Beautiful and funny congratulations on the programmer's day. Rubric: Happy Birthday Congratulations Congratulations on the programmer's Day in SMS

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In the 256th day of the year, the programmer's day is traditionally celebrated. The fact is that 256 is the number of numbers that can be expressed using an eight-bit byte.

It is worth noting that almost every electronic device - from the remote control to complex industrial machines with software control - at one time passed through the hands of programming specialists. So with the fruits of their works people face daily. Therefore, the people of this profession undoubtedly deserved warm words to their address.

"News" gathered congratulations on the day of the programmer in words and in pictures.

Congratulations on the day of the programmer in prose

Congratulations on the programmer's day! I wish that the working code of your life was coordinated and accurate, love was protected by a reliable password, and the fate compilers were health, luck and well-being.

Congratulations on the day of the programmer. Let life be fun and rainbow, let the activity flourish and filled with great achievements, let the heads always be smart thoughts and creative ideas, and in the heart - sincere joy and love.

Happy holiday of all programmers. Let your programs are always compiled successfully, and in the codes you work with, do not forget to write comments. Good luck to you, vital, professional and creative (because programming is also creativity) success!

I wish good health, good eyes and durable hands, as well as clear technicians, intelligent authorities and salaries capable of arguing with Everest. Happy programmer!

Congratulations on the day of the computer gods programmer. Without you, it is already impossible to present our life: games, video, all kinds of programs. We wish you health and happiness for 100 gigabytes, smaller than annoying users, more income. Good luck to your prestigious work and - creating new masterpieces.

Congratulations on the day of the programmer in verse and cool

Let them bypass the party

Computer viruses,

And let him be cute,

You have everything super.

Let never hang

Sophisticated programs.

For me, you are forever

Smart is the most.

Mouse, rug, in a cup of tea

As always cooled.

Your computer turn off,

All then add.

Hacker, user, programmer -

At the computer artist!

Gives away dashing things

Do not understand it, even crash!

He with programs on "you"!

Mouse, Klya, Wires!

They never boring!

Bugs are corrected quickly

Dear programmers!

We wish them health.

We treat them with love.

To those who cut down us

And in the programs just an ass!

Programmer will always help

Viruses will destroy everything.

There will be our computer clean.

Thank you, programmer!

We wish the abyss of inspiration,

Healthy to be in the mood.

Let the technique be in order

And does not need charging!

Your profession is such -

Random people here are not a place!

Only one who understands this

Can cope wonderfully!

I wish, programmer, good luck,

Function perfectly

Cope with each task

And earn decent!

Programmer is our dear,

I admire you

Smart you are so scary

Programmer is important!

And you're kompaniya,

You have everything every everyday life

You look fine

And work cool with you!

We heartily congratulate

And we wish success

And love and inspiration

And, of course, lucky!

Congratulations on the programmer's day in SMS

3 SMS - 197 characters:

Conducts at the computer

Programmer is our whole day,

Algorithms, circuits reduced,

After all, the program is his goal!

We wish new knowledge

Fresh thoughts and ideas

Only successful undertakings,

And success only everywhere!

4 SMS - 225 characters:

Such specials like you, we need everywhere.

Create programs easily.

Let it be a computer obedient

And you just gain success.

I wish you on the programmer day

Health, always flourish.

So that bright life is removed

Could all dreams to perform!

4 SMS - 245 characters:

Congratulations on the day of the programmer. I wish one hundred percent view, light mind, every minute inspiration, spiritual light and heat. I wish you creative success, great plans and ideas, so that there was no interference in the work, I wish to realize the cherished dream of speedy.

4 SMS - 204 characters:

If suddenly the computer lay down

Or virus on the threshold,

In these cases, it is undoubtedly

Programmer, you're just God!

In the world, a complex virtual

Feel ok.

Let them be in real life

Your world is just perfect.

2 SMS - 98 characters:


You are cool

Languages \u200b\u200bknow


Let work

Will be


Programmer's Day is a professional holiday programmer, celebrated on the 256th day of the year. The number 256 (two to the eighth degree) is selected because it is the number of numbers that can be expressed using an eight-bit byte. And this is the maximum degree of number 2, which is less than 365 days a year. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on September 11, 2009 signed a decree that establishes a new official holiday in Russia - the programmer's day.

Happy programmer. I wish ingenuity, smelts and creativity in work, I wish well-being, happiness and good luck in life. Let every your day be programmed to succeed, let in your body there is a powerful antivirus from the ailments, let your love reliably shove off from the bitterness of the offense.

Congratulations on the programmer's day! I wish that the working code of your life was coordinated and accurate, love was protected by a reliable password, and the fate compilers were health, luck and well-being.

Happy programmer. Proryvov in work, rextreme Actions aboutground opportunities, g.ranked achievements rnice concern in life butauscient success m.naughty happiness of the soul, m.nogochargent new programs andnotewer developments fromvobode selection, t.alanta in everything!

Happy programmer! I wish you a high marriage of work, decent salaries, lungs, advanced users, hopeless users, to boil work, and rest was in the buzz. Good, positive, beauty, new heights, steep lifts, professional growth, improvement, interesting tasks, advanced technologies, high speeds, unprecedented features! Spread the boundaries of consciousness, enlighten, make the world better and clearer, more comfortable and more affordable. Happy holiday!

All programmers, congratulations. I wish you a light mind, strong nerves and good health. I wish the development in the profession, new ideas, projects and interesting concepts. Let thanks to your extraordinary minds, the most incredible theories will be realized. Let your life be bright and versatile saturated. I wish everyone to manage to show himself in the most interesting programming sphere.

Happy programmer. I wish interesting and successful developments, as well as the constant improvement of your ingenious ideas. And let your karma stand the reliable protection against the virus of envy and troubles, and in your heart, let the program of eternal happiness and love.

Congratulations on the programmer's day and wish you more bright thoughts. Let everything in life goes on a well-established program, let all affairs are wary of success, let it be happiness in the house, love in the heart and warmth in the shower. Good luck in activities and conquer new heights.

In the age of technology and progress, we especially celebrate the Day of Programmers! You are people who are always one step ahead, creating new programs, algorithms, solutions! We wish not to stop there!

Let all your virtual desires and dreams return to reality. I wish your life is always stable, without "collapse" and "departures." Let it be a boredom, despondency and longing. Let a bunch of files, knowledge and projects, which will develop in a new, progressive, intellectual heritage of our country are always pioneering in your head. Happy programmer!

All who are involved in one of the most sought-after professions of modernity, with a professional holiday! Let the brilliant mind, fresh ideas and creative natures will help in developing software, and the development of new technologies will never leave you without high-paying work!

Congratulations on your birthday and I wish that in your program of happy life there was no failure, so that your developments are not terrible there were no viruses, so that your activity is programmed only for success so that your heart is pardoned from any disappointment and any negative.


Multi-sized happiness
Terabyte success -
That's what I wish you,
That's what in life is not a hindrance!


Creative man,
Messenchak and optimist ...
Happy birthday, best
And favorite programmer!

We wish you happiness,
Laughter, joy, heat
And offline and online.
Be happy always!

Watch your goals
All decide at times, two, three.
Let all come true hope
Wanted and dreams!


And computers and mice
Left all things
Together lined up in a row
"Happy Birthday" say.

We are all looking like a ram,
For teams - so what?
After all, from blue screens
You will reveal the computers.

We wish it a lot,
Cakes whipped:
So that viruses were afraid
For programs to listen.


Let life succeed successfully
Let weaching multiplies.
Ideas more creative,
Programs for creating promising.

To be able to distinguish
And from any virus to fight off.
More friends you excellent
And a lot of happiness in the fate of personal!

Cool congratulations to the programmer


You approach the computer,
As if illusionist,
And go into it in it,
You are on the programmer!
For such a skill
Respect all of you.
Happy Birthday!
Let life bright yours
Will be very interesting
Filled with heat
And always flows without stress -
And offline, and for the computer!


Thoughts like a car
Live as a person.
Know each spring,
Catch every hashteg.

Zeros and units
Let them listen to you
And let it dream to many
In reality it will turn out.

Let pushing the buttons,
You spend only moments,
You do not lose skills,
Friend, happy birthday.


Throw today all the work,
Turn off at all wi-fi,
Absolutely careless
Birthday note!

Let the native lines fly
For you from all sides,
I wish you happiness very
And wealth full house!


I wish the programs skillfully write,
Let the career grow, and with her and salary!
From happiness I wish like the sun, shine,
Live is always great, bright, a lot!

Catch positive, smile more often
I wish my health, good and good luck,
Clean, mutual love of this
And faithful friends to live more brighter!


You know everything you clear, purely,
Among technology, know-how,
I wish the programmer
On the birthday of all praise!

Take care of your health:
Neck, back and eyes,
To then in career growth
Did not fit you!

Knowledge more and patience,
Happiness in the house and family
A lot of inspiration
Life of Long and Love!

Mental and touching greetings happy birthday programmer in verse


Ai-Tishnik's birthday
The cooler of all the boyfriend.
The one who is disassembled
Awesomely having fun.

Let alcohol be
Not a river river
Happiness, girls, success,
Well, and drive without flambers.


Among us you are smart
No wonder the programmer.
You are happy birthday
Congratulate gathered.

We wish to be successful
On the field
And let your health
Fasters every day.


Congratulations on your birthday of our delicate programmer! We wish, many interesting ideas and ways to implement everything conceived. Acute vision and grip mind. Undress codes, easy tasks and interest in your favorite case. Happiness, Health, Love and Well-Being!


Programmer's birthday -
Holiday bright and rays
All computers blink,
Happy birthday congratulate.

With them in the key keyboard,
In the house all the equipment,
We speak a big crowd:
"Happy Birthday honey!"


Happy birthday congratulations,
Unmatched programmer
The world of codes and megabytes
It will always be rays.

Virtuality only real
"Cash" always carries you
Let in the difficult thing
Be sure to luck.

Be healthy, always successful,
Be not the last in love,
Let the excitement and relief
You boil in the blood.

Beautiful poems happy birthday programmer


Creative, very strong,
Programmer successful you.
We wish stable
Only the income of labor was brought.

That the programs do not hang
And the virus did not hit the system.
To achieve any goals
And the success in the career was waiting.

In personal life we \u200b\u200bwish
To have all the okay.
Happy birthday congratulations
Genius our computer ideas!


Programmer, on birthday
You need to wish much.
To begin with, let patience
Will accompany you.

Code to fold, algorithms
May not all.
And you can show
His talent in all its glory.

Career growth wish you.
Successful business, glorious ideas.
Love, understanding, health, good luck.
All the right action in your work.


With a computer always on "you",
You feel glad to you.
Your level in programs - & laquo; God & raquo;
And our - just "kindergarten".

Congratulate Rada we are
Wish big success
Work only in mind
And business undertakings.

You wish Jobs to become
Il Bill Gates, for example.
You are a modest small one to become
(And future billionaire).


Computers and fees,
Systems and "Firewood & raquo;.
For you, it's like cotton -
Solid nonsense.

I wish simply
Health for years.
Love, though temporary,
For long century.

Work so that you are plenty -
I wanted and might.
Appliances about the supply of canteens
To taste, that would have had.


Fantasy let raw
Creativity in the flight manit.
To create new programs.
Without any drama.

To work in joy
And did not even strain a little.
So that the salary was high
And the cherished dream came true.

Congratulations to the programmer


You are the master of computer affairs!
We wish you a birthday,
So that all you really wanted
It turned out without exception!

Let the virus and other dust
Do not step to you on the threshold,
So that the life of excitement is not cooled,
So that you still have a lot.

We wish the workers of victories
Salary - one million!
Online you or not -
You still have our champion!


The smartest programmer
Happy birthday congratulations.
All computers riddles,
I wish you solve.

You know the system fully,
And replete without difficulty.
Let the work be in joy,
Pleasure always!


At the computer you guru,
In the party, the Great Soloist.
Happy Birthday,
Gifted programmer.

Wish I want good luck
Virus in life do not catch,
Brilliant programs
As before, create.


Excellent programming specialist Congratulations on your birthday. I always wish to know what, where, why and for what, constantly improve my ideas and fully bring grand ideas. I wish not to know fatigue from work and get everything desired from life.


With any computer program
You will understand very quickly,
We congratulate on your birthday
You, cool programmer!

You wish you happiness,
Let a lot manifest in life
Strive forward and develop,
You chose a faithful way!

Funny, funny and comic greetings happy birthday programmer


You are a great man,
Programmer is beautiful
Let the days hasty running
Will not useless!

Get all that you
Provide. Away doubt!
Let dreams be fulfilled
On this birthday!


Happy Birthday, Programmer,
Discreet you and not eloquent,
You are good on all sides:
And serious, and smart,

With a pretty interface
And excellent character
Let them write programs
Be always happy yourself!


Happy birthday, let dreams
In the last time they would return!
Wish I want you
I was able to move in your career!

Let the work of the programmer
Gives only big income!
Whether in life optimist,
So much happiness is waiting for you!


You have a hurry to congratulate on your birthday,
After all, a programmer is busy:
Programs write, you are looking for any decisions,
But now stop a little, wait!

Take more from me you congratulations,
But your computer will wait a little!
Manage to get pleasure from life
Steps with a smile, go only forward!

Let your work goes perfectly
So that your success will be crowned!
Let it also be cool will be all on the front person,
To be a completely happy person!


Programs write tirelessly
But you need to rest more often!
Your birthday long-awaited
Today we will celebrate!

I wish you on my birthday,
Bright emotions are just a sea!
Fake from life enjoyment
Less braid from the monitor!

Let the income bearing
After all, the programmer you are at least where!
Let all problems and care
Go once and forever!


In the affairs of computer you - AS,
Like songs you write a program
What are you surprising very us,
So let the life of the panorama

Pestry and good and good
And happiness sunny-beautiful.
Be comfortable let the house sparkle
And you will always be happy!


Programs write to a bang
And there is no doubt that
But you have time to relax
Today, on this birthday!

Let the prog, the codes will wait
Well, buddy, more fun!
I wish you joyful minutes
And only bright, bright days!

Let success accompanies
You everywhere on the heels,
And let the capital grow,
To follow these dreams!


Age dictates computer
We are our laws
Good that programmer
We have a friend.

Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate Rada,
And wish you disappear
In life, all obstacles.

To your programs
The virus was not terrible,
We admired you
Programmer ours.


Your work programmer
Time is not very easy.
But let the whole life sparkles good,
It goes away forever longing.

Always relatives nearby
Fortune you love,
You will not forget friends!
Hooray! With your birth!


Such as you are specialists
With the hands of a torn any.
Demand from people on programmers.
Of these, you are the best, dear.

In your birthday wanted
We wish in all success
In your sometimes not easy
And the virus will not be a hindrance.

You are a programmer, which means for sure
Communication problems will be able to.
And, if necessary, very urgent
Work to do you have time.


How to congratulate the programmer
What do you wish you?
In your birthday
We want to say a lot.

Be so folded like a computer
And, as a laptop, smart.
Be decisive and deft,
Attractive, strong.

For computer program -
Hard work,
In life, let you have -
No care!


Happy birthday to you
And by mail, and just on the network.
Surprise you like - we do not know.
Happiness only wish on the road!

Let not hang that faithful computer
There will be hacker less attacks.
Let the success be your absolute.
As you want - let everything be so.


Disassemble any computer?
There are no problems for you.
Know everything - you're just a guru
In the world, a complex computer.

In a birthday I wish
Interesting programs.
To give life to joy,
Happiness was here and there.

Let the work does not interfere
In the case of tremendous love.
I wish you from the soul
Finding finding.


Have a computer for hours
You can, our friend, sit,
On the creation of the program
Nights long sit.

In my birthday we wish
New creative ideas.
In life, let from numbers and signs
There will be a place for passions.


Programmer, man smart,
Without fear of hard work
You make up programs
And computers save

From the screens of bright blue!
We want the centuries to love
Only you success, luck!
Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday to You!
Computer products wish
Well, life in full.

Let luck surround
Let the income grow.
You are worthy of the best, and therefore
Let in all of you lucky.


You create sites every day,
The programmer from God is undoubtedly
In the world code time you live
In this area you are long enough.

Happy birthday to you I congratulate
And I wish you long and happy years,
For success, good luck, joy spell,
And I wish to be demanding all!


Delphi, Baisik and Pascal
For a programmer just paradise.
In reality, come back more often
And congratulations take!

Happy birthday we wish
Health, happiness and heat,
To form blocks, lines
In the programs of the world and good!


Programmer, cordially congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
Happiness and healthy wish
There will be a calm soul.

Let in computers setting, programs
Only always go.
Good let it be in life so much
How much the heart and soul your soul crave.

Today, congratulations programmers.
Tell me, well, where are we without you?
The program suddenly is not the same open
Ile mouse depended, click not giving us.

Any department of il firm may group
Without a programmer, just nowhere:
After all, turn off and download the computer
In fact, it is not nonsense!

So thrive you and do not get sick
And be always at the height.
Dream, program and believe -
Always in all of you are the first everywhere!

Write, write your programs!
And Klava Bay with a persistence of Dyatla
And be sought after
And for the works growing let the board!

And most importantly - always be happy
Love is big to you in real life!
Password put out of the fervent passion,
So that competitors did not hacked!

Happy programmer. Proryvov in work, rextreme Actions aboutground opportunities, g.ranked achievements rnice concern in life butauscient success m.naughty happiness of the soul, m.nogochargent new programs andnotewer developments fromvobode selection, t.alanta in everything!

It is believed that Botan is a programmer,
That he is a weak and eternally beer drinks,
And what about this flaws sheet
It is hardly exhausted, but on the contrary!

The programmer has the largest brain,
And so that such nutrition - who should be?
And the bodybuilder could not be a brain
Proteins with carbohydrates feed.

All programmers, with koim sign,
Guys - Supermen at least where!
Their Cabinet is comfortable, as if the house,
And coffee in it with candy - always!

Hospitable still people:
We will see the tea, burst anecdote,
Raise the mood as artists
Lovely guys programmers!

And I want to congratulate this day,
I hope that I drink it now,
After all, harmful work - drink fit,
Hey, "Hennessy" splash the program!

For the wage grew by the hour!
That girls loved you guys!
So that life was like lemonade, sparkler,
Each simple programmer!

Today I will congratulate
Computer Asov,
High class specialists.
On programmer's day
I wish you
Do you love computers
Do not hang.
I wish you gigabytes happiness
And popular with your sites
I wish you Bill Gates to furnish
Happiness program for computers make up.

Programmer's day all in full swing,
And let me wish -
Your life program
Fantastic to become!

Let problems do not hurt
Like a black sky
Stay as Bill Gates Rich -
But so that it was not a dream!

Programmer per day
More premiums and benefits
And love and respect
Worth your admiration!

For such difficult work
Very much care.
Let health fails
Virus Network Your Own!

And let the back do not hurt,
Does not disturb you arthritis,
Money dripped into the bag
From the soul you congratulations!

In your holiday, the day of the programmer,
The sun is clear, the sky is pure,
Congratulations all friends
Otherwise it is impossible.

Kohl with a computer trouble,
All run to you then
You will help you fix everything,
Where you twist where to join.

In your case, just a genius,
All of us such skills
But not harmful to dream,
Us you, friend, do not catch up.

I'm stubborn with the program fighting,
All characters built in a row.
In my tongue "Si plus plus"
They talk about something ...

September is joking at me,
Ruff foliage elegant:
That two to the degree of eighth -
That byte eight-bit ...

About clave forehead now watch,
So that the brain is inserted into place.
After all, I want a programmer
Back in the morning to congratulate!

Let always be added
Like Fibonacci numbers
Health, happiness! And fate -
Remove the good luck code!

The programmer will help us
Develop a hundred programs
Every day he writes codes,
Oh, how much work there!
You want us to wish
Codes to write without problems
Sort by bubble
It is always easy to do,
"Java" remember only five,
But the connection with the world does not lose!
You need to know in all of your measure:
Here is a family, and here - Career!
And then you are waiting for happiness
Every day from year to year!

You have programmed luck
And drove beer to drink to the country
And while relaxed with friends,
Your codes plowed you.

You train scripts, programs,
In the viruses, you do not see the drama,
Cope with Windows and Under Linux,
You hand over the whole office faithful vintamp!

We wish you to bosses
Premium more often appointed
To less frequent crick brutal
For the entire office of the broken Kaspersky.

So that there were no viruses and spam
Nor in life nor in your programs
To make money just the sea
So that even in the corridor!

To have any order is executed
And your webman's wallet is full,
So that health was from the rod
Our native programmer has!

The number 256 is selected because it is the number of different values \u200b\u200bthat can be expressed using an eight-bit byte. It is also the maximum whole degree of number 2, which does not exceed the number of days a year.

We picked up funny pictures, postcards and congratulations on the day of the programmer you can congratulate your relatives and familiar programmers.

Funny congratulations and pictures with programmer's day

True computer genius, on the day of his computer birth, we want to wish anti-virus health, gigabytes of happiness and love without speed limit and traffic!

Programmer, take congratulations -
Hadness interface,
We wish you promotion
From zero to the most heavens!
Let the girl with the display beautiful
Monitor you until the morning
And the processor is buzzing at all power -
Advocate toasts of the user!

Congratulations on the programmer's day! I wish that the working code of your life was coordinated and accurate, love was protected by a reliable password, and the fate compilers were health, luck and well-being.

You write programs. Computer world
You did not leave mysteries
Let your honor be covered in your honor,
Let every day be sweet!
We wish the masterpieces to create
Your mind is designed for this,
Love find, and then - not to lose.
Good luck, fun and light!

I wish good health, good eyes and durable hands, as well as clear technicians, intelligent authorities and salaries capable of arguing with Everest. Happy programmer!

I wish you a day in a programmer,
Go stroll and let go too lazy
The mouse relates from the palm of the mighty,
Chair, raise the spring squeezing.
You are a programmer, the computer you hang
All algorithms in tasks decide,
But, on your holiday, slightly rest,
And the reality seriously look.

You are our wise programmer,
You are in the computer - artist.
And write programs cool
And you work fine!
Hands click, kiss gently,
After all, the love is our wildliness,
Let all the bad weather bypass
We wish the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness!

Beats the keys "Maestro"
Incomprehensible gamma.
You play not with the orchestra,
And with a computer program!
From the soul on the programmer's day
We wish you happiness!
Whether in life optimist,
Our unsurpassed master!

Happy Programmer: Funny pictures and congratulations

Programmer is a special guy,
Codes, figures of the Lord.
From the heart you wish
Not left so that one.
You find yourself a bride,
The programmer will let.
So that you work together,
And sadness and sadness will go!

Throw the keyboard, move away from the mouse,
Turn off the computer and stick the sideways.
Smile, comrade, smile Rather!
Your holiday today! Well, wobble!

Two steps down
I run like a fire:
My programmer sits there,
He has a special gift,
All as in a fairy tale - he "Sage",
Waiting with the problem of the race, well, and I am a "fool",
What screams "trouble! Bed! ".
And today I congratulate
I wish that I can,
I forget about problems
And with a smile hand smid ...

Your element - the world of computers is endless,
Soul Balsam for you - Create your code,
Girls for you - Your programs,
All life in the algorithm only goes.
You today, our programmer, congratulations
We wish you to forget my friends
Your flexible mind, your talents glorify,
We also wish you more often rested.

I do not know how cool colleagues,
Fantasy that sometimes I'm afraid
Then I will send my photo in the cart,
And, as if, I rush in her ...
Our programmer is an eccentric and a custody,
We are always waiting with fear of jokes,
Then "causing" a casseroland
Then the accountant "will expose" naked ...
Do not congratulate it impossible,
Choir we wish good
I'm passing carefully,
And notice, then all - know - trouble ...

Multidian programmer
Internet leader,
Virologist, "Windas",
Your holiday from dawn!
Let not glitches in life
How everything goes on oil -
Money, new projects,
Rest in Nice without worries!

You are a real programmer,
Computer is your servant.
So be always like an optimist -
Success falls to the legs!
We really appreciate your talent,
We wish not to be sad.
You are our computer giant,
We will be honored!


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