How to raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies. Folk remedies to strengthen children's immunity

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The child began to go to kindergarten, but he spends most of his time at home - he is sick. The schoolboy does not get out of colds. “Probably weak immunity,” - think the parents and look for attentive doctors and suitable medications. Pediatrician Yuri Staroverov talks in detail about the "remedies for immunity", but first he suggests dealing with the causes of frequent colds.

There are children who very often suffer colds, and many of them have a protracted illness (3-6 weeks). Children over the age of 3 years are often considered sick children who get colds more often than five times, and over 5 years old - more often than four times a year. In some of these children, the intervals between diseases do not exceed 1-2 weeks. These children get sick throughout the year, regardless of the season.

The health status of a child is often inversely proportional to the degree of overprotection. From the first days of life, it would seem, there is everything that the baby needs. Warm apartment, no drafts, warm clothes, walks only in good weather, in the wind we cover his face with a scarf - but he is still endlessly ill. He slightly wet his feet - snot, blew from the window - coughed.

The most common cause of such diseases is the loss of the child's innate ability and readiness to adapt to changes in the natural conditions of his life.

Causes of frequent colds

The reason is the artificial creation of greenhouse conditions for the child: only inadequately warm rooms, too warm clothes, only warm water, prevention of contact with air movement. But it is impossible to grow a person in an incubator all his life. Sooner or later he will get caught in the rain, wet his feet, and face a cold wind. Moreover, the later, the worse the consequences, the more likely he will get sick.

Usually these are children with low resistance, the reasons for which are different for each child. Along with increased sensitivity to the usual influences of environmental factors, it is also important hereditary predisposition... Remember, did you, parents, have such frequent illnesses in childhood? If there were, then this explains a lot, but should not discourage you. If this has passed for you with age, it does not mean that everything will end as well for your child.

The predisposition can be expressed in the form of diathesis: exudative, allergic, lymphatic. Chronic nutritional disorders, chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, obesity), and diseases of the nervous system are important.

The cause of frequent morbidity may be a decrease in resistance against the background deficiency in the body of vitamins, against the background of anemia. There are many children who do not eat quite rationally. For example, a child willingly eats flour products, sweets, but refuses vegetables, dairy products. After a while, it often starts to hurt. The vitamin balance is disturbed.

Has the meaning long-term exposure to adverse environmental factors... Let's say a family lives in an industrial area. Waste products, getting into the child's respiratory tract, reduce the barrier function of the mucous membranes and their resistance to infections. A similar mechanism of recurrence in children in families in which it is customary to smoke at home. The child in such cases is a passive smoker.

Often, children who are often ill are tried to heal with special zeal. However, taking certain medications (antibiotics, topical hormonal agents) suppresses the immune response on a transmitted infection and reduces resistance to infections in general, contributing to their recurrence. Of course, there are diseases in which the use of antibiotics is salvation for the child. But their uncontrolled use can cause significant harm to the body.

Stress from school and kindergarten

A decrease in resistance to infections is often due to psychoemotional and physical overload, as well as stress... Dads and mothers would like to see their children in the future as outstanding personalities. However, do not try to enroll your child in both music and art schools at the same time. The child will not stand it, at the same time attending figure skating classes, tennis and a dance studio. At best, it will often get sick with colds, at worst, neurotic reactions will appear.

It is not uncommon for children to get sick often when they start attending kindergarten. At the same time, parents “sin” on the conditions in the kindergarten, on the carelessness of the staff. It also happens. But if only your child is often sick, then rather the problem is in him - he is not yet ripe for being in a team. Immaturity may relate to his psychological unpreparedness for separation from his family (under stress, resistance to infections is suppressed). Or it may be associated with the lack of hardenedness of the child. The conditions in preschool institutions, of course, are not Spartan, but they are not oriented towards "greenhouse" children either. And finally, not all children by the age of 3 are ready to closely enter the children's team according to the degree of maturity of the immune system.

The immune system of children begins to actively develop after birth. During the first months of life, the child is protected from a number of infections by maternal antibodies received in utero from the mother. This passive immunity is supported by antibodies, which the mother passes on to the child with breast milk. The baby's own immunity reaches a protective level by an average of three years. On average, but not for all children. Some a little earlier, others a little later. Therefore, you should not overestimate the protective capabilities of your child and send him to a children's team earlier than 3 years of age, but if the child is older and is still sick in kindergarten, it is advisable to extend the home regime for another 1 year.

How to boost immunity

Treatment of frequently ill children should be primarily aimed at eliminating external causes of decreased resistance to infections. Numerous studies have proven that stimulating therapy, which we will now talk about, you can achieve a reduction in the incidence of diseases. But if a child continues to live in an ecologically unfavorable area, if he constantly breathes in polluted air, if he is overloaded at school or does not develop relationships with classmates, he will again begin to get sick often.

A rational daily routine and a full-fledged varied diet are of great importance. With frequent illnesses in the child's body, the consumption of vitamins and minerals increases, which is not compensated by their content in food. Therefore, an obligatory component of the recovery of frequently ill children is vitamin therapy, during which it is advisable to use multivitamin complexes enriched with microelements.

The child's nonspecific resistance can be increased repeated courses of biostimulating agents: ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese or Far Eastern lemongrass, leuzea, echinacea, immunal, apilactose (royal jelly of bees), apilikvirit (royal jelly with licorice), propolis (bee glue), linethola (preparation of flaxseed oil), pantogary extract deer).

Currently produced polyvalent drugs, ensuring the formation of protection of the child from a large number of pathogens of respiratory infections. These drugs include bronchomunal, IRS-19 (nasal drops), as well as ribomunil, which combines the properties of vaccines and the immunocorrector (tablets or sachets with granules). These drugs are used for long (up to 6 months) intermittent courses. To achieve the desired effect, you need patience and diligence.

With regard to the prevention of some of the most severe colds, specific vaccines have been developed. These diseases primarily include pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae and influenza.

The next area of ​​treatment for frequently ill children can be the use of immunomodulators- funds directly affecting individual links of immunity. These drugs include levamisole (decaris), prodigiosan, sodium nucleic acid, polyoxidonium, lycopid, imunorix. For the same purpose, drugs obtained from the thymus gland, one of the central organs of the immune system (taktivin, thymalin, thymogen) are used. In order to prevent colds, homeopathic remedies are also used. For example, recently the drug oscillococcinum has been popular.

In some cases, long-term circulation of the virus in the child's body is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe for your child course of antiviral drugs interferons (alfaferon, lokferon, viferon, roferon, reaferon) or agents that stimulate their formation in the body (cycloferon, amiksin, ridostin, poludan).

Interference with the immune system requires caution. The choice of the drug that is optimal for your child, stimulating a specific weakened link of the immune system, the choice of the treatment regimen, doses and duration of therapy courses should be made by the doctor. Your task is to understand with understanding the need for strict implementation of his recommendations.

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Min's 1.5 year old Ana has a cold every month

03/12/2018 03:43:17, NIGINA

Only polyoxidonium in this case. There were not yet those who correctly accepted it and would say that it did not help. It protects all systems for a long time from the penetration of pathogens.

16.10.2017 07:14:31, MariaEkb

It is better, of course, to go to the doctor, what is the child's age and everything else, you also need to know? If every month is sick, then of course it is not good, it is very often. And depending on how and with what it is sick, just colds? Are you sick for a long time? If appropriate, then it is necessary to give something for immunity, although the attitude in society towards these drugs is ambiguous. But in our country, like, either all "for", or all together "against", few people know how to occupy a central (read: reasonable) position. I am not campaigning for an immunomodulator, I am campaigning for going to the doctor. I myself began to drink polyoxidonium only after a doctor's prescription, no, no. So look for a good doctor and see him.

Hardening and sports are best.

Good day! please tell me what to do !!! every month he is sick with me What to give a child for immunity

10/18/2016 07:57:29, Matlyuba

Comment on the article "When a cold - every month. What to give a child for immunity"

Vetoron: strengthening the immune system in children and adults. Immunity - from the cradle and for life. If one is sick, then he immediately gets sick, and therefore, hardening the body is a means of strengthening not only the immune system, but also health in general. SARS, flu in children.


Ours is very similar! Child at home from 2 years old. More diagnoses than the rest of the members combined. The lungs were strongly strained (BPD - pneumonia or wild cough with a small cold) and allergies to all foods in a row. 2.5 years have passed - there is still a slight allergy to citrus fruits and egg white. He rarely gets sick, he goes to kindergarten for the whole day. It helped (in my opinion) summer accommodation in the village, trips to the sea, a pool / river / lake (in summer, at other times of the year, while they were afraid), walks (while healthy) in any (!) Weather (the main thing is not to freeze and legs do not get wet).

Well, ours was just as sick in the kindergarten. 2 days at home - a week in the kindergarten. Only by the age of 6, I began to hurt less. Last year in the kindergarten I was ill once every couple of months, not more often. The school has already become much better. I was ill 4-5 times a year. Globally, nothing can be done about it. Ensure a healthy lifestyle and wait for the immune system to mature, that is, when the child "outgrows".

How to increase the immunity of children? Need some advice. Children's medicine. Child health, illness and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. How do you strengthen the immune system? Vitamins, dietary supplements, vaccinations, swimming in the ice hole ... Give a kick in the direction of the magic remedy.


I try not to use all sorts of ferons and immunomodulators. The child's body must learn to work and fight viruses on its own. But we treat ARVI in the standard way - we rinse the throat, rinse the nose with saline, for coughs - we have a nebulizer, usually we do inhalation with drops of Prospan, it removes phlegm well and without chemistry. We bathe our feet daily if there is no high temperature. So we recover in a week at most. And I don't stuff pills at all, if only a bacterial infection. Do not be ill!

Mine, too, was very often sick in the kindergarten. walked for a week, two were ill. We began to walk often in the fresh air, I give to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Tea with ginger and lemon. I took them to the swimming section and give the baby bear immunity formula)) Also three times a week - wet cleaning. We come and immediately wash our hands)))

10/12/2018 12:23:28 PM, Sansa

How to improve the immune system of a teenager .. Health. Teenagers. Education and relationship with adolescent children How to raise the immunity of a teenager. The son was very painful in childhood, then outgrew, and since last year he has not missed a single virus again.


Yes, these are independent children) I have a daughter in the eighth grade. You can't force to eat anything, everything follows the figure. I have to cram vitamins, I give vitamins with sea buckthorn. Tea with ginger and honey, I say ginger liquefies fat.

Cahors (good) + honey + aloe. If you are afraid of Cahors, then it seems like you can replace it with lemon.

09/23/2016 12:43:39 PM, there is such

HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE CHILD'S IMMUNITY All mothers want their children to have strong immunity and get sick less often. Vetoron: strengthening the immune system in children and adults. We strengthen the immune system. Doctors distinguish five critical periods in the development of the immune system in ...


I would definitely reduce children to an immunologist, but I would advise adult family members to raise their immunity with the help of biobran (a herbal preparation with proven effectiveness, a doctor from Germany once advised me and my husband). Maybe children can do it too - read it on the official website, but I can't tell you here, I don't know anything about it.

Yes, you can't help with simple prophylaxis here to surely cure for a long time, unfortunately forever: ((
I have an immunologist in Nearmedica, if I need to write in a personal details.
I have been treating her older one since 10/11 years from the cytomegalovirus and EBV (Ebstein Barr virus), which were "accidentally" detected in the analyzes, when simple colds dragged on for two / three weeks, and then the whole bouquet turned out to be in my husband and me, plus herpes ...
Of the drugs, Cycloferon and Valavir tablets also help for a long time, read the indications about them in more detail. Naturally, everything is only as prescribed by a doctor and after tests.

The most effective methods will be discussed in our article.

How does a child's immunity differ from that of an adult? What influences him?

Immunity is the body's defense that resists enemy infections, bacteria, viruses.

If it does not work well, children are constantly sick, or rather do not have time to recover and immediately fall ill again. Of course, this is not the norm, health must be constantly nourished.

How exactly, we will tell you a little later.

The main feature of child protection is the fact that initially it is not independent.

In the first months of life, the baby receives it from the mother, literally drinks it with milk.

Pediatricians never tire of repeating the importance of natural feeding, as it becomes the key to a healthy and high quality of life.

Even while still in the womb, the fetus accumulates immunoglobulins and uses them slowly over the next six months.

The health of the child must be taken care of from the moment the baby is born.

After this period, many mothers begin to celebrate an endless stream of short-term illnesses. Doctors say that it is normal for children to feel sickness about 10-11 times a year.

Influence on children's health, you can help him practically from the first days of life.

The main thing is not to overdo it and not to go beyond the limits set by common sense.

  1. Temper your baby from the cradle. If we are talking about a baby, air baths would be appropriate. Before changing, leave it for a few minutes without clothes in a warm room, gradually bring the time to half an hour. When going outside, do not put too many clothes on your child. It will be enough to add just one more thing than you are wearing. The next stage is rubbing with a damp sponge, first the legs, then the whole body. After four years, captivate your baby with amusing exercises and outdoor games in a well-ventilated room.
  2. A proper, healthy diet is undoubtedly very important. A child's body consumes twice as much vitamins as an adult. The deficit constantly needs to be replenished with vegetables and fruits, healthy fats and all the necessary minerals recommended for a particular age. The importance of iodine is especially often forgotten. Feed your baby more often seaweed, mushrooms, melons, beets.
  3. In any case, proper nutrition should be supplemented with children's multivitamin complexes. They will help form healthy internal organs, bones, and spur mental and mental development. Immunity will thank you.
  4. The daily routine is the basis of the health of a child of any age. Observe it carefully and do not go to the auction with a conscience. Don't let him stay up late. The brain and the whole body are restored only during sleep. Save the energy resource of your own child, it is not unlimited.
  5. Folk remedies to help cope with any disease. In order not to beat around the bush, let's move on to practical recommendations.

Tip: check with your pediatrician about the daily intake of nutrients and vitamins for your child.

Effective natural recipes. Raising the immune system from scratch

Sprouted grains

It is a versatile remedy for almost any age. Sprouted grains rejuvenate cells and protect them from disease (by removing free radicals).

The intestinal microflora returns to normal, and this is so important at an early age. Plus, no natural source is capable of providing as many vitamins and minerals at a time.

Sprouted grains will cure the most advanced gastritis and dysbiosis.

Folk remedies do not guarantee 100% protection against infections, but they can reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Soak them overnight, then rinse under cold water and cover with damp gauze for 12 hours.

The most useful grains:

  1. Wheat (powerful effect on microflora)
  2. Oats (nourish defenses, accelerate recovery from illness)
  3. Sesame (good for bone tissue and general strengthening)
  4. Legumes (especially chickpeas and lentils for body nutrition)
  5. Amaranth (help to quickly restore the work of the heart, kidneys, liver)


Although this remedy has a number of contraindications and is not recommended for children under two years of age, it promotes health and mobilizes the body's defenses best.

The easiest way is to make a blank: peel a few roots, grate them on a fine grater, add lemon grated with a crust and a couple of tablespoons of sugar to taste.

Place the mixture in a glass jar, screw the lid back on and consume a tablespoon at a time before meals.

It will be quite acute, so give the child a teaspoon as medicine.

It is allowed to drink tea.

Children can use it from 5 months. Many people love its rich taste.


It can be found literally in every kitchen.

Housewives appreciate it for its specific pungent taste, and our ancestors also appreciated it for a number of healing properties.

The combination of a large amount of vitamins and minerals in each clove gives additional strength to resist diseases and infections, even the most severe.

If your child has a healthy stomach and liver, add small doses of garlic to their diet.

Garlic and honey are essential for immunity

Squeeze two small cloves into a spoon and mix with the same amount of honey. This mixture is swallowed quickly, like medicine, washed down with plenty of warm water.

If desired, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon, which somewhat neutralizes the unpleasant odor.

Take a glass of warm milk and add 5-10 drops of garlic juice to it.

Give it to your child just before bed, starting with just a few and gradually increasing the concentration of garlic in the drink.


This common grain is able to help a weakened body pretty quickly.

Its use actively normalizes the work of internal organs and immunity.

Take half a glass of oats and rinse thoroughly with a sieve. Pour in a liter of clean water and leave overnight.

There are many healthy oat-based recipes

After that, put on fire and boil for an hour and a half.

Cool and strain the broth. For children from seven months of age, give a teaspoon a day, adults can take a canteen.

Rinse half a cup of oats and top it with five cups of hot milk. Cook for a few minutes. Close the lid and leave for another hour.

To do this, wrap the pan with a towel. Squeeze the grains and give your child a glass some time before meals.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, then a monthly break and the course is repeated.

Tip: Milk, celery root or a slice of lemon will help you get rid of the unpleasant smell of garlic.

A child's body is more susceptible to damage by many different viruses and bacteria. Immunity that is not quite strengthened cannot fully resist diseases, which is why it needs support. It is not limited to rational nutrition and proper care. There are ways how to raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies.

How to increase the immunity of a child

Newborn babies appear in this world without any protection from bacteria and viruses. The beginning of the production of immune cells refers to the age of 6-7 years, and finally their system will be formed only by adolescence. A fragile body needs to be supported to recuperate. This is especially true for periods of 2-6 and 13-15 years. Before you increase the immunity in a child, you need to study in what situations it is definitely necessary. Here are the main signs:

  • time about 4-6 months before the first trip to kindergarten or school;
  • during periods of autumn and spring, when outbreaks of infections and vitamin deficiency are more common;
  • the baby has constant fatigue, pale skin on the face, and dark circles under the eyes;
  • with diseases, the temperature does not rise;
  • the child is often sick and slowly recovers.

Folk remedies to increase immunity in children

Along with vitamins, physical activity and proper nutrition, there are several more options than to raise the immunity of a child. These include simple recipes and home treatments. They can restore the body's defenses. Increasing immunity with such folk remedies in children can be carried out with the help of:

  1. Gargling of the mouth and throat. To do this, use a saline solution. The procedure should be done after meals (half an hour or more).
  2. Healthy tea. Consuming herbal infusions of calendula, chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort or mint after meals has a bactericidal effect and removes the remaining food from the surface of the tonsils.
  3. Nutrition. To support digestion, it is important to give children fermented milk products and vegetables rich in fiber. This will enhance the synthesis of immunoglobulin in the intestine.
  4. Ginger. The root of the plant is considered a good remedy for the prevention or fight against diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Chamomile to boost immunity

Understanding how to raise the immunity of a child, take chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Increasing immunity with folk remedies in children is carried out with the help of chamomile infusion in a steam bath. The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pour 0.2 liters of water at a temperature of 60 degrees into 3 tablespoons. chamomile flowers.
  2. Cover the dishes with a lid, place in a double boiler for 15 minutes.
  3. After this time, remove the container, leave it to cool for 1 hour.
  4. Then strain the infusion over clean dishes.
  5. Drink like regular tea, between meals, 150 ml, up to 3 times / day. Add 1 tsp if desired. honey.

Increasing immunity in children with propolis

A unique folk remedy contains a lot of substances useful for the body. Alcohol tincture of propolis for children is given in rare cases for immunity: it is better to take a special composition according to the recipe below. The active ingredient retains valuable plant resin, wax, tannins and essential oil. In medicine, propolis is valued as a good natural antibiotic that helps to increase protection against many bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus.

To increase immunity in children, the remedy must be used according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 4 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. purified propolis.
  2. Melt both ingredients, mix, bring to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. The tool is used in 0.5 tsp. daily.

Boosting immunity with berries

The best folk remedies for immunity for children are herbs, decoctions. Berries are added to them. In the fall and summer, be sure to eat them fresh. In spring or winter, the berries are easy to buy frozen in the store. Rosehip, cranberry, mountain ash, currant, lingonberry and hawthorn are especially effective for enhancing immunity. How to use them to strengthen the protective functions of the body? Remember folk recipes:

  1. Take 2 kg of black chokeberry, grind it with 1.5 kg of sugar. Serve to children 1 tsp. in the morning and the same in the evening. Repeat for 21 days.
  2. Mash 0.5 kg of cranberries, cut 3 green apples into cubes. Combine these products, add another glass of walnuts to them. Then pour in 0.5 tbsp. water and add the same amount of sugar. Cook until boiling, and then put in jars. Feed the baby 1 tablespoon twice a day. facilities.
  3. Brew a glass of rosehip berries with 1 liter of water, after boiling, darken for half an hour. After cooling, take 150 ml throughout the day.

Herb to boost immunity

Among the herbs, not the last place in strengthening the body is occupied by echinacea. Increasing immunity with folk remedies in children is carried out with the help of an infusion from a medicinal plant, because babies cannot be given an alcohol form. What to do for parents:

  • For cooking, you need to take 1 tbsp. raw materials, then insist the product for about half a day, having previously brewed with boiling water.
  • Before use, it remains to strain the infusion and bring to a volume of half a liter.
  • Give only 100 ml to drink before meals.

Vitamin mixtures for raising immunity for children

Another method of how to increase immunity at home is taking vitamins. It is not necessary to buy pills, because the product is easy to prepare yourself. You will need dried fruits, walnuts, lemon and honey. The recipe for the mixture to strengthen the immune system looks like this:

  1. Dried fruits 10 min. hold in boiling water.
  2. Let them dry by draining the water with a colander.
  3. Remove, if any, bones.
  4. Peel the walnuts.
  5. Boil the lemon for about 2 minutes, leave to cool, cut into slices.
  6. Process dried fruits with lemon using a blender, mix with the remaining products, pour over with honey.

Video: folk remedies to increase immunity

For nine months, the child was completely protected from all sorts of negative manifestations of the outside world. Developing in the belly of the expectant mother, he received all the vitamins and minerals necessary for growth. Already there, he began to form immunity, taking the genes of his parents as a basis. But then the baby was born, breathed air with his tiny lungs and was instantly attacked by microorganisms, not all of which are harmless. And if in the first hours and days the little one is in a relatively sterile maternity hospital, then later, when the happy mom and dad brought him home, the danger increases significantly. It is absolutely impossible to completely eliminate it, and this is not required, because raising a child in greenhouse conditions means condemning him to inferior development.

A growing body needs stress and relative inconvenience in order for it to learn how to deal with them. You just need to make sure that they are beneficial, and not cause disease. Although no one will ever be insured against the latter.

For the first six months of life, the baby, feeding on breast milk, continues to receive everything that is needed. But already at this time, parents are required to take some steps and actions to strengthen the immunity of their child. The room must be kept clean. The toddler should be more in the fresh air. Compulsory daily bathing and special exercise for newborns. Gentle bending of arms and legs, tummy and back massage, heel massage.

The normal routine of the day, when the child is not too tired and gets enough sleep. All this helps the baby to quickly adapt to external stimuli and enter this rather dangerous world fully armed.

Hardening the child - strengthening the immune system

And now your child is three years old. He is cheerful, active, he has favorite activities and food preferences that do not always correspond to the correct diet. On a walk, he communicates with his peers with pleasure and curiosity, he always strives to pick up something bright from the ground and stroke his neighbor's dog. And it's time to go to kindergarten. It is better to start preparing for this difficult time in advance.

At this age, the list of folk remedies for strengthening children's immunity is not yet very diverse. It is still too early to use various decoctions and tinctures on herbs - after all, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to cope with such unusual ingredients. But there are other very effective ways.

  • In the first place is hardening. Just do not immediately shove the child under a cold shower or dip into the hole. You need to start with rubdowns with a damp, slightly cool towel, gradually lowering the temperature and only then proceed to pouring over the legs and the whole body. The main principle of hardening is its consistency and consistency. In this case, the body will not only learn to fight the cold, but also develop the necessary protective mechanisms for some groups of viral diseases such as acute respiratory infections, flu and tonsillitis.
  • Rinsing the mouth and tongue gymnastics are also very useful. It is necessary to rinse every morning, for example, when brushing your teeth, with cool and slightly salted water. And gymnastics can be done in the form of a game. Arrange a competition who will reach the tongue to the chin. Exercise helps to improve blood flow and sheds congestion from the glands, which are very fond of pathogenic microbes to sit on.
  • And, of course, as much fresh air as possible. Periodically ventilate the apartment, and go out for a walk, not wrapping up too much. On the street, in no case stand in one place. Play, swing, slide, and so on.

How to strengthen your child's immunity before school

Strengthening the child's immunity - hardening the throat

At seven years old, the child needs to be prepared for school. Don't just buy notebooks, textbooks, pencils, pens and take measurements for sewing school uniforms. But once again to strengthen the immune system. In primary education, contacts with other children will be much more numerous than in kindergarten. At recess, when from all classes with shouts and noise run out of late and bored for the lesson children, there is not only a confusion of teams that will quickly take their places with a call to the next lesson. Everything mixes up. Some of the children coughed or sneezed at one end of the recreation, and after a few seconds the germs spread all over the nooks and crannies. The ability to pick up an infection increases several times. We must foresee this and take action ahead of time.

Tempering, gymnastics, fresh air - this has not been canceled. But there is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system and other folk remedies. A child at this age already calmly tolerates any types of food, and it is with them that the body receives the most important and necessary nutrients for health. The gastrointestinal tract has strengthened enough to respond correctly to decoctions, tinctures, vitamin compotes, and this is a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

However, let me start with ice cream. There is not a single child, and perhaps even an adult, who would not love this wonderful delicacy. But few people know that it can be used not only as a dessert or refreshing on a hot summer day, but also as a means of hardening the throat. This should be done without fanaticism, in small portions, otherwise there is a great risk of getting a sore throat instead of strengthening the pharynx.

Fermented milk products must be present in the child's diet. At least once a day you need:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • a few spoons of yogurt,
  • cottage cheese.

They stimulate and have a very positive effect on the digestive system, and it is one of the main builders of immunity.

In general, the menu should include a variety of products. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals. It helps balance the body's defenses across the board. Some parents, who consider themselves modern and advanced, focus on proprietary vitamin complexes and homeopathic remedies purchased at the pharmacy. There are no contraindications to this, and if they really help the child, they are only welcome. But the same necessary substances can be obtained from the use of old, time-tested folk remedies. Moreover, it is also not only useful, but in the overwhelming majority of cases it is very tasty.

Decoctions, tinctures, juices and compotes to increase immunity in children

Folk remedies for raising the immunity of a child - dried fruit compote

On a hot summer day, a child, running on the street with friends, comes home tired, happy and, after washing his hands, runs to the kitchen to drink. This is where the moment arises when, instead of ordinary water, give a pre-prepared compote of fruits and berries, freshly squeezed juice or herbal decoction. They quench their thirst several times better, and at the same time deliver a whole bunch of all the most useful things to the growing body.

This is in summer, when there is no shortage of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs by definition. But in winter and spring, you can't pick an apple, or a cherry, or a currant in the garden, and the herbs in the forest are resting under a thick layer of snow. You should not despair. In this difficult, dangerous time with vitamin deficiency, dried fruits and pharmaceutical herbal preparations will come to the rescue, if you yourself, for one reason or another, could not stock up on them.

It is worth citing a few simple, but very effective recipes for such drinks, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening in children of all ages.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures

  • rosehip infusion, rich in many useful substances, but most of all contains ascorbic acid, which in turn is a very effective agent in the prevention of infectious diseases. There are two ways to cook. Steam a certain amount of berries in a thermos and let it brew for 10 hours. If the taste is too intense, dilute with boiled water. The second method is faster, but it entails some loss of vitamins. 200 grams of berries, whole or chopped, are dipped in a liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and then allowed to brew for 3 hours. Give the child a drink 1-2 times a day, no less than half a glass. Since the drink contains neither honey nor sugar, it is perfectly tolerated even by allergy sufferers.
  • chamomile tea and horsetail decoction are prepared in the same way. A teaspoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. A very good remedy for colds.
  • aloe juice. In its pure form, drinking it, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant, since it tastes bitter. Therefore, children can prepare a tincture according to the following recipe. Pass through a blender or meat grinder 100 grams of peeled aloe leaves and 500 grams of walnuts. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons into the resulting mixture and add 300 grams of honey. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day about half an hour before meals. It is worth paying attention to the presence of honey, which is not suitable for everyone.

Dried fruit compotes

Dried fruit compotes can be very different. Apple with dried apricots, prunes with peaches, pears with raisins. Or a mix of all of the above fruits. Wash the dried fruit thoroughly, let it sit for 10-20 minutes in water to swell, put it in a saucepan with boiling water and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Cool and drink. There are more than enough vitamins and microelements in such compotes to stimulate the body to strengthen immunity.

Along with compotes, you can drink freshly squeezed juices: there is no need to spread a lot here - their benefits have been proven for a long time and are known to everyone.

Enhanced folk remedies for raising immunity in children

Strengthening the child's immunity - fish oil

The most famous is the "beloved" fish oil. One of the best immunomodulators, saturated with vitamins A and D and fatty acids. It strengthens not only the immune system, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.

  • Eleutherococcus is a plant that reduces the risk of infectious diseases by 2-3 times. A small side effect - it increases activity, which not all parents like.
  • Mumiyo - a natural mountain resin - is an effective remedy not only for strengthening the immune system, but also against allergies.
  • Echinacea - fights infections and inflammation.

These funds must be used with caution and the main rule must be observed: 1 drop per year of age. You can add it to the same compotes, juices, tea.

All of these aforementioned remedies are good helpers in strengthening the child's immune system. However, the main thing that parents should remember is that children should not grow up in a greenhouse environment. At the first suspicious coughing, it is not necessary to wrap the child in warm blankets, deprive him of walking in the fresh air and stuff him with drugs. It will be much more productive to do physical education, outdoor games, hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries with your baby. Strengthening the immune system correctly is as important as teaching your child to read, write and have an opinion.

Even a healthy child will not be hurt by additional strengthening of the immune system, especially in winter. It is not necessary to resort to medications. It will be useful for all parents to learn folk remedies.

Rules for the formation of immunity

Immunity provides the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. The immune system develops over many years of life, starting in the prenatal period.

Stage 1. The first 28 days of life. The baby lives practically off the mother's immunity, that is, the antibodies that he receives in breast milk. During this period, he is very susceptible to viruses and bacteria.

Stage 2. 3 - 6 months. An immune response to the penetration of viruses and bacteria begins to develop. Your own immunity is being formed. At this stage, it is important to get all the necessary vaccinations, otherwise a child who is faced with dangerous infections at an early age can be very difficult to tolerate.

Stage 3. 2-3 years. Contact with the outside world increases, which leads to a collision with new viruses and bacteria. The body produces new immunoglobulins.

Stage 4. 6-7 years old. Period prone to chronic diseases and allergies. Therefore, immunoglobulins are actively formed, which are responsible for the allergic reaction.

Stage 5. 12-15 years old. The adolescent period is associated with hormonal changes and active growth.

If a child often suffers from viral diseases, but they proceed quickly and vividly, leaving no consequences, do not worry that he has weak immunity. But you still need to help the body fight infections and resist them. Let's talk in more detail about how to strengthen the child's immunity with folk remedies.

Herbs to boost immunity

How to temper a child

Hardening is extremely important for human health. Hardening procedures are carried out from the first days of a baby's life. This is a daily bathing and a short time without clothes when changing clothes. Walking is a must for good health at any age.

During water procedures, you need to gradually cool the water. You can open the bathroom door so that there is no sudden temperature drop.

Some brave parents teach their child to douche. It is better to do this no earlier than 3 years. For babies, fairly simple methods can be used as hardening:

  • rinsing the mouth with water;
  • walk barefoot in the room for at least 5 minutes;
  • regular ventilation;
  • sleeping in a cool room;
  • long walks and active games;
  • summer barefoot walks on sand, grass, ground.

There are many points on the feet that are responsible for our health. Therefore, as a massage, it is recommended to purchase a special massage mat on which the baby will run. It is easy to make such a hardening track yourself by gluing sea pebbles or materials of different textures to the base.

It is very useful for older children to swim: in the summer - in water bodies, in the winter - in the pool. Exercise, physical activity, horizontal bars - all this is a guarantee of good health.

It is important to know how to temper a child with weak immunity. Parents take care of such children from cold, wind, infections. Thus, they exacerbate the situation. Of course, a frequently ill child cannot be immediately taken to the pool or doused with water. Hardening should take place gradually. Reduce the temperature in the sleeping child's room, first by one degree, then, as you get used to it, by two or three. The same thing happens with water while showering.

When your child is healthy, walk with him more often. Do not stay home long after your recovery. Coughs and runny nose can and should be treated with fresh air.

There is no need to wrap up a child in a hundred clothes, fearing that he will freeze and get sick. It will be worse if he sweats and then catches a cold. Reduce the number of sweaters and sweaters gradually. You need to dress for the weather.

Exercise with your child. Then the whole family will be healthy and friendly.

  1. Standing, collect your hands in the castle. Inhale - stretch your arms up, pull to the sides, arching your back. Hold tension and breathing for 3 seconds. Exhale - gently lower your arms. Repeat 3 times.
  2. Walk for 20 seconds, raising your legs high and swinging your arms.
  3. With your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your head back and forth 6 times, then left and right 6 times. After that, perform circular motions.
  4. Running in place with a quick movement of the arms.
  5. Swing the torso from side to side - 15 times.
  6. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Raise your legs up on inhalation and hold for 3 seconds. As you exhale, gradually lower it. Repeat 5 times.
  7. Walk around for a minute, relaxing.
  8. Push up on the floor 10 times.
  9. Jump 25 times on one leg, then on the other.
  10. Walk for half a minute, waving your arms.
  11. Spread your legs, raise your hands up and collect your fingers in the lock. Bend vigorously, exhale, make a movement with your hands, as if chopping wood. Inhale - gradually straighten to the starting position.
  12. We put our feet together, rising on toes. Exhale - lower yourself on your heels, hitting them so that vibration is felt in your legs.

Simple charging will not take much time in the morning, but it will energize you for the whole day.


Massage is one of the hardening methods. It is not for nothing that a general strengthening massage is prescribed for babies already at 1-2 months of life. The child at this time is undressed in the room, receiving air baths. The masseur kneads his muscles and joints, replacing the first exercise.

There is a method of acupressure, which is recommended specifically to strengthen the immune system. Its essence is in the effect on bioactive points on the body. There are 9 of them in total. From these points, impulses enter the brain and spinal cord, enhancing the functions of organs and systems. This enhances the protective properties of the bronchi, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea. The body begins to actively produce its own interferon.

But the effectiveness of such a massage will be only with a regular approach. It must be borne in mind that it requires patience, time and correct execution technique.

During the cold period, it is useful for parents to know how to increase the child's immunity with folk remedies. But we must remember that only a hardened organism is able to resist viruses. Therefore, the prevention of colds should be carried out in a complex, including proper nutrition, hardening, taking additional herbal decoctions and other folk methods.

By the way, but more on that in another article.


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