Relationships went to a dead end: what to do, signs of "alarming bell". Relationships went to a dead end: what psychologists advise

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People meet each other and understand that they are not going to be separated in the near future. And, indeed, everything happens just perfectly. Love, proposal of hands and hearts, even quarrels passing into violent reconciliation. However, passes for several years and it turns out that the pair is no longer what. A man and a woman still need each other, but understanding why they remain together, no longer. Much did not come true, and already, as clearly, both will not come true. Sometimes these dreams were precisely the fact that they tied people from the very beginning. Then their relationships are deprived of meaning. Let's talk about what to do if the relationship went into a dead end.

Causes, starting a pair of deadlock

The most common cause of such a situation is the absence of a desire to change any of the members of the couple.

A similar situation is able to take the point that:

  • words do not correspond to reality;
  • people tighten the fulfillment of promises;
  • a man refuses to marry;
  • the couple does not have the opportunity to live together;
  • one of them is bound by marriage and does not want to divorce;
  • spouse does not improve material conditions of existence;
  • someone in the family does not want to work;
  • life interests diverged;
  • everyone with his relatives;
  • children grew up and left parental house and etc.

Most often, unfulfilled promises are set up in a dead end. Love remains, it is also strong, but no longer brings nothing but pain and suffering. Relationships are generally not bad. The man is trying in every possible way to upset his guilt, but the most important thing is missing and in the future it is not even on the agenda. To dream and move on nowhere. The worst thing is that people even stop quarrel, because they understand that this problem will not solve. Both are closed in themselves. Inevitably comes cooling.

No less adversely approved, but for a long time Not performed promises. Often the concrete goal is made, which can bring attitudes on new level. But only one thing is interested in it. The second person for sight supports him in such an intention, but all his words are false. This is capable of being the birth of children, getting higher education, moving to another city or country.

It happens that the guy and the girl have long become the bride and groom, they congratulated close and friends, and they still can not be combined with marriage.

Or a man promises a woman to move to new apartment. Money is clustered, housing is looking, but for some kind of reasons he does not make such a step.

Another option is able to be an oath to the wife to throw a mistress, but pass years, and he is still connected with her.

Attempts to frankly talk stumble upon permanent excuses. A person assures that everything will be as needed, appoints new terms and again breaks them. If people do not part, they lose interest to each other and are increasingly moving away.

Essence of a stupid situation

In these cases, the question of whether the relationship should be preserved.

First you need to analyze the following questions:

  • Is love strong as in the first years. If the person of the roads, along with all its shortcomings, and he forgive him again and again, it is worth a seriously talking among themselves and develop new joint goals. It is important that negative character traits do not destroy the relationship, and served as an addition to the disadvantages and advantages of another person.
  • It is advisable to find out why people did not part immediately as soon as difficulties were outlined. If they can discuss unpleasant themes without slapping the door and leave, then the pair still has the potential. If the question of the divorce has already got up earlier, but they concluded that the connection does not want to break, such a signal indicates that the difficulties are overcome. Each of the loving cannot be replaced by someone else. They are ideal partners.
  • It is important whether their intimate relations. If sex does not bind people, but serves only a formal responsibility, then the relationship is unlikely to be able to save. People should be good together, otherwise everything loses its meaning. If they do not get pleasure from the deepest experiences, it means there remains very little of what keeps them together. Any quarrel can be overcome at night. A couple in which there is no harmony, there is no such tool of reconciliation.
  • It is very important whether people are developing with the same speed or someone grows, and the other froze in place. In this case, new horizons open for one, and the second is deeper incurred into its own kille. There is a feeling that the one who went further, there is a heavy load, which he is forced to drag behind him in life and from which he cannot get rid of. It is also important that people have common friends or everyone has found their own circle of communication and does not seek to include a spouse in it.
  • It is worth finding out if a pair of topics remained for conversations or everything spins around the household problems and unfulfilled promises. People move forward as if in the inertia and first do not notice the changes. When their attention stops on this issue, it is usually too late. If the relationship did not come out of the crisis during six months, then, most likely, the connection came to an end.
  • It is advisable to understand whether close person Easy the life of another, whether he is sick for him, whether he seeks to be aware of all his affairs and ideas. If, in addition to sex and promises, a couple more nothing holds together, it is unlikely that something can take them out of a dead end. Especially difficult relationships are becoming if only someone loves. He values \u200b\u200bmarriage, tries to save him, and the other just ignores all attempts.
  • It is very important how often quarrels arise in a pair. No need to think that such clarifications are uniquely destructive phenomenon. If people conflict, then they are not indifferent to each other and try to solve the vital questions for them. As soon as the number of scandals decrease sharply, this signal becomes anxious. It should also be paid to how long the discordes continue and how reconciliation occurs. Do people move pity, love or excessive gullibility. In any case, if the passion has not yet dried, the couple has a future.

What to do if the relationship went to a dead end

The question is sharply assessed: save complex relations Or tear them.

Do not take for cooling the transition of feelings in a calm harbor. It is especially difficult to survive such changes in pairs that in love for a long time There was a real passion. It is not easy to get used to the quiet course of life in this case. Partners begin to worry, did anyone appear anyone else and did their joint feelings cooled. It is very important to easily remind the spouse about how it is important, how much in it needs and that the life of the apodium is no longer possible.

If the love was not initially, it should not be attempted to keep the relationships do not bring joy. In this case, a dead end is just the opportunity to part with a truly close partner and find a person who really will be sincerely tied. Do not think about the fact that the marriage has already entered the habit, it is convenient and I do not want to look for someone else. Over time, everything will not be better. Most likely, the spouse, experiencing the same feelings, first find a replacement and then the situation will complicate many times.

Thus, if the relationship came into a dead end, it makes a hard, but not a hopeless situation. It is possible that there was simply a new round of development, to which people just did not have time to adapt. Instead of insane love, proximity, affection and friendship came. In reality, strong feelings They did not disappear anywhere, they simply took a different form.

It is advisable to understand such new way There is no existence and reassure each other by the fact that parting does not threaten neither in the near future or in the distant future. If people truly love and want to stay together, they can survive any crises.

But deadlock, nevertheless, something more, and it is not always easy to escape without loss. It is necessary to work out a new strategy for the development of relationships, get used to the routine or, if nothing happens, part. It is impossible to pretend that cooling and suggestion that came to replace passion and there is something that people sought from the very beginning.

Therefore, the sooner they will find new goals, the better their relations will be formed. A good way to overcome the impasse can be a new task: keep love forever and pass life Path together to the very end.

The beginning of the relationship is almost always filled with happiness and love. But the moment comes when the couple notices that they stand still, and their relationship has ceased to develop. If the feelings have not lost their sharpness, young people will quickly find a way out. They will come up with something new, interesting for both of them or goal. After all, the construction of relationships is the task of two, and alone cannot be saved. So that they do not go to the dead end, you need to work on them together. And if one wants to continue them, and the other just swims downstream, then they will end with a painful gap.

What should I pay attention to?

The period of romance is replaced by more relaxed trusty and harmonious relationsAnd sometimes - a feeling of emptiness. Yesterday happy couple Suddenly understands that they do not see further development and went into a dead end. They face disappointment, offended and desire to part forever. But you should not immediately lower your hands. If you do not learn to establish relationships, the next attempt will also be failed. A mature inhistricant person will always try to restore harmony and return the former feelings.

There are two options in a deadlock in a deadlock:

  1. 1. After a quarrel I do not want to see each other. The misunderstandings occur more and more and very much. Hate appears, malice and desire to part. In such cases, parting is the only way out of the impasse, and it's time to put the point in the relationship.
  2. 2. The scandal does not cause a desire to part. Partners are trying in all ways to convey their thought and want to be understood. With the help of high tones, they are trying to finish each other and come to mutual understanding. This kind of difficulty relationship requires the help of a psychologist and has every chance of restoring harmony.

During a quarrel, it is necessary to take emotions under control and not responding to reproaches too sharply. Do not close during the resentment, but learn to listen and correctly express your feelings. The guy and the girl will not find mutual understanding if they won't hear each other.

Relationship with married man

How to get out of a dead end?

The psychology of the relationship that came to a dead end has several signs and ways to solve. With the help of a psychologist and his desire, it is possible to find a way out of the impasse and resume harmony and mutual understanding.

Signs that say that love relationship Located in a dead end:

Signs Behavior Decision
Relationships become confusingFrom the moment of the beginning of the relationship, a lot of time passed, and the guy does not offer anything and does not speak of a joint futureView the future together and try to see your pair in ten to twenty years. It is very important to be able to build mutual plans to understand whether to continue the relationship
There is no durable connectionCouple formed on physical imposition. Young people saw sexually in each other attractive people. Over time, physical beauty came and wanted peace of mindThe flame of passion must be signed something, and to reach a new level, contact points are needed, common interests and goals
There is a desire to spend more time without a loved one.Being at a distance, a person does not bored at all, but on the contrary, he understands that he is comfortable and more interesting in one of the partner in societyDecide whether there are feelings and what they are. Think it will always be good, or it's just a common emotional fatigue and temporary state. Remember that you have to spend time to spend no less interesting, having arranged a joint campaign or a fascinating walk
Not felt givingOver the relationship worksSo that the pair was harmony, it is necessary to last lay the foundation for long-term relationships.
Different priorities and vitalityAfter a while, young people realized that they were looking at different sides. They have no desire and goalsLearn to find a compromise and respect each other's interests. If there is love and common points of contact, the union can be saved. Do not stop in development and strive together for improving yourself and the quality of your life
There appeared false and secretsThe partner was not once caught on lies, and he had his secretsThis is a serious pointer for feelings cooling. If there is no frankness site, then there is no love and mutual respect. Pair should discuss their secrets and understand that deception leads to parting
Lost confidenceJealousy, constant control and sense of propertyDifference and jealousy appear due to fear losing a loved one. The doubts should be dispelled, otherwise they will destroy the union of two hearts
Distribution on partnerHis ambitions and desires are moved to the background, and priorities are placed in favor of a partner.It is better if the relationship will be built on equality, in compliance with mutual respect for the needs and interests of each other. Can not be dissolved in a partner and forget about your individuality
The inability to remain ourselves in the presence of a partnerIn the society of his beloved person, they feel pressure or depression, the man does not recognize himselfJust remaining yourself, you can interest the other. If we pretend or behave unnaturally, there is a risk to disappoint your beloved. He should not have a false representation. It is impossible to adapt all the time and try to please. We must appreciate and respect yourself and see the person
There were doubts about the common futureThe man began to think about whether to continue the relationship. It begins to seem that love was not at allSuch doubts also have strong pairs. But if the thoughts about the impossibility of a joint future appear too often, and the beloved began to annoy the lack of desire to move forward, it is worth talking about what he feels and what he wants from life

Annoying husband

Relationship with former man

Family crisis

Family relationships face a lot of domestic problems, personal interests and selfish desires. Sometimes they come in a dead end, and the spouses can not cope with them on their own. But if desired, they restore harmony and mutual understanding if:

  • want to keep marriage;
  • love each other;
  • they have a child;
  • do not see life without a spouse.

Problems in marriage, which lead to a dead end occur due to the inequalities to talk and lack conversations between family members. Regular inconsideration leads to cold relationships or indifference. It is impossible to hire anger and discontent, it is necessary to talk about what does not suit, even if you have to argue on elevated colors. If one of the spouses feels guilty, he should apologize and try to correct the situation.

For a man, it may be home help, a bouquet of flowers or a small souvenir. But without an apology and resolution of the conflict by conversation will not work. The wife will save the insult and remember that the husband remains cold and fruitless. Woman to bring the relationship from a dead end, maybe:

  1. 1. Do not exceed the significance of the problem being created: there are chances that everything is resolved much easier.
  2. 2. Cook your favorite dish and arrange a romantic evening.
  3. 3. To gather for a cup of tea and to discuss the problem in the cozy atmosphere.
  4. 4. To go on vacation and arrange another honeymoon.

The main thing is not to get into yourself and together look for a way out of the current deadlock.

In many families, scandals arise from scratch. In this way, the spouses arrange a stagnant relationship. There is nothing terrible in this if they quickly lay down.

Deadlock during pregnancy

During this period, a dead end in a relationship happens not because the husband cooled to his wife, and because of misunderstanding, how to behave with a pregnant wife. It is no secret that during the tooling of the child, women often change, habits and appear unusual desires. All these changes are fascinated by her husband and pushed spending more time outside the house.

My wife is offended, thinking that he became unattractive and unwanted for her husband, and closes. Her spouse thinks that his presence is annoying, and silently goes into another room or in no hurry to return home. Such shortcomings are dangerous disruption and deadlock, after which it will be difficult to return mutual understanding. After all, there will still be time when the husband goes to the background due to the permanent concerns about the baby.

Spouses can not be avoided conversations and society of each other. Future mom Do not leave my husband without attention and love. He should not feel abandoned and forgotten. And the husband should show that his wife is still attractive and welcome for him. After the child's birth, the spouses also need to not forget about each other, support passion and provide mutual assistance.

To know when it is time to throw, and when to move on, is the key to emotional survival.

While we are not sure of 200%, that the relationship is over, we continue to believe in them. This is understandable, because in a few years (or months) we are so tied to a person, you can say "to you" in it "that it is very painful to part. It is clear that you are trying to preserve relationships: there is always hope that they will change for the better.

Not everyone has enough courage to destroy the relationship at the moment when they really ended. Here are 21 signs that the "Finit of the Comedy" if he has not yet come, it is already completely close. If at least four items from all of all you say: "This is about us," think over the parting more serious than usual.

1. Abdomen

You are constantly offended by your partner, but say nothing. You think that so you save your relationship, but in fact you only delay the one unpleasant momentWhen the entire accumulated negative breaks out and your connection will end with a painful gap.

The offense does not go anywhere, especially if the factors that cause it do not disappear. If it does not break out, then it will be copied inside, and it causes stress and illness. Well, of course, the relationship crashes - slowly, but right.

2. Disrespect

If you with a partner reached the point when you show mutual disrespect, it's time to destroy your illusions. There is nothing easier than to stop taking attachment to the one who manifests you disrespect.

People can continue to live together without respect and awareness of the value of each other, which leads the absolute pofigism about the needs and desires of the partner. Well, about what continuation can we talk about?

3. Despite

It doesn't matter what motives caused contempt, whether it was a failed career, change in appearance or something else. Partners must support each other in any situation, because isn't it warm so necessary for us under any circumstances, and especially during some personal problems.

If you started treating each other with contempt, you no longer get from the warm relationship and live not with a friend who will understand, but with a cold being that condemns you, why continue?

4. Vranne

I'm talking about the lies when you say a person: "I love you," without feeling any feelings. You are afraid to hurt him, but do not really defend it, but you only make worse. True comes out: you will not be able to lie all my life and at the same time do not spoil it and partner.

Well, if you say yourself: "We are happy, I am happy, we are fine," when you feel that everything has already ended for you, it's also a flight from reality.

5. Difference

If you do not trust the partner, it means that there are reasons for this. If they are so serious that confidence does not return, why stay with this person? All life check, worry and spend nerves?

6. Rugan on people

Everything is good that you can say about your partner, you can say in humans. And everything is bad to leave for personal conversations. Scolding a person in humans is to achieve only a negative response or covered resentment.

In addition, if you scold a partner in people or even just allow yourself unpleasant jokes in his address, it means that there are dissatisfaction, which has already started to break out.

7. distance

You have already broken emotional connection with the partner and thus "softly" let him understand that everything is over. Maybe it is better to do it right away, and not to produce suffering and doubts?

8. Requirement of evidence of love

"If you love me, you ..." Very tempting to manage the life of a person in such a way, and if you periodically hear this phrase, it means that something went wrong.

The only person who can change his feelings is he himself, and some of your actions here.

Well, if you yourself say so, think about whether you really need this person, will he be loved if you do something? And is it possible to manipulate those who really love?

9. Public humiliation

If your partner humiliates you in society once, with great probability he will do it again and again. And it doesn't matter that he drank a lot that evening or he had a bad mood.

The public humiliation of the partner speaks only a deep hatred of himself, and it doesn't matter how much love you will give to this person, it will not correct the situation without his hard desire to change and work with its self-esteem. And it is difficult not only to fix, but even admit.

10. Obsession with another person

If your partner is obsessed with another person - it does not matter, he is friends with him or hopes to closest relationships, - sooner or later it will lead to a rupture.

Of course, this does not mean that partners must completely immerse themselves in each other and give all their energy to only one person, but the obsession with someone else is fraught with suspicions, jealousy and offend.

Yes, the partner is clearly not enough for something in your relationship, if he stretches to another person, but you can hardly give it to him. And certainly not worth the sake of another person to change himself.

11. Obsession of pornography

There is nothing strange or bad in that partners are watching porn together. Some kind of voyeurism helps to get excited and find something new, which can later try in bed with a partner.

But if one of the partners obsessed with pornography, full satisfaction will always slip away from him: in pursuit of multiple orgasms, it can finish on the path of sex perversions.

So, if you are not satisfied with such folds, think about the root cause of this obsession, and above the possible consequences.

12. Emotional infidelity

Some people believe that Monogamy is the only possible variant Relations, for others it is difficult and practically impossible.

If you changed the sake of a diversity of sexual experience, the relationship can still be preserved, but if there is an emotional attachment to a person with whom you had an intimate connection, the relationship is time to finish.

The first question, which people ask, when they learn about the infidelity of the partner: "You love him / her?" Because it is emotional, and not physical communications He is the core of relationships, and if she disappeared, then you have nothing more to do here.

13. Impossibility to stop conflict

It begins as an endless struggle without reaching a consensus, which gradually develops in "as you want," when the partners are no longer care about the results of their struggle.

There is such a rule: never go to bed offended friend On a friend. And in it, something is definite.

If none of the partners can doubt his pride and the desire to always be the winner in the dispute, cannot go on a truce without achieving his own, these relationships have no continuation.

14. Subconscious

If you unconsciously make things that harm your relationship, this is your psyche tells that you really need.

You can think anything, but your actions talk about real desires better than all your assurances and hopes.

15. Obsession

If your partner has an obsession, for example, alcohol or substances, he / she is a shopaholic, a player, workaholic or having sex, you will always be on the second or even in the fifth place and do not get the emotional connection that I would like.

If you do not have obsession with anything, the dependence of your partner can destroy not only his life, but also yours. Not a very pleasant perspective.

16. Painful affection for the former

If your partner still supports more than a close relationship with former passion Or husband / wife, it destroys relationships.

Former partners need to be respected, especially if you have common children, but the first role is still all the same partner. If this does not happen, it is easy to feel secondary and unnecessary, and this is a direct path to rupture.

17. Threats and emotional blackmail

This is a clear sign unhealthy relations. Emotional blackmail is often presented as strong loveBut in fact this control. And control, in turn, is the abuse of feelings. From this you need to run so far as you can see.

18. Constant comparison and ratings

Your partner compares you with those who look more attractive, earns more, smarter and more interesting than you? This is one of the forms of humiliation. If someone thinks that in someone else's yard the grass is greener, let him go there.

People - the creatures are unique, although in many ways are similar. You should not compare yourself, without speaking to listen to it from your partner.

19. Indictions

Why stay together if you are not doing to each other?

20. Disappearance of attachment

There is nothing wrong with the neighbor in the room, but if you want more of the relationship, do not stay with a partner who did not become the only one for you. Do not stay easily because you are comfortable.

21. Physical violence

There is no excuse, there is no explanation, do not matter the circumstances and promises. Just need to leave.

In general, conflicts in relationships are a way to get rid of pain, but they may vary. This may be a way to open the disappearance of dissatisfaction and offended, which arose in relationships to clean the wound, remove what prevents, and save the relationship.

But it happens differently when conflicts are a way to break the relationship, inform another person that they ended that no longer should be tormented by each other.

And it is better to learn to distinguish one conflicts from others, otherwise it hurts and will be bad for both partners.

How to be if the relationship went into a dead end - the question is quite complicated. Much depends on the circumstances and your desire (or reluctance) of me. If you are tormented by doubts, and I want to hear useful advice, stay with us!

First, let's figure it out, and whether your relationship was in a dead end, do you experience such a period with your second half? We all have diluted at work, health problems and other difficulties in which to preserve the good arrangement of the Spirit is very hard.

In the end, a person cannot have ever to have fun and enjoy that it is quite normal. So, it is quite possible that your spouse simply exists any problems, but it does not affect you for love.

Another thing, if your relationship, really, has changed for the worse and they really went into a dead end. Frequent scandals, mutual disrespect, the atmosphere of the house, reluctance to conduct free time together and in general somehow interact with each other - all this explicit signs Cooling and fading feelings.

For what reason did it happen? It is very important to answer this question. This will allow you to understand whether you can save your marriage. Often, love just passes or goes into another stage, in which passions are becoming less, and many people immediately scares and is alarming. Talk to my spouse. Find out why the relationship went into a dead end who is to blame for this.

Often, people forget that marriage is the ability to live together with the mutual interests. This is remembered in the first months of living together, and then every one still shows true face And it becomes more selfish. Understand whether your fault is in the prevailing relationship. It is possible that both spouses are to blame for such problems.

Immediately talk about divorce. But it is also impossible to pretend that you are fine. Talk more and honestly express your thoughts without mutual accusations and insults. Perfectly if you can go together together family psychologist - Similar visits helped large quantity Couple to sort out their relationships.

Perhaps you will talk and decide to disperse peacefully. This also happens. And it is impossible to say that it is bad - it is quite possible that there is ahead of you true love.

Finally, we note that, even if you decide to part, do not keep evil on each other. You were good together, and you need to remember. It is not necessary to be friends after the gap, but it is extremely preferably to remain people.

Why do relationships enter deadlock

If you suddenly catch yourself on the fact that your relationship went into a dead end, ask the question: you do this way because you have included autopilot or something else happens?

If you act on the machine, then, most likely, you are just too accustomed to the current situation. You found it, won, he is yours. However, this is an incorrect position. To keep your man, you need to behave so that it is interesting to him, it means that the autopilot is not a place here.

Bring to your joint Life A variety, slightly deviating from the well-established routine. In other words, if you relate from unnecessary comfort, find a solution to the problem will not be difficult - just start to move.

Why our relationships come into a dead end. If you launched a relationship on samonek, because it is not so attentive to you as before, then it's time to spend a conversation with him. Probably your words will not like him very much, but at least he can understand the essence of your complaints.

But do not forget if you begin to discuss its disadvantages, it will open the opportunity to specify you to yours. At first, the process may be very painful, but as a result you will understand each other's position and be able to coordinate joint actions to return everything to normal if your relationship went into a dead end.

It is clear that the more we spend time with a person, the better we understand and in it, and in his behavior. And suddenly you have the feeling that your beautiful prince is not at all who you would like to see among the first challengers on your hand and heart. Any effect will affect you (or, on the contrary, inaction). In this case, you have two options.

Option number 1: adjust its behavior

It is not so unreal, even if it seems to you that you both are tired of them. Whatever changes you achieve, the most important thing is to avoid ultimatum, because in this case it will certainly be defeated and will go into deaf defense. You need to very carefully lead it in the direction you defined, otherwise the risk of finally and irrevocably spoil the relationship.

Option number 2: break with him

If it seems to you that overcome the existing contradictions you will not work with him, it is better to slowly move on in life, until it reached the marriage or the appearance of children.

It makes no sense to continue to sail downstream when you know that anything good does not exist. But if the relationship went into a dead end and such difficulties arise when you are married, it is necessary to try to eliminate them after all. You swore to each other in loyalty and should struggle this oath to fulfill. And yes, it tells you a man! Frightened?

How to finish the relationship that went to a dead end

If you thought well, painted the pros and cons of their relationships on paper, weighed everything for and against and realized that you don't need these relationships, finish them, do not waste years of your life on unnecessary relations.

No matter how scared you now seems to you, unnecessary relationships should be taken immediately and without any pity. Yes, perhaps you will now seem terrible to stay alone. Yes, it is possible that the man is very satisfied with a woman who always turns out to be at hand at the right moment and does not impose special ClaimsMoreover, she herself will prepare lunch, causing and seizure. But even if you are very scary to change something in your life, it is simply necessary.

After you break out, you should not blame yourself in what you didn't do something in order to somehow set everything. Believe me if there was a chance for happy development, during the time you spent together, it would have developed a long time ago. So it was really not your person if your relationship went to a dead end. So why finally bury own life And depriving themselves the opportunity to find a really sole.

Curiously, but all of the above applies not only to love, but also to friendship. Yes, friendship can also be unnecessary at some point, and with friends the relationship can go to a dead end, and it should be understood. Think about how much friends you have and how many of them can you contact difficult moment per real help? Surely not so much.

So why support those relationships that only aggress your life? And next time, when the one who calls himself today, will bring you away, saying, I'm sorry, an old man, but I have a busy evening today, ruthlessly break away with him. In the end, each of us has only one life, no matter how selfishly sounded it.

Every relationship has a chance to be long, happy. How to understand that relations with your loved one went to a dead end, and therefore, ceased to develop? The construction of relationships is the task that is unrealistic to solve alone. It's like in dance: learn to dance waltz alone unreal. Over the relationship, you need to work with both partners to give a chance to their development. But it all knows and you are right.

Signs that the relationship went into a dead end

The first sign. In your relationship more confusion than clarity

Time goes ... a lot of time has passed as you started to meet. And your man does not offer anything concrete. Although the time should have brought important, desirable information in your union. You feel that it is like a red flag, and the relationship is increasingly confused, there is no definition - deadlock.

What to do. Take a look into the future together. Try to present your relationship for five, ten, twenty years ahead clear and clear. Build plans for the future. It is very important to consider what you are waiting ahead and, thus, mutually take responsibility for your joint life.

Second sign. The first attraction did not lead to a strong connection.

When two people meet each other, then at the first stage, the attraction is based on external qualities - beautiful pictureand not on inner world. Nice smile, high growth, acute mind, confident behavior, ease in communication. Roman, as a flame - quickly flares up due to strong physical attractionBut quickly goes out. It is necessary to feed something to reach a new level. Maybe stay friends - is it the best way out?

Third sign. You have a desire to retire and have more personal time.

Everyone needs individual space - This is normal and naturally. However, if we still attend the thoughts that you are striving separately from your loved one to spend your free time, the interests are diverged, and personal time has become much more important and more attractive than in common, consider is a warning sign. Ask yourself: "What feelings do you actually experience to your partner?"

Fourth sign. You stubbornly work on improving relationships, and the partner does not make efforts

We repeat, a healthy union is building both partners and bring weight, work, love, confidence in them, laying the foundation of long-term relationships.

Fifth sign. The time has shown the inconsistency of your life priorities and goals

People come in one way or another due to their internal beliefs and values. Therefore, really appreciate the fact, whether the desires, behavior, the belief of the partner are life positions. Are there any compromises in the future?

They include promotion, further education, personal development, Financial goals. Your chosen one must have a clearly defined plan for their achievement, while it must be synchronized with yours.

What to do. Ask yourself how you see your standard of living, the level of income and professional growth in future? And compare it with the goals of the partner.

Sixth sign. You noticed that cases of deception

Lies destroy important component Any relationship is trust. The presence of a lie, inexpensive, secrets and secrets from each other - a clear marker of the fading relationship. This is the beginning of the end.

Seventh sign. You tortured the jealousy of the partner

Not all relationships are able to survive jealousy, a sense of property and excessive control. "She is only mine." So, uncertainty, the fear of losing another, lose love shows one thing - partners did not build a solid emotional basis.

What to do. To keep a person - it is necessary to give him the right to freedom.

Eighth sign. You have made your own needs and ambitions on the step below and concentrated on your partner.

My dear, this kind of imbalance will eventually cause you a feeling of resentment. Healthy relationships require equality, no one should asserted due to the other.

Ninth sign. You feel that you can not be "yourself" with your partner

An attempt to change or hide your true essence is just even more confusing relationships. After all, there is nothing better for happiness than being yourself. We learn each other and become interested in our chosen one with all the advantages and disadvantages.

What to do. IN healthy relationship, partners recognize that there is no ideal people. Try to fully open up each other, while not necessarily be the most beautiful and attractive. Each woman has its own raisin and uniqueness. Appreciate, love yourself a little more, you have one.

Tenth sign. You are increasingly experiencing doubts about the continuation of your relationship.

It is normal if doubts arise and questions about the long-term prospects for your union. However, do not ignore warning signs, especially if similar thoughts visit more and more. Happiness to you, love, interesting and rich relationships. Text:, Photo: Getty Images.


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