How to find out the approximate. How to find out the exact and correct gestational age? Determining the period of pregnancy of the child

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Having learned about the "interesting situation", every woman, regardless of whether the pregnancy is planned or not, immediately wants to know at what time she is, but not everyone knows how to do it at home. That is why we will tell you how a woman can find out the gestational age by the day of conception, menstrual cycle and ovulation, as well as indicate how the specialist and ultrasound calculates the gestational age.

1. To find out the period of pregnancy, the woman and the doctor need to establish an approximate date of birth.
2. The woman and the doctor need to know the time of pregnancy in order to monitor whether the baby is developing correctly in the mother's womb, and to correct, if possible, any developmental lags.
3. To find out the gestational age of a representative of the fair half, preparing for motherhood, you need to know exactly when she will go to, and therefore, when she will begin to devote all herself to her "interesting position."

How do gynecologists set the term?

Today, there are two options for establishing the term of the "interesting situation":
- obstetric;
- real.

The obstetric term is the time set by the gynecologist; as a rule, it differs from the true (present) term by 1.5-2 weeks.
The gynecologist counts down the period from the 1st day of the last, so-called, critical days of a woman and this is understandable, because it is from this very moment that the ovum matures, which is further affected by the sperm, fertilizing it. Following this, a zygote is implanted into the uterus and a fertilized egg begins to grow there, inside which the embryo is located. The duration of the "interesting female position" by obstetric standards is 40 weeks, or, as calculated in the common people, 10 lunar months.
As for the real term, it, as was noted, differs from the obstetric one. It is calculated from the moment (date) of ovulation and the very conception itself.

How to find out the term of pregnancy yourself

Every woman should know that ovulation is the most favorable period for conceiving a child. It is at this moment that an ovum, fully matured and ready for the process of conception, comes out of the ovary of the fair half into the tube coming from the uterus. There she is waiting for an active sperm that could fertilize her. Sexual intercourse without contraception in such a period with the maximum degree of probability, if both partners are healthy in the genital area, will lead to the onset of an "interesting position."

Ovulation occurs in the fair sex with a normal menstrual cycle in the middle of this very cycle, about 13-15 days, depending on the total number of days that make up the cycle. In order for a lady to find out the gestational age by the ovulation process, a woman just needs to start counting the period from the very day of this very ovulation. This will be the most accurate deadline, and it can compete with any deadline set by the obstetrician.

To determine the onset of ovulation, if you do not know this, today you can use the usual pharmacy ovulation tests.
Among other things, ovulation usually brings with it some special changes in the body. For example, during ovulation, women usually experience minor pain in the lower abdomen, increased attraction to men, and a particularly large amount of white vaginal discharge.
Meanwhile, the most accurate (effective) way to determine the day of the onset of ovulation was and remains the method of ultrasound diagnostics.

How to calculate the time of pregnancy by "critical days"

It is possible to calculate the time of pregnancy for expectant mothers not only by ovulation, but also by menstruation. By the way, it is on them, on critical days, that obstetricians calculate the term. How to do it?
Look at what number the first day of menstruation fell on, subtract 90 days from it and add seven. The advantage of this method of counting is that both women with a normal menstrual cycle and those with irregular periods can use it.

How the gynecologist sets the deadline

In the case when a woman came to an obstetrician-gynecologist for a period of more than three weeks of pregnancy, it will not be difficult for him to determine this and establish the approximate date of future birth and the approximate date of the “interesting situation”. After performing a routine examination, the gynecologist makes his conclusion about pregnancy and its timing in terms of the size of the uterus, which by the specified time has already increased somewhat in its size. In the fourth week after conception, for example, the uterus already resembles the size of a real hen's egg.

How to find out the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound

If we take into account the calculations of the gynecologist conducting the observation of the woman, who, we note, interprets the result somewhat, then ultrasound helps to find out the more accurate gestational age. At the same time, the ultrasound examination apparatus can indicate the exact date only up to the 12th week of the "interesting position". At this stage, the uzist who examines the girl takes into account the size of the ovum, which has increased in size.

If a woman, for some reason, visits the uzist at a later date, then the specialist already conducts his calculations around the circumference of the fetus's head and tummy.
Meanwhile, we note once again that practice shows that ultrasound machines, if you resort to their help at a later date, are often mistaken, this is understandable, because the development of each fetus (baby) is individual, which means that the data obtained may fluctuate depending on this. one way or the other. Accordingly, it is not possible to establish the exact duration of pregnancy.

The date of birth, when calculating the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound, can shift to one side or the other by about 1 or 2 weeks.

How to find out the time of the "interesting position" by the movements of the baby

A woman can find out the gestational age approximately by the first stirring of her little one. As a rule, first-borns feel the first stirring of the fetus at 20 weeks of "interesting position". Mothers who have already given birth to such movements feel from 18 weeks. Thus, feeling the movements inside the tummy, a woman can accurately determine at what time she is approximately.
The date of the first fetal movement is recommended to be remembered by the representatives of the fair sex and the gynecologists themselves. They enter it into the patient's card. When establishing the gestational age and directly the birth itself, the date of the first movement of the baby plays an essential role.

Nowadays, the development of medicine and scientific technologies make it possible to accurately diagnose and predict the state of human health. This also applies to pregnancy. A few decades ago, no one could predict the exact date of birth, the sex of the baby, but today this is quite common information that a pregnant woman can receive during a routine examination by a gynecologist. Currently, it is possible to determine how many weeks of pregnancy using several methods, and without the help of a doctor. The revised data will be reported by the gynecologist after the ultrasound scan. So, the article will discuss the ways in which you can establish the term of an interesting position.

Why do you need to know the gestational age?

First, to calculate the estimated due date. Secondly, in order to competently monitor the development of the baby, in time to correct the lag in development and formation. Third, to determine the start date of maternity leave. Knowing the exact duration of pregnancy allows you to timely identify anomalies and pathologies of the baby's development (for example, Down's syndrome).

You should know that there is a difference between true and obstetric terms. Obstetricians-gynecologists count the beginning of pregnancy from the day when the last period began. This is justified by the fact that this is the moment of the beginning of the maturation of the egg, which, as a result of fertilization, is introduced into the uterus and begins to develop. The duration of pregnancy in obstetric terms is 40 weeks, or 280 days. But there are deviations, it all depends on genetic factors. The time at which the woman herself was born, as well as the father of the child, affects.

The true period from obstetric differs by two weeks, while the countdown of pregnancy begins from the day of ovulation or conception. So, let's look at a variety of methods on how to determine how many weeks of pregnancy.

Pharmacy test

The most common way to determine how many weeks of pregnancy is through a test. With its help, you can establish the presence of pregnancy. They are all based on the analysis of the presence of the hCG hormone, the content of which increases with increasing gestational age. The more sensitive the test, the sooner the pregnancy can be confirmed. The highest quality and most sensitive test can establish pregnancy approximately 7-9 days after the intended conception.

Types of tests:

  • Reservoir. The test is placed in the test tank and the strip on the test determines how much urine needs to be drawn for an accurate test.
  • Cassette. It resembles a device with a recess in the middle, where a drop of urine is introduced with a pipette.
  • Jet. During urination, it must be brought under the stream of urine.
  • Digital. It is a device with a hole that is moistened with urine.
  • Strip test (most common). It is a strip that is immersed in any container filled with urine up to the level set on the test.

Method for determining the gestational age by the date of ovulation

During ovulation from the ovary, a mature egg begins to move along the fallopian tube, and it is at this time that there is a maximum chance of getting pregnant. By the date of ovulation, you can establish the true duration of pregnancy, and it usually occurs in the middle of the cycle.

But how to determine how many weeks of pregnancy are due to ovulation? How do you know when it happened? There are several ways to determine the onset of ovulation:

  • With the help of ultrasound.
  • At home, using tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • By measuring basal temperature. At the beginning of the cycle, it is below 37 ° C, the day before the onset of ovulation, it decreases, and on the day of ovulation and the entire second phase of the cycle until menstruation, it will keep 37 ° C and above.

There are hypersensitive women who, according to their sensations, can determine their ovulation: soreness in the abdomen, an increase in the amount of discharge, increased libido, and so on. It is much easier for these women than for the rest to determine the term of an interesting situation on their own.

Method for determining the duration of pregnancy by the last menstruation

The most common way to determine how many weeks of pregnancy is the obstetric method - by the day the last menstrual period began. 280 days are added to this day and the approximate date of birth is set. That is, if, after a delay, you go to an antenatal clinic with confidence that the pregnancy is 5 weeks, the doctor will set a period of 7 weeks - this is an obstetric period.

Female doctor

The most accurate way to determine how many weeks you are pregnant is by consulting your doctor. If you contact us early (4-5 weeks), it will not be difficult for the doctor to establish the exact date. He will measure the uterus, and then calculate the gestational age. For example, at 4 weeks, its size is about the size of a chicken egg, at 8 weeks - a goose. An experienced doctor is able to set the deadline for a vaginal examination with an accuracy of the day.

However, after 8-12 weeks, based on the size of the uterus, it is problematic to establish the period of an interesting position. Since from the second trimester in women, the size of the uterus is very individual. That is why, when a question is asked on the forums about how many weeks pregnancy can be determined and when it is better to contact a gynecologist, the answer of doctors is always the following: the earlier you go to an antenatal clinic, the easier it is to determine the gestational age.

By ultrasound

How many weeks does the ultrasound detect pregnancy? Much depends on the doctor who describes the results. But the data obtained by ultrasound before the 12th week of pregnancy are considered the most correct. According to them, you can name the date of the alleged birth. At this time, they are based on the measurement of the ovum and its diameter. In the second and third trimesters, they are based on determining the circumference of the baby's head, on the average diameter of the tummy and chest. But the information obtained by measuring the circumference of the head is considered the most accurate.

It is believed that the longer the gestation period, the more difficult it is to determine it using ultrasound. Because each child is different, and at the end of pregnancy, its parameters may differ greatly from the standard.

At the first stir of the baby

There is another method. How many weeks can pregnancy be determined? This can be recognized by the movement of the baby. Primiparous women begin to feel the movements of the baby for the first time at a period of about 20 weeks. Those women who have already given birth feel their baby a little earlier - at 17-18 weeks. This method of determining the gestational age is not entirely accurate. There are women who begin to feel the movement of their baby in their first pregnancy at 16 weeks. Most often this happens in thin girls.

By basal temperature

The method is suitable for those women who constantly monitor the basal temperature, and not only on the day when pregnancy is suspected. The method consists in measuring the body temperature in the rectum (rectally), vaginally or orally for 5 minutes every day. The main condition is that this is done immediately after waking up and before getting out of bed. Always use only one permanent measurement site, for example, orally. What is the essence of this method?

The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases: follicular and luteal. The first lasts from the beginning of menstruation until ovulation, the second after ovulation. In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature is always lower than during the luteal phase. During ovulation, the temperature rises and then gradually begins to decrease until the onset of menstruation. But if the temperature in the second half of the cycle does not decrease, but even increases slightly, then this is a clear sign of pregnancy. After how many weeks can pregnancy be determined using this method? Literally through it, it will become clear that the temperature is not dropping, and by the time of the delay, it will already be reliably known about the interesting situation.


This is the most accurate method. It allows you to detect pregnancy as early as 8-10 days after conception. In a woman's body, the hCG hormone begins to be produced immediately after the introduction of a fertilized egg. This hormone is present in the urine and blood of the expectant mother, and to establish the presence of pregnancy, you can donate blood for analysis or take a test.

It should be borne in mind that the period of pregnancy in terms of the level of hCG in the blood does not coincide with the obstetric period, since this hormone begins to grow from the moment the embryo is fixed (that is, from the true gestational age).

Folk methods

The urine of a pregnant woman has an alkaline reaction, if you add soda to the morning portion, it will settle. But if the woman is not pregnant, the urine will bubble as a result of the reaction.

Online calculators

There are a huge number of calculators on the Internet with which you can create your pregnancy calendar. It is necessary to enter the day of the beginning of the last menstruation in the window of such an online test, after which the program will provide a detailed calculation of the height and weight of the fetus by week.

Instead of a conclusion

All of these methods can accurately determine the presence and duration of pregnancy. But it should be borne in mind that the baby, even with the most correct calculations, may be born later or earlier than the due date. Natural childbirth can occur from 38 to 40 weeks, but premature birth may occur, or, conversely, the baby may be born at 41 weeks. Everything is individual, depends on many factors, the main of which are genetic predisposition and the presence of chronic diseases. Be that as it may, the main task of the mother is to do everything that depends on her so that the pregnancy goes well, and a daughter or son is born safely.

Pregnancy calendars

Each week of your pregnancy calendar from the first to the fortieth week with details.

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting period in a woman's life. In just 40 weeks, a whole organism is formed from one cell, capable of living in the surrounding conditions. A person never develops at such a fast pace as during the prenatal period.

In order to calculate the week of your pregnancy, you can use the calculator. It is enough to indicate the date of the first day of the last menstruation. Keep in mind that the duration of pregnancy and the rate of development of the fetus are always individual and may differ slightly from the data given in the pregnancy calendar. The following pattern is characteristic - the longer the duration of the menstrual cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts.

What is your term?

It is most logical to schedule the pregnancy by week - this way you will have a better idea of ​​how your baby is growing and what processes pregnancy causes in your own body. By studying the pregnancy calendar by week, you will find timely advice: how to choose clothes for pregnant women, how to avoid toxicosis, how to eat right. Accordingly, the size of the fetus and its new skills are given each week - you will be surprised at how much it already knows how, when even the tummy is not yet visible to others!

In obstetric practice, it is customary to count the gestational age starting from the first day of the last menstruation. In fact, calling this week the first week of pregnancy can only be conditional, because there is no pregnancy yet. All you can do now is prepare your body for pregnancy. ...

Now in your body, the maturation of the egg is taking place. Throughout the second week of pregnancy, the egg is in a small bubble - the follicle. When the follicle membrane bursts, fluid comes out of it, carrying the egg along with it. This moment is called ovulation and it usually occurs at the end of the second week of pregnancy. ...

Either at the end of last week, or at the beginning of this, ovulation occurred, and the egg got into the fallopian tube. She only has a day to meet the sperm. Most likely, you still do not feel your pregnancy in any way, although some women claim that they felt the moment of the birth of a new life in them. ...

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the embryo, as a rule, is already deeply embedded in the wall of the uterus. The future organism is now called the embryonic disc, due to its almost flat shape, and its size by the end of the fourth week of pregnancy is only 1.5 mm. ...

It is hard to imagine, but the heart of the embryo, about 2 mm long, is already beginning to beat! In the fifth week of pregnancy, you can already imagine where his head is, where is the body, where is the tail. ...

In the sixth week of pregnancy, the appearance of the embryo is more like a tadpole rather than a human. Work on the creation of new organs will never again be carried out as actively as now. Endocrine glands - thyroid and parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal glands - are also laid down. The oropharyngeal membrane is formed - the primitive beginning of the digestive tract. ...

Now your future baby is already much more like a little man. On the head, parts of the face are more and more clearly marked. The state of health of the expectant mother usually becomes worse. The seventh week of pregnancy, few people pass without ailments. ...

Your baby is literally growing by leaps and bounds. He can already move his arms and bend them at the elbows. The embryo is now quite mobile, it swims vigorously in the amniotic fluid, turns around its axis, upside down and vice versa. Its size (BPD) by the end of the 8th week of pregnancy already reaches 1.5 cm.

The ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by the straightening of the back of the embryo and the disappearance of the tail. The outlines of the auricles have already appeared, even the earlobes, the nose with clearly visible nostrils. Toxicosis reaches its maximum, then it will be easier. ...

From now on, your future baby will not be called an embryo, but a fetus! By the tenth week, the placenta has formed and is fully functioning. This is a unique organ that ensures the exchange of nutrients between the fetus and the mother, and also protects the fetus from toxic substances, infectious agents, and immune factors. ...

The size of the fetus by the end of the eleventh week of pregnancy is already about 5-6 cm, and the weight is 8 grams. His heart beats at a rate of 120-160 beats per minute. It's time to register with the antenatal clinic. Waiting for you. ...

The first trimester is ending. The placenta now produces sufficient progesterone, and the corpus luteum is gradually decreasing in size. The coccyx-parietal size (CTE) of the fetus at the twelfth week is 5.3 cm.

The baby's limbs are gradually lengthening, and by about the middle of the 13th week of pregnancy, he can reach his mouth with his hands. A very important reflex develops, which will be necessary for the baby after birth - sucking. Your tummy starts to appear. Most often, he is still invisible to others, but the clothes are already becoming tight. ...

By the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the face of the fetus looks more plump due to the fact that the cheeks are rounded. A fluff appears on the head of the fetus, eyebrows are indicated. All organs are already in place and functioning. A safer period of pregnancy begins. ...

The fetus is actively moving in the amniotic fluid surrounding it. The CTE of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is 90-100 mm, and it weighs about 50 grams. But if you now go for an ultrasound examination, then the main attention will be paid to other dimensions - the parameters of the head and torso. The biparietal size (BPD) at this time is 32 mm, and the perimeter of the skull is 90 mm. ...

At the sixteenth week, the fetus continues to actively grow the bones of the limbs, the legs and arms are more and more extended in length. Marigolds grow on the tips of the fingers. The kidneys of the fetus are actively functioning, the first portions of urine enter the amniotic fluid. ...

The main process taking place this week is muscle building. The development of the brain continues, new reflexes are formed. At the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the doctor not only determines the height of the fundus of the uterus, but also listens to the fetal heartbeat. The norm is from 120 to 160 beats per minute. ...

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's body length already reaches 22 cm, the fetal head circumference is 126 mm, and the chest circumference is 117 mm. For a woman, this period is often marked by a joyful event - the feeling of the first movements of the baby. The first tremors are still very weak and usually appear when the mother is lying down. ...

The nineteenth week of pregnancy is the time of the rapid growth of the abdomen. In pregnant women with a wide pelvis, sometimes the tummy may not be noticeable at all until this time. As the mass of the uterus increases, its pressure on neighboring organs increases, it is time to change the position during sleep. The optimal position of a pregnant woman from the nineteenth week is considered to be on her side. ...

The size of the fetus at this time can be compared with the size of your palm - approximately 16cm. From now on, your tummy will grow literally every day. Try to prepare your spine for the rapidly growing load. Watch your posture. ...

The twenty-first week of pregnancy is the time you look forward to - the lead time. The doctor will carefully measure the parameters of the fetus, the size of its body parts, the work of the organs and the state of the placenta, and possibly tell you the sex of the baby. ...

At the twenty-second week of pregnancy, the nose and lips become sharper. Eyelashes appear around the eyes. Simultaneously with the accumulation of adipose tissue, facial features are rounded and more and more reminiscent of a newborn baby. Normal indicators for this period are the following: biparietal size of the fetal head (BPF) - from 54 to 56 mm, chest dimensions - 50 and 53 mm, abdominal perimeter - 162 mm. ...

At the twenty-third week, active hematopoiesis continues, in the fetus this function is performed not only by the bone marrow and spleen, as in an adult, but also by the liver. Also during this period, protective immune cells are intensively formed. If you didn’t have a second fetal ultrasound two weeks ago, it’s important to do it now. Otherwise, you run the risk of missing the optimal time for the study, after which the information content of ultrasound decreases significantly. ...

The movements of the fetus at the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy are already becoming familiar to women, it is already difficult to confuse them with rumbling in the stomach. If the baby does not move for about 12 hours, or, on the contrary, is unusually energetic, you should inform the doctor about this - both can be a sign of trouble. ...

The weight of the fetus at this time is already about 750-800g. The biparietal size (BPD) is 65 mm, the frontal-occipital diameter (LZD) is 81 mm. Now you can clearly distinguish the periods of sleep and wakefulness of the baby. The upper edge of the uterus at the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is already determined just above the navel. ...

Starting from the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus is considered viable, that is, if it is born at this time, it has a chance to survive, subject to the availability of special equipment. Every day, the reaction to music and loud speech becomes more obvious - there is no doubt that the baby is already able to hear. ...

With the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus again begins active brain growth - it will significantly increase in size by the time of delivery. For a woman, the twenty-seventh week is the time when you should pay increased attention to your health. Now you need to regularly measure your blood pressure and take urine tests. ...

The weight of the fetus is 1100-1200 grams, and its body length is 38 cm. Even now, the baby remembers the timbre of the mother's voice, and after birth this sound will soothe him better than any music. At the twenty-eighth week, you can begin to perform the Pearson test - counting movements for an hour in the morning and evening. A healthy fetus at this time makes at least 10 tangible movements per hour. ...

Your breasts begin to prepare intensively for lactation. The breasts swell and discharge as a yellowish liquid may appear from the nipples. This is colostrum, which contains the most valuable supply of immune substances for the baby. At the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy, the fetus is already large enough so that you can independently distinguish whether it is being pushed by a handle or a leg and where the head is. ...

Usually the thirtieth week of pregnancy is the time when the woman goes on maternity leave. Its duration is 70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery. The weight of the fetus at the thirtieth week reaches 1300-1600 grams, and its body length is about 40 cm.

Your baby has most likely already taken its final position. The thirty-first week of pregnancy is carried out. This is usually the last ultrasound of the fetus. The normal weight is considered to be from 1500 to 1800 grams. Height - 42 cm.

The baby's facial features become even more cute - wrinkles disappear completely, and a pronounced hairline is noticeable on the head. Most likely, the fetus has already turned upside down, and now its movements are most palpable. It is this week that the muscle mass increases rapidly, the sucking muscles mature, which will provide the baby with adequate nutrition. ...

The movements of the fetus in the thirty-third week of pregnancy are so constrained that you will not notice any somersaults, but sometimes you will feel tangible movements of the limbs. Usually fetal movements become most active while you are resting and decrease during walking. This week is the deadline for. ...

There is a month and a half before giving birth. Starting at the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus is no longer considered premature, and the baby born this week is officially recognized as prematurely born. Now is the perfect time to recall the material you took in your maternity courses. ...

Your body is preparing for childbirth. At the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy, Braxton Hicks contractions, the so-called training contractions, are increasingly repeated. At the next visit to the antenatal clinic, you will be sent for a general blood test - this is one of the final studies that you have to undergo before giving birth, and it is really important. ...

At the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, the child weighs about 2700-3000 grams, and its body length is about 48-49 cm. Now it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the posture. The lowermost part of the spine, the sacral, is subject to significant stress, which can be reduced with proper weight distribution. ...

You still have to attend antenatal clinics every week. It is clear that getting around the city is not easy when the 37th week of pregnancy has already begun, but frequent medical supervision during such a crucial period is simply necessary. According to doctors, childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation is also considered premature, but by this time the fetus has already finally completed its formation. They have signs of maturity, all congenital reflexes are present. ...

By the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, you will notice that Braxton Hicks contractions have become more frequent and more noticeable. Many women feel relief of breathing - this is due to the lowering of the uterus and a decrease in its pressure on the diaphragm. Another is the discharge of a mucous plug from the vagina - this is a clot of transparent or slightly pinkish mucus. The body prepares for childbirth. ...

For 75% of women, the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy is the final one. You are more likely to give birth earlier than the expected date of birth if your menstrual cycle was less than 28 days, if your mother or grandmother gave birth at the same time, or if, according to medical observations, your cervix is ​​now in an open state. ...

The baby has been waiting for his birth for several weeks, his body is completely ready for extrauterine life, and his appearance is the same as that of a newborn child. Undoubtedly, for you it will be the most wonderful, beloved and beautiful child in the world. ...

Where does the confusion come from in two weeks?

Doctors in antenatal clinics traditionally count the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual period, despite the fact that conception occurs, according to such calculations, only in the third week of pregnancy. Our interactive calendar is built in the same way - this is an obstetric pregnancy calendar. There is another way to calculate the timing of pregnancy, when the day of conception is taken as the starting point. The resulting calendar, it would be correct to call the calendar of the development of the fetus. Sometimes this method is displayed in the conclusions of obstetric ultrasound, where it is possible, with an accuracy of one day, to establish the life expectancy of the fetus, especially in the first trimester. Typically, the fetal development calendar is about 2 weeks behind the obstetric pregnancy calendar.

Questions to the article

Gram? Weight before pregnancy 80 kg, now 82.700. And seven weeks ago it was ...

They said. And now I wonder))) which one? ...

The estimated date was 7/4/17. But I still haven't given birth and nothing ...

Cough, no fever. I am treated with chamomile, milk and honey, my nose is nothing ...

4 times a day. And at 10 pm I can eat. This is fine? I have 10 ...

Obstetric week, I did it in Moscow, they appointed a divigel and ...

The fetus. This is fine. Sometimes there are imperceptible tremors. I have...

I did 3 tests, all 3 showed a weak second strip, the next ...

Reading 100102 .... this is normal that I am very worried, tell me ...

Date of conception - 03/15/2017 HCG 04/06/2017 - 6145.2 mIU / ml. Moreover, in less than 48 ...

Free, the result of 2.0 ng / ml is pregnancy ??? ...

Which is 6 weeks old, but shows how much more. And the ultrasound showed 4 weeks. Maybe...

1 day delay the day before the start of menstruation watched the test showed ...

Ml. Ultrasound on January 11, 2017 did not show anything. Please tell me this ...

The doctors and the ultrasound scan were fine, but for the last three days I started to hurt ...

Received Belarus. On cancellation, menstruation came in the first cycle (33 days ...

Could it affect the baby? and can my gynecologist prescribe ...

11/30/16 on hCG - the result is 1062.2. What does it mean? ...

Placental abruption 20mm by 4mm. Zistka said nothing, it will grow. And ...

2x five days)? 14 DPP - 1290 Me / L, 19 DPP - 6149 Me / L? The Uzi has just ...

Pain began in the pubic bone area when walking and when ...

The second one is already bright. And in the evening, smearing spotting a little ...

September, in October they are not) What week do I have? How to calculate? ...

A week. Last monthly 12.09.16 ctcl 30 days. The gynecologist says ...

The last menstruation was 04/27/4/05. May 5th was protected sex ...

I read you in the article that it could be a fetus with down syndrome ...

Syphilis recently surrendered by her husband: anti-Treponema pallidum Ig M negative, ...

The condom broke, can there be a chance of pregnancy? ...

Rev. KP.) (Reference values ​​1,1 are positive. What does this mean? ...

Be monthly. Did tests 28, 30 and so on. All negative. By 8 ...

For weeks they found a cat at home and he is constantly at home on the street ...

Sometimes a little 3-4 times a day is it normal pregnancy 16 weeks? ...

Menstruation was noted not expressed pain in the lower abdomen, now ...

My throat ached, followed by a stuffy nose, not big snot, isn't it dangerous ...

1.00-5.00 and immature granulocytes 0.3% reference. interval 0.0-0.2. What is it ...

Vozmojno chto ya beremenna? I esli da, to kakoy srok? Pojalusta otvette esli mojno? ...

Menstruation 07/19/20015. Thanks!...

Placental abruption. If I understand correctly, the embryo receives less ...

The previous children also had a tone and the doctor constantly scares me ...

(there is 16 years old) PERSONAL PREGNANCY CALENDAR FOR ...

Why is it important to know the gestational age?
The first thing a doctor does when visiting a pregnant woman is to set the due date. Knowing the timing of pregnancy is very important for many reasons, and not only so that a woman can prepare for childbirth on her own. This is also the main criterion on the basis of which the correct development of the baby in the womb is determined. The doctor prescribes tests, examinations, monitors the intrauterine development of the baby. Knowing the main stages of the correct development of a child, comparing the results of studies with them at a certain time, doctors can correct minor discrepancies. In addition, the determination of the gestational age is also necessary for the registration of documentation for maternity leave. According to the legislation, a woman can go on maternity leave upon reaching 30 weeks of pregnancy.

Thus, the exact date of birth is an important point. With the use of modern equipment, it can be calculated today with an accuracy of one day. Laboratory tests are carried out on strictly defined days. There is also a psychological moment for the woman herself and her family. On the one hand, you need to buy household items and clothes for the baby, on the other hand, it is important to keep the baby healthy, since premature and late birth can be difficult.

Date of birth according to the last menstrual period (Negele formula)

The duration of pregnancy is about 10 lunar months (40 weeks or 280 days). Doctors distinguish between obstetric and real (true) periods of pregnancy. The easiest way is to count the time from the exact parameter, since the date of ovulation can vary. Obstetricians take into account the date of the last menstruation (as a rule, 1-1, 5 days), from this moment the egg cell begins its development and maturation, then it is fertilized by the sperm. The obstetric calculation allows you to determine the date of birth using a simple formula - from the first day of the last menstruation, you need to subtract 3 months and add seven days.

Date of birth by ovulation

This is how nature ordered that the conception of a child can occur only during the period of ovulation, when the mature egg leaves the ovary to "wait" for the sperm in the fallopian tubes. If intercourse takes place and the meeting takes place, the likelihood of conception is very high. Ovulation lasts about a day, according to this date, the timing of future childbirth is determined. Sometimes the ovaries rest, and ovulation in the woman's body does not occur. In a young healthy woman, this can happen about 1-3 times a year, in older women there are more such months. The true and obstetric terms of pregnancy differ by about two weeks. With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on day 14, if the number of days in the cycle is different, then the ovulation time is shifted. Hence, there are some discrepancies in the timing of pregnancy by the date of ovulation.

How to determine ovulation? For this, special tests have been developed that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Another way is to regularly change the basal temperature. In the first half, its values ​​will be below 37 degrees, then it decreases (the day before ovulation). If the temperature rises above 37 degrees, and there are no diseases, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that this is the day of ovulation. Thus, the gestation period begins from the moment the temperature rises above 37 degrees.

Some women define this day by listening to their bodies. These may be some distinctive symptoms - characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and specific discharge appear, libido increases. This sensitivity helps them determine their due date more accurately.

Determining the date of pregnancy by ultrasound

But ultrasound is still considered the most accurate way. This is the only way to know for sure that ovulation occurred on this very day. To do this, you would have to go to an ultrasound scan for several days in a row, which is inconvenient both financially and physically, and is it worth wasting time just because of the date? Moreover, it is necessary to endure just a little, and the date of birth can be determined much more accurately. Diagnostic ultrasounds are performed at 12, 20, 32 weeks, but the date of birth can be determined more reliably only at the initial stages of pregnancy.

The fact is that up to 6-7 weeks, embryos grow proportionally, and their sizes are almost the same. The longer the period, the more they differ among themselves in size and type. The appearance of the parents, weight, height, and so on will matter. Why is it important to have an ultrasound scan in early pregnancy? The accuracy of the method regarding the date of delivery after 8-12 weeks is reduced due to the different development of the children. Doctors can make a mistake and diagnose "intrauterine growth retardation", which can injure the future woman in labor. This happens most often with women who are of low weight.

Determination of the gestational age during a gynecological examination

For the same reason, an examination by a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy can give more information about the expected date of birth, since the uterus increases in a certain order. Experienced gynecologists determine the timing of labor during a vaginal examination with an accuracy of one day, but only up to about 7-8 weeks. For example, at 4 weeks, the uterus resembles a chicken egg in size, and at 8 weeks it is already a goose. About the second trimester, the sizes of the fetus in different women for the same period are different, therefore, the data of a vaginal examination cannot be as accurate as in the first weeks.

The first stir - how to determine the gestational age

A woman who is pregnant for the first time usually feels the baby wiggle at 20 weeks. Multiparous women hear this even earlier - at 18 weeks. It is imperative to inform the gynecologist of the date of the first movement - it is entered into the card and is of great importance in determining the timing of pregnancy and the date of birth. By the date of the first stirring, 4.5 months are added for a primiparous woman and 5 months (18 weeks) for multiparous women. This method is only auxiliary, as some women, especially thin ones, may feel movements earlier or later than usual. But many doctors believe that it is impossible to feel the child's movements ahead of time. Women mistake the movement of gases in the intestines for stirring, because many have increased gas production during pregnancy.

Determination of gestational age by measuring the length of the uterus and fetus.

A more complex way of calculating the gestational age is associated with measuring the size of the uterus. Most accurately it will be produced by a gynecologist. The bladder must be empty to avoid measurement errors. Lying on the couch, a woman should straighten her legs. The length of the uterus is measured with a centimeter tape or pelvimeter. It is considered to be equal to the number of weeks. Example: the length of the uterus is 35 cm, which means that the gestation period is 35 weeks.

Thus, having several methods in their arsenal, doctors can most accurately determine the date of birth. Sometimes there are discrepancies in different methods, but they are minimal - no more than a week. This is not essential for the development of pregnancy. And the birth of a child does not always coincide with the date set by the doctors. Much depends on the gestational development of the fetus, as well as the genetic characteristics of the parents. If childbirth occurs plus or minus a few days from the due date, there is no cause for concern.

When registering a woman for a consultation, the doctor must determine the duration of her pregnancy. Why do you need to know it? In order to establish an estimated due date. Knowing the exact period of pregnancy, the doctor can competently monitor the development of your baby, detect and correct possible pathologies in time. Let's take a closer look at how you can find out the duration of your pregnancy.

Before you talk about possible ways to determine the age of the fetus, you need to make a reservation that there are two stages of pregnancy: obstetric and true... Obstetricians take into account the first day of the last menstrual period, which becomes the starting point for gestation. The true gestational age is counted from the day of conception and lags behind obstetric by 2 weeks.

For example, if you came to the antenatal clinic with a delay of 5 weeks, do not be surprised that the doctor will give you 7 weeks of pregnancy. You can read more about each of the methods for determining the duration of pregnancy below.

The conception of a child coincides with the day of ovulation, since after leaving the ovary, the egg cell remains viable only for a day. Ovulation has quite characteristic symptoms: tingling in the ovaries and abdomen, transparent mucous discharge from the genital tract, strong libido.

The day of ovulation can also be determined using special tests that are sold at the pharmacy. Some women use the old proven method:. Rectal temperature is measured in the morning at the same time; during the measurements, the woman should not get out of bed. Around the middle of the cycle, the temperature rises above 37 degrees, which indicates that ovulation has occurred.

To determine the duration of pregnancy, do not take into account the day of intercourse. It does not necessarily coincide with the date of conception: once in the uterus, sperm can live there for up to 7 days, waiting for the release of the egg from the ovary. Therefore, in order to become pregnant, it is better to have intimacy a few days before ovulation than after it.

The date of the last menstrual period is taken into account by obstetricians around the world to establish the exact duration of pregnancy. All your doctor needs to know from you is the date of the first day of your last menstrual period. From this moment, the term of your pregnancy begins to be counted. This method can be considered quite accurate, because it is from the first day of the menstrual cycle that an egg begins to develop, which will then be fertilized by a sperm.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then the doctor uses additional methods to determine the exact duration of pregnancy: examination, ultrasound, hCG analysis.

The test will help to determine the exact period of pregnancy even before going to the antenatal clinic. The principle of operation of digital pregnancy tests is the same: they detect the presence in the urine HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin... This hormone, which begins to be produced by the body only during pregnancy, is simply absent in non-pregnant women. From the moment of fertilization of the egg, its number doubles every 2 days and becomes maximum at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy.

It is best to test in the morning when the urine is most concentrated. However, there are inkjet tests that are very sensitive. They can be done at any time of the day. After the urine is absorbed into a special strip, the test will begin its work. After a few minutes, the test result will appear on the LCD screen, indicating the possible gestational age. Usually the test has 3 options: 1 - 2 weeks, 2 - 3 weeks, 3 weeks or more.

Ultrasound procedure

The most reliable method for determining the duration of pregnancy at an early stage is ultrasound (ultrasound). Up to 7-8 weeks in most women, the embryo grows at the same rate, so its size will be approximately the same. This is the only method that allows you to exclude a frozen and ectopic pregnancy and find out the location of the fetus.

During the next ultrasound (at 20 and 30 weeks), the size of the fetus in women of different ages and with different body weights will differ. Also, a significant role is played by the ethnicity of the patient, the weight of the mother and father at birth, etc. Thus, at a later date, babies develop very individually and may have different sizes at the same time.

Gynecological examination

At the first visit to the antenatal clinic, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination. It helps to establish the approximate gestational age, find out the location of the fetus. During pregnancy up to 6 weeks, the uterus is slightly enlarged. At 8 weeks, she becomes the size of a goose egg, and at 10 weeks - already the size of a woman's fist. When the gestation period reaches 12 weeks, the doctor, during an external examination on the couch, with the help of a measuring tape, easily determines the height of the fundus of the uterus.

By the movement of the fetus

The first fetal movement is not a very accurate date for determining pregnancy. Usually, pregnant women begin to feel the movements of the baby in the womb at 18 - 20 weeks, but thin patients may feel this a little earlier - from 16 weeks.

How to calculate the gestational age?

The total duration of pregnancy is 280 days or 10 lunar months.

You can find out the due date using a simple formula: - 3 + 7. Subtract three months from the first day of the menstrual cycle and add 7 days. The resulting date will be the approximate due date.

Usually, to determine the duration of pregnancy, the gynecologist uses not one, but several methods, which increases the accuracy of the calculation.

The most reliable methods are considered to determine the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound and the day of ovulation (conception)

Quite often it happens that the date of birth of the baby does not coincide with the date set by the doctor. The reason for this lies not at all in an error, but in the fact that the period of intrauterine development of the fetus can be from 38 to 42 weeks. It depends on a large number of factors, including the patient's genetics.

That is why, at the first appointment, the doctor usually asks the question of how long the child's father and the woman herself were born. So if your baby was born a little earlier or later than the date prescribed by the doctor, you have no reason to worry.


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