What should be a gift for the day of the Airborne Forces and what his choice depends on. What to give to the paratrooper for the airborne day Gift to dad for the airborne day do-it-yourself

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A universal choice of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello dear readers. Very soon, a rather significant holiday awaits us - the day of the Airborne Forces, and our men will be very happy to receive something pleasant. Have you ever given something for this holiday? Or maybe you just wondered what to give for the day of the Airborne Forces?

Gifts for the day of the Airborne Forces

Day of the Airborne Forces in Russia is traditionally held on August 2 and is very much loved by Russian citizens. It is celebrated not only by the men who served in these troops, but also by almost all other residents.

And this day is celebrated on a grand scale - paratroopers hold demonstration performances in the main squares of the city, where they show everyone their skills in combat and hand-to-hand combat.

The celebration is accompanied by festivities, festive concerts, and traditional bathing in city fountains.

If your loved one - grandfather, dad, brother, husband or boyfriend - is related to these troops, then you can please your dear person with some surprise on a significant holiday. And what can you give a paratrooper? I bring to your attention a selection of ideas for every taste: inexpensive souvenirs, original and valuable, as well as handmade souvenirs.

What to give a guy for the day of the Airborne Forces?

A dear guy can be presented with a funny souvenir, themed appropriate for the occasion. For example:

  • A great idea would be T-shirt with an inscription for the holiday: "For the Airborne Forces!"
  • You can also engrave with such phrases or symbols on other souvenirs - mugs, flasks or belt buckles.
  • If a guy has a great sense of humor, he will like comic identity for access to the fountains on 2 August. On soft landings, fear of opponents and clear skies, or even admitting that a drunk fall is a landing from a low altitude))
  • A wonderful gift will be name keychain with the emblem of the airborne troops.
  • Another very successful present can be an excellent computer game with a military theme. Men love to spend their leisure time not only with friends and beloved, but sometimes being alone with themselves. It is at such moments that the guy will be happy to play the presented game.

And keep your loved one company on the day of the holiday at the festivities. Even this can be done in a special way. For example, you can order a pair of T-shirts for you, again with themed inscriptions and an emblem. Bright clothes that read "Paratrooper" and "Paratrooper Girl" will definitely attract attention.

If you are going to celebrate with the guy's colleagues, then you can present a T-shirt indicating their unit and company to each participant.

Surprise to beloved husband

The husband, perhaps, should be taken a little more seriously to the present.

  • So personalized as a gift for a sports man is perfect boxing gloves and punching bag, which can also be decorated with the emblem of the Airborne Forces. This gift will be able to please your chosen one for more than one year, will help maintain your hand-to-hand fighting skills, free yourself from negativity and restore physical strength.
  • For extreme lovers it will be nice to get certificate for a parachute jump or even a flight in a wind tunnel. This is very useful for a military man who has already made jumps and, for sure, misses the feeling of free flight.
  • The next option is able to awaken sentimental and dear memories of even the most brutal conscript - acoustic guitar... Many servicemen not only know how to play this instrument, but also love it. But what, after all, in a year or two of the service, the comrades spent so many evenings together, when the whole company sang their loved ones or songs with a guitar, remembering their home and loved ones and dreamed of returning home as soon as possible.

Don't forget about relatives

Surprises for August 2 to brother, dad, grandfather or uncle do not carry a romantic meaning. Usually it is something very personal, solemn or even grandiose.

For example, if a grandfather or father has served in the airborne troops for more than a dozen years, something special is definitely needed for the anniversary celebration of this event.

  • You can give your loved one chic and expensive watch undoubtedly engraved with the name, emblem and date of the commemorative event.
  • It can also act as a gift jewelry, gold or silver, depending on what the relative is wearing. It can be a ring, chain or bracelet, cufflinks, medallion.

And you can even more solemnly present the jewelry with volleys of fireworks in their honor. Or even a performance by musicians. Can you imagine how enchanting and grandiose it will be? Definitely, even the most reserved person at such a moment will not be able to hold back tears of joy and gratitude.

  • Another very interesting surprise for a beloved and dear military man is a trip to places of military glory. You can offer to visit the most significant places of the battles of the Great Patriotic War, or go to the city where he served.

You can order such a trip in specialized agencies, or organize it yourself. In any case, such a trip will not leave indifferent any employee.

DIY gift

For many, handmade souvenirs become especially valuable. And this is understandable, because this means that the person presenting it was very sensitive not only to the idea, but also to the manufacture. There are also a lot of options here, and most importantly, each can be individualized.

  • The first thing that comes to mind is the decoration of a bottle of a hot drink and a faceted glass.

Agree, this is truly the most suitable present for such a special day. It will not only be very perky, but you can also save it as a keepsake!

You will need, in fact, a bottle and a glass, special paints for painting on glass (you can buy them in almost any craft store) and a little imagination. For example, an excellent glass paratrooper in a vest will come out of a bottle, and a glass can become his "parachute". If you do not know how to draw at all or are not confident in your abilities, you can order stencils (or even stickers) from the printing house and simply decorate them.

  • For paratroopers who do not like strong drinks, you can also come up with an excellent hand-made present. Cake, or so popular nowadays cupcakes with decorations - cupcakes.

If you are not very good at decorating a cake, you can limit yourself to the inscription. You can draw it with cream or chocolate. And if you already know how to work with confectionery decorations, then the flight of your imagination is not limited. You can make a cake in the form of a vest, parachute, blue beret, or round, with a great emblem of the troops. A man will not refuse a cup of his favorite drink with a slice of cake prepared especially for him.

  • If you are preparing a surprise for dad or husband, you can connect children and grandchildren to making. For example, together with the guys, draw, cut and glue a colorful postcard with congratulations and thanks. Or you can prepare some a scene or poem and play with the kids.
  • All the paratroopers have a lot of memorable photos. If the photo is still not in the album, do it. Stick the images into a chic album, label them and add themed drawings. Celebrants will appreciate this.

As you can see, an original gift for the day of the Airborne Forces is not difficult and very interesting. Surely the celebrant will not expect anything, which means he will get full pleasure. But do not think that the most important thing for him is to receive a present from you. No, of course, attention is much more important.

It is very important for every man to know that his daughter, sister or wife remembers his values ​​and desires, and most importantly, supports them. And he will be incredibly pleased if you not only agree to attend the festive events together, but also really enjoy them. Share these pleasures with your loved ones, allow yourself to relax and have plenty of fun, and get the same attitude on your holidays.

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

The celebration of the Day of the Airborne Forces in Russia is traditionally held on August 2. On the day of the Airborne Forces, it is customary to arrange folk festivals with demonstration performances of paratroopers in open city areas. The concert program is a demonstration of the endurance and combat prowess of the military. If your man, boyfriend or brother served in the airborne mission, be sure to congratulate him, at least in words. Well, if you are ready to spend money, we offer you ideas for original and inexpensive gifts for a male paratrooper for the day of the Airborne Forces.

What gift will the Airborne Forces be delighted with?

Airborne Forces Day is really a very important holiday in the life of a real paratrooper. This is not just the birthday of the landing troops, but also a holy occasion to honor the memory of the fallen comrades. "Desantura" are undemanding people, accustomed to difficulties, pain and difficult living conditions, so the main gift will be simple human attention and respect. The main thing is that they are sincere. Brave airborne forces are usually called “blue berets”, since the invariable attribute of a paratrooper is a blue beret, and also a vest and a flag with the coat of arms of the Airborne Forces. Any of these things will become a symbolic and sought-after gift. It will be carefully stored and solemnly put on annually on 2 August. The unspoken motto of these brave guys is "Nobody but us!" Souvenirs with this slogan will also be relevant.

Inexpensive gifts for the day of the Airborne Forces

It is difficult to surprise a real military man with something. They themselves are accustomed to celebrating the Day of the Airborne Forces on a wide scale and heroic enthusiasm, and to end the holiday with a swim in the fountain. But even a strong and courageous paratrooper will be pleased to receive a symbolic present on this day. Even small souvenirs will help highlight your warm feelings. It can be:

Original gifts for the paratrooper

The airborne troops are usually called elite, and service in their ranks is considered the prerogative of extremely courageous and hardy guys. Getting into the ranks of the paratrooper is the ultimate dream of every recruit! The following presents will help to originally congratulate a brutal husband, relative or friend:

My boyfriend is an airborne force, what can I give him?

When there are two of you, the number of memorable dates doubles too. General holidays appear and remain personal. Finding a good gift for a celebration to which you have not the slightest relation is not an easy task. We recommend presenting the following cool and functional gifts to your loved one on Airborne Forces Day:

DIY gifts for the day of the Airborne Forces

A man of military training is unlikely to appreciate an expensive and pretentious present. Having made a gift for the Airborne Forces day with your own hands, you will spend a minimum of money, but put a piece of your soul and care into congratulations. With your own hands, you can create:

Regardless of what gift you decide to present to a man on the day of the Airborne Forces, it is important that he emphasizes his power, courage and masculinity and carries a piece of your love and tenderness.

Day of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) is traditionally celebrated in Russia 2. On this day, all those involved in the holiday gather in various memorable places, remember their military friends and rejoice at the meeting.

Since the theme of the holiday is directly related to military attributes, then the gift to the paratrooper corresponds to these characteristics. We propose to consider in more detail what is customary to give on the day of the Airborne Forces.

What can you give for the day of the Airborne Forces?

The most traditional gifts that are offered for this day are all kinds of souvenirs with the symbols of the Airborne Forces. If they depict a gallant paratrooper in a playful or serious interpretation, then it must be in uniform and a characteristic blue beret, which has become the hallmark and distinctive feature of Russian paratroopers. As a rule, such souvenirs are decorated with a signature of a patriotic character, such as "Nobody but us", "Defender of the Motherland", "You cannot break your fighting spirit" and the like. Gifts with the symbols of the Airborne Forces are memorable and will decorate the interior of the military for a long time, recalling the attention on your part.

Since the paratroopers are people who are characterized by strict discipline, you can present them with an unusual-shaped alarm clock as a gift. In stores, you can find this accessory in the form of a grenade, a pistol, a target with a laser sight, a bomb and in many other variations directly related to the military theme. Such a gift will help the paratroopers wake up on time and remind of you in the morning.

On sale you can find a variety of sets for drinking festive alcoholic beverages. They will decorate the holidays and bring a bit of humor into the busy everyday life of the paratroopers. There are sets in which the bottle is decorated for a machine gun, and the glasses are for cartridges, there may be a ceramic canister instead of a bottle and a glass of camouflage color for it. There are many options for such a gift, the main thing is to set the goal of finding something non-standard.

As a gift for the day of the Airborne Forces, you can present playful sets for paratroopers, the so-called "strategic reserves." They are decorated, in which there is a dry ration, that is, a set of non-perishable products for military personnel. Of course, the food inside also has a festive look and packaging.

T-shirts with themed prints and slogans, vests, baseball caps, backpacks are still relevant gifts for such a holiday. Fans of fishing and picnics can be presented with the appropriate attributes of a camouflage color.

Lovers of modern technology will love technical gadgets. Buy a flash drive in the form of a cartridge, a pistol or a grenade, a camouflage phone case, a standalone radio that you could take with you.

There is a huge selection of cups, mugs and glasses, made in accordance with the theme of this holiday. Here are general's shoulder straps on cups, and faceted glasses with various designations of drinking norms, and other various souvenirs made of ceramics, plastic, glass and steel for drinking.

The main thing in finding a gift is not to treat it as a given, but to try to sincerely please those to whom you give them.

Day of the Airborne Forces is an excellent occasion to congratulate your family and friends of the paratroopers. We hope that our article will help you choose a great gift for them.

Just as most ordinary people begin to feel the approach of the New Year in early December, so the airborne troops begin to prepare for the second day of August in July. Perhaps, we can safely say that Airborne Forces Day is one of the most memorable and popular holidays of the year.

Even someone who has never served in the Airborne Forces probably knows the date when all paratroopers celebrate the Airborne Forces holiday - August 2 in Moscow and all other cities of the country every year! In 2017, a special occasion to make a gift, after all!

But if you want to please your fighting friends with something more tangible, which will leave a material memory of the meeting, then you should think about what to give the paratrooper. You can choose from a variety of paraphernalia made specifically for the Airborne Forces Day 2017. A gift to the paratrooper must include the Airborne Forces logo. It is known that the gallant guys from the airborne assault are jealous of their kind of troops.

For example, for all those who served in formations stationed in the territory of the GDR, Czechoslovakia or Hungary, it was a great punishment to wear red shoulder straps due to the need for disguise, hiding their belonging to the army elite.

So, airborne troops from such formations as the 35th separate airborne assault brigade (35 airborne assault brigade) in Cottbus or the 902nd separate airborne assault battalion (902 airborne assault battalion) in Kecskemet did not immediately switch to the correct colors and buttonholes. Of course, it was also for them, because every paratrooper wants to see the symbols and logo of the Airborne Forces on his uniform.

If your company has a lot of employees who served in the Airborne Forces, give them a corporate gift

Now everything is much simpler, you can emphasize your belonging to the Airborne Forces through various attributes. Souvenirs with symbols of the Airborne Forces, or on a suction cup, sweatshirts, key rings and much more are available at the Voenpro military store.

If earlier it was really difficult to buy something thematic and close to the paratrooper's heart for the day of the Airborne Forces, now the question is "where to buy the paratroopers of the Airborne Forces?" shouldn't bother you. Our military will tell you what to give your friends, fellow soldiers and relatives for the Airborne Forces Day 2017.

A good gift for a paratrooper is one in which he had the honor to serve, to defend the Motherland. Voenpro made a gift for the Airborne Forces Day and released a collection of all formations of the Airborne Forces, both those that existed during the period of the USSR and those currently operating! Moreover, even if you do not find the required flag, Voenpro will make it especially for you.

You can also order the flag of your unit - a company or battalion in the colors of the Airborne Forces, which will display the Airborne Forces logo, the name of the unit and any commemorative inscriptions. With such a flag, the meeting of comrades in arms on Airborne Forces Day 2017 will remain in memory for a long time! Thanks to Voenpro, it has become so easy to buy a gift from the Airborne Forces on the Internet and not waste time looking.

You can make up legends about how the Airborne Forces holiday is held in Russia. We can say with confidence that no other kind of troops has so many traditions that everyone knows about, from schoolchildren to elderly people with gray hair.

The traditions of the Airborne Forces holiday are already decades old, but the airborne troops are constantly trying to bring something new. Swimming in fountains is a striking example of such traditions. There are hardly any real warriors of the Airborne Forces who will neglect this ritual and at least not dip their feet into the fountain.

What other interesting gifts can you make for Airborne Forces Day?

The traditional place of gathering and festivities of paratroopers on August 2 in Moscow and throughout Russia, Belarus and Ukraine is Gorky Park. It just so happened that the very name "Gorky Park" has become a household name and denotes any gathering place for the Airborne Forces holiday. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to buy a gift for a paratrooper directly during the celebration.

Therefore, you should think in advance about what to give for the Airborne Forces Day. Even 5-10 years ago, it was almost impossible to find good and high-quality souvenirs with the symbols of the Airborne Forces. Today, paratrooper gifts have become more affordable. Moreover, "Voenpro" offers all high-quality merchandise!

For example, on the Voenpro website, you can order a unique flag of your unit - a division, brigade, regiment, battalion, and even a company. With such a flag, you can easily find your fellow soldiers in Gorky Park, which in itself is already a gift for the Airborne Forces Day. The presence of a regiment's flag, made especially for you, will become especially relevant if a large meeting of fellow soldiers is planned. For example, not so long ago paratroopers from the 39th brigade from the town of Khyrov widely celebrated their 30th anniversary.

If you are looking for a small souvenir for a paratrooper, then a good choice would be a flag of the Airborne Forces for a car, a T-shirt of the Airborne Forces, airborne magnets, flasks with symbols similar to paratroopers, mugs of the Airborne Forces and more, available in a large assortment on the Voenpro website.

No less than veterans of the Airborne Forces who went through the heat of service in hot spots or harsh combat training, which only a real man can successfully endure, the question "what to give for Airborne Forces Day" worries friends and parents of guys who are undergoing military service today ...

What does a gift associated with the Airborne Forces mean for a paratrooper?

Everyone knows that every young man who has ended up serving in the elite Airborne Forces is proud of this fact and the attributes on which the Airborne Forces logo is depicted are the best gift for a paratrooper of urgent service. Find out in which division or regiment your son, friend or close person is serving and you can do it.

For example, the flags of the Airborne Forces formations available in the Voenpro military department store are not just souvenirs with the symbols of the Airborne Forces, but truly unique gifts. After all, such a flag, perhaps, will no longer be in any division, regiment or brigade!

So, we hope that we helped you make a choice of what gift to make for the paratrooper for the Airborne Forces holiday. It remains for us to wish excellent sunny weather on August 2 in Moscow and throughout Russia on Airborne Forces Day 2017. Voenpro wishes to keep in mind the years of service to the veterans paratroopers, to honor the traditions of its Airborne Forces units, as well as good health and long years.

I would like to wish the young airborne paratroopers success in comprehending complex military science, so that the Motherland could sleep peacefully, and peace and order reigned on our streets.

Each of us associates a paratrooper with a person of tremendous willpower, hardening, sports training. What to give a paratrooper, a question to which you can find a lot of answers, and each example should be associated with the courage of the hero of the occasion, because there are simply no other paratroopers.

An extreme adventure as a gift

When thinking about what to give to the paratrooper, present him with a certificate for several parachute jumps, or a gift bag for several extreme adventures as a gift. In the latter case, the hero of the occasion will choose for himself an adventure that he wants to experience on himself. As a rule, the recipient can activate such a present at the most convenient time for himself. Paratroopers are extraordinary people who live with high adrenaline in their blood. Therefore, such a present will be received with delight by them. If you don’t surprise your friend with parachute jumping, present him with a ticket to such a popular and fashionable attraction today as zorbing. The sensations will be similar, and the surroundings are much more original than the usual clouds and the horizon line stretching into the distance.

A must-have accessory for every paratrooper

Unusual accessories are good options for presenting a paratrooper. I must say that there are no former paratroopers, and even if the hero of the occasion was a paratrooper during his army service, and a lot of time has passed since then, the memories of the years spent, as well as his own belonging to the paratroopers, will remain with the person forever. In this regard, a vest or a military sapper shovel can be an optimal present. Each paratrooper is familiar with these attributes, so the joy of receiving such a presentation will be truly genuine. In addition, both can be used in civilian life. The vest can be worn perfectly (most importantly, guess the size), and use a sapper shovel while relaxing in nature. By the way, those who prefer to rest with a tent or have picnics with barbecue can be presented with a unique gift skewer, or an excellent set for a picnic. A hiking flask, all kinds of folding knives or a high-quality leather belt made of rough leather will also be good accessories.

Gift reward

Another original example of what to give to a paratrooper is a reward as a gift. Since these people are inherently real men, a suitable gift in this category would be the order "For a Real Man", "For Courage at Work" or the Order for the Best Military. You can pick up any other award and make a unique inscription on it, which will reflect all the uniqueness and integrity of the nature of a real paratrooper.

Choose original gifts for someone who is directly related to the airborne troops, but remember that you are giving a present to a strong and courageous person.


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