Values ​​of squamous epithelium in a smear for cytology

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Almost every woman knows that squamous epithelium in a smear is a very important indicator with which a doctor can determine the condition of the mucous layer of the genital organs.

Cytology analysis provides reliable information about the hormonal background, as well as the presence or absence of a pathological process in the genitourinary system.

Very often, patients ask the question of whether squamous epithelial cells should be present in the smear and how many of them there should be, after receiving the result of the cytology test.

Some women are scared when they see the presence of epithelial cells in the results. There's really no need to worry.

The flat epithelium in a smear does not pose any danger, of course, if this indicator is normal.

The presence of squamous epithelial cells is physiologically justified. This cover protects all fabric surfaces. There are flat and columnar epithelium.

Depending on the load that the tissue experiences, the integumentary cells have different structures. For example, the skin is covered with multilayered epithelium, which tends to keratinize.

The inner surface of the vagina and the outer part of the cervix are also lined with several layers of cells.

Simply put, squamous epithelium is a covering that forms the mucous layer of internal organs (vagina, cervix and others).

The epithelial layer consists of superficial, basal and intermediate cells. Every six to seven days (as it matures), the young layer changes its cellular shape and size.

The outdated particles are peeled off and replaced with new ones, so squamous epithelium should be present in smears of healthy women.

Due to the formation of new cells, the thickness of the mucous membrane increases. It should be noted that squamous epithelium consists of elements with small nuclei and abundant cytoplasm.

The gynecologist attaches great importance to the results of the analysis. When deciphering, the doctor analyzes the condition of the genital organs and draws conclusions about the presence or absence of hormonal imbalance.

An insufficient number or a significant increase in the cells that form the mucous layer indicates diseases of the body that can lead to the formation of tumors.

The presence of epithelial particles in the smear may indicate vaginitis, urethritis, a lack or excess of certain hormones. Only an analysis will tell you whether such cells are dangerous or not.

The epithelial cover contains cells that make up the intermediate layer. The thickness of the squamous epithelium is one hundred fifty to two hundred microns.

In addition, the smear may contain cylindrical epithelial cells that line the internal os and partially the cervical canal.

The covering provides the necessary amount of mucus to lubricate the cervix. The indicator of cylindrical epithelial cells should also correspond to the norm.

Why is a smear necessary?

Most women pay their visit to the gynecologist with some constraint, modesty or even hostility.

Avoiding troubles for women in terms of health is quite easy.

It is enough to regularly take a cytology test, the results of which can provide answers to many questions. A smear can tell about the presence of not only bacteria, fungi or leukocytes.

The result of the smear analysis will help determine the number of epithelial cells and promptly identify inflammatory (sometimes even cancerous or precancerous) processes in a woman.

The gynecologist definitely recommends taking a cytology test (PAP test) at least once a year. When planning a pregnancy, this analysis is inevitable.

It is very important to get the result of a smear for pregnant women who did not have time to take it in the process of planning a future child.

During pregnancy, the flat epithelium that lines the vagina is capable of retaining harmful microorganisms.

By detecting an increased number of epithelial cells in time, the doctor will help avoid the development of a severe inflammatory process in the expectant mother. Lack of estrogen in a pregnant woman can be easily diagnosed by a low level of squamous epithelium.

Experts prescribe this test to women who want to have an intrauterine device installed, if they suspect the presence of genital herpes, in cases of infertility or menstrual irregularities.

Patients who are overweight (obese) may have gynecological disorders, and the doctor also often recommends a smear test.

The best time to conduct the study is the fourth or fifth day of the cycle. Before taking the test, a woman should abstain from sexual intercourse for at least two or three days, avoid the use of ointments, lubricants, and douching.

You need to stop going to the toilet two to three hours before visiting the gynecologist. Before this, you first need to do a hygienic wash.

A smear is taken from women during a gynecological examination using a special small disposable brush. The material is carefully taken from the surface of the cervix.

The procedure is painless, but at the time of taking the scraping, slightly unpleasant sensations may occur.

After the doctor takes the material for analysis, some women may experience slight spotting. This is a normal phenomenon, the patient should not be afraid of this.

Normal squamous epithelium in a smear

The microbial composition of the smear is determined by specialists in laboratory conditions. With the help of special reagents, the epithelium in the scraping is painted in different colors, with the help of which you can designate and evaluate the composition of the material taken for analysis.

The results of the smear are usually known within one day. When all particles of squamous epithelium have the correct shape and size, the analysis is considered normal. There must be no atypical cells.

If particles with pathology are detected, the doctor should prescribe additional studies of the reasons for their appearance.

As a result of the analysis, a woman may see the abbreviation “Ep”, which means epithelium. In a smear, the normal number of squamous epithelial particles is about fifteen pieces.

A deviation in any direction indicates that some local pathologies are developing in the woman’s body that threaten her health. If the result of the presence of squamous epithelium is overestimated, then the patient may exhibit inflammatory processes.

A woman of childbearing age with an increased deviation from the norm in a smear may suffer from infertility. Often, an increase in the amount of squamous epithelium indicates the presence of vaginitis.

Patients often visit a gynecologist with complaints of itching in the vaginal area, the presence of copious unpleasant discharge, sometimes with a characteristic odor.

In such cases, the doctor prescribes appropriate antibacterial drugs. To avoid re-infection, it is recommended that the sexual partner of the sick patient also undergo examination.

A situation in which the amount of squamous epithelium in a scraping is significantly higher than normal may be a sign that a woman has gardnerella, trichomonas, gonococcus and other pathogens.

One of the reasons for the presence of a large number of epithelial cells in a smear may be estrogens.

Excessive saturation of the body with hormones of this group can lead to termination of pregnancy.

An underestimated amount of squamous epithelium in a smear is also an alarming symptom, since it indicates thinning of the vaginal mucous membranes.

Experts attribute the decrease in the indicator to estrogen deficiency in the patient. Women, as a rule, note an almost complete absence of discharge.

During sex, an insufficient amount of lubrication is produced, which makes sexual intercourse much more difficult. A small number of epithelial cells usually alerts doctors.

There is an assumption that a woman with this result has a tendency to develop cancerous tumors.

Timely diagnosis of deviations from the norm will help to avoid the further development of a large number of diseases in women. Do not neglect visiting a gynecologist.

At the slightest discomfort, a woman should try to visit a doctor as soon as possible and take a cytology test.

It should be noted that after proper treatment, the squamous epithelium in the scraping often takes on normal values.


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