Breathing during childbirth and pregnancy. Physiological changes in the respiratory system during pregnancy

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Each pregnant woman is looking forward to the appearance of his baby on the light. And the closer this moment comes, the more fear is increasing before childbirth. The unknown scares a woman, especially if the first pregnancy.

Having learned from girlfriends, how painful is the childbirth, a panic can begin at a woman's fights. She ceases to listen to the doctor, it seizes fear. As a result, childbirth is tightened for several hours. To avoid this, a woman needs to prepare in advance for childbirth and know how to breathe during battles.

Painless birth does not happen, but it is possible to alleviate painful sensations not only by medication. Proper breathing will help reduce pain during battles. To date, there are many schools and courses that teach pregnant breathing during battles and fence. But if for some reason, visiting courses is not possible, then the technique of breathing can be learned and independently.

Breathing technique during battles

Already from 35 weeks of pregnancy, it is worth starting to prepare your body to the upcoming birth. Master the technique of proper breathing will help you daily workouts. Births take place in several stages, and at each stage various techniques are used.

At the initial stage, when the contractions are not so painful and begin every 15 minutes, it is necessary to relax and breathe as follows - a deep breath and slow breathtaking. It can be considered: inhale - 1,2,3 and exhalation - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. At this moment it is not necessary to clamp, complete relaxation is required. Since, clamping, you slow down the opening of the uterus and extend the process of childbirth. If at this time you are at home, deal with business (for example, collect things in the hospital), distracted.

When the contractions begin every 10 minutes, it is forbidden to sit, eat and drink. You can only walk or lie. During the battles, it is necessary to breathe as follows: a deep breath with a nose per 1,2,3,4,5 and an exhalation of a mouth by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. If you are not in the maternity department, then it's time to go there.
When the fights are becoming intense (every five mnut), the respiratory technique changes. You need to breathe, so to speak, "doggy". As soon as the fight begins, it is worth using the previous technique, and on the "peak" begin to breathe quickly and superficially. The most important thing is not to strain the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis.

If it really hurts, get out of bed. You can squat, walk, clamp on anything, moving the pelvis, like a pendulum, it will help the child to advance in the birth paths.

When the gap between the fights becomes 3-4 minutes, the following technique of proper breathing will help alleviate pain: a forced candle. Those. Inhale - times, exhale - two. It should be breathing with effort (loud). At the end of the fight you need to take a deep breath and slow exhalation.

If the gap between the fights is reduced to 1-2 minutes, then all the above techniques of proper breathing should be applied at once. Those. First you need to make deep breaths and exhalations, then you need to breathe "doggy", and after using the forced candle technique. At this point, there is a strong desire to empty (swelling begin), this should be done in any case, especially if the doctor categorically banned it.

When the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely revealed and the child is already "on the way", the childhood themselves begin. Usually, when fulfilling all the requirements of the doctor, the child's birth takes place for 3-4 contractions. It is necessary to breathe at this moment. When the doctor gives you the "Starting" team, you should lift my head up, look at the ceiling, dial the mouth full of air. Then press the chin to the chest and, without releasing the air, start to sleep. After the doctor told "exhale", we open a slightly mouth (we make a small click) and we release a slowly air. After the next team "Strangle", it is also necessary to breathe, as the first time.

Why proper breathing is better than drug pain relief?

Using the correct breathing technique, we will cope with the pain, without harming the child. Anesthetics, even the most advanced, negatively affect the child. They can cause an allergic reaction both in the very feminine and in the child. Vomiting may open, which significantly complicates the delivery process, and convulsions may appear.
Why expose your life and the life of a child (which has a immune system of weakened) to the danger? After all, you can do the correct technique of breathing, without any painkillers.

Video about breathing methods during battles

Every woman wants to know how to give birth without pain. What is proper breathing and when to use it - talk more.

Proper breathing is a complex of breathing exercises, thanks to which the muscles of the body relax and generic pain decreases. And whatever pain threshold is in a woman, it can control the muscle relaxation process even during battles.

Breath will help get rid of fear

Since ancient times, the mother was transferred to the daughters of knowledge about how to give birth. And these were two farewells: listening to your body, his desire and perform the right breathing, then on the Nativity.

Professional vocalists own breathing exercises. He who since childhood sang in the choir knows that when the stomach exhale is exhaled, it is drawn, and when inhaling - on the contrary, it should be bought. And do not confuse.

Such breathing is ideal for childbirth: Soothes nerves, protects forces, relaxes muscles, helps to push the fruit without breaking. With frequent exhalation and inhale occurs hyperventilation of the lungs at the expense of rapid breathing. As a result, CO2 is washed out of the blood, the brain vessels are narrowed and the feeder is activated, which causes the experiences void from consciousness.

Naturally, in everyday life, such breathing is not worth using, because it is invented exclusively for such stress loads - like, for example, childbirth.

If you doubt how much prepared for childbirth and proper breathing, then sign up for pregnant courses. Worldwide, pregnant women learn to give birth correctly, making focus on breathing and postures that will help.

Breathing teaching during battles, both pair and individual. Of course, partnerships are an indicative example of proper breathing. A close man resembles a girlfriend, how to breathe in the fights, which makes it easier for her pain.

Truthful childbirth story without pain

From personal experience

Svetlana, 27 years old:

"I can say that I gave birth without the" the most "pain. Yes, there were contractions, there was a huge pressure on the spine and the pelvis. It seemed that now the consciousness will fly somewhere into space, but during the birth, I never shouted. The thing is that not only the whole pregnancy was engaged in the right breathing, but also went to give birth with her husband.

He took a huge share of responsibility for himself - negotiate with not always polite nurses, wearing a heavy dropper with me, organized absolute calm and concentration in the chamber.

The husband was constantly near and watched me to have a right breath. When you are one on one, without the help of a loved one, you can get confused during the battles and forget about how to facilitate your condition.

In such cases, you can succumb to a panic, start screaming, strain the muscles of the face - all this will not help the child, but will choose a fever itself from such a desired equilibrium. Immediately the main thing is to breathe.

Therefore, when during the battle, there was a close person and reminded of breathing, repeating the exercises, I never screamed. Oxygen relaxed the muscles of the whole body, I calmed down and even allowed him to sleep between the fights, which was surprising at the senitarian.

On the ninth hour of proper breathing, the husband put our girl to my chest. It was ridiculous, but when he put our child to my chest, we exhaled together and buried. Breathing during childbirth is not only a natural anesthetic, breathing during childbirth is a joint family happiness. "

Breathing helps a child to appear

Modern gynecologists, obstetricians have long proved that, thanks to the breath, the woman not only facilitate the generic process itself, but also make more comfortable conditions for the kid during such a large stress.

Doctors constantly remind you that even if you do not feel sorry for yourself, please me for childbirth kids, Give him the opportunity to be born in calm, without taking the body vessels, providing oxygen, without squeezing the generic paths with cry.

The method of cooperation of obstetricians and women in labor developed French Dr. Lamaz. In his honor, it was called such a type of work with the right breathing during the genus "Lamaze".

The obstetrician was engaged in the psychoprophylaxis of future mothers and taught women with various types of breathing. The basis was a training that improved the ability of a woman to manage their muscles during battles.

It was assumed that the concentration of a woman in their breath would ensure the ability to relax the uterus during battles. And the ownership of such skills will not only reduce pain, but also help convince the brain in its entirety.

During childbirth for this method, a woman should not only breathe correctly, but also to think about how the child is hard to move along the generic paths. Breathing is still very important that oxygen flows in sufficient quantities.

It is proved that the mother with an adequate sense of responsibility in the fights is also applied to themselves and the child is the least damage. Hoeers are recommended to undergo compulsory courses of the correct breathing, so that when childbirth is to avoid psychophysical complications. Everything is quite simple - you need to learn to breathe correctly.

This method of working with the feminines has become particularly popular since the 60s of the twentieth century. Rhythmic breathing (and this synonym the Lamaze method) is widely used in various clinics of the whole world. Such breathing is considered the key to the appearance of a baby with minimal pain, both for him and for mother during battles.

How to prepare for childbirth

As soon as the water moved away, you accepted the shower and went to the generic chamber, begin to prepare the body to the last 30 minutes when the child appears. At the stage, the breathing will change again. Usually, obstetrics suggest what to do, but it does not hurt to know.

As soon as the contractions began, you need to breathe deeply all the air and immediately breathe deeply through the nose. To exhale, but briefly, and the air is three already short and intermittent inhales.

Breathing is different, depending on the stage of childbirth. When it is the first contractions, right if you breathe through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.The breaths should be deep, slow, smooth.

The main thing in childbirth, as it turned out - it is not to be lazy to breathe.When the fights are just beginning, women think that you can breathe and do not do. "Commands itself." At the same time, an important moment of muscle preparation is overlooked.

When the fights are enhanced, then without respiratory training, the guinea begin to shout loudly, strain the body, independently increasing their pain. Do not do so. Need to remember how to breathe correctly.

Strong fights, unfortunately, lead in women in panic. Gentlemen forget about the technique and delay their breath at the peak. In such cases, generic pain is enhanced. This is an incorrect installation, as a result of which the rate of breathing is knocked down, and the child begins to obtain an insufficient amount of oxygen.

Birth without panic

Fight is a complex process for self-control, so mothers are recommended at the initial stage to find a point of concentration. It can be either a clock or door handle, or something else.

So a woman creates a visual impulse and the signal goes to the brain. Each time in the enhancement of bouts, the female can focus the look at the selected point, calmly breathe air, which will help not lose control over your breath.

Rhythmic breathing must be continued until the cuts are caught up to weaken. There are several types of inhale and exhale in battles. For example, one long breath in the mouth and then two gentle outduffs of mouth.

Here is the calm rhythm of breathing. As soon as the fights are coming, it is worth making a deep breath of the nose and two short exhaust mouth. The longer the contractions become, which speaks of the degree of fetus advance towards the exit, the deeper it is worth inhaling the air. The calm inhalation rhythm is important.

Upon completion of the next contraction, do not forget to breathe deeply: full inhale mouth so that the lungs become free.

In order not to move in the technique of proper breathing during childbirth, you can simply repeat the scheme. Remember how to breathe correctly: exhalation, inhale (times, two, three), exhale, inhale (times, two, three).

When the doctor says that you can be stuck, then breathe deep and work exclusively with a diaphragm, pushing the child. Do not strain the forehead, eyes, do not shout. Just press the diaphragm while there is air in the lungs. Then inhale and repeat again.

We need to start learning correct breathing 2-3 months before delivery.Classes require daily efforts to 20 minutes, in order for the breeding equipment to do not cause issues. Births should be held in a calm and prepared atmosphere.

Exercises for proper breathing during childbirth:

  • Take a convenient position for you. For each it is individual. Someone wants to lie on the side, someone stand on all fours, someone stretched around the wall like a cat.
  • Inhales deeply, while sticking out the stomach. Exhale pulling the belly. Repeat 10 times. Such breathing will help to relax and concentrate their strength in childbirth. If you start train your diaphragm during pregnancy, the effect will be much more powerful.
  • During frequent battles, start breathing rapidly, Using the tighter method. Do not be distracted by external factors, find the concentration point, think only about the birth of the baby and do not forget to breathe.
  • During the fence, you are very useful for the already trained diaphragm. If you do not shout and not strain, but to work exclusively the diaphragm, then you will not only help the child at such a difficult moment, but also do not get internal ruptures.

Expert opinion:

Founder and head of the family center Yulia Gusakovskaya-Starovoitova:

"Of course, breathing during childbirth is very important and in our center there are such classes. There is a scheme in order to breathe correctly. But you should not take any kind of scheme for yourself. When childly, the main thing is to turn off the head and listen only to the body. Breathing is the guarantee of the right birth. The main thing is to breathe. "

Dear readers! How was your childbirth? Have you visited training courses? Were these courses for you? Do you know how to breathe in the time of childbirth? We are waiting for your comments!

Proper breathing is more than ever when fighting. It is even more important - to combine it with the ability to relax at the peak of painful sensations - it will significantly reduce them.

Many women do not know that the pain occurs just because of the strong tension of the muscles: when the future mother strains, not only her condition, but also her baby, because the body of the child suffers more suffer from oxygen starvation.

How to set yourself to calm behavior?

Anxiety and strong fear are the first enemies of the ghoster. A woman is very difficult to calm down, especially when the period of active bouts or fence comes. Remember that the outcome of generic activity is largely depends on your behavior.

If you shrink on each fight, pain will become unbearable. And the excited state of the psyche will not allow listening to the words of the midwife and control the situation. The most important thing for you for you is the birthday of crumbs - a mood to calm.

Just understand one thing: the child is much more difficult to bother when mom strains and deprivates its oxygen (oxygen deficiency occurs during muscular tension).

Experts have long proved that pain in the uterus during childbirth - by and large the result of the muscular clamp. If you breathe correctly and not shrink down the abdomen in anticipation of another fight, the process of the appearance of a baby to the light will be easier for a child and for his mother.

Fact! With proper breathing, the brain and other organs receive a sufficient amount of endorphins, which significantly reduces pain. Do not neglect the rules that can greatly alleviate generic activities.

The significance of proper breathing during childbirth

Breathing and pain, as you understood, are interrelated. When you follow your breath, you pay less attention to physical sensations. As a result, there are no artificial muscle spasms of the press, only enhancing the reaction of sensitive receptors of the small pelvis organs.

If you are pregnant, it's never too late to learn the technique of proper breathing. Here are some of its indisputable advantages:

  • pain relief during battles, fence;
  • moderate reduction in labor;
  • prevention of gaps, complicated flow of labor;
  • saving forces that will be needed by the feminine during the female and postpartum period;
  • the correct psycho-emotional attitude, getting confidence in your abilities.

Learn to breathe properly quite simple. There are several important rules. Breath differs depending on the period of generic activity.

Most often, the woman goes to the maternity hospital when the first painful sensations appear. This is proper behavior. Generic activity can be unpredictable. Specialists are known when a woman gave birth during just a few hours after the appearance of minor pulling pain in the field of abdomen.

Retreats without a specialist can be very dangerous. If the contractions are irregular, you can walk along the corridor of the generic separation, read the book or even sleep. At the same time, remember the importance of staying in a relaxed state.

  1. When the contractions become permanent, begin to slowly breathe through the nose, counting to 4, and exhaled by mouth, counting to 6. Inhale somewhat shorter exhalation. When inhalation, do lips with a wide tube.
  2. This technique allows you to relax the muscles of the abdominal press and enriches the organism with oxygen. Gradually, the intensity of the battle will increase.
  3. You need to accelerate your breath. The respiratory technique at the time of intense battle has the characteristic name - "doggy". You need to breathe how the dog is supervised, with a slightly ajar mouth.

Feel free to apply this technique in the maternity hospital. Obsushet and doctors gynecologists themselves teach women to breathe in a similar way and will be sincerely surprised by the fact that they got a well-trained feminine.

Remember that from the practice of breathing in the first place the well-being of your baby depends, Therefore, drop all the prejudices to the side, use all possible ways to facilitate the generic activities and the prevention of generic complications.

There is another very useful technique.which actually allows you to relive intensive pain. At the beginning of the fight breathe "Doggy's", and at the peak of pain, try to breathe through the nose, but quickly and superficially, and exhaled by mouth, folding the lips with a tube. As soon as the fight goes to the decline, slowly breathe the nose and exhale the mouth.

About how to breathe correctly during childbirth, it is worth learn in advance. The informed woman inherine has fewer problems in the maternity hospital. But in any case, half of the success of the wave period - the ability to listen to the midwife and respond to its comments and requests in time.

Basic Rules of Proper Breathing During Potug:

  • inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth;
  • when you exhale, keep your mouth as if you are posing a candle;
  • during the exhalation, it is impossible to stream in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and head - this will lead to a decrease in the productivity of the wax period and the breaks of the vessels in the eye and skin;
  • when "bloom the candle" on the breath, feel tension in the field of abdominal Niza, and in this case, the sweating will bring relief.

The correct respiration tactics in the period of the fence helps a woman and specialists who take childbirth. The main thing is not to succumb to panic. Rhythmic breathing allows you to give birth literally for 4-6 patients, while without breaking and damage to the capillaries on the face.

Period before childbirth

The desire to surprise usually appears by the end of frequent fights, but the full sweating will go much later. The midwife forbids to sleep. Make it happens difficult. And here to help a woman comes the right breathing again.

  • It is necessary to start with a deep breath, and then follow alternating surface exhalations. At the same time, the lips should be rolled into the tube. Woman this type of breathing is perfectly distracting from painful sensations and helps to distract from pronounced battles.
  • Treat the maximum carefully to the councils of midwives. If it prohibits it to sleep, then attach the maximum efforts to not to strengthen the pressure on the birth's paths - on them and so gives the head of the baby, but until he is early to appear.
  • This will happen when the neck fully opens and the real swells will begin. Before that, it is impossible to spend it - there is a possibility that the child will fight the head of the pelvic bone. Also, artificial sweat increases the likelihood of cervical breaks.

In time, switch to the breathing technique described above, and you can easily survive this difficult period.

Breathing training to childbirth

Generic activity itself is stressful for a woman. It is difficult to control the breath, especially if the birth is the first. As soon as the contractions become regular, many woman in labor forget about the rules read earlier. To avoid this, get ready for breathing long before delivery.

Start mastering respiratory techniques from the second half of pregnancy. By this time, the stomach is usually large enough that it stimulates a woman more responsible for prepar preparation. Feel free to ask questions to your gynecologist: the doctor has a rich professional experience and will definitely help dispel all your doubts and anxiety, as well as send your efforts to the right direction.

Usually from the second half of pregnancy there are training bouts. Use them to teach proper breathing.

The woman needs support can be obtained from other pregnant women or from specialists who conduct special preparatory courses. In class you will get a lot of useful information:

  • experts will tell how normal generic activities are held, will describe the periods of childbirth;
  • tell about the significance of the right breath for mother and fetus health;
  • teach to cope with internal fear and fight pain, applying not only certain respiratory tactics, but also self-massage;
  • vitely will show how to behave in every period of childbirth, to pay special attention to.

During training sessions, a woman will communicate with other pregnant women, adopting their useful experience. Just do not pass through yourself various horror stories, which are like to share a woman in women's consultation and at various events. Configure yourself to responsible, but light and fast childbirth.

Abdominal breathing type - primary during pregnancy and childbirth

In women prevailing the mixed type of breathing. During pregnancy, it is necessary to keep predominantly belly and abdominal type of breath. Start developing as early as possible. It is not necessary to apply some special techniques from the first days of pregnancy, but learning to breathe a belly better to start early.

To do this, do simple exercises for this:

  • put the palm on the most convex part of the abdomen and start inhaling the nose, feeling the hand rises up;
  • holding the palm on the stomach, slowly exhale, follow the hand: it should be descended;
  • inhale and exhale, as in the first period, the fights: inhale the nose, and then exhale through the mouth, but make sure that this exercise is performed while maintaining the abdominal type of breathing.

Starting with 4-5 months of pregnancy, you can learn "economical" breathing. He really saves the power of a woman at the beginning of the battlefield. This is a very important point of preparation. Pay special attention to it. If a woman breathes incorrectly since the beginning of a generic activity, then she often does not have forces on the waiting period.

The main rule of "economical" breathing is exhale a longer inhale. Conveniently stay on the chair, put your hands on the stomach to see how it rises and goes away, start training. Inhale slowly through the nose, and exhale even slower - but through the lips, folded with a tube.

Important! During training, do not exert excessive pressure on the abdomen! It can strengthen the uterus tone and provoke premature birth. Breathe calmly, without a feeling of cutting and pressure.

Breathing exercises perform in a well-ventilated room. Do not continue the lesson if you felt dizziness. This suggests that you breathe too often or wrong.

How to breathe in the fights and childbirth? The question of proper breathing does not occur by no accident, because it is of fundamentally important for the successful flow of the process of childbirth and postpartum restoration of the body. Many specialists are adhered to such an opinion: the correct breathing in the fights and attempts helps a woman to significantly accelerate and facilitate the process of the delivery.

What breathing in battles and childbirth can be considered correct, promoting the acceleration of childbirth and removing strong pain?

The very first moment is that the correct breath in childbirth helps a woman calm down and relax. Special respiratory techniques are designed in such a way that the diaphragm does not interfere with childbirth, but on the contrary - helps.

If a woman in childbirth is most focused on proper breathing, then it will pay less attention to pain. The uterus will reveal faster, and, accordingly, the baby will appear a little earlier.

Breathing during childbirth can be different, depending on the stage, individual characteristics of childbirth, the general state of the woman.

At the very beginning of the fight, the woman is recommended to adhere to the following respiratory technique: inhale - through the nose to the "one or two-three-four" account, and exhale - through the mouth to the account from one to six. The main thing here is that the breath was shorter in time than the exhalation. When you exhale it is necessary to put the lips to the "tube".

Proper breathing in childbirth contributes to maximum muscle relaxation, and also soothes the nervous system, enhances the inflow of oxygen. It is important to remember that a full exhale makes it possible to saturate the blood and the entire organism of the mother and the infant with the necessary amount of oxygen.

In addition, such a technique includes an important psychological instrument: as a woman when inhaling and exhaling should constantly count, then she will unwittingly be distracted from pain and other physical discomfort, which at this moment inevitably experiences. The main thing is to inhale the nose, and sweep the mouth.

How to breathe in the fights and childbirth? Why is it important?

Types of breathing during childbirth

How to breathe in childbirth? As the contractions are becoming increasingly intense and frequent, breathing must be accelerated. To ensure proper breathing in battles, it is recommended to do an exercise that is called "Dog's breath". It may seem ridiculous, but not only at a time when a woman is wringing from painful contractions and terrible pain in childbirth. The meaning of this respiratory technique is that at this stage of childbirth, it is not easy to inhale, how do people usually do, but breathe superficially, with a fitted mouth, how do dogs do during a strong heat or after a long jogging. A woman is advised to discard all prejudices, complexes and constraints, not afraid to look like something ridiculous. Doctors and obstetricians are concentrated completely differently, and they are accustomed to see everyone during childbirth. And the main task of a woman is to make it easier for themselves as much as possible, and most importantly - to do everything possible so that the child be born as quickly as possible and prosperous. Therefore, there are special breathing techniques in battles and childbirth. In this case, do not hesitate to open the mouth, slightly launch the tongue, and, like the "bobby-tuzika", breathe often and superficially.

Features of breathing when opening cervix

How to breathe directly during childbirth? At that moment, when the cervical cervix occurs, one more exercise can be used, which is called the "locomotive" ("Lokomotor", Lokomotiv). The principle of this breathing technique is simple: as soon as they feel the beginning of the fight, begin to breathe quickly, superficially, inhale through the nose, immediately exhale through the mouth, folding the lips of the "tube". (Breathing acquires a sound similar to the sound of the locomotive movement, therefore such a name.) As soon as the fight is descended and the pain becomes less strong, breathing must be calmed. This technique allows you to slightly smooth out all the sharpness of pain in the fights and more calmly pull them away.

When a woman starts at the time of childbirth, they start to fully trust specialists (doctors). Doctors will always tell me how to behave correctly with certain features of the flow of your childbirth. Try to fulfill all their recommendations when they say - how and when you need to sleep when you can relax. On average, one sweat lasts about one minute. It is recommended to take the most deep breath and stand in exhalation so that all air pressure is directed to the uterus.

At the same time, it is necessary to closely monitor that all the tension of the body does not focus in the head. Otherwise, there may be a break of vessels on the face and in the eyes. All the efforts of the mother must be aimed at the birth of a child. If, with the next breath, you could not score the right amount of air, do not worry. Exhale quickly and make a new breath, and be crowned again.

Birth is a natural process, rather painful and to him need to be prepared in advance so as not to harm neither by their child. Reduce the degree of pain during battles and during childbirth, the future mother can both if you know how to properly organize your breath at each stage of this process.

Based on physiological changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, specialists developed a number of proper breathing techniques to facilitate and accelerate the process, oxygen saturation of the necessary muscles of the Mother and Fetal muscles.

During the period of pregnancy, due to the increasing need of oxygen amounts for the body, the physiological restructuring of the organs of the respiratory system of the future mother occurs. Starting from 24 weeks, the need for oxygen increases by a third, and during childbirth 2 times, compared with the usual state.

Displacement of the diaphragm to the chest caused by a constantly growing volume of the uterus, provokes a decrease in air circulation at the bottom of the lungs and moving up. There is a circular sneaking of the chest, compensation space for lungs.

The lack of oxygen is compensated by the acceleration of the rhythm of the functioning of the heart and an increase in the amount of oxygen produced by the erythrocytes produced. Such changes cause rapid breathing in a woman, a decrease in the volume of inhaled and exhaled air, the respiratory bodies are moving into a hard system of functioning.

During the last weeks, the female worrye is hampered by pulmonary ventilation by reducing the amount of reserve exhalation, the respiratory frequency increases by 10-15%. The process of hypoxia begins - oxygen starvation, which poorly affects the health of the baby and the state of the future mother.

Doctors recommend in advance to learn how to breathe in battle and childbirth correctly, practice And choose an individual version of all offered, since all these changes are natural and inevitable in the body of each manufacturer.

Why do you need to breathe correctly?

In childbirth, all organs are subject to maximum voltage and energy costs. Spasms during battles and fence intercepted breathing, as a result of which the oxygen access to the muscles of the pelvis, placenta and the fetus are stopped.

The child does not have enough strength to move towards the exit, the pelvic muscles due to the lack of oxygen cannot fully work, and the cervix is \u200b\u200bclamped and swelling poorly.

To eliminate the oxygen starvation of the baby and its body during the battles and childbirth, the giving birth can listen to an obstetrician and remember how to choose the right breathing method for a certain point in generic activity.

In the process of childbirth, the accesses are turned on in the subconscious automatically, and the doctor's commands will be prompting which methods will be most effective at this stage.

Do preliminary learning breathing before childbirth?

When fights begin, and then childbirth, many women covers panic, especially often it happens with primordous. They are lost, they forget how to behave to help the baby appear to light quickly and without pathologies, deliver a lot of pain itself and lose a lot of strength, tightening the process.

Therefore, the doctors insist on compulsory preliminary learning technique of breathing during childbirth. For these purposes, special courses are created for women's consultations, video rollers are filmed, online courses are held highly qualified specialists.

After passing such training activities and consolidate them in practice, future women in labor can independently manage their own respiratory process, feel much confidently feel, they are not so afraid of the upcoming birth and with joy, and not with fear, they are waiting for the upcoming event.

It is necessary to start learning correct breathing 2-3 months before delivery, so as not only to purchase skills, but also to consolidate knowledge on daily practice.

It is important to remember and fully realize how much mother's proper breathing is necessary to obtain the required amount of oxygen with a born baby.

Is it possible to reduce the pain during childbirth with breathing?

It is possible to reduce pain during the period of the delivery, with a clear, slow breathing, in which exhalation is longer inhale. The relaxation of the whole musculature with a measured breath and exhalation makes it easier to access the air to the pelvices involved muscles, which reduces pain and contributes to a faster opening of the cervix.

A woman is distracted by monitoring the account of inhales and exhale, and the fruit is moving faster to generic passages. At the end of the contraction, a deep breath and maximum, relaxing and soothing exhalation, will provide a smaller soreness of the next contraction.

During the period of increasing the frequency, the pains for pain relief are used by the accelerated rhythm of breathing, breaths and exhalations must be fast and superficial. Between the attacks, the fights need to exhale and relax as much as possible, it is possible to make the uterine muscles to enrove oxygen for the subsequent maximum reduction.

Is it possible to avoid breaks with proper breathing?

After studying the techniques and methods of proper breathing to childbirth, you can independently as an anesthetic organism during battles, and exclude cervical breaks. The accelerated blood circulation of the pelvic department delivers a large oxygen dose in the blood with full relaxation of the muscles of this area.

Insoid and exhalations with the desired frequency and depth are saturated with oxygen's uterine muscles, which in this case are cut faster, revealing the neck easier and faster. At this point, it is very important to listen to the team of the obstetrician and try to follow them strictly.

The doctor sees the magnitude of the disclosure and says when you need to breathe, and when to sleep. With a qualitatively performed breathing, the cervix relaxes and opens faster, excluding breaks.

Help your husband during childbirth

The presence of a husband in childbirth has a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state of the feminine. The husband morally supports his wife, helps calm down and relax. After studying the course of the right breathing in advance with his wife, he suggests when and how to breathe, helps with a score.

If the fights go for a long time, the woman weakened and got off from the account, the husband can perform the necessary respiratory activities, and she will simply repeat the breaths and exhalations behind him. Affiliate childbirth in this case is provided by specialists, great help.

How to breathe when fighting?

At different stages of generic activity, experts recommend using the corresponding types of respiratory movement techniques. There are several ways to breathe during battles and each pregnant woman may choose the most effective of them, in captured in advance.

Types of breathing during childbirth, or how to breathe in the fights and childbirth when you are awake

The main rule is the maximum relaxation and rhythmic breathing for the greatest access of oxygen to the abdominal muscles of the fever and the fetus. Proper breathing at all stages of the battle allows economically to spend the forces, not harm and child, acts as natural anesthesia.

Abdominal breathing

At the first signs, the fights need to immediately begin slowly, diminishly breathe with mandatory relaxation after the exhalation. Alternating slow, deep breaths through the nose and long exhalations through the mouth helps calm down and relax.

Doing inhale must be tried slowly to fill the maximum possible amount of lungs. In this case, the brush muscles and muscles of the abdominal press are involved, blood circulation is enhanced and the ventilation of the lower sections of the lungs is improved.

In this way, massage of all internal organs is performed, the pressure in the abdominal cavity is evenly distributed, stimulating the cutting of the uterus.

The duration of the exhalation should be 2 times more inhale, and the time of 1 breath / exhalation should be enough for 10-15 second fight. With this method of deep breathing, abdominal muscles participate in the process automatically and do not require special attention.

Economic breathing

When the contractions begin to step regularly, but still weak and short, doctors recommend using economical breathing. With this method, the duration of breaths and exhalations with preservation of the pause between them are extended. Inchoing and exhalations are performed with simultaneous controlling the pulse: on 3 strikes of the pulse inhale and 3 strikes exhale.

Gradually, the length of the exhalation increases to 6 pulse strikes. At the same time, carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood, which dulls the sensitivity of nerve cells and helps to eliminate the muscle tension.

At the beginning of each next fight, you need to make a complete exhalation through your mouth, to relax the whole body to maximize, and then make a slow deep breath, pause and calm, long exhalation. The longer and stronger the fight, the calmer, deeper and slower it is necessary to breathe. In this way, it is possible to relax and relax the muscles and relax before childbirth.

Frequent breathing

As spasmodic generic attacks are increased, slow breathing can become ineffective and weakly removing pain. In such a situation, go to frequent, surface breathing. A short breath and trail with mouth, without a pause, without delaying the air inside itself. So it is necessary to breathe throughout the entire period of contractions, from its beginning to the end.

To enhance the result, the air needs to be exhaled through a slightly aid, or elongated lip tube. You can imagine that you need to blend the candle, it will be easier to remember the execution technique.

Possible slight dizziness in the consequence of oxygen overdose is removed at the end of the contamination of the breathing retention by 20-30 seconds. The large oxygen content increases the pain threshold and is a natural analgesic.

Breathing "Varosik"

With the reduction of the gap between the fights up to 1 min, it is recommended to use the "Varosik" breathing method. This is a combined breathing technique: starting with a slow and deep, frequency gradually increasesand decreases the depth of breaths and exhalations.

Breathing gradually passes into the surface, commensurate increases the strength of the fight. As the fight is fading, the rhythm of breathing is also slowed down.

The execution technique can be compared with the locomotive departing from the station, gaining speed and then slow down the course before the next station. After applying any options for frequent breathing at the end of the bout, it is necessary to deeply breathe air to the nose and slowly breathe through the mouth. Such a procedure is necessary for relaxation, recreation and relaxation before the next step.

How to breathe when athlete?

At the time of the occurrence of the waiting period, the technique of proper breathing makes it possible to avoid the tears of the cervix and the crotch, speed up the process itself, do not harm neither the child nor the mother. Difficulty may occur in case of fence at the lowest cervical disclosure.

Breathing with a score

Fights and sweat must be reimbursed until the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely disclosed in the variable way of breathing. Frequent and superficial during contractions and slow, deep and relaxing between the attacks.

Breathing begins with a complete exhalation of air, a deep breath, then 4-5 superficial breathing and exhalations are made, and after again the complete exhalation of all air through the lips stretched into the tube. Through thus exhausted, the feminine focuses on blowing air and is distracted by sweat.

Breath "like a dog"

To contain sweating, the way of breathing "like a dog" is used. It is necessary to start it from a slow tempo and accelerate in the course of the rise of the fight to 1-2 inhales per second. The respiratory movements are made quickly and superficially through the mouth, as a dog breathes in hot weather. In this way, the diaphragm is in constant motion and is held from pressing the bottom of the uterus, the sweating is stopped.

After that, you need to go to slow, deep breathing again. Listening to the council of the obstetrician, premature consumes can thus be in hand.
It is possible when the intervals between spasms are less than a minute. During this time, it is necessary to make maximum relaxation to access the highest amount of oxygen to the royal muscles and the child.

During the dug, you need to accurately follow the instructions of the doctor, how to breathe at a certain point. When performing sweat, it is necessary to inhale the large amount of air and direct it to the aperture and bottom of the uterus, pushing the fruit to the exit. Then make a complete, smooth exhalation and again repeat the respiratory activities 2 more times.

With the exhalation of short breaths, it is not recommended that the diaphragm does not rise, and the power of the sweat has not decreased. After the head outlet, you need to exhale, relax and on the team of the midwife to make a deep breath and repeat the respiratory procedure for the complete yield of the baby. Another sweat will be required after a few minutes to exit the last.

How to breathe to remove the tone?

Proper breathing is used to remove the tone of the uterus. When the first signs of tone appear on the floor and lower the head on the chest. Then you need to completely relax the facial and cervical muscles, making calm, deep breathing movements through the mouth.

The voltage is removed on each exhale a few minutes after the start of the exercise. The second option to remove the tone is performed on the knees. Leave your palms on the floor and lower your head.

Raising the head to get back and take a deep breath. On the exhale to bring back back and lower your head. All movements, breaths and exhalations are performed slowly and calmly. Repeat exercise 5-6 times. After the procedure, you must lie about 2 hours.

How to breathe to remove stress?

Having mastered the breathing technique in advance, the woman will know how to breathe correctly to reduce pain, causing stress when fighting, sweeping and childbirth.

The most efficient way to remove stress is slow, deep and relaxing breathing.

A long breath is done with a complete breasts through the mouth, and the exhalation extends twice. In this case, an increase in the amount of oxygen in a tense muscular, which reduces the threshold of pain sensitivity.

Such respiratory manipulations are made with an account, helping to control the length of the inhalation, pause and exhalation. After being distracted by the account, the woman in labor automatically comes out of the stressful state. Frequent breathing during the period will necessarily alternate with slow and deep, relaxing and soothing.

Experts recommend not ignoring courses, teaching future mothers of the right breath. Having studied the existing techniques and rash in physiological changes in the female organism during pregnancy, the future feminine will be able to choose a variant of the breath, suitable for himself and his baby.

Video about breathing during childbirth

Stock Footage about breathing in the battleships:

Breathing during childbirth. What is taught wrong:


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