Decoupage with photography candles. Decoupage Candles: Master Class

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The easiest view of the decoupage for beginner needlework is the decoupage of the candle. In this case, neither the primer, nor glue, nor lacquer, will go to the move.

It is enough to purchase a monophonic candle of preferably white and the decoupage napkins themselves or a decapage card. So, we will carry out a decoupage for beginners (master class) on the decoration of the hemp aromatic candle of Easter Motis.

Pen's candle
decoupage card or napkin,
Working candle or gas stove,
tea spoon,
Fabric, rough texture.

1. If you work with a decoupage cloth, then separate the upper layer with the motive from the two below. For beginners it is better to take a little picture on a white background. Cut or neatly snap the image with your fingers, leaving a few white background. When working with a decoupage card, immediately go to the cutting of the motive you like.

2. Light a working candle or one mosquito on the gas stove. Position the decaptentional picture on the hemp candle, hold your fingers with your left hand.

3. Take a teaspoon and heat it on fire from the inside. Try not to split a spoon, it is enough to hold it above the burning candle 5-7 seconds, and above the burner - 3 seconds. It is important to warm the spoon from the inside, since it is likely to form a soot, which can spoil the decoupable motive.

4. A convex part of the heated spoon, ranging from the center of the picture, gently induce the decoupament napkin to the candle. You do not need to slow down a spoon, for a long time to keep it in one place and work the edge, otherwise there will be ugly pits on the candle.

5. During the silence, it is clearly seen how the wax of the candle is melting and manifests itself by droplets on a decaptentional motive. In these places the napkin darkens. It is necessary to ensure that not a single light unpaid place remains in the end. A spoon should move from the center of the napkin to the edges, kicking out all air bubbles. After all, wet, the napkin stretches a bit, and if you do the opposite, then unnecessary folds are formed in the center, sprinkle views of the picture. In this sense, working with a decoupage card is easier.

6. In the last stage, pay special attention to the edges of the motive, check again, whether they stuck to the candle.

7. Decoupage of the candle is practically complete, it remains to polish a little wax surface over the picture and closely with a dense cloth to remove unevenness. Decoupage for beginners on this can be completed or some more decorate the candle with a color circuit, a glitter or on the other side of the candle to send another motive.

Have you ever heard the French word "decoupage"? Perhaps you even seen the creations made in this technique? Or did you catch yourself at the desire to make a decoupage of candles with your own hands? In this article, we will talk about what decoupage is, from where this technique has taken its beginning, as developed and what you need to create masterpieces. And you will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with an interesting and simple master class.

What is a decoupage?

When they talk about decoupage, they mean one of the most interesting ways to decorate anything. With the help of such a unique and simple equipment, you can decorate almost any thing: plates, glasses, glasses, flower pots, vases, cutting boards. You can make decoupage candles, bottles, boxes, photo frames, any interior items and even furniture.

From the simple simple thing with the help of decoupage it is possible to make a unique subject. And things that have long served their time can be revived to a new life.

Having mastered this technique, any craftswoman will be able to create real works of art with their own hands. Handwork is always highly appreciated, so some cleaners even have good earnings from sales of their creations.

If you look at the thing, decorated in decopter technique, it seems as if a talented artist worked on her. But this is an illusion. After all, the images in this case are not drawn, but simply braided together with the paper on which they are made. And you will soon make sure of this, learning to make decoupage candles with your own hands. Motives for this can be taken anywhere. It can be newspapers, books, paper napkins, printed images, cloth and much more. One of these creations we will help you to do. If you are interested in how to make a decoupage of candles, carefully read the continuation of the article.

Decoupage History

The first items performed in decopter technique were found in ancient China, in the 12th century. Then this art gained its popularity in Italy, after which it spread across Europe. By the way, the word "decoupage" itself comes from the French "Decouper", which means "cut" translated.

It is assumed that this is an art of origin from Eastern Siberia, and it is from there that it has already twisted in China and other countries.

In the midst of the 19th century, the art of decoupage was extremely popular in the highest public layers. Most often with it created magnificent boxes, which were used by girls to store jewelry, love letters and other personal belongings.

Decoupage Candles: Master Class

Of course, it is pleasant to contemplate the creations of the needlewoman, perfectly mastered this technique. But much more interesting to create something like this personally. Such a thing will be especially valuable for you, because it will contain a part of your love. Further it will be about how to make a decoupage with candles with your own hands. Take patience, and soon you will learn this.

Required devices

You will need a large candle, preferably a light shade.

Since we will make decoupage with candles with napkins, you will use the usual paper napkin with a pattern that you like.

Also in this matter it is impossible to do without a spoon and a small candle, with which we will heat it.

Preparatory work

First you need to bundle the napkin. We will use only the top layer - the one on which the drawing is contained. The rest of the same part of us will not be needed.

After that, gently cut it with small scissors. Making all the necessary preparations, we will do decoupage candles. For beginners, this technique at first glance may seem not quite understandable, but there is nothing difficult about it. You will only need patience, prudence and a huge desire to create an exclusive thing for yourself or a unique gift for friends and loved ones.

"Hot" decoupage

Getting Started, take a spoon and a small candle with which you will heat it.

Then begin to heat the spoon from the inside. Please note that in the process on it can form a NAGA - it is not enough, the main thing is that it is not on the convex net side. After all, it is for it that we will work.

In order to transfer the image to the candle, it is necessary to apply a pre-prepared motif to the product, heat over the candle (or with the help of the stove) spoon and neat circular motions smooth the image. Thus, you "hit" the drawing into a melted paraffin, and he is no longer scary will be external damage, such as water or someone too inaccurate hands.

Your movements must be very confident, fast, but at the same time light.

Do not stop in one place, otherwise it will remain the depressions, which are then impossible to fix it.

If you have noticed that the spoon was cooled, hesitate it again and boldly proceed to the matter. Decoupage of candles is the matter, though not difficult, but painstaking.

Carefully monitor not to miss some kind of patterns of the drawing, even the smallest, because they should be satisfied with a thin layer of paraffin.

Here, in fact, the main stage of work and is finished. Do not be afraid that in the end you got a little uneven and the rough surface. Now we will correct it.

For this we need the usual white napkin. Make some kind of lumps from it and start to grind the candle. Do not be afraid to damage the product. After all, if you have fulfilled the previous stage, namely, it was carefully impregnated with the entire surface of the Paraffin paper, you have nothing to be afraid. Your drawing will remain intact and unharmed.

After you perform this action and chopulate the candle carefully, you will notice how much its surface has become smooth and smooth.

That's all. You just learned how to make a decoupage of candles.

Additional decoration

If you are satisfied with the result of the work you have done, you can leave everything as it is, and put your creation to the honorable place or go to friends and present it in the form of a gift. But this does not end the decoupage of the candle. The master class that you study will acquaint you with other ways to decorate your work.

For example, you can paint the candle in the color that you like best, or the one that is best harmonized with the pattern. You can also use stencils for applying ornaments or apply your artistic abilities. It is best to use acrylic paint. It is the least toxic and after drying does not dissolve in water.

You can also use other materials for the decor: ribbons, rhinestones, dry leaves, flowers, lace, spices, beads, fabrics, and indeed everything that only tells your fantasy. Such decorations will make your creation even more unique and unique.

In order to secure the result, you can cover the candle with a special varnish. But consult with the seller and note that this lacquer does not secrete toxic substances during the combustion.

That's all, you made a decoupage of the candle. The MK, with whom you just got acquainted, hopefully helped you simplify this process and make it most pleasant as possible. In conclusion, I just want to add that, although with the help of this master class, make works of art completely simple, it would be nice to practice on a smaller candle, catch all the subtleties of the process, and then start creating a masterpiece.

Look for inspiration

Create without stopping. After all, it is very often that the most successful ideas come in the process of work. Sometimes they lead to the creation of real masterpieces that can delight you and your loved ones for many years. Do not be afraid to try! After all, every failure only brings you to the desired level of skill. The most valuable is the experience that you get during the work. And this experience will remain with you forever.

There are several ways. I offer two ways in one master class. Both methods are hot, but there are some differences in their execution. But keep in mind that the candles need to take only broad to avoid fire. Paper is saturated with wax and should not catch fire, usually the candle burns out the "cup". Nevertheless, it is better to put such candles into a high glass candlestick, for example, made of. Never forget about safety technician when you are dealing with open fire!

So, the first way for example decoupage Candles "Snowman".

For him, I needed:

  • White Candle (Preferably) Colors from IKEA
  • paper napkin Single-layer with New Year's drawing
  • spoon dining room
  • candle in a metal sleeve and saucer
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • pearl contour (optional)

At the very first stage, prepared a napkin. Cut out the picture so that it can reach in the amount, and covered the candle in height. And a small allowance for the junction.

The prepared fragment of the napkin attached to the candle surface.

He lit a little candle and heated a tablespoon. To the napkin there was no soot spoon heating the inside.

The outside of the spoon perform uniform movements on the napkin. The wax melts and impresses the napkin. Thus, gluits.

Council: The spoon should be in continuous movement, otherwise the heights or the soldes are formed.

When the napkin is glued around the candle, the jack of the napkin performs a mustache and just stick the hotspoon.

Leave a candle to cool. She is almost ready.

I will give the finished type of candle with Dorisovka contour.

For example new Year's candle "Bears in the north" Consider the second way.

I prepared for this method:

  • white or yellow candle, better from IKEA
  • decamental paper napkin with New Year's drawing
  • waxent paper
  • scissors

I cut the motive from the napkin in the same way as in the first case, according to the size of the candles in volume and height.

Separating a layer of napkins from the lower layers, smoothing over the surface. I wrapping around the candle and press on top of the curvy paper.

I turn on the hair dryer and send hot air to the place where the drawing is located. After a while, the wax begins to melt.

The picture is impregnated with wax, the napkin is tightly glued to the candle. As in the first case, you need to carefully guide the hairdryer with hot air to the same place to avoid the formation of herds and dents, because the wax becomes soft. I clean the rolling paper.

There is a place between the edges of the candle and napkins, I decided to re-establish it with acrylic paint.

Both candles are ready. Dear craftsmen try, choose what kind of way you like.

Happy New Creation Year!

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View from barrels and top.
Each pony has its own special color from birth and daughter demanded for decorating the "body" of the candle in the color of the pony, two-way and multi-colored candles were obtained))))

To begin with, we needed:
1. Candle that will decorate
2. Candle-tablet for heating spoon
3. Spoon
4. Sponge for washing dishes
5. Scissors
6. Pictures with which we will do decoupage, there was a certain difficulty because Napkins with the theme My Little Pony I have not yet met on sale. Well, nothing to do, they took the magazine. The daughter with great difficulty agreed to cut it)))) and allowed to cut only 4 ponies, even fastened about the damage to the magazine)))) But the desire to create all sorrows to create everything!

And here is the needlewoman herself, ready to start work!

1. Cut from the magazine the desired element
2. Apply to the candle, check - like it or not
3. We begin to heat the spoon on the candle-tablet, necessarily convex side up. From the flame of the candle on the spoon remains soot, and you need to smoothly smack the picture, and the image is painted from the soot

1. Heating the spoon is starting fast, but gentle, circular movements to smooth the picture to the candle. Strongly on a spoon not to press otherwise there will remain deep dents.
2. In the process of smooting, we continue to periodically heat the spoon.
3. Attention! We used a picture from the magazine, her structure is different from napkins! If you do decoupage candles using napkins, then everything is much simpler, the napkin is soaked with wax and, as it were, imprinted in the "body" of the candle. With the picture from the magazine it does not happen! Therefore, we did not try to drive a lot throughout the picture, and they were very carefully invited along the contour so that the picture was simply fixed in the evening and the edges were not flex.

Because Pony we had enough large, then only two were placed on the candle, the rainbow on the one hand, and Pinki Pini on the other, all by the same technology, which is described above)))))

Here is such a blank came out. But the picture holds on the candle is very bad, it's not a napkin! What to do? And that's what we decided .....

For the final consolidation of the pictures we needed:
1. Simple white candle, which is not sorry to melt
2. Castrevka
3. Bank
4. Plate.
5. Candy and tea for a small handicraft. This stage is hot and dangerous and better than kid send temporarily for a break)))))

In the water bath, I melted the candles, the melted wax reached about half the banks and I, remembering about the law of Archimedes, I decided that it was enough. Next, I took a candle for the wick and quickly moved to the wax on the top of the top, quickly took out. Waited half a minute and once again plunged the candle.
The melted wax covered our pictures with a dense, protective layer, now nothing is scary and they also turned out to be imprinted in the "body" of the candle.
Perch candle can be up to 3 times. With each immersion, the picture loses brightness and clarity, because the wax is superimposed on it, and he albeit white, but not completely transparent.

At the end, we have seen a candle Mo 10, then they took a sponge for dishes and stuck all the not necessary smoke, droplets and irregularities at first a rough side of the sponge, and then fined the entire candle with a soft side.
Well, and then they took up the decor, the total one can be seen in the photo 1 and 2.
For decoration, we used:
1. Acrylic paints - metallic, pearl, fluorescent
2. Sequins
3. Acrylic contours

Paints I recommend to bring with a tassel with "peptigative" movements, so the background the background turns out an unusual structure / drawing or can be the same sponge for dishes. And I recommend gluing on the lacquer, we had an acrylic on a water basis. Printed a varnish, sparkles sprinkled, waited for drying, all fade away.

And it is a hot decoupage on the candle using napkins, decor with acrylic paints, sparkles, contours, beads.
Beads rolled candles over the flame and looked into the "body" of the candles.

The inscriptions on the candle did so - on a simple white napkin wrote a helium handle the desired phrase, waited until the inscription will dry and with the help of a spoon and a hot decoupage moved to the candle.

Hearts and glitter glue on acrylic varnish.

I also want to boast)))
They invited me for a birthday to one young person, she was 100 years old. And they asked me for her and her friends to spend an interesting MK, I chose a hot decoupage on the candle, I really liked everyone, and the girls were insanely talented! This is the result of their work, what schoolgirls are now all needlework and with fantasy))))))

The very kind of decoupage, when you do not need to pack your hands with paint, glue and wait until the lacquer gets dry. What christmas without candles? And in general, candles in the interior are fashionable.
True, the candle can be "decorating" in the traditional way with glue and varnish, but we will talk about easier and quite interesting. The only "but" in this business is slightly flammable, in the sense that if you can leave alone with the PVA and the paint of the child after 3 years (there will be no glue with paint) and give him some freedom of creativity, then you have to All the time to be near and most of the process to take over.
But quickly!
In principle, the candles and in their smooth, one-photon version are already beautiful and no scenery require. But it sometimes requires our creative soul. And then, in stores they sell already decorated candles too. And they are so beautiful - thematic, in different styles. But for some reason, dear. Here the contrast in the price manifests even stronger than with christmas toys. Smooth candle at one price, and the same, but with a bow and a bead - twice as expensive. Is there so much a bow?
And when the picture on the candle is generally beautiful. And how do they do it? In principle, you can simply wrap the candle with a beautiful picture, consolidating all this business ribbon. If you do not touch and do not play football - it will stand and decorate the house. But such a definitely you will not do as a gift. And you won't shout to guests "Oh, do not touch, she will fall apart!". They also want to be aware of the interesting thing.
So you need to attach the image is hopefully.
Wax - very easy melting and quickly freezes back. This is all use.
We will need a candle for scenery (light tones), the picture (napkin or rice paper), Mastichein (rarely, at home is found), which will successfully replace the teaspoon, and another candle is simple or even completely old as a source of fire. It is possible above the stove, but not very convenient.

Why didn't we take the paper thoroughly type clippings from a magazine or a decoupage card? It is necessary that through the paper it has time to pass a sufficient amount of heat to melt wax without spots and herds. The thicker paper is more difficult. But, by the way, does not mean that it is impossible. Just for a beginner is slightly harder. Yeah, and the napkin is easier? That's where "Headache", tried to know. To the hands of lipnet, rushes, wrinkling - horror, horror. And on the candle just not "horror-horror." Here just the napkin pictures are best listed.
We made three candles - two with rice paper (ancient text and a bird), the second with a napkin slices (leaves).
The principle is simple. First fix our picture to the candle. If it is small, then you can just hold your finger if we wrap the entire candle, it is enough to wind up a thread for the first time until the picture grabs wax, and remove the thread as working towards it.
Then heated our spoon on the candle and while it is hot stroke the paper on the candle so that the wax firing. Gently and smoothly, not pressed very much. And so step by step, following the "dry" places and trying not to get out of the drawing beyond the boundaries, so as not to create items.

And so that all the image does not stick. The most important newbie error here is that he believes that the hotter spoon, the better, which means it is necessary to heat it with a convex side and it is to carry it on the candle. Logically! Yes, if it were not for one "but". Candle has a smothe property. And the black smoking will immediately spoil your work. And spoon? But a spoon from the beloved service is not. It will not be laundering. And soot on the candle and the picture is unlikely to be deleted. Therefore, everyone comes simply - warm the spoon on one side (concave), stroking the other side (convex) and all the wisdom.
When the candle is ready to polish it, hide the traces of touching the spoon. Although not necessarily. To do this, a soft cloth neatly three in our picture. It is possible to warm it with a hairdryer with a slightly or approximately 4 cm from the candle flame. But do not be learned. It is better to be noticeable than to erase the entire picture from the candle along with wax.
Then, if desired, additionally decorate and decorate - with a ribbon, beads, etc. You can attach to a bow temporarily, for example, earring and secure a bow on a candle. After the holiday - disassemble this design.

Candle can be made purely thematic - that is, Christmas or Easter. Or a versatile, where the picture does not indicate some particular holiday, but just goes well to the interior. And at the expense of a small removable part, we give the hue of the holiday on different days. For example, for the new year - a golden bow, for Easter - lace, and for Valentine's Day - Scarlet.

But this is if the candle is planned to be the decoration of the house, and not in order to burn it all on the festive table. Then make thematic and do not regret anything. I wonder the candle will look, decorated with the same napkins as for serving a festive table. This simple acceptance for some reason is always surprising guests.
And it is worth remembering that the decoupage in the scenery of the candles is not required at all. Sometimes the bow alone will solve all the problems.

What would you advise more designers? Yes, they would give those simple tips to which it is not difficult to think about and without them. It is unlikely that you will wear a puffwater with pants in a cage or put a bright color furniture in a room with bright and motley wallpaper. With the decor - the same. It always makes sense to leave some of the balls on the Christmas tree just smooth - without decor. And the candles apply to this rule. No need to decorate everything! There is enough one decorated candle for several monophonic.

It will look much exquisitive than the picture and a bow on each candle. If you pay attention, one of the twigs from the napkin is translated into pebbles of pebbles from the Spanish beach. Looks very interesting together with the candle. But here you have to take glue.
If the soul requires the creation of several "masterpieces" (and that we are always a masterpiece on our eyes in our eyes) - then two decorated candles of different sizes can make a set, again in the company with monophonic. But these two candles should be in a single style, not necessarily completely in one drawing, but the style should be common.
Easy to say. Napkins are all beautiful !!! Here are deer, there fir branches, there are golden angels. If you do not have a candle shop and you do not prepare for a gift for a different candle to all friends, then somewhere you have to hold yourself and stop. In Spain, you can give yourself a little more freedom. Here in private houses there are many different premises, in addition to the living room. Then we create on the zones - these candles in the living room, these in the bedroom, these on the terrace. Then it will certainly be possible to somehow disassemble your pictures on styles and zones.
If you make a candle not as a gift, but for yourself, you can give her already "used species", light and make special impressions of wax in our picture. Or make such drops of another candle of a darker shade. Such a thing, for example, will fit well into the home library interior, where it seems that someone from those whose books stand on the shelves, with this candle wrote his lines.

In general, sometimes only in a private house and it comes to the incarnation of the plot, which usually see in the movies - many, many candles in the house. On the fireplace shelf, on the coffee table, on the windows. And they all burn. Isn't the Christmas fairy tale? In typical Russian apartments, it is sometimes difficult to arrange such beauty due to lack of free surfaces.
When there are many candles, they do not require candlesticks, except for special trays or napkins.
When the candle in the room is one (and in Moscow apartments most often it happens), then it requires a candlestick. But then the same rule as in clothes. The more scenery on the candle itself - the conciseness should be a candlestick. But to a smooth candle, you can already pick up something more or something more vesty, although it is not at all necessary. Minimalism has never been bad. So our decoupled candle is better to put on a flat simple candlestick or even a saucer, it may be in a wooden wreath, but not in a candlestick with beads and bows.

That is sometimes so. First decorating the candle. Then, in the same style, some cup of type it will be a candlestick under it, then we connect everything together and depress. Each thing separately is beautiful, and together they look bad, too much much.
So it is not necessary to get involved in the decor, even if you like this very much.
Candles in the house is very beautiful. Just do not leave them unattended. The decor does not greatly increase the risks of the fire, because modern candles will burn out from the inside, the edges remain intact, and the paper is too little to create a wick. But it is impossible to leave any candle without control.
Do you have an old candle at home? Try to cry the picture to start in it. If you understand that you get and liked this business, you can go to the store behind the batch of candles.
How to be if candles are dark? Then the traditional decoupage is a picture of more dense (not napkins) paper, its soaking and gluing on glue. You will have to stain with fingers with glue.
If the candle is in the house, then the varnish is not obligatory, for anything else marked materials, if for the street, then you will also have to "strain" our picture. In the hot method of the wax layer, which is covered by the image, in itself protection against moisture and very good.
Well, the Council is finally. If you do this with a child, then explain to him that the metal spends the heat very quickly, and if you hold a spoon over the flame for a long time, the handle will become hot enough and will hurt. And if you take a spoon with a plastic handle - it will save from a random burn, but it can cause fire on plastic, will not only be dangerous, but also very "fragrant." With adults such incites are impossible, and children are children, they are unpredictable.

So we got at least one candle, style suitable for vintage toys ,. And so step by step can be transformed the house to Christmas with minimal expenses and the maximum pleasure from the process. Yes, and not only for Christmas, but for all year round a few interior, if you try the creative restaurant only for the holiday, it's a shame, I want it to be so much if something has created, then to rejoice out longer.

In the last picture, an ordinary method of decoupage was applied - two layers of rice paper on glue. Without varnish. Create and pull out!


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