Plan synopsis for patriotic education. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in patriotic education in kindergarten

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Compiled by: educator Kazakova G.N.

Purpose: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.

Tasks: To acquaint children with the concept "Motherland" , "Fatherland" ... To cultivate love for one's native land, to expand ideas about one's native land. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the flag, anthem, coat of arms.

  • to form in children an idea of ​​Russia as a home country
  • to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols
  • to cultivate love for the Motherland.


Map of Russia, globe, images of the President of the Russian Federation, coat of arms and flag, visual and didactic aids, tape recorder, glue - pencil, sheet of paper, colored squares (white, red, blue), dummy tree "Birch"

Preliminary work:

Conversations about Russian symbols; reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; viewing photographs of cities and rivers; conversations, examining illustrations and performing works based on folk arts and crafts.

The course of the lesson.

The soundtrack of M. Matusovsky's song sounds "Where does the Motherland begin?"

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the picture in your primer
With good and loyal comrades,
Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts
From that song that mother sang to us,
With the fact that in any trials
Nobody can take away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the cherished bench at the gate,
From the very birch in the field
Bending down in the wind, it grows.

Or maybe it starts
From the spring starling
And from this country road,
With no end in sight

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the windows burning in the distance.
From the old father's budenovka,
That we found somewhere in the closet.

Or maybe it starts
From the clatter of wagon wheels
And the vow that in my youth
You brought her in your heart ...
Where does the Motherland begin? ..

The teacher asks the children a question: “Where does the Motherland begin?

Children's answers.

Educator: remember what proverbs you know about the Motherland?

Children's answers.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.
If the people are one, they are invincible
The Russian does not joke with either a sword or a roll.
If you breathe with the whole world, there will be wind.
To live - to serve the Motherland

Educator: Why is the native land called differently?

Homeland, Fatherland, Fatherland?

Children's answers.

Educator: many thought and reasoned about this. That's what Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky thought about it.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the work "Our Fatherland" .

Our fatherland, our motherland is Mother Russia.

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers have lived in it from time immemorial.

We call it our homeland because we were born in it, they speak in our native language, and everything in it is native to us; and a mother - because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, learned her language; as a mother, she protects and protects us from all enemies ...

There are many in the world, and besides Russia, all good states and lands, but a person has one own mother - he has one homeland.

K. D. Ushinsky.

The teacher asks questions: What is the name of our Motherland?

Continue the phrase our Motherland - ... (Mother Russia).
Our Motherland is Russia. And we people living in Russia are Russians.
The game "Which word doesn't fit?"
Homeland, parents, dewdrop, relatives.

Father, Fatherland, paternal home, vacation.
Mother, mother Russia, master, mother.

Physical education:

Hands raised and shook
These are birches in the forest,
Hands bent, hands shook -
The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave
These are birds flying to us.
We will show you how they sit, too
The arms were bent back.

The teacher shows the children the image of the Russian flag. Each country has its own flag. And what is the flag of Russia?

See how many horizontal stripes are on the flag. What color is the top strip? Average? Lower?

Children's answers.

The teacher offers a play exercise "Collect the Russian flag" (Collective application)

The teacher tells the children why these are the colors of the State Russian flag: “The vast expanses of our Motherland are covered with sparkling snow in winter. "I will give the Russian flag my pure white color" , - said the snow, and a snow-white stripe appeared on the flag.

In Russia, there are many, many lakes, large and small rivers, all together they decided to give the flag their deep blue color. This is how a blue stripe appeared on the flag.

In the morning the sun rises over the country "I want to present my brightest red color to the Russian flag" - said the Sun. And the third stripe on the flag turned red. This is our Russian flag, three stripes: white, blue, red "

Educator: What is a hymn?

This is the most important solemn song of our country. The anthem appeared much earlier than the flag and coat of arms. The anthem is performed on especially important occasions, for example, when awards are presented, when athletes receive gold medals in competitions. The poet Sergei Mikhalkov, who composed many fairy tales and poems for children, wrote the words of the anthem.

(The phonogram of the anthem sounds)

Russia is our sacred state,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Your property for all time!

From the southern seas to the polar edge
Our forests and fields are spread out.
You are the only one in the world! You are the only one -
Native land protected by God!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Glory country! We proud of you!

Wide space for dreams and for life
The years to come open to us.
We are given strength by our loyalty to the Fatherland.
So it was, so it is and it will always be so!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Glory country! We proud of you!

Moscow is capital of Russia

Educator: In every country there is a main city which is called the capital. The president lives in the capital.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. The main square of the country, Red Square, is located in Moscow.

On major holidays, military parades are held here. Red Square is very ancient and beautiful.

Coat of arms of Russia

Educator: Once, animals and birds that live in Russian forests gathered in a forest glade. They began to think and decide which of them should be on the coat of arms of Russia. The beautiful squirrel came out first: “Look, what a beautiful and fluffy tail I have. We squirrels live in almost all the forests of this country. I should be on the coat of arms! " ... The animals and birds laughed: “What are you, squirrel! You are so small, and Russia is so big. How can you go! "

Then a huge brown bear stepped forward: “Well, you won’t tell me that I’m not big. I am strong and mighty, like Russia itself. I should be on the coat of arms! " ... The animals were already ready to agree with the bear, but suddenly a wise owl spoke: “You, bears, live on earth and see nothing but your forest. And we, birds, fly high in the sky, from a height we see the whole country: forests, seas, and steppes. We have a king of birds - an eagle with two heads. He is the smartest, the strongest, flies above the clouds and can look in two directions at once: to the right and to the left. He always knows what is happening in different parts of the country. That's who needs to be on the coat of arms! " All animals and birds agreed with the wise owl. And immediately, in the rays of bright light, a beautiful two-headed eagle descended from the sky, and his image appeared on the coat of arms.

Reading a poem by V. Stepanov.

Russia has a stately
There is a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms,
To the west, to the east
He could have looked at once.

Strong, wise and proud.
He is a free spirit of Russia.

In addition to the two-headed eagle, the coat of arms depicts a warrior on a white horse and a terrible dragon, which the warrior strikes with his spear. This warrior is called George the Victorious.

A giant snake has settled in the lake, devouring people. Having learned this, Saint George decided to deal with the monster.

When the serpent appeared from the lake, St. George the Victorious, prayed and rushed with a spear at the monster, piercing the serpent.

Summing up the results of the lesson.

What interesting things have you learned today? What is a hymn? What is the name of the capital of Russia? What is the name of the inhabitants of Russia? Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? What color is the Russian flag?

Patriotism is love and affection for one's environment, home and city, family and people, language and country. The desire to pass it on to new generations is associated with the desire of society to protect its ideals and culture, values ​​and achievements through the formation of certain qualities of children. In this article, we will talk about the principles of instilling patriotism in preschoolers, give examples of abstracts and possible topics for classes, give options for activities, describe the nuances and subtleties that arise in the work of a teacher.

Objectives of classes on patriotic education of preschoolers

One should not think that instilling patriotism is only a military-patriotic or even politicized upbringing of children. This attitude is the most common mistake and the biggest mistake a caregiver can make. It is necessary to instill patriotism by comparing the efforts and methods used with the age of the children, with their natural aspirations, gradually revealing and complicating, detailing the introduced concepts. The goals pursued in the process of educating patriotism can be divided into educational, developmental and educational. It is recommended that you start by achieving the individual goals and integrating them in the process.

The educational goals of patriotic education include the inculcation of such new concepts for preschoolers as:

  • material environment, for example, the geographical location of native places (forest, mountains, field, river, city, village, settlement) in our country, their characteristic features and interrelation;
  • social environment: family, residents of the native city or village, the peoples of the native country, a patriot;
  • native culture, namely the language, songs and poems of the peoples of our country, public holidays, friendship of peoples.

The feeling of belonging to the family, hometown, country and its inhabitants, the nature of their land, the cultural heritage of the people - all this is a consequence of patriotic education

Developing goals of patriotic education of preschoolers:

  • the formation of coherent speech, an increase in active vocabulary;
  • improvement of coordination of movements through play motor activity;
  • development of logical and imaginative thinking through understanding the relationship of objects and their relationship (house, district, city, country, and so on).

The educational goals of patriotic education of preschoolers include instilling:

  • skills of cooperation, helping each other;
  • love for native culture and native places;
  • desire to preserve and protect their native places (patriotic and ecological aspect);
  • respect for the culture and places of origin of others.

What you can use as a motivating start to class

Answering the popular question about what techniques can be used to organize direct educational activities (GCD) for patriotic education, we present the following table.

Table: methods of organizing GCD for patriotic education in kindergarten

Methods for organizing GCDExplanation
List of favorite places. Suggest to children
name the places where they like to live
Most often, children give such answers as our city house, dad's house, grandmother's house in the village, a beach by the sea, a tent in the forest, an apartment, a city, a village, and so on. The task of the teacher is to conduct a discussion of the native environment through the options of children's answers with their integration into broader concepts (our city, our region, our country). At the same time, the definition of all concepts can be carried out as a creative search task, inviting children to independently figure out what these objects unite, where these objects are located and how it is called (city, region, country)
Allocation of groups of people. Use children's understanding of those elements of society in which they live (family, friends, city population, people of the country)Give children a riddle to define who we are. Together with the children, figure out that we are people, children, adults, residents of our region, Russians. It is recommended to use images of people in national costumes, state symbols, maps of the country as a hint and reference material. Together with the children, discuss the relationship of people, understand whether it is better to quarrel or be friends, it is better to take care of your beloved land alone or together (give an example of joint cleaning of toys in the room), gradually bring children to the concept of friendship of peoples

Among the possible options for a motivating start to the lesson, many teachers recommend using the following:

  • Demonstration of pictures of heroes or fragments of cartoons about heroes (and their characters). After watching the cartoons, a survey is conducted about what these characters are doing, where they live, who and what they protect, why they do it. It is permissible to start the lesson in the form of a game or a small scene about heroes, but for the successful implementation of such a scenario, it is important that all children are familiar with the piece being played out. In other words, the game should be preceded by a preparatory lesson with a joint viewing of this film or cartoon.
  • Using photographs of places that children are familiar with, and then discussing them. The photographs may depict a local park, the most beautiful places in the city where children have probably been, a kindergarten building and outdoor playgrounds, a house that is typical for a given area (city or village). It is advisable to use the previously prepared drawings of children on this topic ("My house", "My favorite place in the city").
  • Superhero game (Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Wolverine, etc.). Through a discussion of the heroes and the places that they protect from villains (the city of Gotham and its inhabitants, New Yorkers), make the transition to the hometown, its inhabitants and those who protect this city (police, firefighters, the Ministry of Emergencies). Discuss the motivations of defenders, understand why they do it, how it manifests itself in their behavior. Through examples of the exploits of fictional heroes, give examples of genuine heroes, for example, remember and discuss the names of streets named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, read several illustrated stories about their exploits.

It is best if you find out who they like best before talking to your children about superheroes.

Methods and tools applicable to patriotic education

The patriotic education of preschoolers is a very broad topic. Today's educators have the opportunity to use both the experience of past generations in their work, and to bring in their own creative ideas. Let us further consider what methods and means are used by modern teachers to foster a sense of patriotism in children.

Games and other recreational activities

Ordinary children's entertainment is easily combined with patriotic education. We will list the standard ways to entertain children and indicate in them the possibilities for use in patriotic education.

Table: patriotic elements in ordinary children's games and entertainment

EntertainmentElements of patriotic education
DanceMatinee or group performance with elements of folk and national dances of our country and other countries (for example, Tatar dances, Belarusian dances, Russian folk dances)
WalkExcursion to the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, to the local history museum
DrawingDrawing competition, drawing on a given topic (for example, drawing on the topic "Why was the street where I live so named")
Modeling from plasticineSculpt a Historic Building (Local Architectural Landmark)
The gameCorrectly repeat the marching exercises of the soldiers at the command of the teacher
Watching filmsAny painting on a patriotic theme, approved and recommended for viewing for a given age
CompetitionsMusic quiz "Guess the anthem melody" using the anthems of our neighbors

Video: patriotic dance in the kindergarten "Solnyshko"

The best methods for patriotic education are visual demonstrations and games, preceded by a little conversation. Patriotism is a complex concept, but intuitively perceived by a child through the role behavior of a defender. It will be correct to direct the natural games of children according to your proposed scenario, which reveals and reinforces this role. Such games are already familiar to children. These include any team games based on the principles of protecting their territory and other players: for example, bouncers, geese-swans, rounders, baseball and others.

When conducting games, various military-patriotic scenarios should be used, assuming an equal feasible participation of boys and girls. Avoiding the politicization of games, it is necessary to carry out a version of the team game that provides for fixation on the personal qualities of a patriot (strength, dexterity, speed), and not on the scenario military aspect. For example, the well-known game "Relay" can be turned from a simple run with a stick into a patriotic task of delivering an important report to the headquarters. At the same time, it is necessary to focus not on the portrait of a possible enemy or military actions, but on the personal qualities of the defender of the Motherland, who transmits the report. An element of patriotism can also be added to the Jolly Starts game by including overcoming the imitation of an obstacle course. There are many variations of patriotic games that develop useful skills. For example, you can use games with elements of providing feasible first aid (bandage your hand for speed, help a lame friend to overcome an obstacle, and others).

Outdoor games also develop the child, improving coordination of movements.

We should not forget about games for erudition and speech development, as well as various quizzes. For example, the game "Guess the picture" can offer to guess the national symbols, coats of arms and flags of different countries.

It is useful for each educator to have a card index of such games, broken down by type of scenario, location, general focus and educational and developmental goals.

Video: the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" in the kindergarten "Zvezdochka"

Patriotic education classes

Education must be built in such a way that the scale of the perception of patriotism gradually increases from the particular to the general (family, people, country). It is easier for a child to understand patriotism in close and concrete examples and gradually move on to more abstract images.

Let us explain how this increase in scale may look like using the example of the topics of patriotic conversations and classes:

  1. Our family (conversation about the family).
  2. I love my house (drawing competition).
  3. My yard and my friends.
  4. My street and why it is called that.
  5. Our favorite city (town, village).
  6. Our region (region or republic).
  7. My home country (drawing competition).
  8. Peoples of Russia.
  9. Anthem and coat of arms of my country.

Video: patriotic education in kindergarten

Time plan of the lesson

When planning a time plan for a lesson in kindergarten, it is necessary to take into account that children are able to perceive new information for a limited amount of time. In the table below we give a variant of the time schedule for a patriotic lesson in kindergarten.

Table: an approximate time plan of the lesson "The history of our city and its streets"

P / p No.Stage of the lessonContentDuration, in minutes
1. Organizational partSeating children, preparing, attracting attention2
2. Updating knowledge and experienceConversation on the topic "Our city and its streets" (a story about the concept of "street", why there are names, what are they for and how they appear, what kind of protection do the streets need)5
3. The gameStreet name guessing quiz5–6
4. Outdoor game (physical education)Game on the theme "Street", integration with OBZH. Charging "Traffic light" with the repetition of the rules of conduct on the street, the game "Janitor" (street cleaning)3–5
5. Work in a notebookDrawing in a notebook based on the discussion of streets and their names, the origin of the names3–4
6. Final conversationPinning the topic, interviewing the children and briefly repeating the topic2–3
Total: 20-25 minutes

How to make a synopsis of patriotic education classes

When drawing up a summary of classes on patriotic education, experienced teachers recommend adhering to the following principles:

  • Indicate the objects of patriotism - geographic or cultural concepts that are easiest for a child to understand feelings of pride and love. For example, our city, Russian and so on. This will often be the topic of your session.
  • Do not delve too deeply into the history of the issue, do not use complex abstract concepts. It is enough for children to know that Moscow is the main city of Russia; they do not need to understand that this is enshrined in the Constitution and other legislative acts.
  • In any object that you use to illustrate the concept of patriotism and the education of patriotic feelings, several different aspects can be distinguished. Depending on the angle from which a particular concept is considered, it is possible to single out different goals and objectives of the GCD that can be achieved in the course of the lesson. Many topics are perfectly linked to each other and allow you to integrate educational and educational goals, to work towards achieving several tasks at the same time. Consider a detailed example below.
  • Be sure to schedule surveys in your notes to find out what the children know about the topic, and help them formulate and express their knowledge and opinions before you tell them. Not only talk, but listen and engage the children in the conversation, smoothly leading the communication to the key points.
  • Do not prompt directly, use a problematic and creative form of setting goals. The development of coherent speech, thinking and memory of children are important goals of a lesson on any topic.
  • A good tool for monitoring knowledge and results of past classes is to conduct regular surveys of children. Be sure to take some time for surveys in your notes.

As an illustration of the application of one of the above principles, let us consider several aspects of the concept of "Moscow".

Table: work with different aspects of one concept on the example of the concept "Moscow"

Different sides of the concept "Moscow"Purposes pursuedLesson element in the outline
Moscow as a geographical concept, with which a number of other concepts are associated (capital, Kremlin, president, government)Educational goal (assimilation of new concepts)Conversation
Moscow in its aesthetic aspect. Showing pictures about Moscow, reading poems and songs about it, watching fragments of films or cartoonsAesthetic and cultural goalsWatching a movie together, reading poetry, listening to songs
Moscow in music. The cultural aspect. An active dance game accompanied by a potpourri of songs about MoscowPhysical development (warm-up, development of coordination and rhythm)Outdoor play, dance
Moscow in the history of our city and family. A story about the defense of Moscow during the war, about the importance of this city for all residents of Russia and about the contribution that residents of your city made to the defense of Moscow, possibly the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of the pupils, veterans and home front workersEducational and aesthetic purposesConversation, drawing, modeling

Video: lesson on patriotic education in kindergarten No. 42

Examples of abstracts

Here is an example of a synopsis of directly integrated educational activities on patriotic topics that are used by teachers in modern preschool institutions.

Table: synopsis on the topic "Our Motherland - Russia", author - Ekaterina Presnukhina

Educational tasks:
  • to generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia as a state in which we live;
  • to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols;
  • to consolidate the knowledge of children about the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia;
  • improve the artistic and speech skills of children when reading poetry, proverbs;
  • enrich the speech of children with expressive means.

Developing tasks:

  • develop dialogic speech, memory, thinking in children;
  • develop fine motor skills of fingers, imagination when decorating a tree.

Educational tasks:

  • foster a patriotic attitude towards the symbols of their country;
  • to educate children with patriotic feelings for their homeland, love, pride, respect for their native country.
Globe, birch tree, trays, glue, twisted strips of paper (for branches, tree trunk), tape recorder, anthem of Russia, calm classical music.
Implemented educational areas:
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • social and communicative development;
  • physical development.
Preliminary work:
  • reading poetry about the Motherland, reading proverbs, memorizing poetry and proverbs;
  • listening to audio recordings about the Motherland, the anthem of Russia, poems, songs about the Motherland;
  • reading fairy tales, epics about the victory of warriors;
  • viewing illustrations depicting our vast Motherland, its beautiful nature.
I. Organizational moment.
Children enter the hall to a song about Russia, stand in the middle, forming a circle.
II. Main part.
Educator: Spread out in the haze of blue
Majestic lands
This is you, my Russia,
My light, my Motherland!
What do you guys think we're going to talk about today? (about the Motherland, Russia)
Right. Our country is called ... (Russia)
Educator: What are we, people living in Russia, called?
Children: Russians.
1st child: Old courtyard, young birches,
Round dance of curly poplars,
This is all my country, Russia,
A sweet image of my Motherland.
2nd child: Cornflowers, like blue eyes,
They look, smiling, along the path.
And the wheat braids are golden
They are braided in sheaves in autumn.
3rd child: And in winter it sparkles and sparkles
Snow like a wedding veil.
And nothing in the world can be compared
Beauty of white-trunk groves
Educator: What wonderful words the poets expressed their love for the Motherland in their poems.
Educator: Let's look at the globe, what our country looks like, tell me what is indicated on the globe in green, blue, brown, yellow, white? Children answer.
Educator: That's right - forests, rivers, mountains, deserts, glaciers. Look how huge our country is.
Russia is a big, beautiful and rich country. Many rivers flow through the whole country, there are many forests, in which there are many different animals, many mushrooms and berries grow. Why does our country have such a name?
The child reads a poem.
For clear dawns, washed with dew.
For the Russian field with tall ears,
Behind the rivers pouring in blue flames.
You were named in Slavic - Russia!
Educator: We - citizens of Russia, Russians - love and are proud of our country. Russia is a state. Like all states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols. Which?
Child: Coat of arms, flag, anthem - symbols of our country of Russia.
Educator: Quite right. Paying honor to these symbols, we thereby show love and respect for our homeland. The state flag is one of the most important attributes of the state. The Russian flag is a symbol of the valor and honor of the Russian people. The symbol of state and national independence. Guys, would you like to know how the flag appeared?
Educator: In ancient, ancient times, when there were no your grandmothers and great-grandmothers in the world, the life of our ancestors was very restless. The inhabitants of cities and villages often had to unite and defend themselves from enemies. In case of danger, the warrior took a stick. At the end he tied a bunch of dry grass or a ponytail and raised it high. This sign could be seen far off, people were drawn from all sides to the warrior. The stick with a bunch of grass was called the banner. The army gathered under the banner and set off to defend their land. You had to be very careful to distinguish your banner from someone else's. Then they came up with instead of a bundle, to tie a cloth, a piece of cloth fluttered in the wind and it was better seen. This is how the flag appeared.
Educator: How many colors does the flag have?
Children: The flag has three colors: white, blue, red.
Educator: And what does the white strip on the flag mean?
Children: The white stripe reminds of white-trunk birches, of the Russian winter with endless snowy expanses. About summer clouds, about white daisies in endless fields.
Educator: The White Light says that our country is peaceful and does not attack anyone. And the blue stripe, what does it look like?
Children: The blue stripe is like the blue sky. Blue rivers and seas.
Educator: Indicates a blue stripe on the flag of fidelity, the people love their country, protect it and are devoted to it.
And what does the red color on the flag mean?
Children: The red stripe is similar to sunrise and sunset.
Educator: Red in Russia has always been considered the most beautiful. It is the color of blooming flowers, warmth and joy. This is the color of strength, the color of the blood of people shed for their Motherland.
Educator: Who will tell the poem about the flag?
Child: White - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky.
Red stripe -
Sunny sunrise.
Educator: It is very important not to confuse the order of the flag stripes. What is the top?
Children: White stripe.
Educator: In the middle?
Children: Blue stripe.
Educator: Downstairs?
Children: The stripe is red.
Educator: Now we will play the game "Russian flag". Listen carefully, move as the music tells you. And with the end of the music, line up in three lines in the order of the colors of the Russian flag. Take one ribbon at a time.
Game "Russian flag". Children move around the hall in accordance with the music: march - walk, waltz - whirl. At the end of the music, they line up in three ranks in the order of the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue, red. They wave ribbons over their heads.
Educator: Well done, they didn't confuse the order of colors. Put down the ribbons and come up to me.
Educator: Guys, do you know where you can meet the Russian national flag? (Answers of children).
The national flag of Russia is hoisted on the buildings of the authorities of our country. The Russian flag is hung on houses on public holidays.
The Russian national flag can be seen at parades. The Russian flag flies on the masts of Russian ships. On airplanes and spaceships, a three-color image of the flag is painted. At all times, the attitude of citizens to the flag was very respectful. The warriors, swearing allegiance to the Motherland, kissed the tip of the flag, risking their lives, took the flag from the battlefield so that the enemy would not get it.
Educator: Russia has another important state symbol - the coat of arms. The coat of arms is a distinctive sign, the official emblem of the state. Do you know what is depicted on the coat of arms of our country?
Children: A double-headed eagle is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia. The eagle's wings are like the rays of the sun. A rider with a silver spear is depicted on the eagle's chest. This is Saint George the Victorious. The rider rides on a silver horse. A blue cloak flutters over his shoulders. He defeated the dragon.
Educator: Right! The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty, justice, the victory of good over evil. Where do we often see the coat of arms? (Answers of children).
Educator: The coat of arms is depicted on important documents, and its individual elements are on coins. The image of the coat of arms can be seen on seals and banknotes. On postage stamps, postcards, badges, there is also an image of the coat of arms. The image of the coat of arms can be found on government awards.
Well done! Now go to the magnetic board. Look at the image of the coats of arms of different countries and find among them the coat of arms of Russia.
The game "Find the coat of arms of Russia among the coats of arms of different countries."
(Children are offered cards with the coats of arms of Austria, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Russia. They must choose a card with the coat of arms of Russia. The task is complicated by the fact that the coats of arms of these countries have eagles.)
Educator: Why did you choose this coat of arms?
Children: Because it depicts a two-headed eagle and Saint George the Victorious.
Educator: Did Dima choose the right coat of arms? Why do you think so?
Children: Because the two-headed eagle is a symbol of Russia.
Educator: Coat of arms, which state did Dima choose?
Children: Dima chose the coat of arms of Russia.
Educator: Well done. (The teacher with a pointer in his hands shows the details of the coat of arms and comments.)
Educator: The two-headed eagle has been a symbol of Russia for more than five hundred years. On the eagle's chest there is an image of a rider against the background of a red shield. This is Saint George the Victorious. In his right hand he has a silver spear, which helped to defeat the dragon. The black dragon is a symbol of evil. The warrior's faithful horse tramples the dragon with its hooves. The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.
Dynamic game "Coat of arms of Russia". Coat of arms of the country - double-headed eagle
Proudly spread his wings, (raise your arms to the sides)
Holds a scepter, orb, (alternately clench the right and left hands into a fist)
He saved Russia. (draw a circle with your hands)
On the eagle's chest is a red shield, (put your hands to your chest)
Is dear to everyone: you and me. (head tilt left-right)
A beautiful young man rides (step in place, with a high leg lift)
On a silver horse.
The blue cloak flutters, (smooth swaying of the hands to the right and to the left)
And the spear glistens in my hand. (clench your hands into a fist)
The strong rider wins, (put your hands on your belt)
An evil dragon lies at his feet. (show with hands)
Confirms the old coat of arms
Independence of the country.
For the peoples of all Russia
Our symbols are important. (put your hands up)
Educator: When people from other countries come to our country, they see the state emblem on the border of our country, it is placed on the border posts. Seeing our flag and coat of arms, they immediately understand that they are in Russia.
Educator: Each country has a special, main song. Which?
Children: Anthem is the main song of our country.
Educator: The national anthem is also a state symbol. It is performed on special, solemn occasions. The anthem of Russia is very beautiful and majestic. And who knows what signs of attention are shown by those present during the performance of the anthem?
Children: When the anthem is played, all those present stand up, they cannot talk, the military salutes or salutes with weapons.
Educator: That's right, guys, in this way, citizens show respect for the anthem, for their country. The anthem is listened to while standing, calmly, attentively, you can sing along.
When is the anthem played?
Children: The anthem is played on special occasions, during competitions, in honor of the winners.
Educator: Let's listen to the anthem of Russia.
Listening to the anthem of Russia.
Educator: Is it true, beautiful music, beautiful words? When we listen to the hymn, pride appears in our hearts.
And what is Motherland? What do you think?
Children: The homeland is the place where we live, where our family is.
A child reads a poem: What do we call the Motherland?
The house where you and I live.
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.
Educator: That's right, everyone knows the word Motherland. Homeland is the place where we were born, where we live with our parents, with our friends. The Russian people have added many proverbs and sayings about the Motherland. Remember them.
Beloved homeland, that my mother.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Educator: What do these proverbs teach?
Children: Proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.
Educator: Read a poem about the Motherland.
Great land, beloved land.
Where we were born and live
We are a bright homeland, we are a sweet homeland,
We call our homeland.
Educator: And now we will play a game with you.
Game "Pass the heart and put a word."
Children pass a heart in a circle and say what our Motherland is. (Sweetheart, beloved, beautiful, wonderful, dear, the only one, strong, mighty.)
Educator: Here are how many beautiful words can be said about our Motherland. What tree do you think can be considered a symbol of Russia?
Children: Birch.
Educator: Right, but why do Russian people love this tree?
Children: For beauty, birch sap, which gives vigor and strength, birch bark, which gave written language, birch buds and brooms, which preserve health.
Educator: Birch is the beauty and pride of Russia.
You can't count different trees,
One is more beautiful than the other.
But where will you find the tree
Are birches more beautiful than ours?
Educator: Guys, I suggest you construct a birch out of paper, making a trunk on the basis of a cone, and twigs using a twisted spiral method.
Designing "Russian birch". Children glue the cone, twisted green stripes are glued to the trunk. Using the cutting method, black spots are glued to the trunk.
III. Bottom line.
Educator: Children, remember, people should be kind, live in peace and friendship. Love your homeland, take care of every bush, tree, grass. Protect and preserve her wealth. Russians are very wise, patient and kind people.
Look at each other and say: "If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!"

Mini-museum in kindergarten

A mini-museum is an effective form of visual demonstration of objects for patriotic education. A variety of things are suitable as exhibits for a small museum. It depends on the theme chosen for patriotic education. It can be items of ancient life and local folk crafts, personal belongings of war veterans, a sample of a herbarium of plants of a given area, or beautiful samples of minerals. The range of possibilities here is very wide. There are only a few conditions that this small exhibition must meet:

  • all items must be safe for children, and also have a compact shape and do not take up much space;
  • it is undesirable to use things of significant material or historical value, items with increased fragility;
  • the exposition should be visual, have signatures and be protected from the use of items for other purposes (for example, children took and took away old coins to play in the store, tried to swallow them, and so on).

Be sure to appoint those children responsible for the museum who are happy to tell guests (newcomers, parents of children and visitors to the preschool educational institution) about the museum exhibits. The honorary role of the curator of the museum, playing the excursion and conducting real excursions for parents in themselves can serve as a good form for the assimilation of information by children, emotionally color and make the existence of a mini-museum significant, updating its collection and taking care of children.

Video: an example of a selection of military-patriotic materials in kindergarten No. 1402

A stand, a folder, a booklet, a poster on patriotic education

Your mini-museum, matinee or any activity dedicated to patriotic education will always win with a bright and visual design.

Decorate a travel folder, booklet or poster not with photographs from the Internet, but with copies of photographs brought by children from family albums, pictures that are important and meaningful to them. Great-grandfather in military uniform, a monument in mother's hometown, a warship on which the father of his best friend served in the navy - these examples will make a stronger impression on children than abstract examples from the life of people unknown to them.

These photos may not be as sharp as retouched and processed glossy images. The effect produced by them will be very significant with the correct presentation and, if possible, to draw the line from generation to generation in the families of your pupils.

In the design of visual aids, you can also use a national decorative element, drawings and textures on fabrics, and items of folk crafts. Get the kids involved in this activity. As part of the preparatory work, they can make appliqués on colored paper or fabric, make drawings or sculpt a model of a landmark.

Remember that not flat stands are ideal, but stands with voluminous objects, so that you can turn, pick up, view from different angles. Everything will go into business - items of clothing and tin soldiers, toys and models of equipment. Let the children bring in their ideas and suggestions, and be active in creating visual aids.

Photo gallery: patriotic posters in kindergarten

Patriotic posters can be dedicated to the historical events of their hometown Children can decorate the poster with the whole group Posters turn out to be more interesting if you use copies of archival materials from the families of pupils in your work

DIY craft

As an example of crafts on a patriotic theme, we will give a small master class, the author of which is the teacher Vera Bomburova. As the goals of the lesson, the author highlights:

  • acquaintance of the child with the technique of making an applique from napkins;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • education of emotional responsiveness, patriotism and love for the Motherland.

To make a voluminous patriotic napkin applique, we need:

  • the outline of a two-headed eagle printed on A4 or A3 paper;
  • multi-colored paper napkins (yellow, white, red, blue);
  • PVA glue;
  • glue brushes;
  • scissors;
  • Whatman A4 format;
  • gouache;
  • moldings for making a frame.

In the photo gallery, you can clearly see the process of creating a work.

Photo gallery: the stages of creating a volumetric applique "Double-headed eagle"

We glue the printed outline of the eagle on a sheet or half of a cotton wool.Cut multi-colored paper napkins into small squares Form small buds from the cut figures, pinching the center of the square Work on the formation of the applique can be carried out in a group of up to 8 people Using a brush and PVA glue, we attach the buds to the main image The children decided to paint the center of the composition with paints, and not to glue them with napkins Both children and adults can participate in creating a volumetric applique.After all the buds from the napkins are glued, you can attach moldings for the final decoration of the picture The finished picture can decorate the walls of a kindergarten

Poems and nursery rhymes

Learning poetry and nursery rhymes on a patriotic theme does not fundamentally differ in the methods used from learning poetry in general, but it has one small nuance. In patriotic works, more often than in ordinary poetry, words and concepts that are not yet fully understood by the child may come across, and the likelihood of errors increases. Therefore, before learning, it is recommended that you repeat the conversation with the children on the topic of poetry, speak incomprehensible words, pronounce them syllables and achieve a complete understanding of the word and the concept hidden behind it.

It is also worth working with the expression when reading. Reading on a patriotic theme should reflect the feelings of pride and love associated with the poem. Demonstrate to the children the clarity and accuracy of poems about the army, the solemnity of poems about victory and national symbols, including not only vocal reading features, but also posture and body position.

Video: pupils of the preschool educational institution "Solnyshko" recite poetry about Russia

Patriotic education through ecology

When disclosing the concept of patriotism, be sure to pay attention to the explanation of the fact that a patriot not only loves and respects his small or large Motherland, but is its active defender.

It is impossible to separate the protection of one's native land from caring for nature. The images of the beloved Motherland, as a rule, have a natural character: great rivers, free steppes, mighty forests, high mountains, abundant gardens and rich arable land. Here, a completely natural transition to ecological values ​​is possible, and the opposite is also quite true. Through the statement, understandable to children, “we want our lawn and our square to be always beautiful and clean”, it is possible to make a generalized judgment about the whole street, city, region and country.

The presence in the preschool educational institution of its own playground with trees and plants, a square or garden, a living corner or indoor plants allows you to introduce elements of environmental education into the practical activities of children. Examples of cleaning toys in the playroom, helping elders in cleaning the house, when working in the garden or vegetable garden can be transferred to examples of helping nature, combating pollution and destruction. Children are involved in a feasible and safely organized work of caring for outdoor and indoor ornamental plants.

It is desirable to demonstrate environmental educational films, cartoons, conduct small fascinating excursions to nature, perform in front of children of employees of environmental organizations of the area or environmental volunteers.

Many modern cartoons touch on environmental problems, for example, "Wall-E"

All the information received, as well as the experience of participating in the preparatory work for caring for indoor plants or live pets, should form in children an understanding of the personal responsibility for the preservation of natural resources, as well as the deep relationship and fragility of natural processes, the need to protect them.

Video: competition for the best corner of nature in kindergarten №80

How to develop a project on patriotic education in a preschool educational institution

A feature of any long-term patriotic education project is its consistency and deep integration with various educational areas. You choose a cross-cutting (main) topic and conduct it throughout the half-year or year, combining and combining it with the planned topics of the group lessons.

When choosing a topic, it is necessary to conduct an analysis and try to take into account a number of factors:

  • Features of the team of the parents of your group (for example, the military, engineers, workers of a large local enterprise prevail). This will allow you to better choose a topic, to understand what kind of help parents can give you when organizing a museum or excursions. As a successful option, you can name the project of patriotic education on the example of the history of the plant. Kirov (with the organization of the museum and the excursion by the workers of the plant).
  • The originality of your settlement, the main milestones in its history, the specifics of local attractions, which are of special pride, as well as undeservedly forgotten and little-known. Thus, the location of the naval base in the city of Sevastopol dictates the naval patriotic theme. The city of Zhukovsk has many aviation enterprises, which determines the aviation and military-space orientation of local patriotism. The city of Yekaterinburg sets the theme for domestic production, natural mineral resources, industry and craftsmanship. At the same time, you can both follow the generally accepted ideas about the city, and vice versa, find a little-known topic, an unexpected look or an unconventional approach to attractions that you will use as objects of patriotism.
  • The ethnic composition of the settlement and the group of children, the representation of different nations and peoples of Russia, or, conversely, the pronounced ethnic homogeneity of the composition of the group. It will be difficult to hold a national costume competition if the group is homogeneous, just as it will be disrespectful to focus only on the Russian theme of patriotism in a group with representatives of many different peoples.
  • Consider the calendar, holidays and memorable dates, both federal and local. For example, you came up with an idea to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the famous Romanov sheepskin coat, but on this occasion there will be a citywide competition of drawings and poems. The children of your group will be able to prepare in advance and take part in the holiday.

Video: a project on patriotic education of MB preschool educational institution Kindergarten №40 "My settlement Karagailinsky"

What the Patriotic Education Report includes

An important component of any educational work is summing up and analyzing activities. When creating your patriotic education report, try to follow these guidelines:

  1. Expand the main focus of your patriotic education project, patriotic month, and so on.
  2. List all the topics of educational patriotic activities during the regime moments: all conversations, memorized poems, drawings, songs, and so on.
  3. Separately describe the topics of organized educational activities: manual labor, artistic creation, music, fiction.
  4. Describe the topics of cultural and leisure activities, presentations, musical and sports events.
  5. Describe the interaction with the families of the pupils.
  6. Describe interactions with peer educators and outside organizations.
  7. Be sure to use a photo report, especially for large-scale events.

A lot of successful development of abstracts on patriotic education has been created, there is a wealth of experience in conducting classes and activities for children, but it is always worth remembering that the educator in his work encounters real people and it is impossible to predict some situations. In such cases, it is important to maintain the ability to be creative in solving emerging problems and to be able to use the prevailing circumstances to the maximum benefit for the education of children.

State budgetary educational institution

Salavat correctional school for students

with disabilities

Abstract of an open extracurricular activity

"Russia is my Motherland!"

Prepared by:

teacher of grade 5

Tym E.R.

Salavat, 16.02. 2017

Extracurricular activity on patriotic education

"Russia is my Motherland"
Target: Raising love for your Fatherland, Motherland.


To form in children a sense of pride in their homeland.

Awaken interest and desire, to know as much as possible about the Motherland, to acquaint with the coat of arms, flag and anthem of Russia.
To develop in children feelings of patriotism and love for their small homeland.

Promote adolescents' perception of moral values ​​(love for the Motherland, patriotism, citizenship).

Develop thinking, memory, speech, cognitive interest in the history of your country.

To cultivate kindness, responsiveness.

Form of work : individual, group.

Technologies used: game technologies, ICT.

Working methods : method of dialogue, visual, practical, exploratory.

Materials and equipment : Computer, presentation, map of Russia, presentations, poems, illustrations of Russia, A3 format, PVA glue, brushes, scissors, cardboard, felt-tip pens, wet wipes.

Dictionary: anthem, president, homeland, small homeland, patriotism.

Preliminary work: targeted walks along city streets, conversations about street names, about public transport, excursions to places of military glory, a visit to the local history museum, a joint model, children's drawings.

The course of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment : Children go to school desks.

2. Introductory part : The video clip "World" is playing

Educator: Good afternoon, dear guys!

Good afternoon, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to our lesson!

Guys, you watched the video for "Peace"

What do you think we are going to talk about today, talk about? (Answers of children)

And the theme of the lesson sounds like this: "Russia is my Motherland!"

What is Homeland for you? (Answers of children.)

Educator: The homeland is the home in which we live. This is the place where you were born and raised.

Homeland begins at the doorstep of your home. She is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother. Homeland is the mother of its people. She is proud of her sons and daughters, takes care of them, comes to the rescue, gives strength.

And now I invite you to express your understanding of what Motherland is by writing on the petals a word that, in your opinion, will be close to the concept of Motherland. Now we will make a flower from these petals. (Home, love, comrades, traditions, culture, native speech, faith, kindness, support, help, customs, relatives.)

Educator: Guys, every person has a land on which he lives, a mother who gave him life. A person needs bread, clothes, a house. It is simply impossible for him to live without all this, but among the most necessary things a person has a Motherland. So what is Motherland? What is the name of our Motherland, guys?What country do we live in?Children: Russia!
Educator : That's right, our country has a surprisingly beautiful name - Russia!
Let's all repeat it together Russia!
We also affectionately call our Motherland Mother. Homeland is the house in which we live, this is the place where we were born and raised. Many different peoples live in our country and they all strive to live in friendship, they want to make life happy for everyone. We all want our Motherland to be strong and beautiful.And what nationalities people live in our vast Russia? (Answers of children)

Educator: That's right, what a big and friendly country we have with you.

Educator: and now Alexander, Renal, Amir will tell poems about the Motherland

Children read poetry:

Alexander: What do we call the Motherland? The house we live in.
And birches along which we walk next to mom.
Renal: What do we call the Motherland? A field with a thin spikelet.
Our holidays and songs, a warm evening outside the window.
Alexander: What do we call the Motherland? We cherish everything in our heart.
And under the blue sky, the blue Russian flag under the Kremlin!
Renal: What is Homeland? I asked my mom. Mom smiled and moved her hand.
This is our Motherland - sweet Russia, there is no other Motherland like this!
Renal: In everyone's heart you are, Motherland is Russia, white birches,
spike of poured. You are not more free, you are not more beautiful.
There is no other homeland like this in the world.
Educator : What beautiful poems, thank you guys, sit down.

Educator : Let's take a look at the screen and look at the map of Russia. Look how big our country is! No other country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia! It is located in two parts of the world: Europe and Asia; it is washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
When night falls on one edge, it is already morning on the other. If in the north the rivers are frozen and the ground is covered with snow, then in the south, gardens bloom, wheat and corn are sown in the fields.
Our homeland is so big that if we want to travel from one region to another, then on the fastest train this road will take a whole week, and by plane you will have to fly all day, if you walk on foot, you will have to travel for at least a year.

Educator : I suggest you read the proverbs about the Motherland.
Children read proverbs:
1. There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world.
2. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
3. Take care of your native land, like a beloved mother.
4. The hero who is a mountain for the Motherland.
5. A person has one mother, and one is his homeland.
Educator : Guys, look, there are over a thousand cities in our country. What cities do you know?What rivers? Renal, come to the screen, show us which river you would like to see on the map.
Children's answers.
Educator: Each country has a main city-capital. What is the name of the main city of Russia?
Children: Moscow.Dmitry, can you show us Moscow on a map?Educator: Moscow is the capital of our Motherland, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. It differs from other cities in that the Russian government and the president work there. He leads the life of the country. What is the name of the President of Russia?
Children: V.V. Putin.
Physical education.
We learned a song
And in the song the words (children are marching)

Hello, our Motherland
Our city is Moscow (hands up)

What kind of area is there in Moscow
Where the Spasskaya tower is (hands spread apart)

Everyone knows this square
This square is Red (hands forward).

Educator: Guys, each country has three distinctive symbols (signs). Have you already guessed what I'm talking about?(Answers of children )

These include the Coat of Arms, Flag and Anthem. Residents of different countries are proud of the symbols of their state, and treat them with respect.
(Slide show) Coat of arms of Russia.
Look guys, this is the coat of arms of Russia. It depicts a two-headed eagle.
The eagle is a symbol of the sun and the heavenly power of immortality. The two-headed eagle holds an orb and a scepter in its paws. The scepter is a symbol of royal power. In the other paw of the eagle, power means power, the country in which the king rules. Inside the coat of arms, on the chest of the Eagle, is the coat of arms of Moscow - the rider on horseback is not just a warrior, this is George the Victorious. George the Victorious pierces a dragon with a spear.
The coat of arms is the emblem of the state.
He is depicted on all seals, banknotes: paper and metal. On passports and documents.
Passport slide show, banknotes.
Russian flag slide.
Look at the flag, it has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. What does white, blue and red mean?Where can we see the Russian flag?

Children: children's answers. Where can we see the Russian flag?

Educator : It is known that white means peace and purity of the soul, blue means loyalty and truth, red means courage and love.
Guys, you must correspond to these symbols, try to be friendly, honest and courageous, love your loved ones and your homeland.

Educator: The symbol of Russia is the Anthem.
The Anthem of Russia is a solemn song or melody that is performed on all public holidays and solemn events, as well as during sports competitions, when our athletes are awarded medals for victory.
They always listen to the Anthem while standing, men take off their hats, and never speak at the same time.

Let us stand up and listen to the song of our State - the Anthem of Russia.
They listen to part of the Russian anthem.
Educator : What kind of music do you think?
Children : Solemn, Dignified
Educator: Our country is called Russia. What are the people living in our country called?
Children: They are called Russians.
Educator: Why are we listening to the anthem while standing?
Children's answers.
Where and when is the Russian anthem played?
Children : children's answers.
Educator : Guys, tell me, what is patriotism? (Answers of children)

Educator : Patriotism (from Greek ratris- homeland, fatherland) - this is love for their homeland, people, its history, language, national culture.Each person should deeply understand that patriotism is understood not only and not just love for the Motherland, butdevotion to her, pride in her, striving to serve her interests, to protect her from enemies.

Educator : The future of our Russia largely depends on you guys, on how much you will love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults. Let's stand in a circle, join hands and smile at each other. You feel how a spark flashed between your palms, a small, small sun, it does not burn. but it warms, flashes in your eyes. I know that you sometimes quarrel, but when only anger flashes in someone's eyes, put your hands on his shoulders and goodness will melt the anger without a trace!

Educator: Guys, I offer you a creative task, with the help of emblems, drawings, illustrations, pictures, felt-tip pens, to show on a poster what is Motherland? Express your love for the Motherland through your imagination on the posters I have prepared.

Educator: Well then, split into two teams. Each of you must put a piece of warmth and love in this task. Get started.

Educator: Guys. Do not forget about the rules of conduct with piercing and sharp objects.

Educator : What wonderful posters you have made. Well done!

Educator: I suggest you show your received emotions in the form of emoticons, and go to the board and attach a certain emoticon.

Reflection : Guys, what new have you learned today, maybe you remembered something that you liked the most in the lesson? (Answers of children)

Educator: Thank you guys for an interesting lesson, it was interesting to work with you.While you are still small, you cannot do anything for Russia yet. But you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your friends and loved ones, you don’t quarrel.Let’s look at each other, smile and don’t forget that you and I are Russians, people are very wise, patient and kind. Let's all say together:"If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!" Thank you for your attention!

Synopsis of a lesson on patriotic education in the senior group of a kindergarten, the topic of the lesson "Heroes of the Russian land"

Software content:

To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Russia, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian land.
Revive the idea of ​​the epic, of the epic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobryna Nikitich.
Arouse interest in the language of epics, legends, songs, legends about Russian heroes.
To acquaint children with the weapons of the heroes.
To foster a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, a desire to imitate them.

Dictionary activation:

Bogatyr, guslar, chain mail, armor, equipment, Slavs, Rusichi, swampy swamps, epics, sword, mace, club, brush, spear, ax, hammer, ax, battle scourge, chain, bow and arrows, knives, dagger, gusli.

Preliminary work:

Examination of the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Heroes".
Examination of the panel "Russian heroes" with artistic material about epic heroes.
Reading excerpts about epic heroes: "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent".
Listening to the recording of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Finist-Clear Falcon", "Nikita Kozhemyaka", "The Serpent Gorynych", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".
Compilation of a generic tree (drawn).
Artistic activities on the themes: "Weapons of the Bogatyrs", "Bogatyrs", "Horses of Russian Bogatyrs".


Illustrations of the heroes of Ancient Russia; cards depicting the weapons of heroes (sword, mace, brush, etc.) and weapons of modern warriors (pistol, gun, rifle, machine gun); costumes of heroes and guslar, ropes, a river, paper pebbles, a stone at a crossroads, three roads, a forest, images of Kashchei the Immortal, Nightingale the Robber, the Snake-Gorynych.

Course of the lesson:

Children sit on high chairs in the hall.


Once upon a time, in the place of cities and villages where we now live, there were impenetrable forests full of animals and birds. Many territories were occupied by swamps. Since ancient times, the Slavs have lived on this land. Their neighbors, the Khazars and Mongol-Tatars, often attacked the Slavs, devastated the lands, ravaged houses, and took people prisoner. More than 1000 years ago, the Slavs founded their state, called Rus. Russia defended itself from enemies. Only very strong, hardy and brave people could live in such conditions. Such people were called Russians. They were famous for their heroic strength, fairy tales and epics were composed about their exploits. Bogatyrs lived among the Russians - the defenders of our Motherland in antiquity. This is what they looked like. (Shows illustrations of heroes and a picture of V. M. Vasnetsov "Heroes").

Look guys, how mighty, courageous, brave and strong they were. Who is depicted in the picture?


Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.


That's right, and who were they?




Children, who do you think the heroes are?


Bogatyrs are people who defended our Motherland from enemies.


That's right, heroes are people of immense strength, stamina and courage who perform military feats. The heroes guarded our homeland from enemies - they stood at the outpost (border), neither the beast will slip past them unnoticed, nor the bird will fly by, let alone the enemy will not pass. Guys, we have already read a lot of fairy tales and epics about the heroes of the Russian land. Let's remember what they are called?


"Nightingale is a robber", "Finist-Yasny Sokol", "Nikita Kozhemyaka", "Serpent Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent", etc.


Children, and with whom the heroes fought - heroes?


With Nightingale - a robber, Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal, Tugarin Serpent.


Children, would you like to walk the path of heroes, see them, learn about their exploits?



Then we need to get ready for a difficult, dangerous path, where unusual adventures will await us, won't you be afraid? I know that you are friendly and courageous. Friendship will help us overcome all obstacles.
But first, let's remember, before embarking on a long journey, what did the Russian hero have to choose?



That's right, he had to choose the road on which to go. In fairy tales and epics, the hero always stood at a crossroads near a stone on which it was written where to go. Here we have such a stone on the road, it is written on it:

Go right
Money and fame
Go left
You will lose your friends and you will not be brave.
Move straight
Danger awaits and a heroic outpost.

So, guys, which road do we choose?


A road that goes straight.
The teacher with the children walks along the road and the first obstacle is in front of them. (The tape recorder starts up and the fabulous voice speaks the first task).

(Exercise 1)

Warm up first,
Walk along the string
You can't leave it
Friends are waiting for you there.
(There is a rope on the floor, along which children need to walk with their eyes closed, hands on their belts).

(task 2)

Here is an obstacle on the way
It's not so easy to get through
Need to remember quickly
And say the proverbs!
(It is necessary to say proverbs about the courage, courage and homeland of Russian heroes).

Proverbs and sayings about courage, courage, homeland

Courage to the power of the voivode.
The hero who is a mountain for the Motherland.
Who dared he sat on a horse.
Stand over your edge to death.
The Russian is not joking with the ball or the roll.
Perish yourself, and help your comrade out.
Die from your native land, do not leave.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
Happiness is more precious than life for the Motherland.
Not the hero who awaits the award, but the hero who follows the people.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

(task 3)

Here is the river on the way
Do not pass, do not pass
Nightingale - an evil robber
The bridge broke here over the river.
(You need to cross the river on the pebbles, shifting them).

(task 4)

Here is a barrier, here is Kashchei
He eats many, many children (cabbage soup)
To get you further
You need to prove that you are heroes.

Physical education "Bogatyrs"

Bogatyr - this is what he is:
(Showing the strong man)

He's strong, he's healthy
He shot from a bow,
(Imitate movement)

He threw his club aptly,
I stood at the border
Vigilantly - keenly watched,
We grow up, we and, look,
(Hands up high)

(task 5)

All obstacles submitted
Then you all set off on the road
But, alas, it was not there - it was,
Everything suddenly whirled like a whirlwind!
Serpent Gorynych three-headed
I met on the way
Don't look for salvation here!
But guys don't yawn
And choose your weapon rather!
(It is necessary to choose and name a heroic weapon from the weapons of modern warriors).



I am a guslar, I walk from city to city, settled down to the village, I sing about the exploits of Russian heroes. Before there was no television, only from me people learned the news.


And our guys also know who the heroes are!

One child will read a poem about a hero.

A hero, strong as a free wind,
Mighty like a hurricane.
He protects the earth
From the evil bastard!
He is rich in strength
It protects the capital city.
Saves the poor and children
And old people and mothers!


These are the heroes.


Ay, under the glorious city near Kiev,
There was a heroic outpost.
Ilya Muromets was at the outpost,
The tax was Dobrynya Nikitich,
Esaul - Alyosha is a priest's son.
Three boys come out, dressed as heroes.

Ilya Muromets:

The Nightingale the Robber sat in a raw oak tree,
The Nightingale the robber whistled, but in a nightingale,
The villain-robber growled like an animal,
From his whistle, all the flowers crumbled,
And that there are people - they all lie dead.
But I cut off his riotous head,
Moreover, these are the words:
"You are full of whistling like a nightingale,
You are full of shouting yes in an animal way,
You have enough to frighten little kids! "

Music sounds.


I went to the glorious river -
Suddenly it’s not rain, it’s not thunder,
Ai Serpentine and then Gorynischo,
Ai flies about three heads, twelve trunks.
Smeinishcho says these are the words:
"And now, Dobrynyushka, you are in my hands,
I'll take you to the fullest, if you want - I'll burn you,
If I want - I will eat it. "

I contrived, hit the Gorynishche,
An Serpent fell on the damp earth,
On the damp earth, on the feather grass-grass.
Asked for mercy, murder.
Music sounds.

Alyosha Popovich:

They told me about Tugarin Zmeevich,
And that he himself is three fathoms tall,
The horse under him, like a fierce beast,
From the mouth, a flame blazes
From the ears - a pillar of smoke - everyone is afraid of the fierce one,
How I slapped him over the head,
And how he fell on the damp earth,
Then I jumped on his black chest,
And cut his head off,
And he said: "According to your sins, Zmeevich, everything has happened."

Gusel music sounds.


Oh you, goy thou, bogatyrs and Svyatorusskie,
And you saddled good horses,
Yes, you stood for the faith and the Fatherland,
And bow to you from Russia and forever and ever.

They bow to each other and the audience and leave.


Well, guys, our fabulous journey has come to an end. You and I overcame all the dangers and obstacles, like heroes, saw the heroes and learned about their exploits. You were all great, you did all the tasks well, you were attentive, courageous, dexterous, quick-witted. And I want to give you each a gift - this is a drawing of a hero. You can paint his armor.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group.

Ready-made synopses of classes on moral and patriotic education, both for kids and older children. We form the spiritual, moral and patriotic qualities of children by introducing them to the history and culture of our country, our people.

In the process of conversations and GCD, we acquaint children with state and regional symbols, bright sights, cultural heritage; we study the heroic pages of our history; we evoke a feeling of admiration for the beauty of our native land; we cultivate love for the big and small homeland.

Classes that educate responsible and worthy citizens of a great country.

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 5002.
All sections | Patriotic education. Summaries of classes, conversations, GCD

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "On a visit to the hostess" on moral and patriotic education in the younger group Target: to acquaint children with objects of ancient Russian life, with the traditions of the Russian people, with various folklore forms: nursery rhymes, riddles, songs. Bring up respect for antiques, folk traditions, customs of hospitality. Tasks: 1. Introduce ...

PURPOSE: Acquaintance of preschoolers with military events outside the Fatherland. Tasks: Fostering a sense of duty, patriotism, love for the Motherland, your people; Formation of an idea of ​​military duty and loyalty to the Fatherland; Formation of pupils respectful attitude to ...

Patriotic education. Summaries of classes, conversations, GCD - Summary of GCD in the second junior group on patriotic education "Friendly kids of our garden"

Publication "Summary of GCD in the second junior group on patriotic education ..." Lesson on patriotic education in the II junior group "Friendly kids of our kindergarten" Program content: 1. To form children's ideas about their kindergarten in which they go; to form an idea of ​​the main places and offices of the kindergarten; introduce children to ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Synopsis of the lesson on moral and patriotic education in the senior group "My city" Tasks and goals: To form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe hometown; Continue to acquaint children with their small homeland; To foster patriotic feelings for their small homeland; To acquaint children with the sights of the city; Arouse in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of their own ...

Abstract of the GCD for moral and patriotic education in the senior group "Russian flag" Abstract of the GCD for patriotic education in the senior group on the topic "Russian flag" Educator: Mozheiko Irina Viktorovna. Purpose: To form an idea of ​​children about the meaning of the state flag of the Russian Federation. Tasks: To acquaint children with the national flag of Russia (color scheme, ...

Abstract of the GCD "We live in Russia" (for the older group) Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​the country in which we live. Objectives: to arouse interest in the present, past and future of Russia; to form an idea of ​​Russia as a native country, a feeling of love for their homeland, a sense of pride in their country, to introduce children ...

Patriotic education. Summaries of classes, conversations, GCD - Synopsis of the OOD "Where does the Motherland begin" in the educational field "Cognitive development"

Objectives: 1. To form knowledge of the name of your country and its symbols, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards them; 2. To form interest in the small homeland and primary ideas about it. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of the name of the native country of Russia, the native city of Mytishchi; 2. Consolidate knowledge ...


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