Psychology gesture language. Men's behavior when he is in love with a gesture look

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Facial expression, gestures, voice, all this is filled with signals of our subconscious, which play a significant role in the relationship between a man and a woman. Often looking at the person, you can see his thoughts, feelings and attitude towards you. Want to know how to determine if you like a man just looking at him? Further i will tell you what to pay attention and what aremen sympathy gestures to a woman.

First, let's figure it out how everything works. Language of the body of men is very similar to female. You probably know that many of the functions of the human body take place unconsciously and are controlled by the subconscious. For example, heartbeat or breathing. Want a more visual example? Imagine an erotic scene with you and a welcome man in the lead role. Feel: Heart beats faster, breathe harder. Surely a lot of things are also feeling. Just the body reacts to your thoughts. Similarly, we feel fear, admiration ... and sympathy.

About the language of the body of women read in this.

And when the men feel something, they think about something, their body reacts, every time without exceptions. This is the body language in love with a man. This, of course, is not only about the functions of the body, there are unconscious psychological impulses, for example, the desire to look good in the presence of an object of sympathy, as a result of which men straighten clothes, hairstyle, they are generally wounded. There may be many such reactions and gestures, we will look at the most important and often occurring signs of a guy's sympathy for a girl.


When a man is interested in you, then his glance will tell very eloquently about it. It will be rapid and attentive. Usually such a look is accompanied by a ripped mouth, expanded nostrils and eyebrows. Often everything happens involuntarily, which should hint on the feelings of a man. And after a quick glance, you can expect a careful inspection of the sympathy object. Sometimes the guy tries to make it so that the girl noticed.


How to understand what you like a man? Take him into my eyes! Because in addition to the very view, there are also pupils who can tell a lot. If he is excited next to you or sexual excitement, pupils will be expanded. However, it is worth understanding that in the case when the interlocutor has bad vision pupils expand to get a larger amount of light and excitement here.


To start, pay attention to the smile, which even always does not always talk about sympathy, but very often an important signal. If the guy smiles to you during a conversation, it can be a sign of good mood, sympathy or just a normal relationship to you. Your chance is 33.3%. However, the smile is different, sincere accompanied by wrinkles at the eye, if there is no, it is an attempt to portray politeness.

Go ahead. Men are stronger than women feel physical attraction. So, in addition to expanded pupils, other signs of sexual initiation in men play a role. Poking and licking the dry lips speaks about the excitation and corresponding to this feeling of thoughts. Of course, you need to clearly understand, about which a man is experiencing them, so try to look at everything in the complex.


Body language and gestures Men are based on subconscious signals. That is, the body tries to satisfy the wishes of the mind, while not loading the mind with superfluous reflections. And when the guy like the girl, the subconscious is trying to make it so that the owner liked in response.

That is why almost all the men in the presence of the liked lady try to look attractive, and therefore correlated their hair, tie, shirt. These are subconscious gestures that are an important sign of sympathy for a woman. Often, during a conversation, a man touches the cheek or chin. Such gestures of the sympathy of men signal the nervous excitement in the presence of an indifferent woman.


Viewing non-verbal gestures of men's sympathy, it is worth paying special attention to touches. Do not forget that men are stronger than the carnal relationship. Therefore, the desire to touch, take the hand, hug, press to yourself, even if it's just a friendly walk - this is an iron sign of sympathy.

An important feature that gives the sympathy of men is his voice. When the guy experiences excitement, then his voice is trembling. This option can signal sympathy if the excitement is explained by the presence of a girl who likes. The second option is to communicate with a pretty woman with him, a man's voice becomes low and velvety. Here the reason is a burst of testosterone in the body.

So we figured outhow to understand what you like a man. Of course, the sympathy of guys can easily distinguish both in the actions, but then she is so obvious and what is nothing. One thing is worth saying - do not confuse the persistent sympathy of the guy and temporary, situational. A man can experience an attraction to you if I saw for the first time in my life and five minutes after leaving the room (transport) forget about your existence. However, we will talk about this in individual articles.

Various non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy to a woman helps to simplify life. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to understand these signals of representatives of the opposite sex.

Most often, sympathy can be defined by view, he never deceives

What are there signs of sympathy? How to identify a lovely young man, and what are the features of his behavior? We have tried to answer all these issues that are interested in millions of women.

In addition to the expression of feelings through words, a person manifests his emotions or hidden desires with gestures. This manifestation cannot be hung, it can be called the most sincere and truthful. This method of expressing the internal state of the person (non-verbal) is to reproduce the signals of feelings, with the help of facial expressions or gestures. Control unknowing manifestations of feelings is often impossible, so it will be useful to know how to "read" the non-verbal gestures of the in love with a loved one, having studied his gesticulation.

The impulses of our subconscious go to non-verbal gestures, which absolutely transmit emotional states and real experiences, in contrast from speeches, which, alas, can carry a dual meaning. Gestures, postures, Mimic movements of the face, eyes can pass everything that the young man really thinks, for this, it is enough to just watch you and you will clear up much. Next, we will acquaint you in detail with these signs and what the semantic load they carry.

What signals give out a man?

Many gestures in love with men and their meaning are well known to women and do not need explanations.

After all, the representatives of the fine sex use similar techniques:

  • hold hands on hips
  • turn towards the sympathy object
  • let the long languid look and more often establish visual contact.

a) often touch the hair, lift them; b) correlate clothes

A characteristic male gesture is the laying of large fingers for the belt, and the excitement can produce extended pupils and a blush on the cheeks.

Follow the eyes

In order to determine if you like the chosen one, you need to carefully look into his eyes, they can tell a lot. There are open and hidden forms of sympathy. When the feelings are expressed openly, then in his eyes is clearly reading and respect. Pupils are expanded when conversation, and the eyes are wide open. Such a view in no way carries hostile or negative emotions.

The gestures and facial expressions of the in love with a hidden form are manifested when there is a fear of being disappointed or no hope for reciprocity. But despite fear, the guy subconsciously goes to contact and tries to be nearby. Eyes watching the furtively and at a random meeting of views immediately dismissed. Such a sympathy is very difficult to hide from others and from the side she can rush into the eyes.

It is also important to pay attention to the direction of the glance, if a woman was interested in him, then he will look at her with his legs to the head. First of all, the first thing you are attractive, the next stop point will be breasts and hips. These looks and cause the ladies suspicion of lust, but this is a natural traction of the male and not to go anywhere.

It will be much worse if the representative of the powerful sex will not be at all interested in these areas of the female body. It is worth only to pay attention to how the views are frank and bravely and what conversations they accompany.

Pay attention to the movement

Men gesturing language towards a woman is very diverse. If you really like, he will try to be closer to you and enter the zone of your personal space for no further than the length of the elongated hand. In this space, only close and familiar people are usually located, so if he wants to get into it, then this is a clear sign of a desire to get together with you.

Also, a man will try to touch the woman, help remove the coat, take her hand, hug the waist or put a hand on the chair on which she sits. Such non-verbal gestures of the man's sympathy say that it demonstrates the rest of the representatives of strongly statues, that the woman is busy, and he will not let anyone.

Body position speaks about many

A young man in love will try to show the woman all his advantages that his nature believed, and first of all it will manifest itself in the posture and position of the body. The body language and gestures of the Men in love will be aimed at the demonstration of "power" and "power." In such a situation, he stands straight, straightening his shoulders and, as if praising his back wide, spreads his legs wide and during the conversation to all the corps appeals to his beloved.

How to understand the gestures that a man is in love?

When the desired woman appears on the horizon, all the strengths of these begin to behave equally and try to attract her attention.

The theme of the psychology of the Mimici and the gestures of the Men in love with a separate book, we are systematized in this chapter and consider in detail all the above signals.

  • It is wrapped, unconsciously straightens the posture, pulls the stomach, the shoulders straightened, and the gait becomes more easily and sports. It automatically begins to smooth hair, wrap the jacket or correct the tie. The look lights up and in one moment a man like young people.
  • A characteristic gesture of sympathy is to lay the thumbs behind the belt or belt. Thus, several aggressive sexual interest is often manifested.
  • The look stops at the fraction of a second longer on certain intimate zones, which means interest. Pupils are expanded, eyes climb from head to feet, carefully examining a woman.

a) folding the head back; b) laying the fingers for the belt

  • Maybe a little to learn the head back, trying to demonstrate all his beauty and volitional chin. The correct inclination of the head, made mechanically and unconsciously, will help.
  • Trying to enter the personal space of a woman, thus burning it off from all other people - to a certain extent a selfish gesture.
  • He copies you, repeats the position of the hands, head, body. Maybe even repeating intonation in the speech of the sympathy object.

The gestures of the in love with a woman with a conversation with a woman are quite easy to read, and after familiarization with useful information in our article, the beautiful half of humanity will not be difficult to determine which man and to whom the tender feelings are experiencing.

Men's behavior when he is in love with a gesture look

If there is a desire to get closer to the woman from the young man, he unconsciously removes his clothes, such as a jacket, trying to show his muscles through the shirt. Also lubs the tie or removes the clock - these gestures say that he is trying to attract attention to himself.

The behavior of a man when he is in love, a look and gestures that sympathy manifests themselves, we have already reviewed in detail in the previous paragraphs of our article.

Non-verbal gestures showing no interest

In the final chapter of our article, we will introduce you to non-verbal signals and gestures, denoting not the desire to contact and reflect the internal antipathy and indifference to the opponent. Signs of love men to a woman, their psychology and gestures you are already familiar, but how to determine the opposite side of the medal?

The first call, notifying about the reluctance to communicate, are arms crossed on the chest. Thus, a man gives a signal that it does not intend to contact closely, and is in some degree awkwardness from communication.

The same promise carries the position with crossed legs hidden by hand in pockets or attracting the third interlocutor to conversation. Thus, a protective wall is erected with a prayer person, in order to avoid unwanted conversations.

A bored look, the yawning and cover of the mouth indicate the disinterest in communicating and that the interlocutor is boring. Foreign items are becoming the main entertainment during a conversation - the items at hand are shifted and the pages of the book or magazine pages are intelligible, and the paper sheet is striking - all these are obvious signals of indifference.

A non-verbal evidence of the desire to leave even socks of shoes, aimed at leaving and showing the company to leave the company more and show.

The ability to read signs and signals of the human body - very useful in life skill. So you can learn to understand the interlocutor, it is more effective to establish contacts and navigate in situations when words do not correspond to valid internal desires.

The topic as in gestures to understand that a man is in love with more than in detail in our article, women only remains armed with these knowledge and carefully observe the opposite sex.

Men and women, sometimes wishing, and often not noticing, show their sympathy to the opposite sex. In the process of courting, men and women enjoy a variety of different seductive gestures. Some of them frankly show intentions. Other gestures, on the contrary, secret hidden from foreign eyes. But most gestures are made unconsciously, purely reflex. This is based on reading your partner's intentions.

When reading sympathy gestures, remember that:

* Each gesture must be interpreted not separately, but in a complex with other gestures;

* If the words of your partner contradict his gestures, you need to trust gestures, and not words.

What exactly signals and gestures can we recognize?

Women use the same gestures of the worshius that men, including touching hair, film correction, one or both hands on the hips, legs and body are turned toward a man, extended intimate look and passage of eyes. They can also apply a gesture with laid fingers for a belt, which is purely male, but women use it more sophisticated; Only one thumb laid for the belt, in a handbag or a pocket slot. The excitement also causes the expansion of pupils and a blush on the cheeks. Consider other gestures characteristic of women.

Signals and gestures of female sympathy.

1. Shaking hair.

A sharp movement of the head is made to discard hair from the face or from the shoulders on the back. Even women with short haircut can use this gesture.

2. Demonstration of wrist

A woman interested in a potential sexual partner will periodically show him smooth gentle skin of his wrists. The wrist area has always been considered one of the most erogenous zones. When a woman speaks with a man, she tries to keep his palms in his field of view.

3. Arranged legs

Legs are set somewhat wider than usual when there is no man in sight. It does not depend on whether a woman is sitting or standing. A woman who occupies a sexy-defense pose sits with firmly compressed, crossed legs all the time.

4. Skiing the hips

Hips in gait swing stronger than usual to emphasize sexuality.

5. Item view Snochka

Slightly lowering the eyelids, the woman looks at the man until he notes her look, and then quickly removes his eyes aside. This gives the fascinating feeling of peeping and a teasing hint on the fact that you are sneaking, peered. This feeling can "ignite" almost any normal man.

6. Slightly ajar mouth, wet lips

Lips are moisturized by saliva or with cosmetics. Both makes a woman sexually tempting and attractive.

7. Lipstick

The use of lipstick is a way, millennia used to simulate red-free sexy lips of a sexually excited woman.

8. Stroking the cylindrical object

Such stroking of the cigarette, the legs of the glass for wine, finger, or any long cylindrical object, is an unconscious tip on what may be on the mind of the lady.

9. Poshos view because of the raised shoulder

Rounded raised shoulder is a simulation of its own breast.

10. Women's Tooth Crossing Manner

Men often sit with widespread legs, defiantly demonstrating the genital area, while women cross legs to protect their delicate genitalia. Women enjoy three pies to express their flirting, taking care. The first is bent knee. In this case, the woman sits, having fed one leg to another and sending the knee's edge on the person to whom she shows interest. This is a very free pose, excluding all sorts of formalities and gives the opportunity to flush knees. Righting the skinny shoe also speaks of a free position, and the phallic dive of legs in the shoe and the emergence of it is so sexy that many men can drive. Dr. Sheflen found that one leg is closely pressed against the other to create a feeling of an increased muscle tone, which, as already mentioned, is a person's condition ready for sexual contact. Women enjoy other bait, such as slow down legs to the leg before the eyes of a man and slow return them to a normal pose; Gentle strokes by hand by hand, speaking waiting for touches of male hands. Often at the same time the woman speaks a quiet low voice.

11. Playing with decorations. The girl can touches the servant on the ear or to the chain on the neck, it can also be other decorations, such as a bracelet on hand. If at the same time the girl looks at you, then it sympathizes you. Do not miss your chance!

12. Hair movement.

Although many girls have hair relief, it's just a habit. It is quite simple to distinguish the sympathy from the habit. If the girl is at the time of communication with you begins to sort out the hair (changes in the basic behavior model) means you liked.

13. Ploying.

If a woman begins to enjoy your eyes in your eyes or simply takes off at the time of communication to bring marafet, it means that she wants you like.

14. Builds eyes.

The girl takes a look toward and down. If she were not interested in communicating with you, the look remained unacked, or she took his eyes away or up. Check whether the eyes build you or not easy enough, just delay the look at the girls. If she look at you again and looks down, then it sympathizes you. By the way, such a reception is called "shy geisha" she concerns you. One of the most reliable signs of touch sympathy. The girl can remove the dust from your sleeve, or just inadvertently touch hands, anyway, you have every chance to get closer.

15. Head tilt forward

The most seductive pose for a woman, according to Dr. Darren Burke from Newcastle University, is the posture at which the lady's face tilted forward. This is the "submissive" position of the head is most attractive and feminine.

Gestures and signals of male sympathy

To begin with, trying to attract the attention of the woman to their favorite.

1. Move is naughty

Completely unconsciously, automatically the man begins to "enjoy" with the form of a woman who likes him, whose attention he wants to attract. He straightens, pulls his stomach, straightens his shoulders, he suddenly appears light sports gait, eyes light up. At one point he becomes much younger. Everything else, as it were, in addition to these automatic reactions, he strokes his hair, corrects the tie, overthrew the jacket with the goal look more attractive.

2. The gesture of laying large fingers of the hand for the belt

The most aggressive sexual manifestation of a man in relation to a woman will be the causing gesture - laying the thumbs for the belt to emphasize the region of the genitals. He can also deploy her body to her and put the leg to the toe in her direction.

3. Looking Logy

He looks an intimate look and delays his gaze for a split second laid. If he is interested, the pupils of his eyes will expand.

4. Right head slope.

Men proudly hold the chin up, slightly folding the head back.

5. Closely suitable and roaming

It is suitable very close, as if burning you from around the world.

6. Copy

A man copies you. He, however, like you, repeat the intonation and gestures of your visa.

And a little more about the manifestation of love ...

As studies have shown when you meet anyone for the first time, the first impression of you depends:

from body language and appearance - by 55%;

from the manners to speak - by 38%;

From what exactly you say - by 7%.

You can "conquer" love:

1. With the help of psychological techniques.

To do this, send a few positive hidden signals with your body: an open posture - should not, crossing hands, close from the interlocutor, as well as mirror reproduction of the poses of the interlocutor.

2. Having survived the fear

Any extreme situation lived together - very much allocates.

There is a fairly close connection between the activation, excitation and alarm. Psychologists conducted an experiment with the "stressful bridge", during which it was found that men who met a woman on a swinging high bridge, considered it more romantic and sexual than men who saw her on a strong not high bridge.

At the same time, remember that if in an extreme situation a pretty person seems even more attractive, then non-patious - repels even stronger.

3. Mix the partner.

Laughter promotes love. Experience experienced together and causing laughter brings closer.

4. Proper music.

5. Verifying contact.

To conquer love, look into the eyes of each other

Psychologists conducted an experiment, during which they proved clearly how powerful weapons are. Stranger people joined in a couple and told them to look into each other's eyes. The romantic feeling of proximity has arisen between them, the romantic feeling of proximity was stronger than when they watched, for example, each other on their hands. At the moment of the meeting with someone, a plot is excited in our brain, which is associated with the receipt of award.

Gubanova S.G. psychologist

Language of men and women can tell about many things. And you agree, it is always nice to realize that a person is experiencing a true sympathy for you, and not pretending. The gestures of the in love men are different from the body of a cunning seductor body, Alphonse or a furist, movable mercenary targets. To teach you to see the difference, read the tongue of gestures of men, declassify the gestures of girls and women, we publish this article.

As psychological studies show when you first meet someone, the first impression about you depends:

  • 1. by 55% - from the appearance and language of the body;
  • 2. by 38% - from the manner to speak, voice timbre;
  • 3. by 7% - because you say.

In the process of courtship, people use many different seductive gestures. Some sympathy gestures frankly show intentions. Other, on the contrary, hidden, secret, hidden from other people's eyes. However, most of them are done unconsciously, purely reflex. This human feature is the basis of reading your partner's intentions.

Reading human gestures, remember the two main rules, namely, that:

  • 1. Each gesture should be interpreted separately, but in combination, in a complex with other gestures;
  • 2. When the words of a person contradict his gestures, you should trust precisely gestures, and not words.

Remember that the subconsciousness is always against lies, it gives out a lie, no matter how we oppose this. Therefore, the subconscious microg signals need to be extremely attentive. If a man is glavit, it is difficult for him and "compose" and track your behavior in detail. Even if the "verbal tirad" is a pre-harvested and carefully reheated representation, the person is internally tense, it controls speech, not gestures. This voltage can be explicit or hidden, but, anyway, there are signals that this excitement is issued, even if a person diligently tries to trigger it.

However, do not forget about the first rule: interpret gestures in the complex. After all, nervousness and tension can be caused by embarrassed, fear that you will not like it, will make something wrong, says the nefple ...

What gestures of sympathy can we recognize?

Their majority of them are well known and does not require comments. Women use identical gestures of the wrath, that both men: correction of clothes, touching hair, one or two hands on the hips, body and legs are roaming in the direction of the object of the object, a long intimate look and the stringent eye contact of the eye in the eyes. Women, as well as men can use the gesture, it would seem a purely male gesture - laying thumbs for the belt. But only the young lady use them more sophisticated, elegant: only the thumb of one hand is laid over the belt, and more often in the roset of pocket or in a handbag. Sexy excitement also give extended pupils and blush on the cheeks.

And now consider in more detail the language of gestures of men and women, as well as in which the difference between them.

Look for the truth in the view

To understand, you like you or not, you must carefully look into its clear eyes. And this is not a metaphor, the eyes really should be clear if the person is among your fans.

There are open and hidden forms of manifestation of sympathy. When a person shows a sympathy to you openly, interest, respect, respects. Such a look as if the question is asks: "What do you feel about me?". The eyes of a person at the same time are wide open, and the more sympathy, the pupils are more expanded. In such a look, be it a male or female, no hostility and other negative emotions.

A broken form of sympathy manifestation is used in cases where a person is afraid to deceive, disappoint, fears from you not to make reciprocity. But, despite its own fear, he still seeks to contact you, tries to be close, watch, look at you. The view of the hidden sympathy, as a rule, is different: a person looks at the object with a junk, trying to stay unnoticed. If your views suddenly crossed, he immediately takes his eyes. Such a sympathy is usually simply obvious to others, rushes into the eyes of people who observe the situation on the part.

Male and women's views in the manifestation of sympathy are seriously different from each other. What do not say, and female representatives are more ingenious. Women are the people of the art of the art "shoot with eyes." And, as a rule, it is the young lady be the first to begin an innocent game in "Glotes", in the hope that it will turn into a stormy novel. Let's still deal with what visual sympathy signals send men and women to each other.

Visual gesture of men

To determine by the look of a man, you are pretty you or not, you should pay attention to the direction of his gaze, where he looks.

The man experiencing a sympathy, inspects a woman from head to feet. First of all, he will celebrate your overall attractiveness, then his glance drops below, linger on the field of chest and hips, finding them as seductive, will return to them more and more and more. If a man shows interest to you, it is noticeable for the expansion of its pupils and the participation of visual contacts. It is for such views, a woman often reproaches men in lifeliques. But nothing can be done is nature, insidious subconscious games. The only difference is how frank and arrogant these glances, and what speeches are accompanied.

Visual gestures of girls

Women look different. Beautiful sexes are characteristic of the views of the schos, sneaking. Having met an unexpectedly looking with the subject of own rehabits, in most cases, the girls behave like thieves treated at the crime scene. They dismount their eyes in embarrassment and poured a blush. Watching the object of its dreams is secretly considered the most correct. More molded woman experience react more confident. Yes, they can also blush and embarrass, but, by releasing the glance, returned it in a second, and as if apologizing for the fact that the soda was watched, they will look straight into the eyes of the sympathy object. As a rule, it is accompanied by a cute, seductive smile. In this case, this is not just a sympathy, but the proposal of Flirt.

Unlike men, women begin to inspect the potential Uhager from the bottom up, and not the opposite. This direction has a double meaning. First, the woman is gaining courage, before seeing the man to her eyes. Secondly, the most valuable moment for women is the meeting of two views. At this point, the ladies, as the holders of high intuition, are able to predict the further development of events, and in fact, to decide whether it really needs to be continued?

Sympathy hidden in gestures

Every person has its own, individual set of gestures, and especially those with which the attention of the person liked is attracted. Sympathy gestures are very diverse and interesting.

We already found out that the body language of men and women is very different from each other. Undoubtedly, female sympathy gestures are much more diverse and more curious than men. Along with this, there is a lot of universal gestures, which are used by representatives of both sexes, for expression or, on the contrary, hiding their emotions.

If, for example, a man or woman doubt the proper sympathy of the chosen, then their gestures have caution fall. In such cases, if a person is randomly or deliberately touching his secret rehabiller, the latter, most likely, will instantly take the hand, as if he burned. An explanation of such, it would seem illogical behavior, simple: hiding its own attachment and sympathy, a person avoids contact with the object of lust, because it fears not to cope with his instincts and give their feelings with his head.

Language of the Body of Men Interested in Woman

At the subconscious level, the behavior of men experiencing sympathy is usually expressed as follows. First of all, they are trying to attract the attention of the women who are interested in, banal floating in its presence. This is a natural instinct, a man will start smoothing her hair, straighten the tie, align the cufflinks, wrap a collar, shake the jacket, smash non-existent dust ships. He will do it unconsciously, even if diligently hides his feelings.

Men very often use an eloquent gesture, laying over the belt thumbs up. This "action" unfolds in the abdomen and not accident, such a way accentuated on the field of genitalia. A man can stand, just at the same time his hands on his hips, his body will be deployed to a woman, and the foot sock is necessarily directed in her direction. Often, in communication with interesting women, men stick their hands in his pockets, while exposing thumbs up. In this case, this is an eloquent gesture that the woman he likes, and he is trying to make a favorable impression. This is a frank counseling gesture.

Non-verbal gestures of girls

In the presence of the man you liked, a woman can touch her hair, straighten makeup or clothing without any reason. One of the bright gestures, testifying to sympathy, is a demonstration of a man of their wrists to show its delicate and smooth skin. For example, during smoking, such a woman will keep a cigarette at the level of shoulders or neck, exposing his wrist towards her male liked. When walking, women can be very frankly shoved their hips, so they are demonstrated by their charms. Although it is worth paying attention to the last remark when there are other seduction signals - women like to like, so they can swing thighs simply in the presence of male individuals, even quite interesting.

When a meeting with the object of frozen occurs in an informal setting, for example, on a disco or in the bar, girls gestures can be very frank. This, by the way, concerns the presence of competition, that is, when a few women stay at once in sight a man. She will try to sit so that her slim legs were clearly visible to the chosen one. As a rule, the post of foot behind the leg is engaged, and the direction of the legs is necessarily for the object of interest, so to speak closer.

In the process of the conversation, the woman can turn the shoe on the fingers on the fingers, and if the shoe will eventually subsides - this is a frank flirting gesture. A woman can do it and specifically to, in the end, attract the attention of men to her feet or induce to more decisive actions. If a woman is demonstrated by an intimate look in combination with allegedly randomly slipped from the shoulder with a strap, semi-shaped shoe in the position of foot on the leg, - be sure she wishes to start flirting. A typical sexual appeal is wet lips and a rodded mouth.

Being in close proximity to a woman who sympathizes, a man can observe how she slowly twists his legs before his eyes, putting one on the other, then the opposite. A woman can, no matter how unident, gently stroke the hip with his hand or touch his chest. Her voice becomes quiet and low.

Smile - not always good sign

A smile is not always a 100% sympathy rate. She may mean that a person from you needs something and with the help of a smile he is trying to please to use his influence on you for personal purposes. What is the difference between the smile of true sympathy from other smiles?

A smile expressing sympathy, no inclusion. It is always symmetrical, during sincere emotions both corners of the mouth raised up the same. It does not matter, with naked teeth, or a closed restrained smile - sympathy can mean both the first and the second. But when a person demonstrates his teeth, he confirms that in your company he feels absolutely calm, it is absolutely nothing to hide. A sincere smile accompanies the same sincere, a bright look emitting a smile.

A sign of the insincerity of the interlocutor, as you already understood, is asymmetry in a smile. When one corner of the mouth of a person is omitted, and the other is raised, or one corner is lower than the other - this means that you are crazy, misleading, they want to fool. When a smile shines on your companion on your companion, while the eyes are cold, the eyes do not laugh - beware, he can pursue mercenary goals, his intentions towards you are dishonest.

Human gestures, good to you relative, sympathizing you, you can evaluate not only on a smile, but also laughter. When a person is not shy to laugh in your presence, it testifies to his goodwill, the absence of fear of staring with you emotions, about his openness. And this is a sign of sympathy.

Often, a smile is irony. As a rule, this is a slightly twisted smile, one eye is trampled, and the head of the satellite is tilted. Such a smile is also a sign of sympathy. Edaki good irony, tearing over you. A man treats you well to you, however, perhaps at the moment you look comical. Do not confuse irony with sarcasm smile. The latter is a sign of what you do not respect, you openly laugh. It is possible to recognize such a smile at a significant curvature, according to a not characteristic of a person, nicely eyes, arrogantly, in his face, gestures and votes.

It should also be distinguished by an open smile (with naked teeth) from a smile-ocked, which is a sign of negative and hidden aggression. With a threatening "smile", the interlocutor immediately exposes all the teeth and the upper and lower jaws at once. The corners of the lips are not lifted, as with a sincere smile, but stretched one line. The upper lip may not be naturally raised, and the eyes, respectively, do not promise anything good.

The smile can also serve as a good means of manipulation: Your interlocutor can just copy your smile, sincere sympathy without experiencing. But since this can also be easily recognized. Watch your companion if you noticed that he smiles solely when and you smile, it means he was not sincere. Perhaps it's just that he happened, but he does not want to upset you, his thoughts are far away, are busy more pressing problems than your cute chatter. Therefore, he is trying to support you simultaneous smile, not understanding especially for what the fun. But there is a high probability, especially with a new acquaintance that you are trying to mislead you, and further use the goodness of your mood to achieve any mercenary goals.

Well, of course, no smile does not speak at all about the absence of sympathy. If your companion looks at you sullenly, never smiled, then do not hurry to make the verdict of antipathy. Maybe he just worries in your presence, hides his sincere sympathy, or simply "in life" unworn (and what, and it happens).

Says like sings

If you listen carefully, as the interlocutor speaks with you, you can easily determine if you like him. True attitude towards a person very often gives the voice, or rather his intonation.

Women's vibrations of sympathy

In women in terms of sympathy expression, a certain standard has developed a voice. When a man likes, she seducer changes his ordinary, natural voice, starting to speak more low, breast voice, sometimes even with hoarse. If this happens - on face a sign of sexual attraction. The pace of her speech is also changing, it becomes quite slow, pulling to take the information correctly. At the subconscious level, this is a kind of male libido, it "hypnotizes", fascinates: "Look: I am beautiful, sexy, warm ...". Often she says, as if sings, singeling intonations appear in a female voice.

The tone and gestures of the girl, who hesitate to express the location to a man, fears to be rejected, has completely different intonations in his voice: the tempo of speech will certainly be very fast, the voice can tremble and break away, sighty notes may occur periodically. In the process of its rapid communication, involuntary spasms may occur, up to cough. All this is a sign of great excitement. Laughter is unnaturally loud and folding, and the more she worries, the more he is like a hysterical giggle.

A little stupid picture turns out, agree? Of course, all this is the extreme borders of the behavior. As a rule, constraints and nervousness are more controlled, but still easily readable.

Men's vibrations of sympathy

Your desire to conquer a woman's men express a little differently. When talking in a company with a pretty girl, especially in society, their voice, greatly looks at the Clean's cry in the struggle for female. Yes, yes, that is how this comparison did not seem like a cynical. Men's gestures are generally very primitive. It wakes up truly animal instincts, which is very noticeable in voice. Men serve a kind of cry, telling potential competitors: "This is my prey." With other men, he will be enough sharp in circulation, perhaps even rude. It all depends on the upbringing and degree of temperament.
As for communicating with the one who he gave his heart, he also happens here, as with women: we can compare with the song. The Men's voice becomes soft, gentle, velvety, similar to the sounds of a wicked tool, sounding incredibly melodious.

Sympathy signals and gestures in love men

It does not matter whether this meeting or partners are binding a love relationship, but when the sympathy object appears, all men behave equally. They are trying to attract the attention of women. If you briefly summarize, then the actions of the man look like this:

  • 1. A man is enjoyed

Absolutely unconsciously, literally automatically a man straightens, pulls the tummy, straightens his shoulders, walking it suddenly becomes light and sports, eyes light up. He strokes his hair, overthrows the jacket, corrects the tie. At one moment, a man becomes much younger.

  • 2. Laying thumbs behind the belt

In this gesture, sexual and even somewhat aggressive is guessed, so to speak, an animal manifestation of male interest.

Women's sympathy signals

  • 1. All the same floating

The brightest gesture is a sharp movement head, discarding hair from face and shoulders. And it doesn't matter that the hair can be short and swinging, actually nothing.

  • 2. Demonstration of wrist

The wrist area is considered, and has always been considered one of the most erogenous open areas.

  • 3. Arranged legs

Women's feet are set somewhat wider than in the absence of a man in sight. And regardless of whether it is or sits.

  • 4. Skiing the hips

In the gait of her hips, they begin to rock stronger than usual, emphasizing the sexuality of her nature.

  • 5. Item view Snochka

A woman looks at a man, slightly lowered the eyelids and the furtively, gloming a look from the bottom up. So continues until he notice. Then she quickly assigns side view. Funny teases, giving fascinating sensation of peeping and mystery. This feeling can "start" almost any adequate man.

  • 6. Slightly ajar mouth, wet lips

It makes a woman sexually attractive and tempting.

  • 7. Stroking the cylindrical subject

These are also banal subconscious games, although successfully used by women for seduction purposes. Easy stroking, for example, the legs of a glass or cigarette, is an unmistakable prompt of the fact that the lady on the mind.

  • 8. Women's manner of crossing

Women use three poses for flirting. The first is bent knee. Fucking one to another one under the other, the knee is directed towards the person of interest to her. This is a very free pose, which makes it possible to flush the knees with flirtary and without a vulgarity. The second is the foot leg, alternatingly changing position, then one on the other, then vice versa. The third blowing manner with the help of the legs is the same leg on the leg, but with sexy playing shocking shoes.

  • 9. Game with decorations

Frequently, when the woman is flirting, flirtary touch their decorations: to a chain on the neck, to the serge on the ear, to the wrist bracelet. If these gestures are accompanied by a look at a man, then she sympathizes him.

  • 10. Reliable hair

Most women simply have a habit of sorting out hair. To distinguish sincere sympathy from the habit is very simple. Catching the hair girl begins at the time of communication with a man, and not constantly.

And a little more about love ...

Love love with gestures as follows:

  • 1. Using psychological techniques.

Send your body positive hidden signals: open posture - do not cross your hands, do not close from the interlocutor. Use the copy reception: Mirror reproduce the post of the interlocutor, copy gestures, head head, voice intonation.

  • 2. Applying sympathy gestures.

Now you all know about the involuntary expressions of the senses by the language of the body, so why not use it consciously? A little manipulation in good matter does not hurt, in love and in war, as they say, all means are good. The subconscious of the partner independently reads such signs, so talk to him, without the knowledge of the owner! The main thing is not to cease and do not move your "sacrifice".

  • 3. Laughing a partner.

What do not say, and the laughter contributes to love, brings closer. Especially if it is a laughter caused by joint experience or the situation in your presence. The event experienced together, which caused a laugh, get closer to you.

  • 4. Using the right music.

It is very important to adjust the partner to the lyrical way, cause a thirst for romance or the fire of passion, depending on your aspirations.

  • 5. With the help of visual contact.

Look at each other's eyes. This is a scientifically proven remedy, such a look is a powerful weapon. Scientists united in pairs of unfamiliar people and ordered to look at each other in the eyes. For control they scored several more groups that looked at other parts of the body. So it was proved that the eyes of the eye in the eye, in itself causes a romantic feeling of proximity, with several orders of magnitude stronger than other views. As it turned out, at the time of the meeting of views, a plot is excited in the human brain directly associated with obtaining award. Is it not an ideal way to cause sympathy?

Well, with the theory of "silent language of love" you got acquainted. Now you can also start practical training. And I wish you success, the masses of happy moments and joy in the country with the name of love!

A little more about non-verbal communication:

Specialists - psychologists and sexologists - shared men's and female non-verbal gestures of sympathy. At the subconscious level, intuitively we perceive more non-verbal communication. It is like a kind of bell that comes into our brain is "you can" or "it is impossible." The signals of a sympathy or antipathy can be attributed to the Mimica of man, gestures, expression of his face during communication, pose, glances. Numerous studies prove that the first impression most often depends:

There are hidden and open sympathy gestures. An open form of inclusion expression is read in the view. It reads interest, respect, desire. At the same time, a person's eyes are wide open, looking straight into the eyes of the interlocutor. In the eyes you can see only signs of friendliness, no hostility or other negative emotion.

The hidden form of sympathy is used in the case when they are not fully confident in each other, they are afraid to disappoint or deceive. Therefore, the glance is usually thrown by the furtively, quickly, imperceptibly. Usually such a "Game in Glossing" is visible to third-party observers.

Men sympathy gestures can be understood by the way he considers a woman. Initially, a man always examines the lady from head to the legs. If he liked what he saw, he would be constantly returning to the interested parts of the body - chest, hips, legs, buttocks, face. Very often, women confuse an estimated look with lust. But it's not always the case. Just by nature, a predator, so he, like a predator, looks out his sacrifice, assesses it.

Women, on the contrary, consider a man from the bottom up. This direction has a double meaning. A woman gradually raising her eyes up, as if dialing courage before meeting with a man's gaze, this is for her the most significant moment - a meeting of views. Thanks to his inner intuition, a woman can immediately decide and understand whether there is a continuation and is it worth it?

Very often a man laying behind the belt or belt trouser thumbs up. These men sympathy gestures use no accident. Thus, they unobtrusively attract the view of a woman to the genital field. Also, a man often stands, turning to a woman with all the body, holding hands on the hips or in pockets of trousers. These are pretty candid gasts of courtship and sexual attraction.

Gestures for women's sympathy are somewhat different from male. But still some moments in them converge. For example, a woman just like a man can shoot her sympathy, laying his fingers for the belt. But, unlike men, women are investing in this uncomplicated gesture more grace and refinement. They can shut up for the belt pants or skirts only one thumb, or to push into a handbag or a rider of pocket. This exciting ambiguous signal remains unnoticed. Sexy excitement is also issued suddenly expanded pupils, rapid breathing and blush on the cheeks.

The following gestures of women sympathy sympathy in relation to men can be distinguished: Smooth, invigorating hips when walking; demonstration of their wrists; Stroking hair or winding strands to finger together with a look pointing at a man; swinging the feet in the shoes during the conversation; Sloping allegedly randomly strap, licking lips and sungthening the tip of the tongue in the corner of the mouth. Being near the object of its sympathy, women can slowly intertwine their legs, shift one leg to another, as in the famous frames of the "main instinct", stroking the thigh hand or touch the chest, carry out one fingers along the fingers of the other.

So, the theory is passed, it's time to proceed to practical classes!


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