WHY SUPPLY WATER WATER WATER. The leakage of the accumulation waters during pregnancy

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Knowing that soon it will be a happy mother, a woman always tries to reduce risks to zero, which can be dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. Unfortunately, not always and not everything in this case depends only on the future mother: it happens that the threat lies for quite harmless at first glance situations. One of them is: a condition that, not diagnosed on time, can lead to complications and very unpleasant consequences.

The accumulative waters are called liquid, which is for the baby, which is in the mother's womb, the natural habitat. Another name of the accumulating water is an amniotic fluid. But, no matter how the accumulating waters would not call, at all the time of pregnancy they act for a kid with reliable protection against noise penetrating from the outside, allow him to move freely in the uterus, "smoothing" his movements, and thus protect the mammy from the active impetus to the baby. The accumulative fluid is in the fruit bubble, the formation of which occurs together with the development of the kid. A fruit bubble keeps an amniotic fluid, not allowing it to leak outward, supporting the medium necessary for the normal development of the fetus, as well as protecting the baby from the penetration of any kind of infections.

As the baby grows, the fruit bubble increases, and the number of accumulating waters - by the end of pregnancy, they can reach 1-1.5 liters. Normally, the strengthening of the amphibian water occurs at the first stage of pregnancy: at the peak of one of the fights and the opening of the cervical of the uterus, the spontaneous rupture of the oily-free shells occurs, after which it can be said that the generic process is running. However, it happens that the facility of water during pregnancy is detected long before the appointed date of delivery. And this situation should be detected and eliminated as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences can be the smallest.

The fact is that the leakage of waters during pregnancy indicates that the shell of the fruit bubble has thinned, and the integrity is violated. And this threatens first, fetal infection, and secondly, it is highly likely that the generic process will begin prematurely. Any change in the number and nature of vaginal changes should be a future mom to alert and become a reason for the urgent appeal for advice to the doctor, leading pregnancy.

The situation becomes the most dangerous when the leakage of water during pregnancy occurs in completely small quantities: the amniotic fluid has neither a specific color or a certain smell. That is, if during pregnancy is insignificant, then the oily liquid, mixing with other vaginal discharge, does not make itself felt. However, it almost always testifies to her fact that the underwear of pregnant starts to constantly get into the underwear, and if we put a diaper between the legs, a wet spot is formed in the near future. With a visit to the gynecologist, in this case, slow down in any case: the doctor must define whether the place of water has the place, and if so, then correct the situation.

The reasonswater leakage during pregnancy It can be the most different, but the most often thinning of the accumulative shells provoke either inflammatory diseases transferred to the future mother, or at the moment infectious processes. The most common of them is a colpit and endocervicitis: gynecological diseases of the vaginal and uterine zone, which lead to disorders of the integrity of the fruit bubble. Other reasons for such a situation can be benign or malignant uterine neoplasms, Eastic-cervical insufficiency, invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis (cordocenesis, amniocentesis, chorionbiopsy).

Determination Water Bending during pregnancy
You can in several ways:
- A pregnant woman can take a vaginal smear, whose analysis will determine or refute the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge.
- The most common way to detect leakage is special express tests:

Such a test future mother can be done under the control of doctors, and can also hold at home. Sold in a pharmacy.
- Also at home You can check the leakage of water using a rod-gasket or daily strip:

1. We take a clean white x / b rag, it is white that is x / b - a piece of sheets will fit.
Make a thick lining gasket. Place.
2. Going to the left side and lying 10 minutes.
Then we turn to the right side and are again lying 10 minutes.
Then go to the back and again we are in 10 minutes.
We get up, go around the room 10 min.: They sit down / get up, we curtail a little on the parties, but without enthusiasm.
3. Take out the gasket, look:
* If directly wet - a reason to alert;
* If there is little sequels - most likely everything is fine.
4. Rod straighten and dry. Rate dry rag:
* If it is water - the edges of the dried spots will be brownish-brown and not even, because water contains some blood;
* If these other selection - brown edges will not be. There may be a mucus - a plug or other, can urine leaks ...
* If the rag is straight through richly wet - do not wait until it dries - call an ambulance !
Attach the daily laying to the linen and evaluate the result in 2-4 hours:
- if the selection has absorbed - water;
- If the selection remained on the surface of the gasket in the form of mucus - a plug or other selection, for example urine ...

If the results of the study are disappointing, and the fact was found, it is necessary to fully take appropriate measures. They will depend on what time the future mother is located: if the time of birth has not come, hospitalization is necessary - in the hospital, a woman will be able to provide the necessary treatment to preserve pregnancy.

If the leakage of water during pregnancy happened closer to the designated delivery time, the doctor may decide to stimulate generic activities. Video
Water leakage, how to determine:

Another serious trouble that can happen during pregnancy is the leakage of spindle water. This can lead to large complications both during pregnancy and already during the birth.

Calopal water, more precisely, amniotic fluid plays a considerable role in the development of the fetus. Any change in its composition and quantity carries large consequences, because the amniotic fluid is not only the habitat of the future kid, but also protection against various infections and external influences, its nutrition and means of facilitating the process of pregnancy for the woman itself.

The volume of ammunition waters increases directly proportional to the development and growth of the kid. Thus, if in the first trimester of amniotic fluid about 6-11 ml, then in the second trimester it is 260-290 ml. In the last trimester, 1.2-1.5 liters should be in the normal waters. But in front of their kinds themselves, the volume is reduced by 2 times. In this regard, there may be 2 problems: lowland and multi-way.

In addition, the frequency water perform the following functions, which is incorrect execution of which can lead to serious disorders:

  • fetal saturation by special nutrients, which are contained only in amniotic fluid;
  • maintaining constant pressure;
  • maintaining the normal temperature not higher than 37 degrees (if the future parent is not sick);
  • protection of the fetus and kindergarten from the jokes and squeezing outside;
  • protection against infections due to the presence in amniotic fluid immunoglobulins;
  • ensuring freedom of movement of the fetus;
  • protection against strong noise produced outside.

Normally, such a useful amniotic fluid should only flow in the process of generic activity, both naturally, and when stimulating clans with puncturing a spindle bubble.

If the amniotic fluid flows before the occurrence of childbirth, the body signals us that the pregnancy proceeds with deviations that need to be examined thoroughly and traced.

Signs of the leakage of spindlewater

How it would simply sound, but often the leakage of the spindlewater waters is difficult to notice and determine immediately. It is often confused with simple urinary incontinence or various discharges, the volume of which increases with the term of pregnancy. That is why your doctor needs to tell about everything to prevent the leaving of the waters and be reinsured from various complications during pregnancy. But it is necessary to carefully take advantage of the secretions of this kind and carefully study them, because the perishable water does not have colors and the characteristic odor, which is present at urine, and also does not have a mucous membrane, like vaginal discharge.

If you have a suspicion of the leakage of spindlewater water, you can make an express test at home. To begin with, you will have to free your bladder to free your bladder, thoroughly to go up and wipe dry. Next, it will be necessary to lie on a completely clean and dry sheet for about 15 minutes. If the sheet becomes at least a little wet, then immediately need to cause ambulance.

If water is being passed during the first trimester, then in 90% of such cases subsequently have abortions.

If at the very beginning of pregnancy, the leakage of waters is difficult, then at later deadlines, approximately 2 weeks before delivery, it is impossible not to identify, because It flows to 500 ml of amniotic fluid. Usually after such a touch immediately begin.

In order not to miss the flowing water flow and recognize them on time, it follows during pregnancy to give preference to light underwear from cotton and regularly use daily gaskets that will allow you to trace the frequency of selection.

Remember that if, when urine incontinence, it stands out with a laugh, cough, sneezing, then the arrogant water does not depend on it and if they leak, it's just that, without factors from the outside, on which the home express test is based on.

How to determine the leakage of the accumulating water

The leakage of amniotic fluid occurs due to damage to the sheath of the uterus walls. The stronger the cracks and gaps, the more fluid flows. Also on the volume of the resulting amniotic fluid affects the height of the bottom of the uterus.

Thus, if the cracks are very small, then the oily waters are lost very little, and this loss is quite difficult to notice. And in order to notice such a water leakage, 4 methods were created:

  • Microscopy smear. The dried amniotic fluid is crystallized and forms a drawing similar to fern leaves. If, when analyzing on glass, such a drawing is obtained, then the water is leaking.
  • Nitrazine test. This test determines the pH of the vagina. If the analyzing in the vagina is neutral or a slightly alkaline medium, then water is happening, the medium must be acidic. This analysis can be carried out at home, and the test itself is easily sold in pharmacies.
  • Test for protein-1. With this analysis, the search for a certain type of protein is maintained, which is contained only in amniotic fluid.
  • Test on a-microglobullin-1. This element is also contained only in oily waters. It is fairly easy to detect when the water is leaking due to its significant content in them.

The first 2 analysis do not always give the correct result, because The reaction can affect the various components of urine, vaginal discharge, sperm residues. In addition, the more time passed from the break of the uterus shells, the less informative these tests will be.

The most clear and correct result will give tests on protein-1 and a-microglobullin-1. In such tests, various discharges are easily different with amniotic fluid. In addition, special monoclonal antibodies that do not respond to any other types of secretions are invented for research data, which do not react to any other types of discharge.

Cause of water leakage

As already noted above, the leakage of the amniotic fluid occurs due to cracks and the breaks of the shell of the uterus. What are they formed because of what?

  • Infections that struck amniotic fluid, as well as inflammation of the genitals of a pregnant woman. Such a reason more often occurs during premature pregnancy. The cervix ripens ahead of time, as a result, there is a selection of certain substances that contribute to the softening of the shell of the fetal egg and the discontinuation of the placenta. It is very dangerous for the future mother and her child, not only for their health, but also for their life in general, because May lead to fetal hypoxia and uterine bleeding.
  • The wrong position of the fetus and the narrow pelvis pelvis. Here the leakage of water is not so dangerous, because It happens during the childbirth themselves, but it makes it difficult and slows them, the uterus is very slowly revealed. And due to the fact that most of the water turns out to be at the bottom of the bubble, the shells are very bursting.
  • Keeping deficiency, in a different Eastic and cervical insufficiency. The fetal bubble is protruding, which is why the lower part becomes easily subjected to various infections, and any even minor physical exertion can lead to its discontinuity. Such insufficiency suffers 25% of pregnant women in the last trimester.
  • Harmful habits: alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.
  • Various diseases of women, such as anemia, connecting tissue diseases, weightlores.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Anomalous uterine development (short cervix, the presence of the uterine partition) and the fetus.
  • Such serious diseases as a colpit, tumors on the bodies of the uterus (malignant and benign), endocervicitis.
  • A pregnant woman has additional analyzes, such as the collection of accumulating waters or biopsy Vorsin Chorion.

What is affected by the leaky of the accumulating waters

The type and degree of complication affects the period on which the leakage was found, as well as it was revealed and taken under the control of the attending physician. The leakage of spindlewater waters can lead to the following:

  • Anomalous generic activity: the strongest weakness during childbirth, protracted childbirth or, on the contrary, too fast childbirth. And that, and the other negatively affects the mother, and to the child.
  • Premature delaying placenta and strong bleeding, which can lead to pituitary and amputation of uterus.
  • Complications of infectious-inflammatory processes in the future kid and his mothers who occur in a quarter of the fevering due to intraamniotic infection. Also, 12% complications continue after childbirth, expressing in the postpartum endometritis.
  • Serious complications for the fetus: hypoxia and asphyxia. Subsequently, ischemic encephalitis or pancreatitis, the treatment of which is quite complex and long-term, if it is so possible.
  • Respiratory Distress syndrome. It occurs most often with premature labor, when the lungs of the child are not yet formed finally and cannot fall due to the lack of a surfactant.

All the consequences of the occasion of the accumulating waters are very serious and dangerous, which requires an immediate appeal to the attending physician and the appointment of high-quality treatment. First of all, such problems require antibacterial therapy in early terms so that the infections have did not have time to get to the uterus and fetus. If the deadlines are later, and the child is almost formed, then when the accumulation of arrogant water is appointed only one: artificial calling of labor.

It is very important to have time to go to the doctor and begin treatment, in this case the pregnancy can still be saved. If you take carelessly to the problem that has appeared, the pregnancy will have to be interrupted because of the too greater threat of life not only the future kid, but also the mother.

How to deal with the leakage

Both the consequences of the leakage of oily water, and the choice of treatment of this dangerous illness depends on the degree of damage to the walls of the uterus and the volume of the resulting amniotic fluid.

  • In the first trimester, if we do not have time to notice the leakage of spindlewater waters in time, then in 90% of cases it is allowed by an abortion.
  • In the second and third trimesters, the attending physician appoints a pregnant woman inpatient treatment. The hospital contains constant monitoring of the health of the future mother and her baby, and the development of the situation. On this term, every last time the day of the baby in the mother's womb without excesses is very valuable and has a great influence on the full development of the fetus. The closer the natural and dead birth, the more healthy and strong the baby will be born. If a large amount of amniotic fluid flowed, but not 6 hours after that, the attending physician prescribes antibiotics pregnant woman, which prevent the fetal infection in the absence of protection of accumulating waters.
  • If the leakage of the accumulating waters is developing (the volume and frequency increases) and will soon lead to the breaking bubble, then the doctor urgently appoints an artificial resolution of childbirth. If, after a special puncture and the leakage of the accumulating waters, for three hours, the contractions did not begin, then special drugs that stimulate generic activities are introduced intravenously, as well as the accelerating ripening of the cervix. But, most often, if the generic activity does not begin, then they make an unscheduled caesarean section.

Remember that when the accumulating waters, an independently pregnant woman cannot do anything, so do not try to solve the problem yourself without doctors. When calculating an amniotic fluid, it is necessary to clearly follow all instructions of the attending physician and execute all the data to them recommendations.

Prevention helps to protect against the leakage of

If, when weaving the water, you can no longer help you independently, then you can protect yourself from this ailment before it appears, fulfilling the following recommendations:

  • proper and timely preparation for pregnancy: regular visits to the gynecologist and conducting the necessary surveys for six months before pregnancy planning, timely detection and treatment of various infections;
  • the correct mode of the day and competent nutrition and diet;
  • regular antiseptic treatment of sex tract and other mucous membranes, elemental observance of hygiene both before pregnancy and during it.

Remember, during pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully follow the state of your health and the slightest suspicion, malaise must be reported to your attending physician. If you have suspicions about the state of your health, do not hesitate to ask the doctor for appointing additional analyzes if there are special testimony for them. After all, even a minor ailment can become a serious obstacle to full-fledged tooling and the birth of a healthy child.

It is often necessary to meet with the concern of future mothers that they will miss the leakage of spindlewater waters, the symptoms are unknown. Often, the vaginal secrecy is taken to enhance the vaginal secrecy, or vice versa, the leakage of spindle water is regarded as normal discharge.
Acid water - a child's habitat for 9 months. The spacious waters are a fruit bubble, which is formed in parallel with the development of the child. The accumulating water is formed by peating the components of maternal blood through the placenta vessels. The amount of water increases during pregnancy and only before childbirth there may be a decrease in their volume. On average, the number of accumulating water is 1.0-1.5 liters to childbirth. The role of the accumulative fluid is difficult to overestimate: they contribute to the normal development of a growing body, protecting the child from the compassion by the walls of the uterus, from external physical impacts. A child can move freely in the uterus cavity, which contributes to its harmonious development. In addition, the fruit shells and the accumulative liquid are a fairly reliable barrier to penetrate outside pathogenic microorganisms.
Normally, the rupture of the fetal shells and the influence of the oily water occurs in the first period of childbirth, in terms of pregnancy at least 38 weeks. Usually, the recognition of this process is not difficult: a sufficiently large amount (about 0.5 liters) of the oil-free waters (about 0.5 liters) of the oily water is fused, they have a light specific smell, their expulsion is accompanied by increasing fights.
Premature oral influence occurs, most often, during pregnancy flowing with inflammatory processes of the vagina and cervix. Under the influence of microorganisms, the fruit shells are thinned, lose their elasticity and cannot fully fulfill their functions.
As a consequence, the occurrence of spindle water occurs, the symptoms of which are very difficult to determine independently. Amniotic fluid can be released by drops for a sufficiently long period of time and do not cause any suspicion in pregnant.
Even with a gynecological examination, it is not always possible to determine the leakage of spindle water: the symptoms are very scanty. A number of laboratory research is carried out for a reliable response. The simplest is to conduct a cytological study of a smear from the rear axle of pregnancy. When the accumulating waters in the smear, in addition to conventional vaginal content, there are elements of spindle water.
In addition, express tests have recently been widespread for the qualitative definition of spindlewater waters. Such a test can be carried out at home, which protects the pregnant woman from vain alarms, or allows not to miss the time for a timely appeal to the doctor.
Currently, the approach to the premature oral influence is unambiguous - only the delivery in short time. Attempts to preserve pregnancy with the disturbed integrity of the fruit bubble did not meet themselves in connection with frequent septic complications of the mother and the child.

In almost the very moment of conception, the maternal body takes care of the creation for the future kid of the safe environment, the basis of which is tightly "Bladed" fetic bubble and its filling is an amniotic fluid carrying the many of the most important functions for the fetas.

Normally, until the very moment it has come to appear to the light of a newborn child, his asylum with nutrient fluid remains tightly closed, and the disorder of the tightness of the fruit bubble is a dangerous complication of pregnancy. The fact that it happened, signals the occurrence of the occurrence of spindle water.

What does the leakage of spindle water mean: what threatens and how dangerous pathology?

The leakage of amniotic fluid is determined by the leakage of amniotic fluid due to the integrity of the fetal bubble shells. This means that for some reason, microcracks and / or side gaps arose on the fruit shells, through which the octoplodic liquid seeps outward.

Moreover, to flow through water damage can be so poor portions that, according to the appearance of the selection and in their feelings, a woman may not soon recognize the leaving. Often it is difficult even during a gynecological inspection and requires special diagnostic procedures.

The leakage of the oil-free waters can begin on any gestation period.

However, only the extension of the waters in the first period of generic activities are considered timely and safe phenomenon.

In all other cases, the facility began with pathology and on the degree of development of the fetus at this point depends on the further medical tactics of pregnancy, as well as how devouring the consequences of this pathology for the future kid will be.

The reasons

Not always, unfortunately, it is possible to accurately determine which factors provoked the leakage of spindle water, although it is an important point for the appointment of productive treatment and prevent some other complications of pregnancy caused by the same reasons.

According to the observations of the doctors, the main risk factors for the premature development of the leakage of the accumulating waters are the most diverse reasons.

  • Any infections.

These are flowing infectious, inflammatory processes in the body of the future girlfriend, first of all, genital. Such diseases lead to early ripening of the cervix, to softening the shells of the fruit bubble and the placenta detachment.

  • Chorioamnionit.

The infection of the accumulative shells leading to the violation of their structure and, in the future, to their perforations with the leakage and early expulsion of water.

Clinically narrow pelvis - manifests itself during labor, when the prevailing part of the body is unable to "crash" into the pelvic ring of the female in labor due to the prevailing dimensions.

At the same time, even to sufficient disclosure of the cervix, the entire volume of amniotic fluid rushes into the lower part of the fetal bubble, the walls of which are broken under such pressure. With the correctly chosen medical tactics of childbirth, such a leakage does not carry a serious threat to the mother and child.

The abnormal behavior of the cervix in pregnancy is a complication, the risk of development of which is on any gestation, more often, in its second half.

The cervix makes prematurely shortening, softened and open, and the fruit bubble becomes vulnerable to exposure to the outside, including infection.

Increased infection, in this case, destroys collagen in the structure of the fetal shells, weakening, thus, their strength and elasticity. Through the affected walls of the fruit bubble begins the leakage of the octoped waters.

  • Invasive procedures.

All sorts of diagnostic methods implying a puncture of a fruit bubble or a fence of the chorion navy (for example,). In the rarest cases, such manipulations may be the reason for the breaking of the fetal shells.

  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Multi-way
  • Mechanical trauma belly when dropping or strong impact.

In the risk group for the development of various complications during the recovery period of the child, including the leakage of ferment water, due to the impaired integrity of the fruit bubble, there are also future mothers who have detrimental habits, such as smoking, addiction to alcohol, the reception of narcotic substances.

Signs and symptoms

The intensity of the leakage of the amniotic fluid depends on the degree and nature of the damage to the shells of the accumulator bubble.

Therefore, to confuse the separation of the ammunition fluid from the genital paths with a strengthened vaginal secret, or with incontinence of urine, which often happens during pregnancy, especially in late dates, very easily.

Nevertheless, the following symptoms characteristic of the occurrence of arriving waters can be alarmed attentive mommy:

  • : They become more watery, as well as abundant and frequent;
  • the octoplodic water is normal there are colors;
  • with sharp moves, turns, puncturing, laugh there is some oily fluid from the vagina;
  • the altitude of the standing of the tummy and its volume is reduced, with the loss of a large amount of water;
  • for half an hour, after complete emptying of the bladder, moisture from the genital paths continues to be frozen, since the leakage of the accumulating water is a continuous process.

With the slightest suspicion that the discharge from the vagina is nothing more than the leaking liquid from the fruit bubble, the future mother should immediately contact the medical facility for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis or to use homely diagnostic methods, which, however, does not exclude the subsequent appeal to the doctor.

How to diagnose the leakage of spindle water: tests, tests and procedures

For self-diagnostics, the leakage of spindlewater water at home exist.

  • Test gasket.

It should be fixed on underwear just like a hygienic gasket and wear within 12 hours.

The indicator liner responds to a change in the pH indicator of selections from the genital paths - in the case of the desire of the indicator to the values \u200b\u200babove the neutral (in the direction of the alkaline pH), the liner changes its color.

Modern tests of this type eliminate false results, possible when reacting with urine.

However, their result can be distorted, for example, a sperm present in the discharges after sexual intercourse with a partner or an associated infection, etc.

  • Test strip.

Based on the interaction of the sample of the vaginal smear, taken with a sterile cotton swab and dissolved in a test tube with a special filler, with antibodies to a protein-specific proteins contained in the test area of \u200b\u200bthe strip.

If the sample of the vaginal secret contains the specified protein-specific protein, the test will show two strips, which means a positive result.

Currently, two types of such tests are currently known, of which the most reliable is the antibody test to the placental α1-microoglobulin. With the help of such a test, diagnose the leakage of spindle water can with absolute accuracy regardless of the symptoms.

In a medical institution, also with the help of tests:

  • Microscopic Research with vaginal smear.

Traces of amniotic fluid during drying will be shown on a glass surface by a special crystalline pattern (in the form of fern leaves). The accuracy of the results of this method is very low, as they can be distorted by the presence in the smear of sperm traces, urine, etc.;

  • Amniocente.

The feed bubble puncture is carried out for staining of the accumulating waters with a safe dye so that by this, whether the corresponding staining of the vaginal discharge occurred, to judge the presence of amniotic fluid in them.

Such a measure of diagnosis, as an inspection in the mirrors of the rear axle of the vagina to identify the accumulation of amniotic fluid, is little informative, since other elections or remains of the seed fluid partner can be taken.

During the ultrasound, it is possible to identify only an indirect sign of the leakage of spindle water, such as the backlog of the amniotic fluid level for this period of pregnancy, which does not always testify precisely.

The importance of timely diagnosis of the leakage of the accumulating water is to ensure that the future mother as soon as possible has received medical support, aimed at maximizing the onset of the negative consequences of the leakage of ammunition for the fetus and parents, which can be very crying.

The danger of the leakage of the arrogant waters in the early and late periods of pregnancy

The leakage of spindlewater can have very dangerous consequences, especially as a result of its root causes - damage to the shells of the fruit bubble. The most frequent and dangerous:

  • premature rupture of the fruit shells under the pressure of the flowing fluid;
  • inspectorate fetal infection and the development of infectious complications in a woman.

If the necessary measures have not been taken in a timely manner, infectious inflammatory processes that affect the woman and the fetus are developing within 36 hours, without exception.

  • , the course of which is often associated with obstetric complications, such as:
    • bleeding due to premature placental detachment;
    • rapid childbirth or, on the contrary, protracted (due to weakness of generic activity).

The appearance of a non-refined fetus to the birth of the fetus can also be fraught with:

  • development in the newborn respiratory distress syndrome - the inability of the lungs function;
  • hemorrhage to the brain in the early neonatal period.
  • up to asphyxia due to squeezing umbilical umbilicals during the expulsion of large amounts of water and its lifting or due to the premature placental detachment;
  • the physical ugliness of the fetus due to the squeezing by the uterus due to the loss of a large number of arrogant water and a long anhydrous period.

The severity of the consequences of the facility of the octal water for the fetus depends largely on the period of pregnancy at the time of this pathology.

The greatest danger is the leakage of oily water in the early periods of pregnancy, since the process of excretion of the amniotic fluid is impossible to reversal, and to restore the development of negative consequences for the fetus for a long time is extremely difficult.

Therefore, if the amniotic fluid begins to comply on the period until the 22-24th week, it will not be possible to preserve the pregnancy. Due to the inevitable development of the effects of various kinds, either spontaneous interruption of pregnancy occurs, or an abortion is carried out on medical testimony to preserve the life and health of the mother.

At later deadlines, depending on the severity of the leakage, subject to timely detection of pathology and hospitalization into a medical institution, subject to the strict bed regime, as well as with the favor of fate, the forecast for making pregnancy to the deadline for the fetus and the preservation of the health of the child and the mother can be More or less favorable.

After the 37th week, when the fruit is determined as the mature, the occurrence of the occasion of the accumulating waters, as a rule, entails the beginning of the generic activity over the next 72 hours. At the same time, in time the detected leakage of spindlewater waters does not represent much danger for the mother and the fetus.

Basic treatments

To cure the leakage of the accumulating waters, that is, eliminate its cause, is not possible.

Therefore, medical tactics, depending on the degree of maturity of the fetus, the manifestations of this pathology and the presence of complications associated with it, may be like this:

  • stimulation of generic activity and careful delivery is shown in the following cases:
  • with long-term pregnancy (after 37 weeks);
  • with a high risk of developing complications of pregnancy and generic activity due to disorders of the integrity of the fetal shells;
  • with the development of pregnancy complications;
  • with the deterioration of the state of the fetus, etc.

A cesarean section can be selected as a method of effective delivery in medical testimony.

Prolongation of pregnancy to the highest possible period is used if pregnancy is premature (up to 37 weeks) and at the same time:

  • no beginning of premature generic activity was noted;
  • there are no other contraindications for expectant tactics in disruption of the integrity of the fruit shells.

In order for the future mother to preserve pregnancy and prepare the kid as much as possible to the emergence of complications, as well as minimize the threat of complications for the state of the fetus and his health, it cannot do without receiving medicines and a special stationary regime:

  • to prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus and the development of inflammation of the fetal shells, a woman is carried out intensive antibacterial therapy;
  • to prevent the development of premature generic activities, patients prescribe tocolic drugs that reduce;
  • to accelerate the ripening of the fetal respiratory system, in case of premature birth, glucocorticoids are used (hormonal means);
  • for the prevention of fetus hypoxia, preparations are prescribed by drugs that improve blood circulation in the system "mother-placenta-fruit".

In addition, the patient shows the bedding in the sterile ward and strict personal hygiene.

It should be noted that the feasibility of active measures to preserve pregnancy and the decision of the doctor about their conduct depends largely on the age of the fetus.

Preventive measures

Absolute confidence is that during pregnancy, the future mother will avoid the leakage of spindle water due to any preliminary action, it is impossible to obtain.

Preventive measures of premature leakage of amniotic fluid are aimed at:

  • general health intake;
  • elimination of foci of infections if they are;
  • taking timely measures in the event of a threat of pregnancy interruption, etc.

In order not to miss the development of such a dangerous complication during pregnancy as the leakage of the accumulative waters and be able to minimize the negative consequences of this pathology, the future parent must closely monitor the nature of the vaginal discharge.

For the leakage of the octoperwater waters, it follows by default to take any unusual leakage from the genitals until the diagnostic method is set to the opposite.

Also, a pregnant woman should be understood that inpatient treatment with the facility of the accumulative waters is necessarily and neglected by the appointments of the doctors.

Although in history, single cases of the inexplicable "sticking" of the fruit shells were noted in the discrepancy places. However, it is unreasonable to hope for it - the probability of such a wonderful healing is too low and the charge fee is too high.

Everyone knows that the child is in the uterus in an amniotic fluid, which is called aircraft waters. They are very important for the fetus and its correct development, which is why their expulsion should occur only during the appearance of a baby to light. If accumulating water begins to leak before the designated period, this situation can cause premature childbirth or other complications. The article will talk about how to determine the leakage of waters during pregnancy, and what is fraught with this problem for a mother and baby.

Who is warned - he is armed, or why it is important to know the enemy in the face

About the leakage or influence of amniotic fluid, doctors speak as the stage of normal genera, occurring when the neck in the uterus is completely revealed. If it was noticed before the process of the appearance of a baby to the light, and even more so when pregnancy prematurely, it may entail infectious complications and early generic activities. Therefore, how to determine the leakage of water during pregnancy should be known to every future mommy.

What is the extension

It happens different, depending on the time when it happened:

  • Timely - when the uterus opens completely, and the first period of childbirth is completed.
  • Early - when water is poured before the first stage of childbirth.
  • Early - the leakage occurs until the baby appears to the light, but the neck in the uterus is still not completely revealed.
  • Belapped - the water is poured after the cervix will reveal and the second period of generic activity will begin (this happens when the accumulative shells are too solid).
  • High gap of the fetal shells - the shells break over the zev cervix.

The ideal situation is when the amniotic fluid is poured in a timely manner. But if the pregnancy is donated (from 37-weeks), then any of the above options is favorable, in the case of the childbirth pass normally.


The danger to mommy and the baby carries an early strengthening, if pregnancy premature (up to 37th weeks), therefore, to avoid such a situation, you need to know how to determine the flow of waters yourself, or consult on this issue in the gynecologist.

Functions of amniotic fluid

Functions of amniotic fluid:

  • Protect the fetus from infections that can get to it through the vagina of the mother.
  • Prevent the piping of the umbilical cord, thus allow blood to freely circulate between mommy and baby.
  • Protect the child from unfavorable factors from outside: drops, jolts and other things. And also allow the fetus to move freely.
  • Create a biologically active medium through which the child will be able to exchange with the mother of various chemicals necessary to it.

When expulsion occurs, all these functions fail, but the most dangerous complication in this case will be that the fruit can be infected. This occurs due to the fact that integrity is disturbed in the shell, which means an amniotic fluid becomes non-sterile, passing various viruses dangerous to the fetus.

About the reasons

Often, early expulsion occurs because:

  • The mother has an inflammatory process.
  • The neck of the uterus is not completely and cannot withstand the intrauterine pressure of the kid on it.
  • Pregnant was injured.
  • In the future mommy, a narrow pelvis or other anomalies leading to a bad press of the adjacent part of the fetus.
  • Multi-way discovered, or the mother carries several fruits.
  • During pregnancy, analyzes were assigned on genetic indications or any other, violating the integrity of the fruit bubble.

If possible, the amniocentesis, the chorion biopsy and cordo-beer is better to abandon or trust an experienced doctor.

It is necessary to avoid everything that can lead to influence and have a negative impact on pregnancy. Water leakage how to determine? This should explain the doctor with the first planning examination of the future mother. If the expulsion happened, urgently call an ambulance.

On how to determine the amniotic fluid is

You can talk about premature leakage if the pregnant woman noticed the abundant discharge of a liquid similar to a transparent gel or water. But if a high gap occurred, you can not notice the selection. It must be distinguished from urination, which happens in pregnant women due to the reduction of muscle tone in a small pelvis, as well as from ordinary discharges, becoming richly due to changes in the mucous membrane. On how to determine the leakage of spindle water, you need to know in advance to avoid various problems.

You can spend a test that will help to install, an extension occurred or not. They are sold in pharmacies. If pregnant does not know how to determine the leakage of water, and as a result of the test there is no confidence, you need to consult a doctor.

Gynecologists often prescribe the following test, which can be held at home. In order to do this procedure, it is necessary:

To go to the toilet, so that the bladder was empty, and take a shower, washing out the outdoor genitals.

To lie on the bed to the white-colored cooked napkin, lying in such a position for about two hours. If the extension occurs, the diaper is worst, and the result will be obvious.

On how to determine the leakage of spindlewater and distinguish it from selection and urination, you can see in the table.

The difference between the early strengthening of amniotic fluid from the selection
SignsAmniotic fluidVaginal dischargeUrination
How long is the expulsionConstantly to childbirth
Allocations and their consistencyChill-shaped or liquidDense, more similar to sour creamLiquid
SmellPeculiarIt all depends on the nature of the selectionSmell like urine
ColourNormally transparent liquid, but it can have a green shade, be reddish, brown. If the color is unnatural, you need to call a doctor.WhitenLiquid yellowish color

If a pregnant woman does not know how to determine the leakage of water, or is not sure that he saw after testing, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist, it will help to understand everything. As an additional method, the doctor may prescribe cytology or a test of ocellular water.

It will determine the specific protein, which is contained in amniotic fluid. If it is discovered, the glass is formed on the glass, resembling a fern.

How to treat premature expulsion

If the future motley is not sure how to determine the leakage of spindle water, the gynecologist will help her in this, and when it is discovered, prescribes treatment. As such does not exist. Depending on the period on which a pregnant woman is located, a certain tactic will be elected doctor, and he will also tell the future motley, how to determine the leakage of water and follow this condition.

The way to determine the leakage of water at the 38 week of pregnancy can be understood by a general condition. If at this time the contractions begin, it is not worth worrying, it is not worth it, this is a normal process. Worse, if not, then the obstetrician is stimulated using oxytocin preparation. But if the doctor noticed the immaturity of the cervix, hormonal therapy is prescribed to ripening.

If there are contraindications for natural delivery, Kesarean is prescribed.

If pregnancy is premature, everything will depend on the deadlines. At the 35th week, if there is no infection, the doctor is waiting, because every day is very important for the kid. During this time, a respiratory system is formed, and the future mommy itself is in inpatient treatment, and she is carried out: antibacterial therapy, prevention of hypoxia in the baby, and also do an ultrasound, in order to trace the condition of the child, and all the tests necessary in this case.

After 35 weeks, when the breathing system of the kid is considered ready, the expectant tactics do not apply. Depending on whether a woman is ready for childbirth, the doctor determines whether this is a natural appearance of a child to light or cesarean section.

About prevention

What should be prevention of premature pension? First, it is necessary to use preserving therapy and treat Eastic-cervical insufficiency. Secondly, to carry out the sanitation of the generic paths and to detect other inflammatory processes in the body of the future milf.

On the consequences of early leaking

It may occur without consequences if the pregnancy is donated, there are no infections, and the births pass normally. The closer to childbirth, the expulsion occurred, the more favorable there will be forecasts.

About complications

Often, early leakage of the accumulative fluid occurs due to:

  • The infection of the kid located in the uterus.
  • Weakness of generic activity.
  • Development of complications that arose due to infections in mommy.
  • Early generic birth.

The expulsion of amniotic fluid is very dangerous both for mommy and for the fetus, so you know how to determine it, there must be every future mommy, because these knowledge will be able to save not only her life, but not yet born baby.

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