How to install a children's chair in the car - video instructions. Installation and fastening of a child seat on the back seat How to set up belts in a children's chair

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According to security standards, the child must travel up to 12 years (36kg) In car seat. It depends on the safety of the child in when a collision with another machine.

Children's car chair, like other things, you need to erase or clean. This process is easy. But how to assemble a car seat after washing correctly - this is a problem, especially when the instruction has been lost.

Step by step guide

Such a device is an indispensable thing for parents loving to travel with small children.

You can wash the chair in. The main thing is to observe the temperature regime and not use the sport mode, jeans and other aggressive washing types.

An assembly of a children's car seat usually passes without problems if there is an instruction. If not, you have to sweat.

Before disassembling the children's chair, try to understand the mechanism of removing the cover and belts. Take pictures of the whole process. So it will be easier to collect children's car seats back.

Fast installation is not for everyone in shoulder, some collect it for a whole week. If you do not want this to happen to you, do not throw out the instructions, do not put it on a prominent place where the baby can get. Keep instructions with all other documents.

How to assemble a children's car seat after washing?

Assembling children's car seats on the example of Tarti TRT UN:

  1. First you need to wear the main cover. First, pull the top and lock it. It is attached to velcro on the back side.
  2. Then put the second part and do not forget to turn seat belts. Pour the case and make sure that it is good enough.
  3. After that, it is necessary to put a soft pad to place, so that the rosters for the belts were opposite each other.
  4. Next, through them, thread the belt of the central locking and fix it with a metal bracket (buckle, this is a point where the belts converge). Be sure to check if it was securely recorded this part.
  5. The next step is the attachment of the upper soft lining. Place it slightly above the bottom lining, opposite the slots for the shoulder straps.
  6. Thread shoulder straps and do not forget about special overlays to mitigate friction.
  7. Skip the lateral five-point belts through soft pads of shoulder straps. They are traced through the case and carcase frame itself. From the reverse side of the product, secure their metal bracket, it can also be plastic, be careful not to break.
  8. Check the belt tension so that they are not too tight or, on the contrary, weak. They must ensure the safety of the child, and not allow him to fall out.
  9. At the end, connect the belts emerging from the top of the back, with belts, missed in front. The latter are also put on the metal lock.

Now everyone knows how to assemble a car chair after washing. Then there is a fastening of the product in. There should be no problems with this.

Such an assembly mechanism can also be used for another postgraded car seat.

Only instead of lipukes, which hold the cover on the spot, and do not allow it to be twisted, there may be buttons or other mechanisms. The rest of the assembly is the same.

If even a detailed instruction did not help solve the problem, ask for help from friends who have rarely dealt and assembled this device for a child.

Collect the chair quickly and correctly not the problem. Observe the procedure and everything will work out. And over time, this will not be delivered to the trouble, you will collect it almost in 5 minutes and without help.

Buy a good car seat - does not mean to completely resolve the security issue of the baby, because its effectiveness directly depends on how correctly you can install a children's car seat in your car.

Of course, you can seek help on fastening the design to a specialist, and you can simply read our article and do everything yourself.

Possibilities of installation in groups of chairs

  1. Chairs of group 0 are put exclusively back perpendicular to the movement.
  2. Chairs of groups of 0+ can be installed ahead if the machine does not have a airbag (or it must be forcibly disabled).
  3. Chairs of Group 1 allow you to sit down the baby along the direction of movement on any of the seats, securing it with an additional strap.
  4. Chairs 2-3 groups are set in a similar way without the need to attach an additional belt.

Where to install safer?

Despite all the available installation variations listed above, the best locations for children's car seats are the right back seat (for a car with left steering) and the middle of the second from the rear row driver.

They are recognized as safe as possible for any passenger in the car, as capable of:

  • eliminate the child from fragments, waking up a hail in the salon while hit;
  • allocate for it the necessary fluid of living space;
  • at the same time, the place in the middle of the car additionally protects the small passenger from damage, which it can get when fermentation of the side parts of the machine during an accident.

Methods of fastening

In general, it is possible to divide the types of fasteners on those that:

  • fastened with seat belts;
  • secured through the ISOFIX system;
  • installed using the Latch and Super Latch attachment.

Seat belts

This is a universal fastening option for which special grooves are provided on the car seat. With this system, the baby is in complete safety (this is achieved due to a strong belt fixation).

However, there is one nuance: as the designs of the car seat differ from each other, the universal installation method for them does not exist. It is best to take advantage of the instructions attached to it.

Cons of fasteners

The disadvantages of this method of installing the chair include a certain complexity of the process and some inconsistency of the geometry of the automotive seats and the car seats itself. Often in the process of installing the belts twisted, which does not comply with safety rules.

Fastening isofix

Carnat the children's car seat can be used using the ISOFIX system. This method has nothing like the attachment of the car seat directly to the car body, which, in turn, should be equipped with brackets of this type:

To secure the children's chair using this system, you need to push it into these brackets until you stop - until you hear a click. It can be seen in the figure below:

There is another way of fastening at which it is located over the seat and attracts to the bracket with a specific "anchor strap". Here, as it looks like:

Why do you need such a belt?

So that with a sharp braking, the chair did not go ahead. That is why in some European models instead of the belt there is a stand, which moves forward and rests straight into the floor of the car.

It performs a similar function, and looks like this:

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of ISOFIX fastening include simplicity of installation, a fairly reliable fixation and a high degree of security.

The cons of this mount is a weight limit (the baby should not be heavier than 18 kilograms), since with increasing mass during the DPT on the anchor belt there is too much load and it simply does not stand it.

Fastening Latch and Super Latch

This type of fastening is an analogue of ISOFIX, only a belt that car seats is fixed in the car, a little different.

The highest stage of the evolution of such attachment is the Super Latch system. Both of these types of fixation are actively used in the United States, but do not apply in Europe.

We have a car seat correct

The eternal question is to put it in the course of the movement of the car or against him, it does not give rest to caring parents who buys a new "gadget" for their Karapuz. But exactly how the car seat is installed in your car is played a major role in child safety.

Against movement or along?

Children from 1 year are transported only in the position "back against movement". Their head relative to the body is quite much weighs, and the neck is not completely strengthened to keep the head during a possible collision.

If you put a car seat in front of the direction of the machine's movement, the airbag emitted when hit can push it along the body, as a result of which the chair is belonging and hurt the baby.

Opinion experts

Experts recommend whether to install a children's chair for the middle of the rear row of the car. If your machine is the ability to attach a car seat between the seats, put the car seat on the left or right back seat strictly in the middle (if the car is 5-seater).

If the machine is 7-seater, then safer to mount the car seat in the middle of the second from the driver (not the third!) Row or on the extreme seats in the same row.

Installation steps

  1. Move the front car chairs before starting to mount the design - so it will be more convenient for you to work.
  2. By placing a car seat, stretch the seat belt, designed for fixation, strictly along the area marked. At the same time, at the same time, the maximum effort.
  3. As soon as we cope with this task, check whether the shoulder belt is fastened.
  4. Do not let the belt touch with other parts of the chair, since when an accident, the clamp does not withstand friction and unbounds.
  5. The locking belt must be secured correctly. It should not be stretched too high, since when jerked, the lock will move to the neck and turn into an additional threat to safety. If the belt is low, it is elementary slips off the shoulder.
  6. Rate the car seat after its installation. If it hangs out or goes, it means that you missed it.
  7. Put the baby in the chair and fasten. At the same time, do not let the belts be twisted and make sure that the gap between them and the body is thick in two of your fingers.

During the ride, the kid must remain fastened!

Do not forget that the child is quite actively behaving in the car: looks around, jershits in place and even sometimes trying to get out of the chair. That is why fastenings that are responsible for its fixation were supposed to be reliable, otherwise the little researcher simply unbuttoned them.

To beat off the baby, a desire to play with the clasters, take care to take toys or books with him. It will be able to distract it from the belts for a while.

Reliability of fasteners - security deposit

The reliable fastening, the less risk is injured at an accident. To make sure that the belt lengths enough for normal fitting the device to the car, while buying, ask the consultant to run the car seat into your car.

Carnate car seat can be used using a special three-point belt. However, five-point is considered more reliable - they are able to ensure maximum protection of your child.

Toddler landing rules in a chair

  1. The child sits in it tightly and not "fucking" during the movement. Of course, you should not exercise a stick, tightly "screwing" him to the seat, but also you do not need to let the belt too much, arguing this action by the fact that so the baby will be, "than to breathe."
  2. The protection of the child's head is located as close as possible to his shoulders, that is, in a safe car seat, it should be adjusted.
  3. Do not forget to fasten your baby, otherwise there will be no charge from buying a chair for him. Do it always, even if you need to go "just" for 5 minutes.
  4. Before planting a child in a car seat, make sure that it is well fixed.

Summing up

Children's car seat is one of the most important aspects of the child's safety during a trip by car. But remember that it is not enough to buy it - the chair must also be correctly installed, so as not to expose your baby with an additional and completely unjustified danger.

In the course of operation, the children's car seat is sooner or later contaminated. Small passengers often snack in the car, and spots inevitably appear on the seat cover. In addition, you should not forget about dust, which gradually accumulates in the cabin, settled on all surfaces. There is a logical question: how to clean the car seat? To do this, it is necessary to get it out of the cabin and disassemble, i.e. Fully remove a soft upholstery. You can do it without any difficulty. But after washing, many parents face a problem - how to collect car seats? Let's figure it out how to do it right.

Instructions to help

The task will be much simplified if all accompanying documentation has been preserved to the car seat. All you need is to take instructions and collect car seats, following its instructions. But do you stored the instructions? Most often, unnecessary at first glance "Paper" is simply emitted. If the instruction is lost, you can find it on the Internet.

We disassemble the car seat with the mind!

If you have not had time to remove the cover from the car seat, you should not do it in a hurry. First, carefully inspect the child seat to understand the features of its device. See how key elements are connected with each other. Covers and belts remove in turn, for example, bottom up. After analyzing the car seat, the first thing is to disconnect the seat belts (most often this can be done by clicking on the special button in the place of their docking). After removing the liner and upholstery.

On a note!

Collect the car seat will be much easier if you capture all manipulations in the process of disassembling the retaining device. Remember, and then repeat all actions in the reverse order, it is difficult, so it is recommended to take care of the Square. You can mark steps on paper, take photos or remove the entire process on the camcorder.

How to collect car seats after washing?

After all the elements of the upholstery are filled and dried, you can wear them back. First, it is recommended to deal with the bottom of the holding device. Grind straps in special holes provided on the case and seat. Correcting the belts correctly, you can fasten the case to the bottom of the seat in the way that you have (clips, buttons, buttons, etc.).

Next we put the cover on the back. It should be stretched easily and quickly. At the next stage, it is necessary to stretch straps through a special buckle that collects them together, and then put on them soft linings. And finally, stretch the ends of the straps into special slots, which are located in the upper part of the back, and connect them with the front straps.

For a reliable and convenient connection, metal retainers are used, which are available at one end of each of the straps. How to collect car seats after washing, clearly demonstrated on the video.

How to assemble car seat belts correctly?

If the car seat cover is easy to figure out enough, then how to collect belts properly, many parents do not know. It should be noted that the pinching diagram of the straps of all models is almost the same. Remember that long belts are designed for the backrest of car seats, and short must be fixed below. After you spend the upper and lower straps through special holes, they must "meet" in one place, where they will be fixed by a special buckle.

Thoughtful parents!

We make peace together safe and comfortable.

Child safety expert

The car chair is not an element of the design of the car and not comfortable for the child "Seducha". Today, the presence of a car seat is required if you transport the children under the age of 12, otherwise the owner of the car will be imposed a fine of 3,000 rubles. Such requirements appeared not just like this, their dictates inexorable statistics in which the data brightly reflects, according to which the presence in the car seat for a child can really save the baby's life.

But it is not enough easy to buy a seat, it is necessary to take into account the age, weight and growth of the child. And also clarify the seller how to mount a children's chair in the car. Today there are two methods of such mounting: regular three-point belts or using the ISOFIX system.

Options for fastening a children's chair in cars

Consider universal and more "advanced" methods for fastening the chair in the car:

Fastening with regular belt

Since each car is equipped with seat belts, this method is considered the most simple and convenient. In fact, everything is not so simple, because this procedure has several drawbacks. First, it is considered not the most reliable. Secondly, when installing a chair of Category 0 may not have enough belt length.

Important! If the length of the car's belts did not have enough to securely fix the children's chair, it is not recommended to build straps independently. It is better to contact the car dealer or the service service so that the specialists replace this element.

For fastening with standard products, make sure that there are labels on the body of the chair in the breaks of the belts (red, if the chair is designed for installation in the course of the movement, blue - against movement). It should not forget about the mounted fasteners (internal five-point belts). Usually, only products categories 0, 0+ and 1. In the children's seats of group 2 and 3, such elements are not provided in the children's seats of group 2 and 3 such elements, so it is important to make sure that the attachment of the children's chair in the car is carried out by high-quality regular belts.

Fastening through the ISOFIX system

The ISOFIX system has a standard design, so the seat of any brand is suitable for it. Thanks to the locks on the chair and the special steel hinges installed in the motor vehicle, the most reliable fixation of the car session is carried out. If we compare with the previous method, then according to research when attaching conventional safety belts, more than 60% of users make mistakes. In the case of ISOFIX, such shortcomings are reduced to almost zero.

It is worth noting that reliable brackets can be stationed between the pillow and the back of both the rear and front passenger seats. In addition, the locks are easily declined when you want to pull the category 0 seat, made in the shape of the cradle.

Important! The installation of a children's chair on the front seat is not recommended by experts, as the passenger seat is considered one of the most dangerous in the car.

Since this system records only the lower part of the car seat, it is recommended to use an anchor strap for additional protection of a child from "Kivkov".

Other fastening methods

Today there is also an "on the base" attachment, which is considered one of the most convenient and reliable for the age group 0+. The fastener is based on a special platform that is not removed from the car and is attached either via ISOFIX or using standard belts. The base is fixed with fasteners and retainers.

There is an American analog system Super Latch, which allows you to mount the chair with special belts and brackets, but from it in Europe today refused.

As for the direction of the seat and other nuances, then there are its own rules.

Fixation of car seats depending on the category of the seat

In order to fix the chair in all the rules, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child and the category of the acquired chairs. Not always the safest, from the point of view of the parent, the place is right, so not to be mistaken, remember:

  • Chairs Categories 0 (cradles for the smallest) can only be installed on the back seat, headboard from the door. At the same time, the cradle should be perpendicular to the movement of the car.
  • Products of the group 0+ can also be installed exclusively in the back seat, only in this case the child must be sitting against the movement of the vehicle. Car seats 0+ can be located in front, but only if there is no airbag in this place.

Important! In the chairs of the combined categories 0 + / 1, the belt should be fastened below the baby's shoulder.

  • Category 1 seats are mounted from behind, although it is possible to install in front. In both cases, the child should sit along the move. The prerequisite is the presence of an internal five-point belt. The main belt in this case is slightly higher than the level of the baby's shoulder.
  • Automobile children's chairs of groups 2 are installed both in the back and in the front seat. A child in this case is located face along the move. The belt must pass through the center of the junior passenger.
  • Chairs Categories 3 (boosters) do not have side walls and backs. Such products can be mounted both in front and rear. The child travels along the movement of the car.

In addition to these nuances, there are also general recommendations and useful tips on installing children's car seats.

How to install baby car seat correctly

As mentioned earlier, many parents produce an installation of a car seat for a child not quite right to avoid these shortcomings following several advice:

  • Let us read the instructions attached to the children's chair, as depending on the product model, the method of its installation may differ.
  • The most reliable place for mounting the seat is considered the middle place in the back seat.
  • Before installing the chair, move the front seat so that it does not prevent you from working.
  • After you put a car seat on the back seat, stretch the seat belt on the planned area. At the same time, do not be afraid to make maximum strength, tightening belts. If the seat is equipped with special clamps, this will greatly simplify this procedure. Some seat belts have removable clamps. If they are, then you can simply pull the belt for the whole length, snap it when it will go back, it will go fastened. If there are no such clamps, use connecting items.
  • After fixing, it is necessary to make sure that the belt is securely fastened in the shoulder area, while its waist part will be responsible for fixing the chair.
  • During installation, make sure that the security belt response part does not contact with parts or details of the children's seat.
  • Take the time to adjust the height of the guide for the regular belt. If this element is too high, then in the event of an accident or a sharp jerk of the car he can surpassed the neck of the child.
  • After installation, move the chair in different directions, if it is a little "peel" is normal. But if the seat shifts more than 2 centimeters, then the product must be removed and re-installed.
  • Put the child in the car seat and button it on all belts. An indentation between belts and a young passenger's body must be small, not more than 2 fingers.
  • If after each use of the chair, you take it home, then each subsequent installation should be done with all caution. And if the seat is in the car constantly, then check all the fasteners before the trip.

And the latter to which you need to pay attention to constantly - belts in no case should not be twisted or confused.

In custody

Before you fasten the children's chair in the car, the video instruction below, carefully read the instructions and make sure that the fasteners do not have any defects. Car seats for children are designed to protect your child's life on the road, so carefully follow all the recommendations and rules for installing this product.

Children's car seat ensures child safety only if it is installed correctly. Otherwise, the whole point of its use is coming down. The negligence of parents may be expensive to do the baby in case of even a small accident on the road. But according to statistics, 80% of retaining devices are used with errors.

Let's figure out how and where to install the car seat correctly, so that it really protects the small passenger, and not in the cabin car for the tick!

Methods of fastening car seat:

  • Regular safety belts;
  • ISOFIX system;
  • Latch and SuperLatch system.

Fastening with regular car belts

Fastening with a regular three-point vehicle belt is used for the car seat of all age groups. However, there are its own features. In the group "0", "0+", the regular belt fixes the car seat in the cabin, and the baby is fastened with an internal five-point belt. In groups "1" and above, a regular belt fastens a child, and the chair is fixed due to its weight.

Properly and securely secure the security belt holder, the manufacturer's instruction will help you. Carefully explore it after buying a product! Most modern models have special red labels located in the breakdown places of the belts (if the chair is installed against the movement, the labels are blue), as well as figures-instructions. This will greatly facilitate your task!

Many parents eventually begin to ignore the labels and the rules for fixing the car seats, making it nascha and how it turns out. Such carelessness is unacceptable when it comes to child safety.

It is important to know!

  • Fastening with regular belts does not give a tough fixation of the chair, but it should not be fused! Only a small backlash is allowed. Run the chair after the belts fixed - if it shifts more than 2 cm. You will have to redo everything.
  • Before you buy a chair, check the ability to install it in your car. In some models of cars, the design of the rear seat profiles and the backs makes the fastening of most children's seats is impossible. There are situations where lack the length of the regular belt to fix the retaining device.
  • After the baby sat in the chair and fastened it, see if belts were not twisted. They should not hang out or harrow. "Right" gap between belts and baby body - no more than 3-4 cm (two fingers).
  • During the movement, regular belts can relax and slide. A special retainer will help to avoid this. If it is not provided in the constructs of the car session, it is recommended to additionally purchase a fixing bracket.
  • The standard tape must be carried out through all the guides provided by the car seat design. Check that the belt takes place strictly over the shoulder and hips of the child. In no case should not shift in the direction of the neck.

Basic instructions for fastening the children's car seat with a three-point strap

1 step.

Move the front seat to have enough space for installing a car seat. Check if the passenger will not "clamp".

2 step.

Pull the car seat belt and swipe it into special holes in the design of the chair. Instructions and special labels will help you.

3 step.

Latch the belt in the lock, after tightened it in accordance with all the instructions.

4 step.

Slightly push the chair and check whether it is moving. Suppose the backlash is about 2 cm.

5 step.

Remove the inner seat belts and take the child. Enter the belts, correct the lining and snap the locks.

6 step.

Tighten the belts so that they hold tightly toddling.

Basic Instructions for Installation Autolo

1 step.

Place the autolo on the seat of the car towards the movement of the movement. If you chose the front seat for installation, turn off the airbag.

2 step.

Fasten the cradle of safety belts according to the instructions. Focus on special blue-color labels, which denote belts. Check the transverse and diagonal belts to be confused.

3 step.

Rate the position of the autolo - its tilt back should not exceed 45 degrees. You can check this using a special indicator on the basis of either the holder housing. Level the angle of inclination will help you with a rolled towel or a special roller (if it is permitted by the manufacturer).

4 step.

Place the child in autolo and fix it with straps. Better if the shoulder straps are as low as possible. The clip is recommended at the level of the armpits.

5 step.

Use special belts on the belts to avoid rubbing and discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. If a soft substrate is not provided under the belt buckle, put a towel under it.

6 step.

Adjust the belts so that they firmly fixed the child, but did not bother. Under the belts should pass two fingers.

7 step.

If the cabin is cold, cover the baby with a blanket.

Dress the kid for a trip to the car you need correctly! Clothes must be made of dense tissue to avoid rubbing strap. From bulk winter jackets, it is also recommended to refuse, as they do not allow tightly tighten the belts. In the cold season, it is better to use the blanket.

Advantages and disadvantages

+ Universality of fastening (a regular safety belt is in every car)

+ Profitable price

+ The ability to install a car seat on any car seat.

- Fastening complexity

- Not such high safety rates compared to ISOFIX and Latch

- The ability to face a "lack" of a regular belt (characteristic of a car seat with a table).

Fastening isofix

An alternative to standard safety belts when fixing a children's holding device is an ISOFIX system. It is a rigid fastening of the chair to the car body. This ensures the best protection of the child, which from year to year is confirmed by the results of crash tests.

The ISOFIX fastening can be found at the base of the car seat: two brackets on the metal frame located symmetrically on both sides of the holding device.

Children's chair with the ISOFIX system is almost impossible to install incorrectly. It is done very quickly and simple. Find special brackets embedded in the back seat of almost any modern car, and connect them to the brackets located at the bottom of the retaining device. "Docking" should happen easily, and the chair is to fasten it hard. Some models have electronic indicators that change the color if the chair is installed correctly.

Embedded ISOFIX has not all models of car seats of groups "0+" and "1". Some suggest the installation of a children's seat on a special platform that is equipped with fasteners. The platform and chair are bought strictly "each other." Of course, they should be one manufacturer!

ISOFIX fixes the chair in 2-points. But for groups "0" and "1", another 3rd point is envisaged, which allows to reduce the load on the attachment of the retaining device. It can be:

Telescopic emphasis in the floor. It is two connected tubes located at the base of the children's car seats platform, which are adjustable in height and are fixed hard. Not every platform model includes a stubborn "foot". With its absence, an anchor belt is used.

Anchor belt (Top Tether).Responsible for additional fixation of the upper part of the car seat. In the event of an accident, protects the small passenger from the damage to the neck as a result of a sharp "nod." In the top of the backrest of the children's seat, there is a belt that is fixed for a special bracket on the back of the rear seat, in the trunk of a car or other place (depending on the model).

It is important to know!

  • Before buying a chair with the ISOFIX system, make sure that the corresponding fasteners are present in your car. It is necessary to look for them from the front side of the passenger seat, under the back. Shoot your hand into the gap, and you easily fasten the brackets.
  • The ISOFIX system in the overwhelming majority can be used only on the side rear seats. It was there that in the car there are staples for fastening. If child seat you need to put ahead, fix it with a regular seat belt. Most seats with ISOFIX are allowing such an installation option.
  • The ISOFIX system is used in car chairs of all age groups. However, for fixing the autolvela and children's seats category "0+", it is recommended to prefer the standard option. The rigid fastening system sometimes creates a vibration in a self-car serving, which is undesirable for a child. Starting from the group "1", you can safely switch to ISOFIX.
  • The design of the car seat with the ISOFIX system implies the presence of metal from metal, which can damage the seat upholstery during operation. A to avoid this will help you a special rug, which is placed directly under the chair. For these purposes, dense tissue is also used.

Installation Instructions

1 step.

Find the ISOFIX staples under the back of the seat. Remove the protective plugs. We recommend immediately put them in the glove box not to lose.

2 step.

Pull the ISOFIX brackets to the bottom of the children's chair. They are also protected by plugs - remove them and hide in the glove box.

3 step.

Insert the fasteners into the guides and push the chair to the characteristic click. Check that both brackets are securely secured.

4 step.

If the car seat has an anchor belt, roll it off through the back of the main seat and fix in the mount (it can be located on the floor of the trunk or on the back of the seat). If the design of the children's retaining device provides a stop "foot", adjust its tilt and height.

5 step.

Relax the inner straps, take a child, tighten and fix the belts.

Advantages and disadvantages

+ Easy and quickly fastened in the car cabin

+ The chair is fixed tightly, excluded tipping and "departure" forward.


- Higher cost of car seat (approximately 1.5 times compared with the standard fastening method)

- 30% more weight than the chair with ordinary fixation

- Is not universal, not all cars are equipped with ISOFIX

- The possibility of vibration of the chair due to tough fixation

- Limit by weight 18 kg

- The ability to install only on the rear side seats

Fastening Latch

The ISOFIX fastening is considered to be a European standard. There are its analogues in the world, for example, the Latch fastening, which was created in America. Starting from 2002, it is a mandatory norm in the United States.

The main feature of the Latch compared to ISOFIX is the absence of a metal frame and brackets in the design of the chair, which greatly facilitates its weight. The mount is carried out with the help of durable belts, which are fixed by the Karabins to the Latch brackets in the back seat of the car.

Latch and ISOFIX systems are fully compatible with each other. This means that if you have an ISOFIX in your car, you can safely install a chair with Latch fasteners and vice versa.

The Latch system implies several options for performing carbine clamps. The most common of them resemble the attachment of removable bags for bags, only more in size and stronger.

In 2008, the American company EVENFLO created a carbine SuperLatch, which is characterized by a built-in automatic tensioner. Installation and fixation with it is performed quickly and simply, as it is not necessary to manually adjust the belts.

Advantages and disadvantages

+ Lack of vibration due to a soft fixation by an elastic strap

+ Convenient installation (locks not necessarily snap at the same time as in ISOFIX)

+ Armchair Weighs 1.5 - 2.6 kg lighter than similar to ISOFIX

+ Reliable child protection with an accident (confirmed by crash tests)

+ Increase the allowable weight of the child to 29.6 kg (for ISOFIX - 18 kg)

- A small choice (models of the Latch car seat are represented in Russia very poorly)

- Is not universal, not all cars are equipped with Latch and Isofix brackets

- Lack of budget models

- The ability to install only on the rear side seats.

Where to install car seats?

Most parents set a children's holding device in the back seat on the right. When a child is "male", the driver is easier to communicate with it and control the rearview mirror. In addition, drivers often make their own seat for greater comfort as much as possible, and the presence of a children's seat behind greatly limits this opportunity.

What place in the cabin is considered the safest? For a long time, the "Favorite" for safety experts was the seat on the left (behind the driver). It is explained by such a choice of a person's self-preservation instinct: in an emergency, the driver unconsciously turns the steering wheel in such a way as to protect himself, and, it means, the benefits also receive a passenger behind.

Scientific approach

Scientists of the American Research University in Buffalo came to interesting conclusions. They were analyzed by the statistics of an accident in New York for 3 years. As a result, the safest place in the car they called ... the middle seat. Judge for yourself: compared to front armchairs, the rear safer by 60-86%, while the safety of the place in the middle is 25% higher than the side rear places.

It is worth noting that scientists took into account all possible factors affecting the level of safety, such as the type and weight of the car, the presence of head restraints and airbags, the age of the driver and passengers, the light of the road, the weather. But under any conditions, the average place has always turned out to be at least 16% safer the rest. The researchers explained this by the fact that in a collision it is not subject to squeezing, which cannot be said about side chairs. But an accident with a side blow in frequency is inferior only to accidents, where cars face "forehead in the forehead."

Unfortunately, not every car model allows you to conveniently place a children's car seat in the middle of the cabin. For example, representatives of C-class and above have an embedded folding armrest in the back of the middle seat. Many cars (most often wagons and hatchbacks) on the middle seat accounts for only 20% of the area, and the car chair simply does not fit there. And, for example, the ISOFIX system in most cases is provided only for side rear seats (with the exception of some car models, for example, Citroen C4 Picasso).

Determining where to set the retaining device, proceed from the features of your car. If the ability to choose a place in the center is missing, prefer the driver's seat.

We put the car seat correctly (fastening with a regular belt)!

1 group 0 (autolo, up to 10 kg).

Installed in the back or front seats of the car, perpendicular to the movement.

Important moment:

when put a car autolo on the front seat, be sure to disconnect the airbag! If in the event of an accident it will work, then the cargo will have a strongest blow, which threatens the child with severe injuries.

2 Group 0+ (up to 13 kg).

The child can be transported both from behind, and ahead (the airbag is turned off!). The chair is installed against the movement: a small passenger sits with legs to the back of the seat. In the chair, it is fixed by a five-point belt.

3 Group 1 (up to 18 kg).

The chair can be fixed on the rear and front seats along the movement, additionally, the baby is held by a five-point inner strap.

4 Group 2-3 (up to 36 kg.)

Install on any passenger seat along the movement of the car. The baby is fastened by a regular seat belt.

Questions expert

1 Is it possible to put a car autolo on the front seat if the front cushion is not turned off (this possibility is not available in the car)?

If the airbag is not turned off, it is impossible to put the auto-carpet on the front seat. Opening in the event of an accident, the cushion with force will hit the holding device and, instead of protection, will apply additional injuries.

2 When the kid in winter clothes, the internal seat belts are not fastened. What to do?

First of all, check, perhaps your child is already "grown" from your car seat. If everything is in a thick down jacket, you will have to move the baby into something lighter. In general, car seats do not provide for winter clothes, since on European standards a small passenger should be transported without it. In the context of the Russian winter, it remains to improvise! Well warm up the car before you sit down. Take care of the blanket that can be covered by the baby if it is cold on the road.

3 Are there three children's car seats in the back seat?

It is quite realistic, install three children's retaining devices in the back seat of the car, if you choose the most compact models. The exclusion is cars in which the area of \u200b\u200bthe middle seat is reduced, or is supplemented with a folding armrest.

4 What to do if ISOFIX fasteners are not provided in the car, but I want to use this system?

The loops required to attach the armchair on the ISOFIX system can be welded to the car body in the car service. This is a fairly simple procedure, so many parents resort to it if they want to provide the child maximum safety.

5 Can a chair with the ISOFIX system are fixed in the usual way (regular belts)?

Metal strips, which are characteristic of the car seat with the ISOFIX system, are usually folding, and the design of many retaining devices also implies holes for a regular belt. Therefore, yes, most models (there are rare exceptions) can be fixed as well as in the usual way. Just in case, we recommend clarifying such an opportunity for the seller.


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