The threat of abortion is 6 weeks. Violation of hormonal background

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Throughout pregnancy, a woman can meet various violations: toxicosis, prestal and the like. One of them may be the threat of abortion.

Threat of pregnancy interrupt - reasons

This complication is dangerous both for the health of the future mother and for the life of the fetus. But, if you put such a diagnosis immediately in panic not worth it, so that it is almost every second woman. The key to success is the competent treatment in time, or as it is called "Saving" people.

A normal period of pregnancy for the birth of a healthy donery fetus is considered to be 37-42 weeks. Interrupted pregnancies before the period of 22 weeks are considered spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), after 22 weeks - premature births. So it is calculated because from 22 weeks of gestation, the embryo is considered a fruit that, with proper observation and help of high-class neonatologists and resuscitations, is able to "pea" to normal size outside the maternal womb. According to the law of our country, doctors must fight the latter for the life of such a tiny child. That, on the one hand, humanely, and on the other hand, it is difficult and inconsistently justified, as children born on such an early term, almost always die from various complications. Most often from the Distress-syndrome of the fetus (lowered lungs). For the kid is important every day of intrauterine development. Modern medicine allows you to save deeply premature babies, but unfortunately it happens not often.

That is why for the future mother and the doctor of the obstetrician-gynecologist it is important to preserve pregnancy to a normal period. To achieve this, you need to remove all the reasons that may contribute to the threat of pregnancy interrupt. We will analyze the main factors negatively affecting pregnancy.

1. Increasing the tone of the uterus - usually the front or rear wall. Quite frequent pathology. In the early deadlines, the future mother can not feel at all. Closer to the middle of the second trimester, a woman begins to torment pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the back area. An unpleasant feeling can be of different intensity. Treatment depends on the force of tone (from the reception of antispasmodic drugs to a strictly bed mode throughout the whole rock gestation).

2. Hormonal disorders - hormone imbalances can be at different levels. The lack of luteinizing hormone - progesterone is usually manifested in the first trimester of pregnancy. This suggests that the yellow body does not function with due force. This is possible a violation of the production of trop hormones and releases. The pituitary and hypothalamus are responsible for it. With such pathology, there are often bleeding from the genitals.

3. Eastic-cervical insufficiency (the insolvency of the cervix is \u200b\u200bkept in a closed position). This pathology is most often found in women who have underwent medical interventions on the body (scraping, abortions, stitching breaks at the time of birth). There is a violation in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the fruit begins to grow actively. The treatment is carried out by imposing seams on the cervix. Sometimes, gynecologists' obstetricists dress a special ring - obstetric pessary.

4. Hormonal factors. We are talking about chromosomal disorders of the fetus, they are more often manifested in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the pathology is extremely difficult, the embryo becomes a non-visual and dies in the womb.

5. Extgazenital diseases of the mother - especially endocrine disorders, kidney disease and cardiovascular systems. With many chronic and acute pathologically processes, the threat of pregnancy interruption is possible.

6. Complications related directly with pregnancy - Gestos, toxicosis, placenta detachment, gestational hypertension and diabetes - all this is extremely negatively affecting the normal toe of the fetus.

7. Stressful situations - sharp fright, depression, neurosis. Pregnant women are not in vain contraindicated to worry. Stress hormones have a kind of action mechanism. They try to save a woman from pregnancy, because during the "war" it is better not to give birth.

Threat of interrupting pregnancy - diagnosis

In order for the future mother to make a healthy baby, she needs to keep all the planned appearance in women's consultation. And if she noticed the alarming symptoms - do not wait for a schedule visit, and immediately visit the gynecologist. The doctor will collect anamnesis, asking for complaints.

The doctor will pay special attention to the presence of painful sensations and characteristics of the selection. Also for the gynecologist is important the history of previous pregnancies and their completion (childbirth, abortions, miscarriages, frozen pregnancy). The doctor will definitely ask for complications in the last period of gestation.

If a woman falls in an emergency order to the outpatient office (female consultation), and immediately to the hospital, then it is desirable to have a exchange card in his hands. It is in her a gynecologist from the polyclinic fixes the development of pregnancy and records all deviations from the norm.

Special methods of research are ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, where you can see the tone of the uterus and evaluate its appendages, as well as assess the placenta and fetus. The doctor also assigns blood tests to hormones - in order to assign supporting therapy in case of deviation. At the later deadlines (from 22 weeks), a woman must make CTG and Doppler. All these methods have proven themselves in early diagnosis of the threat of pregnancy interruption.

The threat of interrupting pregnancy - what to do?

If you have noticed any unpleasant feelings or abnormal discharge - you need to immediately contact the akuster-gynecologist. But the most important thing is not to panic and not run in the straight point of that word!

As we wrote earlier, stress always actually acts on the development of the future kid, and physical exertion in the threat of pregnancy interruption is absolutely contraindicated. Keep calm. With intense pain syndrome or during bleeding - call ambulance. It is this fact that often allows pregnancy to preserve.

IMPORTANT! From the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, in addition to bleeding, it is worth scaring and transparent. The fact is, then it is possible to leap the accumulating water, which is a dangerous pathology requiring emergency medical care.

The threat of interrupting pregnancy is how dangerous for the future child?

This question can be answered definitely - the threat of interrupting pregnancy is dangerous for the future child.

First of all, while the negligence of the future mother, pregnancy may simply end at one point.

In the second - if a viable fruit is already formed - for example, 32 weeks of gestation goes - for its full health, neonatologists will have to make a lot of effort. And there are no guarantees that they will be justified.

There are also situations such when an unborn baby dies in the mother's womb (placenta detachment). Do not bring the situation to such risks.

You need to remember once and for all: a pregnant woman answers not only for himself, in her hands there are lives and health of your own child!

According to statistics, each 10 pregnancy ends with rejection of the fetus.

In most cases, a woman does not suspect this, as there is a miscarriage a few days after conception, when the fact of pregnancy is not installed.

However, there are risks of embryo rejection and at later timing.

The threat of non-navigation of pregnancy is called the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.

Early miscarriages consider the pathology that occurred during the first 12 weeks after conception.

Critical is a period of 2-3 weeks, when the chorion is implanted in the endometrium of the uterine wall. At this time it makes sense to talk about biochemical pregnancy.

The body can take the embryo for the foreign body and provoke its rejection.

The smear is taken from 3 places: cervical mucosa, urethra, epithelial vaginal layer.

Samples are dried, pre-placing on the glass, and conduct a study under a light microscope, painting the material with contrasting substances.

A guarantee of identifying the threat of miscarriage is considered a set of analyzes

  • Hormone analysis.

It is carried out to identify the deficit or exceeding the concentration of such hormones, as prolactin, testosterone, progesterone, substances produced by the thyroid. Changing the normal level is a warning about the threat of miscarriage.

  • Analysis on the presence of antibodies to a lupus anticoagulant and hCG.

For a number of reasons, the woman's body can produce antibodies to hCG, chorionic gonadotropin, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. In this case, the risk of spontaneous abortion is significantly increased.

In addition, blood is examined for the presence of antibodies to the lupus anticoagulant.

Their presence does not necessarily indicate the presence of red lupus, but allows you to identify the infectious process and reduce immunity.

  • Analysis on the Rh Factor.

In obligatory, each woman during pregnancy is determined by the Rh. Positive reserves of the child and negative mother lead to a conflict, it is difficult to foresee which is difficult, as it is practically impossible to take a sample of the blood of the fetus.

However, the conflict of the Mother and Child Resh factors is accompanied by the formation of antibodieswhich can be detected when analyzing blood sample.

  • Analysis on intrauterine infection.

Identify the cause of miscarriage or prevent it a threat helps and blood test to identify the causative agents of cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes.

When confirming the diagnosis, treatment should be carried out in the stationary department.

How to prevent the threat of miscarriage: What treatment can the doctor write?

Throughout the treatment, the woman should be at rest, avoiding physical exertion, as well as emotional stresses.

Sex in the threat of miscarriage is contraindicated.

As a rule, the veto on intimate proximity imposes a patient's attending physician. And only a specialist can remove this restriction when it considers that the danger passed.

The following measures are used to prevent the fetus rejection:

  • introduction of hemostatic drugs for blocking bleeding;
  • use of vitaminotherapy to improve the overall state of women and the fetus;
  • supporting hormonal therapy. In the threat of miscarriages, pills are prescribed or in the case of the detection of hormonal imbalance to normalize the progesterone content;
  • treatment of the threat of abortion of pregnancy is also aimed at reducing the tone of the uterus and painful sensations with the help of spasmodics :, no-shts, intravenous magnesia.

Since there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus, special means apply for its normalization: Actovegin, and others.

Personal experience

With a diagnosis of "threat of miscarriage", MNI had to face only once - during the first pregnancy. On the period of 7 weeks there were bloody allocations of a stitching character. First, the selection was completely pale even pink, but then steel.

Bleeding was not strong - just a few droplets, but it served as a reason to appeal to the hospital. And other symptoms: pain, tone, etc. I did not have. At first I phoned my doctor and described the symptoms. Then it was decided to go to gynecology.

There I was issued and appointed ultrasound the next day to exclude, miscarriage and see whether the fruit develops. By this time there was no discharge. But I was in the hospital. Treatment has not yet been prescribed.

In the morning passed ultrasound. Made a transvaginal sensor. The doctor was not in the spirit, pregnant was a lot, and she looked very painful. I will say more, it was the most painful study from all transvaginal ultrasounds that I did for life.

Ultrasound pathologies did not reveal, the heartbeat is normal, the fruit is developing. After an ultrasound, it began to smear the scarlet blood that Mne was very frightened. Apparently it was not necessary to climb inside and conduct a study with an abdominal way. She talked about this doctor. She advised me more lying and prescribed treatment:, and Dufeston 1 pcs. For the night for 2 weeks.

On the same day the treatment began. There was no longer a selection. After 8 days I was discharged and "Dufeston" I finished at home. More than such a problem did not arise, and my first pregnancy ended with prosperous childbirth.

Ksenia, 34.

How to preserve Pregnancy: Prevention measures

  1. To prevent the threat of miscarriage, preferably passing the treatment of chronic diseases.
  2. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, move more, avoid stress.
  3. Under adverse work conditions, it is better to go to light work.
  4. It is necessary to adhere to a reasonable time mode and to take timely surveys appointed by the gynecologist.

The threat of miscarriages is not a final sentence. Most often it is possible to preserve pregnancy if at the first signs of malaise to inform the doctor.

The threat of interrupting pregnancy is a serious reason to worry. So something went wrong. Any threat can lead to spontaneous interruption, making pregnancy, if measures are not taken on time. Mom's negligence can be very expensive to her. Yes, and competent treatment is also not the last value in solving this problem.

The threat of pregnancy interrupt can arise from nothing. Moreover, it does not matter how long the mummy. More often in the first trimester there is a threat, less often - in the second. After 28 weeks, the threat of doctors is called early premature childbirth. If the threat in the first trimester is not eliminated, medicines do not help stop the bleeding, the fruit dies (there is no heartbeat), the abortion is offered: medicated, or by scraping. Medical abortion - more sparing for a female body. However, it does not guarantee that the fruit egg will completely come out of the uterus, and cleaning will not need. For the appointment of this abortion is the term. It is held up to 1.5 months of pregnancy, and the role plays the size of the fruit egg.

As for the scraping, this procedure is not pleasant, although the woman is in operation under anesthesia and does not feel anything. After "cleaning", a long-term restoration is required to feminine. Less trauma mini abortion (vacuum aspiration), but it is also possible only at the first weeks. While the most frequent interruption of pregnancy occurs on 8-12 weeks, when the size of the fetal egg is already too big to go into the cannula suction contents of the uterus of the device.

If the threat was not eliminated in the second trimester, or in the body of a woman went something wrong, and there was already a threat to health or even the life of a woman, artificial childbirth for medical testimony can be recommended.

But if the child is desirable, doctors will do everything possible to prolong the pregnancy.

Causes of pathology

The reasons for the threat of abortion is very much. Moreover, a woman does not always have pathology or deviations in the structure of childbearing organs. Even considering himself healthy (and not without reason), pregnant must understand what responsibility is entrusted to it, and take care of all 40 weeks.

If the diagnosis is made: the threat of interrupting pregnancy in the early stages, then one of the first reasons for this is the wrong pathological structure of the eleven bodies. If a woman, for example, a saddot or sod-like uterus, then in the first trimester, the likelihood of bleeding is great. Therefore, it is recommended to be observed in a gynecologist from the first weeks of pregnancy and not to give up inpatient treatment (even preventive).

Another reason can be called hormonal disorders. Hormones are responsible for conception, normal development and fetal growth, for a favorable outcome of pregnancy. Progesterone hormone is especially played. Progesterone is important up to 4 months of pregnancy. And its deficiency is observed in the insufficient function of the yellow body (the gland, which temporarily produces this hormone in the ovaries), the pathologies of the thyroid gland, the reception of some medicines and herbs, etc. Listing the reasons for the threat of pregnancy interruption, and the elevated level of androgen - male should also be noted hormones.

Genetic deviations cannot be missed. Heavy chromosomal mutations, fortunately, usually lead to spontaneous miscarriage in the first trimester. Mom's body itself rejects the fruit with pathology, incompatible with life. Whether this is really the cause of miscarriage, only according to the results of histological examination. Upon repetition, the doctor recommends a survey from genetics to both spouses. By the way, it is worth saying that the cause of severe abnormalities may be the reception of drugs with teratogenic effect, as well as the reception of drugs, alcoholic beverages in large quantities.

Note that the threat of abortion in the second trimester, as in the first, may occur in infectious diseases transmitted during sexual contact. Especially in the event that the infection occurred not before, but during pregnancy.

Another serious problem in the middle of pregnancy is ICN (Effective Cervical Insufficiency), when the cervix starts to open on their own. And if it is not prevented - miscarriage will happen, or premature childbirth. The cause of this pathology is the injuries of the cervix in previous births, with abortions and diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity, etc.

The listed causes are just some of all possible, which lead to the threat of pregnancy. However, do not forget that both harmful habits, and constant fatigue, and stress, injuries can cause to break the fetal to wear and bring bleeding.

How to recognize the threat and what is the treatment

To understand that you have something wrong with you, signs of the threat of abortion abortion will help. First, this is the occurrence of bleeding. It can be insignificant or abundant. In any case, an ambulance should be urgently called.

Secondly, nausea, a slight rise in temperature, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, dizziness, brown discharge from the vagina - these are also symptoms of the threat of abortion, which cannot be lost from the view. Believe me, it is better to rebuild and once again to visit the doctor, which further blame yourself in the loss of the child.

If you have discovered unfaviming, then only the right and competent treatment of pregnancy abortion is guaranteed a positive result. The diagnosis is made after inspecting the gynecologist and according to the screening results.

A strict bed regimen is prescribed with a threat. Any activity is not welcome. In rare cases, a woman is recommended not to get out of bed for several weeks. Soothing drugs and preparations are prescribed to reduce the tone of the uterus. The goal is to relax the uterus, remove her spasm. If the threat is found in the first trimester - the doctor will prescribe a hemostatic (if necessary) and hormonal drugs, such as duphastone or urban.

In the second trimester of pregnancy on the ultrasound, the state of the cervix and its length is ensured. If it is less than the norm and even more so, if, with a gynecological examination, its small discovery is determined, doctors can be recommended to embroil the cervix or a more modern solution - the ring-pessary. Seams, as well as ring, removed immediately before childbirth. Only so you can prevent premature childbirth and death of the child.

Intimate questions

All doctors are unanimous in this judgment: sex in the threat of pregnancy interrupt is strictly prohibited. Especially in the first trimester during bleeding and in exhausco-cervical insufficiency. Moreover, even oral caresses or self-satisfaction are undesirable. Any cuts in the uterus can provoke its hypertonus, the destruction of the accumulating waters. If there was no significant threat to interrupt pregnancy, after some time the sex life can be resumed, but only very, very carefully and only if the doctor gave permission.

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This is a frightening combination of words, because there is a spontaneous process when pregnant can lose the not yet appeared, but already a beloved baby. To prevent it is worth knowing this problem "in the face," to recognize signs on time and contact the help of doctors. After all, this is not a sentence and usually with a good treatment, a woman is able to endure and give birth to a completely healthy carabus.

Immediately need to distinguish the concepts. Threats of pregnancy interrupt may appear throughout the pregnancy. Up to 28 weeks in medical circles, it is customary to talk about the threats of miscarriage, and after this period - about early childbirth. The task of the doctors also directly depends on the deadlines of pregnancy - in the first trimester it is worth extending the process of tooling, and in the third sometimes it is more expedient to allow the child's birth ahead of time, to keep in a cuvez, until the body finally matures to autonomous existence.

Determination of threats of abortion

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it is from those states that should be observed. Therefore, if possible, it is not necessary to postpone into a long drawer, the specialist can determine whether the process is proceeding normally or not. Some threatening deviations, for example, the tone of some kind of wall of the uterus, do not feel a woman and can be detected only on the ultrasound, the rest are more glasses.

Signs of pregnancy abortion threats:

  • pulling obsessive pain in the lower abdomen;
  • back pain;
  • blood from the vagina (at the beginning of pregnancy talks about the process of detachment of the fetal egg);
  • colorless abundance;
  • hypertonus uterus. The stomach becomes solid, this may be accompanied by pain symptoms.

Causes of threat of miscarriage:

    genetic. In the course of the development of an embryo from an egg cell, sometimes inexplicable chromosomal failures or anomalies may occur. In this case, the fetus from the very beginning is not focused and, in accordance with the rule of natural selection, the pregnancy is interrupted. This usually happens up to 8 weeks. It happens that there are anomalies, but they do not radically affect the viability of the child (Down syndrome). Then pregnancy can be preserved, although the threat periodically arises throughout the length of the fetus of the fetus;

  • hormonal. Reduced level in the blood of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) or, on the contrary, high level of men's hormones are able to influence the ability to wear;
  • resh conflict;
  • infectious diseases that pregnant women are especially susceptible due to imminent imminent;

  • stressful state, shocks;
  • pathology in the structure of the uterus of the uterus (cougium uterus);
  • the weakness of the uterine neck that cannot hold the growing fruit;
  • inflammatory processes that do not count until conception.

Actions in the threat of miscarriage

It is very trite here and simply to contact ambulance. The faster doctors intervene, the greater the likelihood of preventing deplorable consequences. The question is how to keep an interesting position in the threat, the doctors decide, based on symptoms, time. Most often, pregnancy is preserved in the hospital, there is a future mother is isolated from external influences and feels relatively safe.

List of basic ways to treat pregnancy abortion threats:

  • physical and psychological peace;
  • receiving sedatives;
  • the use of hemostatic means;
  • the use of medicines relaxing smooth muscles;
  • treatment with infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Intimate questions

Doctors are unanimous in judgment that sexual relationships during the threat of pregnancy interruption are strictly prohibited. In particular, in the first trimester during bleeding and exhausco cervical insufficiency. At the same time undesirable and oral caresses or self-satisfaction. All shortness of the uterus can provoke her hypertonus. If there was no significant threat, after some time the sex can be resumed, but very carefully and only if the doctor gave permission for this.

According to experts, each fourth pregnancy breaks off in the early time, even before the menstruation delay. In this case, the woman does not notice changes in its condition and perceives bleeding as another menstruation. The only sign of such a failed pregnancy can be the discovery of an increased level of hong hong (chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood and urine (in this case, a pregnancy test can give a positive result). Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone, which a healthy woman can produce only the fabrics of a fetal egg.

Starting from 5-6 weeks from conception and up to 22 weeks of pregnancy, pregnancy interruption is called spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. The fruit is not forthy. If the child's loss occurs after 22 weeks of pregnancy and the child weighs more than 500 g, then they talk about premature birth. The probability of the survival of the child at these timing is much larger, although the risk of developing various health problems in such newborn babies is very high.

Stop the beginning of the miscarriage or premature birth is very difficult, sometimes it is impossible, so you need to try to prevent the development of such states. It is important to understand that when signs of signs are found, the threat of abortion is not enough just to get rid of them, it is necessary to detect the cause of the unbearable and, if possible, eliminate it.

Causes of pregnancy abortion threat

Let's figure out what can lead to the development of the threat of pregnancy interruption.

Genetic violations

As if it sounded, it sounded, but in most cases, the miscarriage in the early periods is biologically appropriate, since its cause is most often rude genetic embryo anomalies. The smaller the term of pregnancy, the greater the likelihood that it is interrupted precisely for this reason. Thus, the woman's body is getting rid of a non-visual embryo, so it is not necessary to stop such a miscarriage. Genetic causes are usually not repeated. A woman who has lost her pregnancy for the first time is all reason to hope for a safe outcome of subsequent pregnancies even without examination and treatment. In this case, fairly competent preparation for conception.

Violation of hormonal background

Failures in the hormonal system can also cause miscarriage and premature births. For example, it can happen with the lack of progesterone - the hormone of the ovaries that preserves pregnancy. As a rule, in the case of women there are impairment of the menstrual cycle (the cycle is very short or, on the contrary, elongated). The formation of progesterone in the ovaries is stimulated by hormone hCG. If the risk of unbearable is high, then the doctor from the very beginning of pregnancy can assign control of blood tests on hCG in the dynamics (most often 1 time per week). Reducing its quantity or preservation of the same level indicates the risk of pregnancy abortion. Normally, HCG indicators in the early deadlines double every 2-3 days. The level of progesterone does not grow so quickly, but its fall during pregnancy can also be a sign of disadvantage.

Infectious diseases

Cytomegalovirus, herpes, rubella and many other diseases can cause spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. Only competent and timely treatment of diseases can prevent fetal death.

Chronic diseases

If the future mother suffers from severe chronic diseases threatening life, the placenta (nutrition and respiration body of the fetus) is formed incomplete, which can lead both to miscarriages and to premature births. Thus, nature is trying to preserve the life and health of women. In addition, the constant admission of some medicines and even medicinal herbs can also negatively affect pregnancy. Many substances have teratogenic (able to cause malformations) or abortive (leading to miscarriage) action. Of course, such women need to consult a doctor in advance with a doctor, pick up optimal treatment before pregnancy.

Problems with uterus

To this group, the reasons include abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs, transferred abortions and scraping of the uterine cavity, leading to the impossibility of full operation of the reproductive system. With such problems, the likelihood of pregnancy loss is especially large in terms of up to 12 weeks, when a placenta is formed.

Resh conflict

Women with a negative Rh-factor, carrying a child with a positive rear-factor, may face a rhesv conflict: the immunity of mom may respond inadequately to the fetus, since he half is alien to her. However, this happens only with 30% of women and most often in those who have no longer the first baby.

How does the threat of abortion abortion manifest?

The threat of interrupts in the first weeks of pregnancy rarely gives itself somehow known. If the symptoms of this dangerous state appear, they differ little from the usual signs of pregnancy.

The discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen is quite common in pregnancy, as well as a tension sensation. The most characteristic sign of the threat of pregnancy interruption is the laundering pain at the bottom of the abdomen and lower back, resembling pain in menstruation. Such pain does not pass without drugs, when changing the position of the body, and sometimes it begins at all. It is often accompanied by excretions from genitals from light brown to saturated-red. If such symptoms occur, a doctor's advice is needed. Less dangerous pain in groin and in the side of the abdomen, appearing between the 10th and 20th week of pregnancy during physical exertion. If such pains appear when walking or a sharp change in the position of the body and quickly take place alone, then, as a rule, they are associated with the load on the bundling apparatus of the growing uterus and do not require any special treatment, except for limiting physical exertion.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, an increased tone of the uterus (Hyperthonus) is manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen (Hypertonus), which is periodically felt as a stress of the abdomen (the belly seems to "drive", to the touch he becomes harder than usual, while this may have drawn feeling at the bottom of the abdomen or lower back ). If such sensations are minced, they come no more than 4-5 times a day, lasts 1-2 minutes, pass alone, then, most likely, these are the so-called bracketon-higs fights that do not threaten the development of pregnancy. These training fights in the late pregnancy prepare the body for childbirth. If the pain in such abbreviations are quite strong and often repeated, do not pass entirely in a couple of minutes, and other adverse signs are observed (an increase in the number of mucous membranes or the appearance of bloody secretions) - this may indicate the threat of interrupting pregnancy, which requires medical care. For developing in the fetal mat, Hypertonus is dangerous in violation of the blood supply to the placenta and, therefore, oxygen starvation and retention of growth and development.

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta is also accompanied by pain. In this case, the placenta is separated from the uterus prematurely (with the normal flow of pregnancy and childbirth, the placenta detachment occurs only after the birth of the child). At the same time, there is a pronounced constant pain, strong bleeding from the genital organs may begin, which threatens the life of mom and fetus. This is usually a consequence of falling or impact in the stomach, but may also occur against the background of some diseases (for example, with hypertension). For diagnostics, the placenta is used ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the immediate delivery is shown by the cesarean section. During the fastening of a fruit egg in the uterine wall, small fragments of its mucous membrane can be rejected, which causes the appearance of small bloody discharge from the vagina. These discharge can be brown, brown or intensely red, but they are not abundant, not lasting longer than a few days and do not pose a danger to the normal course of pregnancy.

After the fact of pregnancy is installed using a test on hCG or ultrasound, any bleeding is regarded as a critical situation that makes a woman immediately appear to appear Akuster Gynecologist. In the early period of pregnancy, uterine bleeding is most often due to the threat of interrupt. At the same time, they can be insignificant and painless. In such cases, a pregnancy can be preserved with timely treatment. When the interruption of pregnancy is already inevitable, the bleeding will be long, increases and does not stop by any means, accompanied by snatching pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Urgently to the doctor!

Any symptoms characteristic of this reason to appeal to the doctor in the near future. If there are strong pain at the bottom of the abdomen, bloody and watery allocations, it is better to contact ambulance service, and prior to the arrival of the physicians to secure himself. Do not panic. Fear enhances the cuts of the uterus, increasing the risk of abortion. In order to estimate the amount of selection, thoroughly blocked the crotch area, replace the disposable gasket or put a handkerchief in the panties, lie on the side or back with raised legs. If bleeding is enhanced, the gasket will quickly burst, if stopped, it will remain almost not contaminated. With abdominal pains, it is impossible to eat and drink before establishing the cause of pain. Also, it is also categorically impossible to take painkillers, put the heating in the stomach, try to clean the intestine with thefts. Such actions sometimes have irreparable consequences. To facilitate the state, you can only accept antispasmodics.

If installed, then in the next 2-3 weeks you will need peace. Sometimes the correct mode can be provided only in stationary conditions, in the specialized branches of pregnancy pathology. The treatment is to create a protective, often bed, regime, the use of funds, relaxing the muscles of uterus, soothing, hemostatic drugs. In early pregnancy, the analogues of natural pregnancy hormones are often prescribed. If necessary, it can offer surgical interference to support the cervix - the imposition of a special seam holding the fruit. After extracting from the hospital, it is recommended to restrict physical and emotional loads for several weeks, and also to refrain from sexual contacts.


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