From polyps in the uterus what to do. Universal means for intake. Other hormonal drugs

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  • Medical therapy
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    • Application of herbal fees
    • Umbed of pears
    • Application of garlic and pumpkin seeds
    • Application of other herbs

If the Endometrial Polyp is revealed in the uterus, treatment without surgery is carried out under the supervision of doctors. Often pathology arises against the background of hormonal imbalance, restructuring the body. At the same time noted enhanced growth and reproduction of stromal and ferrous elements of the endometrium. Pathology more often amazes women with climax and teenage girls.

Enucleation of Mioma is to remove them from the uterus and exit from the organ. The box after remote misa is sewn in such a way that it stops bleeding from the wound and restores the correct anatomy of the uterus. Transvaginal amputation of the uterus is the removal of the sick endometrial with the outlet of the cervix. This operation is carried out without opening the vagina from abdominal cavity. Preliminary diagnosis is especially important when qualifying for this type of operation. You must be sure that the left neck of the uterus is absolutely healthy and is not a "Slow action bomb that will explode with the delay."

Medical therapy

What is a polyp? This is a neoplasm, outflow of mucous membranes. Material polyp - sign of endometrial hyperplasia. This is a precancerous condition of the body that requires competent therapy. The long-term existence of the polypa increases the risk of its malignancy.

Since the operation to remove the left cervix in the altered anatomical conditions after the operation removal operation is complicated and carries high risk Complications. Therefore, a woman whose uterus was removed and the neck is left, should be even more concerned about the regularity of gynecological observations, including cytological tests. To be able to treat it from a vaginal side in the event of an early diagnosis of cervix.

Removing the uterus entirely consists of removing all the uterus - shaft along with the neck. During this operation, the vagina opens from the abdominal cavity, which is then stitched. Left in this way, it retains its length, which allows sexual intercourse.

The main treatment of polyps in the uterus is a surgical removal of neoplasms. If the patient fails, or with contraindications is prescribed by drug therapy.

To minimize proliferative manifestations, it is recommended to use drugs of several groups:

In any case, the Operation of the Moma is subjected to an intraoperative assessment of the entire reproductive body in order not to lose sight of anomalies that may require surgical intervention, which may include the removal of the organ from the organ, the removal of the patient or removal of intervertebral adhesions, which often arise the cause of numerous, often very strong ailments . They may be the result of past inflammations in the field of pelvis taped from reproductive organs, digestive system, as well as the abdominal operations spent in the past.

  • combined oral contraceptives (Coki);
  • gestagens;
  • gonadotropic rilizing hormones;
  • complex of vitamin and mineral medicines;
  • diet and therapy;
  • iron therapy;
  • sedative and physiotherapeutic treatment.

Treatment of polyps of the uterus by folk remedies is one of the methods of combating such notexist ailment.

Some diseases such as endometriosis also cause multiple spikes. In case of removal of endometrial or all the uterus, the appendages can be removed in unilaterally or on a bilateral basis at the same time. The removal of "prophylactic" appendages in a woman after 50 years until recently was made in fear of very dangerous and insidious cancer, which is cancer of ovarian. The logic of this action was simple - the hormonal activity of the ovaries is reduced at this age, and a woman who has no ovarian cancer will not get sick.

However, in recent years, scientific results have shown that even after menopausal ovaries, due to their residual products, are still necessary for several years. That is why the limit of their removal "by the way" the removal of the uterus is now transferred to the sixtieth year of life.

When identifying bacterial infection Antibiotics are prescribed (monomitial, gentamicine). Hormonal disorders are eliminated taking into account the age of the patient:

  • for up to 35 years old, they prescribe oral contraceptives (Yarina, Zhinin). Therapy lasts more than 6 months;
  • women at the age of 35-50 are prescribed medicines with progesterone (Norcut, Duphaston). Gestagens are prescribed from the middle of the cycle. Reception duration - more than six months;
  • women after menopause prescribe Zoladex, which regulates the level of estrogen.

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Non-traditional therapy

Additionally, treatment with folk remedies is carried out. The contrasting souls improve the blood flow in the uterus through her neck. For maximum effect Recommend to take hot and cold seating baths. Stay B. hot water - Not more than 3 minutes, in the cold - up to 1 minute. After the procedure, it is recommended to dress warmly.

With polyps in the uterus, propolis is used. From the substance is made medical agents For external and internal use. In the morning it is recommended to chew a small rocket of propolis. Treatment is carried out on an empty stomach. In the evening you can make vaginal tampons, moistened in the Nasture of Propolis. The substance is poured with boiling water, insisting within an hour. Such therapy lasts a month.

You can treat the uterine polyp by acetic douching. it effective tool from polyposis. Aqueous vinegar solution changes acid Balance Vagina, at the same time the growth of polyps is inhibited. Drafting is carried out daily for a month. To do this, use a warm aqueous vinegar solution.

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Application of herbal fees

Before treating a polyp herbal fees, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. For internal use, you can cook herague decoction. For this, dry crushed leaves of plants and boiling water will be required. The potion is boiled on slow heat for no more than 5 minutes. Then the decoction insisters 1 hour and filter. Use twice a day before meals.

More often use infusions from medicinal plants. You can take a dry mixture of herbs: white nettle, chamomile, yarrow, a shepherd bag, St. John's wort, mint and calendula. The collection is poured boiling water, insisting half an hour in a closed dish. The resulting agent is used hot.

Celest is easily struggling with polyps. Healing properties Plants will slow down growth, contributing to a decrease in the size of the neoplasm. But this is a poisonous plant. Therefore, all means on the basis of cleanpiece must be strictly dosed, and the doctor's consultation is needed before their use.

Often with polyps apply a decoction from Cephela. Method of preparation: Grinding dry plant is poured with steep boiling water. The mixture insists 10 hours in the thermos, filter. The decoction is stored in the refrigerator.

The duration of therapy decoction is a month. it folk remedy Used on an empty stomach, and every week the dosage increases. There are minor breaks between therapy courses. Cellular is a good plant for cooking rags for douching. To enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to add propolis to the purestel. The method of cooking a healing beam from Celeneel and Propolis: Grinding cleanliness and propolis are poured with boiling water, boil 5 minutes on a weak heat, insist, filter. The decoction is evincible twice a day. The duration of therapy is a month.

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Umbed of pears

Pear has unique healing abilities:

  • minimizes polyposis clinic;
  • restores the hormonal background of the body;
  • eliminates inflammation.

Infusion of Pearl - Effective remedy for gynecological diseases. To prepare it, the dry plant is poured with boiling water and insist 3 hours. The tool is drunk during the day. The duration of therapy is to the complete disappearance of signs of illness.

Black currant decoction received positive feedback from many patients. This is an effective and easy to prepare a folk remedy for the treatment of uterine polyps without surgery. For the preparation of such a decoction will be required:

  • fruits of black currant;
  • fruit of brown rosehip;
  • leaves of nettle.

All components are mixed, crushed and poured boiling water. The mixture insists for 1 hour, filter and accepted 4 times a day before meals. The next decoction for douching can be used in the presence of vaginal white. For his preparation take the grass of Yarrow, Rosemary, Sage and Oak Corra. The mixture is crushed, poured boiling water and brought to a boil. Then the composition is cooled. The remedy is filtering and used to dock the vagina twice a day. This recipe is used to treat the misa of the uterus.

Used during polyps in the uterus, a folk remedy consisting of the following components:

  • leaves of dwarm nettle;
  • grass dispatch;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • oak bark.

The components are crushed, poured boiling water and boiled 5 minutes on slow heat. The resulting solution is cooled at room temperature, Focus. The decoction is used for vaginal sinking twice a day for a month. Such therapy eliminates the polyposis of the body of the uterus without surgical intervention.

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Application of garlic and pumpkin seeds

Polyp uterus can be eliminated with garlic. Solka plants are crushed and wedged into a two-layer gauze, which is tightly tied. Such a compress is introduced deep into the vagina overnight. The procedure is repeated every night for a month.

Pumpkin seeds and yolks are an effective remedy for different gynecological problems. Pumpkin seeds (fresh) are crushed, mixed with coat with welded yolks, vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is boiled in the water bath of half an hour, cozen. The tool is used daily on an empty stomach. The method of reception - 5 days after 5. Therapy lasts until complete recovery. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator.

You can prepare herbal collection, consisting of:

  • calendula and chamomile flowers;
  • gusina laptops;
  • plantain;
  • bought;
  • sage.

The herbs are mixed, poured boiling water, boil 5 minutes. Treatment continues within a month. Yolter Canadian - a unique plant for restoring the work of the uterus and the effective therapy of polyposis. It consists of phytoestrogens. Therefore, he normalizes the hormonal background of the body. The crushed plant is poured with boiling water, they insist a quarter of an hour and filter.

Treatment of polyps in the uterus is a long process, the success of which depends on many factors. How to treat polyps in the uterus?

The uterine polyp is a rounded form of an education having a small leg. Externally, such a neoplasm is similar to a hat. In medicine, such a structure is considered benign, and therefore not dangerous to female health. Nevertheless, women often have a question: "How to cure a polyp in the uterus?"

The uterine neoplasms inhabit the inner shell of the relevant organ. This shell can submit the inner channel of the cervix either the uterine cavity. These structures may appear in any age period. Most often, such mushroom formations are striking women aged from forty to fifty years.

Signs of the appearance of polyps serve:

  • infertility;
  • pain in the lower abdominal area;
  • blood discharge between monthly;
  • blood discharge in the conclusion of sexual contact;
  • selection of white between monthly;
  • abundant blood flow during menstruation;
  • violation of the monthly cycle.

In most cases, the appearance and development of polyps is carried out asymptomatic. Only in the case of a deep inspection, the attending physician may detect these neoplasms in the body.

Small polyps can be formed in a single form or by forming a colony. Polyps have a burgundy purple or yellowish color.

Often the surface of polyps porous to the touch. Outer shell Polyps are quite thin, therefore it is easy to consider the blood vessels underlying inside.

The main cause of development in women's body Polyps are considered to be the emergence hormonal disorders with accompanying inflammatory processes.

Treatment of medication therapy

There are several types of treatment of uterine neoplasms. The most common among them is the use of methods of medication therapy. This technique can be based on the reception of the lady of drugs different specieswhich contribute to the suppression of proliferative processes.

Such drugs serve:

  1. Gonadotropinic rilizing hormone agonists. This category of drugs is characterized by high efficiency and achieve recovery in short time. The drugs of this category are prescribed by the ladies in menopause, the age of which exceeds the thirty-five-year front. These drugs must be powered by a course, the duration of which can be half a year. These medicines are indispensable in the case of total endometrium hyperplasia.
  2. Gestagens. Data medicinal products Made based on female sex hormone (progesterone). Reception of such drugs is best carried out in the second phase menstrual cycle. The duration of such treatment can reach half a year. Thanks to the preparations of this category, the patient has the normalization of the activities of the endocrine glands, and the hemostatic effect is also manifested.
  3. Combined oral contraceptives (COC). Most often, such drugs are prescribed by the representatives of the beautiful gender in the reproduction stage. These drugs have the most positive result In case of detection in a sick woman, iron-cystic or ferrous polyps. Often, the drugs of this group are used as substances of "hormonal hemostasis". With the help of drugs of this category, doctors manage to cure polyps, accompanied by the occurrence of bleeding from the uterus without scraping.

Take preparations of a particular category only with the appointment of the attending physician. The aircraft of polyps in the uterus does not give positive results!

Is it possible to treat polyp uterus by folk remedies?

Polyps can be treated and applying recipes folk Medicine. It is best to carry out such treatment in a complex with a prescribed doctor medical therapy And with its mandatory permission. Consider several ways to deliver the organism from the uterine polyps with the help of traditional medicine.

Method No. 1: Using Cleaner

Treatment of polyps of the uterus, it is practiced by folk lactories and the signs not the first decade. This grass can be used for receiving inside or as a douching. For the preparation of medication from cleanstole, some amount of it fresh leaves and brewed water. The resulting solution is recommended to insist in a warm place for at least twelve hours. The finished drink must be taken about three times during the day, in terms of one tablespoon. Over time, this dosage increases, gradually coming to a hundred milliliters for reception. The duration of such treatment should not exceed two weeks, after which it should be done a short pause and, if necessary, continue it again.

Method number 2: Pumpkin seeds

To save the body from neoplasms in the uterus in this way it is necessary to measure at least six spoons of dry pumpkin Seeds And grind them with a coffee grinder. Then, at least seven boiled egg yolks and half liters of vegetable refined oil should be added to the resulting flour. The finished mass should heat at least twenty minutes using a water bath. Take a cooked medicine should be taken before consecuting food in one teaspoon no more than once a day. Reception should be carried out within five days, and then you need to do a five-day break.

Any folk remedy must be a revised doctor.


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