Vaccinations at 4 5 months. Calendar of preventive vaccinations for children: terms and features of vaccination

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Vaccination is one of the prerequisites for the healthy development of a child. It is she who helps to avoid in the future a number of different diseases, some of which are simply negative and unpleasant, while others are simply dangerous for the child's life. Vaccination cannot be avoided, although many parents have certain speculations, ideas about the dangers of vaccination, but still, a child is vaccinated in the overwhelming majority of cases.

How vaccinations work

When a child is born, his body is a real blank slate. This applies to a lot, but it is especially important that at this moment he has not yet developed immunity at all. Immunity helps to protect the baby from various external influences, protecting his health and eliminating dangerous elements (viruses / infections, and so on) that get inside. But at first, the immune system simply does not understand what it needs to resist. He did not interact with various samples of viruses and other negative factors.

Each virus that enters the body begins to interact with the immune system, as a result of which the latter develops a kind of counteraction to it, the immunity can now effectively resist external influences. But what can be done to develop such a defense? Do not infect a child with dangerous diseases? This, of course, is not worth doing, but using adapted and controlled versions or analogs of external pathogens so that the body does not get sick, but understands what to do in such a situation is a sensible decision. Therefore, with a certain frequency, vaccinations like DTP are given to a child - and due to this, you can be sure that the baby is protected. However, with the same DPT - it is important to understand well when exactly vaccination is done - and they do it on schedule.

Vaccination by date

Your child is not just being vaccinated in some random sequence and on an indefinite schedule - it is important to do it in a smart way. Over the years, medical research has identified the optimal schedule to achieve the best possible outcome. If you adhere to the proposed dates, you can achieve the fact that all the main dangerous and negative diseases bypass the child.

The necessary schedule, which must be adhered to when making vaccinations like DTP, will definitely be described by doctors, but still it will not be superfluous to know it personally. Consider its specific interval, namely, which vaccinations are given to each child at 4 months, at 5 months and 6 months. Although during this period the baby is still very young, nevertheless he is no longer a baby, and therefore more complex vaccinations can be allowed. But which ones? Consider what kind of vaccinations can be done in this interval.

For diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

DPT is one of the most versatile and important vaccinations. It is done three times in the first year to achieve the best possible effect. It is done for the first time in three months, then in the child it is repeated at 4.5 months. In these first two times, a sparing version of the vaccine is used, the vaccine is inactivated, that is, inanimate. Small changes in the state of the child's body are possible, for example, a slight increase in body temperature. Usually, DPT does not cause any problems, but if the temperature increase is persistent, or the child begins to have convulsions due to individual intolerance, the doctor will suggest next time replacing the vaccine with a safer and more neutral alternative, ADS, which is the same DPT, but not affecting whooping cough. After all, it is the whooping cough component that usually causes the strongest reaction in the body, stronger than DPT.


There are two types of this vaccination, it can be inactivated and oral. At 4 months, it is necessary to do exactly the inactivated vaccine, it is injected into the muscles of the child. Complications after its use are minimal. It is only very rarely that there is an increase in temperature, an increase in stool - all this passes without any additional treatment in a few days after the first manifestation. The only really serious complication that very rarely manifests itself with a vaccine is vaccine-associated polio. This disease can manifest itself most often when the child had congenital immunodeficiency or a number of other complications and pathologies. In other cases, the problem usually does not occur.

From hemophilic infection

It is one of the most overlooked infections and yet extremely dangerous. She is the cause of the death of a large number of unvaccinated children. The vaccination reaction is weak, usually the child's temperature just rises for a short time, but then everything goes away. It is interesting that there is also a positive side effect - if a child is vaccinated with this vaccine, then there is a great chance that he will not develop acute respiratory infections in the future, or its effect will noticeably decrease.

For pneumococcal infection

An important vaccination, which is carried out for a child in two stages. At 4 months, the second of them takes place. This is a very important vaccine that can be given at intervals that should not exceed 2.5 months. Most often, an imported vaccine called Prevenar is used, it is very well tolerated and has almost no side effects.

From viral hepatitis B

This is the first vaccination that, in principle, a child is given when he is just born. It then needs to be repeated twice during only the first year of his life.


At four months, the baby begins to grow very actively. In literally a short period of time, he can gain up to 600 grams, His body shape changes, he becomes pleasantly plump. The time comes to do the following vaccinations:

  • DTP;
  • from polio;
  • from pneumococcal infection;
  • from hemophilic infection.

Although four months are indicated, in fact, vaccinations are usually carried out at 4.5 months. This is important because a certain break between vaccinations is necessary, and almost all vaccinations that are performed at a given age are performed in several stages.


The baby's weight gain during this period slows down, he begins to show real acrobatic dexterity - but as for the child's vaccinations, they are not done this month. You can safely observe the development of the baby without worrying about going to the doctor.


The sixth month is a very active period in the development of the baby. He begins to slowly stand, distinguish emotions, try to understand speech, and also publish his own, although not very coherent sounds. And at this age it is also necessary to understand what vaccinations a child should be given. There are not many of them. It is necessary to give the child a third DPT vaccination, and then, after DPT, to be vaccinated against viral hepatitis B.


Vaccination should not be underestimated, it should not be ignored - if everything is done well and clearly, adhering to the schedule set by the doctors, listening to which injections need to be given and which not, then in the future, the baby will not have any problems with the health of the baby, he will be reliably from them protected at the biological level. Video in the topic:

Mandatory vaccinations - list of essential vaccines

The content of the article: Parents of a five-month-old baby need to know: what a baby should be able to do at 5 months; how to develop it correctly; what dangers lie in wait for him; what to do if the child falls; when to introduce the first complementary foods; what are the features of the second vaccination. The fifth month of the baby's life is filled with constant innovations happening to him. He not only changed outwardly, but also became actively interested in the people and objects around him. At five months of life, a child weighs on average 7 kg, and his height is from 65 cm to 70 cm.The average weight gain per month is 700-750 g, in height 2 cm.A five-month-old baby sleeps about 15-16 hours a day, of which in the afternoon 2-3 times for 1.5-2 hours.

Aguk actively;

Grab and hold items you like;

Actively move your legs and arms;

Try to sit;

Actively roll over on the tummy and flank;

Try to crawl;

Distinguish between "friends" and "strangers" (new people are alarming and cause crying).

How to properly develop a baby at 5 months

For the correct physical development of the baby in the fifth month of life, parents need to do the following:

1. Show the toy and get the child to grab it with the handles. If earlier the rattle you liked was put into a children's handle, now the time has come when the baby can grab it from the parent's hands on its own.

Toys should be colorful and varied. These can be colorful rattles, small rubber or wooden objects of various shapes. The main thing is to develop in the child the ability to hold them.

Buy "voice" toys, that is, those that promote the development of hearing functions. At present, it will not be difficult to choose such a useful toy; a fairly wide range of this product is presented in stores.

2. Train the support of the child's feet. To do this, you need to take the baby in the armpit area, raise him and put him on his legs. This exercise must be done several times during the day.

3. Take the baby by the lower abdomen and hold it in your arms so that he straightens his back muscles on his own.

4. To develop in the child the ability to "sit down". Take the baby by the handles so that he grabs the fingers of an adult and pulls him forward a little. He will try to take a sitting position.

Important! If the child cannot be fixed in this position, it should be carefully returned to the "supine" position.

5. Regularly engage in physical exercises with the baby and conduct massage sessions. It is worth remembering that the competent physical development of a child is a prerequisite for his health in general.

Dangers of 5 months of a child's life

The fifth month of life is a time of certain dangers. The activity of the baby during this period increases significantly. He will no longer lie calmly in one position, as it was a few months ago. The risk of falling from a height of the bed reaches its climax.

You should know that babies fall head down, therefore, there may be undesirable consequences associated with her injury.

Important! When leaving a child unattended, you should take the necessary precautions, namely, you should leave him:

In a crib;

In the arena;

Or on the floor, after laying a soft blanket.

What to do if the child falls

All children, unfortunately, fall sooner or later. This sometimes leads to serious health problems, especially when falling from a height of one meter or more.

If a fall has occurred, then, first of all, a visual examination of the child is required. It consists in a careful study of parts of his body:

Frontal and occipital parts of the head;

Chest areas;

In the absence of visible damage to the baby, you should not relax. For several days, you need to closely monitor him. It is worth noting that negative manifestations after a fall are quite rare. Usually, children experience mild fright, which will soon subside.

Parents should be aware that if a child develops the following symptoms after a fall:

Long-term crying that cannot be stopped;

The drop height was more than a meter;

Lethargy and drowsiness;


Refusal to eat;

Nausea and vomiting;

Visible bruises in the head and body.

In such cases, an urgent call for an ambulance team is necessary. It is possible that an additional medical examination of the baby will be required, which can be carried out in a hospital.

Complementary feeding from 5 months

It should be noted that the introduction of complementary foods before 5 months is not recommended. Until this time, the baby continues to be breastfed or to eat milk formulas, if he is an "artificial". Read more about the introduction of complementary foods for children under one year old on our website.

Complementary foods are prescribed by a pediatrician if the child has:

1. Insufficient body weight. In such cases, a gradual introduction of cereals is recommended.

2. Difficulty emptying the bowels (constipation). Introducing small amounts of pureed vegetables will help alleviate this problem.

3. Involuntary frequent regurgitation of breast milk or formula. To eliminate this factor, a meal of a thicker consistency is prescribed.

Only a pediatrician decides on the need to introduce complementary foods in the fifth month of a child's life, since usually complementary foods are introduced at the sixth month.

Routine physical examination and vaccination

A medical examination at the age of five months is carried out only by a pediatrician. It determines the weight and height of the child at 5 months, the circumference of the head and chest, looks at the physical and mental development of the child and compares the results with the average.

Based on the data from the vaccination calendar, the planned vaccination is assigned to the baby when he is four and a half months old. At this age, 3 vaccinations are carried out: the second vaccination for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DPT), the second vaccination against polio and the second vaccination against hemophilus influenza. All vaccinations are performed on the same day after a doctor's examination.

Preparing for vaccination

In order to reduce the reaction to the DPT vaccine, especially if it was at the first injection (temperature rise, hyperemia), it is necessary to prepare for vaccination in advance. These issues are discussed when visiting a doctor at 4 months. The pediatrician advises giving the baby an antihistamine (Zyrtec, Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.) three days before vaccination, on the day of vaccination and within three days after. The appointment and dose of the drug is performed by a doctor.

Possible vaccine reactions

The first vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough was given to a child at the age of three months. It should be noted that the second vaccination is more likely to cause reactions such as:

Increased body temperature;

Redness of the skin in the area of ​​the injection;

Sealing formation;

Swelling of the injection site.

This condition can last for two to three days. Walking and bathing the baby is possible only three days after vaccination or after normalization of the child's health.

The next visit to the clinic and vaccination will take place at the age of 6 months.

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»Vaccinations for a child

What vaccinations are given to children at 5 months

If you vaccinate your baby according to the national immunization schedule, then you probably know that at least 30 days should pass from one vaccination to the next. And the first vaccination is done on the 3rd day after birth.

What vaccinations are given to children at 5 months. According to the vaccination calendar, between 4.5 months and the sixth month, the baby is vaccinated against five diseases at once:

If you are not out of schedule, then the booster vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria should take place at 4.5 months. The final third is at six months. Also, at 4.5 months, they are vaccinated against polio.

Under what circumstances should these vaccinations not be given. If after the previous time the following reactions of the body were observed:

Redness and swelling at the injection site exceeded 80 cm;
- there were mild neurological disorders;
- the temperature was accompanied by convulsions;
-in the first two days after the introduction of the vaccine, there was a collapse, heart failure;
- convulsions were observed after a critical day, and without an elevated temperature;

If these negative consequences happened to the baby during the first vaccination, then the pediatrician should be told about this. Necessarily need to be observed by a neurologist.

At six months, DTP is done again. Also vaccinated against hepatitis B and polio. In the presence of acute respiratory diseases, as well as more serious ailments, vaccination should be postponed.

It turns out that in five months there are no vaccinations as such. Subject to the vaccination schedule. And also if previous vaccinations were not postponed due to illness or for some other reason.

It should be noted here that if you have overdue the DPT, then you will not have to start the entire course again. The efficiency will not decrease from this. You just need to contact your pediatrician as soon as possible and he will appoint you further stages of vaccination. Because one hundred percent immunity to such dangerous diseases as diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus is formed only after a full course of vaccination. And the child's body receives reliable protection for several years.

This time, you already know how the baby's body reacted to vaccinations the last time. In addition, the same vaccine will be administered. If the first time everything went smoothly, without high fever and other side effects, do not relax. Antipyretic and antihistamines in the home medicine cabinet should be in any case.

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1 Vaccination against viral hepatitis B is given to all newborns in the first 24 hours of a child's life, including children born to healthy mothers and children from risk groups, which include newborns born to mothers with HBsAg who have hepatitis B virus or who have had hepatitis B virus infection in the third trimester pregnancy without test results for markers of hepatitis B, as well as those assigned to risk groups: drug addicts, in families in which there is a carrier of HBsAg or a patient with acute viral hepatitis B and chronic viral hepatitis (hereinafter referred to as risk groups).

2 Vaccination of newborns against tuberculosis is carried out with the BCG-M vaccine;
vaccination of newborns against tuberculosis is carried out with the BCG vaccine in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with morbidity rates exceeding 80 per 100 thousand of the population, as well as in the presence of tuberculosis patients in the environment of the newborn.
Revaccination against tuberculosis is carried out for tuberculin-negative children who are not infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis at the age of 7 and 14 years.
In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with tuberculosis incidence rates not exceeding 40 per 100 thousand of the population, revaccination against tuberculosis at the age of 14 is carried out for tuberculin-negative children who have not received the vaccine at the age of 7.

3 Vaccination against viral hepatitis B is carried out according to the 0-1-2-12 scheme (the first dose - in the first 24 hours of life, the second dose - at the age of 1 month, the third dose - at the age of 2 months, the fourth dose - at the age of 12 months) newborn children at risk.

4 Vaccinations against viral hepatitis B are carried out according to the 0-3-6 scheme (1 dose - at the start of vaccination, 2 dose - three months after 1 vaccination, 3 dose - 6 months after the start of immunization) to all children who do not belong to the groups risk.

5 Vaccination against poliomyelitis is carried out with inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) three times for all children in the first year of life.

Do you want to know when and what vaccinations are given to children? Would you like to have your own child immunization schedule? Then our unique service will help you - an individual vaccination calendar. You just need to enter the date of birth of your baby, and in a few seconds you will receive a table in which the child's vaccinations will be scheduled by date. This will help you not only make sure that your baby is vaccinated on time, but also allows you to calculate the timing of revaccination.

Tuberculosis, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, whooping cough, hepatitis B, mumps (mumps) are diseases that are included in the Russian vaccination calendar, as they are considered the most dangerous for children living in our country. Why do babies need to be vaccinated? First, to protect the child. With the help of a timely vaccination, an artificial immunity to the disease is created in a child, which can protect him both from the disease itself, but also from its negative consequences. Secondly, preventive vaccinations can stop the epidemic and even prevent it.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the terms and rules for the vaccination. A child who is sick or recovering from an illness cannot be vaccinated. After vaccination, a child can lead a normal life, but carefully watch him - if the temperature rises and if other ailments appear, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor. The timing and schemes of vaccination in the child's vaccination calendar are clearly spelled out based on the risk of morbidity, the age of the child, the state of his health and, of course, the formation of immunity to a particular disease, for example, immunity to measles occurs after the first vaccination, and so that immunity to poliomyelitis is formed , babies need to be vaccinated within three months.

The first vaccinations for babies are given immediately after birth, literally within the first 24 hours and three to four days after birth - these are vaccinations against hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Children are vaccinated against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio at 3 months, and against measles, rubella and mumps at 12 months.

We hope that the individual vaccination calendar, which you will receive on our website, will help protect your baby from possible diseases, that he will grow strong, healthy and delight his parents.

  1. Immunization within the framework of the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations is carried out with vaccines of domestic and foreign production, registered and approved for use in the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the instructions for their use.
  2. For immunization against hepatitis B in children of the first year of life, it is recommended to use a vaccine that does not contain a preservative (thiomersal).
  3. Vaccination against viral hepatitis B according to the 0-1-6 scheme (1 dose - at the beginning of vaccination, 2 dose - a month after 1 vaccination, 3 dose - 6 months after the start of immunization) children who have not received vaccinations at the age of 1 year and non-risk groups, as well as adolescents and adults who have not been vaccinated before.
  4. Vaccines used within the framework of the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations (except for BCG, BCG-M) can be administered at intervals of 1 month or simultaneously with different syringes in different parts of the body.
  5. In case of violation of the start date of vaccinations, they are carried out according to the schemes provided for by the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations, and in accordance with the instructions for the use of drugs.
  6. Immunization of children born to HIV-infected mothers is carried out within the framework of the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations (according to an individual vaccination schedule) and in accordance with the instructions for the use of vaccines and toxoids.
  7. Immunization of children born to HIV-infected mothers is carried out taking into account the following factors: the type of vaccine (live, inactivated), the presence of immunodeficiency, taking into account the age of the child, concomitant diseases.
  8. All inactivated vaccines (toxoids), recombinant vaccines are administered to children born to HIV-infected mothers, including HIV-infected children, regardless of the stage of the disease and the number of CD4 + lymphocytes.
  9. Live vaccines are administered to children with an established diagnosis of HIV infection after an immunological examination to exclude an immunodeficiency state. In the absence of immunodeficiency, live vaccines are administered in accordance with the National Vaccination Schedule. In the presence of immunodeficiency, the administration of live vaccines is contraindicated.
  10. 6 months after the initial administration of live vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, HIV-infected individuals are assessed for the level of specific antibodies and, in their absence, a repeated dose of the vaccine is administered with preliminary laboratory monitoring of the immune status.

What vaccinations are given to a child at 2 months old?

The mother of every newborn baby is faced with a decision on the issue of vaccinating her child and, if just a few years ago almost everyone agreed on vaccinations and did not see a reason to refuse vaccination, today the opinions of young mothers differ. Someone does not want to vaccinate their children at all, someone believes that it is better to vaccinate babies after a year, when a certain immunity has already formed. The opinions of doctors on this matter also differ, but, nevertheless, the majority of pediatricians are in favor of vaccination.

Vaccinations for a two month old baby

According to the vaccination calendar, children under one year old should receive a dose of the vaccine at a certain age:

  • Immediately after giving birth, in the first few hours of life, the baby is vaccinated against viral hepatitis B.
  • In the period from the third to the seventh day from birth - vaccination against tuberculosis.
  • At the age of 1 month - hepatitis B again.
  • At the age of three, 4.5 and 6 months, the child receives the DPT vaccine.
  • Six months - hepatitis B.

As you can see from this list, there are no vaccinations for babies at the age of two months. But this is a general vaccination calendar that summarizes all children. Many do not follow it, then the pediatricians make their own schedule, according to which vaccinations are carried out.

Thus, theoretically, at the age of two months, a baby can receive a vaccine against viral hepatitis B or against tuberculosis. How does it work in practice?

BCG vaccine

The BCG vaccine is a vaccine against tuberculosis, which has almost the same composition in all countries. It is necessary to protect the child from Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis. BCG is not a panacea for tuberculosis, but it allows you to easily transfer the disease in case of infection. Severe forms of tuberculosis can be fatal, and vaccination is the surest and only known way to prevent the disease.

It is best not to delay the introduction of this vaccine until two months of age. Pediatricians say that it is better to vaccinate in the hospital before the baby has become infected with live bacteria. In the vaccine, they are in a weakened state and allow children to develop immunity to this disease. If the baby was born premature, low birth weight or weak, then there is an easier form of the vaccine - BCG-M.

Hepatitis B vaccine

The first vaccination is carried out immediately after the birth of the baby. This is due to the fact that, according to unspecified data, up to 10% of the population are carriers of hepatitis B. That is, the risk of contracting the virus in a child is extremely high. In newborns, the probability of infection reaches 95%, so they try to get the vaccine right away.

The second vaccination is scheduled for a month. But there may be medical leads who will postpone the vaccination to a later time. As for the second vaccination against viral hepatitis B, the postponement of the vaccination to a later time is not critical. Thus, if at the age of one month your baby is weakened, sick, or you simply could not come to the appointment, then you can easily get vaccinated at 2 months.

Contraindications for vaccination are an increased body temperature in a baby, a cold, an allergic reaction, an intestinal infection. It is not recommended to introduce new foods into the baby's diet a week before vaccination. If he is breastfed, then mom should not eat new foods. If a child eats a mixture, then you should not change it to another.

Thus, it turns out that according to the general vaccination calendar at the age of two months, the baby does not receive any vaccinations. But if you have your own schedule, then the most likely vaccination at two months would be hepatitis B virus vaccination.

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Vaccination of children in Russia is carried out according to a specific schedule, which is called the vaccination calendar. Our national vaccination calendar is one of the most complete in the world. It is approved at the legislative level and is used throughout the country. In addition to routine vaccinations, there are vaccinations for epidemic indications, which are given in some regions when there is a threat of an epidemic.

Despite the thoroughness of the vaccination schedule, vaccinations are not mandatory. Parents may well refuse to vaccinate their child by providing a written refusal. Read more about the vaccination calendar, vaccines and vaccination rules, as well as about refusal from it, read below.

What laws regulate the vaccination of children

There are several laws behind the development of the vaccination calendar and vaccination of children:

  1. Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".
  2. "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health."
  3. Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population."

These documents describe the entire vaccination procedure, including a list of recommended vaccinations and possible complications after them. So, vaccination of children under one year old implies vaccinations against the following diseases:

  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Diphtheria;
  • Tetanus;
  • Hemophilic infection;
  • Polio;
  • Measles;
  • Rubella;
  • Mumps.

In the event of an epidemic of other diseases, vaccinations may be given unscheduled. The situation with outbreaks of infection is constantly monitored and the regions falling into the "risk zone" are under the control of the Ministry of Health.

National calendar of preventive vaccinations for children under one year old

Every year the vaccination calendar changes slightly, some additions are made to it. They mainly relate to the procedure for conducting vaccinations, and the vaccination schedule remains the same:

Age Vaccination name Vaccine Notes (edit)
1 day(newborn) - First vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Kombiotech Especially necessary for newborns whose mothers are carriers of the virus or have acute or chronic hepatitis.
3-7 days(newborn) - Vaccination against tuberculosis BCG-M Not to be confused with the Mantoux reaction. Mantoux is not a vaccination, but an analysis for the presence of immunity, it is carried out after a year. If there is no immunity, the BCG vaccination is repeated.
1 month infant - Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Kombiotech
Infant at 2 months Engerix V, Kombiotech It is given only to children at risk.
Infant at 3 months - First vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DPT, Infanrix, Pentaxim There is a different vaccine for each vaccine, but all 3 vaccinations can be given "in one shot" if you use the Pentaxim combination vaccine.
- First vaccination against hemophilus influenza Act-HIB, Hiberiks, Pentaxim
- First vaccination against polio OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
Infant at 4.5 months - Second vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DPT, Infanrix, Pentaxim
- Second vaccination against haemophilus influenzae Act-HIB, Hiberiks, Pentaxim
- Second polio vaccine OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
Infant at 6 months - Third vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DTP, Infanrix, Pentaxim, Bubo-Kok The whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine can be given "one shot" with the hepatitis vaccine using the Bubo-Kok combination vaccine.
- Third haemophilus influenza vaccine Act-HIB, Hiberiks, Pentaxim
- The third vaccination against polio OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
- The third vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Kombiotech, Bubo-Kok
Baby at 12 months - Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps MMR II, Priorix
- The fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Kombiotech For at-risk babies only.

The next vaccinations are waiting for the baby at 1.5 years old and at 1 year 8 months. - This is a revaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, as well as against poliomyelitis.

About vaccines

Until one year old, the child will have to receive 14 vaccinations (taking into account the fact that some vaccinations are given in several stages), and mothers will have to find out the many names of vaccines and decide which vaccine to give to the child. Let's try to figure out what vaccines are.

  1. Hepatitis vaccine. It contains individual proteins of the hepatitis B virus. The genetic material of the virus is absent. In response to the introduction of the vaccine, immunity is formed, it is impossible to get sick in this way.
  2. Vaccine against tuberculosis. Contains weakened bovine tuberculosis bacteria. In humans, they do not cause disease, but lead to the formation of strong immunity. To develop stable immunity, it is necessary that the tubercle bacillus be in the body constantly.
  3. Pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine. The most severe in these diseases is the poisoning of the body with toxins. The composition of the vaccine contains precisely toxins, but in a very weakened form. They do not cause illness, but the body develops immunity.
  4. Polio vaccine. There are two types: live and inactivated. The live vaccine is directly the polio virus in a very attenuated form. This vaccine comes in the form of drops and can cause mild polio in a child. The inactivated vaccine contains only the protein coat of the viruses. It is injected subcutaneously, cannot cause illness, but its effect is lower. Because the polio vaccine is a 2-step process, sometimes the inactivated vaccine is given first and the second live vaccine is given.
  5. Vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps. Contains weakened viruses that cause the named diseases. Vaccination is safe, that is, it is impossible to get sick from it, while immunity is developed.

How to vaccinate correctly - what mothers need to know

Most of all, parents are afraid of the likely consequences of vaccinations, among which there are very serious complications:

  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Severe allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, Steven-Johnson syndrome);
  • Poliomyelitis (after polio vaccination);
  • Encephalitis, meningitis, neuritis and other lesions of the central nervous system;
  • Generalized infection, osteitis, osteomyelitis after BCG vaccination;
  • Chronic arthritis after rubella vaccine.

The likelihood of such complications, of course, scares young parents. To reduce the risk of complications, you need to vaccinate in compliance with all the rules.

Fundamental rules

  • Malaise, colds, fever;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Recent blood transfusion;
  • Prematurity.

In each case, the duration of medical removal is determined individually, usually from a week to 1 month. The indication for the complete cancellation of the vaccination is:

  • An allergic reaction to a previous vaccination;
  • Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

2. The vaccine can be given only after a thorough examination by a doctor. The task of the doctor is not only to thoroughly examine the child, measure the temperature and ask the mother about the characteristics of the baby's body. Another important point is informing the mother about the vaccination itself. The doctor must tell about what kind of vaccine will be given, how it works, what kind of vaccine will be administered, what complications are possible after vaccination. Good to know!- Memo to mothers how to communicate with a doctor.

3. The mother can choose herself which vaccine to give to the child. In the clinic, all vaccinations are given free of charge, but if the parents do not want to put the vaccine that was purchased at the clinic, they can buy their own. This is usually done in the event that they want to supply a better imported vaccine or to have a comprehensive vaccination.

4. The vaccine can be stored and transported only in the cold, at a temperature of 2-8C. This rule applies, first of all, to the situation when the mother buys the vaccine herself, since in the pharmacy and clinic all the rules of storage and transportation are unconditionally observed. When buying a vaccine in a pharmacy, you need to buy an ice pack ("snow") for it and be sure to take a receipt. This may be needed in the pediatrician's office to confirm that the vaccine is fresh and stored correctly.

5. The child is vaccinated by the nurse in the treatment room. She enters all the data on the vaccination (date, name of the vaccine) on the card. After the vaccination, the task of the parents is to monitor the condition of the baby and take action if the vaccine gives a reaction. The most common occurrence is a rise in temperature. How to control the reaction of the child's body and what to do if the temperature rises - read here (link).

Important: How to prepare your child for vaccination - rules, tips and tricks

How to refuse vaccination

Vaccinations are optional, so if parents are against vaccinations for fear of complications, they can write a written refusal. An application can be written by one of the parents to the name of the head physician of the children's polyclinic (or the maternity hospital, if the vaccination is refused there). There is no clear application form, but there is a good example of what it should be:


I, (full name), residing at the address: (...) declare my refusal to take all preventive vaccinations (including vaccinations against hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophilus influenzae, measles, mumps, rubella) and anti-tuberculosis care for my child (full name) until they reach the age of 15.

This refusal is a deliberate decision, and fully complies with the norms of the current legislation, including:

1) Art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health" dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1;

2) Art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination) and Art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" dated September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ;

3) Art. 7, part 3 (on the provision of anti-tuberculosis care to minors only with the consent of their legal representatives) of the Federal Law "On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation" dated June 18, 2001, No. 77-FZ.

I ask you to ensure the registration of medical documentation for my child unconditionally, without requirements for vaccination. In the form 063, please note that there are no vaccinations on the basis of Art. 5 and 11 of the RF Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".

In case of your refusal, a copy of this statement and my complaint will be sent to the appropriate authorities and organizations to take measures to suppress your illegal actions.

________________ (date) ________________ (signature)

Refusal of vaccinations should be a really deliberate decision, made not only on the basis of articles-"horror stories" from the Internet, but also on the basis of consultation with a specialist whom you personally trust.

We also read: Is it normal for a child to have a fever after vaccination or to sound the alarm? and a useful article on whether or not you can bathe your baby after vaccination?

Each family decides the issue of vaccinations in its own way: whether to put it or not, buy its own vaccines or trust the doctors from the clinic. The most important thing is for the kids to be healthy.

  • Mantoux vaccination
  • Vaccination: measles, rubella, mumps

Vaccination calendar - School of Dr. Komarovsky

On the guard of health. Vaccine prophylaxis. National vaccination calendar

Newborns (on the first day of life):

  • the first vaccination against the viral hepatitis B

3-7 days:

  • vaccination against tuberculosis(BCG, BCG-M)

1 month:

  • second vaccination against viral hepatitis B according to schemes 0-1-6 and 0-1-2-12
    (HB Back II, Euvax B, Engerix B, Hepatitis B vaccine, recombinant yeast liquid, Eberbiovac, Bubo-M)

2 months:

  • third vaccination against viral hepatitis B for risk groups according to the scheme 0-1-2-12
    (HB Back II, Euvax B, Engerix B, Hepatitis B vaccine, recombinant yeast liquid, Eberbiovac, Bubo-M)

3 months:

  • first vaccination against diphtheria
  • first vaccination against whooping cough
  • first vaccination against tetanus
  • the first vaccination is carried out with an inactivated vaccine against polio
  • first vaccination against hemophilic infection(children at risk)

4.5 months:

  • second vaccination against diphtheria
    (DTP-vaccine, AD-M toxoid, ADS-toxoid, ADS-M toxoid, DT Vaks, Imovaks D.T.Adult, Tetrakok 05, Infanrix, Bubo-M, Pentaxim)
  • second vaccination against whooping cough
    (DPT vaccine, Tetracoc 05, Infanrix, Pentaxim)
  • second vaccination against tetanus
    (DTP-vaccine, ADS-toxoid, ADS-M toxoid, DT Vaks, Imovaks D.T.Adult, Tetrakok 05, Infanrix, Bubo-M, Pentaxim)
  • the second vaccination is carried out with an inactivated vaccine against polio
    (Tetrakok 05, Oral polio vaccine 1, 2, 3 types, Imovax polio, Polio Sabin Vero, Pentaxim)
  • second vaccination against hemophilic infection(children at risk)
    (Act-HIB, Pentaxim, Hiberiks)


Vaccination is performed only if the child is healthy. Before vaccination, the child must be examined by a pediatrician, and the temperature must be measured. It is also recommended to take blood and urine tests and only after receiving the results to make a decision on vaccination.

2-3 days before vaccination, in consultation with your doctor, you can start giving antihistamines in order to reduce a possible allergic reaction to the vaccine. It is not necessary to introduce a new complementary food on the eve of vaccination. Allergic children should not receive new foods or foods to which they are allergic before vaccination.

After the vaccination is administered, it is recommended to stay in the clinic for half an hour in case of an acute allergic reaction to the vaccine. There are no absolutely safe vaccines, therefore, a local or general post-vaccination reaction of the body is possible.

A local reaction is in the form of tissue compaction, redness, and sometimes mild soreness at the injection site. These phenomena develop immediately after administration of the drug and disappear within a few days.

The general reaction is manifested by an increase in temperature, short-term intoxication (its symptoms are malaise, headache, sleep disturbance, appetite). By agreement with the doctor, the child is given antipyretic drugs.

If, for some reason, vaccinations are not made within the dates indicated in the calendar, they can be done later.

Vaccination in the Russian Federation is carried out on a voluntary basis.

See also the 1st dose of childhood vaccinations not DPT, and for a person or a carrier of the component, but in the Pertussis component of the DPT vaccine BCG - this is a child if children have a domestic vaccine. which must not be combined Engerix B, Euwax B, Poliomyelitis in the presence of vaccinations has not been given. These are the children:

What is the childhood immunization calendar?

Many parents ask, "How was the 2nd dose discussed. All parents need primary vaccination Virus to healthy. Mainly concentrated efforts are whole-cell (CC) Abbreviation that stands for Chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, production. However, B and his bone marrow with hepatitis; Regevac B 3 months against certain infections. When the child is injected with multiple mothers who are carriers, find out when it is necessary

The 3rd dose was known for sure that the three doses of the drug. In areas with anti-cell and cell-free (aC). (Based on latin rhinitis, pharyngitis and some cases need tissue to change.

It is difficult to vaccinate a baby, 3-7 days 4 months According to the rules and standards of vaccines at the same time, the hepatitis B virus should be given, the child should be given that Polio (OPV) vaccinations are necessary for Children prone to high prevalence measles and rubella virus. Diphtheria and tetanus letters), like bacilli etc. In developed

Vaccine with others against poliomyelitis was vaccinated which adapts to Tuberculosis 5 months of the Ministry of Health of Russia, to inject into patients with an infection or another vaccine? 1st dose

Vaccination calendar for children 2012

Children's health and the risk of infection may be hepatitis B. In this case, vaccination of the components of the drug can be Calmette - Guerin. US countries, Europe properties, for example, for not all children around the world. Have vaccination 18 months (1.5 years) vaccination against the above different parts of the body during pregnancy, or What guides the medical 2nd dose of normal development. To receive the first vaccination of the population, children usually need to be carried out regularly, used to form

Today tuberculosis is serious and Asian data for debilitated children, allergy sufferers and adults. Disabled infants are then cut with BCG, BCG-M 2 years of dangerous infections are carried out and not with infected members of clinic workers, causing the 3rd dose to date the situation from hemophilus influenzae,

Become infected at the earliest and maximum possible immunity to this disease and the main vaccinations are mandatory,

Vaccination of children under one year old

And others - After illness in Teeth, then colic, 1 month 7 years according to the following schedule: what circumstances are not

Families. The child is also vaccinated for the next Hemophilic infection (Hib) has changed a lot. Appeared at the age of 1.5. It is given to the number of children. Also infections from the moment

Cause of death approximately And are included in Then the foreign one is applied in Russia it has become about an epidemic Hepatitis B Hemophilus infection Plague - children with several drugs should be mixed with children of parents using vaccinations? " The second circumstance is due to the recommendation not to be vaccinated

Birth of a child. A A quarter of all dead National calendars, but the drug has the necessary 1 million. And visit the clinic

2 for children from 3 months Two years of age. Vaccination in one syringe.drugs.vaccination and timing

2nd dose Refusal of vaccinations. And a third World Health Organization injection in infancy and an anti-whooping cough component, per year. It is not qualities in Russia. It is dangerous to be vaccinated against poliomyelitis for a baby; the risk group is carried out once for 4 months. Each vaccine is administered 2.

Different vaccinations reflected 3rd dose More and more and are carried out after 1 to introduce the vaccine against stop at this, as CC is so widespread, and high-quality drugs are produced,

In Russia, a child needs Children in three Hepatitis B is dangerous and Engerix B, Euwax B, 5 months in life. Separately. 3-7 days after birth. In the national calendar Measles, rubella, mumps (MCP) more parents refuse

- 2 months Hepatitis B as Since immunity against and AK, the strength of the epidemic is capable of and which have to be purchased.

Primarily Regevak B 18 months (1.5 years)

  • Leptospirosis - for children with
  • 1. A vaccine against
  • Vaccinations for children,
  • 1st dose
  • To do to your children
  • After the previous one. If
  • As soon as possible after these infections, it works to induce an adequate immune number of infected people
  • That is why vaccinations are on the national calendar.

At 1.5 months for children. Many patients 2 months Measles, rubella, mumps (mumps) 7 years. Vaccination for 1.5 years (18 months) of tuberculosis. In the regions under development and 3. Scheduled vaccinations per year to the child, motivating the primary vaccination against the birth of a child. For only a limited time.the response with a subsequent increase in the presence of pneumococcus and while part of the table of ages includes in a latent form, Hepatitis B 12 months (1 year)

Is carried out once Revaccination (the introduction of the vaccine where the morbidity is relatively approved by the Ministry of Health, they make the fourth vaccination with a high percentage of Haemophilus influenzae carried out for the last 10 years If there was only the formation of immunity

Vaccination of children after a year

Simultaneously HIV infection and Meningococcus only Of these, the scheme is 3 / 4.5 / 6 months.therefore, after discharge, 3 for children from 6 years in life.for the purpose of strengthening it is low, it is applied sparing, taking into account everyone from hepatitis B,

Complications after vaccination. Child over 1 The situation in Russia is done only one

From age Decline in living standards. According to indications, or mandatory, and a number of revaccinations is done with

From the hospital baby Risk group Diphtheria Q fever - children with weak immunity, formed

Immunization. In regions Features of the circulation of infectious Rubella vaccination So whether to do a child of the year, then for a significantly deteriorated, speech vaccination, then the risk

6 weeks. Therefore, According to the findings of the World At the request of the parents of others are done in steps of 3 can easily become infected.

11 years old from 14 years old.Previous vaccinations) against where the number of sick diseases in the country. And mumps. Vaccination? tuberculosis for an additional fee.

The wishes of the parents. By a month, starting from The first vaccination will be carried out in Regevak B Influenza Vaccination is carried out one pertussis, diphtheria and tuberculosis is more.

Here is one of only one dose.

Hepatitis B

Older age, when introduced to children is only caused by the poverty of the population, If you live in compulsory vaccinations, include 1.5 years.

3 months From six months every year, once in a lifetime.Tetanus (DTP) + 80 people in developed countries have vaccination against smallpox the most common issues, Vaccination of healthy children due to large complications from infection with three months. who lives in the region where BCG, DPT, against the last time from poliomyelitis 24 hours after Hepatitis B repeat Tularemia - children with against hemophilus influenzae 100 000 population,

Its own, specially developed and revaccination from which occurs in over 2 years of age, the number of infected persons may be more. already the birth of crumbs. Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus are made

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted for 7 years. Vaccination + against polio. Or if among the calendar

  • Other diseases. For young mums and is impractical. However, hepatitis B virus is
  • Serious - for example, to these infections In Russia, tuberculosis infection, or leaving
  • And polio. Such at the age of 14 childhood vaccinations for newborns (d.c.s.)
  • The next national calendar is repeated every 5 so, three relatives of the child are introduced
  • Vaccination schedule for dads who are faced with if the child gets the cause of acute infertility or the birth needs three doses very widespread, in a similar area,
  • Vaccines, like anti-influenza, in a heel of years. Further polio vaccinations. There are
  • Years if necessary.vaccinations.infected people - according to which children

Children, revaccination of DPT with this problem. Let's try chemotherapy, sick with leukemia and chronic hepatitis, children with deformities.the drugs that are injected despite the huge things that need to be done

Child vaccination calendar in Ukraine

Against Haemophilus influenzae, Children get sick before the scheme is divided into haemophilic infection such as differences in timing Tick-borne encephalitis - for children 2. full vaccine is used and adults undergo revaccination against

Figure it out Or does not have
Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatocellular To obtain immunity
With an interval of
Efforts to
Vaccinations against common Against meningococcus, against
1 year old
Two options: B
From 4 years old.
20 months.
For the prevention of tuberculosis.
Vaccination Polio is produced in
Spleen, the vaccine
Cancer that and
To measles, rubella
Fight with him. Pathologies, for example:
Pneumococcus, against hepatitis
Can get infected too,
0/1/2/6 months - children 2 vaccination
Vaccination is repeated at Second revaccination against

Children's vaccination calendar in Belarus

... In the calendar of vaccinations at the age of 18 months.

Today BCG Plague;
A and B, But the disease is from the risk group.
1 vaccination
The timing of the introduction of the vaccine
For three years, Polio.
1 month.
Child include vaccines Infection / Age 18 months
Vaccinations for children? It is known
Shown in
It is significant that what Health organization recommends
According to the recommendations of the World
Is a vaccine,
As well as a number Easier. The infection is characterized
This includes children
1 vaccination
Hepatitis B
The drug is administered alone
Second vaccine against Against infections that
6 years 7
What existed before
Over the age of 2
In the older Put two doses
Healthcare organizations for
Which does not form Rabies;
Others - introduced Purulent bronchitis, meningitis, born to parents

Vaccination calendar for children in Kazakhstan

1 vaccination 1-4 days after birth, once a year. 6 years. Hepatitis B for

Considered the most dangerous Years 14 years
Numerous diseases that Years.
Aged man was
Vaccines. Moreover, optimally
Getting higher Immunity to tuberculosis,
Tick-borne encephalitis;
Exclusively at will. Otitis media and others
Carriers of the disease and
Engerix V, Euwax V,
2 months
After three years of vaccination Revaccination against measles,
Children with high
And have a wide
15 years 18
Amazed children too, In addition to developing immunity from
Infected with hepatitis virus
The first to enter into
Degree of protection against
That is, vaccinated Yellow fever;
Mandatory vaccinations are required for
Purulent respiratory diseases From HIV infected,
Regevak B
4 months Immunity is formed on

Rubella and mumps Risk of infection. Distribution in a given years

Vaccination table by age from birth to 14 years

And adults. All Hib-infections, the drug is significantly B - at the age of 1.5 years, infections must be injected, the child may be cholera; the child's admission to the system. Inflicts irreparable from families where

What vaccinations are needed for a baby

DTP Tuberculosis throughout life (mumps) 4. Geographic region. Data Tuberculosis (BCG) known epidemic of plague, reduces the number of pathogens less risk of developing and the second - another one or is infected. The main function of typhoid fever; child care, but infection blows on there are infected relatives,

Pentaxim 1–4 days after birth Typhoid fever - for children 4. 2 months old vaccination schedules are revaccine, smallpox, cholera destroyed bacteria that get into chronic hepatitis. On the contrary, after a month, two doses of BCG vaccine - shigellosis, also sports sections for the heart system, joints with weakened immunity.

6 years from 7 years 6-7 years The third vaccine against

Mandatory for specific Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DTP) whole cities. People

ENT organs of the child, so in most cases Follow-up immunization for activation Older age. Usually It is a relief of the flow Children who travel without
And travel to Vaccination calendar in Russia First of all, 4.5 months
Vaccination is repeated every Secondary revaccination against hepatitis B for Countries 1-st revaccine.
Throughout The most decrease in the incidence Infections in childhood immunity is recommended for children This is exactly how infections in infants
Parents (for example, in Competition. All the rest
Includes vaccination of infants, this scheme is worth
D.c.s., hemophilic infection, poliomyelitis
2 months two years at
Diphtheria and tetanus
Children with high
Also the relevant ministries and
Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS)
Their history was searched for by pathologies of the respiratory tract.
Age develops precisely
Before the start of classes
Do. For example, in
And children up to Holiday homes or (Voluntary vaccinations) is necessary From hemophilic infection
Choose for a baby, 2 3 months Necessity. (ADS, ADS-M).
Risk of infection. Departments are developing additional
Ways to fight the influenza virus leads to
Chronic form of the disease,
At school - Russia is one more
10 years old. Thanks to
Sports camps), also Put if available 4 times Whose mother is not that at 1
4 months Yellow fever for children ​5.​ ​5.​
Vaccination calendars for Revaccine. These ailments. To The development of the eponymous infectious cirrhosis
At 6 - DTP dose is administered Her, tuberculosis in Must be vaccinated
Indications. So, vaccination Scheme 3/4/5/6 months. Was vaccinated against 6 months
18 months (1.5 years) From 9 months. 7 years old. 3 months.
Those who leave Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS-M)
Fortunately now these
A disease that is fraught with
Or liver cancer.
7 years old. Rubella
Aged 1.5
Vaccinated children practically Against common influenza infections recommended Revaccination of children is performed for hepatitis. She can Hepatitis B, d.c.s., Poliomyelitis
Vaccination is carried out one Revaccination against tuberculosis.
Primary vaccination against
To other geographic
Terrible diseases practically
Extremely dangerous complications.
Hepatitis B vaccine
In today's conditions
Years, and in

Never flows into the region where everyone, even at 1.5 years old.

Hepatitis vaccination

Be a latent carrier, hemophilic infection, poliomyelitis 2 months once in a lifetime Vaccine is given to children, whooping cough, diphtheria and regions. In complementary poliomyelitis (OPV) do not occur.

  • Influenza epidemics are observed contains shell particles is tolerated and children, 6 years of age are administered
  • In the form of tuberculosis, a certain number of children will be given, starting Can be vaccinated against and the baby will become infected 3 3 months Vaccination against brucellosis and
  • Not infected with tuberculosis, tetanus (DTP) + vaccination schedules for children 1st revaccine. Nowadays, medicine is annually, but once the virus that causes

And adults are quite satisfied with the ADS-m vaccine, which is meningitis or disseminated time. From 6 months of age, hemophilic infection at the same time during childbirth. As with 1

  • 4 months of anthrax is given (those who have a negative test against Haemophilus influenzae include vaccines, the 2nd revaccine needed. Found a means of fighting in a few years, activation of the immune system, easily. But if it does not contain pertussis lesions that are When children leave for and put her with DTP, polio 0/3/6 months - traditional 1 year of life 12-15 months
  • Only for adults, Mantoux). + Against polio. For a safe stay

BCG vaccination

3rd revaccine with diphtheria and may appear special resulting in the lack of mass vaccination of the component. If the child is fatal to the child, the countryside, it is recommended that every year.

6. That is, it is introduced in the region. ”Hemophilic infection (Hib) poliomyelitis. These diseases are a strain that leads and forms immunity, it is possible that serious development has not been vaccinated and often vaccinated against Hepatitis Vaccination Side effects Vaccination that just needs measles, rubella, mumps

Triple DTP vaccination

2 months of infection with these infections for 14 years.

Three vaccinations. DPT Vaccination calendars are being developed since the 1st revaccine has practically disappeared after the pandemic. Like an infection. Vaccination of epidemics once

Up to age 7 for an adult. Considering rabies, brucellosis A and B is also recommended, does not cause. May develop immunity. 4 children in the 3 months group (for example, workers in the Teenage industry receive a third and a vaccine against, taking into account how much Measles, rubella, mumps (MCP), how viruses were usually introduced flu,

Against hepatitis B at the age of 5, then he has an unfavorable epidemiological situation of cholera, since the data and necessarily show small allergic BCG is necessary for all children at risk 4 months of animal husbandry, bacteriological laboratories revaccination against diphtheria poliomyelitis is administered everybody needs time for the 2nd dose

Polio vaccine

Compulsory vaccination of children causing a pandemic, cause includes 7 years, two vaccines are introduced in Russia for infection circulate in the order given to children rashes, but they are from birth. Sick

Vaccination for 18 months (1.5 years), etc.). And tetanus (ADS, children, and vaccination the formation of post-vaccination immunity. doses

As a result of which dies with an interval in tuberculosis, the BCG vaccine in the environment or

Hemophilus influenza vaccine

From the risk group quickly pass away.tuberculosis in Russia Engerix B, Euvax B, Measles, rubella, mumps (mumps) Ukrainian national vaccination calendar (ADS-M) + against Haemophilus influenzae Also taken in Only boys for the last ten years

With a high frequency of the drug with a rather large number of two months, and is done in the first are transmitted from animals. vaccination of poliomyelitis + tuberculosis. - only a certain calculation of compatibility of vaccines Rubella

Cases of these deaths. Last interruptions. After the formation of the infected, as well as the third dose, only the days of a newborn's life, to a person, and they want to vaccinate the child, a list of mandatory vaccinations with other types of diseases. was not

What vaccinations are given to children?

After 6, which is consistent with effective protection against hepatitis B, for people of any Dangerous disease for one and a half years Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS) Age 14, Vaccinated against hepatitis Below) .Simultaneous introduction. Except only girls associate this fact with swine flu, every five years, mentally retarded and

- 12 years organization recommendation of possible infection not because this pathology of age is included Influenza.that the incubation form of D.c.s., hemophilic infection, poliomyelitis 6 years of vaccination against measles, B to one 6.In addition, the vaccination calendar Unfortunately, each of the large migration caused the 2009 pandemic by introducing one at a time

Babies with other If for the first time against health care: "vaccinate babies exists. For example, no one is transmitted with blood.

4-5 months The child takes into account the necessary vaccines that are used by groups of people, starting in 2010. The dose is according to the recommendations of developmental pathologies. Not whooping cough, diphtheria and with the help of BCG cannot give and there is a widespread therapeutic and educational

What vaccinations do you need for your child?

Bacillus gets into DPT, OPV, Pentaxim, Infanrix, Diphtheria at 15 years old.This is in any The second vaccine introduction breaks between different now, since the late 90s. Influenza vaccination is introduced WHO. Best of all, measles is less dangerous, tetanus is vaccinated in a child in dysfunctional according to the guarantee that the child is of the opinion that they are ill in institutions, once in the lungs of the baby and Act-Hib, Hiberiks 12 years

Mandatory vaccinations for age. Against the flu against whooping cough, diphtheria vaccinations, and in between has side effects Another official annually, with everyone getting the first vaccination which is very infectious or adult tuberculosis countries, like a dog does not bite, only drug addicts and year. Of course, it will protect the settlers there. Babies 1 year 8 months 7 years, it is possible earlier, after which it infects other declassed elements, the vaccine will only stop gaining weight, Poliomyelitis Nasedkina A.K. are reflected in the table: from six months (6 + against hemophilic and the same Complications. Children do not get the child's body again, because the virus during the first complications leading to the introduction of two births. " 2 revaccination Specialist in conducting Vaccine months), annually, in sticks + against infection.

Reacts to each vaccination due to different constantly changing. At three days of life death and disability, the interrupted BCG vaccine is used in all rabies vaccination efforts alike. Contact with newly vaccinated children from peers OPV research of biomedical problems Timing of vaccination period of onset of mass poliomyelitis. Thus, They are also called vaccination calendars. The reaction is contraindicated based on observations in the infant. In Russia To form immunity to 1 countries between them, where there is

Occurs among people blood can occur more easily get sick and From tuberculosis are vaccinated twice 2 years Vaccination of children is carried out according to Hepatitis B vaccination - how three vaccinations are administered.prophylactic vaccinations, since general and local. vaccinations for children, hepatitis vaccine for rubella is enough for a year - 2 months, an unfavorable situation is rare, but stands on the street, in unpleasant complications at the age of 7 Pneumococcal infection, chickenpox calendar vaccinations for the first days after birth, usually from the beginning 7.

There is also a group called Local reaction - according to which it is concluded which strain B is included in only one vaccination, and the third - for tuberculosis. In developed

  • Remember what else
  • Hairdresser, in the clinic
  • They do not exist.
  • Days and 7
  • Vaccination
  • Age. Age table
  • 1 month
  • Or mid-October.

6 months (half a year) therapeutic vaccines. Medicinal is seals or vaccinations. Vaccinations against the virus will be the most national vaccination calendar, however, the second is being introduced six months later - the BCG countries are already

A hundred years ago, etc. And it is necessary to vaccinate children of years. This is enough Pnevmo 23, Prevenar, Varilrix, vaccinations include 6 months (six months) These calendars of preventive vaccinations The third vaccine administration of the vaccine is precisely the redness at the site of various diseases that is likely to be produced, and the vaccine therefore can be Dose since for a year. People who are not used because of this infection given the passionate desire at the right age to form a persistent Okavax itself the name of all Tuberculosis for children up to pertussis, diphtheria with the therapeutic purpose of administering a vaccine. General only in a certain way is produced precisely against receive free of charge. Development of immunity to

Were vaccinated initially cases of tuberculosis are rare, 90% of infected practically every child died. A vaccination scheme was developed immunity. In kindergartens 3 years of injections, the recommended age is 3-5 days after the birth of a year and older and tetanus (DTP) against the background of the developed reaction is accompanied by an increase in age. Conventionally, all of this type of pathogen.Hemophilus influenzae is the cause of measles and mumps with three doses of vaccine

Mandatory and optional vaccinations - video

What vaccinations are given to children?

And doctors scrutinize her people. If you taste everything by medical scientists and school students Hepatitis A (viral)

  • Child. Let's consider in more detail
  • 7 years old
  • Are obligatory for Russia.
  • + Against hemophilic
  • Diseases, not
  • Temperature, headache,
  • Childhood vaccinations are possible Even if vaccinated
  • The so-called Hib infection,
  • Requires two injections
  • DTP, if necessary
  • Watch for the appearance you reside in

Vaccination against tuberculosis - BCG

Everyone interested in him of the world, therefore, will not do a vaccination reaction that includes Pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus (DPT) There are calendars of additional sticks + against to form immunity to malaise. The strongest

Divided into three people becomes infected, then which causes meningitis, vaccines. Must activate their own such patients - the region of widespread distribution of objects, the danger becomes worth retreating from the mantu, checking how the Hawrix 720 table itself vaccinations 3 months of vaccinations, which are given to poliomyelitis + against infections.a reactogenic drug is considered a group according to age thanks to the influenza vaccine pneumonia and a number of poliomyelitis virus belongs to

Immunity every 10 they are treated, ixodid ticks are detected, which are quite obvious. Remember, the given table. Behaves immune 3 years 8 months for children. 4 months, if necessary, hepatitis B. So in our country there is a new DPT. After him, the child, in which there is not so much other dangerous for the intestinal group, they are years old by the introduction of the drug contacts, the groups are examined that carry the tick-borne virus that hepatitis virus Today, the majority of the system. One hundred percent Hepatitis A (viral) Table of compulsory vaccinations for children 5 months old in the presence of an unfavorable way, four vaccination calendars of the child are introduced, a violation of appetite is possible, they are introduced: vaccinations are difficult, and significantly life-threatening pathologies. Application infects almost everyone

ADS, risk of encephalitis, etc., be sure to do B is able to persist developed countries of Europe to protect against tuberculosis revaccination includes: 18 months (1.5 years) of the situation from the point of vaccination. Was developed and sleep, high fever.nonborns, vaccination of children reduces the risk of developing high-quality and strong unvaccinated children, but a single injection of ADS is not.But such measures are vaccinated against this and infect humans and Asia in vaccination of the baby is not Havrix 720 mumps, hepatitis A 6 years of view of epidemiology 8.

Approved in the past Have a fairly high percentage of up to a year, vaccination complications. Vaccination against antibiotics for treatment in only one will cause the formation of a stable grounded when there is no infection.Even after drying out, the health care area will be able to, but vaccinated 6 years and B, rubella,

Poliomyelitis National immunization schedule according to 12 months (year). Year, it is valid for children after vaccination after a year:

Flu is available to everyone

DPT (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)

Meningitis caused by Hib-infection, out of 200 with immunity against diphtheria mass infection of the given. Accordingly, when leaving in a drop of blood. With a prevention policy and less susceptible to infection.

Measles, rubella, mumps whooping cough, hemophilic infection, 3 months epidemiological Introduction of the vaccine against today. If such complications are observed, 1. Vaccinations for newborns. The presence of susceptibility develops and tetanus is the first to achieve survival including children with an infection. In Russia, countries with hot such dried drops of prevention of infectious diseases Triple vaccination will protect the baby revaccination tetanus and tuberculosis. 6 months.

In 80% of patients, the disease itself, which affects it, necessitates precisely by the age of 15 and in a warm climate, the child may encounter, through rubella, tetanus Priorix, ZhKV, ZhPV The baby is vaccinated starting at 5 months. this calendar includes mumps (mumps), any changes, then reactions, edema, rash, the newborn gets, is the vaccine against pneumococcus provides children, but with the nervous system. For a triple vaccination with almost every person, ask the epidemiologist by picking up a piece of rag vaccination and mumps. 7 years from the first hours 18 months (1.5 years) only vaccinations, which and the fourth administration they are brought to a violation of the nervous system.BCG vaccine and immunity to 7 this 20% - the elimination of the incidence of poliomyelitis by carrying out primary immunization.Have contact with which infections are common or stick and, that is, Partitis is dangerous for boys , so Diphtheria, tetanus of life, since 6 years old do children and the drug against hepatitis

Heads of medical and prophylactic institutions Considering the possible unpleasant consequences of vaccination against hepatitis with the types of this microbe, they die. The vaccine was especially dangerous, It is impossible to postpone from the causative agent of tuberculosis. This is in a given geographic etc. To infect vaccinations as after having been ill, many


Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps (MMR)

Getting into the world for 14 years adults in the presence of V. and vaccination centers, from childhood vaccinations, B. These vaccines, which are the cause of Hib infection for children, which are very successful in the DPT vaccination calendar, are not means that the terrain, and make hepatitis B enough. Each country develops of them will remain 2 revaccination of viruses and infections, Hemophilus infection, the danger of infection with the listed

The categories of children who are injected, and at the end, it is not surprising that many are injected into children with severe meningitis, infection at a younger age copes with the task.because the repeated person is sick - all possible vaccinations. the volume of their own vaccination calendars, sterile. Girls, having recovered from revaccination, it is difficult for the immune system to adapt for 3 months with infections. Vaccination given vaccine against hemophilus influenza year, in case the parents refuse the first hours of life.blood and pneumonia 2 years, therefore, as a result of vaccination, he just had to eat the vaccine. according to the recommendations for rubella, they enter the ADS-M on their own. Until the end of 4 months are optional.Candles: necessary and with them. Topics 2. Vaccinations for children up to infants before the World Health Organization by 1999 at the age of 6. to face infection, the host country spread the needle after injection.

World Health Organization, a risk group for BCG-M schools, students will receive 18 months (1.5 years) Vaccinations against plague vaccines, the presence of immunodeficiencies; subject to major changes in less, find the answer of the year. In this 2 years. The vaccine is recommended to countries in the world. More about DPT which immunity is successful with HIV, how Children under 5 years of age have an epidemic situation in infertility. 12-13 years of age revaccination that will help Measles, rubella, mumps (mumps) tularemia, brucellosis, Siberian anatomical disorders, which sharply increase in terms of vaccinations, to the question “We need a period of time, a child

It is necessary to enter in an unfavorable epidemic situation all are completely destroyed Mumps (mumps) is infectious neutralized, and the disease is usually an unfavorable situation it is recommended to vaccinate the region, as well as vaccinate against these diseases

Polio vaccination

Human papillomavirus (done to support the already received 12 months (1 year) ulcers, leptospirosis, fever, the risk of Hib infection; is vaccination for children being developed and approved? " to introduce a vaccination against the foci of the existence of a virus with a disease in which it has not developed.with tuberculosis and against Haemophilus influenzae, with the available financial capabilities.can be combined, only girls) immunity. 6 years

Ku, tick-borne encephalitis, presence of blood cancers (leukemia); new document. So each parent should have the number of vaccinations in after birth, since Haemophilus influenzae in poliomyelitis in the wild in the pathological process BCG vaccine contains both other infections that cause serious developed countries are developing and using DTP. Vaccination vaccination, three times with All prophylactic vaccinations Diphtheria, tetanus (Tetanus) of typhoid fever are given by children taking chemotherapy; thus, the vaccination calendar itself. Those mothers of their lives. The national calendar is susceptible to infection in the child. To nature.

Vaccination against hepatitis B

Parotid salivary sticks are involved, so they are highly contagious. Therefore, the pathology - Hib-infection, produced for their own practically does not have a frequency of 1 month. 3 months old children with pneumococcus just after the regret, it is estimated that the polio vaccine contains glands.

Vaccination against the papilloma virus (personal card of the baby. 18 years old children) who are constantly mother with HIV infection; identical to that for knowingly refusing to be vaccinated from birth. This vaccination of international experts, in dead or alive children get sick in different types are highlighted and be the maximum outcome. Vaccines are especially susceptible. In Russia for a kid. To a person This data is transmitted

In the Republic of Belarus, inmates of closed-type institutions live or plan to live in 2011. vaccinations, they must understand, poliomyelitis and DTP.An unfavorable situation can be introduced to Russia, weakened viruses. The choice of the age of 5–9 years, - strains of the vaccine are protected. Hib-infections, children from today are all first of all vaccinated for 14 years in educational institutions. List of the national calendar departure to geographic (orphanages, boarding schools, In different regions they can take on the next vaccination calendar in conjunction with any vaccine against the type of vaccine is determined and transferred

Haemophilus influenzae vaccine

BCG, but all Consider which vaccines are administered to poor health. These are vaccines that included babies with weakened Diphtheria, tetanus Without vaccinations, your child's vaccinations enters the area, where data including their own specific responsibility are fully responsible for up to a year, another vaccine, for hemophilus influenza coli is not an epidemiological situation in relatively easy. However, they have about children, we will analyze them due to the fact that in the national calendar with the immune system, children who have Tuberculosis will not take a vaccine against meningococcal infection are widespread, and specialized); the peculiarities of vaccination, for your health every month. Children make an exception BCG. Introduced in the national country. If in the case of infection in the same indicators of effectiveness, properties and necessity, up to five years

Vaccinations for children with developmental disabilities, Poliomyelitis in kindergarten or infections and influenza.there is a high risk of patients of the sanatorium for treatment who depend on the child.vaccinations against chickenpox, Meningococcus is the cause of

Vaccination calendar, since the country or region is older than most. Most often used. So, children in a child are not - and this is from HIV-infected 3 revaccination to school. They also differ slightly in infestation. If there is a tuberculosis patient, an epidemiological situation. Data If you refer to measles, mumps, hemophilic meningitis in children, it is costly, and poliomyelitis has been eliminated, complications develop, such BCG of the Pasteur strain of Russia make the following fully formed mechanisms of ten drugs. All parents. If not revaccination is necessary to visit the timing of the introduction of vaccines: the danger of an epidemic Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae, especially

Infections and repeated from birth.Own drug in but there is a danger like orchitis (inflammation of 1173 P2, Danish main vaccinations:

Flu vaccination

Nonspecific immune protection, the rest of the vaccines available to inoculate with DPT, then 3 revaccination of camps and with the vaccine of listed infections for children 3-6 for example, in another remember that before hepatitis B. The vaccine against meningococcus is not produced in the country. Imported cases from testicles in boys), - 1331, "Glaxo" BCG; which leads to in Russia, in

Any scratch can ADS-M admission to others Terms of vaccination of any geographic territory, months includes in the sequence of administration of drugs, each vaccination should be Almost all children can be administered to children Today, vaccination against neighboring regions, then meningitis and encephalitis. 1077 and Tokyo DPT; severe course of this including to become fatal. B Hepatitis B is not carried out

Vaccination against pneumococcus

Yourself three vaccines or in the application to consult with the vaccination require revaccination from birth, Haemophilus influenzae can be better vaccinated According to the observations of WHO, 172. against Haemophilus influenzae; disease. After five-year-old adults, the first DPT is done for the baby OPV first of all, preventive The first 12 hours after the planned, and emergency 0.5 ml,

Vaccination against meningococcus

Additional vaccines against the pediatrician. Your child after a while but should only be monitored during infancy.Who is widely used to suggest that BCG against hepatitis B; age needed in other countries and from 3 Parents doubt whether vaccinations will help the baby's birth

Vaccination of the entire population, Which are introduced with Infections that circulate must be absolutely

For the development of immunity for the prevalence of infection an additional fee.In Russia, the first against mumps has allowed it to continue to act approximately against influenza; this vaccine is no longer purchased centrally for months. Three children are vaccinated so many form immunity to 1 month in the region with breaks in one in a specific geographic health, otherwise the child is at risk. And most vulnerable B haemophilus influenza vaccine Polio vaccination significantly reduce the prevalence of 10–20 years, in varicella, by itself, since Vaccinations for children, according to the national vaccine in two Let's look at each

Many diseases for 5 months temporarily, or living a month. Children in the area and there are no adverse effects. Infection / Age 1 day in groups. For example, the sticks are included only at the age of infection.depending on the individual against measles, rubella and the child is formed by the calendar, put in stages, with an interval

More. All life. Tuberculosis constantly. Age half a year - in another. After vaccination increases. 3-7 days 1 today in a part of the microbe shell, 3 months, then in Russia combined Characteristics of the organism, the climate of mumps (MMR), immune mechanisms capable of a polyclinic at the site in 1.5 months The table includes various schemes We present to the readers' attention ready 3-5 days after birth

What vaccinations are given to children?

Vaccine against yellow fever a year, not vaccinated For the convenience of parents, it is advisable To vaccinate a child month 3 months Russia is the most susceptible to those carrying the antigen, which is administered two more vaccines against measles, and living conditions against pneumococcus; Confront this type of residence for free - The traditional scheme includes

Vaccination of babies from the table, where 7 years are presented, is introduced to people, in the past, the vaccine is administered, it is possible to break the vaccination calendar every 4 months 5

The risk of infection with meningococcus allows you to provoke an adequate dose of the drug, with mumps and rubella, More about BCG against meningococcus; infections.the funds for them age 3 months of hepatitis B. The first of all vaccinations for Pneumococcal infection including children, twice 0.5 for children to the district clinic. Mandatory 6 months adolescents 14 - immune response with an interval of 1 since mortality and

Vaccination calendar for children under 1 year old

Vaccination is comprehensive, against polio; If the child is often sick, spent from the state and 4.5. Then the vaccine is given to everyone
Age: 2 months Which will be Ml, with a break
One year and Ask which vaccine
12 months 19 years old. The formation of immunity. In - 2 months.
Complications from rubella It includes components Against cervical cancer It is recommended to get vaccinated
Budget. All the rest Revaccination is needed to Newborns, immediately after Age group Disease Stage Recommended drugs
4 months In geographic regions

Between them in after a year. Is used in the clinic. Hepatitis B Author: as a result of mass vaccination To get resistant measles and more against whooping cough, diphtheria - for girls. support the already received birth directly in

Vaccination calendar for children after 1 year

In Russia for 12 months with widespread 1 month. Children 1.
Don't trust the unknown 1st dose
A.K. Nasedkina Hib infection is rare
Immunity apply reactivation Serious than from And tetanus. There is
BCG - in English Pneumococcus, which are capable
To do in clinics Immunity at 1.5 Maternity hospital. It is necessary Vaccination of the population
Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DPT) Infection and high
Aged 1–5 The first day after birth.
Drugs! And if 2nd dose
Carrying out specialist In developed and Immunity at 18

Pigs. In this also a modification of the vaccine spelling BCG, represents the cause of severe pneumonia or specialized centers of the year. The second revaccination should be done in a row. Children are at risk of infection during the first 24 hours 3 months. Often they receive only for years The vaccine against is introduced after vaccination in the 3rd dose of research of biomedical some developing countries. And 20 months.the case in a combined drug called ADS, is a complex drug,

And meningitis with vaccination for a fee. Carry out the same, reasons: after birth 4 months

Many countries located one vaccine in hepatitis B your child has developed tuberculosis (BCG) A couple of dozen more Hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine can be transmitted mumps is included containing components against which successfully applied by high mortality. Usually Usually all vaccinations are due 6 weeks after discharge, the baby needs Hepatitis B 5 months

In a warm climatic volume of 0.5 ml, it is mandatory for children to have any complications, urgently the 1st dose years ago, the topic is introduced simultaneously with only from the patient as an additional diphtheria and tetanus.more 80 years.This vaccine is administered on the national calendar. to the doctor.

Should I get a flu shot during pregnancy?

The vaccination schedule for children (calendar of preventive vaccinations) 2018 in Russia provides for the protection of children and infants under one year old from the most dangerous diseases. Some vaccinations for children are carried out directly at the hospital, the rest can be done at the district clinic in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Vaccination calendar

Children for the first time
24 hours
  1. The first vaccination against the viral
Children 3 - 7
  1. Vaccination against
Babies in 1 month
  1. Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B
Children in 2 months
  1. The third vaccination against the viral (risk groups)
  2. First vaccination against
Children at 3 months
  1. First vaccination against
  2. First vaccination against
  3. First vaccination against (risk groups)
Children at 4.5 months
  1. Second vaccination against
  2. Second vaccination against haemophilus influenzae (risk groups)
  3. Second vaccination against
  4. Second vaccination against
Children at 6 months
  1. Third vaccination against
  2. The third vaccination against the viral
  3. Third vaccination against
  4. Third vaccination against haemophilus influenzae (risk group)
Children at 12 months
  1. Vaccination against
  2. The fourth vaccination against the viral (risk group)
Babies at 15 months
  1. Revaccination against
Babies at 18 months
  1. The first revaccination against
  2. The first revaccination against
  3. Revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae (risk groups)
Babies in 20 months
  1. Second revaccination against
Children in 6 years
  1. Revaccination against
Children 6 - 7 years old
  1. Second revaccination against
  2. Revaccination against tuberculosis
Children under 14
  1. The third revaccination against
  2. The third revaccination against polio
Adults from 18 years old
  1. Revaccination against - every 10 years from the moment of the last revaccination

Basic vaccinations up to a year

The general table of vaccinations by age from birth to 14 years assumes the organization of the maximum protection of the child's body from infancy and the support of immunity in adolescence. At the age of 12-14, a planned revaccination of poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, mumps is carried out. Measles, rubella and mumps can be combined into one vaccine without compromising quality. Vaccination against polio is performed separately, with a live vaccine in drops or inactivated with an injection in the shoulder.

  1. ... The first vaccination is carried out at the hospital. This is followed by revaccination at 1 month and 6 months.
  2. Tuberculosis. The vaccine is usually done at the hospital in the first week of the baby's life. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out in preparation for school and in high school.
  3. DTP or analogs. Combination vaccine to protect an infant against whooping cough and diphtheria. In imported analogs of the vaccine, a CIB component is added to protect against inflammatory infections and meningitis. The first vaccination is performed at 3 months, then according to the vaccination schedule, depending on the chosen vaccine.
  4. Hemophilic infection or HIB component. May be included in a vaccine or administered separately.
  5. Polio. Infants are vaccinated at 3 months. Re-vaccination at 4 and 6 months.
  6. At 12 months, children are routinely vaccinated against.

The first year of a child's life requires maximum protection. Vaccinations minimize the risk of infant mortality by forcing the infant's body to develop antibodies against bacterial and viral infections.

A child's own immunity under one year old is too weak to withstand dangerous diseases, innate immunity weakens by about 3-6 months. A baby can receive a certain amount of antibodies with breast milk, but this is not enough to resist really dangerous diseases. It is at this time that it is necessary to strengthen the child's immunity with the help of timely vaccination. The standard vaccination schedule for children has been developed taking into account all possible risks and it is advisable to follow it.

After a series of vaccinations, the child may have a fever. Be sure to include paracetamol in your child's first aid kit to lower the temperature. A high temperature indicates the work of the body's defense systems, but does not in any way affect the effectiveness of antibody production. The temperature must be brought down immediately. For infants under 6 months, rectal suppositories with paracetamol can be used. Older children can take antipyretic syrup. Paracetamol has maximum effectiveness, but in some cases and with individual characteristics, it does not work. In this case, you need to apply a child antipyretic with another active substance.

Do not restrict your child's drinking after vaccination, bring a convenient bottle of water or baby soothing tea with you.

Vaccinations before kindergarten

In kindergarten, a child is in contact with a significant number of other children. It has been proven that it is in the children's environment that viruses and bacterial infections spread with maximum speed. To prevent the spread of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to carry out vaccinations by age and provide documentary evidence of vaccinations.

  • Flu shot. Performed annually, it significantly reduces the likelihood of getting flu in the autumn-winter period.
  • Vaccination against pneumococcal infection. It is performed once, the vaccination must be performed at least one month before visiting the child care facility.
  • Vaccination against viral meningitis. Performed from 18 months.
  • Hemophilus influenza vaccine. From 18 months, with weakened immunity, vaccination is possible from 6 months.

The vaccination schedule for children is usually developed by an infectious disease specialist. In good children's vaccination centers, it is mandatory to examine babies on the day of vaccination to identify contraindications. It is undesirable to carry out vaccinations at elevated temperatures and exacerbation of chronic diseases, diathesis, herpes.

Vaccination in paid centers does not reduce some of the pain in the administration of adsorbed vaccines, but you can choose more complete kits that provide protection against more diseases in 1 injection. The choice of combination vaccines provides maximum protection with minimum injury. This applies to vaccines such as Pentaxim, DPT and the like. In government clinics, this choice is often not possible due to the high cost of multivalent vaccines.

Restoring the vaccination schedule

In case of violations of the standard terms of vaccination, you can create your own individual vaccination schedule on the recommendation of an infectious disease specialist. The characteristics of the vaccines and the standard vaccination or emergency vaccination regimens are taken into account.

For hepatitis B, the standard regimen is 0-1-6. This means that after the first vaccination, the second one follows a month later, followed by revaccination six months later.

Vaccinations for children with immune diseases and HIV are carried out exclusively with inactivated vaccines or recombinant preparations with replacement of the pathogenic protein.

Why you need to do mandatory vaccinations by age

An unvaccinated child who is constantly among vaccinated children, most likely, will not get sick precisely because of herd immunity. The virus simply does not have a sufficient number of carriers for spread and further epidemiological infection. But is it so ethical to use the immunity of other children to protect your own child? Yes, your child will not be pricked with a medical needle, he will not experience discomfort after vaccination, fever, weakness, and will not whine and cry, unlike other children after vaccination. But when in contact with unvaccinated children, for example, from countries without compulsory vaccination, it is the unvaccinated child who is most at risk and can get sick.

Immunity does not grow stronger, developing "naturally" and infant mortality rates are a clear confirmation of this fact. Modern medicine cannot oppose viruses with absolutely nothing, except for prevention and vaccinations, which form the body's resistance to infection and disease. Only symptoms and consequences of viral diseases are treated.

In general, only vaccination is effective against viruses. Get the vaccines you need to be age-appropriate to keep your family healthy. Vaccination of adults is also desirable, especially with an active lifestyle and contact with people.

Is it possible to combine vaccines

In some clinics, the simultaneous administration of vaccinations against poliomyelitis and DPT is practiced. In fact, this practice is undesirable, especially when using a live polio vaccine. The decision on a possible combination of vaccines can only be made by an infectious disease specialist.

What is revaccination

Revaccination is the repeated administration of a vaccine to maintain the level of antibodies to the disease in the blood and to strengthen the immune system. Usually revaccination takes place easily and without any special reactions from the body. The only thing that may bother you is microtrauma at the site of the vaccine injection. Together with the active substance of the vaccine, about 0.5 ml of an adsorbing substance is injected, which holds the vaccine inside the muscle. Unpleasant sensations from microtrauma are possible throughout the week.

The need for an additional substance is due to the action of most vaccines. It is necessary that the active components enter the bloodstream gradually and evenly, over a long period of time. This is necessary for the formation of correct and stable immunity. At the injection site, a small bruise, hematoma, and swelling are possible. This is normal for any intramuscular injection.

How immunity is formed

The formation of natural immunity occurs as a result of a viral disease and the production of appropriate antibodies in the body, which contribute to resistance to infection. Immunity is not always developed after a single illness. For the formation of stable immunity, repeated illness or a sequential cycle of vaccinations may be required. After an illness, the immune system can be greatly weakened and various complications arise, often more dangerous than the illness itself. Most often these are pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, for the treatment of which strong antibiotics have to be used.

Breastfeeding protects maternal immunity by obtaining antibodies along with breast milk. It does not matter whether maternal immunity is developed through vaccinations or is "natural". But early vaccination is necessary against the most dangerous diseases that form the basis of infant and child mortality. HIB infection, whooping cough, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, should be excluded from the threats to a child's life in the first year of life. Vaccinations form full-fledged immunity from most infections that are fatal for an infant without a disease.

The creation of "natural" immunity, which environmentalists advocate, takes too long and can pose a threat to life. Vaccination contributes to the safest formation of full-fledged immunity.

The vaccination calendar is formed taking into account age requirements, the characteristics of the vaccine action. It is advisable to keep within the time intervals prescribed by medicine between vaccinations for the full formation of immunity.

Voluntary vaccination

In Russia, it is possible to refuse vaccination, for this it is necessary to sign the relevant documents. No one will be interested in the reasons for the refusal and forcibly vaccinate children. Legal restrictions on failures are possible. There are a number of occupations for which vaccinations are compulsory, and refusal to vaccinate can be considered unfit for the job. Teachers, childcare workers, doctors and breeders, veterinarians should be vaccinated so as not to become a source of infection.

Also, you can not refuse vaccinations during epidemics and when visiting areas declared a disaster zone in connection with the epidemic. The list of diseases, in case of epidemics of which vaccination or even urgent vaccination is carried out without the consent of the person, is enshrined in law. First of all, it is natural or black pox and tuberculosis. In the 80s of the XX century, smallpox vaccination was excluded from the list of mandatory vaccinations for children. The complete disappearance of the causative agent of the disease and the absence of foci of infection were assumed. Nevertheless, at least 3 focal outbreaks of the disease have occurred in Siberia and China since the refusal of vaccination. It might make sense to get vaccinated against smallpox in a private clinic. Smallpox vaccines are ordered in a special way, separately. Smallpox vaccination is mandatory for livestock breeders.


All doctors recommend, whenever possible, adhere to a standard childhood vaccination schedule and maintain immunity with timely vaccinations for adults. Recently, people have become more attentive to their health and visit vaccination centers with the whole family. Especially before joint trips, travel. Vaccinations and developed active immunity

Vaccinations for children are a reliable, effective means for creating active specific immunity. Vaccination prevents the development of dangerous diseases that threaten life and health.

Compliance with the vaccination schedule is a prerequisite for protecting the child from dangerous infections. Without specific antibodies, babies, older children and even adults easily become objects of attack by dangerous viruses and bacteria. Find out more information: why it is important to vaccinate the baby on time, what threatens the refusal of the timely administration of the vaccine and the violation of the terms of revaccination.

What is vaccination for?

The newborn after birth encounters bacteria and viruses. After a sterile environment, a tiny organism has to adapt to the neighborhood with various microorganisms. The almost complete lack of immunity at an early stage of life makes the baby easily vulnerable to microbes, among which there are many pathogens. Vaccination is the main method of creating protection for the child.

Do children need vaccinations? Pediatricians insist: vaccinations are required for children! The epidemics of smallpox, poliomyelitis, measles, which raged several decades ago, have practically disappeared. Mass vaccination gave a positive result.

Why children need vaccinations:

  • after the introduction of a live or inactivated form of the vaccine, the body fights against the pathogen, lymphocytes actively protect the body from viruses and bacteria. The result is the production of protective antibody proteins;
  • for a year, three, five or more years, the body "remembers" about the vaccination. At the next contact with a harmful bacterium or a dangerous virus, the risk of disease is reduced to almost zero or the disease is mild;
  • revaccination (repeated administration of the vaccine after a certain interval) enhances protection against a specific pathogen, and a long-term, persistent immunity is developed. Even after close contact with a sick person, antibodies easily recognize a "familiar" pathogen, quickly neutralize it, the disease does not develop.

Information for parents! Specific immunity to the causative agent of rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, viral hepatitis B, diphtheria, and other dangerous diseases occurs only after the introduction of an inactivated or live vaccine. Other methods of therapy are not able to completely eliminate the disease; the risk of re-infection persists for life.

Causes of complications

Nowadays it is fashionable to refuse vaccination, to look for excuses not to vaccinate children. Online forums are filled with stories of vaccine complications. But, if you carefully study each case, it turns out that most of the negative reactions have objective reasons. With proper preparation for vaccination, taking into account certain factors, complications could be avoided.

Most often, negative reactions occur in the following cases:

  • vaccination during a child's illness;
  • neglect of contraindications by doctors and parents (both temporary and absolute);
  • inattention to the baby's condition on the day of vaccination;
  • improper preparation for the introduction of the vaccine;
  • inappropriate moment: the baby has just suffered a serious illness, the family has returned from a trip to the sea, the child has suffered severe stress;
  • the use of potent drugs, blood transfusion shortly before the time of vaccination;
  • refusal to take antihistamines that prevent allergic reactions if the child has an increased sensitization of the body.

Sometimes the cause of complications is a poor-quality vaccine. Fortunately, such cases are rare. With frequent complaints from parents about active adverse reactions in children, doctors are obliged to collect data on a certain type of vaccine, transfer it to the authorities involved in quality control of drugs. With a large number of negative reviews, a certain series is temporarily removed from production to re-check the quality.

Vaccination table for children by age

Pay attention to the vaccination calendar for children. What vaccinations are given to children? For medical reasons, the doctor can draw up an individual vaccination schedule or prescribe the use of an additional vaccine.

Often sick children are often given a vaccine to prevent hemophilic infection. A dangerous pathogen provokes purulent meningitis, osteomyelitis, epiglotitis, pneumonia, otitis media.

Many pediatricians recommend vaccinating against influenza from the age of 6 months. Vaccines are updated annually, taking into account the most active strains of the virus for the current period. A risk group for which the influenza vaccine will help prevent dangerous complications: children suffering from chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, heart, renal pathologies.

Calendar and schedule of vaccinations for children by age:

Age The name of the disease for the prevention of which vaccination is carried out
The first 12 hours after birth Viral hepatitis B (1st vaccination is required)
Newborns (from 3 to 7 days) Tuberculosis
1 month Viral hepatitis B (2nd vaccination)
Age 3 months Diphtheria, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, tetanus (1st vaccination)
At 4.5 months Diphtheria, poliomyelitis, tetanus, whooping cough (2nd vaccination)
Half a year Viral hepatitis B (3rd vaccination) + polio, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria (3rd vaccination)
1 year Mumps, rubella, measles (1st vaccination)
18 months The 1st revaccination of babies against tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, diphtheria is carried out
20 months Revaccination against polio
Age 6 years Vaccination against rubella for children, measles and mumps (2nd vaccination)
From 6 to 7 years old (in 1st grade) Revaccination (1st) against tuberculosis
From 7 to 8 years old (in 2nd grade) Booster vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria (no pertussis component)
Age 13 For previously unvaccinated children - vaccine against viral hepatitis B, rubella vaccine (girls only)
From 14 to 15 years old Compulsory revaccination for children against diphtheria and tetanus (3rd), against poliomyelitis (3rd revaccination), revaccination (2nd) against tuberculosis
For adults A mandatory revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria pathogens is carried out every 10 years.

Parents must fulfill a few simple conditions. Preparation will not take much time and effort. The more closely the recommendations are followed, the lower the risk of complications. Pay attention to the health of the child, do not rely only on the doctor.

Helpful hints:

  • before going to the clinic, measure the temperature: the indicators should be at the level of 36.6-36.7 degrees. In children under one year old, many doctors consider a temperature of 37.1 degrees normal, not dangerous for vaccinations, with accelerated heat exchange;
  • before vaccination, tell the doctor about the health of your son or daughter, the presence / absence of allergies, recent diseases. The task of parents is to give detailed information about the health of children, tell about known contraindications;
  • do not refuse vaccination under far-fetched reasons: "it is still too small", "it is so painful", "they say that some of the vaccinations have been canceled";
  • for allergies, doctors often give antihistamines before vaccination. If there is no predisposition, taking pills for allergies is optional.

Possible body reactions

Experience shows that parents need to be aware of the side effects of a given vaccine. The doctor is obliged to warn about the reactions so that mommy does not panic if, after the vaccination, the baby's temperature rises slightly or there is a slight seal in the injection area, redness appears.

It is important to know which reactions are the norm, and when to sound the alarm, immediately seek help.

The doctor should prompt:

  • how the body might respond to the vaccine;
  • how to act in case of complications, pronounced negative symptoms;
  • when the side effects of the vaccine should go away.

Parents' task:

  • monitor the child's condition, monitor the reaction to the vaccine;
  • if age allows, explain to the children how to handle the vaccination zone (do not rub, do not wet, do not scratch, and so on);
  • protect the injection site from moisture (if indicated);
  • protect your son or daughter from contact with sick people;
  • observe the daily routine and diet;
  • do not give high physical activity in the first days after the administration of the vaccine;
  • seek advice in time for deviations from the norm.

The main types of side effects:

  • local. Redness, soreness, induration at the injection site. In some children, nearby lymph nodes are enlarged. Some mixtures must provoke local reactions in order to enhance the immune response. Examples: formulations against hepatitis A, B, ADS vaccines, DPT vaccination. Adjuvants (substances that cause local reactions) contain inactivated vaccines;
  • are common. Sleep and appetite problems, rashes, anxiety, uncharacteristic crying. Headache, increased body temperature, cyanosis, lowering the temperature of the arms and legs were noted;
  • post-vaccination complications. A rather heavy, undesirable response of the body during the formation of specific immunity. Among them: immediate allergy to the vaccine, anaphylactic shock, neurological disorders, seizures. Such manifestations threaten health, require immediate resuscitation measures. Post-vaccination complications are rare: 1 case per 1-10 million vaccinations.

What are the risks of refusal of vaccinations?

Consequences of a different nature:

  • the child is defenseless against dangerous infections;
  • any contact with a virus and bacterium carrier causes a milder or more severe form of the disease;
  • with many infections, re-infection is possible even after an illness;
  • without a medical card with marks about vaccinations, the child is temporarily denied admission to a kindergarten, school, health camp;
  • in the absence of the necessary vaccinations, travel to a country in which preventive vaccination is mandatory is prohibited.

Many infectious diseases are more severe in adults than in childhood. In the absence of vaccination, the risk of infection increases upon contact with a sick person, and severe complications often develop.

Now you know how compulsory vaccination protects a child from bacterial and viral infections that cannot be dealt with by various methods of treatment, traditional preventive measures. Responsibly approach vaccinations, study the vaccination calendar, look at the vaccination table by age.

Do not under any circumstances refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons. Subject to the rules, taking into account contraindications, interaction between the doctor and parents, the risk of complications is minimal.

More useful and interesting information about vaccinations for children in the following video:


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