The beginning of the 11 week of pregnancy sensations. Necessary medical observations, analyzes and surveys

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At the 11th week of pregnancy, the future mammy approaches the end of the first trimester. Many by many by this time swees toxicosis, the appetite is settled and the sharp change of mood is stopped. What else happens during this period with mom and baby find out in the article.

What happens in the body of a woman

At the eleventh week of pregnancy, the fruit is actively developing and growing rapidly. In this connection, the volume of the uterus is rapidly increasing. Many girls on this period already clearly visible a small tummy. Against the background of the growth of the childbearing organ, a woman often appears that the abdominal feeling is appear and in the lower back area. If the belly pulls periodically and this condition is not accompanied by bleeding and other negative feelings, no need to worry. This is a completely natural physiological process that occurs when cutting and stretching the muscles of the uterus.

The chest continues to increase. Milk glands become more sensitive, painful. Such changes are necessary for future lactation. Some women point out the amplification of the sensitivity of the nipples, the darkening of Areol, the appearance of veins on the chest.

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Often on the period of 11 weeks, digestion slows down in pregnant women. This is due to the development of some hormones, which relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs. In the development of constipation, the girl is recommended to reconsider their nutrition, saturate the ration of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as consuten enough liquid.

To light the chair during pregnancy, in no case can be used by enema. This procedure enhances the uterine tone.

11 week - how many months?

11 Obstetrics - this is a 9 embryonic week after conception or almost three months. That is, it's about the first trimester here.

If we talk about the eleventh embryonic week, then this is the beginning of the second trimester, that is, 13 obstetric week or three months and 7 days.

Mom feels

It is impossible to say for sure that those or other sensations are mandatory during this period. Many women do not have toxicosis and other charities of their interesting position. Others, on the contrary, fully acquainted with all the signs of the baby to wear. Let's consider the most frequent of the symptoms:

  • Diskforphic sensations in the pelvis and lower back area. When the uterus increases in size, it needs to shift slightly. For this, pelvic bones must push. Contributing to the doctor is in the situation when pains are strong, accompanied by bloody discharges.
  • At eleven weeks, the girl can still not leave nausea. It is necessary to suffer quite a bit, because by the beginning of the second trimester, toxicosis usually passes.
  • Immediately contact the gynecologist follows the detection of bleeding. This symptom often indicates a threat to the abortion of pregnancy or its fading.
  • At 11 week, a woman may experience weakness, apathy, drowsiness. Usually these signs subside to the end of the first trimester, if they did not subsigh or intensified, you need to consult with your doctor. Often, such a state indicates anemia.

If hgch sharply fell or its level is too low for eleven weeks, a woman needs to be examined to determine the causes of such a state.

In these pictures you can see how the crumb looks like an ultrasound

With multiple pregnancy, which often happens after Eco, ultrasound makes more often and the first screening is carried out earlier. In the photo you can see how twins look like.

It is still impossible to determine the sex of the child on this date.

Where is the uterus on this period

The volume of the orbown organ on this period is about 10% of the total volume of the uterus achieved by the appearance of the baby to the light. The organ is rapidly increasing as the fetus grows. The length of the crumbs is approximately 6 cm, and the weight is about 8 grams. The uterus takes the entire pelvic part. Now the uterus is located a few centimeters above the pubic level. In this regard, the rounded tummy is already clearly visible.

Baby for 11 weeks

The eleventh week of having a child marked the fact that the embryo on this period begins to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid. In other words, the fetus breathes under water. This process is necessary for normal growth and development of respiratory organs. What else is happening with the baby:

  • Due to the rapid development of the brain, the fruit head is still disproportionately high in relation to the body. Despite this, he already may well turn her, raise and lower.
  • Pens now longer legs. Later the lower limbs will stretch out. The kid actively flexs and extensions them.
  • The brain actively synthesizes the nerve impulses, scattered through the whole body. Karapuz already reacts to bright light and loud sounds.

By the end of the first trimester, all organs and systems are already formed, they continue to be improved.

Photo of animals

In full girls, the tummy during this period is noticeably rounded. In thin, it is noticeable, so it remains unnoticed, especially under wide clothing. A woman at the same time feels a lump inside. It is felt most clearly when trying to get started in the sitting position.

On this photo you can see how the tummy look like on week 11.

Cold on this period

Walled diseases on the first trimester should be treated under the doctor's supervision, even if the temperature rises to 37 degrees. This is due to the fact that viral diseases can provoke many complications in the child. Only a doctor may choose safe medicines allowed during the baby tool.

At home, a woman is recommended to drink plenty of liquid, saturate the diet with vitamins, relax more. If the temperature does not pass, there is a strong cough, headache and other alarming symptoms, you need to go to the hospital.

  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • vegetables and fruits in sire, boiled, baked form;
  • bakery products from coarse grinding flour;
  • dairy products;
  • diluted juices, herbal and green tea, compotes;
  • fish fatty varieties in small amounts, low-fat meat;
  • from sweets you can eat lollipops, halva, marmalade, flip, honey in small quantities.

If constipation arose, nutritionists are recommended to enter fresh beets, carrots, prunes, fermented milk products in the menu. Diarrhea requires exceptions from the menu of lightweight products. We must not forget that the fetus at this stage is actively formed by a skeleton. In this regard, mommy needs to use a sufficient number of products rich in calcium (milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and others).

The list of prohibited dishes should include fat, smoked, fried, too salted food. Refuse doctors recommend from sausage products, smoked cheese, marinades, conservation, new exotic fruits, raw fish and meat. It is prohibited during pregnancy alcohol and drinks with a large caffeine content.

Throughout the length of the baby, the baby can not forget about sufficient mobility and the right mode of operation and recreation. At 11 week, it is impossible to be strongly overwhelmed, the work should not be associated with intense physical exertion. Power sports, such as heavy athletics, struggle, raising the rods, skiing should be excluded. Allowed yoga, gymnastics, classes on phytball. It will be very useful to swim and walking.

For harmonious development of the fetus and well-being, a woman should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. The room should be well ventilated. An important role is played by the correct emotional attitude. With your fears and experiences, the girl should be divided with friends and loved ones. In addition, more time should be devoted to watching movies, reading the useful literature, listening to pleasant music. You can attend courses for pregnant women. All this will help to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

It is a rather difficult task of both moral and from a physical point of view. To cope with this will help compliance with uncomplicated recommendations in this responsible period:

  • more rest;
  • fit correctly;
  • try to eliminate stress and experiences;
  • refuse bad habits;
  • timely treat certain diseases;
  • we regularly attend the genikogue;
  • freshly walk in the fresh air more often;
  • observe sufficient motor activity.

The correct routine of the day, high-quality sleep and rest, as well as a positive emotional attitude - is the key to a healthy and happy pregnancy.


From this video you can learn more about the development of the fetus and the sensations of a woman in the eleventh week.

Mom on the 11th week of pregnancy

The quality of the accumulative (amniotic, from Greek. AMNion is a fruit sheath) of a liquid - an important component of the safe development of the baby. It consists of many components: proteins, carbohydrates, sugar, fats and hormones that feed the child until birth. What does "feed"? Here are just a few facts:

  • A certain amount of accumulating waters up to 24 weeks of pregnancy is absorbed through the skin of the baby (later the skin becomes impermeable for amniotic fluid, as its oroging).
  • Already from 9 weeks, taste buds appear on the tongue, and it begins to collect amniotic fluid. In recent months of pregnancy for 1 hour, the fruit swallows about 20 ml of spindlewater waters.

And in quantity, and in terms of quality, the accumulating waters change over the entire period of pregnancy. So, if at 10 weeks, the kid is quite enough 30 ml of an oily fluid, which reminds of the plasma (liquid part of the mother's blood without cells), then by 18 weeks it is already required by 400 ml, and two weeks before delivery is about 1500 ml. . In addition to the above components in the amniotic fluid, exfoliating epithelial cells of the child's skin are also detected, flush hair - lano, which covered the whole body of the baby until the last months before childbirth, the secrets of its sebaceous glands, etc. The concentration of one or another component of the accumulative water depends on the period of pregnancy.

In order for the baby to be comfortable in this "nutrient medium", it must not only be saturated with useful substances, but also to "update", including because during the day in recent months before childbirth, the baby allocates from 600 to 800 ml to the oily liquid urine. And therefore, you should:

  • drink no less than 2-2.5 liters per day;
  • the carbonated drinks are better to completely exclude from the diet - at least until the end of pregnancy and breastfeeding, since they are not useful to the baby nor you;
  • doctors willingly recommend drinking vitamin teas during pregnancy - the easiest and effective way of extracting useful and pleasant substances from plants. Herbal assistants contain many valuable substances necessary and growing person;
  • fruit juices are better to breed water - so they are better absorbed by the body, while the load on the organs separating enzymes for digesting the juice, for example, to the pancreas.

11 week of pregnancy: video "Screening of the first trimester"

11 week of pregnancy - the penultimate in the first trimester. This is the period when the first unrest is already behind: the fruit fell safely in the uterine cavity, it grows confidently and develops, and the future mother itself was finally accustomed to the thought that wears the baby under the heart. And although externally, it may still be unnoticed, the most important changes are constantly inside its body. We will find out which one.

How the fetus develops on week 11

At this time, pregnant women most often are interested in what is happening with the baby in 11 weeks of pregnancy. On this period, the fruit is experiencing a sharp leap of development. It was after 11 weeks that the embryo becomes a fruit and begins to look outwardly resemble a little man.

11 The obstetric week of pregnancy is a time when with a child there are many important changes. The fetus size at the 11th week of pregnancy is only 5-6 cm, and the weight is approximately 8 g. Despite the fact that the baby is still completely small, he already ends the formation of basic systems and organs, reflexes appear.

The future mother will be interested to know the following facts associated with the development of her child on this period:

  • at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the formation of a brain is completed, it clearly seen the separation on the left and right hemisphere and the cerebellum is already determined;
  • the genitals begin to be taken, but if you spend 11 weeks of pregnancy ultrasound on the period of 11 weeks, to see the gender of the baby will be very difficult. Even if the doctor conducting a study will announce his assumptions about the sexuality of the fetus, they will most likely turn out to be erroneous;
  • internal organs continue to develop intensively - liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • future dairy teeth are beginning to be laid in the guys;
  • the fetus arises graasing and sucking reflexes;
  • neck muscles are strengthened, and the child for 11 week begins to turn his head;
  • the crumbs appear hair bulbs, the development of hair and nails begins;
  • the baby moves freely in the uterine cavity and even touches her walls, but it's still not for her mom itself: in 11 weeks of pregnancy the fetus size is still too small.

The future mother, who wants to understand how her child looks like 11 weeks of pregnancy, you should know that his body is still folded disproportionately: in relation to the body, the head seems very big, and the legs are much shorter than the hands. By the way, the membrane, which were in the embryo between fingers, already disappear on this period.

In general, it can be said that the term of pregnancy is 11 weeks - this is a special stage in having to wear a child, in some way it is considered an important line: at this time the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy passes and the laying of all vital systems is gradually completed.

What does the future mother feel?

What are the sensations of a woman during pregnancy for 11 weeks? 11 Week can become for a future mother suffering toxicosis, thereby having a moment when this unpleasant symptom will finally stop manifest.

Of course, some can be maintained up to 14 weeks, but still usually by the end of 11-12 weeks the woman's well-being is normalized, and therefore she often arises a tide of strength and a desire to remake the lot of things.

A cheerful mood at the future mother is, of course, it's fine, but do not forget that overvoltage can cause a threat to miscarriage, so on this period you need to take care of at least at the first weeks of pregnancy.

Due to the characteristic changes occurring in the body, a woman can feel the following signs of pregnancy for 11 weeks:

  • constipation and meteorism;
  • increased sweating;
  • deterioration or, on the contrary, improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails (depends on the individual characteristics of the body);
  • breast augmentation;
  • headaches;
  • changing the figure in connection with increasing the uterus and an increase in body weight.

Some symptoms may not be too pleasant for the future mother (for example, increased gas formation or the appearance of skin problems), others will delight. So, at the 11th week of pregnancy, the chest finally ceases to hurt, and the sensitivity of the nipples decreases. Already on this period you can see that liquid is released from dairy ducts: this is a colostrum, a harbinger of milk, and its appearance is absolutely normal, so nothing needed to do here. Also change on the 11th week of pregnancy sensations relating to the bladder: the uterus begins to rise into the abdominal region, so somewhat reduces their pressure on the nearby organ, and the amount of urination is reduced.

Proper nutrition at the 11th week of pregnancy is one of the conditions of good well-being and full development of the fetus. As well as throughout the gestational period, on the table of a pregnant woman in sufficient quantities should be attended:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • non-fat fish;
  • milk products.

But from food, which causes constipation and bloating, it is better to refuse. This refers here:

  • white cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • baking;
  • fat and smoked dishes.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the time when the future mother should think about buying special clothes for pregnant women, because very soon her tummy will begin noticeably rounded. Even if the visible changes in the waist area is not yet observed, the excessive pressure of the fabric can deliver discomfort to the woman itself and not in the best way to affect the state of the uterus, so it is better to give up the tight things in favor of comfortable and free wardrobe items.

What you should pay attention to

It should be aware that 11 weeks of pregnancy features also has. Its beginning can carry some possibility of complications, although it is characterized by a decrease in the risk of miscarriage, so the pregnant woman needs to be carefully referred to its state so that in the case of need to appeal to medical care.

Strong sharp abdominal pain should be a reason for the immediate challenge of the ambulance brigade. You can not hesitate if such sensations of women are also accompanied by bloody secretions.

This may be a sign of a starting miscarriage, and the score in this case goes to hours. It must be remembered that it is often a pregnancy at 11 weeks to preserve only thanks to the timely intervention of qualified specialists.

It is necessary to follow the vaginal discharge. Normally, 11 week is accompanied by dense abundant discharges of light color (white). But if the character of white changes, an impurity of a pus, an unpleasant smell or cotton consistency appears, this may indicate the development of an infection that needs to be immediately treated so that it does not get to the fetus. Otherwise, unforeseen complications may occur.

In general, any unpleasant symptoms, especially those associated with the work of the uterus and other internal organs, must encourage a pregnant woman as soon as possible to see the doctor. Treating any diseases on this period should be carried out in a timely and efficient to avoid the pathologies of the fetus development.

What happens to the belly

Many women may notice that the belly on the 11th week of tooling the baby

already begins to get out a little forward. Of course, the case is not at all that the child at 11 weeks has already grew so much that it gives to know about himself in this way. On the growth of the tummy during this period, the uterus is most influenced, which has already risen from a small pelvic up and increased, adjusting to the growing fruit and the increase in the volume of spindlewater waters. The size of the uterus at the 11th week of pregnancy ranges from 10 to 12 cm.

Slender women have a growing uterus can already look like a small holly len over the pubic.

However, this is not at all necessary: \u200b\u200bsome future mothers, being already on a large period of pregnancy, admit that they have not seen any "holmiks" and "tubercles", and the stomach immediately began to get forward. True, a few weeks later. If a woman is waiting for the birth of twins, her tummy at week 11 is already impressive rounded.

In fact, the complete lack of stomach growth, and a slightly increased volume in this area is completely normal phenomena that depend on the individual characteristics of the pregnancy and the body of the future mother. It should be borne in mind that if the fruit is attached to the front wall of the uterus, the tummy begins to grow earlier.

Shelling on this period is still impossible to feel. All the woman takes the movement of the fetus is actually due to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increased gas formation.

Since the belly at the 11th week of pregnancy is already beginning to increase, it's time to take care of the prevention of stretch marks. To do this, use a special moisturizing and nutrient cosmetics for future mothers. Do not forget that not only the belly, but also the buttocks, hips and chest, is growing, but therefore these sites also need to regularly apply a means against stretch marks.

Surveys for 11 weeks

The term of pregnancy is 11 weeks - this is the time when the future mother can send to a special integrated examination, intended for early detection of malformations of the fetus - the first screening. For this, a woman will have to pass 2 stages: go to the ultrasound and pass the blood from the vein on the biochemistry.

The first screening allows you to identify such pathology as a Down syndrome, Edwards Syndrome, the malformations of the nervous tube and a number of other serious disorders in the development of the baby.

Ultrasound for 11 weeks is necessary in order to evaluate how fruit develops. The specialist will evaluate several indicators at once.

  1. Firstly, the physique of the baby, its growth and weight, as well as the presence and location of the organs are considered.
  2. Secondly, the blood supply to the uterus and the placenta is estimated.
  3. And finally, thirdly, the thickness of the collar space (cervical fold) is calculated on the ultrasound. If this parameter does not comply with the standards, there is a risk that the baby can be born with chromosomal anomalies.

In the analysis of the blood of specialists will be interested in 2 indicators: the amount of plasma protein and the level of hCG. The low level of hCG may be a sign of disorders of the placenta, and the high characterizes the presence of genetic anomalies in the fetus. A large amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a pregnant woman may also be evidence of multiple pregnancy. The reduced level of plasma protein is the signal of the risk of developing congenital malformations.

It should be borne in mind that, according to the results of the first screening, it will not be a terrible diagnosis of a pregnant woman. To confirm the presence of pathology for the appointment of a doctor, additional research will be carried out (most often - amniocentesis, that is, the study of the arrogant fluid). In addition, it will be necessary to visit genetics.

11 weeks - an important stage in the formation of the baby and in the flow of all pregnancy. The second trimester is not far off - the most quiet period in the life of the future mommy. In the meantime, she should take care of her child to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and fresh air and was maximally protected from the effects of harmful substances, because its further development depends on these factors.

11 An obstetric week is 9 weeks from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as 11 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation. Menstruation delay is 7 weeks. Your baby continues to actively develop and already on this period, the boys begin to differ from the girls, although it is still impossible to define the gender, your future baby.

Full dimensions

What happens to the fruit

The body of the baby has already formed, up to a unique drawing on the pads and marigolds on the legs. The child is growing rapidly. Rising kid approximately with your thumb.

But so far it looks not very proportionally. This week, the fruit begins to move in response to exterior stimuli - loud sound, sharp movements Mom, mother cough, shaking. Movement of the baby becomes more distinct. Now, if he suddenly touches the soles of the legs of the fallopian wall, he will try to push it away from it. He is able to quickly change the position of the body in the uterine cavity, helping the legs of the legs. If the baby is pulling, then his handles and legs can save a fixed pose within a few seconds. The baby has already learned to swallow, and now its intestines and kidneys begins to function. The development of the body of the kid is promoted by gigantic steps - he already has an olfactory sense, it can even respond differently to different odors. Food that mother uses during this period becomes a familiar child. If she for some reason will change the diet after childbirth, the child can abandon breast milk, because it will have a completely different taste than the one to which he is used.

Of the features of this period, the formation of the eye is ends, a rainbow shell is formed (the so-called part of the eyeball, looking at the color of which we usually determine the color of human eyes). It is also important that the cardiovascular system of the fetus is actively working, providing blood supply to organs and tissues. However, unlike an adult organism, there is still no clear distinction for arterial and venous blood.

What does a child look like

The body of the embryo in this period is straightened. He can already raise his head, marked her neck, and the spine straightened somewhat. The neck becomes stronger, as the baby is already trying to raise his head. The handles and legs are still short, (and the hands are longer than the legs), but they already have formed fingers, this week they are already well developed and separated by each other. Palms are also developing very actively, there is a grateful reaction. The baby's head remains very large in relation to the body - it is approximately half of the whole body of the kid. Liccino gained human features, but still looks very strange: the eyes are large and spread out, covered with centuries. He will open them not soon. The fruit can already move, sneeze, easily and quickly change their position. Of course, it is still too small, so that you can feel something. The genitals are not allowed to accurately determine the sex of the future child, but the boys are already different from girls.

By completion of the term of 11 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal length will be almost 6-8 centimeters, its weight is about 12 grams.

Future development

It is this week that important processes occur:

  • The fruit begins to feel the smells - in the nasal strokes get the oily water, and the baby can react to the change of your composition of food, it already forms taste addiction.

  • A diaphragm is formed, so the kid often wants. It is a pity that it is not yet possible to feel.

  • The digestive tract develops. The rectum is formed.

  • With the eleventh week of pregnancy, the kidney begins at the child. The work of the kidneys began on previous weeks of development, but at the eleventh week they will produce urine, and it will in turn will be exitted into the oily water.

  • This week, the kid will often swallow the oily fluid.

  • The liver of the fetus at this time is very actively growing and takes 10% of the entire body.

  • A child's heart is reduced with a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute. He already has four chambers, but the hole between the left and right hearts is still preserved. Because of this, venous and arterial blood is mixed with each other.

  • The number of blood vessels in the placenta is rapidly increasing rapidly. The kid's skin is still very thin and transparent, the blood vessels are clearly shouted through it clearly.

  • The skeleton is strengthened, fine joints begin to form. Therefore, my mother should not be neglected with food containing calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

  • The genitals begin to form, but so far it is definitely impossible to determine the sex of the future child. However, in some cases, boys at this stage are already beginning to differ from girls.

  • At the 11th week of pregnancy, voice ligaments are launched.

  • The formation of the eye ends, a rainbow shell is formed. It defines the color of the human eye.

  • The brain of the fetus by this week is formed, two hemispheres and cerebellum are clearly defined in it (it is responsible for coordination of movements).

  • Tactile receptors appear on the palms of the fetus, and it begins to feel the touch of spindle water, umbilical cord, etc. Teacher and olfactory receptors are formed.

  • The blood of the fetus is very different from the blood of an adult. Its development occurs gradually: on the 8th week of pregnancy, red blood tales appear (red blood cells), on the 14-18 week of pregnancy - white blood taurus (leukocytes). Under the period of 14 weeks of pregnancy, the hemoglobin content in the blood of the fetus is very low, but by the time it increases.

  • The first lymphocytes appearing in the blood, help develop immunity in the baby.

  • Reflexes are actively developing in the fetus: sucking (manifested by the movements of the lips) and grasing (marked with the movements of tiny fingers).

What happens in the body of a woman

Despite the fact that you still do not look like a pregnant woman, that is, your tummy is hardly very noticeable to others, but you have already completely got talked with your position and feel yourself for a real pregnant! Although, the uterus on this period has not yet left the limits of a small pelvis, depending on the body's constitution, some women have something similar to "pregnant tummy": the belly is slightly starting to drink, as if "hinting" that after a few weeks he It will grow significantly more. Somewear can become cramped.

You may notice that hair and nails have changed their condition for the better or worse. Do not be mistaken and do not impose: in any case, this phenomenon is temporary and after delivery it will gradually pass. But it can not but rejoice that the fatness of the skin gradually decreases - the bold gloss disappears, the skin becomes land, disappear and acne disappear, if such happened a couple of weeks ago.

The eleventh week, as a rule, for those women who suffered from toxicosis, brings some relief. But, unfortunately, not everyone can easily forget about this unpleasant phenomenon. Many will continue to suffer to 14 weeks of pregnancy, and perhaps even more. Unfortunately, nothing can be done with this, it remains only to tolerate.

You can disturb constipation and heartburn. These are optional symptoms, but 11 weeks may be accompanied by similar ailments. This is due to the effect of hormones.

May be bothered. By 11 week, it will be enlarged already at least 1 size and still very sensitive. There may be releases from the nipples, they are also the norm, so it should not do anything with them. Do not squeeze any of the chest! If the selection is dirty your lingerie, then buy special boosters in the pharmacy. Mososy (namely, it is called these very allocations) stands out during the whole pregnancy up to childbirth.

Increases the volume of circulating blood. Because of this, most women sweat abundantly, testing the inner heat and drink a lot of fluid.

But urination most likely comes to normal. The uterus grows as the fetus grows, the enlarged uterus begins to rise into the abdominal cavity, ceasing to put pressure on the bladder. Thus, changes in the urination frequency are observed: now the need to remove the "little" for the future mom several less often.

But the psycho-emotional state of mom gradually stabilizes. However, the support and understanding of the spouse will be needed throughout the entire period.

On this period of pregnancy, you can start "feeling your back", especially if before it was not all right.

If you are waiting for twins, the uterus has already left the limits of a small pelvic, and the tummy is clearly noticeable. It is now raised above the pubic level by 3-4 cm. Of course, heels are still impossible to feel. Those who are waiting for twins are somewhat higher than the risk of interrupts, for this reason especially take care of yourself. Otherwise, your condition and sensations do not differ from the fact that women feel waiting for one baby.

Good to know

The eleventh week is also very important in that it is during this period that you will say the exact duration of pregnancy. It is important to know that after the 12th week the accuracy of the calculation of the deadlines is much reduced.


As for external changes, they are still noticeable. Although your baby grows really quickly, and the uterus takes almost the entire pelvis area and it can be easily forgotten. For some pregnant women, tummy tested for this period, and other similar changes are not particularly observed.

Watch out for the state of the oral cavity, since the possible development of infection will negatively affect the normality of the development of the baby and is even able to cause any pathology. If you need to treat your teeth, inform the dentist about its position - anesthesia very negatively affects the fruit. We should not yet resort to medication and anesthesia treatment (for example, at the reception at the dentist). Because these events are permissible only after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Watch your diet, try to exclude sharp, oily, fried dishes from the diet and eat right.

Do not eat and do not drink a lot of fluid overnight - constipation and edema can develop at any week of pregnancy.

When heartburn, give up fried, pickled, smoked, abundantly arched food spices. Also refrain from sour fruits and drinks, do not drink carbonated water. Try after eating for some time not to lean forward. With the appearance of heartburn before bedtime, put another pillow under the head.

Prevent the pain in the back or facilitate the already arising painful sensations will help the products containing calcium: dairy products, nuts, do not be afraid to get enough of your dishes with greens. If pregnancy proceeds without complications you can make a light massage of the back, make a special set of exercises for pregnant women daily. If you practiced to pregnancy yoga, you can perform individual asans and during a "interesting situation", but only after consulting a doctor.

If you have become often sweating, go to clothing from natural materials. It is "breathing" in it, and sweating decreases. If possible, we take a shower 2-3 times a day, change underwear during the day, and if necessary and clothing.

To avoid the development of varicose veins, eliminate the severity in the legs, fatigue, it is recommended to do several times a day with the legs of the ice cubes, a contrasting shower on the legs, followed by rubbing them with a rigid towel. In this period of pregnancy, the future mother may notice his eath on his legs, as she should immediately tell their doctor. To avoid delay of extra fluid in the body, make in advance the prevention of edema, a woman can use tea lingonberry or tea carcade several times a day.

It is time to make a prevention of various consequences of pregnancy. For example, it's time to do your skin. Stretching on the skin can be prevented and preventing their appearance.

What is stretching, and how to deal with them?

As the stretch marks appear when a person adds dramatically in weight. During pregnancy, the uterus increases and the abdominal wall is stretched with it. If the stomach is growing rapidly, then with insufficiently elastic leather, stripes appear (Stria). Stretch marks appear from the fact that the connecting and elastic skin elements stretched. That is, the skin did not have time to prepare for the rapid growth of the uterus and a significant set of weight. Externally, the skin does not break, its inner layer is damaged, pink, red-bugs with a bluish scarm with a bluish sampling are shocking through the epidermis. At the first stage, at the first stage, it is for this reason that possess a pink or red tint. Further, when these "gaps" are healing, the blood grads die in them, and Stryy whites. This is especially striking after tanning.

To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, you need to have elastic healthy skin. The quality of the skin is due to genetically, and if Mom had a lot of stretch marks, you will have to make a maximum of effort to prevent this phenomenon.

Video blog - how to fight stretch marks

If, before time, when the stretch marks on the stomach are formed, it is still very far away, then the first signs of the crimps may appear on significantly increasing milk glasses. To avoid this trouble, prevent the formation of stretch marks on the chest, and later - on the abdomen and hips, the future mother should be patient and the arsenal of special cosmetics. Stretch marks appear when the skin has low elasticity, and under the action of stretching it is easily "divergent" in the inner layer, forming strips, tightening in the further connective tissue.


The threat of interrupting pregnancy is still preserved, the bubble skid may be diagnosed, it may be diagnosed with a bubble drift, it can give itself to know the hypotension of pregnant women, varicose veins.

Good to know

You should not disturb any pain. In addition to toxicosis, you should not have any unpleasant sensations, with any other discomfort, contact your doctor. Do not suffer pain, which in no case should not disturb you, do not risk your health and life of your baby.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, although already the main threat of miscarriage behind, a woman should carefully monitor the discharge from the genitals. Instant response requires the appearance of a pregnant woman on 11 weeks of brave brown or bleeding. Blood discharge, even in minor quantities, but accompanied by pain in the stomach, indicate the threat of premature spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. Without medical care in such a situation, you can lose the child. Perhaps you will even be put on saving.


If you are on this period, and still have not been from a doctor, it's time to register in a female consultation or another clinic, where they offer pregnancy. There you will be inspected and prescribed, in addition to screening ultrasound, a number of laboratory research: a general analysis of blood and urine, a test for coagulation, biochemical study, etc. It is possible to read in the past weeks of our calendar of pregnancy.

"Double test" () - survey aimed at identifying the defects of fetal development. In pregnant women take blood from veins, and determine the amount (hCG) and PAPP-A (protein associated with pregnancy). According to the results of this test, it is only possible to make an assumption about the presence of congenital malformations of the fetus, a more detailed examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis.


The period from 11 to 14 week is the right time to go on the first screening ultrasound. If pregnancy flows normally, there is no particular sense to be examined before this period; The procedure carried out before the occurrence of 11 weeks is fully justified only if there are signs of certain violations in the future mother, first of all, pain in the abdomen and bleeding. But, if a woman successfully moves to 11 weeks without any complaints and reasons for concern, on this date it, without fearing possible harm and not doubting the benefits of the procedure, for the first time will be able to watch his child.

What does this study evaluate?

First of all, the sizes of the uterus and their compliance with the term, as well as the presence of a fetus in the uterus (or fruits) and its detailed, as far as possible, the structure. When ultrasound, the doctor determines the heartbeat and movement of the child, indicating that he is viable and everything is in order with him. Visible organs are also evaluated: brain, bladder, intestines, etc. Of great importance is the measurement of the collar zone ("neck" of the fetus) and determining the size of the nose bones, their changes can talk about the presence of chromosomal anomalies.

In general, the first screening ultrasound gives not all information about the structure and development of the baby, but it successfully fulfills the tasks that are assigned to it:

  • diagnose pregnancy

  • determine the term of pregnancy

  • detect the first signs of development anomalies.

With an ultrasound of 11 weeks of pregnancy, you can still see a yoyful bag. It can be consolidated, but it does not permanently perform the function of breathing and nutrition. In the ovaries, with ultrasound of the fetus, a yellow body is practically defined in 11 weeks of pregnancy, because Hormonal pregnancy support took over the placenta (Chorion). The uterus with the ultrasound of the fetus in 11 weeks of pregnancy is equal to 10.5-12 cm. Its upper edge now comes to the top edge of the Lonnoye.

How to spend an ultrasound for 11 weeks

On the 11th week, the uterus does not go beyond the limits of a small pelvis, so sometimes the study is made by a transabdominal sensor (through the skin of the abdomen), and sometimes transvaginal, depending on the patient there is a uterus, which is attached to the forming placenta and, based on the wall This, how well it is possible to consider the structures of the child's body.

In the first case, a conductive gel is applied to the lower part of the belly of women and move the sensor along this area; Sometimes to prepare for such a study, it is recommended to pre-fill the bladder. Transvaginal ultrasound is done otherwise, when it is conducted, a special sensor is introduced into the vagina; Such a sensor allows you to better inspect the necessary formations, so this type of procedure may prefer to transabdominal ultrasound.

In any case, ultrasound diagnostics lasts about 8-10 minutes, after which the woman is issued to the conclusion of a specialist, which reflects everything he saw.

What does a child look like on ultrasound

The growth of the child for a period of 11 weeks (more precisely, not an increase, and the Copchiko-Dark Size) is 4.5-5 cm. The bookmark of the main bodies is coming to complete, soon the likelihood of the appearance of violations associated with the violation of this process will be reduced to a minimum.

The baby, mostly, there are all the necessary organs and parts of the body, and, looking through the screen of the ultrasonic apparatus on his profile, the doctor and the future mother can clearly see the head, nose, lips, handles, legs, and even fingers on them.

The main parameters studied for ultrasound

  • The size of the uterus for 11 weeks can vary from 10.5 to 12 centimeters.

  • The most important is the measurement of the Copchiko-Dread Size - CTR (the length of the fetus from the head to the tailbone, the legs are not taken into account because they are still too small). A normal indicator of the CTR is the size of 35 to 50 millimeters at the very beginning of the eleventh week and from 37 to 55 millimeters at the end.

  • The next very important parameter is to measure the thickness of the collar space (TVP). On the rear surface of the cervix on the period of 11 weeks there is a cluster of a fluid forming a fold, the thickness of which is measured on the ultrasound (norm to 2 mm). Thickening this fold makes it possible to suspect the development of chromosomal deviations, in particular Down syndrome.

  • The fetal heart rate at the 11th week of pregnancy, determined on the ultrasound, should be within 140-160 beats per minute.

  • The sizes of the baby at the eleventh week are visible in the photo and are determined by the following numbers - height 55-57, weight up to 12 gr., Brg (biparity head size) up to 19 mm, thigh length up to 8 mm, chest girth to 19-20 mm.

It is very important to identify the CTR and the TVP at the 11th week of pregnancy, since, starting from 13 weeks, the movements of the fetus become more active, which makes it difficult to determine the coccicco-darken size, and the fold on the neck begins to dissolve.

Possible pathology on ultrasound

Symptoms of pathology can be reduced mobility and frequency of toddler palpitations above or below the norm, as well as reduced body sizes; These changes suggest that the child has disrupted with the mother's organism, it is not enough food and oxygen, and all this may be threatened with further normal course of pregnancy.

Such disorders can be caused by different reasons: detachment in the place of the placenta formed, thrombosis in its vessels, etc. In any case, signs of disadvantage from the child should be a reason for the examination of the patient and finding a possible treatment.

Pathological changes may also consist in the fact that the specialist detects rough changes in the structure of the body of the baby, an increase in the size of the collar space or other signs indicating the likely (with an accuracy of 100% ultrasound can not say this) the presence of chromosomal disorders. In such cases, the patient is sent to the consultation to genetics, and he determines the risk of a kid with a hereditary disease.

The procedure also allows you to establish pathology from the motherboard: the presence of a miom in the wall of the uterus, the inflammatory process in the ovaries, etc.

How to prepare for ultrasound

If the kid's dad wants to make a company of a future mother, it is not necessary to refuse him. Presence on ultrasound helps a man better understand the problems of a pregnant woman and feel a deeper connection with her child and get his photo. The first ultrasound, which is carried out on the 11th week of pregnancy, takes from 10 to 15 minutes and the preparation for it depends on the research method.

If ultrasound diagnostics is carried out by a transvaginal method (by introducing a special sensor in the vagina), no special preparation for the procedure is required. It is believed that it is better to carry out such a study with an emptied rectum. Therefore, if there are constipation, it is necessary to take a soft laxative per day before the alleged procedure.

When conducting a study at 11 weeks, through a standard sensor, it is necessary to accept such inconvenience as a filled bladder. A special gel is applied on the skin of the abdomen. The ultrasonic sensor is carried out several times, while the image of the baby can be seen on the monitor.

If the figures of your crumbs differ slightly from the generally accepted norm, you must additionally consult with your doctor. You may have to go through an additional examination. If there are pronounced deviations, consultations of highly specialized specialists will be required to eliminate the presence of chromosomal pathologies.

If on the 11th week you passed the first screening, next time, with the normal course of pregnancy, you will return to the ultrasound Cabinet in 20-24 weeks to look at your child again, get information about his condition and find out who you will have - Son or daughter.

Video - what can be seen on the first ultrasound


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