Is it possible to make a hairy eyebrow tattoo. Modern hair method of eyebrow tattooing

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Permanent makeup or, as it is often called by the people, permanent makeup or contour makeup is a special makeup technique that allows you to forget about the daily use of decorative cosmetics. Permanent make-up is a kind of gentle type of tattoo.

The technique is very similar to the process of tattooing, it consists in introducing pigment into the upper layers of the skin (rather shallowly) using a special apparatus or a needle in order to create a permanent pattern on the skin of the face, which emphasizes the features and imitates ordinary makeup. Usually, make-up is used to add expression to eyebrows, lip contour, to create charming eyelids and to mask small scars on the skin.

Today, two types of tattoo are used, which differ in technique.

  1. Hardware tattooing - the method implies that the pigment is applied using a special apparatus, the needle of which is driven by an electric motor.
  2. Manual tattooing is done manually with a needle attached to a special holder.

Unfortunately, not every girl can boast of the perfect shape of her eyebrows; many make long-term manipulations every day, creating the desired image. Of course, specially designed pencils and shadows for these purposes help to achieve the desired result, but these funds do not last long and are washed off from exposure to water.

After two to three hours, the eyebrows will have to be tinted again, and it is also not advisable to get into the rain and go to the pool. It is for this reason that today tattooing is the best solution for preserving and correcting the shape of these facial elements. Permanent eyebrow tint is primarily distinguished by its durability, the tattoo lasts for about 2-3 years. At the same time, the modern application technique allows you to achieve a very natural look of the eyebrows.

Nowadays, many beauty salons offer permanent eyebrow application services. Its main types are:

  • smooth shading method;
  • hairy;
  • 3D method;
  • shooting;
  • microblading.

The method of smooth shading is the application of a line on the surface of the skin that bears the maximum resemblance to a tinted eyebrow pencil or shadow. This technique is suitable for creating the effect of thick eyebrows of the desired shape.

Microblading is an innovative application technique. It is applied using a disposable scalpel (micro blade), which creates the finest hairs.

This technology is very painstaking, it requires the dexterity and skill of the master, but the hairs are very natural without blurring and shading.

Shooting method is a technique that combines hair and feathering methods. Allows you to create eyebrows of any length, width and thickness. At the same time, they will look very natural.

Lash method of application

The eyelash tattooing technique appeared quite recently, but it already has many fans. For many, this particular method is an excellent solution for eyebrow shaping.

This technique helps to create the most natural look. It consists in drawing individual hairs with a needle, thereby creating the desired shape. Hair application is done with a tattoo machine or by hand by a master and requires a lot of experience and manual dexterity. In terms of time, the procedure takes from 30 minutes to one hour, the duration depends on the volume and complexity of the work. Some girls only need to draw a few hairs, while others may need to recreate from scratch.

According to reviews, such makeup has an average durability of up to seven years. Usually this parameter is influenced by such properties of the pigment as its quality and depth of application, as well as the general state of immunity, cardiovascular system and other individual characteristics of the client. German-made pigments, when injected under the skin to a depth of 0.5 mm, will last from one to three years on average. Pigments made in the USA usually last up to five years. There are also girls who do tattooing with a depth of 2 mm pigment and a durability of up to 10 years. Correction should be carried out approximately one to two months after the first procedure, regardless of the pigment manufacturer.

Today there are two main techniques:

  • European;
  • oriental or Japanese.

Hair application - European technique

European is the drawing of thin stripes in the eyebrow area. All stripes (hairs) are placed at the same distance from each other, and also have the same direction and length.

The procedure itself is performed in two stages.

  1. First of all, the master applies a darker color pigment to the desired area, which is driven deep enough into the layers of the dermis.
  2. At the second stage, the top coat is performed, which is a lighter pigment driven into the surface layers of the dermis and is perfect for women with fragile facial features.

Eastern technique

The oriental technique is ideal for girls and women with large, pronounced facial features, as well as for ladies who want to have natural wide eyebrows. The procedure is similar to the European tattooing technique and consists of two stages. First of all, the master draws dark deeper lines, shading is carried out, and during the second stage a light permanent is applied to the surface layer.

The difference between these two methods is the technique of applying the strips (hairs) themselves. In the European, the hairs are drawn in one direction, and in the east, the lines are arranged chaotically, in places intertwining with each other.

The master specially applies the hairs randomly and does not maintain the same distance between the hairs. The hairs drawn in different directions create the effect of natural wide eyebrows.

Pros and cons of this method

Like any procedure, this method has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive qualities include:

  • firmness;
  • natural looking hairs as a result;
  • there is no need to purchase makeup products for this area;
  • the ability to fully reproduce the eyebrows if they are absent for any reason;
  • for a long time, you can forget about worries about the form.

The method also has disadvantages, which include the presence of a list of contraindications, the duration of the process, the high cost and a long period of rehabilitation (after the procedure, it is recommended to be at rest for about 7 days).

Contraindications for the procedure

Unfortunately, along with a huge number of positive characteristics, this method has a number of contraindications.

  1. This procedure is contraindicated for women suffering from cancer and various kinds of malignant tumors.
  2. It is not advisable to do a tattoo during pregnancy and lactation, some women have increased skin sensitivity at this time, but in most cases the pigment simply will not be taken, and the money will be wasted.
  3. It is also forbidden to carry out the procedure during menstruation.
  4. Any type of application is strictly contraindicated for persons suffering from blood clotting disorders (hemophilia), diabetes mellitus and vascular diseases.

Preparation for the procedure and the process itself

First of all, you need to consult with a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications. After that, you can start directly preparing for the procedure.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the area on which the makeup will be performed. This can be done with a gentle peeling that will cleanse your face and remove dead skin cells. It is worth giving up drinks containing caffeine and alcohol in advance the day before the procedure.

It is also forbidden to take blood thinners before the procedure.

Immediately before the tattoo, the beautician will form the shape of the future eyebrows and draw it, so you should not use tweezers on your own, removing excess hairs. When creating the form, the features of your face and your wishes will be taken into account. After the form is selected, the beautician will proceed to the main procedure.

During the process, anesthesia will be used in the form of a liquid or cream, which acts only superficially. After the anesthesia has worked, which is about 20-30 minutes, the beautician will proceed to applying the hairs with a needle. On average, the process takes about an hour and is practically painless.

What should be done after the procedure?

After the process, you will need some time to care for your eyebrows according to the recommendations of the beautician. During this period, you should also refrain from alcoholic beverages, coffee and taking antibiotics. It is forbidden to use decorative cosmetics.

In no case should you peel off the scabs formed in the area of ​​the tattoo and wet this place for several days.

After such makeup, redness and swelling will appear on the skin - this is normal, since it has been exposed to aggressive effects. In order not to aggravate the condition, it is forbidden to rub the skin with a towel, touch it with your hands, scratch it or in any other way.

Most often, in the first days, it is required to lightly wipe the tattoo area with a damp cotton pad to eliminate the ichor, but it should not be allowed to dry out. After it stops, it is recommended to apply a tetracycline solution.

After the crust disappears, you will need to apply Troxerutin or Troxevasin a few hours before going to bed. A month later, a correction is made.

It should be noted that the desired effect after the procedure does not appear immediately. Only after proper care and the first correction will you be able to evaluate the final result.

Service cost

Despite the fact that this method is very popular, many women note that the procedure for applying eyebrows is quite an expensive pleasure. On average, the service costs from two to seven thousand rubles. The price mainly depends on the material used by the craftsman and his experience. For this, it is strongly recommended to contact only qualified cosmetologists. To save money for the next correction, it is recommended to contact the same master who made the tattoo, usually discounts are provided for regular customers, and the correction itself is always cheaper.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this type of makeup is a completely safe procedure that allows millions of women to emphasize their beauty!

How beautiful the stars look on the TV screen, how perfect the look of their eyebrows is ... Is it possible that nature rewards all famous women with gorgeous facial features from birth? Of course not! These are ordinary people who use the services of cosmetologists, stylists, make-up artists and often correct the mistakes of nature with the help of micropigmentation services. This is a popular procedure today, which is performed in almost any major beauty and tattoo parlor. The transformation takes about an hour, and the result lasts for more than one year.

Features of the hair technique for applying permanent makeup

In the last couple of years, more and more women have chosen the hair dye method. The popularity of this variety is easy to explain - it looks natural even at very close range. The specialist accurately draws hairs, which can have different directions, lengths and thicknesses. There are many shades of coloring pigment, so the master easily selects the color that is closest to the color of natural vegetation.

The procedure is quite expensive, so all clients are concerned about the question: “ How long does the permanent makeup hair method last? When may correction be needed?". It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to these questions. To establish an approximate time frame, there are several important points to keep in mind. The service life of a permanent depends not only on the master, but also on its owner. The master must give a reminder and tell about the rules of care.

  • do not wet with water until the crust comes off;
  • try not to touch the pillow with your face;
  • you can not rub your face with a towel after washing, you can only get slightly wet;
  • wipe the bloody mass on the eyebrows with cotton pads or sticks;
  • lubricate the tattooed areas with tetracycline ointment, do not let it dry completely;
  • do not scrape off the crust, it should come off naturally;
  • after healing, you need to lubricate the eyebrows with ointments, which the master will prescribe after the procedure.

How long does the color last

Make-up, for which the method of application with separate hairs was chosen, lasts for a long time - from two to six years. How long the color will maintain its intensity depends on a large number of factors. Using the table below, you can roughly determine the lifespan of your new eyebrows.

Factors affecting color retention duration

Staining lasts more than 2 years Permanent make-up retains brightness for a maximum of 2 years
Client's age under 40 over 40 years old
Solarium visit, frequency of sun exposure rare exposure to sunlight prolonged sunbathing
Skin type dry, normal fatty
Depth of application into deep layers Into the surface layer
Color pigment quality high low
Skin cell renewal rate delayed fast
Color pigment type dark

It is necessary to find out about the cost and quality of permanent makeup paint in advance from the master to whom you decided to entrust your face.

Now let's find out how much should pass before the first correction. Dermopigmentation experts recommend correcting once a year. This is especially required to do on the eyebrows, which have separately traced hairs, located separately from the bulk. Often women come for a second procedure to change the color of their makeup or correct the curve. In addition, the fashion in visage changes frequently, and the hair method is ideal for making any changes to the shape.

Masters who have been making permanent makeup for more than one year note that girls under 25 come for correction approximately every 1.5-2 years. At an older age, re-staining with a pigment is required much later - the paint lasts up to 3 years. For modern girls, 5 years seems too long, and they cannot walk with one uniform for so long. Correction is required in any case, but remember that it cannot be done too often.

Eyebrow dyeing is prohibited for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • poor blood clotting
  • hypertension
  • diabetes mellitus
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system
  • cancer
  • allergic reactions to paint components

How to increase the lifespan of tattoo makeup

Any method of applying permanent make-up assumes that during the procedure a special dye is injected under the skin, which can lose its color intensity under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Each shade contains several different colors. How many paints to mix should be determined by a specialist at a preliminary interview. This is done so that the tattoo is as similar as possible in tone to natural hairs and matches the skin tone of the face. The most stable tones are gray and red. With constant exposure to the sun on fake make-up, the base color of the eyebrows can take on a grayish or reddish tint.

In order for the tattoo to remain in its original form for many years, it is necessary to provide it with proper care:

  • Before purchasing cosmetic care products, creams, carefully study their effect, since some of them have a skin whitening effect. This is especially true for anti-aging creams, lotions and masks.
  • Try to protect your face from sun exposure as much as possible.
  • You cannot scrub the eyebrow area and do peels.
  • Women who use the services of tanning salons need to apply a sun protection cream with a high level of protection to the tattoo, the minimum factor is 30 UV. Usually, this level of protection can be provided by special sunscreens for the neck and face area, as well as baby creams.

If after a while the pigment has become lighter, then do not be alarmed, this is a normal reaction.

Lightening does not mean that you have violated the rules of caring for permanent makeup. This effect is due to the fact that after damage the skin recovered, regeneration processes took place, which influenced the intensity of the coloring pigment. How long this can happen is unknown, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Now you know how to properly care for fresh permanent makeup, and what actions will help to extend its lifespan. The hair-based method of applying paint heals very quickly, and the original look lasts for a rather long time, unlike other techniques. Women who choose this tattoo may not think about the appearance of their eyebrows, their face is always expressive and looks well-groomed.

Few would undertake to argue with the assertion that every representative of the fair sex strives to look beautiful and well-groomed. To do this, girls have to resort to various tricks: they build up their nails, eyelashes and hair, monitor their diet and visit gyms, do hair styling and apply cosmetics on their faces every day, and choose appropriate clothes.

Recently, the technique of permanent makeup has become very popular. This includes the tattooing of lips, eyebrows and space between the eyelashes. Let's consider in detail: the methods of carrying out and the time of use.

Eyebrow tattoo

With the help, you can change your facial expression beyond recognition. You can ask the master to give your appearance a more serious look, or, conversely, get a flirty facial expression.

If you decide to tattoo your eyebrows, the methods of applying paint can be different:

  • shaded drawing;
  • volumetric view;

Consider the technique for performing these types of makeup.

Feathering color

By choosing this version of the pattern, you will get a clear eyebrow line, the inner cavity of which will be filled with one color. The master selects the most suitable shade for you and carries out the so-called color alignment.

Volumetric drawing

This method of performing permanent makeup can be considered a novelty. The master carefully draws the lower hairs, after which he makes the top layer more defined. As a result, your eyebrows appear visually fuller and more effective.

Hair eyebrow tattoo

Unlike its predecessor, this type of makeup is done with so-called hairs. The master first creates an eyebrow contour, after which he begins to fill its cavity. Carefully drawing each hair, the specialist creates a graceful and even arc.

Execution technique

Before starting work, you need to decide and choose what kind of tattoo you want.

In most cases, the fair sex choose the hair-like method of applying paint. After you have decided on the technique of execution, the master draws an eyebrow for you with a special pencil and makes it possible to evaluate the result. If you are satisfied, then you can proceed to the direct application of paint. In the event that you do not like something, the wizard provides an opportunity to correct the existing shortcomings. Listen to the opinion of a specialist, because he chooses for you, taking into account all the nuances of appearance.

You will then be offered anesthesia. The master applies a special freezing ointment to the eyebrow area and gives you some time to rest. When the effect of the drug has come, the most crucial moment comes.

Carefully, step by step, the specialist creates eyebrow tattooing. You can see photos of finished works in this article. The dye needle is inserted about half a millimeter under the skin. There, pigment is injected to color the subcutaneous area.

After completing work on one eyebrow, a symmetrically located area is “stuffed” in a similar way.

Caring for permanent makeup after the procedure

Many people wonder how long the eyebrow tattoo lasts. In fact, a lot depends on your facial care in the first days after the procedure.

When you leave the salon, you will have a sufficiently saturated color of the traced areas. Do not be afraid of this. After a while, the upper crust will come off, and the color will become soft, ideally suited to your face.

Never try to remove any loose crust yourself, otherwise your makeup may look uneven. When the top layer begins to peel off, the healing process takes place. At this time, the injured skin areas are trying to "grab" the maximum amount of pigment from the crust. By interrupting this process, you risk getting an insufficiently intense color.

How long the eyebrow tattoo lasts depends largely on your skin color. For women with a snow-white face, the pigment disappears a little faster than for dark-skinned beauties.

Also, the time of the presence of pigment on your face depends on the methods of caring for it. If you are a lover of cleansing masks, peels and scrubs, then, most likely, permanent makeup will not last long on your face. Try to bypass permanent areas during procedures and avoid processing them.

How long the eyebrow tattoo lasts also depends on the care of the treated areas in the summer. To maximize the life of your makeup on your face, use sunscreen. Apply these lotions and creams just before leaving your home. It is also worth using sunglasses.

So how long does eyebrow tattoo last? On average, the use of permanent makeup lasts from four to seven years. When you notice that the pigment is no longer as bright as you would like, you need to correct it.

The choice of the master and the price of work

If you decide on permanent makeup, then first of all you need to decide on the choice of a salon. Try to give preference to already proven masters. It is better if you have an illustrative example in front of you. Many salons provide photos of their clients who did eyebrow tattooing.

The price of the work must also correspond to the quality. Don't go for cheap rates. You will have to live with this makeup for more than one year, so do not skimp on yourself.

So, here are the approximate prices for work. Eyebrow hair tattoo: the price varies from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. Volumetric drawing: the cost ranges from 6 to 8 thousand rubles. Soft shading: the price category ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Also, the cost of the work largely depends on the region in which the tattoo is performed, on the type and manufacturer of paint and on the tools used.

Try to give preference to salons that work with quality materials.

Eyebrow tattoo: before and after

If your eyebrows are not chic and thick enough, if you have to paint on them every day with a pencil, in the event that you spend a lot of effort and money to buy products that help grow eyebrows, but all this does not bring any result, you need to get an eyebrow tattoo.

You can see photos of finished works right in the salon, or you can choose the technique of drawing in advance. After the procedure, you will forever forget about the daily anguish and prolonged use of makeup.

You no longer have to buy and try to make them symmetrical lines.

Eyebrow tattooing has become a truly lifesaver for many women!


Remember that during the procedure, all sanitary standards must be observed. The tattoo needle should always be new and disposable. The wizard must open a new package with tools in front of you.

If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, using reusable instruments, you can get some unpleasant and dangerous diseases. That is why it is necessary to be very responsible when choosing a clinic and a master.

Naturalness is in trend. Already you will surprise no one with thick gel nails, silicone breasts of an immense size, unseasonably intense tanning from a solarium. Now everything artificial and pretentious is regarded as lack of taste and cheapness. Permanent eyebrow makeup is no exception.

If earlier ineptly tattooed commas in the eyebrow area invariably caused a "Wow-effect" among others simply due to the novelty and high cost of the procedure, now with such "art" on the face one can only expect bewilderment, pity and ridicule.

In general, it is not clear how you can agree to do this to yourself. There can be only one explanation: the reason for the appearance of such "eyebrows" is a misunderstanding between the master and the client, when the client presents her ideal and as close as possible to natural eyebrows, and the master does as he understands and as he can.

To solve a number of problems with eyebrows, but at the same time not to lose the natural beauty bestowed by nature itself, you should pay attention to the hair method.

Methods and methods

Permanent eyebrow makeup is done in several ways:

  • hairy: hairs are drawn over the entire surface of the eyebrow or in certain areas of it;
  • shattering: the entire contour of the eyebrow or only a part of it that needs to be emphasized is filled with paint tightly and without gaps.

Each has its own pros and cons; with different quality of performance, it can look both natural and ugly. But still, if we talk about naturalness, then here the advantage is still with the hair method.

Video: Eyebrow tattoo

Execution technique

Purely hypothetically, all the variety of ways to tattoo hairs boils down to determining the direction of growth of your own eyebrows in each of the areas and, as accurately as possible, at the same angle and in the same direction, draw stripes with a tattoo machine. If the European technique is used, then all the tattooed "hairs" have the same length and thickness, the same direction as the real hairs.

If an oriental technique is used, then some of the "hairs" may have the wrong direction to create the most natural visual effect.

It should be borne in mind that the technique in which the tattooed "hairs" start from the lower border of the eyebrow, go up and slightly round up at the top towards the tip of the eyebrow, is no longer relevant.

As a result of such “arts”, tattooed and natural hairs overlap each other at an angle and “checkers” are formed that do not look natural, no matter how you wax your eyebrows.

On each of the eyebrow sections, the tattoo lines should repeat the direction of hair growth according to their location. Then it will be great. And then it will not be possible to distinguish between tattooing and natural eyebrows either at a distance or close.


You should refuse to perform eyebrow tattooing in the following cases:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • menstruation and the last days before them (there is a risk of heavy bleeding, and the pain threshold is much lower than in the middle of the cycle);
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • violation of blood coagulation processes;
  • bacterial or fungal skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • polyvalent allergy;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental illness.

How is the procedure carried out

The procedure itself does not take as much time as the immediate preparation for it requires. The goal is to make the eyebrow tattoo the way the client sees it (or even better). Finding the right option requires patience and attention from both the client and the master.

Video: in 3D effect

Stage 1: Discussion. At the very beginning, the master usually asks the client about her preferences, and how she sees her own eyebrows after the procedure. Here you can use photos, pictures. Many masters draw future eyebrows on paper or offer the client ready-made eyebrow designs of various shapes to help her decide.

At the same stage, the color of future eyebrows is selected. In order for the eyebrows to look natural, their color must be the same as the hair color. It is allowed that the eyebrows are at most half a tone darker.

Stage 2: Execution of the sketch. A sketch is often meant to draw eyebrows with a cosmetic pencil directly on the client. The sketch can be edited several times until the resulting version is completely satisfactory to the client.

Stage 3: Pain relief. It hurts. To reduce pain, a cream with an anesthetic such as "Emla" or subcutaneous injections of lidocaine can be used. The first option will make the procedure a little less painful, and the second will allow you to have a good time and even get a little bored, since there will be no unpleasant sensations at all.

There are masters who believe that the use of anesthetics can negatively affect the end result, therefore they do without anesthesia. But if we take into account that during a painful procedure not every client will be able to lie still, then the results can also be “blurred”.

Stage 4: Performing tattooing. An antiseptic is applied to the skin. In the presence of the client, a package with a sterile needle is opened. Inks for tattooing are mixed in a certain proportion and filled into a tattoo machine that looks like a pen.

During the first run, the master fills the main number of stripes. This can take him about 1 hour. Then the master gives the client a mirror to evaluate the intermediate result of the procedure. If there are any shortcomings or wishes, the procedure continues. Sometimes the second stage takes about 20-30 minutes more.

Stage 5: Completion of the procedure. During the application of tattooing and for some time after the completion of the procedure, an ichor, and sometimes droplets of blood, is released from the wounds on the skin.

The appearance of blood is undesirable, since the pigment is washed out along with it. Rubbing eyebrows at this time is strictly prohibited. You can only lightly blot them with a soft cloth until crusts form.

There may also be a slight swelling, which usually goes away on its own within 1-2 days.


The healing process takes about a week. In the early days, there may be a feeling of tightness, itching, slight swelling and even bruising if small vessels on the surface of the skin were affected. On the third or fourth day, crusts usually appear, which can have different thicknesses and densities. The crusts disappear for several days. You cannot tear them off, since a light area of ​​the skin may remain in the place of the torn off crust.

In the early days, it will be necessary to apply any of the antiseptics to the eyebrows, for example, miramistin or chlorhexidine, and avoid contact with water. Therefore, it is better to wash your head before the procedure.

Do you need a correction?

Not everyone needs correction. But usually it is carried out in cases where the first experience of tattooing was successful and you want to add colors or slightly adjust the shape. Usually, the correction is carried out no earlier than a month after the main procedure, and requires the same care for the healing skin of the eyebrows.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Several factors affect the durability of eyebrow tattooing.

  • Skin type.

The permanent makeup on oily skin is much worse than on dry skin. If the owners of oily and combination skin can go through with a tattoo for about a year, then with dry skin you can not think about correction for 2-3 years.

  • Properties of dyes.

Depending on which drug is used for the procedure, the tattoo will hold up and fade in different ways. So, for example, ink for tattoos will last 10 years or more. True, most likely, it will change color from black to bluish gray, and from brown to brick red. Modern German means for tattooing fade within six months after the introduction, American ones last up to 3 years on average.

  • Depth of injection.

The average depth of drug injection during tattooing does not exceed 1 mm, and more often it is only 0.5 mm. The deeper the dye is inserted, the longer it will hold.

  • Individual characteristics of the organism.

It is because of the peculiarities of metabolism that it is often difficult to imagine how the dye will behave in the skin, what shade it will give as it fades, how long the effect of the procedure will last. It so happens that the dye spreads under the skin, spreading through the subcutaneous tissue or through the blood and lymphatic vessels, which is also impossible to predict before the procedure.


It should be borne in mind that the cost of correction is usually 50-75% of the cost of the main procedure.

Photos before and after the hair method of eyebrow tattooing

Many girls have to constantly adjust the shape of their eyebrows, do special makeup. You can get rid of the daily hassle in this area and give your eyebrows a natural look with the help of a hair tattoo. The procedure is performed according to a certain technology, but for some it is not suitable due to the existing contraindications.

Method characteristics

Tattooing involves the introduction of a dye into the upper layer of the epidermis. Unlike tattooing, this method has a temporary effect.

The hair method of tattooing means a separate drawing of each hair, which ensures naturalness. There are two execution techniques:

  • European. In this case, the specialist makes small strokes of the same length.
  • Asian (eastern). This technique involves drawing strokes of different lengths and at different angles. This option provides the maximum naturalness of the eyebrows.

Method advantages

The hair tattoo method provides certain advantages:
  • creating the desired thickness of eyebrows;
  • the ability to change the shape of the eyebrows, create a bend;
  • the ability to mask scars on the brow ridges;
  • fast healing;
  • symmetry of the eyebrows;
  • saving time on daily eyebrow makeup.

The main difference between hair tattooing and other methods is maximum naturalness.

How long does eyebrow hair tattoo last?

Permanent make-up provides a temporary effect. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For some people, the tattoo can last up to 3 years, for others - only a year.

How does the procedure take place?

Hair tattooing is performed according to a specific algorithm. First, it is important to decide on the shape of the eyebrows and their required thickness. At this stage, the wizard makes a sketch so that the client can see the intended result.

It is important to correctly choose the color of the dye. It should be as close as possible to the natural shade of the eyebrows so that they look natural after tattooing. The desired shade is obtained by mixing different tones.

Having decided on the shape, color and density, they begin the procedure itself:
  • Disinfection of the skin. To do this, use a special tool.
  • Application of anesthetic. Although the needle is inserted shallowly, it is unpleasant. For the anesthetic to take effect, you need to wait about 15 minutes.
  • Preparation of tools. Tattooing is performed with a special tool resembling a fountain pen or felt-tip pen. A needle is inserted into this device. Its thickness is selected individually, focusing on the required thickness of the strokes.
  • Hair drawing. The master picks up the dye with the tool and makes microscopic punctures, drawing the hairs. The puncture depth is less than a millimeter. To simulate natural eyebrows, it is necessary to draw in the direction of hair growth. The stroke length is usually in the range of 0.5-1 cm.
  • Eyebrow treatment. Upon completion of the procedure, the master will explain how to care for the eyebrows and when to come for a correction.
How the tattoo is applied is demonstrated in this video:

The whole procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours. The time spent pays off with the natural look of the eyebrows and the long-lasting effect.

The manual technique of hair tattooing is called microblading. It is also possible to use a special machine, but it is more appropriate for creating a voluminous shadow on thick eyebrows.

In addition to the main procedure, it is required to periodically correct the eyebrows. The first time it will be needed 1-1.5 months after the tattoo. The first correction is required due to the characteristics of the organism: the dye is foreign, therefore it is rejected by the immune system. Some of the pigment simply does not take root, so it must be reintroduced.

Over time, the effect gradually disappears, therefore, to maintain the desired result, it is necessary to periodically make corrections. Stronger changes are observed in the summer, when the color is lost faster under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

At first, after the tattoo is done, the eyebrows will have a brighter color. After a few days, the shade will become softer and more natural. Within a month, the color can disappear by 30-40%.

After tattooing, there is a crust on the eyebrows, which will disappear on its own within 5-7 days. Until this happens, you cannot wet this part of the face. It is necessary at this time to apply a special antiseptic agent to the eyebrows twice a day - it is usually given by the master.

It is impossible to remove the crusts on the eyebrows formed after tattooing on your own. Otherwise, there will be light spots in these places.

On the day of the procedure, about an hour after its completion, you should wipe your eyebrows with an antiseptic. For these purposes, it is better to use chlorhexidine.

The coloring pigment dries out the skin, so a moisturizer should be included in the treatment. It is applied as needed.

The cost of the procedure

The cost of eyebrow hair tattooing depends on the artist performing it or a beauty salon offering such a service. On average, prices for such a procedure are 5000-6000 rubles.


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