37 week of pregnancy discharge from the breast. Discharge from the mammary glands in pregnant women

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For a pregnant woman, the expectation of a future child is anxious and long-awaited. She begins a new way of life, a more reverent and caring attitude towards herself. He tries to eat right, walk in the fresh air, work less and rest more, not take pills that are undesirable while carrying a child, worries about the coming birth to be safe and easy. Every woman longs for an hour when she can put her long-awaited child to her breast and feed him.

However, women begin to worry in earnest when the due date has not yet arrived, and colostrum is already being released. Of course, this will scare any woman who aspires and wants everything to go perfect. A lot of questions arise: is it normal for colostrum to appear even before childbirth? What to do about it? Will it harm the baby? Will it end before childbirth?

Don't worry!

Excretion of colostrum during gestation is a natural process that does not pose a threat to your health and the health of your unborn baby. Colostrum begins to be produced in the second trimester of gestation, even if it is not secreted. This is natural as the breasts are prepared for the future feeding of the baby. At first, it is a sticky, thick and yellow substance, but closer to the time of birth, colostrum becomes liquid and transparent. If you experience some itching, tingling, and movement in the chest area, do not be alarmed. The thing is that the muscles begin to push the colostrum to the nipple.

If colostrum is not excreted in advance, but only before the birth itself, then there is also nothing dangerous in this. It should not stand out until the birth itself, in principle. And if colostrum is not excreted before the birth itself, this does not mean that you will not have milk in the future. These things are not interconnected with each other. Colostrum is secreted immediately during or after childbirth. The amount of colostrum secreted is an individual thing, so do not pay attention to how much of it is released during the gestation period, and how much after it.

It also happens that colostrum begins to stand out in the early stages of gestation, which is also quite normal. This may indicate that the breasts are enlarging and the mammary glands swell.

In most cases, the reasons for the secretion of colostrum during pregnancy are massage, stress, sexual stimulation of the breasts, increased air temperature, which causes the ducts to expand.

What if colostrum is excreted?

Always carry disposable breast pads with you. They should be replaced regularly as colostrum is a breeding ground for bacteria. Remember to wash your breasts regularly with warm water without soap. Do not try to press on your chest or express colostrum! Stimulating the breasts is dangerous as it releases a hormone such as oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract violently, leading to miscarriage.

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina 

The last four weeks of pregnancy is a crucial time to prepare for childbirth. Don't feel unhappy. Don't act like a sick person. Pregnancy and childbirth is a work that nature intended for a woman's body. And she is on your side: believe me, she has done a lot to help you safely release yourself from the burden and feel happy.

The mother-to-be should remember:

  • About two weeks before delivery or a little earlier, a mucous shot will leave the cervix.
  • The placenta begins to age: difficulties appear in supplying the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.
  • The center of gravity changes in the uterus, and, as a result, lower back pain is possible.
  • The sensitivity of the uterus to the baby's jolts increases.
  • The mammary glands are enlarged, swollen, colostrum can be excreted.
  • Possibly prolonged pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus. Be on the lookout!
  • The drainage of water is a signal to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

The last month of pregnancy is the most difficult. The load on your body has increased to the maximum. The heart lies almost horizontally. The pulse is speeded up: in order to drive blood through the additional - placental circulation, the cardiovascular system has to work in an enhanced mode. Metabolism changes, the thyroid gland functions more actively.

The placenta has practically exhausted all its resources and is no longer able to fully provide the child with food and oxygen. The kid feels this and "insists" on an independent life.

Do not be intimidated by the separation of the mucous plug that closes the entrance to the cervix and does not allow infection to enter. The plug is a slimy lump, sometimes even slightly stained with blood. Everything is going as it should, you just received a "warning": there are no more than two weeks left before the birth!

You may have experienced back pain before: during pregnancy, the joints of the pelvic ring change. In order to allow the fetus to grow normally and then pass through the birth canal, the ligaments and joint capsules of the pregnant woman gradually relax: as a result, the muscles experience additional stress: this is where the origins of lower back pain come from. In addition, the center of gravity has shifted, the pregnant uterus seems to be pulled in front, and the woman is forced to lean back more and more in order to maintain balance while walking. She instinctively walks more carefully, her movements are unhurried, smooth. And this is not surprising! Let's calculate what kind of load you carry: a child weighs 3-4 kg, 1.5 liters - amniotic fluid, by a kilogram - the placenta and uterus.

Pain in the lower back, in the calf muscles is possible due to the depletion of calcium in the bones. This should never be discounted, because even closer to the 40th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is already fully formed, it is finally intensively stored up with minerals. And he has only one opportunity - to take them from his mother. A woman must strictly replenish the amount of calcium in the body. Dairy products, fish, eggshells, multivitamins containing calcium will help you.

An unpleasant surprise of the last month of pregnancy - stretch marks (striae). These are reddish grooves on the abdomen and thighs. It can happen like this: went to bed - they were not there, woke up in the morning - the whole belly is "painted". As a rule, after childbirth, striae will turn pale and become slightly smaller. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can treat the skin with vegetable oil after a shower, this will give the skin elasticity.

Sometimes, if the fetus is very large, the navel turns outward. Do not be alarmed! It's okay too. Don't try to push it back. Still worried? Then consult your doctor.

By the last weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands are greatly enlarged, and you already feel their heaviness.

The appearance of colostrum is another harbinger of a close birth. It is not surprising to recognize this event: specks appear on the bra. By the way, now you only need a cotton, tight, harsh bra. The ligaments that support the breasts need protection to maintain their beauty after childbirth.

Milk will "come" on the 3-4th day after the birth of the child, when the hormone prolactin in the woman's body reaches its maximum and gives the command to produce milk.

Is it possible to do something outstanding in the remaining weeks so that the milk arrives on time and is sufficient? Unfortunately no. The program - to have abundant milk or not - is genetically inherent in every woman.

There are observations that young and healthy women have fewer milk problems. The older the woman in labor, the less often she herself feeds her baby. More "milky" women, whose mammary glands have a wide base. A mother with "sharp" breasts may have problems while feeding a baby.

Note: In principle, you can give birth in any of the remaining four weeks. And childbirth shouldn't take you by surprise.

Practice good hygiene. Sexual life for you has stopped since the 33rd week of pregnancy. Take a shower every day, and if this is not possible, wipe your entire body and chest with a damp towel. Cut your nails short, remove the nail polish. Think about your hairstyle - hair shouldn't get in the way during childbirth. Prepare items for the newborn that will be needed when discharging from the hospital. Show your husband or relatives where they are. Prepare things for yourself too. Health portal www.site

Continue to walk more in the fresh air - at least 2 times a day. If possible, walk at home naked for a few minutes to train for temperature changes. Please note that in the delivery room you will only be wearing a light shirt.

Get ready for hard physical work. You must help your child to be born!

Fetus at 37-40 weeks of gestation

The fruit is full-term, fully formed. The "formation" of the reproductive system comes to an end: in boys, for example, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The navel, which "rose" in recent weeks, has reached its rightful place. The cheese-like grease has disappeared, it can only be preserved where it is necessary to protect the delicate skin from abrasions - in the groin, in the armpits.

The child already has good intestinal peristalsis, and meconium, the original feces, accumulates in its lower parts. Sometimes it accumulates a lot: it happens that during childbirth the doctor is presented with a "surprise". Where does meconium come from? It's simple: this is the result of the processing of swallowed amniotic fluid in the digestive system. It contains particles of epithelium and primordial lubricant, stomach and intestinal secretions. If you examine the chemical composition, you will find fats, bilirubin, cholesterol. Meconium in an unborn baby is sterile, but immediately after birth, various microorganisms will settle in the intestines.

The "system" is getting ready for work, which has been entrusted with an important task - to provide the baby with the ability to suck. Without exaggeration, his life depends on this unconditioned reflex.

For the entire last month in the mother's womb, the child, if there is no breech presentation, will "stand" on the head.

Why does labor start?

There is no definite answer to this question yet. The most widespread theory is that their initiator is the fetus. By the 40th week of pregnancy (or a little earlier), he finds himself in a difficult situation: the placenta has grown old and already has difficulty transporting nutrients to him, and the uterus becomes too cramped. The child experiences very unpleasant sensations, his adrenal cortex is activated and a large amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, is released. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the placenta and pituitary gland of a woman. It begins to shrink - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

A full-term baby is pink, with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. Many babies in the womb grow long hair, and their nails are already so large that during childbirth, the baby sometimes has to scratch his face.

The average weight of a born boy - 3600 g, girls - 3500 g. Height of newborns - from 50 to 53-54 cm

Does a newborn have to cry?

Yes, I should. After all, the cry comes with the first breath: the lungs expand, and the baby begins to breathe.

In a pregnant woman, the body is gradually rebuilding, preparing for the future feeding of the baby. The woman herself begins to feel some changes in her breasts - a slight itching or tingling, as well as muscle tension and swelling of the nipples. If colostrum suddenly began to flow from the breast, some women begin to interpret this phenomenon as a harbinger of childbirth, although this is not entirely true.

How many days before delivery does colostrum appear? There is no specific answer to this question - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. In most cases, colostrum begins to be secreted 2-3 days after the birth of the baby, but in some women this can occur as long as the whole trimester before giving birth.

It all depends on the physiological structure of the mammary glands, which are a set of glandular lobules with alveoli, and the processes occurring in the chest. Approximately in the middle of the first trimester, under the influence of hormones, the number of lobes increases, and their ducts expand. During this period, a woman has unusual sensations in her chest.

If colostrum appears at the turn of the II-III trimesters, you should not worry about the fact that there is little time left before delivery. So the body lets the woman know that her mammary glands are already ready to feed the baby, and she should not worry about this. Nature has taken care that the baby born prematurely is provided with nutrition as a full-term one.

In those who have given birth, the ducts are more developed than in primipses, so colostrum can appear from the first trimester. Experienced pregnant women know that they still have time before childbirth, but it's time to pay more attention to their breasts.

Timing of appearance and reasons

There were cases when small drops of yellowish liquid were released from the nipples of a pregnant woman even in the first trimester, and this did not in any way precede the approaching birth. In view of the individual characteristics of the hormonal composition, this symptom can be perceived as confirmation of an "interesting situation".

But more active production of colostrum begins in the second trimester. In some women, 1-2 drops per day are released, in others, all clothes are soaked in a sticky substance. This phenomenon does not depend on the time of day and may not be regular.

The third trimester is not accompanied by an increase in the volume of discharge, but the shade of yellow turns white and the liquid becomes transparent. This can already be regarded as a sign of imminent birth.

Reasons influencing the appearance of colostrum:

  1. plentiful and hot drinks;
  2. hot bath or shower;
  3. strong outbursts of emotions (negative and positive);
  4. active intercourse.

If you minimize these factors, then there will be less discharge from the breast until the baby is born. In addition, these reasons can provoke uterine tone, which is dangerous in the early stages.

Feeding preparation

In the middle of the third trimester, colostrum secretion before childbirth can become abundant, giving the woman some discomfort. On this occasion, she will have to take a number of measures.

What to do when colostrum appears

  • change bras;
  • choose looser clothes;
  • wash your breasts more often;
  • treat nipples with bactericidal creams;
  • revise the diet.

The bra will also have to be worn at night - to maintain full breasts and soft napkins applied to the nipples to absorb excess liquid. Clothes should not put pressure on the chest, provoke colostrum secretion.

Colostrum that appears before childbirth can cause the development of inflammatory processes on constantly weeping nipples.

Therefore, the breasts will have to be washed with warm soapy water several times a day, while changing the bra. It is recommended to buy a special cream that will prevent infection from penetrating through open ducts.

Large amounts of carbohydrates can trigger premature colostrum production. Closer to the third trimester, it is recommended to minimize the use of starchy and flour products, as well as sweets, switching to proteins of animal and vegetable origin. Just before childbirth, more vegetables, fruits and protein are introduced into the diet.

Some experts recommend that you wait for labor with benefit by preparing your breasts for breastfeeding. Squeezing out a little colostrum every day is believed to increase milk production during lactation. It is also advised to develop the nipples by flexing, stretching and twisting them with your fingers so that it will be easier for the baby to grasp the breast later.

These recommendations are useful, but you shouldn't rush to implement them. If a woman knows exactly how long to give birth, then the preparation of the breast for feeding should be postponed to the end of the last trimester. Premature stimulation of the nipples will lead to tension and tone of the uterus, which can trigger an abortion.

Colostrum at 39 weeks gestation

The appearance of colostrum before the onset of the birth itself or during pregnancy can greatly frighten the expectant mother. Here's what experienced experts have to say about it. Excretion of colostrum at the time of pregnancy is a natural process, as well as its complete absence.

Colostrum production begins in the second trimester of pregnancy, even if it is not flowing at this point. Pregnant women should know what colostrum looks like. Initially, it is thick, yellowish and sticky, but as it approaches childbirth, the structure of colostrum becomes much more liquid and transparent.

Many expectant mothers monitor their health very closely, often worrying too much about some of the nuances that are actually considered quite normal. In particular, we are talking about things like excretion of colostrum. What is it, and how long should it appear?

What is colostrum

Breast preparation

Colostrum gradually changes in composition, turning into transitional milk by the fourth or fifth day. From about the 6th day of lactation, the secret of the mammary gland is nothing more than mature milk. The process of replacing colostrum with mature milk occurs in women with varying intensity. For some it is faster, for others this process is more prolonged. It is known that in primiparous women, the process of converting colostrum into mature milk takes longer, in multiparous women - less. The individual characteristics of each woman matter.

A significant increase in milk volume is called milk flow or breast filling. In some women, this phenomenon occurs 3-4 days after childbirth; in others, it is observed later, on the 6-9th day, that is, after discharge from the maternity hospital.

If colostrum is not excreted, this is normal. Don't think that your breasts are "non-dairy" if you don't have colostrum during pregnancy. Remember that its release depends only on your physical characteristics. Whether or not there is colostrum during pregnancy will not affect the appearance of milk (after childbirth). It is normal for colostrum to appear immediately after birth and not during pregnancy.

There are some times when the discharge of fluid from the breast can be dangerous, but only when there is a threat of miscarriage. When you have pulling pains in the lower abdomen and bleeding from the vagina, you should carefully monitor yourself. During such periods, the secretion of colostrum can provoke a miscarriage.

The fact is that when unripe milk is released, the woman's uterus contracts, which can lead to termination of pregnancy. This applies to those cases when the secretion of colostrum is accompanied by other signs of a threat of pregnancy. If you, while being kept (in the hospital and at the hospital), having some signs of a threat of pregnancy, noticed discharge from your chest, be sure to tell your doctor.

Changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy often give a woman a lot of unpleasant sensations: the breast grows, swells, and sometimes becomes painful. When colostrum appears during pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel itching or tingling in the breast - this is normal and only means that the mammary glands are preparing to perform their main function - milk production.

When the mammary glands undergo changes, the woman experiences discomfort. Her breasts grow and tingle and sometimes become painful. If colostrum begins to appear, your breasts may itch and sometimes stretch marks. All this is quite normal and indicates that the female breast is preparing to feed the baby.

Report any changes during pregnancy, including discharge from the breast, to your gynecologist. If he doubts something, he will refer you to a specialist mammologist, who, after a thorough examination, will tell you the reason for the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge.

Be prepared for the fact that he will definitely ask you the following questions:

As for breast care, if colostrum flows during pregnancy, then it comes down to simple rules:

  1. Every day (at least in the morning and evening), wash your breasts with warm water from the shower without using any detergents.
  2. Wear a comfortable bra - with a deep cup, strong wide straps, without unnecessary seams and decorative elements. The bra must securely hold the breast, preventing it from excessive vibrations, but at the same time not squeezing it or causing any other discomfort. The bra should be replaced regularly with a new one and be careful to keep it dry: a warm, humid environment encourages the growth of bacteria.
  3. If you have copious colostrum during pregnancy, it is better to use special breast pads or put cotton pads in the bra cups.

Finally, we note that there is no relationship between the secretion of colostrum during pregnancy and the production of breast milk after childbirth. There are various myths among the people about this, allegedly:

So, colostrum during pregnancy is quite normal. However, with the appearance of chest pains and "suspicious" discharge of uncharacteristic color and consistency, we do not postpone a visit to the doctor "on the back burner". Health to you!

How milk comes from: what should the expectant mother know?

Chest hurts before menstruation: is it normal?

the causes of the appearance and the nature of the discharge

Breast augmentation during pregnancy

Breast milk composition

Pregnancy 38-39 weeks: basic characteristics

Pregnancy period 38-39 weeks: what is changing and how it ends?

The last weeks, days of pregnancy for the expectant mother are always quite emotional. This is due to the fact that the term for bearing the baby is coming to an end. Very soon the woman will be holding her baby in her arms. But for this it is necessary to go through the process of childbirth, which worries the pregnant woman. After all, by this time everything should be ready for the appearance of the baby. Labor activity can begin at any time. Pregnancy of 38-39 weeks is the period when the majority of women in labor are in labor.

What does a woman feel?

At this stage of bearing a child, the weight of the expectant mother reaches its maximum. In addition to the additional kilograms that the woman herself gained, she also wears 7-8 kg for the fetus. After all, the baby has already reached a weight of 3-3.5 kg, about one and a half kilograms falls on the amniotic fluid, and another 2-3 kg weighs the uterus with the placenta. Such a burden at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy even more makes a woman want to give birth as soon as possible, because additional weight often causes a deterioration in well-being, namely:

  • increased heart rate;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet and others.

Pregnancy of 38-39 weeks may be accompanied by the onset of the mucous plug retardation. This can be understood by mucous secretions, in which blood streaks are present. You should not be afraid of such a phenomenon. Also, do not rush to the hospital with this sign. The release of the mucous plug is a completely natural stage of pregnancy, which indicates that labor will begin within 2 weeks.

At this time, low back pain often occurs, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity, as well as an increased load on the spine. In addition, the pregnant woman often feels pain in the joints, and not only in the lower extremities. Unpleasant sensations can occur in other places, which is due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother sent a lot of minerals to the growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, it is recommended to consume more calcium-containing foods during this period.

Pregnancy of 38-39 weeks is often accompanied by the onset of colostrum excretion from the mammary glands. This is preparation for the breastfeeding process. The milk itself arrives after childbirth, after 2-3 days. But colostrum is not a mandatory sign at this time, so those who do not have colostrum secretion should not worry. It can appear immediately after childbirth, which is enough for a newborn.

During pregnancy 38-39 weeks, stretch marks on the abdomen may appear. Even if they were not there before or the woman carefully monitored herself, using creams or special underwear, at this time strips can very unexpectedly appear on the skin. But after giving birth, they will brighten, so you should not be upset.

Especially it is worth paying attention to the expectant mother at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy for an increase in puffiness and an indicator of blood pressure measurement devices. A strong deviation from the established indicator, as well as edema not only in the lower extremities, can be signs of late toxicosis, preeclampsia. It is unsafe for the health of both the mother and the baby.

Baby at 38-39 gestational age

The fetus at this time is already fully formed and ready for independent existence. Therefore, generic now will not be considered a premature birth. The baby's rectum even has the first feces, which is the result of the digestion of amniotic fluid. Emptying can occur immediately after birth.

Stirring at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy is almost not felt. This is due to the fact that there is no space left in the mother's stomach for movement. Therefore, very often the baby feels discomfort and stress, which leads to the release of the hormone cortisol. The latter, in turn, provokes uterine contractions and the onset of labor. Although at this time it is considered a normal process, and pregnancy belongs to full-term.

The gestation period of 38-39 weeks can be called the period when the expectant mother should be ready for childbirth at any time. Leaving the house, she should not forget the documents and the exchange card, and it is also necessary to prepare packages for the delivery room.

Harbingers of childbirth

If you have precursors of childbirth like those listed below at 38 weeks of pregnancy, it's time to get ready for the hospital!

  • Decrease in weight. Before giving birth, a woman can lose about one and a half kilograms, which speaks of ridding the body of excess fluid;
  • Training bouts. A pulling, minor pain periodically appears in the lower back. It can start and end unexpectedly. From real contractions just before childbirth, training ones are distinguished by constancy, that is, such pain does not increase or decrease;
  • At the very end of the child's embroidery, discharge may increase, they are slimy, can be both transparent and slightly colored. The plug, consisting of a lump of mucus and streaks of blood, usually goes away two to three days before delivery. Bloody discharge should alert. The amniotic fluid should normally drain just before childbirth. Sometimes it happens that the water gradually leaks, this is evidenced by constantly wet underwear, which you have to constantly change. When the amniotic fluid leaks at 38 weeks, a decision is made to stimulate labor;
  • At this time, an increased tone of the uterus is considered common. A woman can fix that at the 38th week of pregnancy, her stomach turns to stone, that is, it becomes hard. The increased tone is a kind of preparation for the upcoming labor;
  • Lowering the head to the pelvic area increases the pressure on the bladder, which is expressed by increased urination;
  • Often, before the onset of labor, a woman's intestines begin to cleanse intensively. This is expressed not only by diarrhea, but also by nausea, and in some cases vomiting.
  • The obvious harbingers of childbirth are contractions. They are manifested by the appearance of cramping pains throughout the abdomen or below. Contractions are regular, rare in the beginning, and intensify and become more frequent as labor approaches.

Just before childbirth, most expectant mothers begin to experience nesting syndrome., that is, they want to certainly put everything in the house in complete order. This also applies to the baby's room and all other places in the apartment.

One or even several harbingers of childbirth are not a sign that you will definitely become a mother in the next day. Harbingers help to understand that your body is intensively preparing for the most important time for it in 9 months and they can be periodically fixed for one to two weeks.

38 weeks of pregnancy in multiparous

It is noticed that the second, as well as subsequent births most often occur after 37 weeks. If the first time your baby was born with the help of an operation, that is, a cesarean section, then the second child is likely to appear as well. This is especially true for a short break between births. With a planned caesarean section at 38 - 39 weeks, the woman undergoes an operation.

In multiparous women, some precursors of childbirth may be absent. So the belly can go down not in a few days, but only in a few hours before the baby is born. The same applies to the discharge of the mucous plug. On the other hand, contractions are perceived as stronger, due to the fact that the entire cervix opens faster. But on the other hand, this is good - the birth period will take much less time.

After the second birth at 38 weeks of gestation, the body of a healthy woman recovers much faster. The woman already knows what she will have to do in the future, and therefore she is both morally and physically ready to bring up a new family member.

Possible deviations from the norm

At this time, the development of preeclampsia is dangerous., this pathology can negatively affect both the child and the woman's body. This condition is expressed by the appearance of protein in the urine, sudden weight gain, severe headaches, and swelling.

At 38 weeks, a complication such as placental abruption is possible, which can be indicated by severe pain and bleeding. When fixing these signs, you must quickly call an ambulance. Sometimes the child also suffers, due to the entanglement with the umbilical cord or some other conditions, he has hypoxia. To prevent this, a woman should regularly go for check-ups.

Photo of the fetus

We invite you to finally see a photo of the fetus at 38 weeks of gestation.

Fetal face on ultrasound in 3D

The kid opened his mouth

4D ultrasound results

Routine fetal ultrasound at 38 weeks

Ultrasound recorded fetal movement

This is what a child looks like at this time

Child development at this time

At 38 weeks, your baby is almost completely ready for birth. All of its most important organs are finally formed, and up to the very birth, their gradual preparation will simply take place.

The child's weight is about three kilograms, sometimes a little less, and more often more, the height reaches 48 cm.On each subsequent day before giving birth, the child will gain up to 30 grams per day, and its size may increase by a few more centimeters.

By 37 weeks, the respiratory center is completely ready for work, and therefore, after birth, the baby easily begins to breathe on its own. In some crumbs, during this period, the marigolds already protrude beyond the edge of the bed and therefore they can scratch themselves. But don't worry, because this is a natural process.

At 38 weeks, the child's facial features are almost completely formed, the fluff covering the body completely disappears, the skin is pink and even, in some crumbs the hair on the head is already quite long. If a child is born with blue eyes, then within a few months their color may change to brown.

Normally, meconium, that is, the original feces, leaves after birth. But sometimes it also happens that the baby releases his intestines even into the amniotic fluid. This affects the change in the color of the waters - they turn green, if the cause of the green mucus is the discharge of meconium, then you should not be afraid.

The only thing a future mother should think about is not to worry, and also to listen carefully to her attending physician. And, if necessary, the mother should undergo an examination, although usually it is not required by this time.

At 38 weeks, a planned ultrasound is rarely prescribed.... At this age, the child is already perfectly visible, you can see the features of his face. The doctor, conducting an examination at this time, assesses the condition of the placenta, the location of the fetus and the umbilical cord, and counts the heartbeats.

Medical examinations at 37-38 weeks

In the last weeks of pregnancy a woman should visit a doctor more often... Obstetrician - gynecologist necessarily prescribes urine and blood tests, which determine the presence of protein and sugar. Pressure control is mandatory, and edema is detected.

If all these indicators differ significantly from the norm, then the woman is sent to the hospital, where her health is monitored and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is carried out.

So, it's the 32nd week of pregnancy. What you have been waiting for will come very soon. It's time to learn how to breathe properly during childbirth. Knowing this technique can help you reduce the pain when your baby decides to be born.

In addition, it is important to collect everything you need as soon as the birth takes place. It is necessary to study in advance what to include in the list for the bag in the hospital. After all, it is important not to miss anything, to take everything you and your baby need in the first days.

The following simple tips will help you during this period:

  • Closer to childbirth, a woman should rest as much as possible;
  • You also need to organize your meals correctly - light food will help and the birth period is much easier to transfer. All things needed in the maternity hospital should be collected in a separate bag;
  • Be sure to always have a charged phone with you, this will help you quickly call an ambulance, call a doctor or loved ones.

Sources of

  • https://kormly.ru/moloko/molozivo-pered-rodami/
  • http://www.babycoun.ru/38-nedel/molozivo-na-38-nedele-beremennosti.html
  • https://ladynumber1.com/health/pregnancy-salendar/week-by-week/38-nedelya-beremennosti.html

As a rule, expecting the birth of her baby, any mother worries about so many things. Firstly, so that the birth goes well, that is, safely, so that, of course, God forbid, there are no complications, so that your baby is born really healthy and naturally on time. And also, of course, so that mommy subsequently has enough so necessary crumbs of milk. Each of the normal pregnant women strives to immediately attach the baby to her breast, and in the very first minutes of the hours and, of course, days after childbirth. Agree, in fact, there is nothing better for a baby than the very colostrum.

However, it must be said that the appearance of colostrum immediately before childbirth, say, during the bearing of an unborn child, can very much scare the expectant mother herself. Is this normal? And in general, what could it be? I know that it's not time for me to give birth yet, but colostrum is already being actively secreted?

Colostrum during pregnancy is normal.

Immediately we hasten to reassure you - the active secretion of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon, exactly the same as its complete absence. Usually, colostrum begins to be actively produced by the body already from, and even if you do not see it, and it simply does not flow out. By this time, the female breast begins natural preparation for the upcoming childbirth and, accordingly, for feeding your newborn. At first, as a rule, colostrum is thick, yellow and even sticky, but closer to childbirth, it often becomes almost transparent and more liquid.

Moreover, you can often feel even a certain itching in the chest or tingling in the same place, and even a kind of "movement". This is also considered to be the absolute norm: after all, your muscles seem to push this colostrum to the nipple itself.

And once again we want to note that if you still do not have colostrum, and, right up to the beginning of the birth itself, this is the same completely normal phenomenon. Isolation of the same colostrum even before delivery, believe me, is not at all necessary, this is only one of the options for an absolutely normal and ending pregnancy. And, for example, if your breast does not begin to stand out, you should not think that your breasts are said to be "non-dairy" and that, for example, you will not have a lot of milk. Understand this has nothing to do with one another. It should be noted that often colostrum can begin to be secreted right during childbirth or, say, immediately after them. In addition, it does not have the slightest importance, and the amount of colostrum that is released during pregnancy and even after it - after all, its amount is strictly individual and for each particular woman it always differs.

There are sometimes cases when colostrum begins to be secreted at the very early stages of the current pregnancy. In this case, such a phenomenon can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy along with a sharp increase in the breast and swelling and distention of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can begin to be secreted during a gentle breast massage, or simply sexual stimulation of the breast, and sometimes as a result of severe stress already suffered, less often in conditions of a rather high body temperature or indoor air, due to which the ducts in the breasts simply expand.

What should be done if colostrum begins to be secreted?

In cases where colostrum leaks very much, then you will certainly need to use special disposable bra pads, which will need to be changed in a timely manner and constantly. After all, colostrum is the most ideal environment for the active reproduction of various bacteria. And in this regard, do not forget to wash your breasts with ordinary warm water (but preferably without soap).

You need to remember that in no case should you press on the chest at this time or, even worse, decide to express the secreted colostrum. After all, any stimulation of the breast will definitely entail a powerful release of a hormone such as oxytocin, which causes the contractile activity of the uterus. And this, as you understand, may well entail the occurrence of a miscarriage or premature birth.

Cases where colostrum can be a dangerous harbinger

It should be noted, however, that the secretion of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so pleasant and safe. Since colostrum is excreted directly from the breast, and its active stimulation is almost directly related to the general condition of the uterus (after all, when the baby sucks the mother's breast, the uterus usually contracts), and therefore the secretion of colostrum can sometimes signal the onset of the threat of termination of pregnancy.

In those cases when you are already on preservation and, say, along with other signs of the threat of spontaneous miscarriage (for example, with pulling pains somewhere in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, as well as with bloody discharge from the vagina) and you suddenly begin to swell breasts and colostrum flows out - you should definitely tell your doctor about this! And, for example, if you are not in the hospital at this time, then you will probably still need to be hospitalized.


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