What gift to give a girl on March 8.

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A young man who has so far given gifts only to his mother, at the mere thought of what to give a girl on March 8, throws a strong shiver. I want to buy something inexpensive, but original, pleasant for her and tasteful. How to combine all this?

Don't worry, this feeling will accompany you every year,
because millions of men
for a century they have been struggling with the question:
"What does a woman want?"

That is why you are reading this article.
and Nadezhda is with you with recommendations that will certainly help you.

  • March 8 is a convenient time to try to guess how you can please beautiful ladies. Depending on what stage your relationship is at, what temperament the chosen one has, what hobbies and work, you can choose a good present and please your beloved.
  • Decorations
  • Book
  • Sweatshirt with print
  • Accessories

According to these criteria, I propose four options to make the fair sex happy on the most touching March day. One of them is sure to suit your chosen one.

I would like to note that a girl who likes a gift will be pleased to show her friends or immediately use it. This is such a mini test for most women, although there are exceptions.

Therefore, if you see a donated item on it, then you are lucky - it means that your work was not in vain. If you don’t see it, it doesn’t mean that you didn’t please, it’s just that your girlfriend belongs to a different category and will put it on a little later.

So the classics of presents for women ...


Of course, in the first place in the list of gift options is jewelry.

One category of women is only interested in expensive jewelry - gold, silver with expensive stones. This category of girls dreams of being a princess and accepting only luxurious jewelry as a gift from their prince.

It is easy to determine this, pay attention to what kind of jewelry she wears or whether she discusses purchases of this type with her girlfriends.

Young girls are sentimental creatures, it is important for them to have a sincere attitude towards them from a young man and the prospect of a relationship. Therefore, a simple pendant or bracelet engraved with your names will be more precious to her than gold.

By the way, many people prefer ordinary jewelry, which can be changed at least every day and selected for any wardrobe.

The exception is earrings, as a gift it is better to buy them from precious metals.

A little advice: if you don’t plan to propose marriage on this day, then it’s better not to give a ring. The present may be misinterpreted and the holiday may be overshadowed. But bracelets, chains, pendants, key rings - here the fantasy is not limited by anything!

You can buy several of these gizmos, they are inexpensive and will always find a use.


This is truly a wonderful gift! A paper book, smelling of wood and fresh ink, will appeal to a lover of reading.

Now a huge selection of various publications, both in plain and in gift binding, can become an interior decoration and a girl's pride.

The time has come when the electronic version of books will no longer surprise anyone, while a paper book with a signature and sensual words of a loved one will take pride of place on a bookshelf and in a girl's heart.

Sweatshirt with print

Pay attention to the clothes that your chosen one wears. Determine if this option is suitable for her.

Many girls love to wear men's clothes or that look like men's. If yours is one of those, then read on.

Sweatshirts have long entered modern life as one of the most popular items in the wardrobe, and if your favorite is one of them, then she will be very pleased to receive such a gift.

Ready-made sweatshirts with funny or thoughtful inscriptions, drawings are on sale.

And it is better to order your own drawing for printing on clothes. As an option - a photo of a girl or a joint romantic photo.


Inexpensive, fashionable items, chosen with taste, are a pleasure for any woman to receive for a women's holiday.

Do not forget, if you are making a purchase in a store, you can ask the seller or consultant to pick up something suitable. After a couple of questions, you will be presented with one or more options.

  • A silk scarf is never superfluous, women love to change their style with this accessory.
  • Hair clips, like the ones she wears.
  • Fluffy winter earmuffs.
  • A cool original umbrella will come in handy in the spring.
  • A small pillow with your photo will delight her. When you are not around, a girl can get bored. Then she can hug her and warm her tender heart.

    Probably for this, such pillows were invented, when hugging which improves mood.

  • And if you also attach a box of delicious chocolate with her name or a package of fortune cookies to such a pillow, the joy of owning a gift will be limitless. After all, all girls by nature have a sweet tooth.

Do not be too lazy some time before the holiday to take a closer look and listen to what your beloved wants. Perhaps the lovely lady spoke about the potential gift in passing or paid attention when walking.

It will be the best, desired gift and a great mood from receiving such a gift is guaranteed!

Choose a gift for your loved one with a soul and give from the bottom of your heart. Then the flaws in the gift will be invisible. After all, loving women understand everything, forgive everything. They treat a man in the matter of choosing a gift, like a child - he gave, it means he loves.

Do not deceive her in her expectations, make sure that when presenting a gift, she feels all the feelings and wishes that you put into it for her.

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With the onset of spring, all the fair sex seem to freeze in anticipation of their holiday, congratulations and gifts. It is very important not to disappoint the lady and try to make this day special, come up with the best congratulations and give excellent presents. I especially want to please my beloved, the one who can become a life partner and the closest person forever. Our 100 gift ideas for a girl on March 8 will help with this. We have collected the most pleasant and interesting ideas of original, useful, creative and funny presents for every taste.

100 gift options for a girl on March 8

  1. Candy bouquet. A great alternative to traditional flowers and sweets - all together and very beautiful.
  2. Ring or bracelet with romantic engraving. If you are ready for marriage, give a ring, if not yet, an elegant bracelet will be an excellent solution.
  3. Wall florarium. This is another interesting alternative to traditional bouquets. Such a wall decoration with living plants does not require complex care, but it looks beautiful and unusual.
  4. Illuminated makeup mirror. Such a present is inexpensive, but almost any girl will come in handy and like it.
  5. Comb with ionization. This is a useful device that has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. And they're just a pleasure to use.
  6. Hydromassage foot bath- a useful and pleasant purchase for every girl.
  7. Lightbox with photo. Choose the most beautiful and popular photo of a girl from the social network and order her such an extraordinary gift.
  8. Photoshoot certificate. Such a present will appeal to both a self-confident beauty and a modest woman who can look at herself and her appearance from a different angle.
  9. Silk scarf. It is advisable to find a unique hand-painted product that perfectly matches the tastes of the recipient.
  10. Unusual umbrella, for example, with a picture of the starry sky on the back, with a photo of a girl, in the shape of a heart or with backlight.
  11. Chocolate postcard or composition. It can be chocolate flowers, hearts and other cute figurines.
  12. Casket. Choose it taking into account the tastes of the girl and the interior in her room. A good idea is a box in the form of a chest of drawers, you can also give a product made of wood or decorated with natural stones.
  13. Jar with sweets, signed as a tasty cure for bad moods, failures and any troubles.
  14. Smartphone. Most women will like such a gift, but it should be better than what the recipient already has, because the present will cost you a lot.
  15. Romantic pendant. You can choose traditional heart halves, locks and keys, or engraved jewelry.
  16. Nice bag or wallet. If you know the tastes of a girl well, you can choose a handbag from a popular brand for her, if not, give preference to a stylish and concise wallet. Do not forget to put a banknote in your wallet for good luck.
  17. Romantic trip. If you are sure that the girl will be able to go on a trip immediately, you can surprise her. In other cases, it is better to warn about your plans in advance.
  18. A set of jewelry made of beads or polymer clay. If a lady loves unusual jewelry, she will surely like it.
  19. Robe. It can be something seductive and playful or just a cozy warm dressing gown, preferably with personalized embroidery.
  20. Cosmetic bag. It can be small enough to fit easily in a purse or roomy travel - girls need all sorts.
  21. Hair dryer, curling iron or other hair styling device. Choose based on the length of the hair and the recipient's favorite hairstyles.
  22. Scarf. The season of warm scarves is already coming to an end, but you can choose a light and stylish scarf to complete the look.
  23. unusual vase, for example, luminous. It must be presented with a bouquet.
  24. Certificate from a cosmetics and perfumery store. He will help out if you do not know what to give as a gift.
  25. A beautiful piggy bank. You can choose something romantic or high-tech, such as a piggy bank swallowing money or picking up coins with a paw.
  26. Book. This may be a paper edition of the girl's favorite author or an electronic reader with downloaded books to the taste of the recipient.
  27. Photo Frame. An inexpensive and cute gift, just right for the very beginning of a relationship. Be sure to insert a photo of the girl or your general photo into the frame.
  28. Aroma candles. Another budget gift that most girls like.
  29. Nicely designed towel, for example, in the form of a dessert or a flower.
  30. A beautiful hairpin or scrunchie like a girl who uses them to create hairstyles.
  31. Soft toy. This is one of the most popular souvenirs for a girl. Usually only the youngest ladies like them, but there are lovers of funny plush animals of any age. An interesting idea is a bouquet of soft toys, it is very cute and relatively inexpensive.
  32. A cup. Another traditional present, but you need to choose it correctly. You won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary cup with a cool pattern for a long time, so you should choose a chameleon mug or put a photo of a girl with a nice signature on the vessel.
  33. Horse ride. If a girl is not afraid of horses, she will be happy with such a gift.
  34. Photo cake. You can choose a photo of a girl or a beautiful postcard. The image will be printed on edible rice paper so the picture can be eaten.
  35. Skydiving. If a girl loves extreme adventures, risk and adrenaline raging in her blood, she will be delighted with such a present.
  36. A portrait of a loved one, printed or painted from a photo. You can also give a picture embroidered with a cross.
  37. Romantic song in own performance. If you do not know how to play musical instruments, you can simply find a suitable backing track on the Internet.
  38. Tea pair, decorated with rhinestones. A beautiful and practical gift at the same time.
  39. Gorgeous underwear. Such a gift is suitable only if you have a close enough relationship with the girl, and you are sure that you will not be mistaken with the size.
  40. A movie made up of your shared photos and videos. As a soundtrack, use the girl's favorite songs.
  41. pocket mirror Name engraved on the lid.
  42. PC mouse in the form of a heart or decorated with rhinestones, a girl who spends a lot of time at a PC will like it.
  43. A set of body scrubs or shower and bath products. It is advisable to choose high-quality natural cosmetics with the girl's favorite flavors.
  44. Materials for creativity or needlework such as threads, paints, polymer clay, beads, etc. like a girl who loves to create beauty with her own hands.
  45. Air humidifier with ionization or aromatization function. Dry air adversely affects the health and condition of the skin, so such a gift is useful to any girl.
  46. Beautiful thermo mug will provide your beloved with a warm drink in any convenient place and at any time.
  47. P Recolle slippers heated by USB. If a girl freezes in her legs, such a present will make her happy.
  48. Lamp in the form of a bouquet of flowers- a great idea for romantic ladies.
  49. SPA certificate, you can double to relax together and escape from all worries.
  50. business card holder- a great gift for a business lady.
  51. Columns with waterfalls will delight the music lover girl.
  52. Electronic butterfly in a jar- just like a living one, but does not require any care and will respond with a wave of wings for a long time to every touch.
  53. Romantic dinner in a nice restaurant corresponding to the tastes of the girl.
  54. Device for manicure and pedicure. This is a rather personal gift, so it is appropriate only for very close relationships.
  55. Perfume. This is one of the classic gifts, but it is worth giving it only if you are sure that you know the girl's tastes well.
  56. Bank with fireflies. Of course, there are no real insects there, but it looks very cute and romantic.
  57. Cool pillow with your general photo or in the form of an animal. You can also choose a massage pad with natural fillers.
  58. Fridge magnets with your group photos. They will remind you of love and celebration every day.
  59. A set of beautiful covers for documents. You can also choose a case for the gadget in the same style.
  60. Magnetic whiteboard. Don't forget to leave a romantic note there.
  61. Flowering plant in a pot. If a girl loves indoor flowers, she will love it.
  62. Evening in the VIP-hall of the cinema. Choose a movie that the girl will like, not necessarily something romantic.
  63. Flight in a hot air balloon. If the weather in your area allows such entertainment in March, make up your mind, there will be a lot of impressions.
  64. Photo collage. It can be a portrait of a girl, made up of photographs, or something else beautiful and romantic.
  65. Handmade soap in the form of flowers- nice and practical.
  66. Kaleidoscope. As a child, we all loved this toy, for sure, it will cheer up an adult girl.
  67. Apparatus for making ice cream or cotton candy- a great gift for a girl with a sweet tooth.
  68. Bouquet in a vacuum. These are fresh flowers packed in a sealed vase. They will not wither for several years and will remind you of the donor.
  69. Unusual flash drive- jewelry or just cool.
  70. Nice planner. If a girl likes everything to be on time and “on the shelves”, then this gift is for her.
  71. Scratch map of the world the traveler will like it, she will be able to mark places where she has already visited and those that she still dreams about.
  72. Fortune Cookies- a delicacy and at the same time an interesting game. You can order cookies with confessions instead of traditional divination.
  73. Plaid with hands- a warm gift for cozy evenings. An interesting idea - a pair of blankets for lovers.
  74. personalized water bottle for those who monitor the water balance of the body.
  75. Fitness bracelet like a girl who leads an active lifestyle and keeps fit.
  76. Beautiful and unusual glasses case- normal or sunscreen.
  77. Stylish wrist watch for those who do not like to watch the time on the phone.
  78. Blender for making smoothies for a girl who is crazy about fruit drinks.
  79. Engraved wine glasses. You can write on them the name of the girl or beautiful sayings, pleasant wishes addressed to her.
  80. Touch screen gloves. If it is still cold in your area in March, such a gift will be very useful.
  81. Named Hollywood star. It does not bring benefits, but it will amuse the recipient's pride and definitely cheer up.
  82. T-shirt or sweatshirt with an unusual and romantic print. It is advisable to come up with a sketch of the drawing yourself.
  83. Breakfast table in bed. Naturally, it should be given in the morning and already with prepared sweets.
  84. Personal water balloon with a general photo inside and hearts in the water.
  85. Lamp-projector of the starry sky. This is a perfect gift for a romantic lady.
  86. Named gift honey for the sweetest girl.
  87. Glamorous beer helmet Lover of rocking at parties will love it.
  88. Live or green postcard. After careful watering, pretty grass grows on it.
  89. Sets for spices in the form of hugging men for a romantic hostess.
  90. Gym membership will please the sports girl.
  91. Compact vibrating massager to relax and improve the quality of the body. Only it is better to remain silent about its second purpose so as not to offend the recipient.
  92. Funny medal. It can be an independent present or an addition to it.
  93. Board game for girls. Now you will never be bored if there is nothing to do in the evening.
  94. Tea strainer in the shape of a heart. It will be a nice gift or addition to the original cup.
  95. Glamor toolbox- garden or for car repair, depending on what the girl needs.
  96. USB hub in the form of tulips.
  97. Runaway alarm clock if your girlfriend is a real sleepyhead who is always late for work or school.
  98. Kiss call. Now you have to run for a kiss at the first call.
  99. Personalized chocolate bar- inexpensive and very nice.
  100. A day of unusual entertainment. Go together to the water park, skating rink, karting, bowling or other places where you have gathered for a long time, but did not have enough time.

Don't forget that girls love with their ears. It is better to come up with the best congratulations and wishes in advance, so as not to disappoint your beloved at a crucial moment. With a little effort, this March 8 is sure to be the best holiday of the year.

What to give a girl on March 8? This question arises among the guys every year on the eve of the upcoming women's holiday. Breaking their heads in search of the perfect gift option, men often buy completely unnecessary and sometimes ridiculous things. A gift for a girl is a responsible task, since most ladies have high hopes for men on this day.

To give something necessary, original and romantic, just read the suggestions in this article. Here, the main tips will be offered, according to which a man learns the right choice, regardless of the type of holiday and budget constraint.

In order to quickly decide what to give a girl on March 8, men begin to collect information much earlier. Wise girls also begin to hint in advance or inadvertently stipulate what they would like, it remains only to shake their heads and be attentive.

Tips on how to give gifts are simple:

  • 1) Consider the character of the girl. If she is practical to the core, a gift in the form of a figurine or a huge bouquet of roses for a large sum of money will cause a double reaction. And vice versa, a dreamy person is unlikely to be surprised by a gift in the form of a cup or perfume.
  • 2) Pay attention to her lifestyle. Workaholics or students can be presented with useful things for comfortable work or study. If a girl is a housewife and is fond of cooking, a certificate for cooking courses or a huge book of recipes will be an actual gift.
  • 3) Consider the age of the girl. Young ladies like gifts that give emotions and vivid impressions, older girls appreciate useful and necessary options.
  • 4) Give a gift at the right moment. Even in the process of presenting a gift, it is important not to be banal. Decorate the surprise with a bright postcard or complement it with a bouquet of flowers. Your words and congratulations will be important.

And now it's time to talk not about how to give a gift to a girl, taking into account her individual characteristics, but on what basis to choose a present. The tips will be:

  • start your search in advance of the holiday, as there will be more interesting ideas on sale and prices are much lower than on the eve of March 8;
  • you can choose a gift, relying on the girl’s hobbies and hobbies, to show her your attentiveness and complicity;
  • complement the gift with romantic little things, for example, you can make breakfast in bed, strew rose petals on the bed, prepare little notes with pleasant words;
  • decorate a present in a festive style, using gift paper, ribbons, beads and inscriptions for this;
  • designate the budget of the gift in advance so that the present does not become a not very pleasant “gift” for yourself, besides, expensive gifts are given to girls in a serious relationship.

Try to find out in advance from the girl what she dreams about, what she urgently needs, you can do it directly or find out with hints. You don’t need to try for this, most girls hint to guys on their own what they expect from them.

Important! Remember that no matter what gift you pick up by March 8, be sure to complete it with a postcard. Due to the sentimentality and romanticism of female nature, you will earn yourself a few more points in the piggy bank!

What are the gifts for a girl on March 8?

In general, gifts should be given to women, relying on strong arguments, whether it be her character, the degree of relationship with her, hobbies and needs, and much more. Gifts can be different - romantic, practical, humorous, adventurous and luxurious. Exactly the same way there are different women who prefer completely different presents.

TOP 10 standard gifts

The classics of the genre are those gifts that men give to girls in most cases and regularly. The list of standard and win-win options includes 10 ideas:

  1. Flowers- well, what woman does not love them, except that preferences can be in different types of colors. Choose tulips for a colleague, you can give wildflowers to your loved ones, roses, of course, for your beloved lady.
  2. Dessert- almost all girls have a sweet tooth, so you can present a box of chocolates, chocolate, a box of cookies, oriental sweets, etc.
  3. Jewel- such a present is given only to those girls with whom they are in a serious relationship. It can be a ring, a bracelet, a pendant on a chain, a bracelet with a name engraving. Relatives can be presented with a brooch or watch.
  4. perfume- if you know the tastes and preferences of a lady, you can safely buy a branded perfume, as any girl will be happy with the original perfume.
  5. Appliances- such a gift is often given to wives and mothers, knowing exactly what a woman needs.
  6. Cup– this piece of tableware is always in use, so a new bright mug in a beautiful design diversifies everyday life. In addition, there are many handmade dishes made of expensive porcelain in an exquisite design.
  7. Soft toy- the perfect gift for a girl at an early stage of a relationship, when there is romance and courtship from a guy. In addition, there are many handmade collectible toys on sale today.
  8. Cosmetics- for most ladies, these are essentials, the most useful and relevant present. These can be skin care kits, hair care kits, handmade soaps, etc.
  9. Photo frame or photo album- a practical and useful thing that will always be relevant, no matter who gets it.
  10. Figurine or vase- if this is a figurine, it can become an addition to the interior, if it is a vase, there will be an extra reason to give the girl flowers.

romantic gifts

If passion and romance reign in a relationship, a man takes care of his chosen one, and she emotionally reacts to all kinds of love presents, by March 8 you can give the following:

  • festive dinner- it can be a man-made dinner at home or a visit to a restaurant;
  • PHOTOSESSION- pictures in the style of "love story" will not only be a good present, but also a memory for many years;
  • journey- it can be a trip to another city, to a resort or a trip to a museum, places of various attractions;
  • cookies with wishes- these are commercially available, they allow the girl to plunge into childhood and a fairy tale;
  • rental of the VIP hall of the cinema- watching a romantic movie tête-à-tête will delight any, even unromantic person;
  • name pillow or t-shirt- there are many companies involved in the application of names and various inscriptions;
  • magnetic board- a useful gift that can be played with romantic overtones, leaving pleasant compliments and confessions of feelings on the board;
  • spa certificate- visiting different rooms for massage and cosmetic procedures will please any lady;
  • hot air balloon flight- a gift that will leave an indelible impression and memory for life;
  • keychain with engraving– under the order, you can write confessions of feelings or the girl’s name, order a keychain in the shape of a heart, after which she will see it every day, and remember you.

Original memorable gifts

The best gift for March 8 is an original and unexpected option that will leave a lasting impression on the girl. The top 10 original gifts included the following ideas:

  • engraved decoration, it can be her name, a couple of your names, wishes, parting words;
  • a set that allows you to create an author's perfume;
  • phone case with various useful features and goodies;
  • external battery for the phone in the original design, so that the girl is always in touch;
  • a master class on teaching pair dances, where you can learn something new together;
  • a portrait in a large size, which will be a girl or you in a couple, painted with paints, oils;
  • a certificate for a massage course that allows the girl to relax and rejuvenate;
  • a chest of drawers for storing handmade cosmetics;
  • cup with the image of your joint photos;
  • handmade chocolate flowers.

Is it easy for you to choose a gift for a girl?


Gifts made by yourself

Don't know what to give a girl on March 8 once again? Do you want not just to please, but to amaze her and demonstrate your feelings? Then make a gift with your own hands, and as inspiration we offer you a top list of ideas:

  • sweet bouquet- make flowers out of special paper, inserting candy into each bud;
  • coffee heart- apply glue in the shape of a heart on a piece of plywood or board, lay out the coffee beans, and then frame the resulting craft;
  • personalized chocolate- prepare a wrapper in advance in the form of your joint photo and a congratulatory inscription, print it out and place a chocolate bar there;
  • casket- on the Internet you can find training videos, and then make a box from improvised means, filling it with notes with confessions of feelings;
  • photo story- collect all your joint photos, arrange it in the form of a collage, print it and place it on the wall.

Surprises for a girl

It is best to surprise a girl with a pre-prepared surprise. What it will be, you choose, use our suggestions as a source of inspiration:

  1. Firework- it can be a simple salute, or it can be special to order, reflecting the name or even a custom photo.
  2. Video greeting- ideal for couples who are at a distance and do not have the opportunity to congratulate in person. Take the best photos, combine them into a video, overlay a romantic song.
  3. sea ​​of ​​flowers- if the budget allows, you can give your girlfriend flowers on March 8, filling the whole house or her entire bedroom with them.
  4. Congratulations on the radio- order in advance the congratulations of the girl on the radio station, ask them to play your favorite song that evokes memories, and turn on the radio at the right time.
  5. Launching Chinese lanterns- in the evening after a joint date or dinner in a restaurant, you can launch Chinese balls together.

Inexpensive but cute gifts

If a man has a limited budget, but a great desire to surprise and please his girlfriend on March 8, we offer you the following gift ideas:

  • name holder for storing business cards, cards;
  • handmade chocolate flowers;
  • a cup with an inscription or a photo;
  • multi-colored crystals in a jar for interior decoration;
  • original passport cover;
  • scented candles;
  • Handmade soap;
  • stand for jewelry and bijouterie in the original design;
  • pocket mirror;
  • photo poster with different joint photos.

Gifts - Adventure

Dreamy and emotional persons are unlikely to be happy with a gift cup, a banal bouquet of roses or perfume. True adventurers and hunters for vivid impressions will be surprised by adventure gifts, for example:

  • certificate for a shop, beauty salon, swimming pool or spa;
  • photo session in an interesting style;
  • a ticket to a master class on a case that will be interesting to her;
  • attending a retro dance party with an appropriate dress code;
  • a serenade under the window, if you, of course, have a voice and an ear for music, otherwise you can order artists;
  • a master class in hairstyles or make-up, which will be interesting and useful;
  • renting a cinema to watch a romantic movie;
  • travel to a resort or to beautiful corners of the world;
  • visiting the planetarium or greenhouse, if the girl is interested;
  • tickets to the water park for the whole day to have fun and remember childhood.

Useful gifts

For connoisseurs of practicality and usefulness of presents, you need to choose an option that she will really need. For instance:

  • box for storing all sorts of little things;
  • original USB hub for an active user of computers and mobile gadgets;
  • a plaid with sleeves to keep warm on cool spring days;
  • automatic cezve or coffee maker for connoisseurs of natural brewed coffee;
  • organizer for tools in the car, if a girl spends a lot of time driving a car;
  • original apron for a culinary lover;
  • courses to improve professional skills, depending on the type of activity of the lady;
  • portable charging so that the girl never runs out of phone;
  • umbrella in original stylish design;
  • objects for hobbies and hobbies, for example, for artists, paints and easels, inventory for sportswomen, sets for creativity and needlework, etc.

Stylish expensive gifts

If a man can afford to spend an impressive amount of money on a girl, a gift for March 8 can be in several variations:

  • original perfume from a famous designer and brand;
  • brand accessories;
  • jewelry, products to order with engraving;
  • spa certificate;
  • certificate for a Fashion photo session;
  • expensive mobile gadget;
  • trip to Paris for the weekend;
  • an animal, for example, a thoroughbred kitten, puppy, birds, etc.;
  • rare antique present;
  • fashionable coat made of natural fur and the latest collections.

What should not be given on March 8th?

There are a number of ideas for gifts for March 8, which can cause a very mixed reaction from a woman. In this regard, you should not take risks by giving gifts such as:

  1. Decorative cosmetics- it is unlikely that a man knows what kind of cosmetics a girl prefers, as a result of which the gift will lie idle.
  2. Shampoos, soaps, deodorants, hygiene products- the girl can regard this as a hint of her uncleanliness.
  3. Tableware- every woman has such goodness in bulk, and most often life is perceived not so joyfully as to give its items on holidays.
  4. Clothes, shoes, underwear- the probability of choosing the wrong size and style is too high.
  5. Comb and mirrors- gifts that fall into the category of bad omens, exactly like watches, knives and other sharp objects.

Important! If you are not familiar enough with the tastes of a girl, do not risk buying her a perfume, especially if it is an expensive high-end option.


In fact, there are a lot of ideas for a gift for a girl on March 8, it can be a practical present, something she badly needs, a romantic option with a love connotation, a date gift, an adventure, a luxurious expensive or a humorous present. The main thing is that the nature of the presented surprise is fully consistent with her character and lifestyle, as well as the format of your relationship.

It's no secret that any girl just loves surprises and gifts. But if on a normal day a girl can forgive her lover if he forgets to give her some kind of present, then March 8 to be left without gifts is just a disaster for her. On this long-awaited beautiful day, a woman dreams of an original and creative gift that she would remember for years to come.

Unfortunately, the fantasy of many of our men is such that it does not advance beyond the principle: “Children - ice cream, women - flowers”. Representatives of the stronger sex most often prefer to give women flowers, sweets, soft toys, perfumes, cosmetics, etc. So, if you want to surprise your sweetheart, we bring to your attention 10 original gift ideas for March 8th.

If you do not know what gift to choose, then the most advantageous will be to choose a gift that is useful for the girl. For a girl who likes to work out in the gym, you can give a subscription for a year to a fitness room or swimming pool, girls who love household chores - a super new combine, a slow cooker or other household appliances.

2. Animal gift

If your girlfriend loves animals very much, then you can make her an original gift - an animal. Only it is best to give not banal budgerigars or hamsters. And bring in a beautiful small aquarium a goldfish, or a small thoroughbred dog, cat, decorative rabbit. This "live" gift will always remind your chosen one of you and delight her eyes. Do not forget to also buy some food with the animal to start.

3. Gift - an original bouquet of sweets

It will look very romantic and festive if you combine such two banal gifts as flowers and sweets into a single composition. Get a gorgeous bouquet of sweets for your beloved, or try to make it yourself. Such an original gift will be not only beautiful, but also tasty.

4. Gift - gold jewelry

Often men give their women precious jewelry on March 8th. It will not be too original if you present an ordinary ring or earrings. Choose a piece of jewelry that characterizes your loved one the most, make an engraving on the item, present a piece of jewelry with an exclusive design, etc. Such a gift will never be forgotten. When presenting a gift, do not forget to create a romantic atmosphere for more romanticism and celebration.

5. Gift - accessory

Girls who follow fashion very strictly and prefer a variety of accessories in their wardrobe can be presented with original exclusive bags, gloves, scarves, belts. Only a gift must be of high quality, and if possible branded. Give your girlfriend the opportunity to show off in front of your girlfriends with the novelties of the season - and then she will be yours forever.

6. The gift is a popular fragrance

Perfume, as a rule, is not the most original gift for a woman, but if you give her high-quality branded perfumes from well-known companies, then your gift can hardly be called banal. Only buy real perfumes from the Kenzo, D&G, Adidas brands, and not cheap Chinese fakes Kemzo, Abibas and others. Also, if your girlfriend loves a variety of scented candles, you can give a set of luxurious aroma candles.

7. Gift - the latest gadgets and gadgets

I think that not a single girl will refuse and will be completely delighted with the new latest model phone, smartphone, tablet or laptop. What could be better for a man than to see a woman's stormy delight from seeing the desired gift, and even sealed in the original packaging.

8. Gift - a vacation ticket

What girl does not dream of a chic and comfortable rest, and even with her beloved. But what if you give her such an opportunity and present a ticket to an exotic hot country or to a ski snow resort. Moreover, such an unexpected gift will be a good present for you.

Even before the arrival of real spring - both according to the calendar and in their hearts - men begin to think hard about what to give the girl on March 8th. Such thoughts end, as a rule, with a headache and complete confusion, because the gift should be perfect, but where can I get one and what can it be?

It seems that the girls are very capricious, and to please them, if not impossible, then very difficult for sure. But everything should not be gloomy: after all, Women's Day is a holiday, not a labor service, so they choose the best gifts for March 8 first of all with joy.

The road is not a gift to a girl on March 8, but still ...

A jewelry store is the first place where a man goes for a gift, who wants to impress his beloved and believes that his lady of the heart deserves the best. Gold or silver "trinkets" are a great gift for a girl on March 8th. In the meantime, when choosing, you should be careful: even the most modest ring can be taken by a beloved as a hint and will look forward to the day of going to the registry office to apply. If you are not yet making plans leading to the steps of this establishment, prefer a bracelet, pendant or earrings.

Modern girls, however, are often indifferent to jewelry, but they are not indifferent to gadgets and cars. Presenting a car to a young lady is, of course, a bit too much, but if the question is what can be given to a girl on March 8 and she already has a car, then an accessory for her beloved “baby” will come in handy. A tech-savvy girl will love a smartphone or tablet.

Romance: what can you give a girl on March 8

Do you want to prove yourself a romantic? You can present the girl with an elegant piece of furniture - a table where you can have breakfast in bed. Most likely, you will be pampered with such surprises, but on a holiday you need to try, get up early and present a cup of coffee and a delicious breakfast along with a gift.

If your sweetheart prefers to spend autumn and winter evenings in an armchair reading, buy her a blanket with sleeves - then she will definitely not freeze. And to make her sleep better, give her a lamp projecting a starry sky onto the ceiling - can anything be more romantic?

Even those young people who believe that confessing their love once is enough cannot deprive their girlfriend of positive emotions. In order not to change your principles, give her some of the "heart" accessories. So what if you already gave something similar on February 14? There are never too many confessions, and thus thoughts on what to give a girl on March 8 end very easily. In order not to repeat, get something original - golfs with hearts or a pocket mirror of the appropriate shape.

Don't like any of the options? Buy her a luminous insect in a jar - no maintenance is required, and a romantic mood will be provided.

Many girls love to treat themselves to a fragrant candlelit bath. Their waterproof version is an original gift for a girl on March 8th. When a girl sings in the shower, let her sing along with the radio that you carefully present to her.

Do you often go on business trips? Order a pillowcase with your photo - in your absence, her loneliness will definitely brighten up a pillow, otherwise you never know ... On the reverse side, you can make an inscription of a romantic nature - this will perfectly complement a gift for a girl on March 8 and create a mood.

Pamper the beauty: what to give your girlfriend on March 8

Does your sweetheart care about her appearance? Then choosing what to give a girl on March 8, give preference to special things. It could be a styling product that she secretly wanted but did not dare to buy, a compact massager, or some other treatment device: a steam sauna for the face, a manicure device, or a foot bath with a hydromassage function (the latter will be a great option if work your tender lover is associated with a long stay on your feet).

A manicure set, a hair dryer with many nozzles, a massage pad (the dream of office workers), a sauna set or even a whole simulator will please the coquette no less.

An attentive man who is aware of his girlfriend's preferences and does not turn up his nose at cosmetics stores can also choose something decorative, like mascara or lipstick, but here you need to know exactly what colors the girl prefers, and even better - steal a couple of samples from her cosmetic bag and consult with a sales outlet consultant who will help clarify what to give a girl on March 8th. If you decide to buy decorative cosmetics as a gift, but there is no self-confidence, it is best to buy a certificate in a good store - and let your beloved enjoy "free" shopping.

However, when presenting such a gift, you must first sing praises to the beauty of the girl, otherwise she may perceive what she has chosen from the bottom of her heart as an offensive hint.

No hints: a gift for March 8 to a friend's or brother's girlfriend

Since not only you have a girl, you should take care of a gift for a friend's (or brother's) girlfriend. This becomes more relevant if you are going to celebrate this day together. But excessive attention will be perceived with suspicion, so it’s better to give a girl something neutral on March 8 - a box of gourmet sweets or a nice souvenir: a piggy bank, a pen, a bag holder are perfect.

Small but pleasant surprises: inexpensive gifts for March 8

On this festive day, you involuntarily want to please every girl you meet - they are all beautiful and shining like a spring. And then the question arises of what to give the girls on March 8. The answer is simple: for acquaintances and colleagues, it is also worth stocking up on gifts from the universal category.

Keychains, fridge magnets, tiny towels pressed in the form of flowers or animals will not cost a pretty penny, but they will demonstrate your knightly qualities to women.

For colleagues, you can buy the ever-necessary computer rugs, tea cups, and if you want to be original, then nice handmade soap or special roses for taking a bath, beautifully packaged in festive boxes with ribbons.

Chocolate is a universal gift for a girl on March 8. The chance that you will fall for a girl who does not love him is completely negligible. Even if your present is not the only box or tile presented that day, the girl will still be happy.

Do not forget that giving a gift is a more than important moment, because women love compliments. Warm words can please them even more than the most expensive gift.


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