Pattern of a small bag over the shoulder. How to sew a bag of burlap, denim tissue, with their own skin? Camera beach, road bag, over shoulder and backpack bags

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The bag is an indispensable thing in modern life for both representatives of weak gender, and for a strong half of humanity. First of all, of course, because of the amenities. However, in addition to this, the taste of a selected bag makes a highlight and stylish in the image, makes it more interesting, completed.

Sew the bag with your own hands is not so difficult. It is not necessary to be craftswoman, it is enough to just find a good pattern and follow step-by-step instructions. For you, several patterns for which you can independently make a bag over your shoulder.

Men's bag over the shoulder do it yourself, in detail

For a stylish man's bag, the bag is the same indispensable accessory as for a woman. She adds a highlight to the image of a young man who keeps up with fashion trends, and not about convenience and speak, because all the little things are not commensted on his pockets.

Most master classes offer to sew men's leather bags, however, I want to tell about the sewing bags with your own tissue. Such a model is quite spacious and interesting.

Bag over the shoulder female with your own hands, stages from the fabric

Of course, the bag is one of the favorite and indispensable accessories in the female wardrobe and the next handbag, stitched independently, will never be superfluous. We propose to pay attention to the summer version of the product made of fabric. Of course, to sew such a "postman's handbag" will need to spend some time and add a little effort, but the result will not disappoint you.

The bags made of fabric do not hold the form, so it is desirable to create a hard frame for them, paving the bottom and walls with dense material. For these purposes, it is possible to use Flizelin, Dublerin, and for a more dense frame, cardboard, stationery plastic and even linoleum are suitable.

It will take the following to work:

  • two sections of fabric 34 cm * 27 cm and 34 cm * 35 cm;
  • two sections of the tissue for valve 27 cm * 13 cm;
  • lining fabric;
  • hard fabric for sealing (DUBLEIN);
  • a small piece of leather, leatherette or dense fabric;
  • lace 34 cm, 5-10 cm wide;
  • bag strap;
  • 2 carbine for fastening the strap;
  • 2 semiring for mounting strap;
  • magnetic button;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • line.

♦ First you need to seal the fabric, sinking it with a dublerin, at least that segment that is intended for the frontal part of the bag. Take the dublerin on the fabric, put the garla on top and stroke the iron, pumping it to a high temperature.

♦ Now fold two segments fabric to face. In the width of both segments 34 cm, and in a height of one 35 cm, and the other 27 cm. The photo shows the segments of different fabrics - color and monophonic. You can choose at your discretion, for example, both segments can be one coloring.

♦ We sew two segments from the bottom. Be sure to leave the seams on the seams 1.5-2 cm. Putting the seam. I turn over the fabric on the front side. On the seam we take or pins a strip of lace with pins. We admonish lace from above and below and are well pasted.

♦ Thus, we received a 60 cm rectangle for 34 cm. Now we fold it in half, connecting the edges (the bottom of the bag will be formed by a longer part). We sew the sides, leaving the allowance of 1.5-2 cm.

♦ To form a donyshek bags fold the cloth to the corner as shown in the photo below and fix from pins or stitches. Next, using the line, we carry 6 cm line and lay the seams on the typewriter. Leaving 1 cm from the edge of the seam, cut off excess fabric.

♦ When the seams ignore and smooth, then such a billet will be.

♦ The next stage is the manufacture of the valve. We glue the fabric intended for the manufacture of the valve in the method described above. We fold two pieces of fabric by the front side inside and spin them with pins. Leaving the allowances on the seams, resultant to the static line and spin the corner.

♦ Next, sew tissue along the drawn line from three sides. Not just pressing only the bottom of the bottom. Cut the excess fabric and outlined the middle - the magnetic button will be installed here.

♦ From two sides of the intended place, we make small cuts on the fabric, not more than 0.5 cm, and fix the button (that part that is without a magnet). Turn the valve.

♦ It's time to connect the valve with a bag. To the back of the bags pinched the valve pins (put it up with its inside up). We dock and stroke.

♦ Running the valve on the front of the bag, we define the installation location of the second part of the magnetic button.

♦ Now we adjust the semiring. From leather or durable fabric, we cut two strips of 2 cm for 8 cm. Springs of strips in a semiring, bend them in half and sew the bags in the center of the side seams.

♦ For a while, leave on the bag and engage in lining and pockets. Call two rectangles with a size of 30 cm by 34 cm. And four rectangles are 17 cm in size for 22 cm (for two pockets). We scrape pins in two.

♦ Step the edges of the pockets around the perimeter, leaving one side open. Cut the corner, turn the pockets and sew the open seam. On the upper side of the pocket, we retreat 0.5 cm and make a line.

♦ Attach pockets with pins to lining on both sides and sewn. If you wish, you can make a compartment for a mobile phone on one pocket. To do this, we pave a vertical line, dividing pockets into two unequal parts (one of them must match the width of the phone).

♦ Now savory lining. We put two parts of it with the front parties to the outside and stepping the sides, bottom and corners. We leave not sewn a small plot so that you can turn the lining.

♦ The external part of the bag is inserted into the lining as shown in the photo below. We spoil the edges with pins and shoot.

♦ Turn the product through the hole, which remained not stitched and fully sewed the bottom.

♦ Here is our bag ready. It remains only to attach the strap.

Bag over the shoulder of jeans with your own hands, detailed

Probably, every woman has old jeans in the closet, perhaps left out of fashion, and perhaps simply served their time. Do not hurry to throw them out, because of such a thing you can get a great fashionable bag.

The jeans bag is a universal thing. For the handbags never come out of fashion, it is quite simple in your performance, but the design looks very original and stylish. Here is one of the options for such a handbag. Even a newcomer will be able to sew it.

So, proceed.

To begin with, we move the pattern on paper, observing the specified dimensions. Of course, you can correct the sizes at your discretion, but if in the Portnovsky case you are a beginner, then we still advise you to adhere to this instruction.

I would like to draw your attention to the shading. In this case, you can do without them, but thanks to the alerts, the shape of the bag will be more voluminous, not flat.

Pattern painted on paper cut out and transferred to fabric.

To do this, cut off the jeans of two trousers and break in each of them one side seam. Thus, we get two canvas for cutting the back and front parts of our handbag.

With a chalk or wrath, describe a paper pattern. Do not forget about the allowances on the seams. We leave for them at least ten millimeters on each side.

After the pattern is transferred to both parts of the canvas, fold them face to face and spend the bottom and sides on the typewriter.

Now let's make shading. First connect their edges and secure the pins, after which they strictly strictly on the lines. If you are a considerable seamstress, you can first fit the lines on the lines, and after sewing on the machine.

It is time for design design. To do this, carefully disappear pockets from old jeans and sew them to our handbag. Make it you can since you like most. In this case, the fantasy is limitless. You can use as one pocket and two, sew them on the sides or in front, impose on each other or sew diagonally, to make the pockets look at different directions - it all depends on your designer taste.

Now we will make such an interesting circulation. To do this, you will need an unbroken tape of absolutely any tissue with dimensions of 10 cm * 1.2 m. We put the tissue along the involving side inside and flash it in order for it to get a wavy. Folding can be made both on the typewriter and manually.

Cut from jeans the belt along with the coquette. We sew our ruffs from the wrong side so that it perfectly performed by about 30 mm.

We sew bag on the sides. It remains to make a handle.

Pens do so. Cut off the strip of denim and the strip of fabric from which they made a ruffle. We bind them among themselves exactly as shown in the figure. For strength, they fix each "nodule" with the thread.

Send the handles to the bag and forward! Your trendy accessory is ready!

Leather bag over the shoulder do it yourself, idea with photo

The leather bag is considered fashionable, durable and durable, but the price of such a bag is quite high. However, the skin bag can be sewn independently, and the original advantage will be the originality and uniqueness of your copyright.

Ideas for sewing bags made of leather is very much, here is one of them - the original model of the handbag from the skin over the shoulder.

So, it will take for sewing:

  • skin of two colors;
  • lining fabric;
  • cutting rug (you can use a screwdriver tools);
  • knife for trimming skin;
  • strong thread width;
  • accessories;
  • hammer to beat seams;
  • zipper 40 cm;
  • glue rubber;
  • sewing machine;
  • needles for leather.

We can independently vary the height and width of the bag depending on the size of the leather pieces. But do not forget to leave 1-1.5 cm from the edges per battery. Bag taken per sample 42 cm in height and 36 in width. The size of the main canvas of the driven of 4 rectangles is 38 * 50 cm (1 cm per battery + 5 cm on the top of the vertex).

Several important tips for working with skin:

  1. The skin can not be fastened with pins for the time notes, as traces and unnecessary holes will be left. To do this, it is better to use any rubber glue, since if necessary it can be easily removed.
  2. Working with the skin is important to correctly pick up the thickness of the thread. If the skin is completely thin and the thread of 0.4 mm can cope with it. For bags from the skin of the middle thickness, it is best to use the middle thread with a width of 0.51-0.57 mm. For products from thicker skin, it is well suited thread threads 0.77-1.0 mm, and it looks so much more harmonious.
  3. It is better to use needles specifically designed to work with the skin. They have sharp edges with the help of which the fibers of the skin are cut through, and do not push them into the usual needles.

1. Cut eight rectangles. Six one color and two other. We cross them between themselves (the front side we make a two-color), pre-apply glue to the edges and let him dry a little (grab).

2. Immediately after stitching, we divide the seams so that they do not glue the finally and tapping the hammer to become thin and flat.

3. Apply the glue again ...

4. Prettyly reject the hammer and make a finish from the front side.

5. Having made the next line necessarily mount the details so that the next seam was smooth.

6. Basic details are ready made of leather. We define where there will be a bottom of the bag, spin the corners. This can be done using any round item suitable for diameter.

7. Now in the rounded corners, they will make a shading (as already mentioned earlier, they are needed so that the handbag does not look flat and not deformed when there will be any content inside it). From the middle of the angle, we carry out a diagonal line of 5-6 cm long and measured 1.5 cm on both sides. It is advisable to make the lines of the launches concave, then the circuit of the bag will be softer.

8. Cut out the launches on the outlined lines. If despite all the precautions, stitched rectangles still "go waves" do not worry. Try to smooth them with the iron at low temperatures, but necessarily from the wrong side and through the fabric. So as not to spoil the product, practice on an unnecessary piece of leather.

9. It's time to take over the cutting lining. We take one finished part and put it on a cloth designed for lining and folded twice. Combede, adding 1-1.5 cm only on the sides.

10. Call a few more details of our bag: a rectangle is equal to the width of the main piece of lining, but by 15 cm in short, another 25 * 15 cm, as well as two such parts of the side pocket approximately 35 cm long and 20 cm in width. The straight line is the entrance to the pocket -18 cm. It would not be superfluous to measure your hand and add 3 cm to the resulting result - it is supposed to be the size of the entrance to the pocket.

11 . Everything we had to carve out.

12. Now back to leather items. Initially, we will take shape - they need to be punctured and sew, and then gently cut through the tip of the tip.

13. Speed \u200b\u200bon the sides of the inputs on the seams, we glue, we climb the hammer and make such a beautiful snatch from the front side.

14. Construct the side pocket. We put the main details in withdrawal to each other, apply a 10 cm detail below the top edge of the future bag, as shown in the photo. Make a label on the main details, where the pocket feed line will be, leaving 1-1.5 cm per battery.

15. The skin segment, where the pocket will be sewn around the edge with glue and glue the details to face. The edge of the pocket should perform a little, because Package on the seam in this part is a little more. This is how it should look.

16. We make a line from the label to the label and fasten the seam.

17. Detail of the pocket is flexing, bending the allowance and attach it pin. We do the same with the other three edges.

18. From pocket up and down, we glue and flash the side side of the bag. It is important that the seams begin and ended exactly in those places where the pocket ends. It will not be difficult to do this if you keep the same battery width.

19. We straighten the details of the bags, in different directions, flexing the feeds of the seams, sample them and clutch the hammer on both sides.

20. We will try to make a beautiful snack on the entrance line in the pocket. Well fasten the seams.

21. Now connect two parts of the pocket, retreating from the edge of 1.5 cm. The side pockets are ready.

22. Next, we glue and flash the second side of the bag and its bottom, after which the seams are suture again and compact with the help of a hammer.

23. Soak the product and reiterate all the seams again.

24. Return to the lining. The smallest rectangle is internal pockets - we fell twice in length and stringel. Attach it with pins to one of the main lining parts by about 8 cm below the top edge and sew, not forgetting to bend into the seams into the seams.

25. We make another line, thus forming a compartment for the phone. The ends of the seams should be well fixed on all pockets, as they are supposed to be active. Stroke the gasket.

26. On the second piece of lining, at will, make another zipper pockets. We take the remaining rectangle and sew a zipper to its upper edge.

27. Singing the details, pine pocket pockets to the lining, sew the second side of the lightning and cutting it over.

28. We sew lining on the sides, folding the details of the pockets inward. We leave at least 1.5-2 cm on the allowances, (so that the lining has not rushed along the seams). Do not sew the bottom. Firmly fix the seams.

29. Without turning the lining, insert a bag into it. Top edges glue.

30. We sew the edges of the bag and lining in a circle and turn out through the non-firing bottom. We plan the line of the pitch of the top edge of the bag, we sample it in the seams and we spoke well with the hammer. The bend can be searched, but if the skin is soft, it can deform. In this case, inside the bend you need to put the braid.

31. It remains to attach pens. If there is available ready - perfect, no - then you will have to build them yourself. Choose the length of the handle at your discretion. It would be nice to use whole skin strips, but you can make stitched handles. To do this, cut out 4 skin strips: two 3-6 cm wide, and two 6-8 cm. For the handles were not rude in the places of their connection, we will try to thin the edges of the strips with a sharp blade, but first practice on an unnecessary piece of leather.

32. We stitches the strips, we open the stamps on the seams in different directions and beat them with a hammer. Next, wrap in the edge of the handles, so that they come into the joint. If the knobs are too narrow insert into the middle thin strips of other skin as shown in the photo to save the same thickness from the handles. The width of the resulting blanks should be equal to the width of our narrow strips.

33. Well, tip the thick places of the connections, after which we glue the thin strips on our billets.

34. On the edge of the handles we lay the lines and gently cut off the protruding areas and irregularities, if suddenly are available.

35. That's what beautiful handles we turned out.

36. To sew the knobs with a sharp knife or blade, we make holes on the side bending bags equal to the width of the handles. First we glue, and after sewing the handles (in our case only on the back of the bag). Nodes hide from the wrong side.

37. If your typewriter does not take such a thickness, you can pick up another method of fastening the handles.
38. It remains the judicial nonsense - to strive to rush in the lining, attach Labe or another decoration and an exclusive bag fully at your service.

The belt for the bag over the shoulder do it yourself, in detail

Strap is an important piece of bag. They are very different: long and short, adjustable and no, sewn and removable.

Option 1 . We bring to your attention an elegant and unusual removable strap, which, thanks to your imagination, will decorate any handbag.

Option 2. Shoulder strap, adjustable in length for bag or clutch.

If the strap consists of two parts, they should not be equal, otherwise the buckle will be on the shoulder, and this is very uncomfortable when wearing. It is more correct to make one part twice as much more.

Let dry in the course of the night, and the outflows cut off the surplus of the skin with a sharp knife.

I spill the ends of the stitch strap (first on the template), but it is at will if you like another edge configuration - please.

To make a beautiful shooting on the strap at the place of rounding at the same distance, make tags with a seer or thick needle. In these places, rounding stitches will begin.

Part of the holnite with a leg on the leg melt on the front of the strap. We pierce the holes on the other end of the strap and check whether the whine is included in them.

We hope that this article convinced you to sew a bag with their own hands by anyone who has a desire, prudence and fantasy. We wish you all success and beautiful exclusive things.

Today in the market you can find any thing, the variety of goods is so great that just eyes scatter. But the problem lies in the fact that as soon as some new fashion trend begins, the market is filled with the same type and monotonous product, and ultimately, what is fashionable - 85% of 100 are worn.

I want to stand out from this gray fashionable mass, and for this you will need some skills, desire and fantasy. So let's talk today about how sew a bag of fabric Alone and be an exclusive and unique.

Bag do it yourself from fabric

It is worth noting that the life of a woman cannot leak fully if there are no bags in it. This is an integral accessory of every individual of the female, and even small girls do not represent their walk without a favorite handbag.

It can be a huge bag over the shoulder, a small ladies' clutch, medium-sized bag with long handles. Options may be much, it all depends on your preferences.

In order to sew a bag without assistance, it is not necessary to be a professional seammy. To do this, you need the ability to use a sewing machine or delay the thread into the needle, everything else will depend only on your effort and the desire to create something new, beautiful and extraordinary.

It should be noted that even the lack of imagination will not be a hindrance in this matter, because on the Internet you can find a lot of different interesting options that can be implemented. It turns out that, in principle, everything is at hand, now it will be necessary to find out what material it is better to sew a bag and how to do it.

Fabric for bags and backpacks

Today on the tissue market a huge number of a wide variety of goods. Missing and beginners are very difficult to figure it out in such a variety. In order for the process of selecting the material to sewing the bag, let's see what kind of bags is suitable for:

  • Polyester. From this material, excellent and very durable bags are obtained.
  • Nylon bags are sufficiently light, but at the same time they have high strength. Among other things, enough elastic, and the material is often used specifically for the factory tailoring bags.

  • The leak is a very common material in the sewing industry. Here I would immediately like to note that the qualitative characteristics of such a material not at the highest level. Usually sew from it, so-called, consumer goods. There are such bags inexpensive, but also in operation, they are also not practical, more precisely, even to say, are dissolved.
  • Suede artificial - similar to the natural analogue. The material is quite practical and wear-resistant, so the bags of such tissue are obtained are excellent in both quality characteristics and appearance.
  • Jacquard. The fabric is not cheap, the surface of the fabric is not smooth. It is used for sewing children's backpacks and bags.
  • Cotton. This tissue includes cellulose with an indicator of 90%. It is often used to sewing a variety of bags.

If you have any fabric at home, then it is not necessary to buy another in the store. For a bag, almost anyone is not too thin material.

Bags over the shoulder of the fabric

One of the most practical bags is the bag over the shoulder, as they say, dressed - and forgot. It is beautiful, comfortable and practical, it is the perfect combination of characteristics for the bag. In order to sew such a bag you will need a lot of time, but, believe me, the result will be worth it.

To begin with, we will understand with the material and tools that we will be useful in the process of sewing the type of bag under consideration:

  • any material that is suitable for lining
  • cloth for the bag (slices of 34 x 35; 34 x 27 and a couple of pieces of 27 x13 cm)
  • lace (length not less than 40 cm)
  • dublerin
  • a pair of carbines and half-colts
  • button (Best Option - Magnetic)

  • belt belt
  • tool (scissors, ruler, pencil, thread, invisible)

If all of the above is at your hand, then, in battle. Step-by-step instructions for sewing "post-postman bag":

  1. If you want the bag to keep your shape to keep your shape, then the tailoring starts with the sickness of the front tissue with Dublerin. The process of cloaks must be carried out through gauze.
  2. We fold a cooked couple of large pieces of fabric facial sides, sew them. Do not forget to always leave space on the seams, one and a half centimeters will be enough.
  3. The seam will need to be rejuvenated, and the lace attach the fabric to the front of the fabric, then set.

  1. We fold the pieces of fabric by the front parties, we shoot the side seams.
  2. Now we need to do the formation of the bottom. We fold existing angles, do not forget to fix it with invisible. From the sharp edge, I dwell 5-7 cm, we carry out a pencil line and flash it. Excess fabric to seam can be cut off, leaving only one centimeter in the reserve.
  3. Soak fabric, and it will be necessary to turn the side seams to be clear how to continue to work with the prepared workpiece.

  1. We go to the tailoring of the valve for the bag that should be on such a model is mandatory. To do this, take 2 small harvested pieces of fabric and fold them, again the front sides to each other. Draw the shape of the pocket, sprawling the corners.
  2. We grasp by drawn, leaving the biggest edge not stitched.
  3. Extensive fabric gently cut. We find the middle on the valve, and celebrate the bold point. This is the place where we will attach the magnetic button.
  4. From the fatty point in the middle of the valve, I dwell on a half-meter in both directions, and cut the material. We insert the button (the magnet itself will be attached elsewhere). Soak fabric.

  1. We start connecting the bag and the valve made by us. We rush the invisible valve to the bag and admonish it. Do not forget after each manufactured process, smooth cloth.
  2. We begin the valve on the front side of the bag and mark on its foundation the place where we will clipped the magnet.
  3. To the side seam at the top, you will need to sew leather flat with the semoligas in them. This is a fastening for our future belt.
  4. Do not forget about the lining and the need for its pattern. To do this, we need two pieces of fabrics with a size of 30 x 34 cm.
  5. Around the perimeter you need to become stuck so that the seam is open. Do not forget to cut corners. After turning the material, we flash that seam, which, before we left not sewn.
  6. We connect the lining with the bags of the pins, we shoot. Bag is ready, it remains only to turn it out.

"Post-postman" is ready for operation. Salmon although much, but the result will please you.

Pattern bags do it yourself from fabric

For those who are not a newcomer in the sewing case will be enough to have a pattern at hand to sew the original bag. We present to your attention Detailed patterns of some models of bags:

  • Denim bagsdo not come out of fashion, and today this rule is also valid. Therefore, if you were sent somewhere old jeans, which and throw out a pity, but they will never put on them, then it is a great version of the tissue for a denim bag.

  • Men's bag of fabricthere can also be original. If you attach your hand to it. Sew a small bag for your man is not so difficult if there is a detailed pattern with all the necessary dimensions.

  • Shopping bags of fabricsew is even easier. In this case, the presence of a pattern is half success. The fabric for such bags can be any, at the discretion of the Creator.

If you are new to sewing, then we suggest viewing a video in which it will be described in detail and shown, how to sew a bag of fabric with your own hands. Do not be afraid to experiment, and then you can achieve a lot, especially when there is a visual example before your eyes.

Video: Fabric bag - master class

Everyone is good such a bag, with the exception of one - the cloth is too heavy for me. And I love the lungs, practically weightless things. Therefore, it was decided to sew a bag of cloak tissue. Why did I choose a raincoat for sewing? Judge for yourself - such a fabric does not wet, easy to care, practically weightless. Exactly what is needed! And I was not mistaken. As practice has shown, the bag from the cinema turned out to be a universal and practical thing. Roomy, easy, comfortable! The color is classic - black, suitable for any along. Decorate solved an unusual flower from the fabric, whose petals are adjusted by spirals. The idea was spied in one of the old Oriflame magazines, where a red bag with a similar flower was sold.

And only now I decided to accomplish the conceived. The bag has a lining on a synthepsion, as well as one handle - can be worn over the shoulder and just in your hands. Rodyshko is soft. I rarely like things stitched with your own hands, but I just fell in love with this bag.

But what form (approximately) the bag acquires in the "hanging" position:

Master class: how to sew a bag over the shoulder (from a cloak, with a flower of fabric, snake and one handle)

It will take:

  • cloak fabric;
  • slicing dryer;
  • cloak on a synthepsion;
  • corsa tape;
  • 2 Metallic parts for handles;
  • zhema-zipper (snake);
  • Cutting
  • From the cloak tissue, we cut out (allowances already taken into account):
  • rectangle 44 cm at 76 cm - this is the basis of the bag;
  • rectangle 65 cm by 8 cm - this is a handbag handle;
  • detail 34 cm long and 25 cm wide (in the middle) - donyshko bags (draw random edges).

We also cut the lining bags based on the lining fabric. Lining fabric for the bag I decided to take on the syntheps. I just had suitable pieces after. From a piece of Sinypplion, we cut the part size slightly more than the bottom of the bags.

The bag handle

First of all, prepare a handle bag. For the strength of the handle, it is necessary to duplicate from the wrong side the part with adhesive flieselin, as well as in the middle of the handle the kiss tape. As a gasket, I used not a korsazhny, a curtain braid, which remained after. I removed the rope and sewed a braid of two layers. It turned out a good gasket for the handle handle, no worse than the Corsa Tape.

The handle of the bag can be sewn as usual (folding the tissue strip along the involving side inside, turn the allowance and stitching the finishing lines), but I stitched as follows. The detail folded along, the front side inside and stroke the line of 1 mm wide from the bend.

The item turned to the face, put a curtain braid, I have a 2.5 cm wide, the open cuts bent the details inward and outlined. It turned out the item, resembling the belt. It remains to be paved on the sewing machine finishing lines on both sides and the handle for the bag is practically ready.

But, I decided to make a handle "as a shop", with metal parts and hlystics. Cnegro (squares or rings) can be bought in a handwelding store or remove with an old bag. The main thing is that they come in size. From the harvested and stitched handle details, I cut 2 parts 6 cm long for pens stuck. As a result, the main pen has become shorter by 12 cm, i.e. 65 - 12 \u003d 53 cm. The stakes missed through metal parts (in a bent form - 3 cm) and secured at the ends of the line, retreating from the fold 2 cm. The same did the same With the handle, the ends of the handle on the other sides of the suture of the apparatus with a closed cut, width - 2 cm (+ 1 cm went to the bending), I became 47 cm long length. It turned out this item:

Handle width in finished form I have 2.5 cm. You may have another, depending on the size of metal parts.

Fabric flower on bag

I decided to decorate a bag with a fabric with a flower. On the main detail of the bag, I set out the location of the flower - this is a circle with a diameter of 15 cm. From the wrong side, the place of the flower is required to be duplicated by adhesive phlizelin. Flower petals are a 4 cm width of 4 cm widths, carved over a slash line and stitched into one large strip of about 3 meters long.

The tissue strip is folded along in half the involving side inside and sews in a circle along the helix (the distance between the spiral lines, or rather the sewing places of the "petals" - about 1 cm). Through equal intervals, the same covers are made (approximately 7 mm). The middle of the flower is fixed using a thread and needles. Additionally, I fastened the petals from the wrong side so that they do not be fused and the sewing seams are not visible. You can not do this if the distance between the sewing of the strip (petals) is minimally and the open sections are not visible.

Bottom bags

Punches on the seam Punching bags rinse, flexing on the wrong side and fit or fix the surrounding line.

Pins attach the detail of the bottom of the bag, pre-centered the details. On the inside the basics of the bag, on the reverse side, we apply a synthetic procession. Customize the bottom to the base of the double finishing line, capturing all the layers, including the synthetic procession. With an inside, cut the surplus of Sinyburg.

From the wrong side, all this will look something like this:

How to sew a snake in the bag

For snakes, we cut 4 pieces of fabric - rectangles 4 by 5 cm. Sevive them with the origin and front sides to the ends of the snake 2 pieces on each side (parties where 4 cm). We flex and fasten the lines of open cuts of parts. It should be approximately the following:

Snake sew on two sides to the basic bag.

We sew the sides.

We sew the bottom corners of the bag.

In the upper corners of the bags insert the pens stack and stitch.

In the scheme (borrowed on the Internet), it is clearly shown as it can be done:

Turn the bag on the front side.

And here it looks like a handle and snake bags over the shoulder:

Bag lining

On the bag are placing the location of the pockets. Pockets can be arbitrary forms. I made pockets from two sides - on the one hand the invoice, on the other, with a snake. You can make a lining bag without pockets or to your taste and preferences.

Then in the lining you need to sew lateral sections (leaving in one of the seams is a non-refined place for turning), and on the upper sections, the lining must be shot down 1.5 cm on each side. Then pinch the lower corners and the top.

It remains to notice and sew a lining to the upper batteries of the basics of the bag, turn the bag on the front side, try the upper seams where the snake is sewn, to sew a plot through which the bag turned. I decided not to make finishing lines.

Here is such a bag from a cloak, which is comfortable to wear over the shoulder turned out in the end:

Cute, spacious, easy, practical and very comfortable. What I always like in things.

Do not everyone know that she sew a bag with their own hands from a piece of some fabric found at home, or not too thick skin is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. Difficulties may occur if the material is too thick, such as leather or jeans, or the pattern is not easy. I myself tried to sew my first bag still at school, there was no pattern, she sewed just rectangular.

How to sew a bag? What? Little female or greater roomy household, fashionable stylish for yourself or children's ...

A homemade summer bag can be sewn from almost any material you like. The model and pattern of patterns with dimensions can also be made on the basis of your own ideas about form and capacity. It is advisable to start with simple cuts. Otherwise (by a professional language), the pattern is called lecture. It also keep in mind when searching.

From the felt, you can build a very pretty flat handbag in the form of owls or wolf with huge glazes (photo below closer to the end of the article) for the electronic device.

I was surprised that for some reason many visitors comes to this page on request " tissue bags do it yourself patterns for very stupid". It is impossible to talk about yourself like that. If you are going to sew such a thing, then I think that you can easily understand. As a last resort, if something is not clear, then you can ask!

Bags do it yourself - patterns

For example, if I wear an umbrella in my purse, then it should be placed there - horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Think over the situation in advance - if your umbrella breaks, you buy a new one who can be a little longer than its predecessor.

It is better to make that the standard size umbrella is placed inside.

Three Patterns Gucci Skin Handbags

To begin with, I will give the patterns of several GUCI bags, they were originally given for the manufacture of paper layouts, but they can also be used for sewing normal from the tissue or other material with their own hands. Three following photos, if you are interested in patterns, you can increase slightly, they are clichable.

On the photo mostly only patterns of the scheme of bags without sizes. A small advice for those who have found a suitable model wants to sew a similar one. Take a picture with a pattern, open on the big screen in any graphic editor, increase the scheme to the desired size. It is even easier for me - my screen serves as a big TV. :)

Attach a loose paper or traction to the screen, lock and circle a soft pencil. If you plan to sew a small bag, then you may enough of the usual screen. Otherwise, increase the image to the "genuine value" of the bag (let it even fit into full screen) and circle the pattern in parts, shifting the photo on the monitor.

When laying bags do not forget the allowances on the seams!

By the way, the pattern of the skin-hanging skin for the decoration of the bag is similar to a painting brush, it is done in the same way as depicted. It is cut not to the end of strips, then the skin section is wetted with glue and turns into the tube.

Such details as size and form, the presence of external and internal pockets should be thought out in advance, based on their needs and preferences.

Focus on your wallet when pockets thinking. It is said that the wallet is reliable to keep the wallet vertically in the middle of the bags in specially for him made a compartment, so much less likely that the pocket will get to him. They usually cut out the side surface or the end sharply sharpened coins and steal, which is naming inside. The second time to cut - inside - already inconvenient.

Some sew down at the bottom of the bag or under it a special pocket for an umbrella in lightning. It is also very convenient, the umbrella can be obtained separately from its branch, without opening anything from above.

If someone is difficult to sort out the patterns presented above, in any case will understand how to sew a bag of a bag (for example, from an old jacket), "T-shirt", package using noble materials - suede, skin. However, jeans, the leatherers will also go, it all depends on what choice you possess.

Bag-backpack with your own hand with pattern

You better know what kind of bag shape you like more like that you wear (or are going to wear) inside which pens prefer - short, long, wide, narrow, or maybe you can be easily worn to wear a backpack - so hands will be free. I personally love the backpacks, but not too small - there is no means a lot, and on sale the ladies backpars are mostly all very modest size, so sometimes it is necessary to sew yourself if there is a desire to do small sew.

Cute bright covenan will be a great gift for a girl or a girl. The main thing in this backpack is the external decor, the pattern can be taken almost any, it will not be visible anyway. It looks great in everyday youth clothing - T-shirts and jeans. After the link, you can see a few slightly different color versions, and what looks like a bag-backpack "on the carcass".

Bag made of old leather jacket

You can sew a new leather bag of the skin of an old jacket (or leather trousers) - there are certainly good non-rotated pieces of plots on it. It may turn out such a comfortable thing as in the photo below.

It is not bad to make the handles that you can always make shorter or longer, or fasten one long strap.

Treat the fastener in advance if it is zipper, then find the house of the right color, if it is a little more than the hole, then it is not scary - one end can be hidden inside the product. Think which buckles, magnetic fasteners will have a future bag.

Choosing accessories for bags

Usually I, throwing out a thing (clothes or a backpack, without a difference), bursting out accessories from it, which can still come in handy, and therefore I have a lot of such fright stuffing. It is very convenient - it is not necessary to immediately run to the store if the idea of \u200b\u200busing fittings will come, then you can immediately attach and estimate whether something from the "home reserves" will come. It is necessary to take into account the color of the fittings, the finished product will not look very good if the accessories of silver and golden color will be used at the same time. It is better to withstand style.

The fastener can be done on the magnet - there are those on sale, quite inexpensive. Or at all on a lace, which delays the top. It looks good on beautiful evening pods from silk or other exquisite tissue with light glitter, with embroidery or trimmed beads.

Usually I draw the pattern of the bag itself - the shape is very simple. From the Internet, I sometimes collected the ideas of models and patterns, they never used directly, but you can take it as the basis, and the little things (and proportions, or separately the height-width) can always be changed or added at your own desire.

It looks carefully a product that is stitched on the lining, so prepare a lining fabric that is suitable in color - to the tone or on the contradiction. The basic parts of the bags should be duplicated on the fabric for the inside. On the lining it may not be superfluous by one or more pockets, on zipper or open, for trifles, cosmetics, telephone. Pockets are always very convenient when you know that in what pocket should lie.

Handbags from knitwear and felt with felt

If you do not know how or do not want to knit, you can still create a knitted accessory yourself. Do you know what? From unnecessary knitwear - pullover, sweaters of large or small knitting. Or use an old bag for alterations to a new one by knitwear.

The handbag can be sewed from a felt in the form of a wolf, owls or other animal. There is no pattern here, the main thing is beautiful design outside.

There are many all kinds of large pictures with examples of felt bags. Animals and birds are different - fox, eagle, pig, elephant, doggy, rhino and even bat. The basis of the pattern is a rectangle on the size of a phone or another device, and the rest - decorations - the case of your imagination and opportunities in the sense of the choice of the color of felt, thread or tissue.

Idea Alteration of an old leather bag with knitting

A very interesting idea is to redo the existing old bag of thick skin - cut down the bottom and tie it from dense threads or yarn, for example, a contrasting color. Pre-do holes on the bottom, to them and tie knitted parts. I have long been going to realize this idea, there is even a bag for experiments, but so far I have not found a suitable yarn.

In my opinion, this is the "Spanish" idea for original bags of thick skin with a knitted supplement, it seemed interesting to me interesting, naturally, with his own hands. Therefore, I was in service.

The bottom can be associated very quickly with a thick cord. I would still bore the lower part of the darker form, otherwise the wash problem very soon.

The shape of the pattern will largely depend on the rest. To worry about whether the sewing machine will die with a leather part, you do not need to be a special tool - a breakdown, we will make small holes and everything can be mounted. I think that the lining on such a handbag still should be done, especially if the knitting is large.

Decoration of a handbag made of beads and sequins

I really want to stop at one moment. If you don't like to bother with a complex tailoring bags on a special pattern, or you already have a tissue bag (small!) That you would like to change, then there is a way out. If there is no finished contender for rework, then we are squealing a small handbag made of fabric with your own hands. Or clutch. It's just - the pattern is as follows - two rectangles, zipper or a button, or something completely simple. Let the fabric be monophonic. For our purposes, it's even better.

The chip here is that you can additionally decorate the bag with your own hands - it turns out a unique thing. In the end, buy a ready-made simplest and try. To do this, you need beads, sequins, fiberglass, rhinestones, threads, needle.

Decoration of handbag and clutch sequins and beads

Now I'll show what it can work out. Do not be afraid - these are three clutches behind each other. All of them are interesting, and all different.

Female tweed saczozh - the necessary thing in the journey. It is very spacious, practical in the sock. Therefore, it is also good for everyday use in the cool windy time of the year. Very interesting vintage pattern with a sewing scheme, try to sew your own hands, it will be nice to look at the trim of the skin.

These are interesting woolen multicolored cats with embroidery made by Master with their own hands, I spied at the exhibition of handmade masters. There were also case-case cases for mobile phones, and even simply spacious, but very light baskets and bulk from felt for shopping hikes in the store. Oddly enough, the hostess advised them to wear even potatoes! :) Personally, I would not do this - I'm sorry for the thing! And what are their lungs! Just unbelieveble.

It is even easier to sew a spacious bag for the beach with your own hands, the patterns are very simple, the sewing process is simple. Materials can be anyhow - from the grid to the canvas, the shape and pattern can vary, but in any case the volume should be large. And it is possible to decorated it as you like, even though sea shells, even throw acrylic paints. Here you will find the pattern of the bag bag, which can be sewed a product from fabric or even skin!

Another novel pattern in order to sew from the material (monotonous or with a pattern) a large comfortable beach bag, in which all the necessary things will fit. I do not advise such a bag from the skin such a bag, the bantle folds will not look very good at the top. The bag consists of an outer part and lining, which can be the same or other, for example, a thinner cloth.

Examples of ready-made purchased bags, as well as handmade products with appliques of my good friend, needlewomen, masters for all hands, which lives in Regensburg. So you can decorate with your own hands already have a thing, as well as sew a new one, in the process inventing the decoration.

It has long wanted to sew a denim handbag and yesterday I had such a handbag from unnecessary jeans. The handle is adjustable in length, so 3 options for the handbags are possible: over the shoulder, on the shoulder and the belt bag.

For sewing bags, we will need: denim (I have a fabric from unnecessary old jeans), doublerin or fliesline for tissue sealing (I used a thin synthetone, since I have a lot of residues), zipper 25 cm, carbine for bags 2 pcs, 1 frame -Reller, 2 semiring or clamps (I did not find the desired color and used 2 frames), threads, scissors, pins, measuring tape.

Handbag will be sewed from denim strips of different shades. Cut 4 strips for each side of the bag. 8 Striped 24x5.5 cm.

We cross the strips among themselves and we are revealed. From both sides, cut off the corners, making the bottom of the handbags rounded. Pattern of the front and back sides of the handbag 23x18 cm. Through this pattern, the size of the handbag in the finished form is 22x16 cm.

We compact both sides of the handbag. Sut off the syntheps of a little more sized, put the fabric on it and revealed (through a gauze or handkerchief). Sintepon slightly stick to the fabric and becomes thin.

The sides of the handbag must be passed. We spend along the edge of the bands and throughout the edge of the denim.

Cut off the extra synthetion along the edges. So make a handbag on both parts.

Cut out 2 more such parts made of denim or other fabrics (for the subclass / inner part of the handbag).

On both sides of the subfolder, I will have 2 small pockets. For them, I cut off 2 rectangles 16x11 cm, bent the edges inside, rejuvenated and sewed to the center.

Then cut off 2 more strips 23x6 cm from denim.

Bend the strip of the face side inside and spend on the sides where the dotted lines are marked.

Soak on the front and we are revealed. So with both stripes.

Now we connect the external and inner side of the handbag and these strips. We put the strip on the part of the front side of the bag, on them the part for the inner part of the bag (the front parties inward) and spend, where it is noted by the dotted line.

It turns out so.

For the side of the handbag cut off 2 strips of 52x6 cm.

The face strip is also sealing, as well as the main details of the front side of the handbag.

Now you need to connect both sides of the handbag with the sidewall.

To do this, we first sew the front side of the sidewall to one side of the handbag, then to the other.

Then also sew an inner sidewall to the inner side of the handbag, leaving the hole 8 cm.

Through this hole turn the bag on the front side and sew it.

Now we make fastenings for a half-colt or frames on the sides of the handbag. For them, cut off the strip 5x8 cm. Bend by large sides and spend from the wrong side.

We turn on the front side, we can escape and insert into a semiring or frame. It is better to immediately see where the dotted line is marked.

Received details. (Fastening for the handle) We insert the handbags between the layers of the tissue on the sides, bending the sidewall layers inside.

Send in 2 lines for reliability.

We sew zipper to the strips that we sewed between the front and the inner sides of the bag. I did not find a zipper with the runner of the right color, I will change later when I buy.

You can hide the tip of zipper using a denim strip. Then his hide inside the bag.

It remains only to make a handle, it will be adjusted in length. To do this, cut off the strip of the desired size (the size depends on your preferences and heights). The average length of the strip for such a handle from 100 to 130 cm. In my case 105x8 cm.

Compact. Also put the fabric on the synthetic and irrigation (through a scarf or gauze). Syntheston will be thinner and slightly gluits a cloth.

The strip must be passed and cut off the extra synthesis along the edges.

Bend strip over the entire length and spend from the wrong side, where the dotted lines are marked.

Soak on the front, irrigate and take again.

Condimate the edges on the other side, inward and again we take over the entire length. We are interested in, so that our strap has become thinner. We proceed to assembling the adjustable handle for our bag using 2 carbine and frame.

One of the tips of the handle insert into the hole of the carbine, bend the tip and sew where the dotted line is marked.

The second tip of the handle is in the frame, then in the hole of the second carbine and the tip of the handle are sewn to the middle part of the frame (on the video above and on my channel in Youtube is shown in more detail).

Using Caraborn, fasten the handle to the bag.

It turns out such a handbag.


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