The new academic year is a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its pupils. Annual plan of educational and educational work of the gou children Academic year in kindergarten

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Our kindergarten was opened in 1985. The building was built according to a standard project. It has 2 floors, 12 group rooms, one of the groups has been converted into a gym. The kindergarten has a music room, a teacher's office - a speech therapist, a teacher's - psychologist's office, a manager's office, a methodological office, a medical office, an equipped catering unit, as well as walking areas with covered verandas.The kindergarten is open five days a week, from 7.00 to 19.00.

Many years ago, this kindergarten was attended by children whose mothers and fathers worked in the Glavmosstroy system. It was a nursery-kindergarten No. 531. The head of the team was Nechiporenko Svetlana Petrovna.

In 1991, nursery school No. 531 was transformed into Preschool Institution No. 531 with full economic independence. And in 1992, the institution became part of the North - Eastern educational district of the Department of Education of Moscow. In 1994, Svetlana Petrovna went on a well-deserved rest, and Inna Alexandrovna Elyutina was appointed head of the kindergarten. She works to this day.

In 2011, kindergarten No. 218 was renamed into the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow. In 2013, a reorganization took place by joining the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow, Secondary School No. 332. And in 2014, a reorganization was carried out by joining the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "State Capital Gymnasium".We have come a short way of reassignment and now we are all employees, and our children are pupils of the preschool department of the educational complex.

In 2001, a new form of pre-school education, a group of short stays, began to work in our kindergarten for the adaptation of young children. We were the first in the Bibirevo microdistrict and one of the few, both in the North-Eastern District and in Moscow. The main goal of opening this group is to cover children who do not attend preschool institutions and show the parents of pupils that early socialization is necessary for kids.

We attached great importance to interaction with the parents of pupils. Only by combining the efforts of all participants in the educational process can positive results be achieved in the upbringing of preschool children.Interaction with parents proceeded in different forms. But the most interesting was the creation of the club. The creative group of teachers prepared and held interesting meetings with the parents of the pupils, arranged thematic correspondence, organized meetings, concerts, evenings, living rooms.

Of great importance is the opening in the kindergarten of the logo of the item. For more than 20 years, speech therapist Volkova Natalia Viktorovna has been conducting individual work with children on speech development. Literary meetings, leisure activities with the participation of children and parents have become traditions.

Every year, the practice of students of the Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute takes place in a preschool institution. Future specialists study the issues of methodological work in preschool educational institutions, management issues. Yushina Tatyana Eduardovna, senior educator, is actively working on interaction with university teachers.

Preschool students are participantsvarious artistic - aesthetic, intellectual competitions, sports competitions.In close contact with the teaching staff, the physical education teacher Kireeva Natalya Alekseevna and the head nurse Sitnikova Olga Viktorovna are working to preserve and strengthen the health of the pupils. Tan intelligent child is a healthy child. One of the priorities of the kindergarten is to improve the health of children. The teachers of the groups, the teacher of physical culture carry out systematic work to improve the health of children.

Every year our kindergarten is attended by an average of 230 children. There are 47 employees in the preschool department. A characteristic feature of the work of our institution is the lack of vacancies for jobs. This indicates the stability of the professional potential of teachers and the qualitative impact on the state of work with children. Traditionally, we hold open days twice a year.

The effective work of a preschool institution depends on the clarity in the distribution of functions and responsibilities in the management system.Heads are frontline fighters, and senior educators (methodologists) are heroes of the home front, designed to ensure the quality of the daily pedagogical work of the team and its effectiveness, which is reflected in the psycho-emotional state, the level of intellectual development of imagination, speech, attention and memory, and the arbitrariness of children.Quality of preschool education- this is such an organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten, in which the level of upbringing and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training.

A distinctive feature of each preschool institution is the schedule. The daily routine in kindergarten is drawn up according to a clear schedule, down to minutes. Any delay can lead to the fact that the child will break out of the established schedule. Many parents may doubt the advisability of such strict adherence to the order of actions, considering this a kind of restriction of freedom for the baby, however, experts, including pediatricians, neuropathologists and nutritionists, insist on the obvious benefits of such a regimen, supporting their position with various facts.

Classes in kindergarten are held strictly according to the regime

Why should you follow the regimen?

According to doctors, the regime in kindergarten, which consists in repeating actions at the same time every day, contributes to the formation of stable mental and physiological health in children. For example, one of the main reasons doctors attribute the appearance of rickets or scarlet fever to is just a violation of the regimen. A broken schedule, in turn, leads to deviations in the course of metabolic processes in the body and to a decrease in its resistance to infections.

All mothers are familiar with the situation when the child does not want to go to bed during the day. However, skipping a day's rest like this can provoke all sorts of nervous disorders. While the baby is sleeping, the cells of his brain are being restored, the perception of new information is improving. If the baby did not get enough sleep, and he was loaded with lessons or a vivid emotional incident happened to him, all this can cause the development of hyperactivity and various tics.

In addition, nutritionists and nutritionists from the University of Chicago concluded that non-compliance with the sequence of actions and their time frames in kindergarten and at home is fraught with obesity. As a result, due to lack of sleep, hormones such as ghrelin and leptin are not properly distributed, which increases the child's appetite.

The only specialists who are not supporters of the daily routine in a kindergarten are psychologists. In their opinion, if you force and impose someone else's will on a child, this will only suppress his individuality.

Scientists have concluded that lack of sleep and lack of daily routine provokes obesity in children

However, from a psychological point of view, one can find facts in favor of the regime. For example, thanks to its observance, the child is systematized and accustomed to order, which helps him quickly adapt in kindergarten. When a child finds himself in new conditions for himself, then performing the same actions according to the schedule, he is liberated, because he knows that after dinner there will be a dream, followed by classes, after which one of the relatives will come.

Features of the regime in kindergarten

Naturally, children cannot immediately adjust to the unusual regimen that is followed in kindergarten, so parents are advised to teach the crumbs at home to follow the appropriate schedule even before entering the chosen institution. You can get acquainted with it on the website of the future preschool educational institution or in its educational program. The standard schedule of all preschools is calculated for the 12 hours that a child spends in a preschool. Sometimes the manager may make certain small adjustments to the schedule in accordance with the geographical location and climate. However, the main provisions regarding the time limits of sleep, activities and wakefulness remain as they are indicated in the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN - 10.

The following are the main nuances of the schedule in kindergartens:

  • Taking into account the age characteristics of children for their harmonious development. The vigorous activity of babies aged 3 to 7 years should not exceed 5.5-6 hours in duration, up to 3 years - according to medical prescriptions.

The period of activity in the kindergarten corresponds to the age norms of the children
  • Permissible educational load per week for preschoolers, which also includes additional classes: for younger groups attended by children under 4 years old, the volume is a maximum of 11 lessons, in middle groups with kids under 5 years old - 12, in older groups with five-year-olds - 15, and in preparatory groups with children under 7 years old - 17 lessons.
  • Season. There are two separate regimes for warm and cold seasons. The main difference between them is that when it is warm outside, caregivers meet the kids in the fresh air, and not indoors, and most of the wakefulness and physical activity also takes place outside.

Diet in the garden

The kindergarten workers who are responsible for the meal schedule are faced with the following task: preparing meals, arranging plates of hot dishes in advance so that they cool down, and then serving the second and third without delay.

The table shows what the meal schedule looks like in most preschool-type institutions:

Food in the garden fills the lack of vitamins and minerals, its energy value is precisely calculated

Approximate daily routine in a regular preschool

The daily routine in kindergarten consists of:

  • diet, namely the time and number of meals;
  • daytime sleep;
  • walks;
  • the time of admission of children;
  • games and activities.

Educators take children to the kindergarten from the moment it starts working until 8 o'clock in the morning. The period while the reception lasts is the time for independent games in the group's premises or on the site during the warm season. Before breakfast, the time from 8.00 to 8.20/8.30 is set aside for morning exercises with a teacher or physical worker and for preparing for breakfast.

Lessons in the morning

Starting from 9.00, classes are held for children aimed at ensuring that they learn about the world around them, develop their speech skills and get acquainted with the basics of mathematics. The teachers are responsible for conducting the classes. They must prescribe a plan of activity in advance in order to meet the time allotted for this. In addition to the educator, a music worker and an athlete can also work with kids.

In the morning, children may have music lessons or physical education

In addition to the usual activities in the group, the guys can visit the pool 2 times a week, if there is one. In senior and preparatory groups, they also organize additional classes with a speech therapy bias, in which children train their speech. Only a speech pathologist is required to conduct them.

The duration and number of classes depends on age indicators. For younger preschoolers, there are 2 classes per day, one before bedtime, the other after. In the middle group, the teacher works with the kids twice a day for a total of 10 hours. For older preschoolers, the number of classes increases to three, and their duration also increases.

There should be mandatory breaks between classes when the children rest and move. This is the only way to keep the activity and cognitive ability of the child throughout the day.

Walks and naps

After classes are over and the children have had their second breakfast, it's time for a walk. In the nursery, the walk begins earlier than in other groups, and therefore ends earlier too, the children in them, respectively, are the very first to dine. Since children go to the nursery group at the age of 2-3, given the characteristics of a small organism, the time of wakefulness is reduced, and daytime sleep, on the contrary, becomes longer.

With age, the period of activity in the child grows, thereby the body of the crumbs gradually prepares for school and the regime in it. In the middle group, walks usually last until 11.30-11.50, and in the preparatory group - up to 12.15-12.30. After returning from the street, the guys will have lunch and a daytime sleep. The room where the children sleep should be ventilated in advance, and the cribs should be prepared for bed. The youngest go to bed at 12.30, the oldest at 13.00-13.15.

Daytime sleep helps to restore the strength of the child


The rise time in kindergarten in all groups is the same. Children are awakened at 15.00, followed by their washing, dressing and afternoon tea. In the younger groups, after that, the second general education lesson is held, in the middle and older groups, the time comes for independent games, reading, cartoons or visiting circles that are available in the institution.

The time of the evening meal may vary depending on the set mode. After dinner, the kids usually go for a walk again on the street, where their parents gradually begin to come after them. In winter, the second walk does not last long, so the guys are taken home at the group's premises.

Review of educational programs for preschool institutions

Most recently, we talked about choosing a kindergarten and how to help adapt baby to him. Our permanent consultant answered a wide variety of questions from parents. But most attention was drawn to the information that all gardens should work according to the methods recommended by the state. We decided to return to a more detailed discussion about them and to acquaint parents with the educational programs that exist at the moment. Their knowledge will give you the opportunity not only to solve the problem of preparing the child for school, but also to choose the direction in the development of the baby, which seems to you the most relevant, useful and interesting for him.

What are the programs?

Programs are complex and partial. Comprehensive programs include all the main areas of child development: physical, intellectual, moral, social, aesthetic. And partial - one or more of the directions. As a rule, a kindergarten takes one of the complex programs as a basis, but there are also kindergartens that have strong teaching teams that combine a comprehensive program with partial ones, adding their own pedagogical ideas.

Until 1991, there was only one comprehensive program - the Standard. It was strictly according to it that all Soviet kindergartens worked, and thanks to it, our system of preschool education was recognized as the best in the world. However, the Model Program severely limited the creativity of teachers, did not allow for an individual approach to each child, and its content did not correspond to the rapid changes in our society. Therefore, in 1991, they were allowed not only to make changes to it, but also to create complex, "with variations", and author's programs.

By the way, the Model Program, created by a team of the best domestic teachers and psychologists, is still “alive”. It has been republished many times, it has been amended to meet the modern requirements of the supplement. Many kindergartens work on it now. In particular, this program is very popular in Japan.

Overview of integrated programs

The first program we will talk about is called "Rainbow".

The team of authors is employees of the laboratory of preschool education of the Institute of General Education of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. The program was developed under the guidance of Ph.D. n. T.N. Doronova.

Work on it has been carried out since 1989 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Where does this name come from? The authors named their program, figuratively comparing it with a real rainbow: the seven most important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place. We are talking about: physical culture, play, fine arts (based on acquaintance with folk arts and crafts), design, music and plastic arts, speech development and familiarization with the outside world, mathematics.

One of the main ideas of the program is to create a "search" developing environment in all areas of the kindergarten. It is believed that, having a naturally inquisitive mind, the baby will "dig" to the goal, then strive for new achievements.

Development program created a group of authors of employees of the Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education of the Russian Academy of Education. And the doctor of psychological sciences L.A. began to develop it. Wenger.

The main idea of ​​the program is that preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life. The authors emphasize that in no case should a child be put under pressure by imposing school forms of education that are alien to a preschool child. And it is worth, relying on the abilities given to the baby by nature, to form ideas about the world around him in the game. The authors of the program pay special attention to the mental and artistic development of children.

Gifted Child Program developed by the same team of authors as "Development". This is a kind of "variation" of the previous idea, but designed to work with children of six or seven years old with a high level of mental development. The program also aims to develop the artistic abilities of these kids.

The authors programs "Kindergarten - the house of joy"- Ph.D. N.M. Krylov and V.T. Ivanova, educator-innovator. The basis of the "House of Joy" is the principle of interaction between parents, educators and kids. The specificity of the program lies in the fact that the educator does not work according to the plan, but according to the scenarios of the 12-hour working day developed by the authors. Every day in such a garden for a child is a small performance, where each kid plays his role. The goal is to develop individuality in the child.

Particular attention in each age group is paid to the development of those activities that require maximum independence from the child: self-service, household work, games, productive activities, communication.

"Origins"- one of the most popular programs in modern gardens.

The team of authors - researchers of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets. It was developed by order of the Moscow Department of Education as a basic program for the development of a preschooler. It is based on many years of psychological and pedagogical research conducted under the guidance of Academician A.V. Zaporozhets. And it takes into account modern trends in the development of domestic preschool education. The program allows the teacher to find an individual approach to each child.

The goal is the versatile development of the baby, the formation of universal, including creative, abilities. As well as the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Program "Childhood" developed by a group of authors - teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen.

It is aimed at revealing the individual qualities of the child and helping him to adapt to society. The peculiarity of the program lies in the fact that all types of activities: various activities, communication with adults and peers, play, work, experimentation, and theatricalization are very closely intertwined. This makes it possible for the child not only to memorize separate knowledge from each other, but to quietly accumulate a variety of ideas about the world, to master all kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities, to comprehend their capabilities. The program includes four main blocks: "Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", "Healthy Lifestyle".

"From childhood to adolescence"- this is how the group of authors under the leadership of Ph.D. T.N. Doronova.

The program is conceived and developed for parents and teachers raising children from 4 to 10 years old. Its fundamental difference from others is that it provides for a close relationship between the children's institution and the family in all areas of the development of the child's personality.

Another program is "School 2100". Scientific adviser and author of the idea - A.A. Leontiev. The authors are Buneev, Buneeva, Peterson, Vakhrushev, Kochemasova and others.

The main idea is the implementation of the principle of continuous education and the continuity between preschool education, primary and secondary schools.

Partial programs

TRIZ program invented by G.S. Altshuller. TRIZ stands for the theory of inventive problem solving.

Its goal is not just to develop the child's imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, to make sure that the baby understands the process, delve into it. The teacher in the conditions of this program does not give the children ready-made knowledge, does not reveal the truth to them, but teaches them to comprehend it on their own, awakens an interest in knowledge.

Program "Young ecologist" developed by Ph.D. S.N. Nikolaeva.

It is aimed, as the name implies, at introducing preschoolers to nature, at environmental education and development. Teachers, using this program, are trying to educate children in an ecological culture, the ability to observe and draw conclusions from their observations, to teach them to understand and love the surrounding nature.

"I am human" developed by professor, Ph.D. S.A. Kozlova. The program is based on introducing the child to the social world. With its help, it is possible to develop in the baby an interest in the world of people and himself, to initiate the formation of a worldview, the creation of his own “picture of the world”.

The team of authors led by R.S. Bure, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University, created a program "Friendly Guys" It is based on the education of humane feelings and relations between preschool children.

Another program - "Heritage", developed by Ph.D. M. Novitskaya and E.V. Solovieva, is based on the acquaintance of children with traditional Russian culture.

The main task of the program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children"- stimulation of preschool children's development of independence, responsibility for their behavior. Including the program teaches kids to react correctly in various life situations, including dangerous and extreme situations. Authors: Ph.D. N.N. Avdeeva, Ph.D. O.L. Knyazev, Ph.D. R.B. Sterkin. The same team of authors created a wonderful program of social and emotional development "I, you, we."

This program allows each child to open up, learn to manage their emotions and understand the emotional state of others.

program "Preschooler and ... Economics" came up with Ph.D. HELL. Shatov.

Its goal is to teach children to understand and appreciate the world around them, to respect people who can work well and earn their living. And besides, to be aware at a level accessible to a preschooler of the relationship between the concepts of "labor - product - money". The program is designed for children of preschool age.

AT "Golden Key" The pedagogical process is based on the family principle.

The life of children is filled with successive events, which makes an emotional impression on the child, resonates in his soul. Authors: Ph.D. G.G. Kravtsov, Ph.D. HER. Kravtsov.

The team of authors of the Nizhny Novgorod Humanitarian Center under the leadership of the candidate of pedagogical sciences G.G. Grigorieva developed the program "Baby". This is a program of integrated development and education of children under the age of three. Its goal is to help parents realize the inherent value and special significance of the early period of a person's life, to assist in understanding their own child, in finding and choosing adequate ways and means, methods of education.

Our consultant: Anastasia KUZNETSOVA, educational psychologist. Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University. M. Sholokhov.

The educational program is a document that defines the content of the educational process in kindergarten. It takes into account everything: the goals and objectives of the work of teachers with children, the main directions and forms of work, the organization of the environment in which the baby is located, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that the child must master before school. Each program also contains a set of guidelines. However, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, only those programs that comply with the state educational standard and, on the basis of this, are approved and recommended for work in kindergartens by the Ministry of Education, have the right to be called a document.

English for toddlers

Study of foreign language still popular with parents. This time we will talk about the program of N.M. Rodina English language and children.

The main difference of this program is that learning a foreign language is based on the fact that the kid gravitates towards more and more new knowledge. A foreign language ceases to be for a child a set of words that need to be learned and quickly remembered in response to the question “how will it be in English ...”, but becomes a means of communication with an adult and other children.

According to the Motherland program, the child draws, sculpts, constructs, observes and discusses all this with teachers and his peers. It is this kind of communication that creates the basis for the natural acquisition of a foreign language. His "inclusion" in classes begins with a small number of very simple phrases and constructions. Gradually, the proportion of the language being studied increases, and the phrases become more complex. For example, when children make different vegetables and fruits together with the teacher, they hear simple English phrases: "Let's make a small apple, a big apple, make a green or yellow one." Children learn to understand the teacher's speech, highlight key words in phrases, and gradually longer statements consisting of several elements become available to them. The situation itself, gestures, facial expressions, intonation of the teacher help the child to understand what is at stake, and if he is mistaken, then the teacher can correct his mistake without switching to his native language. So the baby begins to go through the necessary path of mastering a foreign language - from understanding to repetition and independent construction of phrases.

Much attention in the program is paid to familiarizing children with the culture of the country of the language being studied. It is carried out in comparison with Russian traditions.

The main indicator of the success of teaching according to this method is the child's ability to independently build phrases, to include in them exactly the words that he needs in this situation. With this approach, children not only master a foreign language, but, most importantly, their overall development takes place: cognitive, emotional and social.

Our consultant: Inna G. KOSAREVA, methodologist-teacher of English

NOU "Center for Personal Development", winner of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2004"

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Beryozka "r. Sherbakul village


for the academic year


pedagogical council

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Birch"

protocol No. ___ dated "__" _____________ 2012.

1. Analysis of the work of MBDOU for the past academic year

Teachers of all groups

Update the site according to traffic rules on the territory of the preschool educational institution

Aug. Sept

Complete a portfolio for each teacher



all kindergarten teachers

"Let's replenish the methodological piggy bank" (methodological developments, speeches, notes, consultations, etc.)

a month before certification, a week before an open event

All kindergarten teachers, methodologist

"I confirm" "I approve"

__________ ______________

director of MOU "Sherbakul head. MBDOU "Kindergarten "Birch"

succession plan

work of MBDOU "Children's Salt "Birch" and MOU "Sherbakul Lyceum" for the academic year



Joint MO of primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers "Peculiarities of organizing lessons at school and directly educational activities in kindergarten"

Mutual visits by kindergarten teachers and lyceum teachers

lessons at school and directly educational activities in kindergarten.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation with the invitation of kindergarten teachers

Teacher - psychologist of the lyceum

"Doors Open Day at the Lyceum" (4 open lessons in primary school)

Primary school teachers

"Open Day in Kindergarten"

Preparatory group teachers

Joint holidays, labor landings, excursions

During a year

Teachers of preschool and lyceum

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 13 "Cherry"

Report on the topic:


Teacher of the II middle group

Zenina M.V.

p.g.t. Yablonovsky 2015

Why you need to follow the daily routine and how important it is

The need to observe the daily routine is very high, both for adults and for children - in each of the periods of the day a person feels differently. And in order for everything to be balanced, a strict daily routine is needed.

The Importance of Mode

In order for the child to grow up healthy and develop normally, the daily routine is extremely necessary and it is selected depending on age indicators. The daily routine strengthens health, favors normal rest and useful physical activity. Scientists have found that the greatest peak of physical recovery falls on the morning hours. It follows that in the morning it is best to do sports, learn and develop something. And in order not to miss anything, the rise should be before eight o'clock in the morning. Therefore, if you put your child to bed after 9 pm, then he will wake up, respectively, also later. Moreover, he will not be rested and inactive. That is why the key moment in the daily routine is the time allotted for sleep, which is categorically unforgivable to ignore at such a young age.

Rules of the day

The human digestive system also functions according to its biological clock. That is why it is necessary to observe the daily regimen so that the load on her organs falls evenly. Therefore, there should be certain hours for eating. In the morning, a still sleepy body needs energy nutrition, but breakfast should be easy to digest. Your child's breakfast should be between 7-8 am. And if he ate poorly or did not have time to finish eating, it is recommended to arrange another breakfast in three hours. By the middle of the day, the need for nutrients increases significantly, especially if the baby was in the fresh air and was physically active. In the mode compiled according to all the rules, each item is supplemented by the following. The hours of mobility are replaced by rest and a new activity, which contributes to an even distribution of stress on the child's body throughout the day. But if the baby’s day was unsystematic, he spends all his strength in the evening, and hence capriciousness and unnecessary stress, and inadequate sleep. But for parents, the strict daily routine of their crumbs is the only chance to devote time to themselves, household chores. When your child goes to kindergarten, then during the weekend, it is worth sticking to the schedule that is established in the preschool.

The mode of the child depends on the parents:

  • Live by the time, do not deviate from the regime unless absolutely necessary. The child may become overexcited and miss his afternoon nap. A constant ritual helps to tune in well to sleep: dressing in pajamas, landing onpot , a favorite toy on a pillow, a lullaby, or a fairy tale.
  • When the child wakes up, try not to roll or play in bed. Sometimes, especially on weekends, parents sleep longer than usual and the child's schedule breaks because of this. It is not right. We must accept an important rule: the whole family lives according to the schedule, and not just the baby. In this case, forced synchronization is included in the work - the child's biorhythms adjust to the life schedule of adult family members. Indeed, living in the same biorhythm means being a family.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the environment around is familiar, you need to put the child to bed at approximately the same time, you should not deviate from the usual ritual of getting ready for bed. Be patient, as it takes up to three years for the baby to fall asleep.

The child will be much easieradapt to kindergarten , if the home and kindergarten mode will match. Therefore, as early as possible, start accustoming your child to live in the same way.daily routine , how in kindergarten .

"The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its pupils"

Goals : expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks : to consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; update the personal data of the families of pupils; to teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; intensify work on the development of children's speech.

Members: educators, parents.

Plan of the event:

1. Introductory part.

2. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year.

3. Election of a new composition of the parent committee.

4. Pedagogical general education "Child 4-5 years old".

5. Features of the educational process in the middle group.

6. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the MOU for the new academic year.

7. Briefly about different things.

Event progress

I. Preparatory stage

Designing exhibitions (children's drawings, photo collage "Red Summer!") Or creating a photo newspaper "Goodbye Summer" (parents bring summer family photos, children's drawings).

Preparation of letters of thanks to families who took an active part in preparing the group for the beginning of the school year; draft plan of joint activities for the new academic year; extracts from the annual work plan of the Ministry of Education and Science for the new academic year (section "Interaction with the family").

Preliminary survey of parents.

Preparation of information sheets with the names of joint pedagogical and creative projects that will be implemented in the new academic year.

II. Organizational stage

Parents come in, sit down randomly.

Music is played, helping to relieve fatigue, setting up to work together. The tables are arranged in a semicircle. On the central wall are exhibitions, a poster with the theme of the meeting.

Parents study the content of the parent meeting program and the materials of the presented exhibitions.

III. Introductory part

Solemn music sounds.

Educator. Good evening dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! Today we have a holiday. Try to guess which one. Our famous travelers turned four or five years old, they moved to the middle group of kindergarten! Let's pass on our wishes to them.

Exercise "Wish"

Parents stand in a circle, the teacher starts a tambourine in a circle.

You roll, cheerful tambourine,

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a cheerful tambourine

That wish will tell us.

Option 1. Exercise "How did I see my child in the summer?"

He is attentive: he helped me carry the bag from the dacha.

He is affectionate: willingly kisses, hugs me; takes pity on animals: feeds grandmother's hens, a goat.

He is observant: he will always notice when a flower blooms, the sun sets or a cloud appears.

He is cheerful: he loves to sing, he never whimpers over trifles.

He is hardworking: he can water the garden for a long time, he does the job to the end.

He is my favorite: I love everyone and I really want everyone to love him.

IV. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year.

Thank you letters

Parents are given letters of thanks for their help in carrying out repairs and preparing the group for the start of the school year.

V. Acquaintance with new families, educator, narrow specialists

Option 1. Parents themselves briefly talk about their family.

Option 2. The educator gives a brief description of the family based on the information received from the parents during the preliminary conversation.

Option 3. A game of acquaintance.

VI. Election of a new composition of the parent committee

The work of the parent committee of the group is regulated by the document "Regulations on the parent committee of the municipal preschool educational institution."

Parents should be briefly reminded of its functions.

Possible positions of committee representatives:

chairman of the parent committee (he is a representative from the group to the parent committee of the MOU or the Council of the MOU);

deputy chairman of the parent committee (his right hand);

secretary of the parent meeting;

a group of parents responsible for the implementation of measures to strengthen the material and technical and visual-didactic base of the group, the improvement and the creation of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in it;

attention sector (responsible for purchasing gifts for birthdays, for the New Year, organizing "sweet evenings", etc.);

sports sector (carrying out and equipping events aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of pupils);

cultural-mass sector (involving parents to participate in educational, cultural-mass work with pupils outside of developmental classes, as well as during holidays);

public relations (development and strengthening of relations between parents of pupils with the teaching staff of the Ministry of Education and Science and other organizations of culture, education and sports);

editorial board;


Conclusion. Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important in any team. The conditions for harmonious relations between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to yield to each other, mutual tolerance.

VII. Features of the educational process in the middle group

1. Teacher's message

The teacher tells parents about the daily routine, educational programs for which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of education and training (can be issued in the form of a reminder), about the main activities and types of children's activities (a grid of classes), about additional education (circles).

2. Feedback from parents

Parents ask questions that interest them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are issued a memo "Rules for parents"

IX. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year.

X. Final part.Educator. We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and true friends! Only forward!


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