Cooling mask. Reusable gel eye mask: reviews

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  • It narrows the capillaries - a real salvation for the owners of sensitive skin prone to rosacea.
  • Helps with dermatitis and allergic reactions.
  • Removes morning puffiness.
  • Quickly soothes the skin after acid peeling (by the evening you will be fully armed).


As a rule, the cryomask contains mint or spirulina juice (cryogenic algae). Both components give the same frosty effect. By the way, due to which the superficial vessels are narrowed and the skin brightens. Consider that a fresh look is guaranteed to you.

On the picture: Refreshing Gel Mask with Essential Oils Gel Mask, Anne Semonin; Purifying mask with minerals and white clay Pure Empreinte, LancĂ´me; Renewing night mask Skin Regimen Night Renewer, [comfort zone]; Moisturizing mask Thirstymud Hydrating Treatment, GlamGlow

Warming mask

What is he doing:

  • Opens the pores and, as a result, prepares the epidermis for cleansing - just what the owners of combination and problem skin need.
  • Stimulates blood circulation and improves lymph flow - an option with an anti-age prefix.
  • Combats dehydration and dull complexion.

How does it work:

Due to niacin, camphor extract, horseradish or red pepper, these masks warm up the skin. Rinse off this and apply immediately after your cream - the active components from its formula will penetrate into deeper layers.

Just keep in mind that warming agents are strictly contraindicated for skin prone to rosacea. And after them, the face turns red - do a thermomask at least a couple of hours before going out.

The dynamic rhythm of people's lives always negatively affects their appearance. And the first indicator that your body is asking for help is the appearance of dark circles around the eyes, and the skin becomes dull and lifeless. The reason for the manifestation of such signs can be systematic overwork and chronic diseases of internal organs.

Eliminating the reasons, of course, is necessary, but in order to get rid of overwork, you do not have enough sound and good sleep for one night. So it will take you some time to remove the dark circles under your eyes. And I want to be beautiful today. Therefore, today we will talk about how to get rid of small imperfections in the skin around the eyes.

The basics of proper care

And the first thing we'll talk about is how to take care of your skin. First of all, you should pay attention to the means with which you remove your makeup. Creamy preparations are the best option. After all, they not only help to get rid of cosmetics, but will nourish the skin. Also pay attention to the fact that when removing makeup from the eyelids, in no case should you rub the dermis. So you only injure the capillaries, which will make the bruises under the eyes even more.

Please also note that it is not recommended to apply face masks to the area around the eyes.

This is especially true for warming or tightening cosmetics. Indeed, both in the first and in the second case, you harm your appearance. By the way, if you apply a tightening mask to the area under the eyes, then in addition to bruises, you can get small mimic wrinkles.

And we absolutely do not need this!

What oils can be used to care for the dermis around the eyes

You can use more than just a variety of oils to look amazing. For example, you can use regular vegetable oil. You need to use it as follows: first you warm it up a little, and then gently lubricate the surface with it. The oil can be left on the skin overnight. In the morning, just wash yourself with water. This mask perfectly nourishes the epidermis and restores normal blood circulation.

Attention! The oil should be lukewarm, otherwise you could get severely burned. And it will be quite difficult to cure it.

You can also use castor oil for care. Making a mask out of it is quite simple. You need to mix castor oil and half a teaspoon of vitamin A. You can leave such a mask on your face for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Please note that you do not need to wash your face after such a mask - just blot the unabsorbed remnants of the product with a sponge. Do not forget about one more nuance: never make such masks in cold weather. This will supercool the dermis.

An excellent remedy for the care of the area around the eyes is an egg yolk-based mask. And the first thing you need to do to prepare this option is to beat the yolk. Then add twenty-five milliliters of any vegetable oil and a few drops of vitamin A. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the area for twenty minutes.

Cooling compresses for the skin around the eyes

If you have puffy skin around your eyes, you can use special compresses. In order to make the simplest one, you just need to put dry chamomile flowers in small linen bags. Then we put the bags in boiling water and keep them there for five to ten minutes.

Attention! We repeat that hot bags should never be put on the eyelids. After all, this way you can harm not only the skin, but also spoil your eyesight.

Warm bags can be applied to the eyelids for about five minutes. This homemade cosmetic is great for those looking to quickly get rid of puffy and reddened eyelids. It is also suitable for getting rid of bruises under the eyes. In addition, if you use such a tool constantly, then it can serve as an excellent preventive measure against the appearance of facial wrinkles.

When it comes to cooling compresses, it is best to use regular nutmeg. But before use, it must be thoroughly soaked in milk. Also pay attention to the fact that you can only spread the pieces on the area around the eyes.

Cooling masks for the skin around the eyes: folk recipes

You can also try homemade cooling masks for minor blemishes around the eyes. The simplest and most effective remedy in this case is grated potatoes. You need to take one raw potato and grate it on a fine grater. The juice from the resulting gruel must be squeezed out, but not hard, so that the mixture turns out to be rather moist.

Then we transfer the grated potatoes into two gauze bags and apply to the eyes. And believe me, if you use these products to care for the skin around the eyes, then after a few sessions you will notice that your face looks refreshed.

You can also use tea bags to remove bruising under the eyes. Of course, such a remedy can hardly be called a cooling mask for the face or eyelids, but nevertheless it is quite effective. As for the type of tea, it is best to use black. Although, if one is not at hand, then green is quite suitable.

Cooling Gel Eye Mask: How To Use It Correctly

Of course, homemade cooling eye masks are good, but what if you have circles under your eyes quite often, and there is practically no time?

In this case, you should pay attention to special gel masks. They can be used even while sitting at work, because all you need to do is apply a mask to your skin and sit in that position for a few minutes. By the way, if you decide to carry out such a spa procedure at the workplace, then make sure that no one comes into your office during such a procedure.

If you have opted for this method of dealing with imperfections in the skin around the eyes, then it is important to know all the nuances of choosing such a mask.

For example, a mask with both a cooling and a warming effect is the best option. Also, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the price. It shouldn't be too low. But remember that too high a price, most likely, does not justify itself, no matter how wonderful the properties of this cosmetic product are described on the packaging. Therefore, opt for an average price, so you can purchase a high-quality and effective mask.

Many ladies have long paid attention to gel eye masks made in the form of glasses. Manufacturers promise clarity of sight, elimination of the effect, disappearance of wrinkles, and more. Whether this is really so is discussed in the article.

Medolla Gel Mask

The delicate skin around the eyes needs delicate care. For this purpose, expensive cosmetic preparations have been created. In addition, you can additionally apply an excellent and rather old method of exposing the skin to cold or heat. Previously, women resorted to uncomfortable wet compresses. With them, you had to lie motionless on the sofa and wipe the drops of water flowing down your face.

A comfortable, modern product that is adjustable and also has slits is the Medolla Gel Eye Mask. Reviews confirm that you can sit in a chair with her, move if necessary. In 10-15 minutes after the start of the procedure, the skin visibly freshens and transforms, and the edema is significantly reduced. This mask consists of balls filled with gel. They remain soft when heated and cooled.

Effectiveness and use of the mask

Easily relieves pain, for example, after working at the computer, such a savior of many girls as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that the effectiveness of the product consists in its following properties:

  1. Rejuvenation, that is, after the end of the procedure, the lifting effect becomes clearly visible.
  2. Elimination of redness from visual stress.
  3. Improving blood circulation.
  4. Reducing unaesthetic bags and dark circles.

A warming mask should be done in case of muscle spasm, fatigue, as a home spa procedure. It improves blood circulation and acts as an excellent pain reliever. Eliminates dry skin, smoothing fine wrinkles, which significantly rejuvenates.

To use, you need to place the product in the refrigerator and then put it on your face. To quickly cool the mask, you can use the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Or it can be heated in hot water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees during the same time. Boiling and using a microwave oven is detrimental to a product such as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that it is not limited by anything with careful use.

Avon Eyewear

We live in a time when, in addition to expensive procedures, there are ways to maintain beauty and health without significant effort. Many of us are worried about the problem of reddened eyes after working at a computer and are especially frightened by our own appearance in the mirror in the evening. The problem is solved by using something as simple as a mask or glasses. Previously, these products were completely filled with gel, which flowed out in case of accidental damage to their integrity. But modern glasses are made from rolling balls.

In addition, it is attached to the head with Velcro so that the Avon gel eye mask is suitable for all sizes. Reviews indicate that the undoubted advantages of balls are:

  1. Massage effect.
  2. Damage to only 1 ball when pierced, not the entire mask.

Cooling effect of glasses

The manufacturer indicates that the product is suitable for use when heated and cooled. Customers mostly note: the gel mask for the eyes just perfectly relieves fatigue and tension. Reviews indicate that relief is felt immediately after putting on the product. Although sometimes the girls noted that using glasses is somewhat unpleasant, since the cold affects the eyes. Not everyone feels this, but the most susceptible ladies have to move their pupils with their eyelids closed.

Many girls do not notice the disappearance of wrinkles. But they admit that, rather, for this, one should not forget about the heated mask, which eliminates dry skin by smoothing out fine wrinkles. Reviews indicate that the product perfectly relieves fatigue, transforming the eyes. They become shiny and rested. A similar effect can be achieved with chilled tablespoons placed on top of the fabric.

Eyes Cover

Perfectly copes with relieving fatigue, tightening and brightening the skin, the Cover gel mask. Reviews confirm that it is enough to carry out the procedure for 5-7 minutes daily for this. A good option is to pair glasses with cosmetic products. This mask can be used at any age. For the best effect, chilled glasses should be applied to the face in the morning, and hot glasses - in the late afternoon.

There are both rave and negative reviews about this product. The question arises: "Who is right?" In fact, it is worth looking at the situation realistically. The mask is not an innovative facial treatment, but a convenient and more functional substitute for eye compresses. You should not give up creams that are used to eliminate existing problems. The gel eye mask significantly improves the effectiveness of cosmetics. Reviews suggest that you should not think that it is because a mask alone in reality is not able to eliminate deep wrinkles in a month, as advertisements can promise.

How useful are these masks, judging by the reviews

These masks can be easily applied to the forehead to get rid of fatigue and increase vitality. They must be kept in the home medicine cabinet, as glasses can relieve pain and partially relieve fever.

They certainly help with small swellings and cool in the heat. They do not completely get rid of wrinkles, although they do reduce them. The reusable gel eye mask also helps to relieve fever due to its cooling ability. Reviews confirm that the product is convenient to use and irreplaceable for children.

The mask is able to take a shape that is close anatomically to the skin surface, which enhances the healing effect. Although not all girls agree with this: in customer reviews, customers may complain about the trail that remains on the bridge of the nose.

That is, the mask is actually a useful and modern proposal from the beauty industry. Do not think that it will smooth out all wrinkles in a month. You need to be patient and put on warm glasses in the evening, and cooling glasses in the morning. And it is inappropriate to deny yourself the use of additional cosmetics. As you know, it is the complex effect on the skin and the regularity of procedures that allows you to maintain youth.


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