What is a sage fur coat? Difference between cype and mouton

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Despite the protests of animal rights activists, Russian women are not going to give up natural furs, since for the climatic conditions characteristic of most of the country, warm fur coats are not only status clothing, but also the only one that can protect against the cold in frosty winters. Lately, natural fur coats made from mouton have become especially popular.

What is the difference between mouton coats and tiger coats?

Both mouton and tsigeika are essentially sheepskin, but there is a significant difference between them. Tsigei fur products were made from shorn and dyed fur from sheep of a special breed - Tsigei. Currently, this breed is no longer bred in Russia and imported raw materials are used for sewing outerwear - sheep skins grown in Australia, Mongolia, China and other countries.

Mouton, a word translated from French as “ram,” is sheepskin processed in a special way, and since the technology involves the use of formaldehyde, this method is considered harmful and is not used anywhere except in Russia. For the production of mouton, the skins of only certain breeds of sheep grown in Australia and New Zealand are also used. They are distinguished by high thermal insulation properties and super strength, and after processing these qualities are not lost, but only enhanced.

Otter fur is considered the most durable; a fur coat made from it will last about 20 years; a beaver or mouton fur coat will last 18 years, sable - 12 years, mink - 10 years.

The processing of these hides includes traditional stages - first they go through the fleshing stage and are cleaned of residual fat and muscle tissue, then the felting stage - they are rotated in a vibrating drum to give the flesh softness. After this, the skins are stretched on a special table so that they become larger in area.

A special technological stage - formaldehyde treatment - turns ordinary sheepskin into a mouton. After this, the fur becomes moisture-resistant and especially durable, and poisonous formaldehyde is specially cleaned and removed from the surface of the skin. The fur is trimmed and smoothed in a special way, after which the mouton takes on its own appearance, and only a specialist can recognize it as ordinary sheepskin.

Mouton is characterized by a high density of pile, it does not pill and retains its presentation even with daily use.

How will the muton differ from other fur products

This fur is not afraid of wet snow and wind, it is one of the most wearable. Despite the fact that a mouton coat is much cheaper than a mink coat, in terms of its consumer and decorative qualities, a mouton ranks on a par with expensive elite furs. Thanks to modern technologies, this fur can be dyed in a variety of colors, each product made from it has its own unique shade.

The fur is quite dense and tall, very light in weight and comfortable to wear, it can be easily cleaned, but, as a rule, it does not really need this, since it has dirt-repellent properties.

Probably, many still remember Soviet fur coats made of mouton, which were hot even in severe frost. However, such a "pleasure" was hard to bear, and in the literal sense. And although there was no demolition of these fur coats, they weighed almost ten kg! Try to carry such a weight on yourself all day ...

A modern muton is light, the average weight of the finished product is about two kg. The fur coat does not look bulky and even makes you look slimmer, but at the same time retains the basic, most important qualities: warmth and wearability.

Our Russian partners - manufacturers of fur products - produce and sew mouton fur coats using the most modern imported equipment, using high-quality materials from the USA and Europe. Only fur dyes are used.

For the last couple of seasons, regular sheepskin products made in Poland, Turkey and China have been on sale in the markets. But the catch is that manufacturers in these countries traditionally produce sheepskin coats, for which they purchase appropriate raw materials, in which the value is not fur, but leather. The low cost of these things is achieved due to the fact that inexpensive sheep skins are used, and they are usually small in size and painted black, because... the dark color visually hides all flaws in the fur. In addition, dyes are often used for leather or suede, which fade from the fur within one season. Your fur coat will very soon turn from black to dull gray, and all the paint will remain on your hands and your favorite light blouse.

In the wake of the popularity of the Russian mouton, these manufacturers began to sew products with the fur on the outside, passing off such items as mouton fur coats. In fact, these are fur coats made from ordinary sheepskin, which differ from mouton in the method of processing and quality of raw materials. Such “fur coats” are often insulated with padding polyester, because the skins have sparse fur and a thin core, which is more suitable for warm European winters or for our conditions, but when it’s about zero degrees outside. But does it make sense to buy something made of natural fur to be warmed by padding polyester? After all, even a mink, which has a naturally thin skin, is not insulated. Why insulate sheepskin, whose skin is much thicker?

Russian muton fur coats are full-fledged winter things. Another advantage of the mouton is that it does not require dry cleaning because it does not absorb dirt. Thus, you will save time, money and nerves.

Modern mouton mainly imitates the colors of noble furs such as mink or sable. In addition, additional mink, beaver, astrakhan fur, arctic fox, and silver fox furs, which are purchased in Canada, Denmark and Finland, are used to trim the collars, hoods and sleeves of fur coats.

We draw your attention to the fact that among the mouton fur coats there are a large number of youth models. And mothers can be sure that their daughters will not freeze while standing at a bus stop in twenty-degree frost!

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Every woman dreams of a beautiful and warm fur coat? It is in it that she looks especially elegant and attracts the attention of others. A girl dressed in a fashionable down jacket looks more like a teenager, while in a fur coat she looks like a real lady. Therefore, it’s worth finding out how to choose a cygeik fur coat and care for the fur.

What animal are girls interested in today? Statistics show that many women and girls prefer a tan fur coat. Thanks to the amazing qualities of fur and low cost, this product is very popular.

What is a sage fur coat?

Until recently, products made from tsigeika were called clothes made from sheep skins. Moreover, only the fur of Tsigai and Merino sheep was used here. The skins undergo special processing and a special dyeing method.

Today the fur industry calls tsigeika a mouton, the products from which are significantly different from those produced several decades ago. Clothes made from this fur have become much lighter and more comfortable. Also, there is a wide selection of different styles and models. On sale you can find products made from mouton in various colors and shades, as shown in the photo.

Nowadays, there is almost no such breed of sheep as the Tsigai. Therefore, fur products began to be made from other skins, no less valuable breeds of sheep. Russian fur clothing manufacturers most often purchase raw materials abroad.

Benefits of Tsigeika

  • Perhaps the most important advantage of this fur is that it has anti-allergenic properties. It is due to the fact that sheep’s wool does not contain microorganisms that cause this disease in humans;
  • Modern zigey fur coats are able to pass air. However, their pile is elastic, so it does not fall off during wear;
  • Thanks to new technologies, the skins gain strength without losing softness. This enables specialists to create unique fur clothing;
  • The fur of the tsigeika is dense enough to keep you warm even in severe cold;
  • By caring for a fur product in accordance with all care rules, the fur coat will serve you for more than 10 years and maintain an excellent appearance.

This fur has an affordable price, compared to such expensive furs as mink, arctic fox, sable, etc. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase an expensive product, the best option would be a sage fur coat in the photo, you can see several models.

Rules for choosing fur

You need to choose a fur coat from tsigeika with all responsibility. To do this you need to know a few basic rules. It is important to buy a fur product in a specialized store where you do not risk purchasing a fake. In addition, here you can request documents for the product and a warranty card.

Pay special attention to the quality of the fur, its color and tailoring of the fur coat. You can check the quality of the pile in this way: squeeze the fur coat with your hand and release it after a couple of seconds. The hairs should return to their original shape. High-quality fur will not stick together or break if you run your palm over it against the grain.

Run a white napkin over the fur: there should be no traces of paint left on it. Otherwise, it is better not to buy such a thing. The strength of the pile can be checked by tugging the hairs - they should not come off.

Also check the inside of the chicken coat. The lining must be sewn correctly. There remains an unstitched area at the bottom so that you can check the quality of the prepared flesh. Check the seams well to make sure they are not bulging. A high-quality fur product can only be sewn with threads, and not glued.

Caring for a cige fur coat

The more carefully you treat a fur product, the longer it will keep you warm and look pleasant. Despite the fact that sage fur is durable, it is easily damaged as a result of the influence of products that contain chemicals: perfume, hairspray and other cosmetics.

You can ruin the pile of a fur coat with accessories that have sharp elements. Also protect your cygeyka fur coat from all kinds of means that are used to combat harmful insects in the house.

You cannot dry your fur coat with a hair dryer or other heating devices. It should dry naturally.

Various loads also have a negative effect on fur. Do not wear a fur coat if you have to travel by public transport. If you drive a car every day, it is recommended to buy a shortened version of a fur coat.

The fur coat should be stored in a closet in a special case. It should not be exposed to ultraviolet rays, otherwise the tsigei fur may fade. In addition, it is advisable to sometimes take your fur item to the dry cleaner. By following all the rules for caring for a fur coat, she will be able to live long enough to see her granddaughter.

Old sage fur coat

What can be made from a cowhide fur coat that is out of fashion and already worn out? Firstly, it can be updated or changed for children. Secondly, this everlasting fur can be used for some necessary items for your home and family members.

To begin with, the fur product needs to be put in order. For this purpose, there is a lot of information on how to clean a cygeyan fur coat at home. Depending on the degree of wear of the fur, you will fantasize about what an old sage fur coat can be useful for.

If the pile is frayed around the buttons, you can make slotted loops for them. In this case, problem areas will close. At the same time, it is worth choosing beautiful and original buttons. If the strip on a fur garment is completely worn out, it should be replaced. Moreover, it can be made of fur, leather or knitted.

You can also make various little things needed for your home from a cowhide fur coat. Look at the photo to see how many things you can create with your own hands from an old sheepskin fur coat - a sleeveless vest, a hat, a muff, a rug, insoles, toys, etc. This alteration will bring a lot of benefit and joy to all family members.

From the lush and wavy skin of a sheep, depending on the age of the animal and processing technology, several types of fur are obtained. The main types are mouton, astrakhan fur, broadtail and the sheepskin itself. The article will discuss the difference between a mouton and a sheepskin, and astrakhan fur from astrakhan fur, and which of these furs is better to choose for yourself.

What is the difference between a mouton and a sheepskin?

Sheepskin - what kind of fur is this? For many centuries, people have been sewing clothes from the wool of adult sheep. Some believe that this is a somewhat unrefined and unaesthetic type of fur, but everyone also knows about its positive features.

Sheepskin differs from mouton in its high wear resistance. Products made from it are worn for at least 6 seasons without losing their presentable appearance. In the past, sheepskin was worn by ordinary people who did not have the opportunity to acquire more valuable fur; later, it almost went out of use among everyone, but recently sheepskin is one of the most common furs in the collections of famous couturiers.

Sheepskin is a very warm fur, and products made from it are light and practical. Not only are fur clothes sewn from sheepskin, but they are also used to make fur. The colors of sheep's wool are not very diverse; most often it is black and whitish. But there is a way out, because almost any solution is natural.

Mouton - whose fur is this? Mouton is the name given to sheep skin after certain processing. The fur is cut short and treated with formaldehyde. This substance envelops each hair and makes it resistant to moisture, frost and wind. Today Russia is the only country where sheep wool is processed in this way. Therefore, fur coats made from mouton are ideally suited for the harsh Russian climate. In wet snow and rain, the fur does not get wet and does not lose its elegant appearance.

After turning sheepskin into a mouton, the durability of the products doubles. Short fur is incredibly soft and pleasant to the touch, it retains heat perfectly even at very low temperatures.

In terms of warmth-durability ratio, a mouton is not inferior to a fox and a raccoon, only beaver and otter fur coats are warmer. These furs, although the warmest, also have the heaviest weight and do not look as good, which often does not suit customers

Mouton is often dyed, due to the small variety of colors of sheepskin, making it look like a fox, mink or seal.

What is the difference between karakul and astrakhan fur?

Karakul - what kind of fur is this? A distinctive external feature of astrakhan fur from astrakhan fur is its curls. Astrakhan fur coats are made from lamb wool. It is believed that the smaller the lamb, the more beautiful its fur looks, so the skins of lambs a few days old are most often used. Many years ago, people began to breed astrakhan sheep. They were the first animals raised exclusively for fur.

Natural colors are black or gray, there are golden and silver shades, and the rarest color is white. It is often painted in the colors of amber, platinum and gold. The value of fur is determined not only by its color, but more by its pattern of curls.

The most expensive ones have curls arranged in a symmetrical sequence, patterns and stripes. The chaotic arrangement and direction of the curls somewhat reduces the price of the product. There are flat astrakhan (when the curls fit tightly to the skin) and high (the curls are voluminous small tubes). Fur is considered hypoallergenic.

Karakulcha - what kind of fur is this? Karakulcha is considered the most beautiful type of sheepskin. The skins of unborn lambs are used to make it. They are distinguished by an extraordinary moiré pattern, they are incredibly silky, and the length of the fibers is minimal.

Astrakhan also has curls, but they look completely different from astrakhan, they are much softer and larger, it is by this feature that one can determine the main difference between astrakhan and astrakhan. Such skins are even smaller in size than for astrakhan fur, so the fur coats are less durable and not as warm. In addition, broadtail is much more expensive than other types. However, these features are more than compensated by the extraordinary beauty and uniqueness of the finished products.

The color scheme repeats the shades of astrakhan fur, and like it, astrakhan fur is often painted in expensive fashionable colors. The products are light and flexible, very soft, but not designed for severe frosts.

How to distinguish astrakhan fur from astrakhan fur, mouton from sheepskin?

Many previously formed stereotypes regarding sheep fur have changed dramatically today. Sheepskin used to be used exclusively by poor people; today it is at the peak of popularity among the most expensive designers in the world. In the last century, astrakhan fur was worn exclusively by ladies over 35; today, a huge number of youth men's and women's coats are made from it.

If you want an expensive-looking, elegant fur coat, choose astrakhan fur or astrakhan fur, because now you know what kind of fur it is. These furs are also suitable for those who want to create an extravagant look. If you need something more cozy and warm, and even more wearable, buy a mouton fur coat. It is less sensitive to weather conditions and is easier to combine with clothes. If you follow fashion trends, wear rough boots and do not strive for sophisticated clothes, your choice is a fur coat or short fur coat made of sheepskin.

As for the cost of various sheep furs, the most expensive fur coats are made from astrakhan fur, the rarest variety being South African (svakara). Next comes the doodle. Mouton and sheepskin are cheaper due to the fact that the wool of adult sheep is a common inexpensive material. The choice is yours, but mouton is the most practical type of sheep fur that is attractive in all respects.

Fur coats and other fur products made from mouton are very popular in Russia and many other countries. Compared to other furs, mouton is very practical, capable of keeping you warm in the cold season, while products made from it have an attractive appearance and are not too expensive.

Many people of the older generation call muton tsigeika. Is a tsigei fur coat different from a mouton coat, or are these concepts identical? What are the features of such fur, and what animal is it made from? You will find out all this below.

What is tsigeika and is it different from mouton?

Despite the fact that many people call mouton fur products tsigeika fur coats, these concepts are still slightly different. Let's find out:

  • Tsigeya is a dyed and shorn sheepskin based on the Tsigeya breed of sheep;
  • Mouton is a refined sheepskin that has been treated with formaldehyde.

So, by mouton we mean natural sheepskin, processed in a solution such as formaldehyde. What does this processing provide:

  • the fur coat becomes more wearable;
  • it is more resistant to various influences;
  • the product will be more durable.

These indicators make This type of fur is better than mink, nutria or fox. The technology of processing fur with formalin is practiced mainly in Russia, but in Western countries it has been recognized as harmful to health. For this reason, fur coats from tsigeika (mouton) are not produced in other countries.

In Soviet times, Tsigeika was the name given to fur sheepskin, which was also processed through formaldehyde. But the Tsigai breed of sheep, which in Soviet times was used for the production of fur coats, is now almost non-existent in Russia. For the production of mouton fur coats, which are often called Tsigeikov to this day, foreign furs are currently used, mainly imported from Australia.

Features of tsigey fur coats

Mouton products or tsigeika fur coats, as many people often call them, are made from sheep skins treated in formaldehyde. The skins are taken from special types of short-haired sheep, such as Tsigai or Merino.

Wool from such sheep has its own characteristics:

  • it doesn't fall off;
  • differs in elasticity and strength.

And besides this, the wool or skin of such sheep has a unique property that is not available in raw materials of other origins - it is able to provide excellent air circulation.

Another special property of sheepskin– this is its hypoallergenicity. Wool does not contain any harmful microbes that can cause allergies. But wool, until it is dyed, contains lanolin - this is a useful substance with the following properties:

  • helps stimulate blood circulation;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • improves muscle function.

But remember that only undyed sheep wool and fur have these properties.

Tsigeika fur coats have been popular for a long time; fashionistas have been buying them for decades. This popularity is explained by the fact that that this natural fur is practical and relatively inexpensive. Thanks to such a comfortable tiger fur coat, you will always be comfortable, warm, and they reliably protect you from severe cold and wind.

Despite extreme weather conditions, including rain and slush, a mouton fur coat will always look great, because when wet, short sheep fur will not lose its appearance, unlike coats made from other types of longer fur.

Another big plus of sage fur coats is that they will not lose their original appearance for a long time, with proper care they can be worn for up to ten seasons.

Varieties of tsigeika fur coats

And tsigey fur coats amaze with their assortment. You can choose a model of different cut and length; on sale there are both short sheepskin coats for young fashionistas and floor-length fur coats for women of an elegant age.

There is a great variety in terms of colors of these fur coats. They come in these colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • chocolate;
  • gray.

Not without accessories. Manufacturers often decorate a number of models with belts or leather inserts. And also to the smooth tsigeyka A collar made from such types of furs as:

  • mink;
  • arctic fox;
  • silver fox;
  • astrakhan.

Buttons or hooks can be used for fastenings.

Features of the choice of tiger fur coats

It is worth noting right away that it is better to purchase such a fur coat not at the market, but at a fur and leather store. When choosing a particular model, you need to carefully examine it from the outside. If there are no external defects, you should additionally check the quality of the fur by squeezing it in your palm. When it then returns to its original form, there are no concerns about quality. But if the fibers stick together or break and remain in your hands, then the quality of the product leaves much to be desired.

Checking fur color This is done by running a napkin or a light handkerchief over it. The napkin should remain clean after this. Then the seams are checked; if there are none, it is not recommended to buy the product, since it was not sewn, but glued, and therefore will not last long. And when you feel the seams, check that they are not convex and there are no protruding threads.

Then you need to try on the fur coat and make sure how comfortably it fits on you and whether anything is in the way t. Then, one by one, they raise their hands, in this case it is necessary that the opposite shoulder remains in place and does not move up.

You should request a warranty card from the seller, thanks to which, if there are defects that were not initially discovered upon purchase, you can return the product back.

Mouton products were very popular Among the Hollywood stars of the last century, many actresses had an elegant and expensive look in them. In the 40-60s, not only fur coats, but also capes and jackets made of tsigeya were in particular demand.

And even today, vintage mouton products are very popular in the West, since they are no longer produced there. This can be called an excellent confirmation that such things do not lose their attractiveness for decades.

Zigey fur coats are very warm, comfortable to wear and lightweight. They never go out of fashion and suit almost all women, regardless of age.


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