What is the danger of late toxicosis in a future mother? How to treat late toxicosis in pregnant women

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For mothers, the site has already talked about such a complication of pregnancy as toxicosis in the article "". Today the topic of conversation is

Late toxicosis, or as it is also called "gestosis", is a very insidious disease of pregnant women. It is insidious because a pregnant woman may not even suspect that she has toxicosis. After all, she may not feel nausea, bouts of vomiting and ailments, as with toxicosis in the early stages. The fact is that toxicosis on later dates pregnancy may not have external signs.

But this does not make the disease less serious and dangerous ..

Late toxicosis: causes

As noted earlier, it is very difficult to determine the cause of toxicosis, both early and late. But doctors suggest that the following reasons lead to such a complication as late toxicosis:

  • Neurosis
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Immunological causes
  • Heredity
  • Improper nutrition
  • Colds
  • Elevated physical exercise on the body
  • Overwork

Most often, late toxicosis of pregnant women is a consequence of several reasons.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy: signs

Usually, late toxicosis is observed in a pregnant woman. in the third trimester. It is usually discovered by a doctor, since it is often hidden from the pregnant woman herself.

The main signs of late toxicosis:

  • Fast weight gain. The doctor is picky about excess weight gain not on a whim. Such a sign can speak of the presence of hidden edema. As well as excess weight can lead to increased stress on the kidneys, heart and other organs, which also leads to gestosis.
  • Explicit swelling of the legs, arms, face
  • Tinnitus, flying flies before the eyes
  • Protein in urine
  • High blood pressure as well different indicators pressure on different hands
  • With advanced toxicosis, vomiting, headaches, fainting, convulsions appear.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy: stages

  1. Edema (dropsy)... At this stage, edema can be latent and obvious, protein is not detected in the urine, and there are no changes in blood pressure. Excessive weight gain - more than 300g per week can indicate the presence of this disease.
  2. Nephropathy... At this stage, the vascular system and kidneys are affected. It is characterized by edema, hypertension, and the presence of protein in the urine. At this stage, hospitalization of the pregnant woman is necessary, the appointment of a salt-free diet, restriction of fluid intake and drug treatment... If late toxicosis of pregnant women is not treated at this stage, then this can lead to fetal death, impaired development or the transition of toxicosis to a more serious stage.
  3. Preeclampsia characterized by very severe edema, the presence of protein in the urine, an increase blood pressure... Pregnant feels headache, tinnitus, dizziness. Vision may be impaired. This stage is very dangerous for the child, since the pregnant woman has disturbances in the work of all the most important organs: kidneys, heart, liver. Urgent hospitalization is required.
  4. Eclampsia. At this stage of late toxicosis during pregnancy, convulsions appear, loss of consciousness due to disturbances in the work of the pregnant woman's brain. The consequences of this stage are - pulmonary edema, cerebral hemorrhage. Fetal death and death of a pregnant woman may occur. Fortunately, this stage of late toxicosis during pregnancy practically does not occur due to the constant monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother by doctors.


The site does not recommend treating toxicosis in late pregnancy on your own. Remember, this disease is very serious, it can greatly affect the condition and health of your child. As known, best treatment any disease is prevention.

These simple rules can be very effective in the fight against late toxicosis:

  • Tell your doctor about any changes in your health.
  • Tell your doctor about your chronic or hereditary medical conditions.
  • Follow your doctor's advice.
  • Timely undergo examinations by specialists and get tested.
  • Get more rest and sleep well.
  • Try to eat right and refuse to eat food with added preservatives, dyes, GMOs.
  • Drink rosehip and mountain ash infusion.
  • Swim.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Be happy about the upcoming event.

We hope this article helps you avoid this. dangerous complication, as late toxicosis during pregnancy. Well, if you are diagnosed with such a diagnosis, do not be discouraged and do not refuse the recommendations of your doctor. After all, late toxicosis found on early stage, is being treated quickly and without consequences.

Late toxicosis or gestosis is pathological condition... It occurs in the second half of pregnancy. Late toxicosis during pregnancy is accompanied by various dysfunctions nervous system... If toxicosis is on early dates most often it does not carry any threats, then the late one may be the beginning of serious complications. This condition can develop into a disorder of vital organs and systems for both the expectant mother and the baby. Gestosis usually accounts for ten to fifteen percent of the total number of all pregnant women.

With toxicosis Counseling Treatment
What does the disease cause Nausea
not recommended Pregnancy without symptoms

The exact causes of the occurrence late gestosis unknown, but the disease is more likely to develop under certain conditions. For example, this happens if the pregnancy is the first, or the age of the expectant mother is under eighteen and over thirty-five. Gestosis can also develop in women who have bad habits, chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and more.

Multiple pregnancies, lack of protein in orgasm, polyhydramnios - these factors can also be the cause of such a diagnosis, and even if the interval between births is less than three years.

But even if the above factors are absent, this does not give an accurate guarantee that a woman will not have late toxicosis during pregnancy. If the pregnant woman is healthy, has no prerequisites for pathology, against the background of overwork, stress, if proper nutrition or because of common cold or injury, she may develop a similar diagnosis.

Diagnostic features

Late state of vomiting, nausea cannot be called the norm. At the first symptoms of it, you must contact a specialist. Usually gestosis begins in the third trimester and lasts until delivery. But it also happens that a woman is put in a hospital and undergoes a course of treatment. The body recovers for some time.

Painful condition in any position

Symptoms of late toxicosis are similar to those that were in the first half of pregnancy. This could be:

  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting (but more than five times a day);
  • weakness in the body;
  • ailments.

To these symptoms can be added - swelling of the limbs, face, increased blood pressure, which does not respond to taking medications, preconvulsive symptoms. When tested in urine, it is found a large number of protein - this is due to the fact that the walls of blood vessels are weakened and proteins are excreted from the body.

Consultation with a specialist

Other symptoms of gestosis:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • impaired vision or hearing;
  • spontaneous pain in the abdomen, stomach area or under the ribs.

The need to contact a specialist

As soon as the first signs of late gestosis begin, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any sign will suffice. The main symptoms can be expressed by edema, convulsions, hypertension. The doctor will be able to alleviate the condition and help not to harm the unborn child.

When a woman regularly visits a specialist during pregnancy, it is easier to track late toxicosis. In any case, the doctor will prescribe the following procedures:

  • general gynecological examination;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky;
  • analysis of daily urine for protein;
  • visiting an ophthalmologist in order to measure the fundus and visual acuity, a nephrologist, a neurologist;
  • clinical, biochemical analysis blood;
  • ultrasound examination of the fetus with dopplerometry;
  • fetal cardiotocography (CTG);
  • hemostasiogram.

After that, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, tell you about adherence to a certain diet. Therefore, it will be necessary:

  • limit fluid intake to one liter for a day;
  • follow a salt-free diet;
  • remove all artificial products, preservatives, dyes, etc. from the diet;
  • diversify the diet with fruits, vitamins, vegetables;
  • control your weight, there should be no more than 300 g weight gain per day, if this rate is exceeded, then these are signs of dropsy, that is, severe swelling;
  • it is necessary to eliminate all the causes of education - treatment of colds, other diseases, eliminate stressful situations, normalize the daily routine.

Treatment and recovery after difficult days

If none of this helps, then the pregnant woman is hospitalized so that complications do not begin.

What else is the danger of late toxicosis? Mainly because it can develop into its last stage - eclampsia. When this condition occurs, the work of the brain is disrupted, heart failure develops. A pregnant woman may faint deeply, cerebral hemorrhages occur, up to cardiac arrest.

In order not to lead to such a terrible state, it is necessary to observe preventive measures, adhere to the recommendations of a specialist and conduct healthy image life.

Treatment and prevention methods

What needs to be doneDescription
Sleep and restOn the last dates pregnancy, a woman needs good sleep (at least ten hours) and rest. You cannot overwork, do difficult physical work. Stressful situations should be avoided, less nervous.
NutritionEliminate all canned, unhealthy foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, foods with dyes. Gradually reduce the amount of dairy, cultured milk, meat and fish products and replace them with vegetables, fruits, herbs, legumes. Go to diet food... Water is advised to drink in small sips, every half hour.
Healthy lifestyleIf you are concerned about the symptoms of toxicosis in the later stages, you must lead an active lifestyle. It is worth doing gymnastics for pregnant women, but first consult with your gynecologist. Spend more time on fresh air, avoid tobacco smoke, stuffy rooms. Rest as much as possible. In case of outbreaks of epidemics, avoid crowded places.
Nausea, vomitingIf nausea bothers in the morning, snack on nuts, crackers, crackers, fruits. Don't overeat. Water and lemon juice... Any liquid with added ginger.
Medication methodIf nothing at home helps, hospitalization is necessary. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications to restore the body.

In case of dropsy with severe edema and having a mild form, it is usually prescribed:

  • sedatives, it can be tinctures, herbal decoctions;
  • antioxidants - vitamins A, E;
  • the use of antihypertensive drugs that have an antispasmodic effect;
  • herbal teas that have a diuretic effect.
What does diagnosis mean?

What does the disease lead to?

Late toxicosis or gestosis in the second half of pregnancy occurs no earlier than after the twentieth - twenty-fifth week. The development of vomiting and nausea in late pregnancy negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and child. It can also cause serious illness. A pregnant woman may have disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, nervous system, liver, and dehydration may begin. Vascular spasms, impaired microcirculation, cerebral edema, and coma are often observed. Another such diagnosis can lead to early detachment placenta, to early childbirth or fetal asphyxiation.

With the formation of gestosis, the fluid from the vessels leaves, the blood pressure rises - it is necessary so that the blood does not thicken and circulates freely throughout the body, therefore, due to the fact that coagulability increases, there is a risk of blood clots.

Another unpleasant side of this symptom is that changes occur in the woman's body, the pregnant for a long time may not notice anything. And after they begin to appear, it may be too late. Any irritant can cause convulsions, against this background there are - heart attack, stroke, retinal detachment, lungs swell. Therefore, timely diagnosis is necessary, and subsequently prevention of such a phenomenon as late toxicosis in a woman who is pregnant.

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Late toxicosis is a formidable complication of pregnancy. It occurs in the second half of pregnancy, more often after 30 weeks. The course is usually gradual. If a woman registers early for pregnancy, regularly visits a doctor and takes tests, one can not only predict in advance what possible risk the development of pathology, but also to identify symptoms in a timely manner, which can save the life of both a woman and a child.

What is late toxicosis and what are it possible consequences? This condition is a violation of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine system... In severe cases, only an emergency caesarean section can prevent the death of both the woman and the child. Here are just a part of what late toxicosis is dangerous for: acute heart failure, pulmonary edema, coma, premature detachment placenta and acute hypoxia at the fetus. It should be noted that this condition has several stages of development. And only the last stages have grave consequences.

What are the symptoms of late toxicosis, and what are these very stages? Nephropathy (gestosis) is characterized by the presence of three signs: edema, protein in the urine, high blood pressure. However, even those pregnant women who have 1-2 of these symptoms are taken under control and hospitalized. Often (approximately every 4th case), gestosis during pregnancy begins with edema. They can be clearly visible or they can be hidden. Most women easily determine the presence of edema. Traces remain from the elastic bands of socks, it becomes small wedding ring... Swelling in the morning is considered the most indicative. They can even be seen on the face. In addition, the doctor may notice an unusually rapid weight gain in her patient. And if it is not associated with errors in nutrition, we can conclude that fluid is retained in the body - and this, perhaps, is toxicosis of pregnant women, or rather its early prerequisites. In such cases, many doctors prescribe diuretics. Which is not entirely true. Rather, it would be to conduct a survey. To pass a urine test, and not only a general one, but also, possibly, a daily urine test - this analysis is often prescribed in a hospital setting. Women with chronic pyelonephritis and other diseases of the urinary system. The woman is advised to reduce the amount of salt consumed. But in no case should you reduce the amount of fluid you drink. This pathology is called dropsy.

If protein in the urine and high blood pressure join the edema, we can already talk about late toxicosis during pregnancy - one of the degrees of nephropathy. There are three of them. With the third degree of nephropathy, blood pressure can rise to 200/150 mm Hg or even higher. With a noticeable increase in pressure, a woman may feel a severe headache, see flickering flies (and, in general, vision may be impaired), hear tinnitus, suffer from severe nausea and vomiting. This condition can be due to exposure to almost any stimulus (bright light, pain, loud noise) quickly turn into eclampsia - a convulsive seizure with loss of consciousness. During this period of time, both the woman and her child experience acute oxygen deficiency, the mother may experience pulmonary edema, placental abruption, retinal detachment, and a coma. The only treatment in this case is an emergency caesarean section.

If nephropathy is not so severe, doctors simply monitor the condition of the woman and the child, regularly measure her blood pressure, weigh her, and prescribe tests. If urine tests are bad, antibiotics may be prescribed. At high pressure - drugs that effectively reduce it.

Gestosis goes away on its own in the first few hours or days after childbirth. If the reason high pressure not in gestosis, but hypertension, which the woman did not know about, the pressure may not return to normal on its own.

Toxicosis in the later stages often develops in women at risk:

  • under 18 and over 35;
  • preeclampsia in previous pregnancies;
  • chronic kidney disease, hypertension, heart defects;
  • multiple pregnancy.

But more often, when late toxicosis begins during pregnancy, it is impossible to identify the cause of its occurrence. And in general it is not necessary at all.

The main thing that women should remember is that eclampsia is a deadly condition. But it does not develop spontaneously, but has prerequisites within a few days or weeks. They can be noticed on their own if you make it a habit to periodically weigh and measure blood pressure and visit your gynecologist according to the recommended schedule.

It is not often possible to meet such a successful expectant mother who, while waiting for the baby, did not encounter such unpleasant phenomenon like toxicosis.

You should not rush to rejoice if in the first weeks of pregnancy you managed to avoid in the morning, hatred of food, dizziness, weakness. It is possible that you will have to get acquainted with the concept of toxicosis at the end of pregnancy. We are talking about late toxicosis. What is this phenomenon? How to deal with late toxicosis? We will try to answer these and some other questions in this article.

So, late toxicosis, otherwise gestosis is a complication of pregnancy, which is characterized by disorder of the functioning of important organs, in particular, the blood flow and the vascular system. Late toxicosis is called because it occurs towards the end of pregnancy - in the second or third trimester. This condition is based on disturbances in the work of the vascular system, gross violations of the water-salt balance, changes in the composition and viscosity of the blood. All this leads to difficulties in the work of the liver, kidneys, to disturbances in the blood supply and nutrition of the fetus, to exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Experts still cannot come to a consensus on the question of what exactly causes preeclampsia. However, we can talk about a number of factors that have a significant impact on the occurrence and severity of late gestosis. These are:

- about hereditary predisposition;
- about overweight, obesity;
- about the age of the pregnant woman (risk group: women under 20 and over 35);
- about the immune conflict between the fetus and the mother;
- about diseases internal organs(heart, liver, kidneys), diabetes mellitus, hypertension;
- about changes in hormonal balance;
- about stress loads;
- about polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, about overstretching large fruit uterus.

It must be understood that severe forms of gestosis pose a very serious health risk, as future mother and her child, and therefore it is very important to diagnose preeclampsia in a timely manner. If the treatment of late toxicosis is not started on time, the expectant mother may have seizures, she may even lose consciousness. In addition, very often late toxicosis causes chronic starvation of the fetus, which, of course, has a very negative effect on its development.

When is it time to start sounding the alarm?

With the development of gestosis in the expectant mother, edema begins to appear, which are especially pronounced in the morning. In addition, late toxicosis is characterized by an increase in blood pressure, moreover, drugs it is not always possible to achieve a decrease in pressure. It makes sense to talk about late toxicosis if the pressure rises above 140/90 mm Hg.

During gestosis, the walls of the vessels become permeable not only for the liquid component of the blood, but also for blood proteins, which leads to the fact that the kidneys begin to excrete proteins from the body - accordingly, when examining the urine taken for analysis, specialists will find protein.

Symptoms of late toxicosis can also include general weakness, rapid fatigue, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, "flies" before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, pain in the hypochondrium and stomach.

Even if you observe only some of the symptoms listed above, this is a good reason to see a doctor. Remember that not only your health, but also the health and life of your baby will depend on your responsibility.

But remember also that any disease is easier to prevent than to waste time, money, nerves on treatment. Preventive measures will allow you to minimize the risk of preeclampsia.

First of all, it is necessary to turn Special attention on your daily routine, in particular, on sleep: you just need a good eight-hour sleep at night, do not neglect the opportunity to relax during the day.

You also need to take care of proper nutrition. From the very first days of your pregnancy, eliminate canned foods, carbonated and spirits, foods containing dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances from your diet.

Starting from the fourth to fifth months of pregnancy, you need to begin to reduce the amount of fish and meat consumed, replacing these dishes with vegetables. After the expiration, you should completely abandon fermented milk, dairy products, fish and meat dishes, replacing them with vegetables, cereals, fruits, legumes, herbs.

And of course, you should not force yourself to eat by force, just as you should not go on a rigid diet.

It is also necessary to learn how to drink water correctly during pregnancy. Try to drink as much plain, clean water as possible. You should not drink food with water or juices: at least half an hour should pass between meals and water. It is better to drink a little, but often - every half hour for two or three sips - this will allow you to avoid edema, and at the same time rid your body of substances it does not need.

By doing these simple rules, you can reduce the risk of late toxicosis to a minimum, and you can give birth to a healthy baby.

Most women develop toxicosis during pregnancy. Despite the fact that he delivers a lot to the future mother unpleasant sensations, this phenomenon is considered normal and in most cases goes away on its own by 12-14 weeks of gestation. If toxicosis appears in the second half of pregnancy, it comes about a pathological process, ignoring which is fraught with the development of consequences that are difficult for the health of the mother and child. In 30% of cases, toxicosis in late pregnancy ends in fetal death.

Why does pathology arise? By what symptoms can it be determined? How is late toxicosis in pregnancy treated?

Causes of late toxicosis

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus regarding the factors provoking the development of this pathology. Currently, the causes of toxicosis in late pregnancy are interpreted from the standpoint of various theories:

  1. Cortico-visceral. According to her supporters, this pathological phenomenon, which in medicine is called gestosis, develops against the background of a malfunction in the nervous system of the future woman in labor. Neurotic disorders lead to disruption of cortical and subcortical connections, as a result of which the cardiovascular system suffers and blood supply deteriorates.
  2. Endocrine. The adherents of this theory believe that the development of toxicosis in late pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Such violations inhibit the state of blood vessels and blood coagulability, as a result of which the blood supply to organs deteriorates, metabolic processes, cardiovascular regulation.
  3. Immunological. According to this theory, pathology arises from the rejection of the fetal antigens by the maternal body, as a result of which the permeability and tone of the vascular channels increase. Subsequently, such changes lead to a deterioration in the state of intraorganic tissues and structures.
  4. Genetic. The followers of this theory came to the conclusion that late toxicosis is inherited.
  5. Placental. Gestosis develops due to the lack of necessary changes in the vessels of the uterus, which feed the placental tissues. Over time, this defect leads to the formation of specific substances that aggravate the work of the cardiovascular system.

Among the main factors in the development of late toxicosis are:

  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco by the expectant mother;
  • prolonged stress;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • overweight;
  • liver damage;
  • kidney disease;
  • violation of bile excretion.

The risk group for developing preeclampsia includes women:

  • under 18 and over 35;
  • with multiple pregnancies;
  • with chronic infectious pathologies;
  • in the history of which there are cases of artificial termination of pregnancy.

Types and symptoms of pathology

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Toxicosis that occurs in the second half of gestation is classified according to several criteria:

  • time of occurrence;
  • form of flow;
  • degree of defeat.

The danger of gestosis is that during long period pathological process may not manifest itself in any way, therefore in some cases it is difficult to understand when it started. The doctor can suspect signs of the disease only on the basis of the results of clinical studies. The table provides information on the types of late toxicosis and the symptoms by which it can be recognized.

Classification attributeVarieties of gestosisSymptoms
By the time of appearanceDuring pregnancy
  • severe swelling of the face, neck, upper and lower extremities;
  • the presence of protein in the urine;
  • high blood pressure (over 130/80 mm Hg);
  • attacks of dizziness, loss of consciousness, severe nausea and vomiting;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • a rapid increase in body weight (more than 500 g in 7 days).
During labor
Within the first 48 hours after the baby is born
By the shape of the flowDropsy or swelling of pregnant women
By degreeI (light)
II (medium)
II (heavy)

Complications and consequences

Toxicosis in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of gestation is dangerous for the health of the future woman in labor and the fetus. Complications that a woman may experience if she does not take timely measures:

  • disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys, lungs and liver;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • malfunction of the visual function;
  • hepatic coma;
  • vascular spasms and microcirculatory changes in the brain;
  • the formation of blood clots, which can cause intracerebral hemorrhage, edema of the brain and lungs, as well as the development of heart, hepatic and renal failure;
  • dehydration against the background of indomitable vomiting;
  • premature detachment of the placenta.

This pathological phenomenon, which appeared in late pregnancy, is dangerous for the fetus with the following consequences:

  • early birth;
  • antenatal asphyxia;
  • death as a result of too early detachment of the placenta;
  • hypoxia, subsequently leading to a slowdown in intrauterine development;
  • underweight at birth;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • retardation of mental and physical development.

Diagnostic methods

An accurate diagnosis is made only after a thorough analysis of the patient's complaints and research results. Specialists such as an ophthalmologist, a therapist, a neurologist and a nephrologist are involved in the diagnosis.

The table presents general information about the manipulations that are used to confirm suspicions of late toxicosis.

Diagnostic procedureMethod descriptionPurpose of the
Taking anamnesisObtaining and analyzing information about what symptoms are present, whether the patient has had bad habits in the past and artificial interruption pregnancy, whether her mother suffered from a similar pathology. Study of medical history.Formulation of a preliminary diagnosis, development of a plan for further diagnostic measures.
Laboratory researchGeneral urine analysisDetermination of protein availability and density level
Urine analysis according to ZimnitskyFinding out the volume of biomaterial released at night
Clinical and biochemical blood testDetermination of the number of erythrocytes and platelets
CoaculogramChecking the status of the folding function
Instrumental examinationsMeasurement of blood pressure, including after increasing physical activityIdentifying hypotension
Analysis of the ratio of the volume of fluid consumed and excreted urineFinding out the cause of edema
Tracking the dynamics of weight change
Study of the state of the fundusVisual function check
Doppler ultrasonographyChecking the condition of the fetus

How is pathology treated?

When a pregnant woman is diagnosed with the initial stage of gestosis - dropsy, the elimination of its symptoms is carried out on an outpatient basis. For other manifestations of the disease, the future woman in labor is subject to compulsory hospitalization. Pathology is not amenable to treatment, since there is no way to accurately determine the causes of its occurrence. If a late toxicosis is detected in a future woman in labor, measures are taken to alleviate her condition, prevent the aggravation of symptoms and preserve the normal functioning of the fetus.

With the development of the disease in the 29-36-week period, in the event of a deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman, she is prepared for childbirth earlier than the set date. In situations where the applied therapeutic measures were unsuccessful, and the form of the disease is severe, delivery is carried out using a cesarean section.

Disease formTreatment methodsDuration of therapy, days
EasyMedications are prescribed:
  • sedatives;
  • antispasmodic - to relieve spasms;
  • antiplatelet agents - to normalize the rheological properties of blood;
  • antioxidants;
  • hypotensive - to normalize blood pressure;
  • to prevent blood clots - improve blood circulation;
  • diuretics - normalize the process of urination and relieve swelling.
Medium and heavyInfusion therapy is carried out, aimed at eliminating the failure of metabolic and electrolyte processes. For this, fresh frozen plasma and rheopolyglucin are introduced. Anticoagulants are also used. Diuretics are used to normalize water-salt metabolism.14-28

Prevention measures


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