New Year. New Year's traditions in Italy New Year in Italy Vicky

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Ah, Italy ... Sunny country of refined wine and olive oil, attracting tourists with a rich architectural heritage. Italy is beautiful not only in the summer. In winter, this country also manits tourists. To go to Italy for the celebration of the New Year, this is a decision that, which, you can guarantee the presence of bright memories and a range of positive emotions.

Italian holiday atmosphere

The festive atmosphere vitates in every Italian city since the Catholic and end, which falls on January 6.

On urban areas, richly decorated New Year trees are installed, next to which a small glass house is located - an exposure telling about the visit of Magi to Jesus Christ.

Under the Christmas tree, it is customary to organize floral flower beds. Even Venetian lions fit into the New Year's hats and flaunt wool beards.

And restaurants are decorated with spruce wreaths, sparkling garlands and red ribbons. From shop owners and restaurants are trying to keep up and residents of houses that compete, whose balcony is decorated more beautiful.

And no one will forget to leave the coins on the windowsill and burned down - Mind.

New Year's Eve

Before the New Year's feast (Holy Sylvester dinner), each Italian needs to make a bunch of things. First of all, do not forget to throw out old things: furniture and other interior items, old clothes. True, from the windows with a crackle, more household items will fly away. Such an original attraction has long been banned. Old and unnecessary things simply exhibit in front of the house.

Also before midnight, it is necessary to break the enon number of dishes by tradition. This tradition allows people to get rid of all negative emotions accumulated in the year.

New Year's feast

Now is the time to sit at the table. For the new year in every Italian family, the tables are broken from generous treats. It is no secret that the Italians are excellent cooking, so their generous and hearty New Year's table symbolizes wealth and wealth.

At the table, the family sits early, at 9 pm. The feast continues until the new year's appearance, which Italians will go to meet with relatives and friends in restaurants or on the square of own cities.

The most traditional dish that will be present on the table is a lentil dish.

A total of 13 different dishes can be on the festive table, as well as nuts and grapes and fish caviar. With the onset of the new year, an abundant dietary dish is defined on the table - pork legs. In some regions of Italy, an excellent foam drink is added to pork legs - beer.

Grapes on the festive table plays a special role. Each of the New Year's table is given 12 grapes, which eat one with each clock impact. After a twelfth strike in the house, turn off the light and the whole family goes to New Year's walking.

Lush celebration

The holiday on urban areas is not necessary without colorful fireworks and flap.

Festive treats continue on the squares, the traditional pies are offered: "Panneton", "Ricarelli", "Torrone" and Italian wine.

In the squares, residents of the city dance and accompany the dance with loud cotton, which evil spirits are driven.

Walking with all their might try to greet the oldest resident of the city, then happiness is provided for the whole year. Residents of the city give each other a symbolic olive branch with a glass of pure water.

The arrival of January 1 is celebrated by Mesia in the Vatican, in the Cathedral of St. Peter. On January 1, World Warm Day is celebrated in Italy.

Italian Santa Claus

In the New Year to each kid in Italy comes with gifts Babbo Natal (Analog Santa Claus). This kind grandfather in the Red Camcole comes to children on the snowy sleigh harvested by the reindeer. However, the privilege to give gifts to kids belongs to Faena Fae. Befana is extremely unlimited, hooked nose and sticking teeth do not have to get acquainted. But the children are waiting for her with impatience, hanging red-green stockings to the fireplace shelf.

On the eve of the New Year and after it carnavals are held. Carnavals start on December 26 and continue for several days. Daily on the streets of cities pass theatrical performances with and characters of favorite fairy tales.

The new year reveals the entire New Year's beauty of Italy, the generosity of this nation. To hold a new year in Italy is to make a magical journey into a beautiful ...

Unlike Christmas, the new year is customary to meet with friends, and not in the family circle. On New Year's holidays, everything decorates around garlands, red ribbons, Christmas wreaths. At the squares of urban megacities there are huge elegant Christmas trees. Flower flower beds are planted under the Christmas trees. The new year is dressing both the Terrible Venetian Lviv - they put on their heads on their heads and attach white beards from the wool. Streets sparkle with multi-colored lights, thanks to thousands of bulbs garlands who chase trees and facades of houses.

In Italy, it was happy to celebrate the New Year, and rather noisy. This is generally a noisy nation ...

In order for the coming year to be successful, the Italians are falling into red underwear. Therefore, on New Year's days, all storefronts of shops are moving with red things. In general, new year in Italy is customary to buy new things. Generally speaking, the new year for the inhabitants of Italy is all new. Hence, I went the custom to throw old things in the New Year from the windows. However, due to the greatest risk, get injured, walking under the balconies of Italian houses, such a tradition has long come out of fashion.

On New Year's Eve, everyone attracts good luck. And they do it with all possible ways. For example, in order to live in the entire advancing year, in Italy, it's nice to lay coins on the window sills or put burning candles.

The new year is also a New Year's feast called the dinner of the Sylvester. It starts about 9 hours and lasts directly until the new year. It is best if there will be 13 dishes on the table, but it can be limited to 5-7 kushans. Main dishes are lentils (Lenticchie, Lentikov), which in its species resembles coins, as well as pork, caviar, nuts and grapes. December 31 is usually treated with pork legs, as if spending the old year. And with the onset of the new year, a pork head dishes are served. After all, a pig slowly, but right moving forward. There is a bad admission, there is a dishes from chicken - after all, it is believed in Italy, in a hurry back. Also for wealth and abundance next year to the table are served by fishing caviar - and this is not surprising. Pork sausage is served to the table. It is very fatty and acute, but each Italian to maintain tradition should eat at least one slice. In some regions, the country is believed that one who treats a dish of Turkish pea, and in other areas, in the first minutes of the new year, prefer to drink beer in the first minutes of the new year.

Grapes, so adorable by the Italians, plays a special role. According to custom, it is necessary to prepare 12 grapes, and with each point of hours to eat one. To the one who can eat the last grape in the first second of the New Year, will accompany the whole year. After the twelfth strike, turn off the light, and all next to the guests are kissing.

Also for the new year they are treated with seafood, beans with honey, white beans. Bake Pies, Panneton, Torrone, Ricarchelia, etc. Traditional New Year's drink is Italian wine, but to drink champagne, besides, French is considered a bad tone.

After the traditional New Year's feast, everyone goes to walk to the streets, where they continue to have fun. The most popular place in the New Year's Eve is a drum del Popolo - the central square of Rome. No new year in Italy does not cost without fireworks, clappers and Petard. A deafening roar from explosions will not let you sleep in the New Year - yes it is not accepted. The most beautiful fireworks are launched in Naples.

It has great importance to those who are first to meet in the new year on the street. Meeting with a priest, a monk or a small child does not promise any good, but if you see the first grandfather, but if you are also humpbat, then the whole coming year has come to you. Another tradition that occurred from the villages is to bring on January 1 to the house "new" clean water. Italians have such a proverb: "If you have nothing to give to friends, give new water with an olive branch." Traditionally, for lunch on January 1, baked turkey is prepared. On this day, World Day of Peace, and Pope, on the occasion of this date, serves in the Vatican Mass (in the Cathedral of St. Peter).

New Year's holidays in Italy, of course, do not cost without Santa Claus. True, Italians are clich by his babobo natale. Such a symbol of the new year, along with the New Year's Christmas tree, was borrowed from Americans and received distribution only in the second half of the twentieth century. In this regard, Babbo Natal is practically no different from the American Santa Claus. This is the same kind rosy grandfather in red camsole and red panthalons, with a white beard, sleds, harnessed reindeer.

For the new year in Italy, it is not customary to present gifts. In addition, after Christmas, they are no longer left. But children gifts give a kind Fairy Befana. It happens on January 6th. With his appearance of the Befana looks like Russian Babu Yagu. She has a crochet's nose, her teeth come forward. Beefana is dressed in a long raincoat, a pointed hat and leaky woolen stockings. Children look forward to her arrival, hanging their stockings to the fireplace. According to the legend, Befana comes at night and puts into stockings to children who approximately behaved the whole year, delicacy, and rolling-coal. The Fairy Faives have their own story ... But no longer New Year and Christmas ...

Christmas in Italy is considered the most expected and beloved holiday. Cooking begins long before it offensive: the residents of the "boot" are suitable for this event. One of the indispensable conditions is a thorough compliance with local traditions.

Christmas holidays in Italy begin on December 24 and are completed on January 6, on the day of the celebration of Epiphany or Epiphany.

Photo source: Church of St. Anthony in Ortise Commune. Christmas.

The New Year's Italians are not so important and popular as Christmas. A semi-official holiday does not require special piety, youth gives preference to have fun in clubs and in squares.

In many ways, Christmas and New Year in Italy is not very different from other European countries - the same elegant Christmas trees, illumination, festive treats, gifts. But, nevertheless, there are some features that are worth telling our readers.

How to celebrate Christmas (Natale) in Italy

"Meet Christmas with family, and Easter - you want with anyone" - all Italians know this saying and strictly observe her. The main holiday in Italy is customary to meet in the circle of relatives and loved ones.

In the house before Merry Christmas, it is customary to visit the perfect cleanliness and certainly decorate it. At a long time, it takes a Christmas wreath on the entrance door.

On the festive night, exactly at midnight, the Christmas service begins throughout Italy. According to the tradition, Mass must visit all family members. In the Vatican, the festive Mass serves the Pope itself, she passes in and lasts one and a half hours.

Source photo: Christmas Mass in St. Peter's Cathedral. 2008.

Christmas symbol - Presepio

In Italian, Christmas is pronounced Natale, and its main symbol is Presepio or Vertips - a composition of figurines dedicated to Christmas. Central characters - Maria and Joseph, Magi and, of course, animals who lived in Tom Hlev, where Jesus appeared. But the baby figurine is added to the verta only on December 25 - after he is born.

Statuettes and scenery for Vertipa Italians buy in stores, some do it yourself, in the end there are no identical compositions. They look pretty beautiful and touching. The most grandiose vertel is installed in the Vatican, where all the figures are performed in a natural value.

Photo source: Christmas vertol on St. Peter's Square. year 2014.

Christmas tree

The Italians dress up on December 8, a day when the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary occurred. In the old days in Italy, the Christmas tree was not a mandatory attribute of Christmas, the tradition of decorating the green beauty came not so long ago, after World War II.

Color of italian christmas

Main color christmas - red. It is present everywhere where only you can - on the Christmas tree, on the festive table, in the decoration of housing, in clothes, in gifts. Almost in all houses there is a plant of poinsettia, with bright red leaves. It is also called the Christmas or Bethlehem Star - this is a very spectacular and festive flower, especially love the Italians.

Photo source: Poinsettia.

Wreaths and garlands of fir branches are decorated with holly sprigs with red berries.

Prayer Vale

Novena is a nine-day prayer vow - takes place several times a year, but the most sacred passes before Christmas. For nine days before Christmas, they utter a prayer for rosets, a kind of preparation for the greeting of Jesus. Over time, this religious tradition was slightly changed. These days, children go from home to home and sing traditional Christmas songs, they treat all sorts of sweets for it.

Christmas gifts in Italy

Christmas gifts are considered the most important and expected. Prudant Italians buy them in advance, often on summer or winter sales, as a rule, in order to save.

A few weeks before the holiday in Italy, the period "Advent" begins - traditional Christmas fairs and bazaars, where you can buy everything: products, decorations, sweets, gifts.

Source photo: Christmas Fair in Trento.

Adults open gifts on December 24, after evening dinner. Children find their gifts under the Christmas tree the next morning, believing that they put them Babbo Natale, Italian Santa Claus. Many Italians follow one pretty tradition - to leave a glass of milk or sweets for Babbobo Natal.

Another touching tradition: children write letters with words of gratitude to parents. The Father's posts puts his messages under the pillow, he, no matter how accidentally, it finds them and reads the family in a circle on Christmas Eve.

Photo source:

Oddly enough, but letters of Babbo Natal write and adults. In many Italian cities, christmas trees are installed in large shopping centers or in the central stations, where everyone can hang his letter to her with wishes addressed to Babbo Natal. It looks all very funny.

Photo source: Babbo Natal near.

Christmas Italian Tradition: Saty Polyse

The traditional boss is a common log. As a rule, the head of the family brought him in the housing and adjusted in the hearth. It should have burned to the New Year, in some regions to the Epiphany (January 6). This ancient tradition originated in pagan times.

It is believed that the ritual of the burning of the village must bring prosperity to the house. The ashes of Polyan is considered healing, they were treated with illness, he also defeated the housing from lightning. Until now, many Italians follow this tradition.

This Italian tradition for Christmas swallowed in cooking: instead of the real Italians are often preparing a Christmas cake "Polyen", and it is safely eaten.

Photo source: Christmas cake "POLANE".

Dzamponyar - traditional christmas attribute in Italy

Christmas in many cities of Italy passes under the sounds of dzampony (carriages from goat skins) and Charamella (wooden flute). In former times, shepherds, descended from the mountains, were marsh and flutists in order to entertain the people with Christmas melodies.

Dzamponyar, so called musicians, dressed in traditional colorful shepherd suits - sheep wool vests, trousers to knee, white socks and long black raincoats.

Photo source: Dzamponyar.

Christmas feast

Traditionally, throughout Italy, on the eve of Christmas on the tables, only fish dishes are represented on the tables, this is due to the post when the meat is banned. The next day, December 25, all restrictions were removed - the tables are replete with all sorts of disasses.

In different regions of Italy, they prepare their Christmas dishes, often the secrets of their preparation are transmitted from generation to generation and are served only for Christmas. But there are traditional dishes: various pastes, Tortellini, stuffed cap (rooster), baked turkey, lamb, Italian sausages.

The dessert is served traditional Christmas cupcakes - "Panetton" with raisins and Cucats, as well as Pandoro (in translation - "Golden Bread"), sprinkled with sugar powder. Another traditional delicacy is "Torrone", it is prepared from egg proteins, honey and sugar, raisins, filling serve Greek and forest nuts, almonds, pistachios.

Photo source: Christmas cupcake Panton.

Interesting detail: For Christmas in Italy, it is not customary to serve and eat apples, thereby not to remind once again about original sin.

At the end of the family, the family is played in traditional Christmas games, one of these is called a tomboxy, analogue of our lotto.

How to celebrate New Year (Capodanno) in Italy

New Year in Italy is customary to meet fun and noisy, in a restaurant, club or on the square. If Christmas is a strictly family holiday, then the new year can be celebrated in the company with friends in the incendiary parties. Many prefer a walking on urban areas where the grandiose New Year performances with music and dancing are arranged. On New Year's Eve, all Italy literally shakes away from prolonged fireworks, the leader on their paintness is considered to be Naples.

Capodanno translated from Italian means "Head of the Year", he is also known as a dinner of the Sylvester.

It is noteworthy that the Italians do not make New Year's gifts, as everything was donated for Christmas.

In the celebration of the Italian New Year there are features and traditions, some of them will seem rather funny.

Extraction of trash

In Italy, there is a tradition to throw away unnecessary things in the last minutes of the outgoing year, and from the windows of his house. Italians believe that in this way they are getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated over the past year. The new year for them is associated with everything new, so they try to throw away all the old and acquire something new.

Nowadays, the Italians are not as wasteful as once. The likelihood that the chair will fall on the head, sofa or TV, very small.

12 grapes

Italy is impossible to imagine without grapes. On New Year's Eve, there are special hopes for him. Prepared in advance of 12 grapes eat one with each clock impact. Whoever ate the last berry in the first second of the coming year will accompany the luck. By the way, Spaniards believe in it.

After the last battle hours in the room turn off the light and all the guests sitting at the table exchange each other kisses.

Photo source:

Candles and coins

To attract good luck and live in sufficiency of the whole next year, superstitious Italians unfold on the windowsill coins or light candles.

Red linen

Almost all New Year's traditions are associated with the involvement of good luck and wealth. By tradition, to celebrate the New Year in Italy, it is customary to wear red underwear, both women and men. Many are thus trying to find happiness in personal life.

At this time, shop windows are replete with red attributes: panties, stockings, socks, underwear and so on. If you comply with the tradition, well-being is provided to you.

Photo source:

New water

There is a belief that on January 1, we certainly need to bring new water to the house. And this is necessary before sunset. So the inhabitants of the house guaranteed happiness and luck. Many, going to visit the first January, will certainly grab a bottle of water with them - just traditionally.

First met

Going out on the street on the first New Year's day, the Italians carefully look at passersby - it is very important for them who will meet the first. It is considered great luck to see a beautiful young girl, if you meet the humpback old man - a rich and happy year is provided to you. An unfinished sign is considered to be a meeting with the priest.

Lentil and pork

Following the ancient tradition, on New Year's Eve every Italian must try a dish of lentils. It is believed that it will bring prosperity and wealth. To lentils, it is customary to serve the stuffed pork leg, called Dzampone (Zampone) - this is also a symbol of well-being.

Pork dishes are required on the New Year's table. Italians consider pigs with fairly calculating animals, stubbornly moving forward to their goal. Therefore, everyone must taste pork delicacies.

Photo source: Stuffed pork leg and lentils.

1st of January

Going out of the house on January 1, the Italians certainly put money in his pocket. So they hope that the entire next year will be held without money problems.

Fairy Befan.

New Year's meeting holidays in Italy do not end. Everyone is looking forward to the day of the celebration of Epiphany, or Epiphany. Children are especially welcome to this event, they are waiting for the appearance of the good Fairy of the Befana.

Photo source: Toy good fairy befana.

The fact that she looks like an old woman with a hooked nose, dressed in a holey and dirty clothes and flies on a broom, not at all embarrassing children. On the contrary, they just adore her. And all because on the night of January 5-16, Fairy Befana spreads gifts to children. Wall in a house on a chimney, she lays in stockings of sweets and gifts. If the child was naughty and behaved badly, he got coal. So children had an incentive to behave adequately throughout the year.

Photo source: Pouring on boats on the day of the celebration of epifania. .

This is not all the traditions and customs of the Italian Christmas and New Year. Each province has its own features of the celebration. To understand all this and see, go to Italy. Only there you will fully infiltrate the spirit of Christmas holidays surrounded by emotional Italians.

Solar and fun Italy Winter holidays notes with a scope. If christmas for residents of the country is a purely family celebration, then the new year is a wonderful reason to meet with friends and have fun at the entire coil. Many travelers want to join a rapid celebration, because the Italian reference to the meeting place of the upcoming year depends on the whole 12 months! New Year in Italy - This is a real extravaganza, colorful fireworks and long walks.
Prepare for winter holidays in Italy, as in the rest of Europe, begin in advance. Somewhere a month before the Christmas, the building is decorated with thousands of garlands, shop windows are seen in the despius (vertapes - skillfully made scenes of the birth of Jesus), and the square flourished through elegant Christmas trees. The beauty of the scenery would still face the background of snowy snowdrifts, but the weather for the new year in Italy, as a rule, windy and wet, the air temperature is rarely lowered to +8 degrees. Warm jacket and moisture-resistant shoes do not interfere.

Babbo Natal and Fairy Beefana

From December 25, Christmas sales start across the country, and the inhabitants of Italy are actively buying New Year's gifts. It is customary to do everything with a scope, including, and congratulate. Children presents Babbo Natal. By the way, the young Italians in the winter holidays are very lucky: they congratulate them on Christmas, the New Year and January 6. On this day, toys brings Fairy Befana. Custom is associated with a semi-language tradition: Magi (or kings in the German tradition) went to visit Little Jesus with gifts. On the way, they stopped in the house of a lonely old woman. Toving about the goal of your journey, Magi offered to join them, but an elderly woman refused. Having closed the door behind the travelers, she caught and hurried with gifts in Bethlehem, but there was no longer holy family there. Since then, she so wanders in the world, giving children toys and sweets in the hope of finding a divine baby. Outwardly, Befana reminds Russian Babu Yagu to his hooked nose, hump, gray hair and rags, but it is very kind. The Fairy loves obedient children, and poverty gives coals, so the Italian vendors on the eve of January 6 massively offer black caramels.

Italian New Year traditions

At the table on New Year in Italy It is accepted to sit at 21:00 to have time to be accepted and pay tribute to the old year. The dishes are certainly present by caviar, lentils, smoked fish and baked chicken or turkey - this is, according to belief, brings good luck and wealth. Be sure to prepare any of the pork - in their opinion, this is the animal "constantly on the way", that is, slowly, but correctly moving forward. Saws to local wine, champagne or beer - the last drink Italians call the "brother-bringing", so they actively hide them. It should be noted that the inhabitants of this cheerful country are simply obsessed with the love of good luck in the coming year. For example, they try to celebrate New Year in Red - store counters simply burst from clothes and linen appropriate color. Harppings are put on the window sills - candles and coins. With each clock impact, they eat along the grape - it is believed that the berry simultaneously swallowed with the last battle will bring happiness. And everyone knows the tradition of throwing out old things from the windows - the sofas, of course, no longer fly, since the furniture is expensive, but someone's pants may well be planned for you.
Noting the first minutes of the coming year, the Italians hurry to the street. Priests are sitting on the houses - Mount to the one to whom they will come to meet. But if the hunchy grandfather goes the road, the luck will be accompanied in all matters until December 31 of the next year.
On the New Year in Italy It is customary to get acquainted with each other to spend the most magical night together, so be prepared for unexpected meetings. Especially hospitable Italians are pleased to tourists, boldly answer greetings: "Bon Ano!" ("Have a good year!").
Another Italians are massively launching the fireworks and fireworks, believing that they are not only painted beautifully paint the sky, but also scare the evil spirits, pumping over the year. Early in the morning on January 1, the house brings a clean "new" water with an olive branch.

What to do on New Year's Eve

Many celebrate a holiday in Rome on Piazza Del Popolo (Lepanto or Spagna Metro). Here the champagne pours the river, the empty bottles are broken down on the foot of the monument, and the most desperate and drunk citizens jump directly into the Tiber River. Some of these Vakhanalia scares, so they are replicated to the Colosseum area. There is a beautiful cafe Roof Garden Hotel next to the Deana Hotel. You are waiting for unforgettable views of the night Rome, delicious kitchen and at least 350 euros. Casa Coppelle on Piazza Delle Coppelle is more democratic at prices. Russian tourists like IL Chianti on Via Delle Lavatore - there are many compatriots among staff.
If you ended up for New Year's holidays in Milan, feel free to go to the Cathedral Piazza Duomo Square near the Cathedral. Interesting events are held there: concerts of live music, performance of dancers and acrobats, various shows. The cathedral on this night looks particularly magically thanks to the backlight. You can get acquainted with the funny local youth and go to the fashionable club Capodanno a Milano.
In the romantic Venice, the holiday is postponed to San Marco Square, where everyone is coming together for seconds to battle the clocks of the 98-meter bell tower Campanil. At midnight, the couple exchange kisses, and the sky is illuminated by thousands of sparks of fireworks.

As in any Catholic country, Christmas is considered to be the main holiday in Italy. But the Italians would not be Italians if they missed an additional reason for fun. Therefore, the new year in this country is celebrated with no smaller scale, and for the history of the holiday, it has increased the large number of rites, traditions and customs. How to celebrate New Year in Italy?

Briefly about the main thing

New Year in Italy comes along with two traditions: residents try to give all their debts and throw away all old things. This is a symbol that it's time to say goodbye to last year's trouble, opening the doors to meet a new future. By the way, the old things are made to throw away from the windows, so on the eve of the New Year in Italy is not very safe to walk through the streets of cities, especially in residential areas.

After the debts are given, and the old things are thrown out, the Italians begin to cover on the table. A festive dinner is started at 9 pm. A fatty pork sausage and lentil must be present on the table. But this is not the essence! The main thing is that these dishes are cooked by a woman in red underwear. It is believed that it will bring good luck in the coming year.

Meet the New Year in Italy is taken with wine, and not with champagne. During the battle hours you need to have time to eat 12 white grapes. The eating should be calculated in such a way that the last berry comes to the first minute of the new year. And of course, according to traditions, in Italy, the new year is found in new clothes.

After everyone is tasty food and homely atmosphere, the Italians go to the streets and under the roar of fireworks continue to have fun until the morning. Now you can go in more detail in the particular New Year-christmas holidays of Italy.

Features of the holiday

New Year in Italy, as, however, in any other country, is an unusual holiday, and it needs to be found so that the next 12 months brought only positive emotions. Probably, that is why in Italy, the New Year-christmas holidays lasts from Christmas to baptism, and this is about a month.

In this country, the new year is called Capodanno, which means "head of the year". This day is called the Day of St. Sylvester. Dinner start at 9 pm, and at the table must be at least 13 dishes. Only the closest friends of the family and relatives are invited to the feast.

Since there are many provinces in the country, it has long been that such that each of them has its own traditions regarding the meeting of the New Year. And only one tradition of the celebration of the New Year in Italy remains unchanged - concerts and a walking last night, lightly light, as if during the day, from illuminations, and on every windowsill you can see a flower pot in which the elegant Christmas tree is worthy.

Fireworks and Petardes

Huge crowds of people walk on the streets, some of them dress up in carnival costumes and everything, absolutely all at least once, but set fire to Petard and throw it to the ground. For an unprepared person, a festive night in this country may seem a terrorist act, as they say the new year in Italy is very noisy and using a large number of pyrotechnics. But the reason is not that the Italians are funny and the clockwork guys who are just waiting for the reason to be fun. In fact, all of them are very superstitious and believe that loud sounds drive out evil spirits.

Old things and happy meeting

As already mentioned, on the eve of the New Year, the Italians throw old things out of windows. Moreover, the old things include not only the grandmother's suitcase, missing naphtalin, but also quite new items of modern life. Italians believe that it is necessary to get rid of as much as possible unnecessary items, then in the coming year new acquaintances, events and things will appear.

Also in Italy are very important to those who will be met in the morning of January. If it is a young girl with a baby in his arms, he saw her happy year waiting for her. When there will be going to go, it is also considered a good admission. Such a date promises a bowless year and a lot of money. But the meetings with the clergyman are trying to avoid any price. This is a bad sign, which testifies to the big misfortune in the coming year.

Water and fairs

To please the family that invited the new year to visit, it is best to bring clean water with you, it will be the most desirable gift. Previously, it is necessary to put the olive twig, such water is called "new" and is a symbol of happy and bright life, so such a gift is very highly appreciated.

The celebration of the New Year in Italy can not do without the traditional New Year fairs. But most of all the profits at this time receive clothing stores, as the Italians believe that the new decoration, besides red, will bring good luck to its owner.

Santa Claus in Italian

Babbo Natal - just so dubbed in Italy of this caring old man. On the night of December 31, on January 1, he comes to all obedient children and puts them gifts in previously prepared socks. So that Babbo Natal knew what the young residents of Italy dream of, on the streets of the country there are red boxes in which letters need to be thrown.

But this is not the only character who is glad to meet the defortion. On the day of baptism, Fairy Beefana comes to the kids (or a good witch of Befana). It appears on a flying broom, in his hands holds a golden key and gives the guys with surprises. Obedient children receive pleasant presents from her, and a pinch of ashes is intended evil and naughty.


Christmas's harbinger in Italy is christmas. Of course, after him there are some more holidays. But the new year is most common. In some provinces for holidays, which are in the interval between Merry Christmas and the New Year, do not pay attention in principle.

Initially, Christmas was preceded by the holiday of Saturnalia, who was conducted in honor of the god Saturn on December 17th. In the days of the republic and the Imperial Rome, this action lasted 5-7 days. This holiday marked the end of the harvest. And it was customary to relax, having fun, arrange feast and give gifts to friends and relatives. On holidays, it was not forbidden to play gambling, and even slaves could swap places with their owners. Starting from the IV century n. E. When Christianity spread on the territory of the country, the usual Saturnalia was replaced by Christmas. At the same time, some ancient traditions have been preserved, which were popular in the time of the pagan holiday.

Start of feast

So, how do you meet the new year in Italy? First, this celebration is preceded by more than one festive day. Decorating the city of illumination begin at the end of November. By December 8 (the day of immaculate conception), all cities and provinces of Italy are ready for holidays.

Throughout December, Christmas markets work, of course, they are not so colorful and diverse, as in Germany or Austria, but possess their flavor, especially in the north of the country. At such fairs you can purchase traditional products, festive sweets, New Year's decorations, gifts, etc.

During this period, wherever possible, Items are installed and sing christmas songs. For 9 days before Christmas begins Novenna - practice, during which special prayers are read in Catholic churches for 9 days. In some rural areas, children change clothes in shepherds and go from home to home with Christmas songs.

Quest: "Get to the cathedral of Pope"

On Christmas Eve, all believers are visited by Mass - the festive church sermon, which lasts on the night of December 24-25. Someone simply goes to the nearest temple, and someone goes to the Vatican, in St. Peter's Cathedral to listen to the sermon from the Pope itself.

In order to get to St. Peter's Cathedral or the Square of the same name during Christmas, you need to book tickets in advance. They are absolutely free, but since they wanted a lot, they need to register a few months before the event. This procedure can be passed online, it will be necessary to fill the appropriate shape and go through a small quest. If there are free places, then notification from the Vatican will come to the home address, and for 4-5 days before the holiday it will be necessary to take tickets from the prefecture of the Papal House.

In Italy, Christmas is celebrated in a warm family circle behind a large table with a huge number of diverse dishes. A feast can last a day with resting breaks, it must be complemented by board games and exchange gifts.

After Christmas

The next day after Christmas is also a holiday (St. Stephen's Saglinary Day) and the official day off. After him, the whole country is preparing for a new year meeting. Unlike Christmas, this holiday is celebrated outside the house. Folk Gulyanya, light-music ideas in the open air, concerts, parties, Fireworks explosions - all this will not leave anyone indifferent and with a probability of 100% lurk to the street.

Celebrating gathering on the squares and, waiting for the first New Year's salute, count the last seconds of the outgoing year. According to Italian belief, it is good to note not only New Year's Eve, but also the first of January. It is believed that what will be this day will pass the whole year.

The traditions and customs of the New Year in Italy are diverse, and some of them are not clear. As, for example, throwing out old things from the windows.

January 6 celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, or the day of the three kings. Hundreds of people in costumes are marching around the city and carry gifts for dad in memory of the phenomenon of Christ. In many cities of Italy, costumed ideas are simply arranged. On this day, a rich table is being prepared, which festive events are completed. The day of the Epiphany is something reminded of the old New Year in the CIS countries.

New Year in Italy - a luxurious and noisy holiday. This day is still saturated with spiritual warmth of Christmas, but already reveals the arms of perky merry.


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