Low belly at the 27th week of pregnancy. What are the selection

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Finally you with the baby go to the last trimester of pregnancy! The long-awaited meeting was left quite a bit! The kid is already active enough: looking at the stomach, mom clearly distinguishes the movements of small lococles and heels.

How many months have passed since the beginning of pregnancy? This period is seven months without a week (obstetric months: one obstetric month is four weeks).

Your baby on the 27th week of pregnancy already weighs near a kilogram, and its total length is 34 centimeters.

What's happening

Fetal development at the 27th week of pregnancy

The kid has already formed a wake-up mode with a sleep. He is already able to open, close the eyes. The sucking reflex is so formed that the baby actively sucks his fingers, and uses fingers for that and on the handles, and on the legs. The maturation of all organs continues, and the child with premature birth has a very high chance to survive, as the lungs will already be able to work, although it is finally not yet ripe.

Very important changes at the 27th week of pregnancy are held in the respiratory system. There is an improvement of alveolar strokes and directly alveoli - the smallest bubbles where the air exchange occurs. The formation of a surfactant occurs, which during the breath provides a full opening of Alveol. It was 27-28 weeks of pregnancy that characterizes the preparation of the breathing apparatus of the baby to the off-utilous life.

Interestingly, at this stage, the future mother can already clearly feel like baby yelling! This process does not cause any inconvenience to the kid, can last a few minutes.

The development of the brain continues, the fruit is becoming more active. If you watch the video, you can see that the baby often changes the position of the body, can turn over, its movements become more intense and strong.

Care the activity and the immune system of the baby. It can already well respond to incoming allergens, and a mother with special caution should relate to the choice of products. Proper nutrition Mom will lay the foundation for the child's strong immune system.

Photo kid, ultrasound

Feelings Mom

The third trimester of pregnancy begins, your body is preparing for the final stage.

Behind is already quite a long time, and it is not surprising that you often tired, the need for the body in rest, sleep. Soon already long-awaited maternity leave, you can relax, pay more attention to yourself. If you can go to the decret before - without fail, use it! Full holiday, the right day of the day for the benefit and the future mother, and the baby! Moreover, in the third trimester, everything is more worried about pain, feeling of gravity in the lower back, general ailment, frequent urination, and good rest will help you! Enjoy the changes of your sensations, the movements of your baby! At home you will have more opportunities to read books about the development of the child, you can go to training courses, breastfeeding school.

At this stage, new sensations that bring concern may appear. Very often during this period, pregnant women note the appearance of edema of hands. They often bother during sleep. In order to warn them, try while sleeping does not occupy this position at which the limbs are squeezed. Also try not to overload the wrists. It is very useful to periodically make a light gymnastics for hands, raising them up.

Increased belly often causes shortness, sleep disorder, heartburn. Remember that these phenomena are not a reason for concern. Be sure to discuss all your feelings with your doctor - he will help to cope with them.

At the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimesters often arise muscle spasms. Their cause is usually low calcium content in the body, as well as high phosphorus, fatigue, vein load. To facilitate painful sensations, you can take the following:

  • the level of trace elements help restore special calcium tablets, but be sure to consult your doctor: it will help you choose the best;
  • try to use more products rich in calcium;
  • the cause of painful sensations in the legs may be an increased load on the venous apparatus, and is very useful in such a situation to wear special compression tights;
  • be sure to make gymnastics for the legs: you can choose any set of exercises that you like, most importantly - so that absolutely all joints and muscle groups are involved;
  • the foot massage is very useful: it will help reduce the load on the vein, remove muscle fatigue, and it is easy to do it easily. Light stroking, and then more intense motions massaging the legs in the distance from the bottom up - in the course of venous and lymphatic vessels. Such a massage even removes the swelling of the legs.

Belly at the 27th week of pregnancy

Your baby is already quite large, and the uterus almost reaches the level of ribs. The bottom of the uterus is located on 27 centimeters above the Lone, 5-7 centimeters above the navel. The mass of the uterus to the beginning of the third trimester increases significantly, and it is necessary to take into account. The uterus can squeeze the lower hollow vein, while it may be disturbed strong dizziness. For this reason, it is impossible to lie on the back for a long time. Try to sleep in a position on the side.

The increased uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, especially this affects the work of the intestine. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid to power to prevent constipation.

27 weeks of pregnancy twins are characterized by the fact that the uterus is already resting in the rib arc. The double weight of the kids brings her mother more hassle, it is already quite difficult to maintain ordinary activity, it is necessary to rest more often, lie down to reduce the load.

Weight at the 27th week of pregnancy normally increase by 9 kilograms. Until the end of pregnancy, it is quite acceptable to score another 3-5 kilogram. We should control the weight, since more of these numbers cannot be typted: it can harm both the baby and mom.

On this date, the kid often changes the position. Do not worry if the doctor says that the kid in the pelvic preview: the position of the fetus can still change even several times!

Fetal chapels on the 27th week

Your baby rose even more, and even without ultrasound, you can clearly trace it, how he moves, to see on the surface of the belly of the movement of the handles, legs, feel like a baby kicks, if something does not like something, for example, music. When you take a contrasting shower in the morning, the baby behaves more actively, and when you are calm, relax - resting and he.

Every woman who experiences all the increasing movements of his baby overwhelms joy. And if the baby is calm, anxiety may arise that the fruit moves little ... The movements of the baby are not only a reflection of his health, but also temperament, even mood. If a woman has no risk factors, the baby develops well, then the period of his rest should not be disturbed. Surely every future mommy by this deadline already knows well and understands his baby, its level of activity.

In some cases, the doctor may ask you to calculate the movements of the baby. It is done very easily. You need to choose the period of maximum activity - often this time after eating or before bedtime. Squate comfortably, relax and count how much time goes on 10 kids' movements. Follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Experts note that a clear figure of the number of movements is not too informative; Anxiety should only cause complete lack of movements within 1-2 hours into the usual time for activity.

Pain on the 27th week of pregnancy

During this period, a woman can disturb rather unpleasant, but absolutely not dangerous painful sensations. Often it is painfulness, gravity in the lumbar region. Such sensations are associated with increasing fetal sizes, uterus, squeezing nerve plexuses. To relieve them, it is necessary to make a special gymnastics for pregnant women.

Often at this stage begin to disturb the pain of the belly sides. They are connected with a stretch of uterine ligaments. Its dimensions increase, the ligaments are still stronger. Such sensations decrease when changing the position of the body, rest.

At this stage, a woman can feel training bouts. They are still quite weak. Usually women note that the belly often mows. If these periods are short and do not cause pain, it is quite normal. If the pain is growing, and especially if the painful sensations in the stomach are accompanied by discharge - this is an occasion for contacting the clinic.

Related research and analyzes

As a rule, this week is carried out only. In some situations, the doctor may appoint an ultrasound. An unscheduled survey can be appointed to diagnose the state of the fetus or mother health.

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Questions answers

Tell me, liquid allocations at the 27th week of pregnancy is not dangerous?

During pregnancy, and especially to its completed stage, an increase in the amount of selection is quite normal. The discharge rate should be transparent, liquid, by the end of pregnancy can be slightly clogged. However, if color, consistency or selection smell changes - this is alarm. White, yellow, earthy, curls, purulent discharge, unpleasant smell are signs of infectious pathology. Scarlet discharge can be a symptom of placenta detachment, as well as premature generic activities.

I have 27 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach hurts ... the feelings are not too pronounced. It hurts not much, more periodically. This is normal?

At this stage, painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen may appear, which are associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, stretching the ligament apparatus, the pressure of the uterus on the nervous plexus. If these sensations with an increase in the period of pregnancy are gradually growing and are not intense pain, this is an option of the norm. If the abdominal pain arose sharply, its intensity is high, either for a long period worried about the permanent pain, it can be alarm signal. If your feelings are too intense and cause anxiety, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Tell me, please, is it normal if I have a stomach periodically for a few minutes?

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman can already feel training fights - a short non-intensive sensation of belly. Many women describe these sensations like this: stomach straightened, bowels. Such sensations are the norm.

Isn't sex against the 27th week of pregnancy? My husband really relates to long-awaited pregnancy and is experiencing, is it possible?

If your pregnancy is working normally, then sex is not contraindicated and even very useful. Positive emotions to future parents only benefit. Naturally, you need to avoid sharp movements, pressure on the stomach, and then there is no danger.

If childbirth appears on this period, the baby can survive?

For this term, the fruit is already quite ripe, and according to statistics a chance to survive more than 80%. The respiratory system has not yet completely matured, and for life support needs special equipment, but the baby may well survive.

I went to an unscheduled ultrasound, and in conclusion they wrote: 27 week of pregnancy, pelvic prediction. What to do?

First of all, do not panic. On your pregnancy term, the kid is very active, and spaces in the uterus are enough for full movements. He can change the situation several times, so if there is now a pelvic presence, this does not mean that it will remain as follows by the time of birth.

I have every periodically feeling that the belly is mounted. What is it? How to distinguish a tone at the 27th week of pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus is a reduction in its muscular layer before the start of the generic activity. This condition requires the consultation of the doctor, since the reasons may be different. It can enhance both cough, sneezing, and under load, negative emotions. But this can be a symptom of the abortion of pregnancy. Women usually feel the tone as a pulling pain, reminiscent of the sensations for menstruation, which gives to the lower back. The feeling that the belly is mounted, maybe in training fights. In any case, to prevent a possible threat of changing your well-being, it is necessary to discuss with a doctor who is pregnant. Especially if such sensations are accompanied by secretions or other changes in state.

27 Week signals the beginning of the last stage of pregnancy. This means that an important milestone has come, since almost two trimesters passed and now the date of birth is getting closer and closer. As the moment approaches, the level of excitement of all family members and friends will be very high all the time. Mom has only a few weeks until he greashes the child in this world.

This week, the child weighs almost 900 g (somewhere in size with the cauliflower head) and is about 35 1/2 cm long, if you consider legs. He sleeps and wakes up through some intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucks fingers. Having a more developed tissue, the child's brain at this time is very active. Then how his lungs are still immature if the child was born now, they would be able to function (with the provision of great medical care). If you take into account any tiny rhythmic movements, you can feel the cases of children's icotes that can be ordinary from that time. Each episode, as a rule, lasts only a few moments, and this does not bother the child at all, so it is necessary to simply relax and enjoy tickling.

Symptoms and sensations

The second trimester comes to an end, but, since the body of a woman is preparing for the last circle, it can start noticing some new symptoms. Along with the pain in the back, for example, the future mother can find that the muscles of the feet drives the cramp. They hold over the excess weight and, in the end, the uterus inside the body expands, putting pressure on the veins that return the blood out of the legs to the heart, as well as on the nerves leading from the body to the legs.

Unfortunately, convulsions may worse, as pregnancy itself progresses. Foot cramps more often happen at night, but can also occur during the day. When they appear, stretching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ion muscle should bring some relief.

Straighten your foot, and then gently bent your fingers back to the legs. Walking for a few minutes or ICR massation sometimes helps.

During the 27 week of pregnancy, the second trimester quickly comes to an end. The woman has another week until it goes to the third trimester of pregnancy! As soon as she approaches the end of this marathon, it may notice that some of the old pregnancy symptoms are returned, for example, such as fatigue.

Future mom several weeks did without this tedious symptom, but now that it is at the 27th week of pregnancy, fatigue and depletion return with a new force. As soon as the third trimester approaches, the excess weight of the baby, as well as other symptoms of pregnancy (for example, frequent urination and insomnia) can also lead to a feeling of fatigue.

Frequent urination is becoming an increasingly serious problem now in the third trimester of pregnancy. Since the child is constantly growing and takes more space in the uterus, it adds pressure on the bladder, which leads to a feeling of fullness, even if the last urination was ten minutes ago. It is not fun, especially if you need to get up several times per night.

Fatigue is part of the life of the future mother, as it continues to gain weight during pregnancy. At the 27th week, the weight of the medium-sized woman increases from 8 to 10 kg.

Although the increase in weight during pregnancy fluctuates for each female organism individually, it is important to type the desired number of kg for its type of figure. This will protect your health and child. If a woman does not gain enough weight, then in a group of increased risk of miscarriage. On the other hand, if she gains too much weight, then not only the overall fatigue increases, as well as the chances of the appearance of a very large child.

A set of too much weight during pregnancy contributes to an increase in the risk of premature genera, diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins, as well as many other problems.

During pregnancy, there is so much pain and strange feelings that together they complicate the diagnosis of what is common, and what guarantees a call to a doctor or midwife. Even more complicates the case of some symptoms that may be more or less relevant, depending on a certain case or chronology of the health of the woman and in which period its pregnancy is. Here is a summary of the signs that indicate the availability of problems. If a woman has even few of these complaints, you need to immediately call a doctor or midwife.

Before reaching 27 weeks:

  • It feels the pressure at the bottom of the abdomen (the fruit makes the pushes down), pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist (especially, if this is a new problem for a woman), convulsions, as when menstruation or unpleasant feelings in the abdomen, more than four battles per hour (at the same time they can not accompanied by pain);
  • The size of the vagina or the type of expenditures has changed - they have become watery, like mucus or bloody-red (even if only pinkish or reddish color).


  • The child moves or pushes down a smaller number of times;
  • Strong or incessant pain and abdomen in the abdomen;
  • Vaginal bleeding, bloody or watery allocations;
  • Unpleasant sensations when urination, the latter is not enough or not at all;
  • Strong and long-lasting vomiting or that that is accompanied by pain or fever;
  • Chills and fever 37.7 degrees Celsius or higher;
  • Blurred or split vision, observation of stains or "breaking";
  • Heavy and permanent headaches that accompany the blurred vision, an inadvertent speech or numbness;
  • Any kind of tumor on the face and echoes, softer swelling in the fingers, heavy and sudden swelling on the legs and caviar, or an accelerated weight set (more than 2 kg per week);
  • Strong prolonged pain in the legs and caviar that do not pass or one leg is significantly more swollen than the other;
  • Injured belly;
  • A faint condition, frequent dizziness or accelerated heartbeat;
  • Heavy breathing, blood cough or thoracic pain;
  • Strong constipation that accompany stomase pain or severe diarrhea, lasting for more than 24 hours;
  • Prolonged strong itching throughout the body;
  • Any, usually emerging health problems, even if they are not associated with pregnancy (for example, a deterioration of asthma or flu, which becomes even stronger).


How much water needs to drink?

The future mother must be trying to drink at least eight liquid glasses every day, and this is 1.5 liters. Water should be most of it. It not only supports the level of hydration, but does not contain calories.

Water should be drunk so that the blood can carry nutrients for the baby and better get rid of waste.

If you drink a lot of water, you can prevent constipation that are frequent during pregnancy. If a woman has a fluid delay, then the more water it will drink, the less her body will save it.

How can you get a lot of calcium and vitamin D?

Calcium and vitamin D are key nutritional elements during pregnancy. The first strengthens the bone and teeth of the child, and also helps the development of a healthy nervous system, heart and muscles. The second helps the body absorb calcium. It is produced naturally in our bodies in response to the impact of sun rays, but we can also get vitamin D from food.

Many calcium is in dairy products, canned fish, such as sardines (with soft bones), green leaf vegetables, such as spinach and beans, legumes, sesame seeds and in almond.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend taking supplements of 10 μg vitamin D daily. If you are already taking multivitamins during pregnancy, then check whether they contain the desired amount of vitamin D. It is much in fatty fish, eggs and in milk.

Dinner: Chiabatta with Hallumi, Basil and Drier Tomatoes

Hallumi is made of sheep or goat milk, and is a good source of calcium. Arugula contains a lot of folic acid, and tomatoes will increase the level of vitamin C.


  • 1 roll of chiabatta from non-refined flour;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 2 Slice of Cheese Hallumi;
  • several leaves of fresh basil;
  • 2 dried tomatoes dried in oil;
  • leaves of arugula, washed for serving.


Cooking time: 10 minutes

Cut in half a chiabattu. Take the clove of garlic, break in half and wipe it the cropped edge of the chiabatta. Roughly cut the dried tomatoes, and then put them on the roll. Bake the cheese on the roll for a few minutes and add some fresh basil leaves. Grind the black pepper and sprinkle over a bit of olive oil. Serve the dish hot, with the leaves of arugula on the sides.

Afternoon person: hummus with pit

Try this simple homemade hummus with pita bread. It contains many carbohydrates, as well as protein, and will help to pacify the hunger.


  • 400 g of canned chickpea;
  • 1 tablespoon of tachy (pasta of sesame seeds);
  • half juice of lemon;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • pita of coarse grinding for serving.


Cooking time: 10 minutes

Purchase nuts and put in the kitchen processor together with tachy, lemon juice and purified cloth of garlic. Stir a little to grind nuts, add olive oil and in a small amount of water to make a creamy mixture.

Put in the refrigerator and serve with slices of pita. The mixture can be varied by adding a tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro or olives without bones.

Dinner: Mushrooms and baked pasta with celery

This dish contains a lot of calcium, and it is also quick and easy to cook it. It is suitable for three or four people and retains taste if you warm it up the next day to dinner.


  • 25 g of olive or sunflower oil (minimum 59 percent of fat)
  • 2 Celery sticks, sliced
  • 150 g of small size of mushrooms
  • chipper of dried thyme (or 1 twig fresh, only leaves)
  • 1 tablespoon flour with slide (40 g)
  • 300 ml of half-coined milk
  • 100 g of mature chadder, grated
  • 150 Penne or other forms of pasta


Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: from 15 to 20 minutes

The oven must be warmed up to 190 degrees.

Melt the oil in a saucepan and add a mixture of sliced \u200b\u200bcelery and mushrooms. Prepare, gently stirring from 5 to 10 minutes or before softening celery. Put thyme.

Meanwhile, prepare a paste in accordance with the instructions on the package, and drain the liquid. Throw flour into a mixture of mushrooms and celery, and gradually mix with milk. Bring to a boil, stirring all the time.

When the sauce acquires a thick consistency, put three quarters of cheese and merge pasta. Put in the heat-resistant dish and sprinkle the remaining cheese.

Bake from 15 to 20 minutes, or until the cheese acquires a golden brown color. Serve with salad from greenery, tomato and pepper.

  • Record the movement of the child: obstetrics are recommended to do it once a day. The kid must move at least 10 times per hour. If the number is less than 10, then it is necessary to control your movements over the next two hours to make sure there was no aberration. If the child does not move at least 10 times an hour for two hours, then you should not panic, but it will be better to immediately turn to a doctor or midwife.
  • Straighten the spine: This is another thing that needs to be remembered during pregnancy, as the standing position and sitting with a straight back can help learn back pain. If you are brought backpack, remember that wearing it needed on both shoulders. Even if it may look less fashionable, you still do not need to wear heavy bags on one shoulder. And, if you sit and stand straight, and make regular exercise, but still feel back pain, you can always ask your partner to make you a massage with butter.
  • Sign up for breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is new to you if you become a mom for the first time. Therefore, an excellent option will be an entry for breastfeeding. They can be found not only about the rules of feeding and the process itself, but also a lot of other related to the care of the newborn.
  • Start decorating the room of the future child: the room decoration is a great way to take yourself in these last few months of pregnancy. When visiting the shopping center, go to the children's store and buy for a child as much as possible things. Such shopping will not only make you happy, but will also provide a healthy physiotload. After you have completed the task and decorated the baby's room, spend out as much time as possible.
  • Develop a habit of reading books for a child: Since his ear developed, he can listen to you, so reading a book is a great way to introduce a baby with your voice.
  • Develop the habit of listening to music: the child is now more often becoming restless in the womb and if listening to music, then you can calm it.
  • For a while between 26 and 30 weeks, your blood will be checked on whether you do not suffer anemia. If she was still discovered, then the doctor can prescribe iron-containing pills. Due to the increase in the blood fluid content, the hemoglobin level can later decrease, so that it will be better to solve this problem at present there will be a good idea. Iron-containing pills can cause digestive problems, such as constipation or diarrhea, so if it happens to you, ask your doctor if the recipe can be changed. Liquid preparations can be bought at the pharmacy and they have a better impact on the digestive system than pills, so ask your doctor if they are suitable for you. If the previous blood test showed a negative rhesus factor, then at a mark of 28-34 weeks you will give injections of immunoglobulin (RHIG). You will get another injection after the birth of a child.

The third trimester began. At this time interval, the child becomes four times more than it was during the 12th week of pregnancy. If he is born this week, you will have a whole 90% chance of the emergence of a healthy fetus.

Video - 27 week of pregnancy: what happens to the fruit, convulsions, symptoms of premature birth

You can congratulate you: on the 27th week you switched to the third trimester. Two thirds of the way behind, but relaxing is not yet time. The "honeymoon of pregnancy" ended when you felt excellently, practically did not experience symptoms and were full of energy. Now hormones and growing uterus will take their own. Your future child is quite similar to a fully formed newborn. With premature childbirth, a 27-week fruit is quite possible. However, many of the future child bodies still continue to ripe.

Symptoms and symptoms of 27 pregnancy weeks

At the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the symptoms characteristic of the third trimester continue to grow. Probably, some of them have arisen for you have long been, and you have learned how to cope with them or not notice them.

What happens to the fruit at the 27th week of pregnancy?

By the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the child is about the size of the Kochan of the Beijing cabbage. The length of his body reaches 35.5 cm, weight - 850 grams. In recent weeks, he managed not only to grow strongly, but also to wise. The structure of its brain is greatly complicated, numerous connections appeared between nervous cells. The activity of the central nervous system has greatly increased. It manifests itself in the fact that the future child begins to make a lot of new actions. He opens and closes his eyes, sleeps and awake in its own mode (which, alas, does not always coincide with the mother's mode), sucks the finger, plays with umbilical cord, makes different movements with hands and legs. He has enough good coordination, movement has become more smooth and accurate.

The respiratory system of the 27-week fetus is almost complete "combat readiness". The lungs have yet been ripe not to the end, but they are ready to perform their functions. If at the 27th week of pregnancy will occur premature childbirth, the baby has every chance to survive. In mom's tummy, he has long been performing training respiratory movements, but it still does not inhale the air, but the surrounding aircraft water.

The skin of the future child is covered with a raw-like lubricant, which will help him easier to go out during childbirth, it is surrounded by an inceptive waters, the uterus and the walls of the mother's belly. All these barriers weaken sounds from the outside, and inside the uterus they become muted. However, the future child hears them and even knows how to distinguish. Now his nervous system is already well enough for this. You can read the child, sing songs - it is even considered that the newborn will remember all this after the appearance of the light. He will find out your voice.

For the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus is well developed taste receptors. He even feels the taste of food that you eat! True, it happens about two hours after you filed. In response to some taste, the child can start icking, and you will feel it. Just do not worry: it does not mean that the kid is experiencing any unpleasant feeling. It feels good, Ikota is just a response reflex reaction. Now you can start teaching your child to proper food. It is believed that children in the future prefer the same meal that he eats mom during pregnancy.

The frequency of heart abbreviations in the fetus slows down compared to previous weeks, but still remains very high - 140 beats per minute.

The future child is increasingly similar to the newborn. He is no longer so thin, as it was before, because under his skin and around the internal organs, a layer of fatty fiber has grown. The skin has become almost opaque, only blood vessels shine through it.

In addition to the brain, on the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the retina of the eye is actively developing - the peripheral part of the visual analyzer, which perceives the rays of light, transforms them into the nerve impulses and sends a signal to the brain.

Movement of the fetus in the tummy mom

By the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetal movement becomes stronger and regular. High activity is a sign of a healthy, normally developing child. Some kid movements cause mom discomfort and even pain. For example, many women know the sensations that arise when the kid pulls the leg and rests on to her under the edge.

Sometimes you can feel the weak rhythmic movements in the stomach - so the future child is playing.

During the next reception, the female consultation doctor with a stethoscope can listen to the heartbeat of the fetus. It can also hear the future dad or someone from relatives if it attracts the ear to the stomach.

Perhaps the doctor has already explained to you how to correctly calculate the movements of the fetus in the stomach. You need to lie down, calm down and start counting the shocks. For an hour you must count 6-10 jogs. If there are fewer them or they are completely absent, it is necessary to inform the doctor immediately.

Uzi at the 27th week of pregnancy

Planned ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy are not prescribed. Ultrasound examination may be required in cases where pregnancy proceeds with some complications. For example, if the doctor discovers that women's belly grew too little, and suspicion of the delay of intrauterine development arises.

During the ultrasound, the following indicators can be estimated at the 27th week of pregnancy:

· Mass of the fetus - modern devices can calculate it.

· Biparity size is the transverse distance between the most protruding parts of the dark bones. At the 27th week of pregnancy is 6.4-7.6 cm.

· Lobno-occipital size - the longitudinal size of the skull is 8-9.6 cm.

· The head circumference on this period is normal equal to 23.5-27.3 cm.

· The circumference of the tummy is 20.5-25.3 cm.

· The length of the femur - 4.7-5.5 cm. It is important that the right and left limbs have the same dimensions.

· Shoulder bone length - 4.3-5.1 cm.

· Length of bones of the forearm - 3.7-4.5 cm.

· The length of the bones of the leg - 4.3-5.1 cm.

Conduct an ultrasound study of the brain, hearts and other internal organs, dopplerography (Studying blood flow) Pupovina vessels, 3D / 4D study.

If during the previous ultrasounds failed to determine the field of the fetus, it may be possible to do now. The external genital organs in boys and girls are already well developed.

In general, the picture on ultrasound images at the 27th week of pregnancy looks like this:

What happens to the uterus and stomach at the 27th week of pregnancy?

The uterus of the future mother continues to grow - she does it throughout the pregnancy. However, now, at the beginning of the third trimester, its shape changes: it turns into egg-shaped.

Some facts about the growth of the uterus during pregnancy:

· Before conceiving a child, the weight of the uterus on average is 50-100 grams, and by the end of pregnancy increases to a kilogram, that is, ten or twenty times.

· The cavity inside the uterus throughout the entire pregnancy increases in the amount of approximately 500 times. Despite such a significant increase, the future child in the third trimester of pregnancy is becoming more closely.

· Each muscle in the composition of the uterus walls during pregnancy extends about 10 times and thickens 5 times.

· Very much increases blood flow to the uterus. In the third trimester, it is bloodtained as actively as a heart, liver, brain.

During each inspection, the female consultation doctor assesses the size of the uterus standing her bottom. To do this, with the help of the tape, the distance from the top edge of the LONA joint to the upper edge of the uterus is measured. The resulting indicator should approximately correspond to the period of pregnancy in weeks. So, at the 27th week of pregnancy, the standing height of the uterus will be about 27 cm.

While some symptoms of pregnancy are associated with changes in hormonal background, others cause an increase in the sizes. For example, she "pushes" ahead of the navel, because of which he starts to empty (after pregnancy, his appearance will again become familiar). As the uterus increases, bundles are tensioning, which connect it with the walls of the abdominal cavity. Because of this, there are unpleasant sensations and pain - the so-called round bundle pain. The uterus presses on the bladder and intestines, because of this, frequent urination and constipation worried.

How much should the future mother add in weight?

By the 27th week of pregnancy, the future mother adds 6.8-13.6 kg. Admissible is an increase of up to 900 grams per week. If you add more, or began to suddenly add much stronger than usual, you need to consult a doctor. Causes can be different. Sometimes the mass of the body increases due to the delay in the body of the fluid, and this may be a symptom of a formidable complication of pregnancy - preeclampsia.

Some recommendations regarding the diet will help to normalize weight gain (you get them from the doctor), physical activity. The excess body weight makes the course of pregnancy and childbirth heavier, increases the risk of complications. But self-identity in the fight against extra kilograms is inappropriate: the wrong actions can harm you and your future child. For example, in no case cannot limit fluid consumption, because dehydration during pregnancy is very dangerous.

Women pregnant twins are added to the 27th week of pregnancy more, from 13 to 20 kg.
Calculate weight gain in mom during pregnancy for weeks

How to eat on the 27th week of pregnancy?

The diet of the future mother for the twenty-seventh week, as well as during the whole pregnancy, should be healthy, diverse and full. At any stage, the organism of the fetus needs nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, energy. An important part of the diet of a pregnant woman is fish and seafood. They are good to health, but need to remember some of the rules.

How many fish do you need to eat during pregnancy?

There is special recommendations from the American Drug Control and Food Control (FDA) on this. Experts advise weekly 240-340 grams of fish. This is about two or three servings. The Russian Ministry of Health provides other recommendations and advises pregnant and lactating women to consume 500-550 grams of fish a week.

But it is not only important. The future mother needs to choose the "right" fish.

What fish can not eat during pregnancy?

Some species of fish are dangerous for the future mother and child. Thus, in the body of some inhabitants of the oceans contains a lot of mercury. Everyone knows that if you break the mercury thermometer in the house, it is very dangerous, you can get poisoning. If mercury enters the body of a woman, toxic metal can harm the fetus even a few months later. It is fraught with a brain damage, mental retardation, speech impairment, convulsive seizures, blindness.

Dangerous fish caught in contaminated water bodies, because together with her meat in your body can get polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). These toxic substances lead to congenital defects, lagging in development, violate in the child blood formation and strongly suppress immunity.

· Cafe from the Gulf of Mexico;

· Fish sword;

· Atlantic hasty;

· Large tuna;

· Marlin;

· Royal mackerel.

Some species of fish are allowed during pregnancy, but they are recommended in the amount of no more than one portion (about 100 grams) per week:

· Lufar;

· Chilean sea bass;

· sea bass;

· Haltus;

· Corryryne (Mahi-Mahi);

· angler;

· Coal fish;

· Dnocheter;

· Spanish mackerel;

· Oceanic striped perch;

· Cafferet from the Pacific Ocean;

· White tuna Albacor;

· Yellowing tuna;

· Gorbowa.

What kind of fish is safe during pregnancy?

Our "execution list" of fish during pregnancy turned out quite long, but do not be afraid. It mostly hit the exotic. Most of the types of fish presented in Russian stores are not only safe, but also very useful for the future mother. Among the allowed and recommended products:

· Wild salmon;

· Shrimp;

· Tilapia;

· Kambala;

· Haltus;

· Mintai;

· Crack;

· Crabs and crabs;

· Different mollusks;

· Trout;


· Black sea bass.

Salmon is very useful, as it is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How to prepare fish for the future mother?

Surely you have known for a long time that you can not use any raw food of animal origin, including fish and seafood. Sushi fall under the ban (if they are cooked according to the canon from raw fish - this moment you need to be specified in the sushi bar), smoked, poorly warded fish. Most often from these products can be infected lishery - bacteria that are dangerous for you and for your future child.

Some tips will help you to prepare fish and avoid infection:

· Buy only fresh and well frozen, chilled fish. Do not take it on the street from sellers who trade "from the car", especially in the heat.

· If you do not plan to cook fish right away, as soon as you brought it from the store, store it in the freezer in a separate package.

· Use two different cutting boards: one for meat and fish, other for vegetables and fruits.

· Cooking fish and seafood needed until the temperature inside is 145 ° C. Meat should become opaque and well cleaned with a fork. But to navigate "on the eye" - not very reliable, it is better to purchase a special food thermometer.

· Mussels, oysters and other mollusks should be open sinks. They need to go through and throw away those whose shells are closed.

What useful fish and seafood during pregnancy?

Maybe the warning above frightened you, and you decided "from sin away" does not eat fish at all? In this case, you should look at the list of its useful effects:

· Promotes the growth of the fetus. Fish contains a lot of valuable protein - the main building material for the cells of your growing baby. In addition, it is rich in indispensable amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body.

· Promotes the development of the brain. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that are needed by the nervous system. It becomes especially important closer to the third trimester when the child's brain is actively developing.

· Improves your memory. This is an excellent way to prevent and reduce the symptoms of the "brain pregnancy".

· Enhances your mood. This is another "bonus" from omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to put an emotional state in order, prevent depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression.

· Improves the work of the cardiovascular system. Fish and seafood helps maintain normal blood pressure, reduce blood clotting and the level of "harmful fat", reduce the risk of thrombus.

· Reduces the risk of premature birth. Scientists have discovered that this complication is less common in areas where people regularly eat fish. Presumably this useful effect is also associated with omega-3 fatty acids.

Physical activity

Physical activity on any time of pregnancy is important and needed - all experts agree. Except may be only some diseases and complications, due to which the doctor himself recommended a future mother to limit physical exertion. Regular exercises are useful both for the woman itself and for the fetus, and also will definitely affect the health of the child after it appears.

Physical activity during pregnancy helps:

· Reduce risk gestational diabetes - states when the blood sugar increases in the blood of the mother.

· Prevent preeclampsia.

· Improve the state of the musculoskeletal system, prevent violations from the spine and joints, reduce lower back pain.

· Improve the work of the cardiovascular system and the lungs.

· Accelerate the restoration after delivery.

The danger to ride into a sedentary lifestyle is greatly rising in the third trimester of pregnancy, because the weight of the fetus becomes more tangible, women begin to experience more pronounced symptoms, often feel tired. But this is not at all reason for the goals of the day in bed or on the sofa. From this your condition will only worsen. It is worth visiting the doctor and consult which kinds of exercises will be optimal in your case. You can sign up for a school of future mothers, and there will be done with you.

Experts recommend performing moderate intensity exercises about 30 minutes a day during the majority of the week. But you need to remember that the poses on the back are contraindicated (this leads to the fact that the uterus squeezes vessels, dizziness arises, and you can lose consciousness), down your head, such positions in which you can fall and injure your belly.

Best of all for future mothers at any time of pregnancy are suitable yoga, visits to the pool, Pilates, various types of relaxation and meditation. You can buy a book or training videos that show special exercises for pregnant women.

Fresh air walks are also physical activity. If you walked a day twice a day for 15 minutes - we can assume that the required minimum is completed. At the expense goes and home affairs, work in the garden, at the cottage. Important moderation, excessive loads are also harmful as their complete absence.

Can you have sex?

You can have sex and on the 27th seventh week of pregnancy, and at later deadlines, it will not hurt a child and will not lead to any complications. Regular intimate proximity is even useful: it gives a discharge, brings positive emotions, strengthens your connection with the partner.

On common myths related to sex during pregnancy, you should forget:

· You will not harm the child. During sex contacts, the penis men will not get to the baby, because he is protected by the neck of your uterus and a fruit bubble.

· Intimate proximity cannot provoke premature birth.

· If you have sex in the right positions, you do not injure your stomach.

· It does not increase the risk of infection if you and your partner are healthy.

Nevertheless, some contraindications exist. If you doubt, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

· If your legs often hide, try to stand for a long time and do not sit. Walking, swimming helps reduce swelling.

· Evenkers say that liquid is delayed in your body, but this is not a signal to what you need to completely stop drinking. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

· Sign up to the school of future mothers (some of them can be recorded and the future dad). There you will receive a lot of useful knowledge, head new girlfriends and get support.

· Among other things for the future child you need to buy a car chair. It will be needed immediately after the discourse of the child from the maternity hospital when it needs to be taken home.

· Perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom. This will help to avoid some problems during pregnancy and facilitate the flow of labor.

· Do not get drunk. Until the end of pregnancy, you should ride a passenger seat. Moreover, you need to fastened correctly. The lower seat belt should pass under the stomach, and the upper - between the mammary glands.

· Perhaps it's time to acquire the literature about breastfeeding and care for the newborn. Soon these knowledge you will be very needed.

· Have you bought all things for the future child? Is there a crib, stroller and all the necessary furniture? If something has not yet been bought, it is better to take care of it now. Then you will not at all before.

· If the doctor suggested to lie down to the hospital "on preservation", it is not necessary to worry much about this. Yes, the hospital is not a house, perhaps you do not want to be there, and you are experiencing strong emotions about this, you want to refuse. Think about the fact that it is primarily important for the health of your future child.

· Have you already thought about where and how are you going to give birth? Modern women have many options, it all depends on your desire and financial opportunities. You can choose free childbirth or conclude a contract with the clinic for paid services - it will provide elevated comfort and more attentive attitude towards mom and child. In Russia, there are private hospitals. Some women wish their baby to be born abroad. In addition to the high level of medical services, there are other benefits of childbirth abroad. For example, a child who was born in the United States has the right to American citizenship.

What studies need to go?

By the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, no special planned analyzes and research are provided. The doctor in the female consultation will invite you to another reception, during which the standard procedures will hold: it will examine you, asking for complaints, the abdominal circle and the standing height of the uterus, weight, blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate is measured. You may be prescribed blood tests and urine.

If you have not yet passed screening analysis for gestational diabetes, it needs to be done.

Gestational diabetes: What is it?

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a pregnant woman has increased blood sugar levels. It is currently unknown why it develops, it is believed that hormonal changes in the body of the future mother violate the work of insulin - hormone, which contributes to the absorption of glucose cells of the body and reduces its level in the blood. Anyway, gestational diabetes negatively affects the health of the woman itself and the child, you need to fight. Most pregnant women have reduced blood sugar levels in the lifestyle.

Who has increased risks?

Gestational diabetes can develop from any pregnant woman. But there are some factors that increase the risk:

· Age older than 25 years.

· If a woman has already been before pregnancy prediabet.

· If the future mothers have close relatives suffering from second type diabetes.

· If the previous pregnancy ended in the birth of a child with a body weight of more than 4.1 kg or inexplicable stillbirth.

· Overweight: risks are increased if the index mass of the woman's body exceeds 30.

What symptoms do gestational diabetes appear?

Many women do not have any symptoms. Increased blood sugar levels are detected using laboratory tests. That is why it is so important to take screening. Most often, blood sugar levels rises in the second half of pregnancy, some women have already at 20 weeks.

What is dangerous gestational diabetes?

Due to the fact that the insulin of the mother penetrates through the placenta, the fruit grows faster. Such children at birth often weigh 4.1 kg and more. They more often get generic injuries, it is necessary to resort to Cesarean cross section. The child can be born prematurely, while often developing respiratory dysterss syndrome - violation of the function of the respiratory system in a newborn. A child can be born with a low blood sugar, because its pancreas have to produce a lot of insulin, because of this convulsions arise. And the mother herself, and the child, in the future risk sick diabetes mellitus. Pregnancy in gestational diabetes is often complicated by high arterial pressure, preeclampsia.

How to deal with gestational diabetes mellitus?

If analyzes revealed gestational diabetes, the doctor will ask the woman to buy a glucometer and 4-5 times during the day at a certain time to check blood sugar levels. During the birth, the blood glucose level is also constantly monitored: if it is very high, there is a big risk that the child will be born with hypoglycemiaAnd he has cramps.

In most cases, to normalize the level of sugar help exercise and proper nutrition. Approximately 10-20% of women have to introduce insulin. It is necessary to carefully control the condition of the child, so the doctor will periodically assign unscheduled inspections and ultrasound studies.

After birth, the level of sugar in the blood of the mother continues to control. He must return to the norm.

In what cases do you need to consult a doctor?

Some symptoms may indicate serious complications. If they arose, you need to see the doctor as soon as possible:

· Strong edema in the field of stop, ankle. They may testify to preeclampsia.

· Bleeding, abundant and having an unusual appearance of the discharge from the vagina.

· Strong pain, spasms in the stomach, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, the waist.

· Difficult breathing, severe shortness of breath.

· The fruit has become less active or completely stopped moving in the stomach.

· Elevated blood pressure.

The future mother should take care of his health carefully, pay attention to any unusual, strongly pronounced, persistent for a long time symptoms. If there are doubts about whether it is worth contacting the doctor, as a rule, it is better to turn. After all, we are talking about the health of your future child.

You need to pay attention to the manifestations of any infections:

· Respiratory infections: cough, runny nose, elevated body temperature.

· Intestinal infections: Pain in the stomach, frequent liquid chair, nausea, vomiting, temperature rise.

· Urinary infections: pain, itching, burning in the area of \u200b\u200bexternal genital organs, frequent painful urination, discharge from vagina, having an unusual color and unpleasant odor, pain in the lower back, blood impurities in the urine, difficulty during urination, temperature increase.

During visits to the female consultation, as much as possible, tell the doctor about your well-being, symptoms.

Unpleasant satellites of pregnancy - video guide

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


The second trimester is completed, and you are fully tuned to childbirth. You went to the finishing straight, in a few months you will meet with your baby. Your relationship with your husband has become very close and warm, you are preparing to become parents and, perhaps, cook coming for your crumbs. Now you need to visit a gynecologist every 2 weeks.Be sure to ask everything that worries you.

What does the term mean - 27 weeks?

You are at 27 obstetrics, and this is from conception and delay.

Feeling of the future mother for the twenty-seventh week

Your tummy increases in size, now it is near the liter of spindle water, and the kid is quite enough space to swim. Due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the stomach and intestines, in recent months of pregnancy, a heartburn may appear in the future mother.

  • Yours breast is preparing for feedingIt is often poured, mosper can appear from nipples. Venous drawing on the chest is very clear.
  • Your mood can be changeable. You begin to doubt and panic about the upcoming birth. But your fears are natural, talk about them with your husband or mom. Do not hold your experience in yourself.
  • Sometimes you can disturb dizziness. And may also appear weetchosensitivity.
  • Often arise muscle cramps, as well as the severity and swelling of the legs.
  • When you click on the stomach, your baby can answer you.
  • Your weight will increase by 6-7 kg for this month. But you should know that during this period the child is actively growing and this phenomena is the norm. Worse, if you do not get a cherished kilogram.
  • In the later timing in the blood of women half cholesterol levelsBut it should not worry you. Cholesterol for the placenta is an important building material with which it produces various types of hormones, including progesterone responsible for the development of the mammary glands, removing the voltage of the uterus and other smooth muscles.
  • The belly grows, and the skin is stretched on it, it can sometimes cause strong Sealing items. In this case, preventive measures will help in the form of applying a soft cream, for example, almond milk. But be careful, now it is impossible to use cosmetics based on oils for aromatization. They can cause allergies, as well as overcoat the nervous system.
  • During this period you can feel the heat, not only in the warm season, but also in the cold. And also increases sweatingThere is a need for frequent hygiene.
  • A pleasant moment will be very clear and colorful dreams about your baby.

Women's reviews:


I do not know why, but it was at week 27, I began to worked very much that the childbirth would begin ahead of time. I gathered a bag in the maternity hospital, every movement of the baby caused panic. And then my mother-in-law somehow came to visit and seeing my bag read me. Surprisingly it helped. After all, from that day I was tuned to the positive and let this process on samonek. The baby was born within the deadline.


During this period there were terrible migraines, I just could not do anything. We had to lie in the dark room half a day, it was saved only in the fresh air.


I was not afraid of anything and did not think about anything. My husband and I went to the sea, I got bored, did not challenge, though. And beautiful weather and fresh air affected my well-being.


I remember that somewhere this week I have on strawberries. I was delivered, and I was covered with red spots. Just a horror of some kind! But thank God that it was a temporary phenomenon and nothing terrible happened.


And this week we bought a little first thing and a crib. I do not believe in all these superstitions. My husband and I thought out and created a project of a room for babies. They put a sofa there, on which I slept with the baby to six months. The husband got up early, he walked himself and prepared me breakfast, it was nice.

Development of the fetus at 27 week of pregnancy

All organs and systems have already laid and the baby actively trains them. If he was born now, then his chances of survival would be 85%. With the operational and correct care, the baby will not differ from the peers in the future.

Its growth is 35 cm, and the weight is about 1 kg.

  • The baby becomes pretty: it disappears the folds on the body, the subcutaneous fat layer becomes thicker.
  • His eyes are ajar, now the reaction to the light is even sharper, he can even turn his head if his bright light shines in his eyes.
  • Your baby feels pain and can squeeze the cams, and also to inflate the cheeks.
  • Now the reflexes of swallowing and sucking are being improved.
  • This week, the kid has actively developing the brain area that is responsible for consciousness and thinking.
  • Your baby can see dreams.
  • The child is very moving: it turns over, pulls and balls.
  • On this and subsequent week, the child takes the so-called bending pose.
  • Now you can even see what your baby pushes: a handle or leg.
  • From this week, the child's chances to survive in case of premature births are 85%. So, from now on, the child has already fully realistic viability.
  1. It's time to write an application for a vacation.
  2. Problems of swelling of the legs and the problems of the veins will help to overcome the wearing of tightening stockings, it will help to reduce the pressure in the legs.
  3. To keep the night calmly, do not drink a lot of water overnight, better 3-4 hours before sleeping to drink your last portion of water.
  4. Contact the center of preparation for childbirth, where there are masseuses that work with pregnant women and know all the features of the massage in the "interesting situation". Some of them can come to childbirth in order to make a relaxing and anesthetic massage.
  5. Possess relaxation and proper breathing techniques during childbirth.
  6. Be sure to rest in the afternoon. Day sleep will help restore energy spent in the morning.
  7. Make sure that there is enough zinc in your diet. Its shortage in the body lead to premature birth.
  8. If you are worried about the alarming thoughts associated with future childbirth and the health of the baby, talk to your loved ones, you will see, you will immediately become easier.
  9. And so that the prenatal depression does not overtake you, exclude extra carbohydrates from the ration. Give preference to eggs, seeds, wholegrain bread.
  10. And remember that nervousness and negative emotions affect not only your condition, but also on your baby. At this moment the vessels are narrowed, and the baby gets little oxygen. After stressful events, it is necessary to walk in the park, breathe air to fill the gaps. Try to avoid stressful situations.

Photos of the fetus, photo Tummy Mom, ultrasound, video about the development of the fetus at week 27

Ultrasound - the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy

stock Foto Mamina tummy at week 27


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