Self Made Womаn. Laura Jugelia

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Georgia from time immemorial it was famous for wine, magic singing and beautiful women. The Georgian girl has always been associated with inaccessibility, beauty and pride. Modern women are not inferior to Western stars, managing to combine parenting and a successful career.

Let's take a look at the most charming Georgian women who have achieved success and fame.

Laura Jugelia- the founder of the project, the former editor of the gossip column of Russian Vogue, the most positive IT-girl in Moscow with Georgian roots. Graduate of the Faculty of International Relations, MGIMO.

Her morning starts at 8:30, unless, of course, there is an entry for a massage or Pilates on that day in the diary. Then the rise is postponed to 7 in the morning (and what did you want? Beauty and health require sacrifice). Laura prepares clothes for the next day the day before, so she spends a minimum of time on getting ready.

The working day starts at 9:30 am. The girl does not eat breakfast. Before lunch, he does office work or travels to business meetings. At 13:00 - lunch, most often business. The working day lasts until 7 pm, then social events begin. Laura goes to bed closer to 3 at night. Therefore, he spends almost all weekends at home. As you can see, this is a classic example of a workaholic in a big city.

Nino Eliava is another MGIMO alumnus, creative director and founder of the MORE is LOVE online store. After living in Moscow for twenty years, she left for Tbilisi, where she met her love. After the wedding, she and her husband moved to London, where she again began to study. Three years later, I caught myself thinking that she didn’t want to return to Moscow, but was dreaming of returning back to Tbilisi.

Back in London, Nino started her blog. In parallel, she worked for the TataNaka brand. She shot a lot as a photographer for Grazia and Buro247 during fashion weeks. Loves bright prints, rich colors, massive decorations and shine in the form of nail polish with a shimmer. The DNA of her style is massive sweaters of democratic brands. Nino skillfully plays with them, wearing them over ultra-fashionable dresses. Almost never buys things in Moscow, considering it stupid from a financial point of view. The main shopping destinations are Paris and London. In London, be sure to check out Dover Street Market and Joseph's boutique on Sloane street. And in Paris - it's commonplace in Colette and vintage shops on Saint Germain.

Natuka Karkashadze- the hostess of the popular blog Wardrobemistress, ex-contributor of Harper "s BAZAAR Kazakhstan. She calls her style austere and at the same time feminine. At the same time, she is not afraid of experiments: she plays with colors, shapes, textures, combining various styles.

Shopping inspirations include Parisian Colette and Montaigne Market, Milan - Corso Como 10, and Tbilisi - Breathless. In the case of these conceptual boutiques, Natuka is sure that only the hits of the world's leading designers fall into your hands.

Musya Totibadze- singer, daughter of the artist Konstantin Totibadze. Red hair - the girl's calling card - got her from her mother. Several years ago, Musya became the star of the debutante ball of Tatler magazine and a frequent heroine of the glossy pages of the gossip. Filmed for Karl Lagerfeld.

Since childhood he has been studying music. He mainly performs covers of famous compositions (his father gave his first guitar to Musa). According to her, she cannot live without ripped jeans and stretched T-shirts. And also without the Eau du Soir Sisley scent. She has been wearing this perfume for many years. And they never annoy her. She also loves Eau de Sisley 2. Chanel # 5, 1932, Coco Noir considers it a safe bet.

Anuki Areshidze- a designer of clothes and accessories, the wife of a politician, a young mother and just a beauty. Constantly trying to find a balance between raising sons, work, learning three languages ​​and the basics of psychology. A fan of Prada, Lanvin, Miu Miu, Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen. He honestly admits that he doesn't like Roberto Cavalli.

In Tbilisi, after moving from Milan, she set up a small studio and opened a small boutique with her. She dreams of developing a pret-a-porter collection, organizing a show at Milan Fashion Week and opening an online store.

Once I wanted to create my own magazine dedicated to fashion and style. But she postponed this dream, as she is still busy promoting her own brand. She says that she never treated her work like a business. For her, it is primarily art, an opportunity to express her creative ambitions.

Tina Dalakishvili- Georgian actress, known for the films "Love with an Accent" and "Star". Thin, sonorous, tall. Speaks with a charming - slightly in the nose - pronouns. Loves short haircuts and complex psychological films.

She is not too interested in social life, but she regularly appears at premieres in well-thought-out images that suggest that Tina would decorate not only the Tbilisi party, but also the Moscow one, if she just wanted it.

Tatuna Nikolaishvili back in 2003 she opened her own atelier in Tbilisi. Likes to experiment with textures and shapes: a clear cut with interesting geometric elements has become the brand's trademark. The clothes created by the designer are worn by Keti Topuria and Nino Eliava. The latter also regularly posts about Tatuna's new work on her blog ( and orders capsule collections for her store Thanks to all this, the clever and beautiful Tatuna has been known for a long time both in Russia, and in Ukraine, and in Kazakhstan, and in Europe.

Nutsu Modebadze, perhaps, it is difficult to call a classic beauty, but it is also difficult to take an enthusiastic look away from her. She is a Moscow (with Georgian roots) designer of leather accessories.

Dosed publicity and constant cultural feed give her impulses for new ideas. Nutsa does not miss a single good film, attends exhibitions, concerts and generally keeps his nose to the wind, and keeps his finger on the pulse of world art and creates in the context of haute couture for the sophisticated.

Sofiko Shevardnadze, the granddaughter of the ex-president of Georgia, was born in Tbilisi, lived in Paris, Boston and New York, and eventually settled in Moscow, which she sincerely and seriously fell in love with. Journalist, frequent gossip heroine.

She was the producer of the ABC TV channel, later - the correspondent of the Georgian "Namedni", an analogue of the program that was hosted in Russia by Leonid Parfenov. Later I got on Russia Today, then Ekho Moskvy, GQ, Russian Pioneer appeared. She loves dresses that always fit her perfectly, although she chooses jeans for everyday life.

However, the older sister is quickly catching up with the younger - Nanuli Shevardnadze... In the fall of 2017, the girl made her debut at the Tatler ball. She is only 15 years old, but she already adheres perfectly in front of the camera lens of famous photographers and boldly takes her first secular steps. We are sure that the girl has a great future.

When Davydova became the editor of Vogue and put Alina Kabaeva on the cover, it became clear that the former editor of the Russian Tatler could do nothing but the new Russian Tatler. If someone has not read, Tatler is such a magazine about people with a well-known surname in the birth certificate, so they tell what well-rounded personalities they are - they bought new shoes and read a not too thick book by the author with an unusual name for the Russian ear. And in the preface to the interview, the author writes that the girl is smart beyond her years and has an innate sense of secular tact.

One of these girls is Laura Jugelia. In the new Voga Davydova, she is listed as a secular reporter. I even looked through what it says. We must pay tribute to the other heroine of our column - at least she writes. Bright, sharp and in places very sharp, because the main thing in journalism is to exercise, not to defecate. Many of these concepts are confused. Laura walks more outfits. At the same time, it seems to me, he puts on all the most fashionable, regardless of compatibility. All this is positioned as a New York style a la Sarah Jessica Parker, but in fact is the same Russian provincial style, formatted by Cavalli's autocorrect on Erma.

Laura's style is saturated with quotations from classical literature. This bow clearly reminds us of Sartre's Nausea.

This masterpiece by a Russian designer on Laura reminds us of Camus's "Chum".

And of course, Little Red Riding Hood by the Brothers Grimm. Judging by the black robes, this is the second part, not known to the general public, where the red riding hood carries a black-black coffin for the grandmother through the black-black forest.

The Russian folk trend did not pass by Laura either. Consciously or not, but she got the best woman for the kettle in the Russian fashion scene! I give a standing ovation.

In general, the tea and confectionery theme is extremely close to her. Once she came to the opening of the store in a suit of candy from a children's matinee.

In general, I love celebrities who do not undress in order to show a beautiful coat (here, and). Especially when everyone is naked around.

Laura also has a killer fresh strawberry costume in her arsenal.

Moreover, again on "funeral legs". In general, she loves black tights, because "they are slimming." It is unclear why then she only puts them on her feet, the whole thing would be tightened already! And a sundress for pregnant women comes out on arranged legs.

And then she decided to settle down locally, only in the feet.

And in another photo we see that it is not in vain. Because when she puts on very open low-heeled shoes, the legs are really elephantine.

And finally, the classic - denim shorts on black tights!

Here he is, secular Vogue! With others .

March 20, 2014 12:02 pm

Laura, how long are you going to social events? Do you use the services of stylists, makeup artists?

Actually, I'm going really fast. With my regime, it is simply impossible to spend a lot of time on training camps! I decide what to wear on the same day, then quickly run to the salon closest to the editorial office for styling. I need to go around 2-3 events per evening, so when choosing clothes I have to take into account the specifics of all parties. My advice to all girls: always take pictures of yourself before going out - this will help you evaluate your image from the outside.

How do you feel about criticizing your images?
With humor. We are all discussing each other, all are not without sin. If they talk about you, then you are ahead. But I try to protect myself from negative emotions.

Do you paint every day? What is your minimum make-up? I wear makeup almost every day, as I go to events every day. I usually use Mac or Aveda tone, Mac mascara and eyeliner. And I also can't live without a concealer - I need to hide under-eye circles from lack of sleep.

Do you have a taboo in clothes and makeup?
Probably not. Earlier, I probably would have said differently. Now I know for sure: the most important thing is to present the thing correctly, to find the right combination. And about makeup - I love natural make-up. Flashy and bright makeup is not for me.

Do you have a set of must-have beauty rules?
I always wash off my makeup at night, no matter how I come home. I try to visit a beautician once a week. For the rest, there are no rules: I sin with fast food, cola. I love the burgers from our Pink Cadillac family restaurant!

What kind of salon procedures do you like to do?
I have a massage therapist Serezha, whom I visit every week. He has been helping me stay in shape for about a year now. Massages alternate with traning. I do all cosmetic procedures using organic Aveda cosmetics: it does not contain chemicals and substances harmful to the skin. I'm also a fan of wraps - I make seaweed and chocolate wraps. I used to do baths: milk baths are my favorites!

How do you take care of yourself at home?
I love face masks, I make them almost every day! In addition to masks, I use Tatcha cosmetics. This brand is my last discovery, for the sake of it I am ready to fly to Los Angeles again! I always use high SPF creams - it is necessary for my freckles.

Do you have your own fashion icons? Who do you look up to in terms of style?
As corny as it sounds, I look up to my mother. She looks great thanks to good nutrition and yoga. Audrey Hepburn inspires me - she has an inner light, she is amazing. And I am surrounded by the most fashionable and beautiful people: Mira, Lena, Katya Mukhina, Sveta Bondarchuk. They inspire me!

Laura Jugelia is the creator and editor-in-chief of the entertainment and social site about the life of stars and successful people

There are people who are in a great mood from morning until midnight. Rarely, but there are. Laura Jugelia seems to be one of those. For several years in a row, she held a position for which many girls are ready to do anything: Laura is the social editor of Vogue magazine. It was Laura that we owed the pages at the end of each issue, from which the most secular characters of Moscow and not only looked at us cockily. When viewing her Instagram feed, it begins to seem that Jugelia knows absolutely everyone in the world of chic and glitz. In an interview, Laura admits that she truly loves people, and looking at her photo, you really believe in it. No wonder she graduated from the Faculty of International Relations at MGIMO. They will not teach bad things there.

Laura started her career on TV. Then there was Tatler, also about celebrities. After Victoria Davydova's accession to Vogue, Jugelia became the editor of the gossip. Since then, her life has been like an endless holiday. But it seems so only to the uninitiated. When parties and buffets become work, you start to get tired of them too. Therefore, Dzhugelia prefers to spend his rare weekends in the circle of loved ones and in nature.

Laura supports the domestic producer as best she can. She can often be seen in outfits from Vika Gazinskaya, Katya Dobryakova, Igor Chapurin, A la Russe or her close friend Kira Plastinina.

Again, in an interview, Laura admitted that she didn’t like total looks. She loves to mix, so that others think and guess from which designer her things are. And the girl's preferences are very diverse: from Marni, Chloe, Stella McCartney, Chanel, YSL, Balenciaga to Valentino and Dolce & Gabbana.

Polina Askeri, Chief editor of the site: “Laura Jugelia is an incredibly charismatic and active girl. Most recently, Laura was a gossip in Tatler and Vogue magazines, and today she is the editor-in-chief of her own Internet project. In today's interview for the site, Laura is happy to share her experience and life philosophy, which help her to develop her business in such a difficult time. "

Pauline: Laura, tell me, you recently opened your project, do you have a large team?

Laura: About fifteen people, all girls (laughs). Someone works on a permanent basis, someone is freelance, someone is doing an internship with us. Several trainees are very strong, ready-made authors, nimble and quick-witted. At the beginning, when we started to make the site, and I did not understand everything, we felt, looked for the style we needed, the format of the materials. Now I have already understood the direction we need. And the girls caught him too.

Pauline: Is it difficult to find personnel?

Laura: Hard. Now there are a lot of lazy people who do not want to work, but sit at work for the sake of status or a get-together. And it seemed to me that young girls should have a desire to do something, achieve, bring something. After all, now is the time of opportunities!

Anything you want you can get with some persistence
and hard work.

Pauline: But you can't make you work from under the stick! Tell me, what kind of boss are you?

Laura: I hope I am very understanding. With my employees, I tried to build relationships not between a boss and a subordinate, but rather a mother and her children. Mom will scold, she can be strict, but she will also understand, support, explain and teach. I would like that, if something is not working out for my employees, they can turn to me, and not hack or, worst of all, lie.

Pauline: Aren't you afraid that you will teach them everything, and sooner or later they will fly away and go to organize something on their own?

Laura: Not afraid! Because I am for them to take the maximum here and go further. I believe that every person needs development, growth. And I understand that in my small, despite the number of plans and prospects, I still cannot give my employees any big growth and career advancement. But I always say to my employees: girls, the site is your face, you should love this project as much as I do, only then it will turn out to be as cool and successful as we want it to be. Treat it like your own personal project, and then you will have everything. I want you to get the most out of the way you spend your work hours. If you have any questions, ask, do not hesitate, take, ask and suggest. There is no need to sit out here. I am not against the fact that one of them will fly away at some point. I think this is a normal process. I also worked in different places at one time, and at some point I realized that everything, this is my ceiling, I need to move on. I was the same employee as them, and I understand how important it is when the boss supports, motivates, and can not only scold, but also praise. I am not the owner of my work.

Pauline: That is, you are happy to invest your knowledge in your employees?

Laura: Yes, I think it's cool that I can give them something, help them with something in life, and they, in turn, in some other place will be able to realize themselves even more. I am glad that I can make such a gift, because the more you give, the more you get in return. If this person leaves, then someone even better, cooler, will come, who will be able to bring in even more. Those who work in one place for a long time get blurry eyes, they get bored with routine. And I need people who have a burning eye, who enjoy the opportunity to communicate with cool interesting people, come up with delicious selections. The task of our site is not just to share different news from the world of show business, cinema, fashion, but to inspire people, stimulate further development. I want people to find topics on our site that can make you better.

Pauline: Laura, you've worked for the luxury editions Vogue and Tatler. Tell me, which of these magazines prompted you to create your own project?

Laura: You know, even before my work in magazines, I wanted to do a digital project. At that time there were very few of them, literally on one hand you could count:, possibly I wanted to, I thought, I had sketches, but I still did not understand how to technically implement it.

Pauline: So you decided to gain experience first?

Laura: Actually, it’s by chance! There are people who, from their youth, read magazines and dream of working for them. I had no such desires at all. I was more interested in cinema and television. I wanted to enter the Moscow Art Theater for acting, but my parents, of course, did not allow me, saying that this is not a real education. As a result, I entered MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations and received a really good education. There are stories that at MGIMO there are only majors who do not study and do nothing, but this is not true. This university gives you not only deep knowledge, but also a circle of communication, connections, acquaintances. I prepared very intensively, but I didn’t get the highest scores, but I went through, unlearned, graduated from the university and began to look for work on television.

Pauline: I heard you wanted to be a VJ on MTV?

Laura: Yes, I had such a childhood dream (laughs). Once I asked my friend Vlad Topalov to help me get to the casting of the presenters so that they would watch me. It was the biggest stress of my life! I still remember with a shudder. They pointed a light at me, spotlights, and asked me to come up with a hit parade on the fly or tell some interesting story from my life in two minutes. I was terribly confused and left all my abilities and eloquence outside the door. It didn't sound like me at all! Usually I speak a lot, and often not on the point, and then I could not connect two words, although I tried. I myself felt that everything was very bad. Well, they advised me, of course, to study and study again. I got upset and left this idea for a while.

In general, I believe that if something is not given to you now, it means that it’s just not your time, then all this will be later.

Pauline: And what happened then?

Laura: Then, quite by chance, I met a girl at a lecture, and we got to talking about who does what. I said that I was looking for a job on television, but they didn't take anywhere ... To which she offered to come to work with her on the Ice Age project, which was starting production of the third season, and she needed an editor, but since she did not know Whether I fit them or not, I suggested that I first go through an internship there. The next day I was already in Ostankino in full "combat readiness": I brought water, took away tapes, watched videos from training sessions, in general, did everything that I was told, except that I did not spend the night there. In this mode of a laborer, I worked for three weeks, they noticed my enthusiasm and offered to record profiles - videos from interviews with project participants. Of course, I was very scared, because I did not interview my acquaintances, but strangers whom I should feel and get some kind of emotion from them. The first interview was with Katya Strizhenova - she was beautiful and positive. Then I met Sergei Zhigunov, who was in a terrible mood, criticized me and ruined my whole impression of my starting career (laughs). And so over the course of two years I filmed these profiles, conducted about 3,000 interviews, over time everything became simple and easy, I learned how to prepare for an interview and, since the plot did not change much from year to year, every time to come up with something new ...

Pauline: And how did you work with our celebrities?

Laura: Differently. The task was not easy, in each video it was necessary to get some interesting story, to show the emotions of the characters. Western artists give you these emotions right away, they treat it like their work. And our people think that it is you who owe them, I'm an artist, I'm great! There are absolutely positive characters: Timur Rodriguez, Anya Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva, Zhanna Friske. As for the skaters, they were mostly very loyal too. Lesha Yagudin is wonderful: he always picked up the topic, shared his emotions, allowed himself to be sculpted like plasticine. He felt very good in the frame, it was very easy to work with him. Anya Semenovich laughed all the time, even if everything was bad. Galustyan - there are no comments here, he just makes a grimace, and that's it - you can't help laughing. He could not say anything, and only from his antics alone could a gorgeous story be made. But it was very difficult to work with some of the artists, and sometimes I suffered a lot.

Pauline: Have you ever had cases when at the beginning of communication there was a complete misunderstanding and even enmity, and then you became best friends?

Laura: Yes, it happened with Yegor Beroev, for example (laughs). At first, we did not develop a relationship at all: we swore, he was always mischievous, conflicted from scratch ... But then we became friends: we began to understand each other perfectly, chat, make fun of each other, even began to go to lunches and dinners with him and Ksyusha Alferova. But at first he spoiled my life, forced me to rewrite materials with him twice, he liked it when there was movement around him. And so he is a wonderful, very smart, good person, he and Ksyusha are very active in charity work and do not advertise it at all. It says a lot.

Pauline: I heard that you are engaged in spiritual development, Kabbalah in particular?

Laura: Yes, for eight years already. At some point, each person begins to seek, develop, move, ask questions, seek their destiny ... Kabbalah gives you answers to questions: you understand why certain events occur, why do you need certain people in life what you need to work on ...

Pauline: And you were able to comprehend your purpose?

Laura: I met with a Kabbalistic astrologer, and she told me that I am in this world in order to help people. You can help in different ways, not only with money, but also by word, deed, just listen. After her words, I thought about it and realized that I really feel the need to help people all the time. Many people ask why I give free business advice? But I don’t understand why I need to take money if I can just help. I do not believe that if I help someone, I will tear something away from me. I myself have come a long way, learned from mistakes, and would have preferred others to avoid them. If I had difficulties and needed good advice, I would be very grateful if someone could help me.

I believe that the more you help and give, the more it comes back and comes to you, the happier and more successful you are.

Pauline: Aren't you afraid to develop a new project in times of crisis?

Laura: Yes, on the one hand it is alarming, sometimes we give up. But on the other hand, a crisis is the best period for spiritual growth, a good opportunity to change, to express oneself. In addition, now is just the time for digital, the print press is fading into the background. A crisis is an opportunity for everything new. This primarily concerns Russian designers, we have a lot of talented guys. It's a good time to start wearing their stuff.

Pauline: Who exactly would you advise?

Laura: I love Vika Gazinskaya. She is not only my friend, but one of the best Russian designers. Vikin's clothes are certainly not cheap, but I know why. Vika buys very expensive fabrics, many of which are made according to her personal sketches, each item is made individually by a seamstress, and not in factories. Also Julia Kalmanovich, Sasha Arutyunov, Ruban, Chapurin, Terekhov, Ulyana Sergeenko ...

Pauline: They certainly have talent, taste and great collections from season to season. And, accordingly, expensive prices. Therefore, now we are not talking about them, but about those who are available, whose things can be worn in the office ...

Laura: For example, I'm wearing an AWAKE skirt from Natasha Alaverdyan. Kira Plastinina is now making very worthy collections for the mass market.

I would also like to highlight the designer not of clothes, but of shoes - Alexander Siradekyan. I have known him for a long time, two years ago he brought his first pair of shoes to our Vogue editorial office, and we already knew then that he would be successful. Now his brand is sold in Europe, Sasha's shoes, which were on me, were complimented by Brian Atwood himself (Brian Atwood).

Pauline: Laura, you recently got married. What kind of relationship do you think a husband and wife should have?

Laura: I have always taken marriage not very seriously, never cycle on marriage. I had fans, but I did not attach any special importance to my personal life. Despite the fact that I am from a Caucasian family, where after 21 years old a girl is considered an old maid, I told my parents that, living in Moscow, I was not going to get married so early and went to hang out (laughs).

I even thought that I would never marry, because I have an absolutely masculine character, and no man can get along with me. For me, my space, independence, life are very important, and in principle I can do almost everything myself. Sometimes I even want to go to special courses that teach these female things how to include a girl (laughs).

Well, of course, I try to support my husband in everything, I learn to remain silent somewhere, to ask for help somewhere, I always ask for advice ... In a relationship, not only closeness is important, but also friendship. It's great when you can communicate, share experiences, take an interest in life and advise each other.

For me, my husband is my very best friend.

Top model, TV presenter and actress. After receiving the title "Best comers girl in Russia" according to Fashion TV, she flew to conquer Paris. And she succeeded - Polina signed contracts with leading fashion houses. Since 2013 she has been collaborating with Love2Beauty as a regular contributor.


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