The project for the formation of healthy lifestyles "strong kids" in the first junior group. Healthy lifestyle project in the first junior group “Bless you! Topic: "Useful products"

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Topic: Aibolit checks the health of children

Software content... To begin to foster an understanding of the value of health in children, the desire not to get sick, to strengthen their health with vitamin food in the spring. Exercise children in distinguishing and naming the fruits of carrots, beets, onions, turnips, lemon, orange, apple. Develop the speech of children.

Material for the lesson: Aibolit doll, a basket on a car with a green cross, a hand mirror, a cutting board, 2-3 plates, a knife.

Course of the lesson

Educator. Children, sit on the chairs. Someone will come to us now.

(Aibolit "arrives" in the group.)

Children, who came to us? That's right, this is a kind doctor Aibolit from a fairy tale. The doctor goes to the kindergarten and checks the health of the children.

Aibolit... Hello children! How are you feeling? Is everyone healthy? Let me see you.

(The teacher with Aibolit bypasses all the children and gives them the opportunity to look at themselves in the mirror.)

Aibolit. Look at your ruddy cheeks, at your cheerful eyes, at your beautiful smile. (At the same time, he strokes the children on the head, on the shoulder, on the handle.)

How glad I am that you are all healthy, that you are not sick. Well done.

Educator... Dear doctor, every day our children, in order not to get sick, eat green onions that grow in our window.

Aibolit. This is good, this is very beautiful. Show me where your green onions grow?

(Children with a teacher go to the window.)

Educator. Here, Aibolit, this bow was planted by our guys. Now we cut these green leaves and eat them.

Aibolit. Onions are full of vitamins, and onions must be eaten. And who is this? (Points to the toy Onion.) Your onion is growing, but is this Onion growing too? (No, it's a toy.)

Educator. No doctor, the toy doesn't grow. She's lifeless.

Aibolit. Sit on the chairs, now I'll show you what I brought. And I have brought you healthy vegetables and fruits.

In order not to get sick in the spring, you need to eat vitamins, and there are many of them in vegetables and fruits.

Educator. Doctor Aibolit, our children know a lot of vegetables and fruits. After all, Grandfather from the Turnip fairy tale came to our lesson and brought treats from his garden.

Aibolit. Okay, now I’ll get what I’ve brought, one at a time, and you’ll name it.

What is it? Who recognized the carrot? What kind of carrot? What color is it?

Educator. You see, Aibolit, the guys know carrots and eat them well, because they are healthy.

(Similar work is done with beets, onions, apples, oranges, and lemon.)

Thank you, doctor, for taking care of the health of our kids.

Aibolit. Did everyone remember well that you need to eat onions, carrots, apples, lemons in order to be strong, strong and not get sick?

Educator. Dear Doctor, is it possible to treat our guys with those vegetables and fruits that you brought? (The teacher treats the children, asking what they eat.)

Aibolit. Cut off the green onions for lunch. It also contains a lot of vitamins. It is good for your health.

Educator. Come on, children, come to our garden and cut off the green onion.

Aibolit. It's time for me to go to another group. Other children are waiting for me there. Goodbye.

Educator. Goodbye, Aibolit, come again.

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution


Abstract of directly educational activities

with children of the younger group

"Travel to the country of Health"


Shemeleva E.M.

Dobchur 2013

"Travel to the country of health"

Software content:

To form in children the skills of a healthy lifestyle, to teach how to take care of their health; to introduce children to regular physical education; to consolidate knowledge about the need to be clean, as well as the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human life and health.

To develop cognitively - emotional interest, physical activity of children.

To foster the desire to be healthy, interest in finger, breathing exercises, respect for each other.

Equipment: toothbrush, comb, soap, towel, posters, pictures with food, music CD with gymnastics.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Say hello. We will have a very interesting lesson with you today.

I suggest taking a trip to the city of health. Want to?

Educator: What do you think it means to be healthy?

Children: Being healthy means being strong, not getting sick, being strong, resilient, not coughing, sneezing, tempering, eating more vegetables and fruits.

Educator: So, what are we going to take? Let's take the bus. Follow me, I will be your driver, I will take you to the city of health.

We are going to the music. The teacher has a steering wheel in his hands, the children move one after another in the group. We are approaching the poster "Sport"

Here is the first stop. It's called "Sports"

“Everyone knows, everyone understands that it's nice to be healthy! You just need to know how to become healthy. Train yourself to be in order, do it every day ... "

Children: Exercise!

Guys, why are they doing exercises?

Children: To wake up, be healthy, energized.

Morning in this city begins with exercise! Do you guys know how to do exercises? Let's do some of our favorite exercises.

Music turns on. Children are doing exercises.

Well done, they warmed up well, worked out well.

Suddenly we hear a knock.

What's that noise? Who is it there? (Moidodyr appears)

Moidodyr: I am the great washbasin, the famous washbasin, the chief of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths. Hello guys! I see that you have come to our city of Health. At our stop of Purity - complete cleanliness and order. Tell me - have you all washed your face today, brushed your teeth?

Educator: Dear, Moidodyr! Our kids are all neat, clean, everyone knows about hygiene, about cleanliness.

Moidodyr: And now we'll check it out. Please sit down on the chairs and tell me why you need to wash your hands, face, and generally wash?

How to wash your hands - show

Do you need to brush your teeth?

How many times? (in the morning and in the evening)

What if we don't brush our teeth?

Well, well done, you know everything! But now I'm going to ask you riddles about objects that help us to be clean and tidy.

Guesses riddles and shows answers

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean. (Soap)

Bone back, Tin bristle, Friends with mint paste, serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

Caught on top

Two swirls and curls.

To do our hair

What do you need to have? (Comb) .

Waffle and striped

Hairy and hairy,

Always at hand -

What it is? (towel)

Educator: Moidodyr, and our guys know interesting finger gymnastics, would you like to see it.

Show "Two laughing frogs ..."

Educator: Well, Moidodyr, goodbye, we'll go further. (Moidodyr leaves)

Oh guys, our wheels on the bus were blown out.

Respiratory gymnastics "Pumps"

Educator: Well, the bus is fine, it's time to move on. (going)

Next stop "Vitaminnaya"

Here we see various vitamins - A, B, C.

All these vitamins live in houses. And the houses for them are different foods that you and I see and eat. Children, look at this picture.

What do you think of these products is useful and what is harmful? (Children name foods that are healthy and unhealthy).

So, children, so we drove through the city of health, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. (children take the bus back)

What do you remember today. What do you need to do to be healthy?

Exercise, be always clean, eat only healthy foods rich in vitamins.

Let's give a little advice to our guests.

Everyone must know for sure:

Health must be maintained.

You need to eat right

You need to do sports,

Wash your hands before eating

Brush your teeth, temper

And always be friends with water.

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time.

And remember that health

Do not buy in the store!

Educator: Be healthy!

PROJECT in 1 junior group

"Week of health of babies"

Developed by:

Yandukina Galina Amangeldievna.

Educator of 1 junior group

MBDOU "Kilemar kindergarten" Teremok "

April 2016

Project type : cognitive and playful

Duration of the project: short-term from 04/04/2016 to 04/08/2016

Project participants : children of the 1st junior group (from 2 to 3 years old), parents, educators


Children's health is the most pressing topic today. After all, modern society needs active and healthy people, so health needs to be strengthened as early as possible. Healthy lifestyle skills acquired at an early age will serve as a foundation for overall development and will remain important in the years to come.

Diagnostics of the physical development and health of children in the first junior group of our preschool educational institution showed that only 37% of children belong to the 1st health group, 63% - to the 2nd. There are no absolutely healthy children at all. Children suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT diseases during the year (acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)

Objective of the project - to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in young children, to increase the competence of parents in matters of children's health improvement, their desire for self-education

Project objectives:

To activate the motor activity of children;

Observe the daily routine in kindergarten and at home;

To develop in children cultural and hygienic skills, food culture;

To form the elementary foundations of safety and preservation of your health;

To interest parents in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in the family


I Stage - preparatory

Stage objectives:

Creation of a developing environment: select materials, toys, attributes for the motor, communicative, play activities of children; didactic games, illustrative material, fiction on the topic "Health and Safety"

Pick up material for the productive activities of children (modeling, drawing, building games)

Draw up a long-term plan of activities with children

Pick up information, develop an action plan with parents

II stage- Main

Purpose - Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children and parents

Implementation of the project

Day of week

Type of educational activity

Joint activities of a teacher with children

Interaction with parents

4.04.16 to 8.04.16

Daily wellness work

Morning exercises with rattles

Gymnastics after sleep "We want to be healthy"

Finger gymnastics "I have a head", "Delicious vegetables", "Ball"

Breathing exercises "Sultans", "Butterflies are flying", "Inflate a ball" "Airplanes"

Walk in the fresh air

Visual gymnastics

Parents survey on the topic: "Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family"

Exhibition"Paths of health for our babies"


Sports and exercise are best friends

"To be healthy - get on exercise" - tell about the benefits of morning exercises

Folder - slide

"Prevention of ARI" - inform parents about the most common illnesses of children of this age - colds and treatment methods.

1.Cognitive development: "Health Secrets" - to form knowledge about healthy lifestyle, which is important for health


Play activity

Outdoor games:"On a flat path", "Hit the target", "Sparrows and the car"

Didactic games:"Cut pictures" (sports), Water games

Role-playing game"Hospital"


I want to be healthy

How not to get sick and be healthy

Examining illustrations with the profession of a doctor, conversation

Conversations with parents "Take care of your health from a young age" - explain to parents the need to create the prerequisites in the family for the full physical development of the child.

1. Development of speech: "Learning Russian folk nursery rhyme" Vodichka, vodichka "

2. Physical education"On a visit to the bunny"

Play activity

Outdoor games "Steam locomotive", "Catch me", "Carousel"

Didactic games "What does a doctor need?", "Useful and harmful"

Shulzhik "The mirror loves clean faces", E. Charushin "Bear"

"Don't put dirty objects in your mouth (the book" Rules of Conduct for Well-Bred Children ")

Theatrical activities

"Why did the bear cub get sick?"

Reading fiction

G. Lagzdyn "Exercise", "We wash hands"

I. Shevchuk "Early in the morning to exercise"


Vitamins for health

Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods

Examining illustrations

Memo for parents "Be healthy, baby"

1.Modeling: "Cherry is a useful berry"

Play activity

Outdoor games: "Each has a fruit", "Arrange fruits and vegetables in baskets", "The sun and rain",

Round dance game "Dance with rattles"

Didactic game "Find and Name Healthy Products"

Role-playing game "Fruit and Vegetable Shop"

Reading fiction

Poems and riddles about vegetables and fruits, viewing illustrations

Visual activity

"Paint the turnip" - individual work (in gouache)


Cleanliness is the key to health

"We are friends with water and soap"

Examination of the pictures "The girl is grimy", "The girl is neat"

Physical education with parents

"Physical education with mom and dad"

1. Development of speech: "Yes, live fragrant soap and a fluffy towel"

2. Physical culture

Play activity

Didactic games and play exercises: "Find an object for washing", "We will show Buratino how to wash and dry himself with a towel", "Wonderful bag" (personal hygiene items)

Role-playing game "Bathing Katya's doll"

Reading fiction

A. Barto "Grimy Girl", K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Bathing" Z. Alexandrov, L. Korchagin "Washed"

Circle "Top-top heel"

to promote the physical development of young children through dance and play activities


My body

"My body", "I am a boy, I am a girl"

1.Drawing "Beams for the sun"

2. Physical culture

Consultation"Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in babies"

Play activity

Outdoor games: "Big legs", "A bear in the forest", "Where are our hands"

Didactic games and game exercises: "Show parts of the body", "Assemble the doll" (cut pictures)

Musical game "Hello pens"

Dance "Fingers-pens"

Reading fiction

A. Boske "What are eyes for?"

III Stage - Final

Final event:

Physical culture leisure "Our guest is doctor Aibolit"

Photo report "Week of health for babies"

Expected results of the project

Children: enrichment of motor experience; increased physical activity; health promotion; development of cultural and hygienic skills, food culture; the formation of elementary foundations of safety and preservation of their health.

Parents: enriching parenting experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family; increasing the competence of parents in matters of physical education and health improvement of children.


1.Mosyagina L.I. A holistic system of physical culture and health-improving work with children of early and junior preschool age.- SPb .: LLC DETSTVO-PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2013.- 288 p.

2. Pavlova P.A., Gorbunova I.V. Grow healthy baby! Health improvement program for young children. - M .: TC "Sfera", 2006

3. Educational games with toddlers up to three years old: a popular guide for parents and teachers / comp. T.V. Galanova. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.

4. Movement + movement: a book for a kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 1992.

5. Kharchenko T.E. Morning exercises in kindergarten. Exercises for children 2-3 years old. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.


1. Conversations: “I love vitamins, I want to be healthy”, “Friends of Moidodyr”. 2. Examination of photographs about a healthy lifestyle. 3. Reading fiction: Sergei Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly", "Walk". 4. Outdoor game "Do as I do".


Conversation on the topic: "I love vitamins, I want to be healthy" with children of the I junior group


Fix the names of some vegetables, fruits, berries, food products in children; to expand children's ideas about how useful many foods are, and how important it is to eat right; continue to improve children's speech and ability to answer questions; teach children the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher. Visual material: dummies of fruits and vegetables.

Conversation progress:

The teacher asks the kids:

Do you guys like vitamins? What vitamins do you like? (children's answers) Who gives you vitamins? (most likely, the children will name someone from the family members, a caregiver or a nurse) And where does mom (or others) buy them? Listen, analyze and summarize the children's answers. Further, the educator informs the children that vitamins are not only sold in a pharmacy in beautiful packaging, but are also contained in the products that we eat.

The teacher draws the attention of children to dummies of fruits and vegetables:

Look, kids, what have I got? (children's answers) Do you know how many vitamins they contain! Here you are, raise your hands for those little ones who love carrots. Well done! Please clap your hands for the little ones who love lemon. Well done! Please stamp your feet for those who like oranges. Well done!

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help!
Well, it's better to eat a lemon
Although it is very sour.
Eat more oranges
Drink delicious carrot juice
And then you will definitely
Very slender and tall.
There is no healthier product -
Delicious vegetables and fruits.

But you know guys, vitamins are found not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in other products. It is very useful to eat porridge with butter, honey, many vitamins are contained in fish, be sure to eat meat. Rich in vitamins and berries. What kind of berries do you know? (children's answers)

If you want to be healthy
Eat right.
Eat more vitamins
And do not know about diseases.

You see, kids, how much use vitamins! Therefore, eat vitamins that are bought at the pharmacy. But, and most importantly, eat well so as not to get sick, to grow up healthy and smart!

Conversation on the topic: "Friends of Moidodyr" with children of the I junior group


Continue to educate children in cultural and hygienic skills; to expand children's ideas about how important it is to take care of the cleanliness of their body, hands, face, etc .; continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher's story, to involve children in conversation while looking at the illustrations; teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, listen and understand the question asked.

Visual material: illustration of "Moidodyr", screen "Lessons of Moidodyr", an envelope with a letter-poem.

Conversation progress:

The teacher draws the attention of children to the illustration of "Moidodyr":

Do you kids know who this is? (listen to the children's answers, clarify them) And you know, today I received a letter from Moidodyr (shows the envelope). Now I will open the envelope and read it.

"A letter to all children on one very important matter"

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and face.
It doesn't matter what kind of water:
Boiled, key,
From the river, or from the well,
Or just rain!
It is imperative to wash
In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon -
Before every meal
Before bed and after bed!
Rub with a sponge and a washcloth,
Be patient - it doesn't matter!
And ink and jam
Wash off soap and water.
My dear children!
Very, very much I ask you:
Wash more often, wash more often -
I can't stand filth.
I will not shake hands with dirty people.
I will not go to visit them!
I wash myself very often
Goodbye! Moidodyr.
(Yu Tuvim)

Reading fiction: Sergei Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly", "Walk" with children of the first group


To educate children in the ability to listen to new poems, to follow the development of the plot in the work; explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.

Course of the lesson:

Kids, today we talked a lot about health, about how important it is to eat well, to eat vitamins. And now I want to read you a poem "About a girl who ate poorly." The teacher shows the children an illustration and reads a poem.

"About a girl who ate poorly"

Julia doesn't eat well,
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mummy!
- Eat a sandwich with a sausage! -
Julia covers her mouth.
- Supik?
- No...
- A cutlet?
- No... -
Yulechkin's lunch is getting cold.
- What's the matter with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!
- Do it, girl, sip,
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, mummy!
Mom and grandmother in tears -
Julia melts before our eyes!
A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Julia has no appetite?
I can only see that she
Certainly not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everyone eats - both the beast and the bird,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard Dog gnaws the bone.
Sparrows peck grain
Wherever they get it
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruit.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having supper in the mink.
The monkey is eating a banana.
Looking for acorns Boar.
A clever Swift catches midges.
Swiss cheese
Loves Mouse ...
The doctor said goodbye to Julia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Yulia said loudly:
- Feed me, Mommy!

Kids, what was the name of the girl in the poem? Did Yulia behave well? What was she doing badly? Who spoke to her strictly? Who was she told about? (the teacher listens to the children's answers, corrects and supplements them, summarizes, concludes)

You know, guys, in order to be healthy, you need not only to eat well, but also to walk, because during the walk we temper, it is especially useful to temper in the summer. Now I'll read you about the guys who went for a walk. The teacher reads a poem.


We arrived at the river
Spend Sunday
And a free spot
Not to be found near the river!
They sit here and sit there:
Sunbathe and eat
Rest as they want
Hundreds of adults and children!
We walked along the shore
And they found the clearing.
But in a sunny meadow
Here and there - empty cans
And, as if to spite us,
Even broken glass!
We walked along the shore
They found a new place.
But even here they sat before us;
They also drank, also ate,
They burned a fire, burned paper -
They littered and left!
We passed, of course ...
- Hey guys! - Dima shouted.
- Here's a place wherever!
Spring water!
Wonderful view!
Lovely beach!
Unpack your luggage!
We were swimming,
They burned a fire
We played football -
Have fun as you can!
We drank kvass
Ate canned food,
Choral songs were sung ...
Have a rest - and left!
And stayed in the clearing
By an extinct fire:
Two bottles we broke
Two soaked bagels -
In a word, a mountain of garbage!
We arrived at the river
Spend Monday
Only a clean place
Not to be found near the river!

Where did the guys go for a walk? What did they see on the river? Do you think it is good to do this? How did the guys have a rest? What did they do? Did they do well when they left the river? The teacher listens to the children's answers, corrects and supplements them, summarizes, concludes:

Please remember, kids, that when you are resting with your parents on the river, then observe cleanliness and order. Take care of our nature! Don't pollute it! Our health depends on the purity of nature.

Game for children from 3 to 7 years old "Do as I do!"


To continue to develop in children various types of movements, to teach children to perform movements according to a visual model, to develop coordination of movements of the arms and legs when performing exercises.

Option 1 (for the street or gym)

As with many games for children, this game requires a driver (for toddlers - a teacher, for older children - a child). When he is selected, the rest of the participants stand around him in a semicircle. Now the driver makes some movements, and the rest of the players need to repeat them exactly. The driver can raise his arms, crouch, stomp, jump, dance, etc. For older preschool age: those players who make mistakes replace the driver; at the same time, out of several mistakes, he, the driver, chooses a replacement for himself.

Option 2 (for a group)

The game is played without a driver. Children are offered a poster with a picture of them as a sample exercise. The teacher shows the necessary exercise, the children perform it according to the scheme.
Download the synopsis "Day of health for children of the 1st junior group"

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Card file of conversations on a healthy lifestyle in the first junior group.

Conversation number 1
Topic: "Health Secrets"
Purpose: To form an idea of ​​health, to highlight the rules of the skills of cultural and hygienic behavior.
Material: fruits, vegetables cards, plate.
Conversation progress:
The teacher gathers the children and informs them that Aibolit has arrived at the kindergarten, he walks in groups and talks with the children, and will now come to them.
Aibolit: Hello, children, I came to see you - what are you, are you healthy? I want to tell you about the secrets of health. Health must be protected. So I ask you: how do you protect your health? What are you doing to keep from getting sick? Why are you silent? Do not know?
Educator: They know that health is exercise, rosy cheeks, this is when we are strong, dexterous, courageous and cheerful, this is when we are friends with vitamins.
Aibolit: Right. (To children) Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, resistant to disease. But vitamins are not only in tablets, they also grow on branches.

Many vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.
Educator: The guys and I know that fruits grow on the branches, and vegetables in the garden.
Game "Fruit-vegetables"
Children put fruits and vegetables on different plates.
Aibolit: I will tell you a secret that in order to be healthy, you need not only to eat vitamins and be strong!
It is imperative to wash
In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon-
Before every meal
After sleep and before sleep!
What if you have a child who doesn't really know how to wash?
Educator: I am sure that we do not have such children, dear Aibolit.
Aibolit: How can I check it? I figured you guys should answer my questions. You have decided to wash up. And what is needed for this? (Water, soap, towel.) -How should you open the water tap correctly? So that the spray flew in all directions?
-What should you do first before going to the tap with water? (Roll up your sleeves to avoid wetting your shirt or dress.)
Educator Show how to roll up your sleeves. Like this.
How should you wash your hands?
Educator: It remains to turn off the tap, and hang the towel in place.
Aybolit Yes, indeed, all children know how to wash properly. Well, they can only be praised for that. The most important secret of health, you need to go in for sports and do exercises every morning.
I have a surprise for all of you guys. Today you will receive a glass of vitamin juice from me in order to grow strong and healthy. And before leaving, I want to wish you health and remember all the secrets of health.
Guys, it's time for Aibolit to go to another group, let's say thanks to him for telling him about the secrets of health. And we will now try to remember what needs to be done to be healthy?
Do exercises;
Eat vitamins;
Wash your hands before eating;
Become cultured at the table.
Conversation number 2
Conversation on the topic: "I love vitamins, I want to be healthy"
Purpose: To fix the names of some vegetables, fruits in children; to expand children's ideas about how useful many foods are, and how important it is to eat right.
Material: dummies of fruits and vegetables.
Conversation progress:
The teacher asks the kids:
- Do you guys like vitamins? What vitamins do you like? (children's answers) Who gives you vitamins? (most likely, the children will name someone from the family members, a caregiver or a nurse) And where does mom (or others) buy them? Listen, analyze and summarize the children's answers. Further, the educator informs the children that vitamins are not only sold in a pharmacy in beautiful packaging, but are also contained in the products that we eat. The teacher draws the attention of children to dummies of fruits and vegetables:
- Look, kids, what have I got? (children's answers) Do you know how many vitamins they contain!
Here you are, raise your hands for those little ones who love carrots. Well done! Please clap your hands for the little ones who love lemon. Well done! Please stamp your feet for those who like oranges. Well done!
For colds and sore throats
Oranges help!
Well, it's better to eat a lemon
Although it is very sour.
Eat more oranges
Drink delicious carrot juice
And then you will definitely
Very slender and tall.
There is no healthier product -
Delicious vegetables and fruits.
- But you know guys, vitamins are found not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in other products. It is very useful to eat porridge with butter, honey, a lot of vitamins
contained in fish, be sure to eat meat. Rich in vitamins and berries. What kind of berries do you know? (children's answers)
- You see, kids, how much use vitamins! Therefore, eat vitamins that are bought at the pharmacy.
But, and most importantly, eat well so as not to get sick, to grow up healthy and smart!
Finger game "Pies".
One two three four
Dexterously kneaded the dough.
We rolled out the mugs.
And they blinded pies
Filled pies,
Sweet raspberries
Carrots and cabbage
Very, very tasty.
They got it out of the oven
They began to treat everyone.
It smells like pies in the house ...
-What do you need to eat to be healthy?
-Where are vitamins found?
Conversation number 3
Topic: "We must, we must wash in the mornings and evenings"
Objectives: To form the skills of a healthy lifestyle, to develop physical activity.
Material: soap, pictures of animals and birds.
The course of the conversation.
Children with a teacher sit in a circle on the carpet, Aibolit (a glove doll) comes to visit them.
Aibolit: Guys, while I was walking towards you, I met Moidodyr. He told me a story about a boy who did not bathe, did not wash, was dirty.
Educator: Doctor, we know who you are talking about, the guys and I read about this boy.
The teacher and the children remember and read excerpts from the work "Moidodyr" by K. Chukovsky.
Aybolit: Is there a mess in your group? Do you all love water? What do you do when you wake up?
Children answer questions.
Aybolit: Well done! You made me happy! I have a gift for you!
Doctor Aibolit gives soap to children. Leaves.
The teacher continues the conversation with the children about the animals, how they wash.
Early in the morning at dawn
Little mice are washing
And ducklings and kittens,
And bugs and spiders.
You haven't washed your face alone
And remained muddy,
And ran away from the dirty and stockings and shoes
Educator: -All animals and insects like to swim, wash. Guys, how many of you saw them wash? How does a cat wash?
Children: - Feet and tongue.
Educator: - Right, but how does the dog wash?
Children: -Also with paws and tongue.
Educator: - Who knows how an elephant bathes?
Children: -Proboscis.
Educator: - Well done! An elephant can make a shower with its trunk. The hamster washes his paws. The parrot peels its feathers with its beak.
Children are offered a game - imitation "How animals, birds, insects wash" - pictures of animals and birds.
Educator: - Well done! Guys, does the person wash?
Children: - Yes.
-Teacher: Why does a person wash?
Children: To be clean, nice, tidy, smell good.
If children find it difficult, the teacher helps.
Educator: Right! And also, so as not to get sick. Harmful microbes accumulate on our bodies, we do not see them. Therefore, you need to wash, take care of yourself, even if you are not very dirty. A person washes his whole body when he bathes in a bath, in a shower, or he can separately wash his hands, face, and feet. Everyone loves to swim: people, animals, insects, and even toys we wash with you. We are great fellows and we will definitely be healthy!
-What were we talking about today?
-What should you do to avoid getting sick?
Conversation number 4
Topic: Let's Help Piggy Get Tidy "
Purpose: to generate interest in the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills; encourage children to constantly fulfill them.
Material: soap, towel,
Conversation progress:
1. Surprise moment
Educator: oh, guys, do you hear? Someone is still in a hurry to visit us! Let us put all the toys in their place, and see who came to us.
Piggy appears on the screen - all dirty, shaggy, crying a lot.
Educator: So this is who came to visit us! Hello Piggy. What happened to you? Are you sick? Why are you crying?
Piggy: Hello guys! I am very sad. Today I went out into the yard and wanted to play with my friends. But no one wanted to play with me, everyone moved away from me…. (crying)
Educator: interesting! Guys, why do you think his friends didn't play with Piggy?
Children: he is dirty, untidy, not beautiful, not neat….
Educator: of course, because he is untidy! he needs urgent help.
Piggy: They also gave me this bag and said that the things that were there would be very useful to me. Look here? Guys help me please!
Piggy gives the bag to the teacher and the children, asks to help him.
Educator: will we help the children to Piggy?
Children: yes.
Educator: then let's sit on the chairs, and you Piggy listen to us carefully and remember everything!
2. The game "Wonderful bag"
The game “Wonderful Sack” is being held. Educator: guys, let's see what's in the bag. See what is this? (Soap.) Smells so good. What kind of soap? (Fragrant, white, round.) Who will tell Piggy why he needs soap?
The child (if desired) tells, the teacher helps (Soap is needed in order to wash: wash your hands, face, neck and whole body so that they are clean) Piggy: Oh, guys, how do they wash their hands? Please show me!
Educator: what do the guys need to do first?
Children: Roll up your sleeves.
Educator: right, look, Piggy, and remember:
The teacher and the children imitate hand washing:
Hands should be washed with soap,
The sleeves must not be wet.
Who does not roll up a sleeve,
he won't get some water.
We must, we must wash ourselves,
Where is the pure water here?
We will open the crane: Sh-Sh-Sh,
My hands: Sh-Sh-Sh,
We will rub our cheeks and neck.
And pour some water.
Piggy: How great!
Educator: Oh, our hands are wet! What do we need to keep our hands dry? (Towel.) Children pick up an imaginary towel and “wipe” their hands.
Well, let's see Piggy, is there a towel in your bag? Of course there is. Here it is! What kind of towel guys? (Beautiful, soft, fluffy, colorful)
The teacher invites the children to get the last item out of the bag, and also tell about it (comb): This is a comb. It is wooden (plastic, long, it has a handle and teeth. We need a comb to comb the hair like this (the child shows Piggy, imitating the movements of combing, how to comb).
Educator: well, that's piggy, now you understand what these items are for? (hands the bag to Piggy)
Piggy: I got it, I figured out what to do with these items! Now I know how they can help me! Guys, please, just don't go anywhere, I'll fix everything now….
Piggy appears behind the screen, all clean, combed, neat and tidy.
Piggy: Guys, guys! Now I know exactly why no one wanted to play with me! Remember what I was? (Children list: dirty, unkempt, grimy, slovenly dressed, unkempt). What am I now? (clean, beautiful, tidy, etc.) I really liked to wash, dry myself with a towel, brush my teeth, comb. Thank you very much for your help, now I have so many friends who want to play with me. I want to give you their portraits so that you can paint them and keep them as a keepsake.
5. Productive activity
Piggy distributes portraits of his friends to all the children for coloring.
Well, it's time for me to run, my friends are waiting for me. Thanks guys. Goodbye!
Educator and children: goodbye!
Educator: how great are the guys that you and I helped Piggy. Let's take pencils now and color all his friends
Conversation # 5
Topic: "Ethics of nutrition in kindergarten"
Objectives: to continue to teach children personal hygiene,. to familiarize with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
Materials: toy - "Buratino", children's dishes, cards for classes: "Bread".
Conversation progress:
Children sit on high chairs.
Educator: Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to you and play a game.
Children imitate movements, repeat after the teacher.
Good morning, did you wake up your eyes? (looking through binoculars)
Good morning, ears, did you wake up? (slightly rubbing ears)
Good morning pens you woke up? (clap)
Good morning legs you woke up? (stomp)
Good morning sun. We woke up and smiled at each other.
Guys, we will now have breakfast with you.
Tell me, who prepares our food? Children: Cook.

Tell me, who prepares our food? Children: Cook.
Who brings us food? Children: Bella Kirimovna. (Junior educator)
Children, what do we need food for? Children: To be strong, strong, never get sick, get vitamins for the body.
Put Violetta and Roman on duty - breadbaskets, napkins. Then come back to us.
Children look at pictures, answer leading questions.
The cook's guys also cooked us porridge, porridge is very useful, it happens: semolina, rice, buckwheat, cooked in milk.
Come on, come on, come on zeros!
Do not grumble pots,
Do not grumble, do not hiss, cook sweet porridge,
Cook sweet porridge, feed our children.
And finally, both adults and children love his tea.
Guys, tell me how should we behave at the table? Children: Calm down, do not push, do not talk, etc.
Listen, I have a poem like this.
Do not spill on yourself, hot soup or tea.
Be careful when your food is hot.
Eat calmly, do not turn around, do not turn over the plate.
Yes, guys at the table, we must sit quietly, watch our posture, hold the spoon correctly.
Buratino's toy appears. Doesn't behave properly at the table. Everyone makes comments. Now, let's show Pinocchio how we should behave at the table. But before that, we must wash our hands. Why wash our hands, we will listen to poetry. Children recite poetry.
The mouse did not wash its paws well, it only moistened it with water,
I didn't try to wash with soap - and the dirt remained on the paws.
A towel with black spots, how unpleasant it is!
Germs get into the mouth, stomach aches can be.
So that the children try, wash your face often with soap!
It is necessary to wash your hands with warm water before eating.
We go to wash our hands at a calm pace, and then have breakfast.
Children wash their hands and sit down to have breakfast, the teacher wishes you bon appetit, draws attention to how the children sit at the table, which is for breakfast today.
-How should you behave at the table?
-What should you do before eating?
-How should you sit at the table?


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