How to walk on February 23. Defender of the Fatherland Day will give Russians an additional day off - Calendar

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10-day weekend - here is the government's response to those who are waiting for an official decision, as resting in December 2018, January 2019. New 2019 The Russians have to be resting within 10 days.

Vacation for the new year is the rest time for schoolchildren and students. No need to solve the issue with whom to leave children, their parents themselves will be engaged in their entertainment, who received traditional long holidays from the government.

Some officials of half a year ago, the question of the abolition of such long holidays was submitted. There were weighty arguments and economic losses of the country's budget, and to prevent the long-term use of alcoholic beverages. But their arguments were not adopted, the government insisted on long holidays.

How to rest in December 2018

Festive and pre-holiday days of December fall on workers. So, December 31 is Monday, it is already known that it is non-working, as officially postponed to the 29th, Saturday. In this regard, the working Saturday will be, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in short, for 1 hour, as a pre-holiday day.

Given the subsequent January holidays, many families today are planning a winter holiday, based on the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, giving weekends and holidays in January 2019.

How to rest in January 2019

The last weekend 2018 will delight housewives - they are given two days - December 30-31, Sunday and Monday. From them in each family will begin the real New Year holidays.
Such celebrations arrange all public organizations in each city so that all the children could visit merry and joyful events. Some families will go to the resort, where you can go skiing, others will fly to the ocean coast, compare winter and hot summer differences.

The official calendar is approved by the government, according to which New Year holidays in 2019 are marked from 1st to the 8th of January. January 1 - Tuesday, everyone will meet the new year 2019 on the night from Monday, and then the holidays go. First working day 2019 - Wednesday, January 9.

Finding on vacation Weekend 5-6 numbers, Saturday and Sunday are already transferred to May, 2-3 numbers, Thursday and Friday.

Important! The Orthodox Holiday will be in the Vacation Grandfit - Christmas of Christ, January 7th.

Calendars of holidays and weekends in December-January

In addition to winter celebrations, there will be another weekend in 2019. Day of Defenders of the Fatherland In February 2019, resting for 2 days - Saturday, Sunday, 23-24 numbers. Festive day from Saturday February 23 has already been officially postponed on Friday on May 10.

March with celebrations of International Women's Day gives Russians official weekends 3 days - 8, 9, 10 numbers falling on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

May and the New Year and February transfer will give time to daccints to take the soul from 1 to 5, then from 9 to 12 numbers.

The November Day of National Unity in 2019 gives three days of rest - 2, 3, 4, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

Waiting for the New Year

In the meantime, everyone is waiting for the approach of 2019. It remains very little time. December will be filled with pre-holiday preparation, purchase of gifts, christmas tree. And do not forget to buy a glass pig - a new christmas toy, a symbol of the upcoming year.

The turmoil is called precisely a special symbol of the year: to meet the pigs it is necessary to prepare thoroughly, thoroughly produce dishes on the table and details of the design in the interior to fill the house waiting for magic.

2019 will be held under the sign of the yellow pig. She is waiting for all the good festivities to become successful all year. The decoration of the apartment must be made in yellow-gray tones, the same shades must certainly have in clothes, let it be tapes in braids in daughters.

Traditional pig colors bring love to the house, finance, good luck in creative endeavors. But do not forget about those colors that Santa Claus love - red, green, gold.

Every Russian knows the holiday dedicated to the strong half of humanity - men as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. He has been honored for many years, although not everyone knows where he happened and why she loved today. But every citizen of our country is known when he is celebrated: in Russia Defender of the Fatherland Day It is celebrated annually on the same day - February 23. Our article will help to learn how weekend will be planned in honor of this event, as well as the highlights of the celebration of this wonderful day in modern Russia.

Festive and weekends on February 23, 2018

Play rest, have time to get somewhere in a small vacation or simply to see the planned weekend will help. And it will be able to help you in this issue in 2018, which is compiled for each year separately, in order to have the opportunity to more rationally use time for work and recreation.

According to the prepared draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, it is already possible to judge what days will be considered festive. Relying on the data provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, we can say that in honor of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in 2018 we will relax in the period from February 23 to 25 inclusive.

Weekend calendar on February 23, 2018

According to the calendar for the next year you can see that on February 23 - falls on Friday. With a five-day working week, there are already three weekends (broken) days at 23.02. But because of the decision nominated at the highest level, the same schedules will also adhere to those groups that lead their activities six days a week.
Celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland will work with a scope, because the main events will be held on Friday directly to the holiday itself, and all other weekend can be relaxed and engaged in loved ones - the working week will begin only from Monday on February 26.

How in Russia celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland?

For the first time, this holiday, began to be celebrated in the twenties of the last century and called him the day of the Red Army. This event was not solemn, for that it was very patriotic. On this day, ordinary people gathered things and products and gave them to soldiers. After the revolution and during the origin of the Soviet state, the army was very poor and largely survived only at the expense of ordinary people.

Today in Russia, this day refers and especially read. In honor of this holiday, concerts are held, in the Kremlin awarded distinguished military, not forgetting about women, if their profession was the military service.

Russians will soon expect mini-holidays that are associated with the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, because February 2 in Russia is a day off.

In 2018, residents of the Russian Federation rest for 3 days - from 23.02 to 25.02 inclusive:

  • February 23 (Friday) - an official holiday, non-working day.
  • 24, 25 February (Saturday, Sunday) - calendar weekend.
  • February 22 (Thursday), as the pre-holiday working day will be shorter than 1 hour.

Who works on February 23

At the same time, some private organizations and those structures, without the services of which residents cannot do so long, change the general state schedule and still work on holidays. For example, in the clinics, you can easily find duty doctors, and in Russian posts of the same cashier on duty. More information about the schedule of work of institutions can be found on the site or by phone number.

By the way, on February 23, a long time in our country is called the "Day of Men". The holiday congratulates all representatives of strong sex, as well as some ladies relating to the number of military or veterans.

How to rest on February 23, 2018? One of the traditions of the holiday is a solemn imposition of wreaths to the tomb of an unknown soldier. And every year a festive concert dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is held in the Kremlin Palace. In many cities, the country gives a festive salute.

From which year on February 23 in Russia the day off

In 2002, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted the Decree of the Day of February 23 to consider not workers, from this year on February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, back in 2001, it was a working day. And to celebrate and celebrate this holiday began in 1922, then he was called the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. Later began to be called the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy.

But always it was a feast of men, women congratulated their husbands, sons and all men with this holiday, and men did not remain in debt and congratulated on two weeks of their women with their holiday - March 8th.

To be aware of how we rest on February 23, 2018, you need to know what the government of our country has decided on this. This is not only our digest about weekends on February 23, 2018.

Holiday with continuation

The weekend provided always create a positive and even festive mood for almost every person. They allow you to restore vitality and improve the overall health condition. Just and fun to spend time in a circle of relatives and loved ones.

The list of some such days and dates state during each autumn specifically establishes for the future - calendar year. Not performing an exception and annual celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. It takes place every year - February 23 - and allows not easy to congratulate all the military, but also give a reason to be proud of your men. At the same time, at specific enterprises and organizations, the question of the calendar of the granted rest is always faced. In particular, and how and how many rest on February 23, 2018.

It is clear that many workers try to plan their family holiday in advance. For example, to get out of the city and go from the servants of the working days. In addition, more time for excellent holidays in the circle of relatives and loved ones allows you to approach in detail and to restore health. And this kind of possibility should be thought out annually in order to consider the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This will allow not only to relax, but also fruitfully work without load on health.

Weekends will be long

The holiday under consideration in 2018 falls on Friday and will allow to relax the whole 3 days in a row - from February 23 to 25, 2018 inclusive. Therefore, the Government of the Russian Federation did not have to endure the February weekend (RESOLUTION of 14.10.2017 No. 1250).

Thus, on February 23 in 2018 there are all chances to extend rest. Moreover, this is the only male holiday.

Features of the work schedule

Meanwhile, the question about the weekend on February 23, 2018 and how to relax in connection with this significant holiday, we must consider taking into account the distribution of labor and working days at a particular enterprise. If necessary, increase the number of weekends for a full-fledged rest, given the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, take care of the other day. It is stipulated in advance.

In addition, it is possible to adjust the calendar working days by:

  • transfer of the working day for the next weekend;
  • testing within the framework of the work schedule for the month by increasing the work hours of the enterprise (each organization solves individually);
  • conditional postage of the holiday from the middle of the week on Monday or Friday.

These positions allow you to form almost any kind of labor schedule, which will allow fully rest with the approved state holidays. At the same time, as a rule, the number of labor hours due to the workflow no less becomes.

Note that individual holidays taking into account their initial calendar arrangement are usually combined with Monday or Friday.

How can well and legally competently transfer the work day taking into account holidays and weekends? This question is asked by many managers of enterprises. In this regard, some companies annually constitute their schedule of holidays and weekends for the future annual period.

It was not an exception and February 23 in 2018. As a rest: we get 3 full-fledged days to restore forces and in front of them a shortened working day.

On February 23, Russia annually celebrates the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Previously, this holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. This day is a public holiday and official weekend.
In 2018, February 23 comes Friday, so we are waiting for three weekends in a row. Almost vacation!

February 23 (Friday) - holiday festive day
24 February (Saturday) - day off
25 February (Sunday) - day off

Calendar for February 2018

An interesting story of this holiday. Why do we celebrate on February 23 that day? The origins of the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy should be sought in 1918. It was then that the decrees on the creation of the Red Army and the Red Fleet were signed. But none of these laws were signed on February 23. The Red Army was created on January 28, and the Red Fleet was February 11.

It was believed that on this day - February 23 - the Red Army won a major victory over the German troops under Pskov and Narva. At least until 2002, the official name of the holiday sounded this way: "The Day of the Victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser Troops of Germany in 1918 is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland." But later, this historical fact was considered unreliable, and the holiday was just called the "Day of Defender of the Fatherland". So old and unknown why the Day of Defender of Fatherland is celebrated on this day. There are different assumptions, but they still remain at version level.

But for millions of Russians on February 23 is just a male day. The holiday knights is not by rank, but by calling - large and small, military and civilian. Those who protect their fatherland daily are not as much from the enemies of external, as from the internal attacks. The holiday of those for whom you can rely on and who can be trusted. And what day to celebrate him, and how will it be called, maybe not so important?
Consultant Author: Julia Squirrel


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