Hipp formula for babies 1. Healthy baby food: description of Hipp formula for newborns

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Our research has shown that HIPP Combiotic 1 infant formula has slight variations in the amount of minerals and vitamins. If potassium, calcium and iron, on average, exceed the level indicated by the manufacturer by 3-9%, then vitamin C is slightly less than the declared one (-6%) and is 65 mg per 100 g of the product. The daily intake of vitamin C by a child under 6 months of age must exceed 30 mg / day, and the manufacturer complies with this requirement.

The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the mixture is 1.79: 1, which is normal. According to our experts, the optimal ratio is 2: 1. However, the manufacturer did not indicate the total ash percentage in the composition. We determined that ash is 1.9%, this is not a high value, which means that there are not so many minerals in the composition.

The blend contains palm oil, which has been shown to reduce calcium absorption. But its presence did not affect the final grade, because there is no clear evidence that palm oil is harmful to health.

The composition also includes:

    Whey proteins are proteins that, unlike casein (heavy protein) in cow's milk, are easily absorbed by infants. They make up 55.6% of the total amount of proteins in the mixture.

    DHA and ARA are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the formation of a child's brain and vision.

    Nucleotides are participants in many biochemical and energy processes in the human body.

    Prebiotics are oligosaccharides that are not prone to breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract, serving as food for beneficial microorganisms. They help to normalize intestinal motility, help normalize digestion.

    Probiotics are live beneficial microorganisms that are activated as they enter the intestines and help normalize digestion.

It contains L-tryptophan. As a rule, it is prescribed for sleep disorders, nervous disorders and excessive nervous tension. Tryptophan is found in most protein foods, but there are no recommendations to add it to baby food, because its effect on the body is not fully understood.

It should be noted that 95% of the sugars in the mixture are lactose - milk sugar.

Security - 5.0

Our experts have concluded that formula milk is safe for your baby. We found no toxins and pathogenic microorganisms. There is also no sucrose in the mixture.

Taste and ease of breeding - 4.0

According to our tasters, HiPP Combiotic 1 baby food has a natural taste and aftertaste. They rated her taste as "good."

HiPP blend dissolves quickly in water. When dissolving, the manufacturer suggests adhering to a 1: 7 ratio. For each gram of the mixture, there should be 7 ml of boiled and cooled water to 35-40 degrees. Remember, if you dilute a dry mixture at a higher temperature, then vitamins are lost in it.

Packaging and its convenience - 4.0

Baby food HIPP Combiotic 1 is sold in metal packaging of 350 g. This amount should be enough for a child for 3.5 days.

The packaging is of high quality and convenient. The metal membrane is soft, but opens without significant problems. The plastic lid fits snugly against the jar, but not tight. However, the jar lacks a dosing scraper so that the amount of mixture in the spoon is the same for each dosing.

The manufacturer claims that the HIPP Combiotic 1 measuring spoon measures about 4.3 grams of the mixture. According to our tests, the spoon scoops up 4.3-4.5 grams without a slide. This value is close to the manufacturer's assurances.

- a new generation of HiPP milk formulas, which contain a protective complex similar to breast milk.
Contains probiotic - probiotic cultures of lacto-bacteria L. fermentum, which are part of breast milk, form the normal microflora of the baby's intestines and support healthy digestion.
Contains a prebiotic - food components that are part of breast milk, support the development of probiotics and the intestinal microflora of its own.
Children's dry milk mixture "Combiotic" 1 initial contains: vitamins, iron and calcium ensure harmonious development.
Used when there is insufficient or no breast milk.
Organic ingredients.

Indications for use

Children's dry milk mixture "Combiotic" 1 initial applied
- from birth as the main food or as a supplement to breast milk;
- as a replacement for any other starting formula for healthy children
- for the preparation of milk porridge as a milk base
From 6 months of age, a switch to Combiotic 2 is recommended.

Mode of application

We ask you to pay special attention to the instructions for preparing milk mixture.
Improper preparation and long-term storage of ready-to-drink formula can damage your baby's health due to the potential for the development of unwanted bacteria.
Therefore, always prepare fresh formula before feeding.
Do not use leftovers from a previously prepared formula. Wash and sterilize the bottle, teat and attachment thoroughly. After each use, close the can tightly, store in a dry place at room temperature (max. 25 ° C) and use within 3 weeks.
Please do not heat the milk mixture in the microwave due to the danger of overheating.
Fill a measuring spoon with dry mixture, and remove excess with the blunt edge of a clean knife.
Pour the recommended amount of formula into your feeding bottle.
Wash your hands. Sterilize the bottle and nipple before preparing formula milk.
Close the bottle and shake well.
Boil fresh drinking water and chill to 40 ° C.
Chill the finished milk mixture to the feeding temperature
(Approximately 37 ° C). Check the temperature!
Pour the prepared water into a feeding bottle.
Important! Please use only temperature for preparing milk formula: up to 40 ° C to prevent damage to probiotics (lactobacilli). When using water from wells and capturing sources for the preparation of baby food. Due to the absence of emulsifiers, the formation of foam is permissible during the preparation of the mixture.
AgeNumber of feedings per dayReady mix volume, mlBoiled water, mlMeasuring spoons
1st week5 - 7 70 60 2
2 - 4 weeks5 - 7 100 90 3
2 months5 - 7 130 120 4
3-4 months5 170 150 5
5 - 6 months4 - 5 200 180 6
from 7 months3 - 4 200 180 6

Storage conditions

Children's dry milk mixture "Combiotic" 1 initial manufactured and packaged under harsh hygienic conditions.
For the safety of your baby, please check the tightness of the can before the first use; if the tightness is broken, do not use the product.
Store the unopened jar in a dry, protected from direct sunlight at a temperature between 3 ° C and 25 ° C and avoid temperature extremes.
Close the opened jar tightly and store in dry and hygienic conditions at room temperature, max. 25 ° C, and use within 3 weeks.

Release form

Dry mix.
Jars: 350 g; 750 BC

Dry mix composition:
Children's dry milk mixture "Combiotic" 1 initial contains: organic milk, partially demineralized whey powder, mixture of oils, incl. sources of long-chain fatty acids LCP (sunflower, low-erucid rapeseed, palm kernel olein, fish oil), lactose, prebiotics (galactooligosaccharides from lactose), calcium carbonate, sodium, calcium phosphate, potassium chloride, potassium citrate, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine carbonate, choline, L-tryptophan, taurine, vitamin C, zinc sulfate, iron sulfate, lactic acid, probiotics (lactic acid lactobacillus L. fermentum hereditum), nucleotides (cytidine monophosphate, uridine monophosphate, adenosine monophosphate, inosine monophosphate monophosphate), vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, vitamin D, copper complex, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, potassium iodate, manganese sulfate, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin K, selenium, biotin, vitamin B12.

Main settings


The hipp combiotic 1 mixes completely dissolves and the baby does not have to work hard when sucking. Also, the infant formula hipp 1 is completed with a measuring spoon, which simplifies the process of cooking for the baby as much as possible. The pleasant taste of the hipp 1 mixture for the baby makes feeding easy, as the baby willingly drinks from the bottle.

Reviews of the hipp combiotic 1 mixture are positive from both parents and pediatricians.

Hipp Combiotik 2 (for babies from 6 months)

The composition is designed to meet all the needs of the child's body at the time of very active physical and intellectual development. Infant formula Hipp combiotic 2 hipp is used as a supplement to breast milk or as the next stage of artificial feeding after the product marked 1. The fatty acids in the infant formula ensure the correct development of muscles and accelerate the formation of motor skills.

The mixture of hipp kombiotic 2 contains substances that actively strengthen the baby's immunity. Also, the composition has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system, and its formation occurs correctly. Additionally, the composition increases the resistance of the child's body to stressful situations, which is important at the moment when the baby begins to react to what is happening around.

Hipp Combiotik 3 (children from 10 months)

This formula for feeding children is complex and is used instead of breast milk or in conjunction with it. A mixture of hipp kombiotic 3 allows you to fully establish the necessary microflora in the intestines, supports immunity and proper digestion, and also stimulates intellectual development. The active ingredients in the product help to strengthen the baby's nervous system and prevent the appearance of diseases that interfere with hematopoiesis. This food should be chosen for healthy children who do not have allergies and serious digestive problems.

Hipp HA Combiotik 1

This infant formula hipp combiotic is intended for feeding babies from birth who are prone to allergic reactions. This mixture of hippies from 0 to 6 months is then replaced by another composition intended for children from six months. Deep cleavage proteins do not cause allergies in the child, and therefore can be given to infants with a negative reaction to standard formulas. Additional prebiotics strengthen the child's digestive system and further reduce the risk of other types of allergies.

Reviews of this mixture of hipp 1 are only positive.

Hipp HA Combiotik 2

A similar mixture for children from 6 months is recommended by the manufacturer for all babies, as it helps prevent allergies to complementary foods and digestive problems. This hipp combiotic infant formula makes it easy for your child to get used to new foods. With a strong tendency of the baby to allergies, such feeding can be used as the main one, in which complementary foods are introduced in minimal dosages.

Hipp comfort

The hipp comfort mix is ​​designed for babies from birth. The substances in the composition of the product are absorbed by the child's body very well, and the active ingredients have a positive effect on the digestion process and help soften the stool, which is necessary to prevent constipation. This hipp mix for newborns is needed to normalize the digestion of the baby if problems arise with him. Regarding the choice of such a composition, it is recommended to first consult with the pediatrician who is observing the child.

Such a hippie mixture for newborns belongs to the category of medicinal, and it is not advisable to use it on an ongoing basis, immediately taking it as the main food.

Hipp A.R. Antireflux

The composition is intended for babies from birth. It is indicated if the baby spits up frequently and profusely at the end of feeding. In such a situation, he needs special food. According to reviews, such a mixture of hippies, allowed from birth, allows you to completely solve the problem and ensure that the child receives a sufficient amount of nutrients into the body.

The composition of this product is selected in such a way that the child gets everything he needs, and at the same time his stomach does not experience unnecessary irritation. Usually, by 3 months, the need for feeding with a special composition disappears, since the baby's digestive system begins to work fully.

Hipp Combiotic Hypoallergenic

The hippie mixture is also hypoallergenic. It also comes in 3 categories for different ages. Such a means for feeding a child contains all the necessary substances for the development of the baby and at the same time does not lead to an overload of the gastrointestinal tract. A special protein is absorbed quickly and does not cause the development of an allergic reaction, while ensuring the full formation of muscle tissue.

Feeding a child with hypoallergenic formulations makes it much easier to introduce complementary foods, and reduce the appearance of negative reactions of the body to a new product. Whether this special mixture is necessary or not, you should consult your pediatrician. Not all babies need this lightweight diet. If there is no mandatory need for it, then you should not introduce it.

Hipp hypoallergenic mixture 1, 2 or 3 in preparation and storage does not differ from the standard one. It is sold in most children's stores, and if necessary, finding this composition will not be difficult.

Hipp pre mix is ​​intended for children aged 2-3 months. It is characterized by increased retention in the baby's stomach, which is why it is well suited for feeding babies who have frequent regurgitation. In addition, this product is as satisfying as possible, and therefore the gaps between feeds are longer. Because of this feature, the formula is especially convenient for evening feeding.

How to cook properly

For proper nutrition, you need to know how to breed a hippie mixture. This process is not complicated, and it is easy to cope with it even for the first time. A mixture of hipp kombiotic or other is dissolved in warm water (40 ° C) at the rate of 1 spoonful of the mixture in 30 ml of water. A special measuring spoon is used, which is applied to the composition. They need to feed the baby when it cools down to a temperature of 37 ° C.

Do not use the mixture after warming up or store any leftovers until the next feeding.

A mixture of hipp kombiotic 1 and other varieties of this food have positive reviews from doctors and parents and can effectively replace breast milk for a baby.

Breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby. It provides the child with everything he needs for healthy and full development. Proper nutrition is vital, especially in the first months of your baby's life.

The baby's immunity is laid in the first year of life, the mother's milk contains probiotics and prebiotics, which in themselves are a source of nutrition for probiotic cultures and contributes to the proper development of intestinal microflora, as well as the formation of the immune system. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids ARA / DHA (arachidonic / docosahexaenoic) in breast milk are important components of optimal brain and vision development.

If breastfeeding is not possible for any reason, we recommend the Hipp 1 Combiotic® Initial Adapted Formula.

The Hipp Nutrition Science Center has created an adapted new generation Hipp 1 Combiotic® milk formula, which includes:

  • Praebiotik - Prebiotic dietary fiber (galactooligosaccharides GOS), similar to those found in breast milk.
  • Probiotik are probiotic lactic acid cultures originally isolated from breast milk. Breast milk contains probiotics, the composition and quantity of which is individual for each woman.
  • ARA / DHA are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPFA). For optimal development of vision, motor and cognitive functions, it is extremely important for your child to receive cerebral palsy during the first few months of life, since they cannot be synthesized by your baby's body on its own.
  • Nucleotides to strengthen the immune system, protect against infections and other diseases.
  • Valuable bio milk is an organic product. The best of nature for your little one.


    Skimmed milk *, whey powder (partially demineralized), vegetable oils (palm oil, rapeseed oil, palm kernel oil, sunflower oil), lactose, prebiotic dietary fiber (galactooligosaccharides from lactose), calcium carbonate, sodium citrate, Fat containing DCPN ** oil (from Mortierella alpina), calcium hydrogen phosphate, potassium chloride, fish oil, potassium citrate, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, magnesium carbonate, choline, L-tryptophan, taurine, vitamin C, zinc sulfate, iron sulfate, stabilizer (L + ) -lactic acid, probiotic lactic acid culture (Lactobacillus fermentum hereditum® ***), cytidine monophosphate, uridine monophosphate, adenosine monophosphate, vitamin A, inosine monophosphate, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, guanosine D1, copper complex, -lysine monophosphate, vitamin B6, potassium iodate, manganese sulfate, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin K, sodium selenate, biotin, vitamin B12.

    * organic product.

Cooking method

When preparing formula milk, strictly follow the instructions. Failure to follow the instructions for preparing formula milk or storing the prepared formula in a bottle for a long time can harm the baby's health due to the appearance of unwanted microorganisms in the diluted mixture.

Always prepare a fresh batch of formula before each feed and feed your baby immediately after preparing the formula.

Do not reuse milk formula left over after feeding. Do not heat milk formula in a microwave oven (danger of overheating!).

Wash your hands before cooking.

Wash and sterilize bottle, teat and cap thoroughly.

For cooking, use boiled drinking water cooled to 40 ° C. Pour the amount of boiled water required to prepare the mixture into a measuring cup or another bottle.

Add about 2/3 of the required amount of water (see feeding chart) to the feeding bottle.

Take the dry mixture with a measuring spoon, remove the excess with the blunt edge of a clean knife. Pour the recommended number of measuring spoons (see feeding table) into the bottle.

Close the bottle tightly and shake well several times.

Add the remaining amount of boiled water and shake well a few more times

Refrigerate to feeding temperature (about 37 ° C). Check the temperature! Warning: Please do not dilute the milk mixture with boiling water to avoid destroying the probiotic cultures contained in the mixture.

To cool boiled water to 40 ° C, place a measuring cup or bottle of prepared boiled water in a bowl of cold water for a few minutes.

Terms and conditions of storage

Expiration date: 18 months.

Shelf life after opening: An opened can must be used within 3 (three) weeks.

Storage conditions: Store an unopened jar at room temperature (not higher than + 25 ° С) in a dry place with a relative humidity of not more than 75%, avoiding direct sunlight. After opening the jar, close the plastic lid and store in a cool dry place (but not in a refrigerator) at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° С away from products with intense odor.

Not having enough breast milk or not being able to breastfeed leaves parents with no alternative to bottle feeding.

Breast milk should be the benchmark to strive for when choosing it. It is this that is the best food for.

It is impossible to repeat its composition exactly, but modern technologies make it possible to bring the artificial as close as possible to the natural ideal. In this article we take a look at the Hipp Combiotic 1 infant formula, which has received a lot of good reviews.

Description, composition and manufacturer

Due to the fact that all systems of infants are in the stage of formation, they often suffer from various gastrointestinal disorders.

Hipp Combiotic 1 for newborns is an organic product for babies with a particularly sensitive digestive system, containing probiotics and prebiotics, which forms normal intestinal microflora and ensures healthy digestion of the newborn.

The mixture also contains the necessary calcium and iron. The food is suitable for babies from birth to one year of age.

It is applied:

  • from the first days of life as an alternative to breast milk or a supplement to it;
  • as a milk base for preparing cereals;
Available in cans of 350 g, 750 g.

Important! The company "Hipp", as a result of the research, found that children under the age of six months who eat milk formula "Hipp combiotic 1" are 71% less likely to suffer from digestive and stool disorders than children who eat food containing only.

The composition of the mixture "Hipp Combbiotic 1":

  • organic cow's milk;
  • fatty acids that contribute to the proper development of the brain and vision of the baby ;
  • lactobacillus L. fermentum are breast milk probiotics, thanks to which a healthy intestinal microflora of the newborn is formed;
  • prebiotics regulating the concentration of probiotics; they help preserve the natural intestinal microflora and avoid digestive disorders;
  • nucleotides contained in breast milk and regulating metabolic processes.

Children's "Hipp Kombiotic 1" does not contain preservatives and chemical dyes.

Did you know? Brazil has a service that provides breast milk to women who, for various reasons, cannot feed their baby.on one's own.

When to dispense with the mixture and how to switch to it

Mother's milk is ideal food for a newborn, but in some situations it should be discarded.

When, for example, the product itself or the method of obtaining it can be dangerous for the baby:

  • infectious diseases requiring isolation, operations or various;
  • AIDS;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • childbirth with complications (unconsciousness of the mother, large blood loss).

In addition, there are often cases when breastfeeding is impossible due to problems with the baby. Some of them:
  • deep prematurity and lack of basic reflexes;
  • asphyxia;
  • intracranial birth trauma;
  • physiological state below 7 points on the Apgar scale.

Did you know? Babies who were breastfed are more successful academically. The reason for this is the docosahexaenoic acid contained in mother's milk, which increases the level of IQ.

How to translate Before transferring a child to artificial feeding, be sure to consult with a pediatrician, who, having analyzed the dynamics of the baby's growth, problems with the digestive system and a tendency to allergies, will select the right baby food.

The first acquaintance with the mixture should start with 5-10 ml. If after two hours the baby has no rash, abdominal pain or redness, the formula can be given again.

Completely switch to artificial feeding or from one diet to another, preferably within 2-3 days.
Mixed feeding If you do not have enough milk, you should not completely abandon breastfeeding. When deciding on mixed feeding, it is important to first give the baby a breast, and only then - a bottle with the formula, supplementing him if necessary (crying, restless, sucking hands).

Do not overfeed Naturally fed babies can eat at any time and in unlimited quantities, but with the transition to bottle feeding, the schedule should be observed.

The baby should be fed every 3-3.5 hours with a sleep break of about 6 hours. When the child reaches six months, the schedule can be changed, but the mixture remains the main food for up to a year.

How to prepare and give baby food to a child

Since this product is sold in dry form, it must be prepared for consumption according to certain rules.

How to dilute the mixture "Hipp Combbiotic 1" Meals are prepared in compliance with the following proportions: one scoop of dry matter must be dissolved in 30 ml of water cooled to 40 ° C. The temperature of the ready-to-use mixture should not exceed 37 ° C.
To prepare one portion, you need to dilute 3 level scoops (13 g of the mixture) in 90 grams of water. One scoop contains 4.3 grams of dry matter.

Important! It is forbidden to reheat leftover food and reuse it for the next feeding.

How to give to a child Infant formula "Hipp Combbiotic 1" is used from birth. Each child is an individual, therefore, the amount of mixture per feeding can be different. The interval between feedings and the dosage depends on the weight, the condition of the child and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

From the first week of life, the number of feedings ranges from 2 to 7. We prepare the mixture based on: the volume of boiled water in milliliters divided by 30 - we get the number of measuring spoons. That is, dissolve 2 scoops (60/2) in 60 ml of boiled water.

From two to four weeks until the baby reaches two months, the number of feedings is 5-7 times. The average dose of food per day for a baby at the age of 1 month is 100 ml (90/3), for a two-month old - 130 ml (120/4).

The maximum daily dose is 200 ml.(180/6). It is designed for 3-5 feedings for babies aged 5 to 7 months.
When the child reaches six months, it is imperative to consult with a doctor about the introduction.

Are negative consequences possible?

An undoubted advantage belongs to breastfeeding, therefore, before starting to use milk formula, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Individual sensitivity to any component of the product is not excluded.

Like breast milk, baby food contains carbohydrates, which are important components of a baby's diet. But constant or frequent contact with carbohydrate-containing foods can damage your teeth.

Storage term and conditions

Hipp Kombiotic 1 baby milk powder is produced and packaged in compliance with strict hygiene requirements.

Before using the mixture for the first time, it is imperative to check the tightness of the can. It is forbidden to use a product that is not sealed hermetically.
An opened jar should be stored in a dry place, avoiding direct sunlight and air humidity above 75%, at a temperature of 3 ° C to 25 ° C, tightly closed with a plastic lid.

Food is not intended to be refrigerated. It is necessary to use an open jar within three weeks. Expiration date - 18 months.

Pros and cons of the mixture


  • lack of gluten and emulsifiers;
  • lack of dyes, preservatives and flavors;
  • the basis of the formula is certified organic milk, obtained in accordance with the EU requirements for organic production.

Flaws: The only possible drawback (according to users of Internet forums) is the rather high price of this baby food.

When, for various reasons, natural feeding becomes impossible, properly selected baby food can provide your baby with an almost complete range of substances necessary for growth and development.
This is exactly the kind of mixture that Hipp Kombiotic 1 is, which is close in composition to breast milk.

After consulting with a pediatrician and following all breastfeeding instructions, you can not worry about the health and development of your baby - with Hipp Combbiotic 1, comfortable digestion and the optimal amount of necessary nutrients are guaranteed.


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