Master class Materials and tools Simulation Designing Drawing and painting eyes for toys Fast and easy way Paper glue felt. How to make eyes a soft toy? How to make the poch of the toy soft

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Want to teach how to make eyes for a toy? Now you will tell you everything and show.
This post with video is a more advanced version of my direct ether, which was in April 2018. There will be a lot of text here because I decided to calculate and show that it is more profitable to do it more profitable than buying ready.
We all like glass eyes for toys with incredible beauty with pupils, well, I like me so exactly. Moreover, with the current choice of pupils, you can go crazy with the desired, they are all so beautiful!
Video via text below. Do not hurry
And when once again I suffered choosing my eyes for, and no of my reserves approached, I decided to buy it. I found an account in Instagram, lost in it for a couple of days, could not decide on the choice in any way, as a result, the choice fell on these:

3 pairs of eyes with a lens-hemisphere with a diameter of 14 mm of 110 rubles. \u003d 330 rubles *
2 pairs of eyes with a lens-hemisphere with a diameter of 16 mm 150 rubles. \u003d 300 rubles
Plus delivery 220 rubles
TOTAL: 850 rubles.

Dear for 5 pairs, I thought. And decided, and what if you do the same? Here, I came to the rescue, I came by all the favorite Aliexpress and the essy trading platform. I ordered an aliexpress lenses of different diameters, namely:
50 pairs (100 pcs) Eyes with a lens-hemisphere with a diameter of 8 mm worth 96 rubles.
15 pairs (30 pcs) Eyes with a lens-hemisphere with a diameter of 14 mm worth 110 rubles.
5 pairs (10 pcs) Eyes with a lens-hemisphere with a diameter of 20 mm worth 82 rubles.
Free delivery.
TOTAL: 288 rubles and 26 days for delivery.

Approx. The hemisphere lens is half a ball, there are flat lenses on Aliexpress and already finished eyes, they look not very, and the iris is not clear in them, I do not advise them.
But one glass will not cost, you need more iris. I already searched for the Etsy website. Found there is a 6DOGARTSCOLLAGAGE store, there is just a super cool choice of rainbow. I bought a set for 4.24 $ (~ 290 rubles). The kit includes such dimensions: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5 mm.
Approx. On ETSY you can simply drive the search phrase "EYES DIGITAL" or "DOLL EYES DIGITAL" and choose to breathtomasses.
All that remains is to go to the nearest printing of photos and print on the glossy photo paper (the size of the A4 sheet) the necessary iris. When buying files with pupils, you remain forever and you can print their infinite number of times. Since my lenses were a diameter of 8, 14 and 20 mm, then I printed the same size iris. It turned out 3 sheets of 25 rubles.

Lenses from the Chinese site + iris + printout \u003d 653 rubles.
850-653 \u003d 197 rubles differences.

But that's not all. To make eyes, my way needs some more tools, and in particular the lamp for drying gel varnish and the top for the coating of the gel varnish. All this I have already been bought for a long time (somehow once I realized that I was tired of repainting my nails every 2-3 days and bought myself a mini lamp and any varnishes). The lamp cost me at that time in 410 rubles (now she is worth 199 rubles all, just need to take), the top cost 182 rubles. But these amounts can not be taken into account, since they are not bought to create an eye, but for manicure. It should be noted that the top is very, very little.

And now solid mathematics, ready?

I want to calculate the cost of the eye with a diameter of 14 mm. With all my costs (lenses, iris, printout, and let's take the same lamp and top) 110 + 290 + 25 + 410 + 182 \u003d 1017 rubles.
We have 15 steam 14 mm of peephole, which means 1017/15 \u003d 67 rubles With penny for a couple.
Remember that in the store Instagram 110 rubles a couple. 110-67 \u003d. 43 rubles differences.
And if you do not take into account the lamp and the top (they already suppose you already have), then 110 + 290 + 25 \u003d 425 rubles.
425/15 Par \u003d. 28 rubles With penny for a couple.
110-28=82 ruble differences.

The manufacture of toys is becoming more and more popular creativity. Moreover, all the necessary materials for sewing or knitting is easy to find in ordinary stores. But with such a seemingly trifle, as eyes often arise difficulties. After all, finding something similar to them in the store is not easy. In this case, it is useful to learn how to make eyes for toys with your own hands. This will greatly solve the problem and will not take much time.

We sew beautiful eyes for toys from plastic spoons

For large soft toys and dolls, plastic eyes are perfectly suitable. You can make them very simple and fast.

Two plastic spoons, acrylic paints, double-sided adhesive and sandpaper will be needed for work.

You will need only oval snaps of spoons, so they need to be carefully cut off from the handles. On the convex surfaces, you need a slightly to walk by sandpaper so that paint sticks well to them.

Future eyes are kpripim to the cardboard two-way scotch and apply white paint. From above, we draw the contours of the rainbow - green (blue or brown) ovals.

We draw black pupils, black iris stroke. White paint applied small ticks-glare. Eyelids draw by corporal color. Eyes are ready!

How can you connect your eyes with crochet?

Knitted eyes are perfectly suitable for a knitted toy, but they can also be used for other soft toys.

To work, you will need:
  • Three colors yarn - white, green and black.
  • Hook
  • Needle sewing
Description of knitting work.

Our master class begins with knitting black yarn: you need to dial 3 air hinges, closure them into the ring and penetrate 9 semi columns with naidami. Then we connect the green thread and insert the next row of 2 semi column with an attachment to each of the previous rows.

Then knit white thread according to the following scheme: air loop, 2 columns without an inlet, a semi-solitary with an attachment, a semi-sololbik with an attachment and a column with an attachment, a column with an attachment, a column with an attachment and a semi-solol with an attachment, a semi-sololbik with an attachment, 2 columns without nakidov Stage, secure and cut off the thread of sufficient length to form a glare on the pupil.

Small lines embroider glare on pupils. Eyes are ready!

Mastery quickly and easily eyes for toys from felt do it yourself

Such eyes are perfect for dolls made by their own hands. It will take a sheet felt, artificial cilia, "moment" glue, scissors, cardboard sheet, pencil.

To start the eyes you need to draw. The form of them can be different, depending on the type of toy.

Drawn eyes need to be cut and try on a toy, if necessary, adjust the size or shape. One of the eyes cut the pupil so that cardboard patterns become templates. On the outer contour, cut out the blank from the white felt. On a small template - internal parts from blue or green.

Glue the blanks with each other. Cut and glipes from white felt. The contours need to be covered with a thin black marker. We glue the cilia. Eyes for dolls are ready!

From plastics and epoxy resin.

Black billets of pupils with white glare points need to be loosened from plastics and bake.

Epoxy resin wept according to the instructions in the package. To give the eyes a beautiful shade, add some ink from the gel rod into the solution, you can take any suitable color.

Then we take empty blisters from under the tablets. In the deepening we put pupils and pour epoxy resin. Very convenient to do it with a syringe. Toothpick will help slightly moving. It is necessary that there are no bubbles in the resin.

Leave your eyes for drying about a day. Cut the cells from under the tablets so as not to capture anything superfluous.

Optionally, you can make eyelashes. Ready can be found in stores, or make them with your own hands using a fishing line, threads, yarn, etc.

Create black eyes from yarn and glue for dolls

This is another simple and understandable way to make eyes for toys from girlfriend. Yarn needs two colors - black and color suitable for iris (green, blue, brown, etc.). It will take quite a bit. Therefore, you can take any remnants of threads from knitting or ask for someone who knits.

You need to choose the transparent glue "moment". We lay out the main yarn in the form of a mug, from above - a small black circle. Glue squeeze a drop of suitable size on yarn and let dry. Excess yarn needs to be cut with scissors.

In addition, the eyes can be made from the size of round or oval buttons. Coloring buttons can be acrylic paints. Instead of buttons, you can also take beads.

On some toys they will look good eyes from the fabric or skin, which can be done like the eye from the felt in the master class shown above.

Video on the topic

For those who want to disassemble the topic more and learn new interesting ideas, we have prepared a selection of video master classes:

Dear lover of dolls from Capron, once a long time asked me to make a master class about how I was drawing eyes for dolls. Now I finally gathered) I hope you will use my way to create peaked eyes.

Materials and tools I use the following:

  • buttons
  • acrylic paints
  • toothpick
  • nail Polish (White and Transparent)
  • tassels
  • pencil
  • stencil

These are the buttons I use for puppet eyes. If the button with the protruding leg, then it can be bought off with impressions.

Buttons are covered with white nail polish. By 2-3 layers. Well sushim.

With the help of a screen line, a simple pencil draw a circle, which will then be painted.

Take acrylic paints. The main color (green, blue, brown) paint the circle ...

... without giving drying the main color, we take the white paint and, ranging from the center, we will flash our iris. Due to the fact that the main color is not yet enough, it is mixed with white.

The upper left part of the iris can be made slightly darker, and the right lower slightly lighter. In the process you have to work alternately dark, then white paint to achieve the desired effect.

We dry the paint and draw the rays on the iris.

On blue eyes, it will be blue and white, on Karich - yellow and brown.

In the center of black paint draw pupil. T. K. White base is varnish, then the contour of the iris can be easily adjusted, neatly erased with an excess wet drum wrapped on the toothpick.

We put white brishes with a thin brush or toothpick.

Simplestly drawn small eyes for dolls. Only protein can not be left. On the entire surface of the button, draw the iris.

We dry out the paint and cover the eyes with a transparent varnish. At least 3-4 layers. Each layer we succeed well.

On the finished eyes glue eyelids and eyelashes. E. Lavrentieva and other masters have a detailed MK on centuries. I do not see the point.

Here are other eyes for example.

Handmade toys are in great demand in both children and adults. Masters and craftswomen are put in soul in the characters being created, so each item is important. It is said that the eyes - the soul mirror. This faithful remark can be attributed to the same success to the dolls or toys. How to make eyes with your own hands, this article will help to deal. Properly chosen eyes will give the product the right mood and character. Therefore, for their choice you pay considerable time.

Pluses of eye creation independently

The world of fittings is rich in its diversity of finished elements for new creatures: nozzles, eyes, cilia, mustache. But all this product is focused on mass factory production. Undoubtedly, in a similar assortment, you can choose the necessary details. But the eyes created by their own hands are fundamentally different in uniqueness.

The most important advantages of your independent manufacture will be the following:

  • any material. You do not need to bind to finished products, fantasy and creative will help you make a toy unforgettable;
  • the desired form, because in the stores in the eyes are usually round or oval. But no one forbids the doll to make eyes in the form of hearts;
  • suitable color, which is also represented in a fairly stingy assortment (yellow, blue, green, carial or black). Rarely encountered rainbow shells are rare.

We choose the material of future eye

In fact, in this issue, the chief assistant is your unlimited fantasy. After all, the material can be anything (or what can be glued well). The main nuance is that the eyes are durable, and not broken every other day. More stringent quality requirements refer to children's toys: well glued or sewn, safe, not fragile. If a doll or a toy is considered, which will stand on the shelf for beauty, then the choice will be wider.

For auxiliary push, your thoughts can list the most popular and used materials for the toy eye (they are completely easy to do them):

  • glass (transparent boosters as a basis);
  • cabochons from epoxy resin, as an alternative to the glass;
  • wooden elements (buttons, blanks of the desired shape and size);
  • siliated with eye wool;
  • patterns of leather or felt;
  • associated eyes;
  • beads;
  • nuts (excellent option for steampunk style or robot);
  • plastic or polymer clay.

Classics of the genre

The most familiar and frequently found are for toys. You can create them in a matter of minutes

For the manufacture you will need three types of components:

  • glass boosters of the desired size and shape,
  • base for fastening to the toy,
  • materials for giving color eyes.

To connect the glazing, you will need glue. Usually, the experienced needlewomen advise "Crystal", superclones for shoes, adhesive gun. This is already depending on personal preferences. A set of other tools will depend on the selected materials.

Fastening is convenient to make from the base of earrings-carnations. It is easy to glue to the eye one side and will not be difficult to make a comfortable loop on the other side. As another option, you can offer the finished eye to glue to the toy or sew.

And finally, there was a choice of material or materials for giving the color to the eyes. In this case, the uncontrollable fantasy of the creator is entering the game. The easiest way is to print the picture and cut. It should be borne in mind that when washing the paper may be damaged. The second option is to draw a rainbow shell and pupil on a flat side of the cabochon. To do this, you can use paints (acrylic, oil, you can try gouache or any enough thick paint), nail polishes (according to reviews, saturated colors are obtained), markers, markers. In general, everything you can draw.

Prepare all the necessary tools, start using glue to collect glass eyes for toys with your own hands. Ways to create them, as you see, a great set.

Similarly, instead of glass cabochons, you can use their option from epoxy resin. One of the advantages of this material is that the form can be made independently. That is, you will no longer be binding to size, form or bulge.

A distinctive feature of such a type of eye (from glass or resin) is the volume of parts and natural glare. A doll or toy will seem like a living look.

For those who are for ecology

In the era of the desire for natural materials, wooden buttons or billet from the tree of the desired form will serve as an excellent eye option (found in stores for creativity and needlework). Add painted with paints, wovers (again at your discretion, use everything that draws). For better protection against external factors, cover protective varnish. And the new toy looks at the world around the world with wooden eyes. For toys of wood, you can make many details: nose, brooches, butchers. When connecting two or more items, your creation will look harmonious and completed.

Required tools:

  • buttons or wood blanks,
  • paints or markers,
  • lacquer for fixing the drawing,
  • needle with thread (if the eyes will joys),
  • glue (if the eyes are glued).

Felt, leather. What do you add more?

For the manufacture of peepholes for toys with your own hands from such materials you will need:

  • scissors, best manicure, as items need to do neatly and usually small sizes,
  • glue,
  • slices of leather or felt of the desired colors (in the absence of multicolored, you can use the paints).

Need to cut three parts for each eye: the sclera (the largest circle or oval, it is a protein of the eye), a rainbow shell (the average part), pupil (the smallest circle, usually black, but this is your unique toy, so You can experiment).

The next step will be bonding layers of your billets into a single design. After that, connect already with a toy.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to glue very carefully, especially the edges of the patterns. So that in the future the eyes did not disengage, skip the circles around the perimeter.

In addition to leather or felt, you can use any dense fabric. The patterns connected in three layers attached to their eyes with a convex form, which looks volume and natural enough.

Eye bugs

After all, they are often called them. And not in vain. After all, the role of eyes are a variety of decorated buttons, buttons, beads.

For example, beads are perfectly connected with round head pins. Metal needle at the end sprawl, holding two details together. At first it may seem absurd to connect two balls together, but in practice it looks very original.

Buttons to give similarity with the eye can be painted with paints, stick rhinestones.

Such ideas are also relevant, so do not refuse to make eyes for toys with your own hands.

Deliver hooks, needles, threads

Separate attention deserve knitted toys. Eyes for them can be made in several ways.

First, tie the bulk balls for the size, to glue pupils from another material or embroider with contrasting color.

Secondly, the crochet separately knit flat drawings of the eye, after which they join the toy (again or glued, or sewn). It is convenient to such an option in that it is immediately manufactured by the eye of multicolored threads. If a ready scheme is used, then the main thing is not to forget to make the details symmetrical.

Thirdly, you can use the technique of embroidery with a cross or stroke. It turns out to achieve stunning results, if you use multi-colored threads.

In this way, they are created with their own hands with eyes for knitted toys. The option is good because the same material is involved in the work - threads. Therefore, creation will look holiely.

They are alive

We are talking about pupils that can move if the toy is shaking. There are ways to make them with your own hands, so as not to search for in stores.

For this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • empty blister packs from tablets (do not forget to wash them from medicines),
  • as a pupil of beads, halves of peas (everything will depend on the desired size),
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • paper or cardboard for the main background of the eye (optionally white),
  • paints.

The first step is staining the pupil into the black color (or you need) and let the time to dry.

From empty packaging tablets, cut off the two departments in which the painted pupils are placed.

On the back background gently glue a cardboard or paper.

Now it remains only to gently trim the finished eyes with scissors and glue to the toy.

Everything is ready, you can shake your doll, her pupils will jump into the pace.

Who was done sooo long, and I had a snag in my eyes. I wanted precisely plastic store. However, you have nowhere to buy me, and it is expensive. If via the Internet, then it is not possible to choose, because Neither in size, nor in shape, nor in color even the idea was not that I need. In general, I tried in different ways, nothing happened, my dolls went to the closet. And then once, and everything turned out.

What we need:
1. Regular white paper
2. Printer (I have black and white, if you have a color, then the next item may not be needed)
3. Multicolored gel pens
4. Adhesive Pistol
5. Felt
6. Varnish (I have acrylic, you can anyone, you can transparent colorless for nails)
7. A piece of scotch painting
8. Scotch ordinary transparent is not the most narrow.

So, on the Internet found many different eyes, saved on the computer. In the simplest Paint program, only those eyes that I needed, copied everything to one sheet, saved. Then what happened printed in different sizes, so that then you could choose, and the eyes themselves all different sizes were preserved, so everyone caught up in size, so to speak. Be sure to change the settings in the printer so that you print as possible.

What happened, cut out as you can see in the photo, with the front side we stick to scotch.

I cut out eyes, I screw hot glue onto the felt, cut out again.

The last stage remained, we need to cover this business lacquer. For this eye, I stick to the greasy scotch to be comfortable. Two or three, and you can and four layers of varnish, everything. Singing eyes, you can use !!!


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