man sitting at the computer, don’t see a smile and attention , it means that a routine has appeared in your relationship, which needs to be exploded with fireworks of feelings and an explosion of positive emotions. Jealousy may help bring back old feelings and passion into a relationship.

How to make a man jealous?

Jealousy is a painful, destructive feeling that can completely destroy your relationship, but it is also a powerful tool for representatives of the fairer sex who are dissatisfied with their personal lives and want to build a paradise garden of love instead of a boring shack of everyday life. Make your man jealous. You will revive your relationship, add a spark to it that can once again rekindle the fire of passion and love. Push your chosen one to take decisive action.

Women who evoke feelings of jealousy are not alien to their chosen one, so they can gain attention and strengthen the existing connection. A jealous man is an uncontrollable element that must be directed into a peaceful direction. Trying to surpass an imaginary rival, a man will try to “jump over his head” and “move mountains” just so as not to fall face down in the eyes of his woman. By causing jealousy, you will regain the man's attention - and you will be able to use it as you wish.

Become less accessible

A man is a hunter and owner by nature; he will pursue and try to “enslave” that “prey” that is elusive and unattainable. If you want to arouse jealousy, you need to reduce the number of phone calls, and occasionally “disappear” by turning off communications, the Internet, Skype, etc.

Little provocations

Return home with a bouquet or a gift in the form of perfume or intimate lingerie. During everyday conversations, tell your chosen one that you are going to a meeting with a classmate, and a colleague saw you off from work and is inviting you to a restaurant for a late dinner. Believe me, the reaction will not be long in coming.

Change your hairstyle and wardrobe (add more sexuality), be late from work and from guests. Ask a male friend to write a note that can be interpreted in two ways, which you leave casually on the dressing table. Ask a male colleague to call your home phone in the evening. A change of mood is welcomed, which sometimes unbalances a self-confident man, and events when his chosen one was cheerful and playful, but after a phone call becomes withdrawn and inaccessible, are not subject to male logic.

Less intrusiveness

Don't create an idol for yourself. A man spoiled by excessive attention, as a rule, ceases to appreciate his chosen one and can slide to the level of an everyday sadist. Replace the word “I love” in everyday life with the words “I respect or sympathize” with him, but use it in relation to a stranger.

If a man is afraid of losing

The “thorn” that his woman has become the object of another man’s attention can cause both rage and depression. Therefore, a woman should always be within striking distance, ready to intervene at any moment to correct the situation, controlling the situation through relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues. You need to establish whether your chosen one showed apathy to what was happening or showed signs of fear, including the fear of losing you if the partner in the relationship changes.

If a man looks confused and depressed, then your injection has reached its goal, and he is afraid of losing you. Calls from relatives and friends who reported that your chosen one was looking for you, and a gift in the form of a new smartphone, due to the fact that the old one quickly ran out of battery and you were unable to call and warn that you were delayed, indicates that you are roads and he is afraid of losing you. Hysteria and talk of calls to hospitals and morgues indicate the same thing.

Signs of jealousy in a man

Every man is different, but there are some signs that indicate that you have become jealous:

  • he began to show interest in your work, girlfriends and especially male acquaintances;
  • he tries to start a conversation on the topic of fidelity, flirting, betrayal;
  • he becomes nervous, easily excitable or, on the contrary, withdrawn, gloomy, while trying not to talk about this change in mood.

In conclusion, I would like to say that “don’t go too far,” because even strong mechanisms fail due to the load, and a man is not a computer that can be rebooted, forgetting about it, a performance with jealousy caused by the desire to make him think about to yourself - this is just a game invented by you.

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Orthodox calendar

Friday, April 19, 2019(April 6, old style)
6th Week of Great Lent (Week Week)
St. Methodius, Archbishop. Moravsky (885)
St. Eutyches, Archbishop. Constantinople (582)
Saints' Day:
Mchch. Jeremiah and Archilius the Priest (III). St. Platonids of Syria (308). 120 Persian Martyrs (344-347).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Mchch. Pyotr Zhukov and Prokhor Mikhailov (1918); sschmch. John Boykov presbyter (1934); sschmch. Jacob Boykov presbyter (1943); St. Sevastiana Fomina, Spanish (1966).
Great Lent.
Marriages are not celebrated during Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
For eternity: - Gen.49:33-50:26; Proverbs 31:8-31 At the 6th hour: - Isa.66:10-24
In the morning: - Ps.134-142; Ps.9-16 For eternity: - Ps.119-133


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