Comic Happy New Year greetings to health workers. Congratulations on the day of the medical worker to colleagues

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Today we don't have alcohol on cotton wool, but champagne in glasses. Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish you all sterile happiness and one hundred percent health. May all patients be healed, may our work go without complaints and mistakes, may something good happen in the life of each of you and something cherished will come true!

To everyone who has been captivated by medicine
I wish you New Year from the bottom of my heart,
Always have a reason for joy,
I want to wish you great success!

I wish to heal all patients,
May they be grateful to you!
I wish you a lot of joyful moments
So that your days pass brightly!

We did a lot, colleagues,
Over the past this year:
Saved, put on your feet,
We did not sleep all night long.

I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart
May the New Year give strength
And whirl in a whirlwind of happiness.

Health to you, patience, will,
To fight back new ailments,
May luck smile
And let the enthusiasm not leave.

To employees of a medical institution,
To everyone and everyone, without exception,
I wish next year
Do not feel the need!

Excellent health
I hasten to wish you
Work for ourselves
No need to create.

I wish you happiness in your personal life
And the salary is decent.
So that life flows without grief,
Always in a wonderful mood!

Everyone, colleagues, in the New Year
To live in abundance, without worries!

I wish you, beloved team,
Success in the coming year!
Give patients positive
Health, experience and kindness!

Let Santa Claus come to visit you,
To make all your desires come true,
Your heart is so important to miracles
Open this joyful holiday!

Happy New Year
You, fellow doctors.
Let behind this bend
A happy time awaits.

Less complex cases,
Get enough sleep, rest.
And to replace you, of course,
Do not get into the holidays.

Every month you have
Above average income.
And, while healing, do not get sick,
Avoid adversity.

Dear colleagues, may happiness
Fills your hearts!
Let all the sorrows, bad weather go away,
Let the smile never leave your face!

I wish you well and success,
So that work brings you joy,
And more fun and laughter,
Sea of ​​light love and warmth!

Happy New Year,
My dear colleagues!
Your work looks like a miracle,
You are doctors, someone else's life amulets.

How many lives have your hands saved
You have returned health more than once.
You are priceless, you are people of science,
I am very proud of you now.

I sincerely wish you
Only good and sunny days.
You deserve a good thing, I know that
In gratitude for the lives of people!

My dear colleagues are doctors. I wish that with the chimes all people would stop getting sick, stop frowning and become happy. I wish you success in your work, victories over any disease, grateful patients and simple prosperity in life. Let everyone come true all the most cherished, which he will ask about when the clock strikes midnight. Happy New Year!

Filled everything around with snow
And the Christmas trees shine with fire.
Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
Let the holiday come to your home.

In your medical business
Let everythnig will be alright.
So that you touch sorrow and do not dare
So that only warmth shines around.

New Year is knocking loudly
The floor is shaking!
With us - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden,
We invite everyone to the table!
We pour, no question,
Replenish shampoos for everyone,
Congratulations before the boss
Hurry and live!
We wish you a century of health!
Thrive forever boss!
And all together we promise -
Work hard for a year!
Congratulations, colleagues,
Happy New Year from the bottom of the heart!
In wishes, these tags:
Happiness, joy, love!


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To the hospital staff in the New Year

What is New Year?
It's just the opposite.
Everything was mixed this evening
Ash and chlorine and oxygen.
Hot water bottle and ice pack
They drink motherwort under the table
And Janet's huge squirt
Drinks a drink "SAM JENE"
And now the nurses
There are magic words.
Doesn't hurt patients
Neither leg nor head.
May the magical New Year
All the people are having fun
Doesn't get sick, doesn't get bored,
And culturally rests.
We wish everyone to know the potion
Of smiles and love
That will bring down the temperature
And instantly revive.
Have fun tonight!
Light candles brighter!
And may it always shine on you
Guiding star!


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Happy New Year to colleagues

Dear Colleagues
I want to wish you
So that effective tags
We could post.

That we were with growth
"Forever" and "on you",
To give you just
Flowers more often to all!

To goat and new
The coming year
We were all ready
Shoot a star in the skies!


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Happy New Year to a friend or colleague

Raise a glass, friend
How the intoxicating wine sparkles
I want to wish in this blizzard
Much joy and not sinful
We hum like bees in daisies
And fly and flutter in colors!
Dear friend, Natasha,
Happy New Year and new dreams!


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Happy New Year greetings to the girl

Can you hear someone coming?
Open the doors wider soon!
The New Year hurries to the doorstep,
Drink champagne in the apartment.
Yes you, do not hesitate, pour
And drink to happiness with your friends!
And let the ice on crutches
You won't get drunk.
Beauty, we wish you
Always fight everyone, with charm!
Both joy and happiness to give
With its magic and radiance!


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Happy New Year

My dear, dear colleagues,
I want to congratulate you all from the bottom of my heart,
So that you are not touched by interference with life,
So that everything is fine in the year of the blue goat!
Also, may the goat bring you all happiness,
Wealth, good luck, luck, love,
Let there be bad weather beyond the threshold,
Let only a goat make your dreams come true!


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New Year with accordion

Harmony with a fun bust
Cheer up.
The end of the calendar is coming soon -
We will arrange fun!

May the New Year be for everyone, colleagues,
Holidays will be brighter than all!
And will make of you for a while
Snowflakes, squirrels, bunnies!

Happy New Year to colleagues

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Happy New Year to surgeons from nurses

The strongest, the smartest
Congratulations to the surgeons!
And we wish you New Year
Only festive worries.
Cutting flower cakes,
Have fun with us
See how good we are
And laugh heartily.
We want to be proud of you,
Dear doctors,
And for many, many years
We will give you the following recipe:
Kohl treat, so in earnest,
If there is a dream - so that not a duck,
If you love, so with all your soul,
If the disease is down with her!


Doctors, on New Year's Eve,
Allow me to praise perfume.
We worked with the people for a whole year,
To make this life easier.

You fought the disease for a whole year
Painful, tirelessly.
There was everything: victories, defeats,
But there were fewer human torments.

So let the year that will be New
Will bring you a good rest.
So that your work is important and weighty,
As before, a wall from adversity

Protected all those who are sick again
He entered the battle, even if unequal.
Everything will be all right,
After all, our life is beautiful all the same!

People in white coats, I hasten to congratulate you
On this bright New Year's Eve.
May in the New Year, we will not dissemble,
It will only be an easy job.

And although we all know that this does not happen,
From the bottom of our hearts, we all want to say:
May human gratitude warm the hearts,
So that, as before, you can save

Lonely but still precious lives
And even if that battle is not easy with death.
We believe in you, we know that we can snatch
This life with your fragile hand

Medics- professionals in their field, often on whom the life and fate of a person depends. Any worker in the medical field can be classified as a physician: from a nurse and a doctor, to an orderly and a laboratory assistant. It does not matter at all how authoritative and complex the sphere of work of this or that medical worker is. It is important that all doctors have one thing in common - the desire to help people, despite any personal problems and setbacks.

The work of absolutely all medical workers is inextricably linked, and it is the close-knit work of all medical workers that will raise the overall level of medical care. Congratulate these hardworking people by emphasizing the complexity and heroism of their profession. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine the life of absolutely any person without medical workers.

This section, in addition to congratulations to doctors for all occasions, also contains congratulations on the day of the medical worker. Congratulate your fellow healthcare professionals on their professional day using fun and foldable verse greetings.

Congratulations to those who serve Hippocrates
We are glad to talk about them today.
For them and toast and a glass of wine
Giving life, health to everyone in full.
Your work is respected by the people.
And you really need something like at any time of the year!
You are the ones who will bring our temperature down.
He will prescribe a special potion for us.
You will not lose interest in work!

Working to get tired less!
Good luck, mood by 5!

Our health should be grateful to you
For warm care and such care,
And today we give you a verse,
After all, your approach to us is amazing
It makes us recover faster.
And our rhyme is already ready for you,
Today we sincerely congratulate you -
Nurses, assistants, doctors!

Favorite medicine workers,
Doctors, nurses, miracle paramedics,
We put you on the podium,
For us, you are just a super master!
You deserve a wish -
Live healthy for hundreds of years
May consciousness be happy
And there is an unquenchable light in the souls!

Paramedic, your holiday has come
I found my addressee.
Congratulations. It's a pity the holiday will rush
And he knocks with a timid hand.

Do you remember, disciple of Hippocrates,
For health and a holiday is not a date.
You are busy, I will celebrate your holiday
And I won't notice any health problems.

Celebrate the holiday of paramedics
And celebrate with your colleagues.
There is no more humane profession in the world
Your souls are wide open, wider.

You stand at the origins of health,
The whole world, I believe you will protect.
Accept my congratulations
My bow and my admiration.

Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and ENT specialists,
We all sing glory in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!
Their caring hands
Eased mothers' torments,
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold
Catching bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember about them!
Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and courageous;
How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;
Like fighting for people's lives,
Forget about their own.
They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

Medical professional today
His great will celebrate the holiday
And our rhyme is the most complete
Wish you different gifts,
May your vocation in life
It brings you only joy and laughter,
Your knowledge will be useful to you
And they will bring success to fate.

White robes
And the hands are strong
Always skillful

In the fight against disease
You are selfless
And there is no more useful
Callings of this.

You are very different
You are all appreciated.
Light to you; celebrate
And live, beloved!

Each destiny is marked
Major road milestones.
Do not part with your luck
And God help you!
To make illnesses severe
The world was not allowed to disappear
Be super healthy.
Happy Holidays!
With joy to you!

Happy birthday doctor!
Don't hide your eyes from people:
Friends and relatives are not reptiles at all ...
We are happy birthday, dear doctor,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Don't just moan: "Don't hurt!" -
You heal us for a hundred diseases
And therefore on your anniversary!
Drink ten times healthier for everyone:
We drink only your wine to health -
It is charged with your warmth !!!

People in white coats
Today professions,
You have a holiday,
Happy Medic Day,
We all congratulate
Let the work bring
You joy and laughter,
May all your sick
They will be grateful to you
And may you heal,
You can do everyone
You are holy people
Good awards to you,
Low bow to you,
Happy holiday, guys!

Especially for the site

New Year is in a hurry with a prick
He will do it for you so soon.
Substitute your bodies to him,
So that the New Year's vaccination is easy to enter.

Dear doctors, dare to inject,
And you will rush towards an excellent holiday.
I wish you New Year's happiness
Happy New successes on New Year's Eve, I congratulate. ©

Medical staff, you catch the snow
You draw it into syringes and inject it.
Today it is healthier than a vitamin, solutions, drops,
It is very necessary to take it actively on this day.

Happy New Year, I wish you a prescription,
How to call the Snow Maiden to you and warm her.
Then Grandfather Frost will stomp to you as soon as possible,
Let him bring gifts to make your team more fun.

I wish you happiness without drugs and unnecessary metalwork,
Success without disease, but huge profits without running around.
Happy New Year, with medical excellent steps,
With new effects and medical cases. ©

The hospital is full of patients
They have become all dear to you these days.
To whom the injection, to whom lotions, to whom the pills,
I suggest that you all sit down and rest now.

Happy New Year, dear doctors, pour alcohol,
Invite Grandfather Frost to the table rather.
I suggest we all carry out an active operation.
Put your medical success in intensive care.

Let it lie there, they will drip it perfectly,
And happiness in personal life will come in the coming year.
May medical successes fly to you in principle,
And after visiting today's miracles everything will be brilliant. ©

It's time to actively prescribe treatment for you today,
Only you are accustomed to treating others, and to forget about yourself.
Happy New Year to you, nurses, Snow Maidens are waiting for you,
And let Santa Claus approach the doctors in formation.

They stomp along the path to you, just ringing with syringes,
Happy New Year to the best, cutest, I congratulate you.
I wish you sterile victories and sterile glory,
Tie bandages around everything that was wounded in the past.

Happy New Year, injections should go to strengthen,
I wish health to all of you and to the generation.
Snowflakes of happiness fall, you catch and drown them,
Drink some New Year's water and live happily afterwards. ©

I will cut out a congratulation with a surgical knife,
To celebrate the bright New Year, I will put pressure on you.
Under the threat of a very sharp syringe filled with medicine,
I will make all of you, doctors, rush towards happiness on New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year, with celebrations without problems and remorse,
Fill your destinies with glorious victories and no doubt.
Let the Snowman stomp and pull the bag, where gifts sleep,
Santa Claus was really glad to hand over such a set to you. ©

Celebrate the New Year with medical alcohol,
Then the holiday will rush to your doorstep.
And after that, Grandfather Frost will stomp,
With you, he will warm up and put you in hypnosis.

Happy New Year, I also strongly congratulate you,
I wish to forget about all the necessary and unnecessary works.
Decorate the New Year tree with medical devices,
And let your whole life be adorned with pleasant decors. ©


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