Ways to preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin. How to preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin throughout life and to old age Preservation of the youthfulness of the facial skin

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Aging of the skin of the face, as a rule, begins in youth, just after puberty, and, therefore, it is necessary to start monitoring the condition of the skin from the age of twenty. Let's talk with you today about how to keep your skin young and beautiful for a long time, it all depends on your desire. In such a blooming period of life, the first wrinkles appear, laxity of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes appear. With age, the skin of the face becomes even drier, because the sebaceous glands no longer produce so much fat, due to this, the resistance to infections and the effects of any external irritant factor decreases. Especially strong changes occur in the skin where there was a strong and prolonged exposure to pressure, contact with the sun's rays. Early wrinkles on the face are caused by excessive facial expressions.

Defects of the jaws and teeth, namely, malocclusion, also provoke the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles and folds. If you want to look much younger than your age, you should pay more attention to moisturizing your skin. Even simple washing with water can stimulate, while restoring its softness. You can also use moisturizing and cleansing milk. Aging skin should be constantly nourished, thus supplying it with the most necessary elements.

How to keep youthful

You ask how to preserve youthfulness of the skin of the face? In fact, everything is very simple and everyone knows, but we will repeat it again for you. They have an excellent effect based on natural ingredients. You can also use ready-made cosmetic preparations: a cream with a rejuvenating effect, nourishing masks or a gel, which not only work well on fading facial skin, but also significantly increase its vitality. As a rule, all drugs contain components that contribute to the rejection of dead cells, renewal and exfoliation, protect it from the action of the sun, neutralize free radicals, due to which premature aging occurs. In addition, you should do gymnastics that strengthens the muscles of the face. This will make it possible to increase tone, activate blood circulation, can contribute to the gradual renewal of muscle tissue, as well as improve its functionality. And this is hardly achievable even with constant care with the help of high-quality and expensive cosmetics.

Advertising promises to everyone that using anti-aging face creams, not only wrinkles are smoothed, but new ones also do not appear. But not all creams are equally useful, and none of the existing creams can be absorbed so well as to reach the layer on which wrinkles appear. This applies to collagen creams that seem to help restore aging skin. Unfortunately, the collagen molecules are too large, and they will not be able to penetrate deeply in order to participate in its restoration, and you will simply throw your money down the drain. Each girl or woman independently chooses cosmetics for herself, but I would like to note that there is a huge number of natural and generally available preparations of our great-grandmothers, which were undeservedly forgotten by us. It is also possible to prevent the appearance early and you will have fewer problems with wrinkles in the future.

Application of the cream. The cream is applied to the forehead with the fingers of both hands, moving from the bottom up to the temples. It is recommended to apply the cream to the skin around the eyes with air touches under the eyes, and then gently tap with the pads of your fingers until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. Rub and massage the cream from the nose to the temples. When applying the cream around the lips, it should be applied to the middle of the chin, and then rubbed towards the sides of the face, from the corners of the lips to the base of the wings of the nose. First, it should be applied to the middle of the neck, and then rub towards the sides of the neck and up.

Anti-aging creams

Let's talk about anti-aging creams, masks for your face that you can prepare at home. Anti-aging cream recipes are pretty simple and beautiful.

Cocoa butter cream. Suitable for neck and face, for all skin types. In a water bath, melt ten grams of beeswax, add a piece of cocoa butter (twenty grams), and when these ingredients are fully dissolved and a homogeneous mixture appears, then add ten grams of petroleum jelly, twenty milliliters of olive oil and rose water to it. Mix thoroughly with a spatula, transfer to a sterilized glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

Nourishing cream based on honey and lanolin. Suitable for moisturizing the skin. Melt one teaspoon of honey and lanolin. Heat and stir at the same time, then add two tablespoons of hot water and almond oil each. Then you need to remove from the bath and beat well with a mixer.

Quince cream. Rejuvenating and effective for aging skin. To make it a cream of quince for the face, you need to mix one teaspoon of lanolin and honey. Put the mixture in a water bath. Add one tbsp while stirring. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil, one yolk, two tbsp. spoons of boiled hot water, one tbsp. a spoonful of peeled quince. After cooking, remove from the bath and beat well.

Refreshing cream based on lemon and yolk. Suitable for aging skin. Beat one yolk well. While whisking, gradually add two tbsp. tablespoons of peach or olive oil and one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Before making the cream, dissolve a pinch of borax in one teaspoon of boiled hot water and add to the resulting mixture. Such a cream should be applied to the face at night and not washed off until morning.

How to keep your skin youthful? This question interests every person, because everyone wants to stay young and attractive for a long time, especially when it comes to the beautiful half of humanity. There are no secrets or special magic in this matter. Only a responsible approach and the right actions will lead you to an excellent result.

Healthy and nutritious nutrition is a guarantee of youth and fresh appearance. A person's diet is directly reflected in his appearance. What do you need to eat in order to receive compliments about beautiful skin for as long as possible? Products for youthful skin are fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful substances that the body needs so much.

Of course, there can be no question of any beauty if you do not drink enough water. Young skin is moisturized skin. The drier the epidermis, the faster it ages. Therefore, it is necessary to make it a rule to drink about 2 liters of water per day.

Healthy lifestyle and youthfulness of the face

It is possible to significantly rejuvenate the appearance precisely with an integrated approach, that is, when acting on the entire body.

  1. Sports are mandatory, especially after 25 years, when the skin of any person begins to fade. Exercise gives you a good complexion, a blush and just a fresh look. It is important to choose what you like: yoga, Pilates, aerobics, cardio training, gym, etc.
  2. Smoking has a detrimental effect on the entire body and on the skin. The fact is that nicotine has the ability to destroy the valuable and necessary vitamin C. And it is necessary for the production of collagen, thanks to which skin turgor is maintained.
  3. It is important to spend a lot of time outdoors. If it is not possible to regularly travel to the sea, then let it be at least a summer residence. But tanning should not be abused: solar radiation leads to skin aging. The same can be said for the solarium.
  4. An ordinary dream can be an excellent remedy for beauty and youth. Sleeping and getting enough sleep is the main task of everyone who loves himself, wants to be healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours daily, but not more than 10. Dark circles under the eyes most often appear precisely from lack of sleep.

Mandatory home beauty treatments

Proper home care will help preserve the youthfulness of the skin. It does not require large financial costs, you just need a little free time.

If the question of how to prolong the youthfulness of the skin seems to you still not solved, why not try home mesotherapy in miniature? To do this, you will need to buy a mesoscooter with medical needles no more than 0.2 mm and a mesosum. First, a serum is applied to the face, which then needs to be walked with a roller. It forms microscopic punctures, due to which the selected anti-aging agent penetrates more effectively into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Gymnastics for the face

Training is needed not only for the body, but also for the face. After all, it also has a lot of muscles. And they need a load. Special gymnastics will tighten the oval of the face, reduce expression and age wrinkles, and prevent them.

  1. The first exercise can be called a "pipe", because to perform it, you just need to stretch your lips for 5-6 seconds, alternating with a period of relaxation.
  2. The next exercise is to draw in your cheeks as much as possible, as if you need to drink something very thick from a straw. By the way, it is this technique that helps many famous beauties fight sagging cheeks.
  3. It will not be superfluous to recall some of the vowels from the alphabet: "o", "y", "s". You need to alternate these sounds, pronouncing them 15-20 times.

In the beautician's office

It is very good if you have the opportunity to visit a professional cosmetologist at least once every six months (and preferably once a month). Then beauty and youth are guaranteed, because you will be in the reliable hands of a specialist. A special gloss in appearance will become a bonus.

Treatments such as mesotherapy or facial massage are good. Alginant masks perfectly level out age. To cleanse the pores and maintain turgor, you can undergo ultrasonic face cleansing in courses.

If you consult with a beautician, then there is a chance to learn a lot more about individual care and how to preserve youth and beauty. Of course, all this will require certain costs. But on your own, you can maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the face at the proper level, if you approach this issue as consciously and responsibly as possible.

Every woman wants to preserve youthful skin as long as possible, although not everyone admits this. However, with age, we do not become more beautiful and fresher: the skin begins to fade and fade, wrinkles, bags and bruises appear under the eyes, and I no longer want to admire myself in the mirror, as it was before.

But everything is not so scary if you take care of yourself, take care of yourself and follow some simple rules. It is quite possible to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face as long as possible, for this you need to eat right, protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun, take care of the skin daily and do a massage. We will talk about this right now.

Why are we getting old

Perhaps, today it is not only a matter of age, since wrinkles and age spots began to appear even in very young women, and here the conditions in which we live are of considerable importance. Our grandmothers, although they had many difficulties in life, ate differently, they had a different daily routine, they breathed clean air and drank clean water. When we go outside in a big city, we immediately find ourselves in an aggressive environment, and the sun today is also "different" - its rays have become not warming, but draining, and all because the atmosphere of our planet has changed not for the better.

It can take a long time to list the environmental factors that affect the youthfulness of the facial skin in a negative way - let's try to tell you how to preserve the skin of the face in these conditions - after all, you want to stay young and beautiful, no matter what.

Nutrition for youthful skin

You don't have to wait until a certain age to start intensively engaging in your beauty - you need to love and protect your skin from a young age.

The most important factor for maintaining the health, beauty and youthfulness of the skin of the face is nutrition: our skin receives the most important nutrition from the inside - first of all, and only then perceives cosmetics and other caring procedures.

Even if you do not have time, and you are actively busy at work, stop eating buns, sandwiches, chocolates, cola and ready-made meals from the store - otherwise you can forget about youth and a healthy complexion.

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face, manage to eat fresh dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, drink juices, berry fruit drinks, clean water, good green tea. When cooking at home, choose foods that retain all of their natural health and purity — they can be found today.

Skin aging is slowed down by antioxidants, vitamins A and E - these are unrefined vegetable oils, fatty fish, eggs, liver, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Smoothness of the skin is maintained by sulfur - eat onions and garlic added to snacks and salads; zinc keeps the skin soft and soft - these are pumpkin seeds, liver, oysters, sardines, etc.

Iron, which is necessary to maintain skin tone, is found in many foods, but most of all in boiled shellfish, molasses, wheat bran; veal, chicken and lamb liver; cocoa powder, sesame seed, parsley, celery, apples.

Many of these foods also contain B vitamins - there are a lot of them also in cheese and whole grain black bread.

Face protection is compulsory

The face is the most unprotected part of the body, because the sun always affects it, and not only on the beach in summer, as on the skin of the body. Even on a cloudy day, do not forget to apply sunscreen - today, such creams also perfectly moisturize the skin. Moreover, when buying a day cream, pay attention to whether it contains sunscreens or not.

In order not to fade eyebrows, you can dye them before vacation, or use a special protective gel.

Eyelashes and eyes are usually protected by glasses - opt for special glasses that block UV rays and know that they do not have to be expensive.

Gloss can be applied to the lips with an SPF filter - today it is produced by many well-known companies. There is even a protective lipstick that protects and moisturizes lips - for example, from Vichy.

Skin care

An important stage for a youthful face is skin cleansing

A skin cleanser is not a makeup remover. We can remove make-up with cosmetic cream or milk - cosmetics and dirt accumulated during the day dissolve, but the skin is not cleansed - the components of the product containing an oil base remain on it.

To cleanse the skin, you need to choose mild cleansers - gels, foams, mousses, even just oatmeal - they also perfectly cleanse the skin. So, after you have removed your makeup, wash yourself with clean water using your chosen cleanser - nothing better than water has been invented yet. Do not use soap, except when recommended by a specialist - it can make your skin dull; cleanse your skin twice a day, and never touch your face with dirty hands.

In order to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face, try to visit beauty salons and do deep peeling of the skin several times a year. At home, do not forget about this either: there are enough funds today - both purchased and home.

Moisturizing facial skin

Moisturizing the skin is also the most important stage in order to preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin; it just so happens that there is nothing unimportant in preserving beauty. When the skin is well hydrated, it wrinkles much later - this also applies to men. The human body consists of more than 2/3 of water, therefore, when the cells lose it, the elasticity of the skin is also lost, it becomes covered with wrinkles and ages.

Use the moisturizers that are best for you, but remember that skin and hydration comes from the inside - just like nutrition.

You may have heard that you need to drink more clean water - this is true. Of course, you should not fill up with water "to the back of your head", but you should drink about 2-2.5 liters a day, and also replace soda, coffee and sugary drinks with herbal teas, fresh juice and natural compote.

The skin around the eyes and lips is especially susceptible to aging - in order to maintain youth, these areas must be looked after with particular care, and especially after 35 years. The skin must be nourished - then it will be even, smooth and elastic, and the face will have a pleasant healthy color. Choose for yourself effective nourishing cosmetics for your skin type, and do not forget about home remedies, invented and tested by wise women for more than one century - today there are a great many of them.

Youth-prolonging massage

Very often we forget about facial massage: if we still have time to apply the cream, then there is certainly not enough time for the massage. Meanwhile, massage for youthful skin is necessary for our face: it stimulates blood circulation in the skin and improves metabolism, helps cells to breathe more freely, and the face remains smooth and young.

Many women know that with the help of regular and correct massage, you can eliminate not only wrinkles, but also restore the tone of sagging, flabby skin, so that time for it must be found. We also do not visit a professional massage therapist often - try to do it at least sometimes, and at the same time learn from him the techniques of self-massage.

How to keep skin youthful

Always apply and remove daily makeup carefully, with light movements: no need to stretch the skin, vigorously rubbing cosmetics into it - this is a sure way to wrinkles and premature aging.

Exercise and fresh air keep facial skin youthful better than the most expensive cream, if given at least 20-30 minutes a day. Exercise with joy, walk with pleasure, and the youthfulness of the skin will last much longer.

Healthy sleep is important for everyone, but women need more sleep than men - this is our physiological nature. When we sleep, our skin is renewed - all the hidden reserves at this time work to restore it, therefore, in order to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face, we need to sleep at least 8 hours, or better - all 9; and try to sleep on your back - the skin will not be squeezed, and there will be fewer wrinkles.

However, many modern ladies, busy with work and careers, prefer not to think about it, and go to bed long after midnight - and have to get up early. As a result, lack of sleep becomes chronic, the skin gets tired and becomes not pink and healthy, but gray and unsightly.

Keeping skin youthful is not as difficult as it seems - for this you need to perform simple actions, but do them daily. That is why many of us do not have enough patience, and then it comes to the point that we have to go to plastic surgeons. Take care of yourself in time, treat your skin with love, and it will repay you in kind - it will be smooth, fresh and youthful for a long time.

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Not only ladies of the age, but also young girls at the age of 25 or 30 are thinking about how to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face.

Time mercilessly leaves its imprint on a woman's face, creating wrinkles, wrinkles and age spots.

The problem is aggravated if there is a tendency to rosacea, the appearance of fat and acne, or, conversely, dryness.

All this has to be fought in order for the face to remain youthful longer, although in fact it is not difficult to prolong the good condition of the skin.

This article will discuss the basic principles and secrets of preserving the youthfulness of the facial skin.

Human skin consists of three layers, each of which has its own purpose.

The topmost layer is called the epidermis. It is constantly renewed, its old cells die and fall off, and the cells of the previous layer of the epidermis become external.

If the natural exfoliation process is hampered, this leads to the accumulation of cells and the difficulty of air access to the tissues, problems in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, a poor appearance of the facial skin.

This problem most often appears after 25 years. To help this natural process, you need to regularly cleanse your face with cleansers, but also use scrubs and exfoliating masks.

It is worth getting used to daily facial care from adolescence, and for young ladies over 25 years old, weekly spa procedures for the skin of the face are added to the morning and evening washing, which can be carried out both at home and when visiting beauty salons.

The next layer is the dermis. His condition is influenced by diet and lifestyle. In the dermis, blood vessels are concentrated, through which nutrition is suitable for cells, nerve endings.

The intercellular fluid is also an important constituent in the dermis. For the cells to be comfortable, there must be a lot of it. Drinking plenty of fluids contributes to this.

The best drink for extracellular fluid is plain water, herbal tea, or unsweetened green tea.

Coffee, beer, sugary carbonated drinks do not contribute to the formation of intercellular fluid, but rather worsen its composition.

The dermis contains collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Collagen synthesis peaks between the ages of 16 and 20.

Then the skin breathes with health and youth, but after 25 years, the production of this protein decreases, which leads to the appearance of first small wrinkles, and then “crow's feet” around the eyes.

To maintain the youthfulness of the skin of the face, it is very important to support the dermis with portions of collagen. For women after 30 years old, nourishing masks are required, ready-made serums with collagen will give a good effect.

Facial care cosmetics for a 25 year old girl and those over 30 or 25 years old is very different.

The older a woman is, the more her dermis needs external nutrition, while for young girls, simple moisturizing with a cream or traditional medicine is considered quite sufficient.

The innermost layer is subcutaneous fatty tissue. Its function is thermoregulation and supply of nutrients.

Aging of this layer and, accordingly, a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face provides a tan.

Of course, tanned girls look charming on the pages of fashion magazines, but in life, ultraviolet and infrared rays from the sun cause irreparable damage to the youthful skin of the face.

Therefore, if you really want to sunbathe, then you should choose cosmetic skin protection (and for the face they will be different), sunbathe early in the morning or late in the evening, and after swimming in the sea, be sure to wash off the salt and wipe dry.

Salt crust on the face under the influence of sunlight causes serious damage to the skin of the face, making it much older in appearance. Preservation of subcutaneous fat is facilitated by gentle care in winter.

Apply nourishing creams, not moisturizers, and go out into the cold no earlier than 30 minutes after applying the cream.

These secrets will help to prolong the quality of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which will provide long-term protection of the dermis from overheating or hypothermia.

The selection of the right cosmetics (according to age requirements), a minimum of sun, plenty of drinking and healthy foods will help keep you young for a long time, regardless of whether you are 25, 30 or 55 years old.

Folk remedies and finished cosmetics

Among the supporters of rejuvenation, using herbs and other natural remedies, you can hear a lot of negative remarks towards those who prefer to keep their face youthful using store-bought cosmetics.

They claim that nature gives us the secrets of youth, and they all literally grow under our feet. This is a fair point.

Girls who buy cosmetics to preserve a youthful face in stores have ready-made products tested and approved by dermatologists, they do not spend a lot of time preparing a lotion that contains herbs, or a gel for washing.

They always have on hand products that complement each other and are ideal for age and skin type.

Healing herbs work well to make a tincture and freeze it into ice cubes. Beauty and youth are guaranteed to you if you wipe your face with them in the morning and in the evening.

After them, microcirculation in the dermis improves. Choose herbs with anti-inflammatory effects if you have oily skin, but for normal skin, almost any herbal remedy will work.

Now you can buy masks that include herbs, clay and other useful products. Masks for skin care are mandatory for girls 25 or 30 years old, and for women of the older generation.

Depending on the components, they are applied to wet or dry skin and kept for 5 minutes to 30 minutes.

Before the mask, it will be great to cleanse the skin with a scrub, and then apply a cream.

Scrubs containing sea herbs, salt, microgranules help to remove the top layer, which promotes skin renewal, after which the complexion and skin tone improve.

Choose a cream taking into account age (at 25 it will be better to have a moisturizer, and at 30 - 35 you will need a nourishing one), the season (in hot weather, perhaps not all types of cream are suitable) and skin type (for dry skin, the cream should always be applied after washing and cleansing, while oily skin does not always need a cream).

If you cannot find cosmetic products on your own, then consult a beautician for advice.

It would seem, how can you prolong the youthfulness of the skin without taking care of it directly?

Walking in the fresh air helps to get more oxygen, which leads to activation of metabolism, more active cell division and, accordingly, rejuvenation of body tissues.

Sleeping in a cool, well-ventilated room has the same effect.

Minimize stress, then after a while you will notice how the skin condition has changed.

Do a simple experiment - think of something bad and notice how the facial muscles tensed. Now remember something nice and good.

Are you feeling relaxed? Lack of constant tension of the muscles responsible for facial expressions, good mood and optimism are the simplest secrets to keep skin youthful at 30 and at a much older age.

The beauty and freshness of the face are provided by positive emotions, and the absence of excessive stress on the facial muscles helps to prolong the youthfulness of the epidermis.

Another method of preserving the skin is medicinal herbs. Herbs can be used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to make healthy and tasty teas from them.

The skincare market today is as big and diverse as ever. But the result of using all these anti-wrinkle creams, scrubs and tonics, decorative cosmetics and medicinal herbal preparations will never compare with what gives a person a healthy lifestyle. It is he who allows you to keep the skin smooth and healthy for a long time.

In many people, the first small wrinkles appear around the eyes after 40. Deep wrinkles form closer to 50 and, according to plastic surgeons, largely under the influence of sunlight, smoking or both. A funny and at the same time dramatic confirmation of this fact can be obtained by comparing the skin of the face or hands with a much smoother, without blemishes and pimples skin on the buttocks.

To a lesser extent, extreme diets, wind and overly lively facial expressions also contribute to premature skin aging.

Besides His Majesty the Time, the only factor of skin aging beyond the control of man is heredity. If your grandmother or mother looked younger than her age, then you and your children are likely to look young as well in middle age. Especially if you use sunscreen, wear wide-brimmed hats on sunny days, avoid tobacco, secondhand smoke, extreme diets and other aforementioned risk factors.

Types of wrinkles

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons distinguish two types of wrinkles on the face: static and dynamic. Static wrinkles are always visible, even when the facial muscles are at rest. These wrinkles appear as a result of thinning and stretching of the skin caused by natural or premature aging.

Dynamic wrinkles occur at any age, even in young children. Dynamic wrinkles are associated with contraction of the facial muscles, which causes the layers of the skin covering it to fold like an accordion. Dynamic wrinkles are only visible when you smile, raise your eyebrows, or give your face a defined expression.

Sun exposure

Think back to the golden years of youth. Perhaps in the summer, like many teenagers, you put on a swimsuit and darted around the beach or lay on a rug waiting for a beautiful, golden tan.

You didn't know that after a few decades, your skin will have to pay for these sunbathing with dryness, wrinkles, liver spots or even cancer. By some estimates, half of the ultraviolet radiation that a person receives during his life occurs in the period under 18. A study in Australia showed that many young people by the age of 25 showed signs of aging on their face and hands - these parts of the body are constantly exposed and exposed to ultraviolet rays. It found that nearly 90% of skin changes that begin between the ages of 30 and 50 are the result of sun exposure.

To simplify a little, we can say that ultraviolet rays (sunlight or tanning beds) damage the DNA of skin cells. To make matters worse, the destruction of the Earth's protective ozone layer is believed to amplify ultraviolet radiation near the planet's surface. Accumulating over time, microscopic damage leads to the formation of wrinkles and other noticeable skin changes. To prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, you need to use creams with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more. Even if you didn't do it when you were young, you can prevent further skin damage by using sunscreen all year round, including when skiing.

When outdoors - when tending the garden, playing sports, walking, jogging, or even more so when heading to the beach - use a special cream that protects your skin from both types of ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB). It is best to apply sunscreen liberally to all exposed areas about 30 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every few hours or after swimming or sweating heavily. Be aware of the back of your hands and the fact that in cloudy weather, ultraviolet radiation penetrates the clouds and can also damage unprotected skin. A baseball cap or wide-brimmed hat will be a good addition to the cream.

Impact of smoking

Smoking is known to accelerate the aging of the human body from the inside out, causing lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and a host of other health problems. But not many people realize that smoking ages and looks. Chemicals inhaled with tobacco smoke constrict the capillaries and thus reduce the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the sensitive skin of the face. The blood vessel continues to constrict for at least an hour after you extinguish the cigarette butt. Years of smoking lead to the fact that oxygen and nutrient deficiencies cause premature wrinkles, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes pale and takes on a grayish tint.

In addition, by regularly squeezing a cigarette with your lips, you accelerate the formation of vertical wrinkles around the mouth, and squinting when smoke enters your eyes - the appearance of premature wrinkles on the eyelids and around the eyes.

Diet and skin aging

By regularly losing and gaining pounds, you stretch your skin. It sags, becomes less elastic, which means that wrinkles appear on it faster. Try to maintain your ideal weight plus or minus 2-4 kg and avoid rigid diets.

Facial expressions and skin aging

In a sense, the skin has memory. If, due to muscle contraction, wrinkles are regularly formed on it, eventually static wrinkles appear. Think of sailors who constantly squint to protect their eyes from bright sunlight and wind. The same deep wrinkles form when a person constantly smiles or constantly frowns. In order not to squint, it is best to wear dark glasses in sunny weather. Another good technique is to deliberately relax your facial muscles if you feel they are collapsing into an involuntary grimace.

To look young and healthy, you need to follow the same rules of a healthy lifestyle that allow a person to remain healthy from the inside, i.e. do not smoke and maintain a healthy weight. Here are a few more rules to help your skin look young:

  • Avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm, when the ultraviolet light is at its strongest.
  • Use a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15. Apply the cream to the entire exposed surface of the body 30 minutes before going outside.
  • Reapply sunscreen if you've been swimming or sweating heavily.
  • Don't sunbathe.
  • Stay under an umbrella on the beach. Use sunscreen anyway, as sunlight bouncing off sand and water can damage unprotected skin.
  • On sunny days, wear wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves, and trousers.
  • Use cosmetics (foundation and lipstick) with an SPF of at least 15.
  • Avoid tanning beds.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Wear dark glasses on sunny days.
  • Avoid overdrying the skin, use moisturizers.
  • Use a moisturizing soap.
  • In winter, when the indoor air is dry, use a humidifier.
  • If your skin is already damaged by sun exposure, ask your dermatologist about tretinoin emollient creams. These drugs slow down and sometimes completely stop further aging of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Also ask your dermatologist about alpha hydroxy acid, which can also reduce some of the visible signs of sun-induced aging.


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