How to wear prints: Rules, ideas, combinations. How to combine prints in clothes Combination of prints in clothing

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Strip - One of the most grateful prints in terms of compatibility with others.
The black and white strip is so universal that can fit in almost any outfit.
Well, if the contrast of black and white is not very suitable for the natural contrast of appearance or the color, then a color strip will come to the rescue.
Someone can say: "Yes, this strip is already tired, it is everywhere!". Yes, the strip is popular. And the first hundred years is already popular, and not even the second. She was, there will be.
Therefore, therefore, the question of combining it with other prints is considerable interest.
A B. aRIANTS combinations, in turn, a lot. Lots of!We tried to implement this topic slightly and make a selection for inspiration.

1. With floral
The combination of strips with floral prints is already practically turned into a classic. Especially in the sets of the vest + skirt with a flower print.
Variations on this excellent combination great set. Sticks of skirts and blouses can be the most different, as flavoring, and the shape of flowers, as well as the width, color, orientation and distribution of strips.

And what else will there be ways to zamify stripes with flowers? A lot of them!
To begin with, instead of a set of a shirt-blouse, you can choose any other.

Options with trousers, shorts and even jumpsters:

Or jackets, or coat:

And, of course, in combination strip + floral print something one can be an accent and / or accessory:

With a combination of a strip with a floral print, a rule of scale works well: a small frequent strip looks better with large colors and vice versa. While two prints like a similar scale can argue with each other. However, from any rule there are exceptions, and in this case, as mixing prints, there are always many exceptions, so the best advice here- Carefully look into the mirror, because everything is possible.
For details on how to combine prints, we wrote in a recent article:"Mixing prints: 12 rules and a lot of inspiration."

2. With geometric
The strip is perfectly combined with other geometric prints.
For example, a combinationstrip + Strip Gives a huge space for creativity.
Even the combining two (as, however, both three, and more) strips in one color scheme, one can mostly beat the scale, width, distribution and direction of the strips:

And if striped prints have different colors - this is an inexhaustible source of inspiration!

Strip + pea
Small peas in combination with a strip will add to your image of romanticity.

Large - Zador:

Polkah Deta - Not easy print, it, like a shade of red. It is important to find your own.
Read more about how to implement in the wardrobe of the pea and with what to combine them, we wrote .

Strip + Cell
This combination has also become classic for a long time, especially in sets with scarves:

Neutral black and white strip will fit, practically, anything.
In the case of a colored strip, a combination of a single color range of prints (or at least with one common color) works well.

The strip in combination with the cell is beautiful in sets with shirts:

Skirts and trousers:

Separate theme - The combination of shirts in striped and checkered tissues of men's jackets, and often the third print used for a tie.
Especially good paisley cucumbers:

And the combination itself is quite applicable in the women's wardrobe. Both in a jacket shirt sets and different others:

A pair of examples of a combination of strips with different geometry:

3. With animalistic
Animal prints with a strip are good.
The easiest way to add to the outfit with a strip bag or shoes with animal printing:

But other options are possible:

Keith Richards, for example, also grook, and the ethnic comes here :)

By the way about the ethnics ...
4. With ethnic
Variations of a combination of various ethnic prints with a strip are very popular in recent years in designers.
Take at least Stella Gin with her African, Haitian and other motifs, as well as the skill of masterfully mixing everything with everything.
In this unimaginable mix, always is a strip!

And if you get away from the podium :), then the strip can be shimmed, for example, with a ikat:

5. With textures
And finally: the strip can be seated not only with other prints, but also with textured things.
For example, with sweaters of coarse mating:

Or adequate lace or weightless flames:

In the contrast of the trepacy of lace with the sharpness of the strip, you can beat a variety of images.

Look for a close one.
Your studio of stylish ideas.

Fashion communities, StreetStyle profiles in Instagram, Pinterest selection of different examples of a successful combination of different prints in one embodiment, however, many still remain the stereotype that according to the rules of stylistics is permissible to use only one print in the kit. I propose to dispel this myth).

My elongated jacket from Russian designers Flambe. - This is one thing that combines two prints - flowers and stripes, and the drawing is perfectly combined, it looks fresh and unusual. In general, a combination of various prints in one thing is always interesting and has long been recognized as fashionable and designers, whether it is worth talking about the admissibility of the combination of things with different patterns in one outfit.

Vegetable (Flowers, "Cucumbers" Paisley, Leaves, etc.)
Animal (le.opposition, zebra, snake andetc.)
Geometric (strip, cell, peas, etc.)
Abstraction (all sorts of incomprehensible patterns, illusions, camouflage, something that cannot be attributed to the already listedcategories)

How to combine different prints in images?

  • Take print from one group - Striped strip, flowers with flowers. It is very careful to be with a mix of different abstractions, and the combination of animal prints among themselves, in my opinion, is not the most successful, but no one forbids experimenting!
    Fashion is now free, it is open to new ideas and insane, at first glance, combinations, and all the stylistic rules and trends are only a recommendation in nature - in the foreground there is your own vision and expression of personal style.
  • Combine prints from different groups, relying on color coincidences - we take the basis of one color that will be present in both prints, thereby combining them together. For example: to the skirt in a red pink flower on a white background we put on white top in red peas; To pants in a blue-white strip, select the top of a blue pink flower; The abstract blouse in the blue-orange scale take a skirt in a blue-white strip. The easiest move is to take the prints, the background of which coincides: Flowers on a white background + peas on a white background, strip on a black background + flowers on a black background, etc.
  • Let's complicate mixing prints from different groups without common colors, but with The presence of additional (complimentary) colors in them according to the student circle of Iohannes ITEN - These colors are located in a circle clearly opposite each other. To create a bright, but less contrasting combination, take the color of the color located next door to each other in the color circle.
In my opinion, the safest combinations for beginners are: Stripe + Flowers, strip + peas, peas + flowers, camouflage + stripe, small peas (preferably in the top) + large peas (skirt / pants).

I propose to look at my today's image and summarize all of the foregoing:

  • In this outfit, I combine prints from one group (strip on jacket and strip on trousers), But a different size, which always looks the most advantageous, in my opinion. Do not forget about the illusions, with the help of which you can visually adjust the figure: a large print increases, small reduces.
  • It uses one of the win-win options - Stripe + Flowers
  • In the image you see a combination of prints from one group, which, moreover, combined with a colors: jacket in a gray-white strip with pink colors + gray pants in a pink strip.

I wish you successful experiments, do not drive yourself into the frame, do not be afraid to play with my style, because it is insanely interesting and exciting! Since you can see my mix of different things in the "goose paw", I used checkered trousers with a coat into a rutter, and combined stripes, small "elephants" and a strip in a cage on a bag.

Trend of autumn 2017: Checkered Print. How to wear?

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Bag / Bag. Rebecca Minkoff.(

In the student years I had to somehow attend the open lecture of the editor of the fashion department of one very important English edition. The cloud of students of all Parisian Fashion schools and courses were stuffed into the hall, and the campaign aunt in Armani was sitting on the stage and the categorical tone of broadcasting is immutable truths on the topic of style laws. That evening a lot of loud statements were made like "tights can only be bodily color", "Light bags - part of the summer wardrobe" and - the corona! - "Leopard print can be worn only with black things."

I often remember this woman today, every time I ask for a question - does she take a valocardine before opening his MacBook and start learning modern trends? ..

Prints in the postmodern era

I have already spoken many times, and I repeat again: in the era, which we are experiencing, no hard laws and rules have not been no longer. White bags are worn all year round, tights can be any color and textures, and with the prints, and everything is not so unequivocal. The prints are worn as accents, as a major history, combine them with each other and with anything, and it is precisely in this that the art is beautifully violated by the established rules, the main sign of postmodern.

At the same time, it should be noted that the relationships with the prints do not add up smoothly: amateurs of minimalism and cleaned images to complex patterns relate to the cool, perceiving them as visual confusion.

But such an attitude is not entirely justified, because even in the smallest wardrobe, there will be a place for prints that add diversity and character with neutral combinations.

But let's in order.

How To Wear Prints: Types of patterns and types of combinations

Of course, if you are not a designer and not the editor of the fashion department, this knowledge may seem excess, but the theory of the issue sometimes helps to realize what you feel intuitive, so I will allow myself a little space in your memory. So, there are 5 types of prints:

  • floral (which is divided into 2 large groups - large floral print and small floral print, calicot)
  • animal (leopard, zebra, etc.)
  • ethnic (African, Asian, etc.)
  • geometric (cage, strip, peas)
  • abstract (there is a print of militaries to him)

Some of the prints are relevant in one form or another (strip, for example), some are in fashion, are forgotten for a while. Each prints have their own story, their own character and a set of partners with whom it works in classic combinations.

How to wear prints? Prints in the image can work differently, and professional designers and stylists have their own system of use:

  • full-Body - an image in which the print (or combination of prints) play a major role (for example, a dress made of a fabric with a print to which neutral accessories are selected)
  • print Block - an image in which the blocks of their fabrics with prints are combined with one-photon things (for example, a monochny skirt and a top with a print)
  • accent - scarves, bags, print shoes that work as accent, and not as a basis or a serious part of the image.
Full Body Print - Print is the main character of the entire set. Most often there is some one print, which becomes the hit of the season, and it is he who begins to be used for Full Body images. For the past few years, the floral print each spring goes to the fore. Probably case in hormones, not in trends ... Print on the principle of the unit - most often it is the top or bottom of the image, in a pair to the block from the print there is a monochon one thing neutral or full color. Photo: Print as an emphasis, everything is fine here. Most often it is shoes, bags or scarves in neutral images.

And main types of combinations:

  • print + Color Block / Blocks (Print and Monotonous Full Color Things)
  • pRINT + NEUTRAL (print and monophonic neutral flowers)
  • print on Print (combinations of different prints)

For example, a classic partner of a geometric print is a single-color saturated shade unit.
But also with neutral blocks, prints work perfectly ...
Mastery Combine - Print Print.

Floral Print

This print can be attributed to the category of basic, as it is always present in the podiums and in collections. At the same time, the fashion for the type of flower printing changes depending on the fashion of the era: a small floral print is the 70th and 90s, a large floral print - 60th and 80s.

Flower print adds an image of femininity and romanticity, and in the business wardrobe is not entirely appropriate, but outside the office is very in demand. There is an opinion that the older the woman, the smallest there should be a floral print in her wardrobe, but it is just a stereotype - Anna Winters, for example, wears a large floral print at his moonless age without any problems, he is part of her Signature Look.

Classic: Floral print as a layer, paired with denim and a male jacket coat so that it is not too far.

Small floral print (calicot) works perfectly as one of the layers in puff varies (I have already written about it), a large floral print is self-sufficient, although there are limitations related to the type of figure (miniature girls large flowers make similar to sofa pillows).

Classic Partner of Calicot Print - Denim and any other monophonic fabrics that are well displayed texture pattern. A large floral print with denim is worse, as it requires an absolutely neutral partner, as any one-photon and suitable thing can perform.

Print Calicot is in fact never finally from fashion, because by nature it is quite universal. Small drawing does not oblige anything, but the image adds romanticity. Photo:

Excellent partner for flower print - strip. The depletion of the flower block works perfectly with the contrast and geometric strips.

With a simple monophonic top, it would be bored, you will agree - the strip is much more expressive.

You work perfectly with each other and different types of floral prints, the main thing is that they are combined in a color basis (a combination can be monophonic or contrast when two floral patterns are contrasting each other in principle).

The rule "The Motley Print - Single Accessories" has long been irrelevant. You can combine several distrect prints at the same time that will work together according to the principle of "contrast patterns". For example, Animal Print can work with a flower print as an accent.

Two different small prints that are combined in the main color.

Animal Print

Print with bad glory, which he got into the tasteless 80s, when for some reason became a symbol of frank sexuality, quickly evolved to vulgarity. However, the fame of this is just a strotype, and in fact an animal print can become an excellent emphasis that turns the most boring image into something much more interesting.

The face with vulgarity is quite obvious: it is enough to avoid frank silhouettes, neckline and other understandable stories, and use this print dosage.

Bags and animal print shoes often look cheap, since this coloring is applied to the skin, and with not very high-quality execution suffer the appearance of the thing (the same bag in the mononomic version may look beautiful). The solution here may be a pony leather - bags and shoes from the leather pony with a leopard print do not look defiantly or cheap (the color is harmoniously combined with skin texture).

How to start wearing an animal print? ..

The rule of English aunt is to wear an animal print only with black things - this is your insurance from overloading the image with extra details.

You can also enter this print in images from neutral colors and textures: black, white and beige work with an animal print in brown-yellow tones (leopard or tiger), any monotonous deep colors - with a black and white print (for example, Zebra, which Perfectly combined with deep red, blue, etc.)

The safest way to introduce into your neutral wardrobe Animal Print is a pony leather bags. Flawlessly from the point of view of taste, and adds textures. Well, this is already for advanced minimalists - you see, not everything is so scary!

Ethnic Print

All prints fall into this group, whose pattern relies on national motives. African, Brazilian, Asian, Scandinavian, etc., and the like. Ethnic prints are best combined with skin / suede and coarse yarn things.

The main rule of combination is not to mix different ethnic prints between themselves (well, that is, not to wear Asian and African prints in the same image), but it is very possible to combine with other prints.

Ethnic prints are not always relevant, but every 2-3 years the fashion is returned. So if the boho-style do you like, you can safely invest in the purchase of such things and not to remove them away.

Ethnic prints are best combined with rude textures - leather, large viscous, coarse fur. Anna Wintures and African Print - she generally loves bright large prints, and wears them very often. The excellent example of the ethnic in the set in the style of the 70s, this epoch was favorable to the ethnic. Photo:

Geometric Print

This group of prints is rightfully considered basic, as the cell, strip and peas are much universal than the other prints. The geometric print can be combined both with neutral things (especially gentle, non-contrast shades, for example, beige), and with full-color things, as well as practically with all other types of prints (especially with Calicot).

About the most basic geometric print - the Breton Stripe - I already wrote here. The cell is less universal, and periodically becomes a hit (as in the summer of 2017, when Gingham Print was everywhere), then it goes to the background, and the peas are specific to their "girl" often disliked by many designers.

The geometric print is best introduced into your wardrobe on the principle of blocks, buying tops and shirts that are worn with monophonic jackets and cardigans or with a floral print.

Even at the very minimal minimalist, there are hardly arguments against the strip - this print in its arsenal is exactly worth it. Peas - Polka Dot is another print that refers to the basic. It will work with anything - with neutral blocks, full-color blocks and other prints. Geometric prints are perfectly combined with each other, especially strip and peas. The strip and the cage is compatible, although you can also find successful combinations. Two more geometric prints that work perfectly together. I have already written about friendship between floral and geometric prints, so I just add an example as an argument. Gingham Cell, the main hit of the summer 2017, works very well with flower prints - both prints are romantic in their essence. Geometric prints of one nature are well combined with each other - a cage with a cage, striped strip and so on Photo: And one more example of a cell + cage. Photo:

Abstract print

This group of prints solves most often the task of adding a color stain into the image, and is rarely used for Full Body images (although, as I said, no hard rules have no longer). Abstract patterns are often used for handkerchiefs, chalee and other accessories, and integrate them into their wardrobe needed on the basis of their color base.

Color base can be:

  • soft - pastel, or "dusty" colors (Dusty) - colors in a muted version;
  • neutral - composition of objects and color spots of neutral shades;
  • full color or contrasting (deep saturated colors and shades)

When choosing such a print, you need to focus on your color gamut (about how to deal with your palette, I am very detailed in the book "Basics of impeccability"), and if it is a handkerchief or top, that is, the thing that will rush to the face ", That main color should not be contrasting your skin and the color of the eyes.

Olivia Palermo - Queen of Prints, it turns out to pick up excellent combinations, so if you are interested in the topic - subscribe to its instagram. Pastel abstract set with hollow ballet flats and a monochrome block-bag. The main in this area is understandable, handkers Hermes Classic: neutral t-shirt-t-shirt jeans and bright handkerchief with abstract print Designers love to choose abstract bright prints for statement things. It is necessary to wear them with the most simple partners who emphasize the uniqueness of the print. White T-shirt or simple turtleneck is perfect.

And yet the rules

If you still talk about the rules for selecting and use of prints, it will be discussed not about the laws of combinations, but on how prints work for different types of figures. And if the question "how to wear prints" is relevant for you, you need to start with understanding your silhouette and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the figure.

Any print attracts attention to itself, as the brain is more difficult to process the parts, and that is why visually any print will add volume and switch from one-photographic parts.

Correction of Figure

With the help of prints, you can adjust any imbalance. For example, if you have a large hip and fragile top, then the top with a print along with a monochrome skirt visually adjusts this imbalance.

A thing with a print, I hope for a bulk part of the body visually makes it even more volume (perhaps this is how the poor leopard has worked for himself.

The classic set for the type of "pear" type is a monochrome skirt A-silhouette masks heavy hips, the top focuses on the fragile top of the body.

Large print does not work with OVERSIZE things

The more freer and more thing, the smallest should be a drawing (or it should not be at all). A large print on a large swing-up thing will make you a similar sofa.

What are you miniature, the less large print suits you. A large floral print looks good at high slender women, high girls with forms he makes even more voluminous.

Print print: Rule 3

It is necessary to combine different prints and you need, and from stylistic errors will help the old good rule of 3 elements: something is motley, something is geometric black and white and something full of color monophonic. In such a combination, the main character will be a motley print, the geometric strip or cell will add intrigue, and the one-photon item will be "glue", which binds all together and protrudes the background for prints.

At the same time, the motley thing should be the one that emphasizes the advantages of the figure, and the flaws are better to disguise with even deep color.

Classic: two prints and monoton And once again - two prints and monoton (bag) Two small geometric prints, one large and monoton (bag) Two floral prints that work as similar in their texture and both in one color scheme.

Dare and try. And even if an image with the prints that you have gathered someone will seem faithful, let your heart warm the idea that you will have tried at least.

There is nothing boring than the frozen frames of safe neutral combinations, your wardrobe deserves bright accents!

Even if important English aunt in Armani disagree with this.


Did you like this post and would you like to learn more about how to create interesting images on the basis of the most simple wardrobe items? Maybe you will be interested in my book - "Anatomy of the Paris Cardness".

This is one of five books written on the basis of the "Paris Wardrobe" training, which I have been leading for many years and is dedicated to the basic wardrobe in a classic French style - slightly negligent, slightly unisex, minimalistic and very functional.

BUTNatomia Paris Card: Things, Brands, Combination

In this book, I tell about the main constants of the Paris wardrobe, and about the basic Parisian combinations: what to wear, with what to wear, how to wear.

For convenience, the book is divided into 3 large blocks ("bottoms", "tops", "outerwear"), and in each block I describe in detail about the subjects that make up the basis of the Paris style.

The ability to combine prints in clothes - a great deal! Peas, cage, strip, Chinese cucumbers, floral patterns - how to make so that they look harmonious together?
Sometimes designers mixed prints so that already breathing intercepts from admiration!
But it begins everything difficult with less difficult, and we decided to highlight a few simple rules, from which you can repel, gradually complicating combinations and exercise your own skills.

1. How to combine prints in clothes: repeat color

One simple and proven combination rules of the combination of prints are a total color scheme. Or rather, they must have at least one common color.
Prints in a similar color scheme complement each other, instead of dragging attention to everyone. In this way, you can sit near even two very different prints. It is not necessary that the colors exactly repeat each other, the main thing that these are similar shades of the same color.

By the way, this rule is particularly often used when combining men's shirts and ties:

2. How to combine prints in clothing: one print, different size

When you come to head into clothes with the same print, the surrounding can start rich in the eyes. But if you diversify the outfit with a combination of two prints, the same in shape and color, but different in size, then the prints will be enjoyed, and the image will look more difficult to look more difficult.

3. How to combine prints in clothing: Rule 60-30-10

Want to overshoot three prints at once? Then follow the same rule as the combination of colors: let the largest print take 60% of your outfit, the second largest is 30%, and the third, the smallest, more accent 10%.
For example: a long skirt with a large flower pattern, a short top of the middle width and a bright necklace on the neck (or bag, or a headdress, or shoes, or butterfly, or ... your option :)).

4. How to combine prints in clothes? Divide them

Sometimes it is enough to divide the two inconsistent prints of the "whole" band, so that their combination has become harmonious.
For example, a monophonic belt.

Two prints of the same type and size, but different color looks perfectly near and do not contradict each other.

6. How to combine prints in clothing: bright print next to muffled

Take any bright print and connect it with a nonsense muted.
By the way, the contrast of bright and muted works and with a combination of monochrome things.

7. How to combine prints in clothing: Neutral strip

Do not know, the top with which print is suitable for a wonderful new skirt with a floral pattern? Shoot, choosing a strip.
Strite things are suitable for any print (especially if you remember the rule about unifying color), they can be used in the same way as neutral stuff of black or jeans.
In combination with a floral print, the strip looks especially beautiful:

It is important to remember that in this particular case the size matters!
The wider strip, the smaller the floral pattern should be, and on the contrary: it is better to choose a floral pattern of a large size to a narrow strip.

Examples of combinations of strips with other prints are numerous and beautiful, options great set!

8. Combination of graphic prints

Two graphic prints wonderfully get along with each other, both in one colors and different. Cell, polka dot and strip are harmonious in a variety of combinations. Experiment!

9. How to combine prints in clothes: animal brings

An animal prints look great both with graphic and picturesque.

But they are gorgeous than all, they are combined with each other!

10. Combination of prints in black and white gamme

It is difficult to make a mistake, combining two different prints in black and white colors.
Do not doubt!

11. How to combine prints in clothes? Use accessories

If you are not sure yet sure that the skirt in the Chinese cucumber will fit to the top of the polka dot, start with accessories: a scarf, necklace, a bag or a belt with an unusual print will give an array image.

12. How to combine prints in clothes? Wear tights with a print

Tights or leggings can now be found almost with any print. Yes, and the rules are all the same.

And finally, something from our works:

Remember, the rules are not a dogma, and from any rule there is not one, but many exceptions.
It is important to learn how to feel what is close to you, and then no rules will be needed, and everything will go into the field of intuition.

- Great business! Peas, Cell, Strip, Chinese Cucumbers, Floral Patterns - How to make so together they look harmonious?
Sometimes designers mixed prints so that already breathing is intercepting the envy of admiration!
But it begins everything difficult with less complex, and we decided to highlight a few simple rules, from which you can repel, gradually complicating the combinations and exercise your own skill.

1. Repeat color
One of the easiest and proven combination rules of prints - Total color gamut. Or rather, they must have at least one common color.
Thanks to the repetition of color, prints will complement each other, instead of drawing attention to everyone. In this way, you can sit near even two of a variety of prints!
It is not necessary that the colors exactly repeat each other, the main thing that these are similar shades of the same color.

By the way, this rule is particularly often used when combining men's shirts and ties:

2. One print of different sizes
If you are dressed up to your head into clothes with the same print, the surrounding can start rich in the eyes. But if you divert your outfit using one print (or two very similar), but different sizes, then prints will be enjoyed, and look much more interesting.

3. Follow the rule 60-30-10
Want to overshoot 3 prints at once? Then follow the same rule as the combination of colors: let the largest print take 60% of your outfit, the second largest is 30%, and the third, the smallest, more accent 10%.
For example: a long skirt with a large flower pattern, a short top of the middle width and a bright necklace on the neck (or bag, or a headdress, or shoes, or butterfly, or ... your option :)).

4. Divide 2 prints
Sometimes it is enough to divide the two inconsistent prints of the "whole" color band so that they start.
For example, a monophonic belt.

5. Mix two similar prints
Two similar prints of the same size, but different color looks perfectly near and do not contradict each other.

6. Use a bright print next to the muffled
Take any bright print and connect it with a nonsense muted.
By the way, the contrast of bright and muted works and with a combination of monochrome things.

7. Strip as neutral
Do not know, the top with which print is suitable for your wonderful new skirt with a floral pattern? Use the strip!
Strite things are suitable for any print (especially if you remember the rule about unifying color), they can be used in the same way as neutral stuff of black or jeans.
In combination with a floral print, the strip looks especially beautiful:

Remember that in this particular case the size matters!
The wider strip, the smaller the floral pattern should be, and on the contrary: it is better to choose a floral pattern of a large size to a narrow strip.

Examples of combinations of strips with other prints are numerous and beautiful, options great set!

8. Use polka dots with a cage or strip
Two graphic prints wonderfully get along with each other, both in one colors and different. Experiment!

9. Combine animal prints
An animal prints look great both with graphic and picturesque.

But they are gorgeous than all, they are combined with each other!

10. Black and White Gamma
It is difficult to make a mistake, combining two different prints in black and white colors.
Do not doubt!

11. Use accessories
If you are not sure yet sure that the skirt in the Chinese cucumber will suit the top of the polka dot, start with accessories: a scarf, necklace, a bag or a belt with an unusual print will give the highlight to your image.

12. Carry tights with a print
Tights or leggings now can be found almost with any print! Yes, and the rules are all the same.

And finally, something from our works :)

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