How to remove butter from clothes. How to remove a greasy stain from a jacket

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Someone loves to cook, and someone loves to tinker in the garage with a car. But as a result, in both cases, you get oil stains as a bonus, which are so difficult to remove. Such spots can ruin not only good things, but also the mood. But do not be so upset, everything is quite fixable. Things can still be saved, but the mood can be improved. We'll show you how to get an oil stain out of your clothes at home, and the pleasure of your car on the move again or a delicious meal you've prepared will cheer you up.

Before proceeding with the procedure for removing fatty contaminants that poison your life, read the recommendations of specialists:

  • The sooner you start to get rid of the pollution, the more chances you have of a successful outcome and the less effort you have to put in. A fresh stain should be blotted off immediately with a paper towel or napkin so that the grease does not penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric.
  • When choosing a remedy, start with more gentle ones, and only if necessary move on to more aggressive ones.
  • Before use, any product should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing somewhere on the wrong side, since different fabrics react differently to certain products, and you may not only not remove the stain, but also completely ruin a good thing.
  • When preparing folk remedies, observe the proposed proportions, and when using household chemicals, follow the instructions.
  • Work the stain gently, moving from the edges to the center, so that it does not spread even more, do not rub the dirt too much.
  • If the dirt is on dense fabric, then the remover must be applied from the inside or from both sides. Be sure to place a piece of paper or material under the stain to prevent grease from spreading to other surfaces.

Important! Work in a well-ventilated area, away from children and allergy sufferers, and remember to protect your hands with gloves if you use corrosive substances.

Removing oil stains

So how to remove oil stains from clothes at home?


The easiest and most affordable remedy that is in every kitchen is table salt:

  1. Sprinkle some salt on a fresh greasy stain and rub in a little.
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes.
  3. Shake off any remaining salt.
  4. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Important! Salt can be replaced with white bread crumb. In this case, roll it up and press it against the soiled place for a few minutes.

Laundry soap

This is another easy way to get oil stains out of your clothes at home. Laundry soap washes off many types of dirt, and will not fail this time:

  • Lather the problem area with soap and leave it overnight, and wash it in the morning. In most cases, there is not even a memory left from the stains.
  • If you want to speed up the process and not wait all night, then put some sugar on the soapy area and wait 15 minutes. Now you can wash it. From such a "sweet" life, greasy stains immediately go away.

Important! Laundry soap is still in great demand. It can be used not only for washing clothes, but also for washing dishes. We have prepared a separate review in which you will find out.


Soda is another universal remedy for all occasions, in addition, it is an excellent adsorbent. We apply it like this:

  1. Fill the problem area with plenty of baking soda. You can use potato starch instead of baking soda.
  2. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Wipe off the dirt with an old toothbrush. Shake off the remains.
  4. If the contamination is very large, then the procedure can be repeated by adding a new layer of soda. Dishwashing liquid can be dripped on top of it.
  5. Rub the mixture into the stain and let sit for a while.
  6. Wash normally.

Starch, chalk or tooth powder

All of these substances are also excellent adsorbents and absorb fat:

  1. Apply any of these products to the stain and leave it on for a few hours to absorb the grease.
  2. To speed up the process, you can cover with a clean white cloth and walk with a warm iron.
  3. When the stain is gone, rinse off the rest of the product thoroughly with water, and then wash the clothes as usual.

Dishwashing liquid

Any dishwashing liquid can help get rid of greasy stains:

  1. Apply a little of the product to the problem area, lather with your fingers and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Rinse off excess product and wash clothes as usual.

Mustard powder

How to remove oil stains from clothes at home? You can use mustard powder:

  1. Dilute the powder with water until a slurry forms.
  2. Apply this gruel to the stain and leave to dry completely.
  3. Remove the remaining powder with a brush and wash the product.

Important! This is another versatile home remedy. In our separate publication, we talked about that.

Heat treatment of the spot

You can also use an iron to remove grease from your clothes:

  1. Place several layers of paper towels or toilet paper on top and bottom of the fabric.
  2. Iron the problem area with a hot iron.
  3. The hot temperature will melt the fat and absorb it into the paper.
  4. Change paper as needed.

Important! During heat treatment, you can use chalk, which will absorb grease, or a special solution that needs to be applied to dirt. The solution is prepared as follows: add 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of washing powder to 100 ml of water.

Ammonia + turpentine + laundry soap

There is a very effective way to solve the problem of how to remove sunflower oil stain on clothes. To do this, you will need to prepare a paste from one spoon of ammonia, two teaspoons of turpentine and grated laundry soap:

  1. Apply this paste to the dirt.
  2. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with hot water or a sponge dipped in hot water.

Refined gasoline

Cleaned gasoline will help remove grease stains:

  1. Soak a cotton ball or rag in the gasoline and treat the dirt.
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse off the solvent under running water and wash your clothes as usual.

Powder for cleaning plumbing

Powder for cleaning plumbing fixtures, for example, “Komet” or “Pemolux”, will help you get rid of greasy stains on a jacket or down jacket. Pour some powder on the problem area, rub gently and leave for a few minutes, and then shake off.


What if the stain is already deeply embedded in the fabric? We'll have to go to extreme measures. In this case, you can use acetone or a nail polish remover based on it:

  1. Dampen the problem area with water.
  2. Apply acetone with a cotton pad.
  3. Cover the stain with a piece of paper.
  4. Iron the fabric with a hot iron.
  5. Wash your clothes normally.

Important! This method is not suitable for delicate or synthetic fabrics.


How else can oil be removed from clothes? You can use alcohol. Just treat the dirt with it and leave it for an hour, and then wash.

Important! You can enhance the effect by adding salt to alcohol:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and half a tablespoon of salt.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain for 15 minutes and then rinse.

Ammonium + glycerin

There is a way for delicate clothes that will definitely not harm them. For this.

Soak laundry in salt, stain remover, hydrogen peroxide, or ammonia. Remove stubborn dirt with nail polish remover, turpentine, gasoline, but proceed carefully, otherwise discolored will appear in the place of the oil stain.

Vegetable fats, in comparison with car oil stains, are easier to wash off, therefore, in most cases, the use of improvised means is sufficient.

Removing fresh stains

If you see sunflower oil from fried potatoes or salad dripping onto your clothes or tablecloth, immediately pat it dry with a paper towel and salt it.

Remove and wash immediately after the meal using the following ingredients:


Pour water into a basin and pour 0.5 packs of baking soda there.

Place the tablecloth in the solution for a couple of hours and wash by hand or with a typewriter. If it is made of cotton, use hot water as it dissolves better fats, but make sure the color is not damaged before washing.

Dishwashing liquid

Removing industrial oils

It is much more difficult to wash a machine oil stain, because it penetrates into the fibers more aggressively.

It is necessary to select a detergent based on the age of contamination and material.

  • Treat a fresh stain with nail polish remover. Pour over problem area, wait 15–20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  • The old can only be removed with refined turpentine, kerosene or gasoline. Use the products in the same way as nail polish, but be prepared for the fact that poorly dyed fabrics may discolor or form holes in them if you keep your clothes treated for a long time.

Note! Use aggressive products such as gasoline as a last resort when you still have to throw away your knitwear. Avoid using them to clean black items as they may form a light stain.

Clothes will give off an unpleasant odor after washing, so machine wash them with double the amount of fragrant fabric softener.

Makeup stains

In the process of massage, the use of massage cream cannot be avoided, but it also partially consists of oils that are imprinted on clothes.

If you notice a speck on your white clothes, soak them in hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 hours and then wash them as you like.

Colored products from Johnson's Baby cream and massage oils are cleaned with salt and soda (1 tablespoon each), diluted in water. After soaking for an hour, wipe off any traces of Vaseline oil with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly.

What not to do

Improper washing can permanently damage fabrics or colors.

To avoid this, make sure that:

  • Correctly picked up the remedy. Bleach should only be used on white fabrics. Whitening agents are: hydrogen peroxide, "Whiteness", etc.
  • We checked the reaction of the tissue to the selected agent. Failure to do so will result in home repainting or inadequacy of the garment.

Wipe off fresh stains from the edges to the center before handling them. This will reduce the work area and prevent the stain from growing. Even asphalt and paving slabs can be cleaned using the ingredients described. But large-scale contamination will take a lot of product, so use a soapy solution of laundry soap, dishwashing liquid, powder, and stain remover.

Types and features of oil stains

There are many types of fats in nature: animal, creamy, vegetable (flaxseed, coke, corn, sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower oil, etc.). There are also many of them in mayonnaise and modern sauces.

Once on the fabric, they are absorbed into its structure, which leaves a trace that is difficult to get rid of.

The most difficult to remove stains remain from engine, lamp, hydraulic oil. They have a chemical structure, which is why they affect the inner layers of the tissue, so it is important to get rid of them immediately with aggressive means.

Any greasy stain should be washed off immediately. But if it was not possible to wash the jacket, fill the contamination with fine abrasive salt so that it absorbs the fats. If possible, remove the T-shirt, salt, cover with a paper towel and iron. After such treatment, the volume of the stain and its intensity will decrease, but when you come home, be sure to wash the product to get rid of the oil trace.

Larisa, August 14, 2018.

There are many types of oil that we meet literally every day and sometimes do not even guess how we could stain our favorite dress or jacket, where the stain came from, and how to get rid of it correctly.

To understand how to properly get rid of an oil stain, you need to study the types of oils and where they are used.

Types of oils

There is a certain classification of oils. There are different types:

  • readily soluble and hardly soluble;
  • non-drying, semi-drying and drying;
  • oils of animal, vegetable and technical origin.

The most common types of oils should be considered:

  • Sunflower vegetable oil obtained from sunflower seeds, semi-drying. The most used oil in cooking, it is used for dressing salads, frying, stewing. It is also used in everyday life, for example, for lubricating locks, handles, door hinges. They are also used in the production of soap and other products.
  • Vaseline oil is a refined fraction of oil that is obtained after the distillation of kerosene. Difficult to dissolve, non-drying. It is widely used in medical, pharmaceutical and food industries for equipment lubrication. It is part of creams, ointments, lipsticks.
  • Linseed vegetable oil, drying. It is used both in medicine and in cooking, as well as in cosmetology. In medicine, it is used to replenish the level of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body. In cosmetology, it is used as a component of anti-aging creams, face and body masks. In cooking - as a salad dressing, and also add a spicy taste to a dish.

  • Hydraulic oil is a technical, semi-drying, complex substance. It is an essential component for any hydraulic system. It is used in foundries, presses, heavy manipulators, machine tools, robots, plastic molding machines and many other industries.
  • Transformer oil is a refined fraction of petroleum, which is a mineral oil. It is obtained after distillation of oil, when the fraction is boiled at 300-400 degrees Celsius. The main property of this oil is electrical insulation.
  • Castor - This vegetable oil, extracted from the fruits of the Castor bean plant, is a mixture of ricinic, linoleic and oleic acid glycerides. It is actively used in medicine against various ailments. There are also legends on the Internet about the magical properties of oil, so it began to be used in cosmetology to enhance hair and eyelash growth.

  • Lampadnoe butter. Everyone knows about its use in churches, since the Lord commanded to burn oil in a lamp. In another way, lamp oil used to be called wood. It is currently used in medical practice as a mixture of refined oils.
  • Transmission oils are lubricating oils used to lubricate gearboxes, transfer cases, final drives, drive axles, steering mechanisms and more.
  • Lenten oil is a group of oils that are permitted for consumption on certain days of religious fasting. These are sunflower, corn, mustard and other vegetable oils.


Greasy oil stains can be cleaned with food products and with the tools you have at home. Food products include the following:

  • Dishwashing detergents. They contain fat-dissolving ingredients that can remove oil stains easily and easily.
  • Stain removers. As part of these funds, a certain amount of substances is mixed, which are capable of cleaning a source of pollution of any origin.
  • Soap. Everyone has soap at home. Currently, there is a huge variety of them - lumpy, liquid, toilet, antibacterial, intimate, household, bleaching.
  • Washing powders. You can use high-quality washing powders that are capable of dissolving any type of oil.
  • Bleaches. If you have a greasy stain on light or white fabrics, don't be afraid to use bleach.

Time-tested products should be attributed to improvised means:

  • Common kitchen salt. It is used as an absorbent.
  • Tooth powder, baby powder or talcum powder, starch contain small particles that can absorb oils and fats.
  • Mustard is a “grandmother's” way, housewives used it many years ago, and to this day, mustard is popular for oily contamination.
  • Petrol. This liquid has an unpleasant odor, but a good fat-dissolving effect.

  • Alcohol. You can use both ammonia and ethyl alcohol to remove the stain.
  • Acetone will perfectly rid you of the delivered drying oil contamination.
  • Vinegar. An affordable solvent that everyone has in their kitchen cupboards.
  • Baking soda. It copes well with any kind of pollution.

How to wash quickly?

It is not that difficult to remove a newly placed stain, you just need to make some effort. For fresh stains, you can use non-aggressive cleaning methods. An excellent and effective fresh stain remover is hot water, however, this product is not suitable for many products:

  • First of all, remove the item and lay it out on a horizontal surface, put either a cloth or a wooden board under the stain so that it is convenient for you to influence the place of pollution.
  • First, blot the stain with a dry cloth to absorb some of the oil. After that, you can remove the stain with the help of available bulk products in the form of salt, tooth powder, starch or talc. Sprinkle a small amount of the substance onto the fabric, rub gently with your fingers and leave to sit for a while. Then you need to shake it, and if the stain is not removed, repeat the procedure, and then wash the thing.

  • You can pour a little dish detergent into the area of ​​the oily stain, rub it into the thickness of the fabric and wait for the detergent to work. Next, you need to wash the thing using washing powder. You need to do the same with the stain remover, or simply add it to the washing powder and soak the product in warm water.
  • It is also advised to lather the dirty place with laundry soap, leave the thing in warm water for a couple of hours, and then wash it.
  • Sunflower oil can be removed with starch, which should be diluted with water. The mass should not be too liquid. It must be applied to the surface and wait. Do not let the starch take on a different color, as it can additionally stain light-colored fabric.
  • The combination of alcohol, water and salt also has a beneficial effect. You need to mix one tablespoon of salt with one tablespoon of alcohol and water.
  • The toothpaste is suitable for light and white clothes. Apply to the affected area and leave to dry. Then you can put it in the washing machine and wash.

Removing old stains

Dry mustard is considered the most harmless for the fabric. It must be diluted with warm water to form a thick mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream. Spread the solution over the dirty surface and leave to dry completely, and then rub with a brush and wash the thing as usual.

You can try to wipe off the dried stain with gasoline or some other solvent... Take the purified substance and apply to the area you need, you can additionally rub it with laundry soap. Leave it on for a while, then rinse and reapply. Then wash your clothes.

Use a mixture of glycerin, ammonia, and water. It is necessary that the fabric is soaked in this solution, and then you can wash the thing.

Another secret to remove old dried oil stain is aerosol WD-40... Apply the product to the stain, sprinkle baking soda over it and rub with a brush, then add detergent. Wash clothes.

If the stain is very old and no remedy is working, try adding another thinner to the solvent. If that doesn't work, make a mixture of three types of solvents. For example, you can make a mixture of turpentine, acetone and gasoline and get rid of the old stain.

Just do not forget that after removing the stain, you need to wash the jacket so that there are no streaks and a disgusting smell.

Features of cleaning clothes and fabrics

For example, to clean a bolognese jacket, it is better to use an absorbent product if the speck is small. Sprinkle in baking soda, salt or starch, talc and leave the jacket overnight. In the morning, the greasy stain should disappear. If the stain is large and a subsequent wash cannot be avoided, try scrubbing with bologna cloth using stain remover or detergent. We do not recommend using such aggressive solvents as gasoline, kerosene, as they can change the structure of the fabric and affect the dyes.

You can use less aggressive solvents - ethyl or ammonia. You just need to treat the place with a cotton swab and then wash the jacket or apply a lotion and leave for a while to dissolve the fats.

For the delicate fabrics of which your bedding, underwear or curtains are made, it is best to use professional household chemicals and hand wash. If your soiled item is woolen, use absorbent substances and mixtures only diluted in cold or lukewarm water, otherwise the item will stretch under the influence of hot water.

For example, sprinkle cornstarch on an oil stain on a woolen sweater, leave it on for an hour, and then shake it. Then we prepare a mixture of water and alcohol, you can add a little gasoline. We treat the dirt with a wet cloth with a mixture and leave it for half an hour, then we wash the thing.

Everyone will have some difficulty in cleaning stains from jeans. If the stain has just formed, you need to blot with a dry cloth or napkin, and then apply good quality detergent or stain remover on the fabric of jeans, leave for the product to be absorbed, and then wash the thing. From available tools, you can use refined gasoline: it will perfectly rid the product of a greasy stain, while maintaining the color and structure of the fabric. Crushed chalk also works as an absorbent and is an excellent grease remover for jeans.

While preparing a festive dinner in the kitchen, you can completely ruin your mood, you just have to add an oil stain to your clothes. Now all thoughts are only about one thing: how to wash off the oil without consequences?

It is not easy to remove sunflower oil from clothes, since it is quickly absorbed into the fabric, and it will not work to cope with it with ordinary water, even with an expensive powder. It does not dissolve at all in water.

Folk remedies come to the rescue, to which our grandmothers still resorted. Let's consider the most effective of them and save the family budget from unnecessary expenses.

Oil stains on regular fabric

Unfortunately, oil stains are not uncommon. But they should not become the subject of great chagrin, since you can wash off sunflower oil using conventional means, those that are easy to find in any apartment:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • baking soda;
  • paper towels;
  • a worn-out toothbrush.

So, what is the procedure for removing oil contamination from clothing using the above means and items?

  1. Blot the oil residue with a white paper towel. The towel should be without a pattern to avoid staining
  2. Cover the place of pollution with a thick layer of baking soda. If suddenly it is not at hand, you can take starch.
  3. Time lapse (from 30 minutes to an hour).
  4. Rub the covered area with a prepared toothbrush. Soda, absorbing oil, becomes lumpy, it can also acquire its shade. It will be possible to wash off the remaining soda during the washing of the product.
  5. If it is heavily soiled, repeat the above procedure again.
  6. Pour dishwashing liquid on the stain with baking soda residue. Rub in the product with your fingers. The result of this process should be the presence of liquid on the surface of the tissue.
  7. Add a little more liquid if the previous one is completely absorbed
  8. Machine wash according to label instructions.
  9. To enhance the effect of the washing powder, add a glass of white vinegar to the drum.

Old spots are ready to be removed

The most unpleasant case of all is when the oil imprint is invisible, and we find out about it after a long time, the thing by that time has already been washed and dried. There is no reason for sadness - and such contamination can be removed. The main thing is to prepare everything you need in advance:

  • baking soda;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • aerosol WD-40;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • a worn out toothbrush;
  • a bowl;
  • cotton swabs.

So, what is the sequence of actions to remove old oil stains from clothes? It resembles the one described above, but, nevertheless, has significant differences.

  • Stage one.

Place a piece of cardboard under the stain, the size of which should be larger than the dirt. The cardboard prevents oil from being absorbed by other layers of clothing. Indeed, when withdrawing, the size of the treated surface can increase significantly.

  • Stage two.

Spray the contaminated area with aerosol. If the oil stain is very small, you can remove it by applying the aerosol pointwise with a cotton swab. And in this case it is better to sprinkle it in a prepared bowl.

  • Stage three.

Spread a layer of baking soda as thick as possible on the aerosolized stain. And then rub it in with a toothbrush.

While rubbing in, watch out for the baking soda: when it turns into lumps, the actions can be completed.

  • Stage four.

Shake off any remaining baking soda. If you can't remove them completely, it's okay, they will disappear without a trace during the first wash. You can try to wash them a little in advance.

  • Fifth stage.

Rub a small amount of dish soap into the stain. Refill it until it is distributed in a thin layer over the entire surface of the dirt. This is necessary in order to completely remove the stain.

  • Stage six.

Machine wash according to the directions on the garment tag. Dishwashing liquid poured onto the stain does not need to be washed off additionally, it will wash itself out without any effort.

  • Seventh stage.

Make sure you can remove the stain, then hang the item on the dryer. If it was not possible to remove the contamination, the thing must be dried, and the removal procedure must be started from the beginning. Patience will help you achieve the desired result.

Denim is a capricious fabric. Removing an oil stain from it is not an easy process. But there is a whole list of tools and techniques. So now let's try to figure out how to remove oil stains without effort and effort.

  1. Blot with a napkin. Just do not rub in any way, otherwise the stain will only be absorbed more strongly into the jeans.
  2. Sprinkle the dirt with salt, wash at home with laundry soap.
  3. Use dishwashing detergent. A drop of this composition, well rubbed into the stain, and then washed in a typewriter, can work wonders.
  4. Wash jeans with a solvent - refined gasoline. The colors of your favorite trousers will be intact, and the stain will disappear forever.
  5. Wash off vegetable oil with a preliminary use of a stain remover.

    If the jeans are dark, it is best to use an oxygenated product.

  6. Treat the oil stain with potato gruel, and after about half an hour, wash it with laundry soap. Potato starch will work instead of potatoes.
  7. Clean the jeans with crushed chalk sprinkled on the wrong side. Brush off the remains, and then the product must be completely washed.

Choosing products based on the freshness of the stain and fabric of the product, the problem can be dealt with without unnecessary hassle and worries.

No one is immune from the appearance of greasy stains: oil splashed while frying, the younger tried the butter cream from the cake, and the elder returned happy and "spotty" from the garage, and everything was done.

Let's figure out effective ways to eliminate such an unpleasant embarrassment.

On contact with clothing motor oil turns into a persistent brown stain. Such a nuisance cannot be corrected by ordinary washing in an automatic machine - special means are needed here.

Folk methods of struggle

For fresh and stubborn stains, products that have been used effectively by older generations are suitable.

Please note that the methods below are not suitable for cleaning silk, wool and some synthetics. Aggressive liquids can damage the structure of the tissue and irreparably spoil the appearance.

  1. Kerosene or aviation gasoline will help remove contamination. These liquids are more aggressive, but they do an excellent job of stubborn stains that you have already lost faith in removing. To do this, apply the product to a cotton swab and rub the contaminated area from the edge to the center. The procedure takes only 5-10 minutes, then wash the item according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. Effectively oil stain will eliminate the composition of turpentine and ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply the resulting mixture to the contamination and leave for 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of tissue damage. If the stain persists, repeat. At the end of the procedure, the clothes are washed in the washing machine separately from other things. Before using the product, it is advisable to check the stability of the fabric: first fold the product on an inconspicuous area and wait 3-5 minutes.

Since these liquids have a strong odor and are strong solvents, take care of yourself - ventilate the room and use household gloves.

Handy and specialized chemistry

Kerosene is still not found in every home, but there is definitely a regular dishwashing gel or special soap. Modern manufacturers have gotten used to supplying such compositions to the shelves that can even eliminate the consequences of working with engine oil or remove traces of diesel fuel from clothes.

  1. Fresh contamination will disappear in half an hour if you drop a concentrated gel on the contaminated area. It is not worth foaming the product. Then wash the stain by hand and send it to the machine.
  2. Wash oil off clothes will help "Antipyatin". Specialized soap removes impurities from any fabric and is ranked among the most gentle, but not the most effective. Wash soiled items as usual for hand wash.
  3. A traditional liquid stain remover is powerful and can in theory be used on all fabrics. The composition is applied to the area with a greasy spot for 10-20 minutes. This is followed by a standard wash.
  4. Oxygen bleach will keep whites clean. The principle of application is the same as for the stain remover. However, the recommended time should still be slightly increased, as the oil is difficult to remove.

It is worth using a stain remover when cleaning delicate fabrics if the packaging has the appropriate markings, such as "suitable for silk", etc.

These methods will help you remove vegetable oil stains if you accidentally stain your clothes. They can also help remove greasy stains after you have washed the tar from your clothes with oil.

The first aid for contamination with vegetable oil is salt. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the stain and let the excess soak in. This approach will allow in the future with ease wash off sunflower oil even from your favorite apron or blouse. If you don't know how to remove red wine stains from clothes, then salt will also come to your rescue.

Folk remedies

You will be helped by available tools that can be found in almost every home and will help remove greasy stains from clothes.

  1. If there is no salt at hand, then it will be replaced by the crumb of white bread. Roll a soft ball and “collect” the butter. Wipe the stained area with liquid powder or dishwashing liquid.
  2. Cover the stained area and edges with starch, place a small soft cloth on top and iron. If the stain is large, change the starch and repeat the process until the fabric is clean. This is followed by a regular machine wash.
  3. For quick cleaning, use gasoline or acetone. Pre-wet the area around the stain with water. Apply the liquid to a cotton swab and treat the surface. Place A4 sheet on top and iron with a hot iron. Wash in an automatic machine at a moderate temperature.

The method under point 3 should not be used for delicate fabrics like silk, lycra, linen. Also do not use colored acetone, as it can stain light colored fabrics.

Chemistry at hand

If home remedies can easily cope with sunflower oil, it is better to remove olive and sea buckthorn oil with home chemistry. So, the standard and most effective set:

  1. The concentrated dishwashing liquid is applied for 40-50 minutes, then the clothes are washed as usual.
  2. Laundry soap for washing clothes - ideal for washing cotton and wool.
  3. The toothpaste is suitable for light and white clothes. Apply a pea to the soiled area for a couple of hours and send it to the washing machine.
  4. Bleach and stain removers are used as a last resort and only for stubborn stains.

If you decide to wash kitchen towels from grease and stains, then we have written detailed instructions for you.

Special approach - special fabrics

The main danger for delicate fabrics is that solvents and aggressive chemicals can take away paint along with the stain or completely disfigure the structure. Therefore, delicate home remedies or specialized mild chemicals are the best option.

In contrast to delicate and thin clothing, denim, especially expensive row denim and the like, have a dense structure. Due to their high density, they abundantly absorb oily liquids. So wash jeans from machine oil or vegetable fat is easiest at once. In this case, an old stain cannot be removed without consequences. After the curiosity, the stain is blotted with a napkin to take away most of the fat. Then grind raw potatoes and spread on the spot for 30 minutes. Having removed the gruel, the contamination is cleaned out with stale dark bread. Alternatives are stain remover or dishwashing liquid.


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