New Year's decorations for the interior with their own hands. Decorate the house for the new year with your own hands the interior decoration for the new year

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Good afternoon, my dear readers! New Years is soon! And every hostess is preparing for this holiday in advance. We must prepare gifts, decorate the Christmas tree, cover the festive table, decorate a house or apartment.

Affairs is a lot! And to help you a little, I will give a few tips, how to decorate the house for the new 2018 year of the dog.

The dog loves homemade warmth and comfort, but she will be delighted with any update. It is good to decorate the windows with new curtains, to store the sofa with a new plaid, and the tablecloth should also be updated.

The interior of the room must be withstanding in a yellowish-brown tone. Minimize drawings, flowers and ornament in decorative room decorations.

How to decorate a new year table

The New Year's table will look very elegant if you suspend the corners of the tablecloth and decorate them with compositions from Christmas balls. Tie the thin ribbon three the same size and color balls, add a little "rain" and tie them to the corners of the tablecloth.

On the middle of the table, hoisting a white candle, in the frame of fir branches and a golden ribbon. Stress the New Year's fairy tale unusual candlesticks made of simple glass glasses. They should stick Tui sprigs.

To do this, you need to cut the twigs of the desired size, smeared with glue and applied to the surface of the glade the upper part up. After the glue dries, the lower part of the twig must be neatly trimmed.

How to decorate a new year table

Windows, too, should not be ignored. Of course, you can cut the snowflakes from a white napkin or simply draw them. But it is better to attach fir branches on a thin green wire in the form of unusual green snowflakes.

Here as a fantasy will tell. You can simply with the usual stars, or to attach more smaller sprigs to five-pointed rays. Move the snowflakes on a thin blue or white ribbon.

How to decorate windows to the new year

The chandelier should also look festively. With the help of thin wires to attach to the metal parts of the chandelier of natural or artificial sprigs. Supplement chandelier decoration should be hung on long ribbons, identical balls. The center of the chandelier must be decorated more effectively. Move the ball from the foam, along the entire surface of the artificial colors stuck.

How to decorate chandelier for the new year

How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year

The tree can also be decorated original. Make jewelry from ordinary cones. Color her scales with nail polish with glitter or ordinary paint. To plug the portno pin with a bead and tie a ribbon.

To decorate the worker, it was in the office or for a niche in the room you can prepare an unusual Christmas tree. Cut from thick paper cone, to deceive with glue, and stick a green tinsel, starting from the bottom end. Christmas tree can be decorated with garlands of colored ribbons or shoelaces, small toys and balls.

Christmas tree from candy

In order for the festive New Year's mood to be felt not only in the room, and on the street, you should take care of the decoration of the balcony. The empty box, where the flowers grew up the flowers, fill with a clay.

At it to attach the composition of pine branches, spruce and thuu, add dry sprigs with rowan fetas or rosehip, golden silver balls, beads and artificial flowers. This decoration will raise the mood not only to guests, and passersby.

How to decorate a balcony to the new year

How to decorate the entrance door to the new year

Over the door hang a wreath of fir branches. It must be crushed with brown or yellowish tapes. Move the bell that can be used as a call. Then the dog will know the guests who came to her for the holiday.

Non-good advice- How to create a New Year's mood. The new year is no longer around the corner, but after the window it rains and slush. And there is not the slightest reminder that soon meets with the most winter and magical holiday. But you should not despair and give hands. Time to raise yourself a New Year's mood! And now this article will help you in this.

The first thing to be done is to think about how to decorate the apartment for the new year 2018.

1. Christmas tree

Christmas tree is an indispensable attribute of New Year's holidays. Since childhood, we loved to decorate her beautiful balls, funny toys and sweets. We drove around the Christmas tree, sang songs, told the poems of Santa Claus and found cherished gifts.

And so that the tree was not only an ornament in your home, but also brought good luck, success and love this year, it should be decorated strictly by tradition. The tree itself symbolizes men's energy and therefore a man should bring her to the house, and toys are a symbol of female energy and decorate the Christmas tree. Dressing out a forest beauty, it is necessary to invest in each decoration a secret meaning and desire.

To make money in your home - decorate the Christmas tree with a rain, and for those who want to meet the soul mate this year - you should hang toys in the shape of a heart. The same, who this year dreams of the appearance of the baby - the elephant's christmas toy should be hung as a symbol of love and children. And so that your home is always a complete bowl, you must have a toy house on the Christmas tree. Adhering to such tips, you will definitely come true.

2. New Year's garland with your own hands

Non-quality garlands cause fires in apartments and houses. And in order to avoid this, you can make a beautiful garland with your own hands, it will be the original and most importantly safe.

3. New Year's snowflakes and artificial snow

If the mother nature does not indulge us with snow, then you can make it yourself. Ideas how to decorate at home for the new year 2018 with artificial snow, you can find on the Internet. There you can find how to make snowflakes. Snowflakes can be hanging on the chandelier, and snowflakes cut out from paper to windows. And then in your house there will be a spirit of winter, the spirit of Christmas magic.

4. New Year Wreath Symbol of Happiness and Well-Being

First of all, to decorate the house must begin with a hallway. European customs decorated their house wreaths came to us quite recently, and have already become popular. New Year wreaths are a symbol of well-being. And therefore, decorating the hallmarks with Christmas wreaths, you attract good, health and wealth to my house. Wreaths can be made of pine branches, made of cones and even from ordinary sticks. You can decorate with christmas toys, nuts, cinnamon, all the fact that your soul is pleased. The main thing to approach this creative process with a desire and good mood and everything must be turned out.

5. Decorative New Year's fireplace

New Year's fireplace, symbol of comfort and warmth. In Europe, it is decorated with garlands and decorative socks. According to their tradition, Santa Claus comes through the fireplace and brings gifts to children. And at least, our Santa Claus does not come through the fireplace, but still we want to feel warmth and comfort from this subject. Therefore, on the Internet now you can easily find how to make a decorative fireplace with your hands from the remedies.

6. New Year's crafts do it yourself

New Year's crafts are an excellent addition to creating a festive atmosphere in your home. It can be snowmen made of cardboard or threads, christmas toys and decorative candlesticks. All these items will decorate your home and create a New Year's mood.

7. Design of gifts

Everyone is nice to New Year's Eve to find gifts under the Christmas tree. And beautiful packaging is no less important than the gift itself. Beautifully decorated gifts create an entourage of the holiday, magic and fairy tales. Therefore, before putting gifts for your favorite and relatives under the Christmas tree, do not forget to pack them original.

  • Also read - Salads for the New Year 2018 - Lightweight and simple recipes of delicious salads

And most importantly, decorating your home, listen to your heart and mood. Festive mood helps to decorate your apartment or house unusually and fabulously. Being in such a magical setting, the New Year's Eve will be in the truth unforgettable. The main thing is to show fantasy and originality, and a good helper, there will be the Internet. Creative success and good luck!

New Year's interior design Apartments for creating a festive mood

Pre-New Year excitement, waiting for a miracle covers long before the end of the year. It is nice to buy a cute gifts for loved ones, choosing a place for a New Year's party, as well as a decoration of the house. The fabulous decor supports the atmosphere of the most magical holiday.

Unique emotions give the choice of a fluffy green Christmas tree, decorations for her, garlands hanging. I would like to think about how to decorate the house for the new year, what elements to make in the interior so that the magic mood does not leave throughout all holidays.

Along with traditional and favorite christmas toys, new, original items of the festive decor, corresponding to the most relevant interior trends.

The question is how to decorate the apartment to the new year, only at first glance seems simple. Immediately comes to choose the biggest and bright Christmas toys, colorful garlands, figurines of the beloved Santa Claus or deer. But after all, any item of the decor should fit into the interior of the residential premises, support his style and emphasize individuality. It is easy to show the absence of taste, without taking into account the color range of housing furnishings.

To turn your home in the beautiful illustration of the New Year's fairy tale, you should stick to one of those traditional color combinations that are used in the festive winter decor. Exquisitely and stylish will look in the interior decorative details with a combination of dark green and red, gold and red, silver and blue.

New Year's house design created with thematic elements

The actual tendency of interior decoration to winter holidays is the use of gifts of nature. It can be pine cones, firing, coniferous branches. Interesting and ideas of using mandarin, nuts in the decoration of rooms, decorations with spices (cinnamon, badyan).

It is easy to independently make beautiful products with such elements that, besides, will fill the house with the aroma of coziness, magic. Strengthen the smell of citrus, cinnamon, chocolate can also various essential oils.

It is enough to show a little fantasy, take advantage of interesting ready-made ideas to create unique decorations for the New Year, creating a magical mood.

Christmas tree - chief attribute in the design of the New Year's interior of the apartment or house

It is important to remember that the atmosphere of such loved ones by all winter holidays is created using many elements. This is not only the visual transformation of the usual situation at home, but also pleasant flavors of goodies, spices, fruits.

Tip! It is also worth using various shiny and mirror surfaces, lights of multicolored garlands, beautiful candles.

If you combine all these techniques in decorating, your favorite apartment in the New Year will be the most fabulous place on Earth. No need to worry that the fulfillment of such a task will require a lot of strength and means. All details of the New Year decor can be made from simple materials. And free time for such a pleasant work will be found.

The main guest at the New Year's party is a green tree or pine tree. The tree can be alive, with the aroma of the winter forest, or artificial. It is only important to decorate the Christmas tree correctly, taking into account the interior style, the gamma shades of the situation at home. In terms of its size, the tree must answer the parameters of the room, if it is small, it is worth choosing and a low model of the tree.

Decorated Christmas tree creates a fabulous atmosphere in the interior of the apartment

There are several tips to help beautifully decorate a fir tree, artificial or live, choose toys for her. Bottom, the tree is decorated with large balls, toys, and the smallest are located on the painter. Fashion trends regarding the decoration of the Christmas tree are changing, it should be considered. If earlier the trendies were considered bright and multicolored toys, diverse in shape, now stylists recommend choosing the decor of one color gamut.

Bright decoration of the New Year tree

A variety of materials are used to create original Christmas tree toys - old light bulbs, small bottles of original shape, vintage things. Those who knit crochet, needles, owns Macrame technique, it is easy to make a beautiful decor for a winter fabulous interior. The advantage of knitted toys is not only in their original form, but also safe for kids.

Create a New Year's interior of the apartment with window decoration

Fabulously look in winter holidays the house should not only inside, but also outside. So nice during a slow evening walk through the snow-covered street view windows with bright garlands, openwork homemade snowflakes on the glasses. Therefore, deciding how to decorate the apartment for the new year, you can not forget about the decoration of windows, doors.

Tip! One of the most beautiful types of window decor - lace snowflakes. But you can move away from the usual template and cut to decorate other figures - deer, Christmas trees, Snow Maiden, Angels. Snowflakes on the glass can be not only paper, a wonderful idea - to tie them from thin white crochet threads.

Festively looks like windows, painted with special paints under frost patterns or decorated with congratulatory inscriptions. Multicolored glowing garlands are also effectively used in the decor, they look wicked, especially if the light bulbs are transfused with bright lights.

New Year's window decor pleases the eyes of both the inhabitants of the apartment and passersby

You can invite a holiday to your home with great shiny Christmas balls hanging near the window on bright ribbons. And at the bottom on the windowsill will stand a slide of gifts in colorful paper. Looking at such a window, so you want to go to a cozy and warm home.

We must not forget about the candles in the New Year's design, installed on the exquisite candlesticks, they will become a unique decoration of the window. The decorated window should be interesting to look outside, and inside, combined with.

Colorful and bright decoration of New Year's living room interior

The greatest attention at the design of the atmospheric New Year's interior is given to the living room, as a festive table is installed here, gifts are opened. In the living room, it is customary to receive guests who must be knocked into the house in the winter holidays. Strip the decoration of the room stylists are advised from the door.

The traditional decorative element it is a wreath of twigs with needles of a coniferous tree, intertwined with red ribbons, supplemented with toys, cones.

Corses can be taken real, painting them shiny paint. So that the house or apartment in the New Year 2018 looks not only fabulous, but also fashionable, as decor you can use the symbolism of the upcoming year.

The walls of the living room are decorated with electric or paper garlands, and on the shelves of furniture you can put stylish winter compositions from the branches of conifers. The decoration of such compositions will serve Christmas candles, christmas balls, bright serpentine, sequins. At the most prominent place you need to put the Christmas tree with Figures of Santa Claus and the beloved Snow Maiden. The Christmas tree in the room may not be alone, it is easy to make original trees from felt, paper, fabric, green books, various gift boxes. In such a creative process, the whole family will be happy to participate.

Stylish New Year's Interior Decoration Apartment

Many modern houses and apartments have fireplaces, real or decorative. On the fireplace shelf you can arrange the garland from the branches of the Christmas tree, here there is a place for red socks with gifts. And so that the fabulous setting has been completed, you should hang a few large and shiny Christmas balls to the central chandelier.

Festive table - Stylish decoration and serving ideas

Special ritual - table setting for a banquet. A fun, warm atmosphere, filled with a delicious feast, wonderful fabulous night is created.

Original setting of New Year's table

If the festive service and other service items are bright, it is recommended to lay a snow-white tablecloth on the table. Accordingly, it can be chosen to a dark shade. Perfectly, if the material has a beautiful golden pattern, giving the table sophistication.

The mandatory element of the New Year's serving is the thematic composition, it can be made of branches of the Christmas tree, candles, christmas toys, shiny beads. The composition can be made even in a large crystal glass or dish. We will complement the serving napkins with the thematic pattern, rings for the napkins of the corresponding design, for example, they can also be made from the Christmas branch.

Decoration of the New Year's table for all traditions

Do not waste the table with a decor, enough accents. In the New Year's stylist you can serve a festive dinner and on a birthday that falls on the winter holidays.

When decorating a private house, do not forget about the decoration of the facade of the building, the yard. On the external walls you can hang multi-colored electric garlands, figurines of the main character characters - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowmen, deer.

Registration of the New Year's interior house outside

Instead of installing a cut-off fir tree at home, it is worth putting a tree in the yard. And with the beginning of winter, it will be nice to take up his decoration. When looking at the courtyard with such an elegant tree, everyone will cover the warm mood of the holiday and miracle. No Christmas tree - perfectly look with garlands and christmas toys and other trees, shrubs.

If there is kids sleds in the house, they can be put in front of the facade, eating large boxes in the gift wrapping.

New Year's design of the house outside will attract the views of passersby

Another fashionable idea is to install in the courtyard of large figures of deer, Christmas trees, a snowman from a wire, which are then decorated with glowing garlands. The manufacturing process is simple, you can make even several such characters.

We celebrate the Year of the Yellow Dog

New Year's decoration of an apartment in the style of a yellow dog

Rarely, who is not following the eastern calendar now and, solving how to decorate an apartment or a house for the new year, wants to use relevant symbolism. The film of yellow peel used in the living room decor or private yard will bring good luck for the whole year.

As decorative details of the fabulous interior, you can use dog figures, festive candles, christmas toys. You can use and yellow color, its shades as the main in the range of the winter interior room.

Since the dog is considered a devotee, pet, this symbol of the year will like the decor's items that have already become family values \u200b\u200band rarity.

How to decorate the interior of the apartment to the new 2018 yellow dog?

Do not write down and remove the New Year decor, let the mood of the fairy tale settles in the house on all the days of winter holidays and vacation.

To successfully meet 2018 year decoration at home Must meet the holiday, create a mood and maintain it throughout all holidays. It is worth developing a full plan for that on the one hand embody the most successful and interesting ideas from your point of view, but even that on the other side all this in the aggregate looks worthy and correct. And our examples and prompts will help you to do everything in the best way.

Home decoration for the new year 2018

To anyone home decoration for the new year 2018 It became truly relevant, should be remembered about fashionable shades, which should be adhered to. As you know, the most fashionable shade for just 2018 is a warm, saturated green-yellow tone. It is necessary to use it on the full program.

Examples of using exactly such a beautiful color scheme you can see on samples home decoration for new year 2018, photo which are located above. This will be the most fashionable table setting, and even the Christmas toys of green color on the background of the green Christmas tree should not be perceived as something unusual. Fortunately, a lot of green and trendy styles that continue their triumph in designer concepts - this is an eco-style and style of Rustic. They both are filled with both numerous wooden elements and active use of living vegetation, fresh needles, gentle grass, turf and so on. In the photos you can see that the plants can be convenient to serve the table, you can decorate the compositions with them, make wreaths on the door, unusual kashpo.

It is such a green, herbal shade will give all the New Year's design at the same time both fashionable, and very cozy appearance. After all, it is known that psychologists generally recommend surrounding themselves green, he calms down and allows you to distract a little from worries and problems, and after all, this is, coupled with the immersion in the fabulous New Year's world of gifts and delicious dishes, we want from the Christmas decade.

Since we started talking about rustic, rustic style, it is necessary to see in more detail what kind of decorative elements can be attributed to it. Rustic is quite simple in the embodiment, but this is the main snag - it is not recommended to mix any other. That is why it is better to make literally one or two large decorations and several interesting accents, and the rest of the space is unknown, than to sculpt next to the logs, bark and sinks of hemp ropes of sequins, tinsel, paper color garlands, and so much. In the same way, in the style of Rustic - this is what is needed. The perfect addition to the decor will be the fire of numerous candles, plaids of large mating or imitation of the skins on the floor. Pay attention to the composition installed on top of the colorful wooden shelf - a whole New Year's town from several houses, highlighted by garland. Such a snaps are quite simple, but what is called, atmospheric, allows us to awaken fantasy. Another successful idea is a snowflake suspension, for which the wire frame is used and the wigble fiber, and if you will add each snowflake element to the element to highlight, the craft is different.

Some opposite of rustic simplicity and some even rudeness is a new concept of a festive glamor, and in the very good sense of the word. That is, the interior, or rather the brightest items, should shine and blur with light, creating a bright, festive mood. The win-win option is a transparent faceted glass and a crystal in the same snow-white neighborhood, it does not even require additional color accents. Also always successful will be the use of gold, it automatically makes any decor "richer". If you like this style, you can use the examples given in the photo above, to solve the problem ,.

New Year's home decoration for 2018

From common stylistic trends I would like to move to more special cases new Year's home decoration for 2018After all, it is sometimes interesting trivia and accents can give your commitment to fashion and what you are aware of topical trends. So, for example, the usual and even a few fed element of the festive decoration is a Christmas wreath, can acquire a completely different appearance.

In many respects, it depends on whether the wreath will be located inside or outside. To decorate the interior, you are practically not limited in choosing materials and techniques, but for outdoor use it is better to take chevy and wood-resistant to weather cataclysms. However, it can be done quite original - we will convey in the thickets picture frame, and inside hang a couple of curly skates, it will also be festive, and conceptually.

Among all new Year decoration ideas for the new year 2018 There is a tendency to use multi-colored wool balls. In garlands, christmas decorations, porridge for flower arrangements and in the table setting - everywhere there is a place for such an unusual material.

For all of us, we were familiar to decorate the Christmas tree under the New Year, as it is the Christmas tree for us - a symbol of this beautiful holiday. But not only the tree is worthy in order for her to be festively decorated! Much more delicious will be a festive atmosphere if you want to decorate the house for the new year. And it is not necessary to invite fashionable designers at all for this or look for a stylish New Year's interior in magazines. It is necessary to trust your tastes, then your home or apartment will not be just like a decoration, but also as a soul of the holiday. So, decorated the house for the new year. How do you need to start?

How can I decorate the house to the new 2018

First, we are determined with the style. It is unlikely that it is worth hanging out the decorations that you have in the house, you need to think about every little thing the interior of your home. Everything must be in combination of meaning and have harmony with each other. Here are some examples of the ideas of the interior of your home.

Interior "Two beautiful colors"

You need to choose decorations, such as: balls on the Christmas tree, tinsel, garlands, picking them up in two color gamma.

Since 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog, then, accordingly, the color of this year is yellow and all sorts of shades.

For example, for a wonderful New Year's combination there will be yellow-brown or yellow-green. More solid and moderately look brown with gold. The interior that is completed in a similar form will look pretty beautiful and stylish.

Interior "Children's World"

In a similar interior, there should be no boring factory toys. Their place must be replaced with decorations that are made by their own hands. Also, on the festive Christmas tree you can hang any toy of your child, it is festively apparent. To do this, it will be enough to make an old doll festive outfit, a dress made of packaging beautiful paper. And since we celebrate 2018 - a yellow dog must be necessarily both a Christmas tree, and just settle on the bedside table, a coffee table or on the shelves of a cabinet with a golden color of Mishur, fir branches, covered with artificial snow.


See the master class on the decoration of the house for the new year with your own hands:

Doors, both on the inside and external, are made up decorated with bright accessories with spruce wreaths. You can buy them in the store, but more interesting will be pre-holiday bustle, if you make such wreaths yourself, attracting your children to the helpers. And how to make a wreath with your own hands, watch the video:

And do not forget to hang candy everywhere in the brightest candy, and other different sweets wrapped in a semblance of sweets in a beautiful shiny paper.

To decorate the house for the new year in this form, we select wicker various decorations, now there can be quite a lot of them. Perhaps even buy a wicker Christmas tree and a wicker New Year's deer.

If you want to save, make such decorations yourself, with your own hands. To do this, we need to weave from the twigs or dry straw a variety of figures, and then spray paint, silver or gold, from the canopy. It is fashionable to make balls, wicker stars, men, again our dog is everything that you can have enough fantasy. The dog is usually kept in private houses and at dachas, so the village straw style for meeting the new 2018 to her, for sure, will like it.

For this interior of jewelry, you need a minimum, let fir branches will be instead. Things need to decorate the house for the new year, from curtains for curtains, to the entrance door. To the twigs only need to add some New Year's touches. For example, attaching small elegant balls in the shape of cones to them, sit with artificial snow. With a similar interior, the main festive attribute is the smell of the New Year, for you is provided.

Decorating the rooms

After you choose the desired style, think what you need to decorate in your home. For example:

Living room. Decorate the eaves for curtains with beautiful garlands, having suspended graceful decorations to the chandelier, put in the corner of Santa Claus together with the New Year's deer. Shake on the glass cabinet and on the mirror New Year's snowflakes.

Bedroom. We will put candles on the windowsill in the form of Santa Claus or a snowman, and on the shelves - the wanders of the New Year in the form of a house. Suspension on the ceiling of snowflakes on the ropes, or just put them on the ceiling, or cut them out of luminescent paper, so that they can glow in the dark. We stretch around the perimeter of the garland door.

Kitchen. Decorate the hood and cabinet, dress on stools and chairs covers with Christmas colors. A Christmas tablecloth is put on the table. Do not forget about the candles. They can be installed many, in different secluded corners. They will create a unique comfort.

Hall. Mishura or flashing garlands are stacked along the perimeter of the mirror. We will put slippers on which Santa Claus should be depicted, even if no one will wear them, they will create a feeling of a holiday for you and your guests.

All listed ideas can be applied to everything that you want to decorate. Relying on your own tastes and fantasies, for you guaranteed a unique festive interior that you will not find in the most fashionable magazines.

You can always come up with your original strokes that no anyone else. For example, to build a New Year tree from Mandarins. Or make a chart from rain and tinsel in the doorway. The main thing is that the resulting atmosphere is comfortable and joyful for you and your family.

If beautiful and with the soul decorate the house to the new year 2018, then it will only bring you all the positive and good! And how to meet the fun this holiday read.


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