Malotion during pregnancy: reasons, consequences, treatment, what to do? Treatment of lowland during pregnancy: a chance to give birth to a healthy child. Danger Major for Woman and Child

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Many pregnant women wonder if this frequent planned inspection is needed at the gynecologist and checking with ultrasonic researchwhich for some convictions harms still unborn baby. Maybe if nothing bothers, then do not need these analyzes and measurements? But many problems take place externally asymptomaticly, and on a newborn can be reflected in a completely unpredictable way and to cripple it not only physically, but also mentally for the whole life time left him. Such a problem belongs to the lowland.

What is oily water waters, why are we needed, the volume is normal

The medical term of this concept is an amniotic fluid. It is inside the fruit shells (bubble) and surrounds the fruit. From this medium, the embryo (germ of man) gets nutrients on early stages Development, it also performs a protective function and ensures the kid's comfort. This is a transparent or slightly turbid liquid that contains proteins, fats, glucose, hormones, salts, vitamins, as well as fetal life products

From the protective functions of the accumulating water allocate:

  • mechanical (the aqueous medium amortizes the shocks and pressure from the outside);
  • infectious (thanks to the tightness and the presence of immunoglobulins in it);
  • noise (muffles outdoor sounds).

To ensure favorable habitat conditions of its inhabitant, the environment creates:

  • constant pressure mode;
  • constant temperature mode;
  • freedom and ease of movements.

The amount of these waters is important to determine the state and development of the fetus. For their measurement, an index is used amniotic fluid (IAE).

The amniotic fluid index depends on the period of pregnancy, and, starting from 16 weeks, its value is gradually increasing, reaching a peak to 32 weeks, and then the indicators of the IAA decrease.

Vinovinova A.V., practicing doctor obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in specialty for more than 12 years.

IAU norms:

  • 16 weeks - 73-201 mm (on average 121 mm);
  • 17 weeks - 77-211 mm (average 127 mm);
  • 18 weeks - 80-220 mm (on average 133 mm);
  • 19 weeks - 83-230 mm (on average 137 mm);
  • 20 weeks - 86-230 mm (average 141 mm);
  • 21 weeks - 88-233 mm (on average 143 mm);
  • 22 weeks - 89-235 mm (on average 145 mm);
  • 23 weeks - 90-237 mm (on average 146 mm);
  • 24 weeks - 90-238 mm (on average 147 mm);
  • 25 weeks - 89-240 mm (on average 147 mm);
  • 26 weeks - 89-242 mm (on average 147 mm);
  • 27 weeks - 85-245 mm (on average 156 mm);
  • 28 weeks - 86-249 mm (on average 146 mm);
  • 29 weeks - 84-254 mm (on average 145 mm);
  • 30 weeks - 82-258 mm (on average 145 mm);
  • 31 weeks - 79-263 mm (on average 144 mm);
  • 32 weeks - 77-269 mm (on average 144 mm);
  • 33 weeks - 74-274 mm (average 143 mm);
  • 34 weeks - 72-278 mm (on average 142 mm);
  • 35 weeks - 70-279 mm (on average 140 mm);
  • 36 weeks - 68-279 mm (on average 138 mm);
  • 37 weeks - 66-275 mm (on average 135 mm);
  • 38 weeks - 65-269 mm (on average 132 mm);
  • 39 weeks - 64-255 mm (on average 127 mm);
  • 40 weeks - 63-240 mm (average 123 mm);
  • 41 weeks - 63-216 mm (on average 116 mm);
  • 42 weeks - 63-192 mm (on average 110 mm).

What is low, classification

In a situation where IAE is lower than the norm, we are dealing with the lowest. Statistics show that such cases are 0.3-5.5% (according to different authors).
The amount of water is determined by the doctor-uzisser in two ways: subjective and objective

Video: Comment by Dr. Komarovsky about ultrasound during pregnancy

Major has two types:

  1. Moderate (slight deviation from the norm).
  2. Pronounced (less than 2-3 times).

It can also be:

  1. Acute (appeared suddenly due to a new causal factor).
  2. Chronic (develops slowly and the causal factor is impossible to quickly eliminate).

Causes of pathology and possible consequences

What is the service provoked:

  • congenital developmental defects (PRD) of the fetus;
  • pathologies of the fetus;
  • mother diseases;
  • transferred to pregnancy;
  • premature rupture of fruit shells;
  • fetal death;
  • the pathology of the placenta;
  • detachable placenta.

In smokers or alcohol who do not adhere healthy image women's life on demolition development Malodia has a greater chance that women who do not have harmful habits.

Nearly 50% of pregnancies with a lower endowdled with miscarriages. In other cases, with very pronounced lowland, there is a risk of combat between fetal skin and amnion (bubble) so-called threads or heavy threads. Sometimes there are heavy parts of the fetus and the umbilical cord - disfiguring or amputation of the limbs.
In the absence of treatment, a small mother risks to give birth to a physically defective child

When there is little water, the child lacks the place. The walls of the uterus squeeze it, which can entail the deformation of the skull, the limbs of the child. There is also no congenital dislocation of the thigh (dysplasia), the curvature of the spine, which in the first months of life will require treatment from a children's orthopedic.

Symptoms of lowland, diagnostics

At least the lag behind such an indicator as the height of the bottom of the uterus (VMS), as well as one of explicit signs It is a small volume of mothers abdomen, uncharacteristic for the established period of pregnancy. This data analyzes the gynecologist with each planned examination of pregnant. Reducing the activity of the fetus can also be awarded to reduce the accumulating waters.

Conducted also laboratory research: Take blood for analysis, in certain testimony makes amniocentesis.
With the help of a syringe and under the control of ultrasound, a small amount of arrogant water is drawn up with subsequent karyotyping

Malotion should be differentiated with an error in determining the term of pregnancy.


It should be noted that the most harmless time for this pathology is the 1st and 3rd trimesters. In the first case, the fruit is so small that no influence the amount of water does not have it, and in the latter - a premature caesarean section is possible without irreparable consequences. With moderately small, too, do not worry.

If the fact is suspicious, Malotodia should be immediately made ultrasound to eliminate the anomalies of the fetus development, analysis on alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) for the diagnosis of fetal defects and karyotype to complete the chromosoma set. If the symptoms of the lowland are expressed by nonresko, the fetus abnormalities are absent and the 3rd trimester has already come, the pregnancy is prolonged to its logical completion in the hospital.

Doctors will look for and treat the disease that led to the lowland. At the same time, special medicines will be appointed by special medicines for improving placental blood circulation, metabolism in the placenta, to enhance the supply of fetus with oxygen and other necessary substances.

If a pronounced lowroad Determined in the 2nd trimester and a delay in the development of the fetus (IPP) was detected, the question of the feasibility of pregnancy preservation should be resolved. Similarly, on the period of more than 28 weeks and the detection of industrial complex and the IPP, pregnancy is interrupted by medical testimony.

Prevention, tooling the fetus and childbirth

In addition to therapeutic measures, preventive measures are equally important. Do not allow stress and overwork, skip every day to fresh air, Pights balanced, additionally use vitamins and trace elements in the form of drugs. Your menu should include a lot of fluid, including milk, sufficient meat and fish, fruits and vegetables. From bad habits you need to completely refuse.

From the 20th week and until the end of the 2nd trimester, pay attention to your feelings. If for you the movements of the child are painful, your stomach is very small, there are leaking on underwear, weakness, nausea, constant dryness in the mouth is an extra reason to go to the doctor.

Video: Comments Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Petrikovsky B.M. about Malovodia

With a low-voltage bubble flat and does not fulfill the function of a wedge in stimulation and opening of the cervix for further delivery, therefore, in 80% of cases, childbirth lasts longer or with operational intervention. In 50% of cases, with such pathology, Cesarean section (COP) is planned.

Malovodie is not a disaster if the question of pregnancy is generally approaches responsibly and in the right mind. A woman must take into account timely and the whole period is observed with specialists, not lying and not postponing. With the slightest suspicions and features are not shy to consult a gynecologist or call ambulance If necessary. After all, we do not give birth every day. But what you invest over 40 or less weeks will become an invaluable "investment" for many years ahead for the whole of your family.

This is a decrease in the amount of oxide fluid to 500 ml and less.

Causes of lowland during pregnancy

The reasons for such a violation are not sufficiently studied. It is believed that the lowland is associated with the insufficient formation of rock-free waters with fetal shells or with their increased suction with the placenta or shells. Often, lowland is connected with the defects of the development of the kidneys of the fetus, the form of their complete absence, narrowing the ureters.

Also, a certain value is a violation of blood flow in the system of placenta-fruit.

Malotodia negatively affects the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. A small amount of water is dragging the movement of the fetus, the forced position twists the spine, curls or circulation are formed, other skeletal deformations. With a small amount of water, the skin of the fetus touches the fetal shells, which can form a thread (trash) of the battle of the bodies of the fetus body with the fetal shells. Such chips during the movements of the fetus can entail a campus of umbilical cord, squeeze your fingers and limbs, sometimes even up to their amputation, cause a breakdown of the blood circulation of the fetus when suturing umbilical cord vessels.

The diagnosis is made on the ultrasound, in dynamics. A pregnant woman is hospitalized in the maternity hospital, where they are treated, aimed at improving blood flow in a placenta to improve its nutritional function. Often, lowland is complicated by premature genus, detachment placenta.

If lowland is diagnosed in combination with the defects of the fetus development, pregnancy is interrupted under medical testimony. Upon delay in the growth of the fetus, the outcome of pregnancy becomes problematic. IN III trimester Pregnancy prolong up to 37 weeks and conduct early delivery with careful control of the state of the fetus.

A sharply pronounced lowland is characterized by a decrease in their amount to 100 ml and less (in severe cases there may be even a few milliliters of fluid in the oily-free space).

The reasons for the development of lowland are diverse, although, as with multi-way, reliable reasons are not defined and not yet established. Most often, this pathology is formed in the insufficiency of the development of amniotic epithelium (internal bubble shell) or lowering its secretory (excretory) function. It is believed that a certain value in the occurrence belongs to the increased ability of the amnion (fruit bubble) to the resorption (reverse absorption) of the octal water (in the scientific literature, cases of the complete disappearance of the accumulation waters, the number of which at the beginning of pregnancy was normal). In itself, the decline in water volume does not carry pronounced disastrous consequences in the case when it lasts long and then gradually restored to the proper level. However, along with a reduced amount of water, the syndrome of the development of the development of the fetus is more common. This is due to the fact that the hypotrophic (low-hand) fetus is naturally violated by the normal functioning of the kidneys, and the decrease in the hour diurea gradually leads to a decrease in the volume of spindle water. Malotodia is often found in cases of development of single-line twins, which is explained uneven distribution Between two twins circulating in the overall placental unit of blood. These reasons They are put forward as the most commonly intended, however, along with them, the reason for the lowland may be associated with a different kind of extragenital (outside the sexual system) of the pathology of the mother (cardiovascular insufficiency, disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver).

With the appearance of such a kind of pathology, in most cases there are complications of pregnancy and the course of childbirth, which ends with spontaneous miscarriage, premature childbirth.

The presence of lowland during pregnancy is adversely affected by the growth and development of the fetus, so this state refers to the category painful states And requires a full-fledged survey and treatment. Development disorders are a consequence of restrictions of the motor activity of the fetus due to the insufficiency of the accumulating waters. Against this background, it is most often found in congenital closure, in some cases the curvature of the spine and the deformation of other bones of the skeleton. Often, at least the formation of adhesions between the skin's skin and amnion occurs. With a further increase in the fetus in size, they are pulled out, and after the root separation, the type of heavy and threads are acquired. True, the possibility of developing such heavyings against the background of the anomaly of the Etoderma development abnormalities is not excluded. Education data is sometimes covered by the body and the finiteness of the child, the umbilical cord, which causes the disfigure or even amputation of various parts of the body. Possible death of the fetus as a result of cordressing. Possible malformations of the fetus during the lowers.

Primary lowland is distinguished by a relatively favorable flow, since it is not associated with a violation of the integrity of the accumulative shells. Traumatic or secondary, significantly less common form of this pathology, is characterized by damage to the fetal shells and the gradual expiration of spindlewater waters during pregnancy. The oral oily water occurs through a slit formed between the shells and the inner surface of the uterus. The amount of damage may be different, but, as a rule, its dimensions are small and water leakage in small portions for a long time in abdominal cavity (amnionial hydrogen). The process of the expiration of spindle water can be both constant and periodic. In the case when the amniotic epithelium has the capabilities of synthesis, such a time is compensated for some time. Persistently occurring cases of progression of Malodia ends in early interruption of pregnancy.

Pregnant woman with a decrease in the amount of water can mark the appearance of pain in the region of the uterus. The pain at the same time are constant, buttering, increasing when moving the fetus, with the change of the position of the body of the most pregnant woman. Initially, in the development of the disease, the sign of it is expressed insignificantly, they become tangible for the woman with the development of pronounced lowland and with the accession of fetal developmental defects (such children are sedentible, slowdown heartbeat).

Diagnostics Major during pregnancy

The main diagnostic criterion of pathology is to determine the inconsistency of the uterine size of a true term of pregnancy. For diagnostics, it is possible to carry out an ultrasound study to help determine the exact amount of water, to specify the term of pregnancy, to identify the presence or lack of malformations of the fetus, determine its position in the uterus, as well as perform a medical and genetic survey by chorion abion. This study involves the fence of the material (blood from cord or other vessels) under the control of ultrasound for the presence or predisposition to the development of genetic developmental abnormalities.

Learning for pregnancy

For the course of pregnancy, at the development of the lowland, it is characterized by frequent unbearable pregnancy - miscarriages in the early terms or premature birth At later deadlines.

The generic act in the presence of the lowland also proceeds with various kinds of complications. Most often there are protracted labor. Disclosure mastechnic Zev In this case, it is extremely slow. This situation It is explained by the lack of proper functioning of the fruit bubble, which normally leads to the adequate smoothness of the cervix and the disclosure of the uterine. The cuts of the uterus are very painful and do not cause the desired reaction from the advance of the fetus and, accordingly, the disclosure of the generic paths.

The consequences at least during pregnancy

One of the common complications of childbirth at least premature details Normally located placenta. Such a situation is dangerous by the development of bleeding, up to the death of the mother and the fetus. Vaginal (distinguished) Inspection during childbirth reveals the absence of a fetal bubble voltage during battles (flat fetal bubble), the fetal shells are tightly adjacent to the preemptive part of the fetus and only interfere with the normal flow of the disclosure period. Spontaneous breakdown or artificial breeding of shells contributes to the acceleration of the deployment of the uterine and decrease in the total duration of childbirth. After opening the shells, a slight amount of turbid ocelline waters is distinguished (often with admixture of meconium - feet).

Malodia leads to adverse outcomes of pregnancy, but the seriousness of the result depends on the period of pregnancy, which began the pathology of the OAZH. On the other hand, if Malovodie is the only find in the third trimester, the outcome for the fetus is usually good. Since the accurate ultrasonic assessment of the OAZ has its limitations, it should be attentive and not allow to abuse the diagnosis of reducing the amount of amniotic fluid so that it does not lead to the unjustified use of invasive interventions during pregnancy, such as early induction of childbirth. Despite this, a contradiction, it is advisable to estimate the ultrasound signs of a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid in order to make sure that this is indeed the only find.

Fetal Anomalies / Aneuploidy

Congenital abnormalities and the aneuploidy of the fetus are usually associated with the lowland seen in the II trimester. Most of the fetal anomalies fall on the urinary system, the defects of the skeleton, the CNS and the cardiovascular system are associated with the defects. It is important to remember that the secondary lowland as a result of kidney anomalies does not reveal up to 18 weeks, since up to 14-18 Ned the maternal contribution to the formation of amniotic fluid remains high. A comprehensive ultrasonic assessment of the structure of the internal organs of the fetus, especially the kidneys and bladder is necessary. Usually, during transabdominal ultrasound, it is possible to accurately diagnose the kidney agent, disruption of the bladder outflow, polycystic kidney dysplasis, infant kidney polycystic type. In the absence of both kidneys and liquids in the urinary bubble of the fetus diagnose the kidney agkenesia. For further survey of the fetus in the kidney agnesya, color doppler is used to determine the location of the renal arteries and identifying "lying" adrenal glands. Ultrasonic picture of multi-displays kidney and infantile polycystic kidney - increased hyperehogenic or cystic kidneys. When obstruction of the removal of the bladder associated with the rear valve syndrome of the urethra, the increased bladder is determined in the form of a key well and significantly expanded renal pelvis. Because of severely, the exact antenatal diagnosis of these states of the fetus using a transabdominal ultrasound is sometimes difficult.

With poor imaging of the fetus anatomy at the beginning of the II trimester, a transvaginal ultrasound is useful. To improve the ultrasound permission, amnegnoinfusion is proposed, the emergence of MRI made it possible in most cases non-invasive confirmation of early ultrasound findings. With pronounced lowland, it is difficult to perform amniocentesis to assess the karyotype of the fetus. The method of choice is the biopsy of the placenta. With the exception of the rear urethral valve syndrome, when in some cases, the intrauterine operation can improve the outcome, the fruit is not focused due to the lung hypoplasia, developing under these states.

Rip the fetal shell

The rupture of the fetal shells is easily determined on the basis of anamnesis and surveys. With a vaginal study, the accumulation of amniotic fluid is confirmed by sterile mirrors, the alkaline pH of nitrhizin is determined and a typical phenomenon of arborization is detected. With questionable history and surveys for diagnostics use other methods. If after the amnio-infusion of indigo-carmina in the Ringer's solution (100-150 ml), there is a vaginal tampon staining, this indicates a premature rupture of the fetal shells.

It is necessary to avoid the use of methylene blue, since this can lead to the atresia of the portion of the fetus. After 22 weeks of pregnancy, fibronectin fetal determines in the contents of the rear arch, although with uncomplicated pregnancy this test is in little informative. Its definition is used as a non-invasive method for confirming the premature breaking of the fruit shells in questionable results of anamnesis and clinical examination. The sooner the premature rupture of the fetal shells occurred, the more careful forecast. The gap with the occurrence of pronounced lowland up to 24 weeks of pregnancy carries the additional risk of lung hypoplasia, although not so pronounced as the kidney anomalies of the fetus. When leucing an amniotic fluid after amniocente in the II trimester, the forecast is quite good, survival is more than 90%.

Intrauterine fetal growth delay

The uterine-placental insufficiency leads to the redistribution of blood flow in the fetus in favor of vital organs. Anamnesis and examination data of the patient indicate the risk factors of the fetal growth syndrome (SZRP) syndrome - drug addiction, chronic hypertension, previous obstetric history, body weight of children at birth and preeclampsia. With the biometry of the fetus mass of the fetus below the 10th percentile. For SZRP, detected at the end II and in the third trimester, the asymmetry of the biometric parameters of the fetus (mismatch of the circumference of the head of the abdomen circle) is characterized, whereas with a severe SZRP in the II trimester observe a symmetrical growth delay.

With ultrasound discover premature ripening Placetes (early placenta calcine). Additional prompts gives a Doppler study with measuring the speed of blood flow in the mother and the fetus. The pathological results of the Doppler Pastechnic Artery study at the 18-24th week make it possible to assume a placentage impairment and have some importance to predict the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. In the Doppler study of the umbilical artery, an increase in the resistance of the placenta, noted with uterine-placental insufficiency. In the early stages of the development of the SZRP, the Doppler study of the average brain artery The fetus reveals the "brain condemning syndrome" associated with the redistribution of blood flow. It is expressed in increasing the diastolic velocity of blood flow and reducing the pulse index. Although there is no separate antenatal study to confirm the SZRP, there are no pathological dynamic results of ultrasound ultrasound in combination with anamnesis allow you to calculate the forecast and select a rational treatment scheme.

Perinatal morbidity and mortality are inversely proportional to the period of pregnancy at the time of the diagnosis. With early serious SZRP, the patient must be examined in detail, in order to eliminate the malformations of the fetus.


Many yatrogenic causes lead to lowland. These include fetal procedures - biopsy of chorion or amniocentesis and reception of various drugs. Careful analysis of the history allows you to exclude these reasons. NSAIDs and inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme reduce kidney perfusion and lead to lowland. Fortunately, in most cases, lowland is reversible when the reception of these drugs is stopped.


The decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid under the transferred pregnancy is the reflection of the uterine-placental insufficiency, which occurs in the late period of pregnancy. Under the transferred pregnancy, it is recommended to monitor the volume of amniotic fluid and, with the appearance of signs, the lowland is conducted by induction of labor. However, it is unclear whether these measures will lead to improving outcome for the fetus.

Amniotic fluid, washing the fetal bubble, performs very important functions:

  • this is a natural and necessary fetal habitat;
  • protecting the child, as well as umbilical umbilies and placenta;
  • regulates the metabolism between the mother and the fruit;
  • helps the baby freely move and take the right position on recent times pregnancy;
  • reduces discomfort in mom with active movements of the child;
  • prevents splicing of skin with a fruit bubble;
  • promotes the opening of the cervix before childbirth.

The accumulative water begins to be produced on 8 week after conception, constantly changing in volume. At any moment there may be less than the norm, but then the amount of itself reaches the desired level. Often, normalization occurs within a month. it functional lowland, that is, a temporary reaction to external reasons, not threatening child and not affecting pregnancy.

If the lack of water is observed for a long timeFor example, at 32, 36 and 39 weeks, we are talking about a dangerous pathological process that requires serious therapy. Fortunately, this is extremely rarely found - only 0.3-0.5% of cases and is always accompanied by severe disorders of the kid and placenta, which are determined on the ultrasound. In the absence of such vices, treatment is limited by the reception of vitamin-supporting complexes.

Norms of spindle water

The volume of water is calculated in the index of the amniotic fluid and the length of the vertical pocket (the site between the fruit and the front abdominal wall, which should reach 5-8 cm). In our country, such norms of exercise are adopted:

  • 16 week - 73 - 201 mm;
  • 17 weeks - 77 - 211 mm;
  • 18th - 80 - 220 mm;
  • 19th - 83 - 230 mm;
  • 20th - 86 - 230 mm;
  • 21st - 88 - 233 mm;
  • 22nd - 89 - 235 mm;
  • 23rd - 90 - 237 mm;
  • 24th - 90 - 238 mm;
  • 25th - 89 - 240 mm;
  • 26th - 89 - 242 mm;
  • 27th - 85 - 245 mm;
  • 28th - 86 - 249 mm;
  • 29th - 84 - 254 mm;
  • 30th - 82 - 258 mm;
  • 31st - 79 - 263 mm;
  • 32nd - 77 - 269 mm;
  • 33 - 74 - 274 mm;
  • 34th - 72 - 278 mm;
  • 35th - 70 - 279 mm;
  • 36th - 68 - 279 mm;
  • 37th - 66 - 275 mm;
  • 38th - 65 - 269 mm;
  • 39th - 64 - 255 mm;
  • 40 - 63 - 240 mm;
  • 41st - 63 - 216 mm;
  • 42 weeks - 63 - 192 mm.

It is necessary to clarify that European and American doctors are focused on several other standards, whose boundaries differ from those listed by about 30%. This means that having an exemplary at 20 weeks at 83 mm, in most countries of the former USSR you are diagnosed with lowland, and in Italy, Germany and the United States will determine only as the lower border.

Moderate lowland

Often, in conclusion, the ultrasound is indicated by moderate lowland, when the index as much as the lower limit is 10-15 percent, in other words, is within the normal range, and the length of the upper pocket is 2-5 cm. Do it, so to speak, for reinsurance.

For normally Pregnancy gynecologist can prescribe a taking of vitamins and drugs to improve blood flow.

In some cases, pregnant women are sent to Dopplerometry and KTG. If their results are satisfactory, and ultrasound diagnostics did not reveal any vices, then it is considered physiological feature Women, not alive.

Most often, repeated ultrasound shows that the level of spindlewater waters came to normal.

Pronounced lowroad

This diagnosis indicates serious problems With the placenta or defects of the child's development. It is put at the length of the vertical pocket of no more than 2 cm and such indicators of the IAA:

  • at week 16 - 62 mm;
  • 17 - 65 mm;
  • 18 - 68 mm;
  • 19 - 71 mm;
  • 20 - 73 mm;
  • 21 - 75 mm;
  • July 22-26 - 76 mm;
  • 27 - 72 mm;
  • 28 - 73 mm;
  • 29 - 71 mm;
  • 30 - 70 mm;
  • 31 - 67 mm;
  • 32 - 65 mm;
  • 33 - 63 mm;
  • 34 - 61 mm;
  • 35 - 59 mm;
  • 36 - 58 mm;
  • 37 - 56 mm;
  • 38 - 55 mm;
  • 39-42 - 54 mm.

With pronounced lowland, additional surveys require to determine possible anomalies in the fetus and the state of the placenta.

When the lack of water is detected against the background of chronic diseases of the mother or placental disorders were detected, pregnancy retain. At the same time, a number of measures are carried out, including supportive treatment, monitoring the state of the fetus and the creation of favorable conditions for its growth. In most cases, after such therapy, the child is born completely healthy, but with a shortage of mass, which comes back to normal a few months.

If severe deviations in the development, genetic or chromosome malfunctions are found, the pregnancy is recommended to interrupt. At the same time, the woman has the right to preserve the child. In this case, doctors are required to make her decision and carry out all the measures necessary to maintain his life.

The reasons

It should be aware of future mothers that there are some factors that can provoke the development of lowland. Among them, most often celebrate:

  1. Immatched and previously transferred bacterial and viral infections.
  2. Chronic diseases of the mother.
  3. Genital infections.
  4. Obesity in pregnant women and, accordingly, violation of metabolism.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Smoking and other bad habits.
  7. Multiple pregnancy.
  8. Late toxicosis.
  9. Running the fetus.
  10. Pathology of placenta, damage to the epithelium, protecting the shell with amniotic fluid.
  11. Hereditary pathologies, anomalies, delay in the development of the fetus.
  12. Connected kidney flaws and urinary kid paths.

In fairness it is worth noting that these signs are generalized. For example, hypertension is fixed in many pregnant women (about 90%), but only 4% of them develops at least.


With a moderate uniform form, it is quite difficult to determine its presence. The woman feels good, no clearly pronounced signs of violation is observed.

The following symptomatology is peculiar to pronounced lowland:

  • insufficient abdomen;
  • sharp pain arising during the movement of the fetus;
  • permanent pulling painfulness At the bottom of the stomach;
  • poor well-being with general weakness, nausea, not associated with toxicosis;
  • dry mouth.

Only a doctor can determine the problem, so the best solution in this case will be a timely visit to the female consultation.

With primary inspection, the volume of the abdomen and the bottom of the uterus is measured. If the indicators do not correspond to the norm or signs of the lowland are strongly pronounced, the pregnant women are sent to the instrumental examination, which makes an accurate diagnosis.

The abnormalities of the data shown in the table indicate a small amount of arrogant water.

Pregnancy term (in weeks) The height of the bottom of the uterus (cm) Abdominal volume (cm)
16 10-18 not measured
20 18-24 70-75
22 20-26 72-78
24 22-27 75-80
26 24-28 77-82
28 26-32 80-85
30 28-33 82-87
32 30-33 85-90
34 32-35 87-92
36 33-38 90-95
38 36-40 92-98
40 34-38 95-100

What threatens small ones

Resistant long-term minor can cause a lot of complications. And if it is not discovered on time, irreversible violations are possible in the development of the fetus, which will lead to early interruption of pregnancy.

Among the main dangers:

  1. Reduced or completely disappears the protection of the fetus from the external environment.
  2. The uterus is densely compresses the fruit bubble, squeezing and limiting the movement of the child. An uncomfortable position is fraught with the development of closets, spinal curvature and the effect of the skin with a fetal shell.
  3. Simonard ligaments are formed, which wrapped the fruit, as a result of which the deformities, curvature and even amputation of the limbs are formed.
  4. If the seasy is pulled by umbilical cord, the bloodstream and flow of nutrients are disturbed, which leads to hypoxia, delay in development and death.
  5. Painful delivery with slow opening of the cervix, weak fights and subsequent bleeding.
  6. The list of preventive measures includes the following recommendations:
    1. Take care of your body, because this is your child's body. Reduce physical exercise, do not lift gravity.
    2. Walk outdoors at least 2 hours daily.
    3. Follow the quality. It must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutritional elements.
    4. Another important factor is the timely definition of the ailment. Therefore, it is important to attend the doctor in time, to pass an ultrasound and pass all the necessary analyzes.

During pregnancy, the future mother undergoes mandatory planned ultrasound surveys (ultrasound). One of the indicators that the doctor estimates is the volume of accumulating waters. If it is below the norm, there is a suspicion on the lowland. After carrying out additional research This diagnosis may not be confirmed. But, if it is still confirmed, it is very important to find the reasons for the lowest way to assign treatment as soon as possible and bring the volume of accumulating waters to normal.

Maloveodie (or oligohydramnion) is a pathology that occurs during pregnancy for which a reduced amount of amniotic fluid is characteristic. On each period of pregnancy, the rate of ammunition is determined.

It is customary to allocate four classifications of the lowestity in pregnant women.

  1. In terms of the appearance, the early (for a period of 14-20 weeks) and later (on the period of 21-40 weeks) Malovodynia are distinguished. Early lowland passes against the background of insufficient functions of the fetal shells. Later, lowland often occurs when the fetal shells are damaged.
  2. The localization is distinguished by primary and secondary lowland. Primary lowland passes against the background of intact fetal shells. Secondary - due to the breaking of the fetal shells (the facility of the octopling waters).
  3. By the duration of the flow, acute and chronic low-tech are isolated. The first happens after the infectious diseases suffered by the future mother. The second requires a more close study to identify reasons.
  4. According to the degree of severity, moderate and pronounced lowland are distinguished. For the diagnosis of these species, the amniotic fluid index (IAE) is used. If the value of this index is in the range of 2-5 cm, then moderate lowland during pregnancy is diagnosed. If less than 2 cm, then expressed.

With a moderate degree, the simply pregnant feels good. And only the doctor can specify this problem when conducting an ultrasound.

For a pronounced degree, the following features are characterized:

  • the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine bottom of the uterus is less than the norm;
  • the value of the IAA according to the ultrasound data below;
  • small fetus mobility (less than 10 times a day);
  • pain in the movement of the fetus;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • general malaise, dry mouth.

To diagnose the lowland, the results of the ultrasound with the meaning of the IAA, the inspection of the doctor with measuring the abdomen circle and the standing height of the uterus and subjective sensations Future mom. Moreover, the observation of the change in the above indicators should be carried out in the dynamics. If for a minimum of three observations a deviation was recorded from the norm, then you can make a diagnosis of "lowland".

According to statistics, 95% during re-ultrasound, signs are missing. It means that its previous manifestation was not a sign of pathology.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to identify the reason for the lowest way to assign effective treatment and avoid complications.

Major during pregnancy: causes and consequences

The reasons for small signs are conditionally divided into 5 groups.

  1. Congenital malformations of the fetus. This is mainly an anomaly for the development of the urinary fetal system and chromosomal anomalies. The manifestation of the lowland for these reasons begins in the early period of pregnancy.
  2. Infections. These are genital infections of women (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis), transferred during pregnancy viral and bacterial infections (ORVI, influenza, toxoplasmosis, rubella).
  3. Chronic pregnant diseases. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system ( high pressure, increased clotting blood, venous failure), kidneys (pyelonephritis, renal failure), diabetes, obesity, gestosis, disease of the endocrine system.
  4. Pathology placenta. It is mainly fetoplacental insufficiency, various anomalies for the development of the placenta.
  5. Other circumstances. This is a multiple pregnancy, tooling more than 2 weeks, a blast or break of the fetal shells, intoxication of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic and drugs, unfortunate (idiopathic) lowland.

In each of the listed cases, disorders occur that affect the full development of the fetus. The main complications and consequences of the manifestation of lowland during pregnancy include:

  • delay in the development of the fetus;
  • body mass deficiency;
  • the deformities associated with the battle of the skin of the fetus and amnion.

The risk of severe complications is more likely when it early occurrence. Those. If lowland has appeared in late pregnancy, then its consequences will be less significant than if it has evolved first or in the middle of pregnancy.

Treatment Malovody

After diagnosing, the lowland during pregnancy and the causes of its occurrence, it is important to immediately begin effective treatment.

The main task of treatment is to eliminate the reason that has led to the emergence of a lowland. Treatment methods are mainly reduced to:

  • vitaminotherapy;
  • the use of drugs that improve the features of the placenta and uterine placentamentar Bloodstock;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • introduction of a special diet;
  • abandoning bad habits.

During therapy, it is important to constantly do an ultrasound, dopplerometry and cardiotokography (CTG) to quickly follow the condition of the child.

With moderately small, the outpatient treatment is most often prescribed, with a pronounced - stationary.

When diagnosing, the lowland of the future mother should not be too worried. It is necessary to help the doctor to understand the cause of this pathology so that he can choose the right and characteristic of the specific case of the method of treatment of a low-tear during pregnancy. And its effective and timely use will help to give birth to a healthy baby.

Causes, diagnosis and consequences Major during pregnancy

Major during pregnancy, what threatens and what to do when diagnosing it? Sometimes during the nipping of the child, the doctor puts the future mother diagnosis of "Major". This means that liquids, surrounding baby, an insufficient amount. When pregnancy, the quantity and condition of the arrogant waters is very important, since it may depend on it the overall condition of pregnant and fetus.

It is almost impossible to estimate the exact amount of accurate waters. With each examination, the doctor measures the abdominal circumference of the future mother, checks the height of the uterus's bottom of the bottom in order to detect the symptoms of the lowest possible way during pregnancy (as well as multi-way) and check the rate of the child's development rate (there is no development delay). A clearer research result can give ultrasound diagnostics. An experimental specialist can determine an approximate amount of water by taking as a basis the indiotic fluid index. Such a study is capable of early pregnancy to identify the development trend of the lowland.

The doctor is always coming to the treatment of the patient individually. When the insufficient amount of accumulating waters is discovered, a repeated inspection of an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary. This is if a moderate low-key is diagnosed during pregnancy, the situation is most favorable in this case, which is often the option of the norm.

Why is the fruit bubble "empty"? The main sources of formation of the oily fluid are: plasma of the future mother, kidney developing fruit And the fetal shells. Hence it follows that possible reasons Major during pregnancy is:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system of the future mother;
  • congenital diseases of the excretory system and kidney in the fruit of severe form;
  • early expulsion of spindle water (their leakage);
  • anomalies for the development of fruit shells (usually detected up to 20 weeks of pregnancy);
  • nephropathy (Gesters).

After determining the reason for the occurrence of pathology, one can judge the further tactics of therapy or diagnosis. Solve, whether to carry out the treatment of low-tears during pregnancy in a particular patient or there will be enough observation.

During the heavy form, hypoxia can develop at the fetus and the risk of its possible infection increases. As a result of an insufficient number of oily water, the fruit can take incorrect position Inside the mother.

Often, at a pregnancy at 32, 33, 34, 34 weeks is put. With the approach of childbirth, the volume of the liquid decreases, and the rate of octoped water is more than 500 ml, if the volume is significantly less, then the fact of the lowland can be stated. When expanding the fetus, it may also be low, which contributes to severe labor flow. The fruit bubble is of great importance for the separation of the uterus in the first period of the generic process, and with an insufficient amount of fluid, this bubble has a flat shape and is not able to affect the cervix properly. This is only one moment than dangerous at least during pregnancy (more precisely in childbirth). But they are, although rarely, the situation when the amniotic fluid disappears at all in the early periods of gestation, and then this, in almost 100% of cases, leads to intrauterine death.

In order to avoid such problems, as well as to diagnose violations in time, it is necessary to disseminate a visit to the doctor, the passage of the ultrasound and the fulfillment of the relevant recommendations of the attending physician.

Water habitat is natural for developing fetus. From the accumulating waters, the kid receives the necessary substances they need as oxygen, hormones, vitamins and many others. Also, the accumulative water performs a protective function, both mechanical and protect the child from infections. That is why their disadvantage can have a negative impact on the health who has not yet born crumbs.

This deviation received the name of Malovodie, and today there exist enough effective means His treatment. It is worth noting that Malotodia during pregnancy occurs much less often than multi-way. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to monitor your condition, because the lowestion during pregnancy is more dangerous than multi-way.

The number of accumulating waters over the course of pregnancy is constantly changing. In the third trimester, their amount on average is 1-1.5 liters. If it is reduced to 500 ml, then this is the reason to talk about the lowestations during pregnancy. All future mothers need to know what threatens a small one during pregnancy. First, it negatively affects the well-being pregnant. There may be painful sensations during the movements of the baby, and the general the physical state It will only worsen. For the baby, the consequences of lowland can be even more dangerous. In this case, the child is not enough space for full developmentAnd it can affect the bone system, on the development of limbs and skin. And if there are too few oolement water, then the consequences can be much more serious, up to hypoxia and brain disorders.

But not everything is so scary. It should be noted that the diagnosis of moderate lowland is put in pregnancy every third woman. And most of the pregnant women with their own way and then successfully give birth to healthy carappow. But here there are nuances. For example, if there is a small ones during pregnancy at 22 weeks, it is much worse than moderate lowland at the end of pregnancy. Therefore, at least 2 trimester, the gynecologist will almost certainly insist on hospitalization, and with moderate multi-way during pregnancy 33-34 weeks and more can be treated with pregnant in day hospital.

It is worth saying that most often detecting at a pregnancy at 32 weeks. But it is not necessary to be afraid, this is due to the fact that the third screening is carried out at 32-36 weeks of pregnancy, then the lowland is detected. That is, there is no binding precisely by time.

Malotion can provoke premature childbirth. Therefore, during pregnancy, 35-37 weeks with a diagnosis of Malovodie should be very careful, and more often observed at the doctor. And if the lowroad is manifested at a period of pregnancy 40 weeks, it may be decided to stimulate childbirth. But it all depends on the state of a particular pregnant woman and her baby.

Naturally, many are interested in the question, but how to treat lowland during pregnancy? For effective treatment Major during pregnancy, a doctor for starters need to establish the cause that influenced this problem. It may be a feature of the structure of the epithelial tissue of pregnant, and the defects of the child's development, and high blood pressure, and bacterial infections, and metabolic disorders, and much more. To diagnose, the lowland during pregnancy is prescribed an ultrasound and doppler. This allows you to determine the amount of accumulating waters and the intrauterine state of the kid. According to the results of these and additional analyzes, the doctor determines how to treat lowland during pregnancy. As a rule, medications are prescribed for the treatment of the underlying disease, which led to lowland, preparations for improving the work of the placenta, as well as complex vitamins.

Unfortunately, the prevention of the lowland during pregnancy does not guarantee its absence. But do not even be neglected with such measures. For example, you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, you should not lift heavy items and expose yourself to excessive physical exertion. And even if you were diagnosed with moderate lowland during pregnancy, then you should not panic. You need to take yourself in hand and strictly implement the recommendations of doctors.

Than dangerous Malovodie

Great value for right Development The fetus has the composition and number of accumulating waters, which include needed baby Substances: vitamins, trace elements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates ... as an insufficient and excessive amount of accumulating waters may adversely affect the health of the future mother and fetus. In this article we will talk about rare pathology - Majorodia.

The frequency of such deviations is from 0.7% to 5.5. It is important to note that lowland is moderate and expressed.

The reasons
Malovodie can provoke various infectious diseases, as well as gestosis ( late toxicosis), endocrine diseases, disruption of the function of the placenta and increased blood pressure.

According to statistics, the emergence of this pathology does not depend on the age of the future mother. With the same probability of lowland, it can develop both primary and repeated women.

Determine the amount of accumulating waters possible by means of ultrasound. To clarify the degree of detection, the simplicity of pregnant woman prescribe the calculation of the amniotic fluid index (IEA). The norm is considered the magnitude of the exemplary from 5 to 8 cm. The value from 2 to 5 cm is the basis for the diagnosis of "moderate lowland", and the exemplary of less than 2 cm allows you to determine the rareral and dangerous "pronounced lowland".

Ultrasound also helps to install intrauterine delay Fetal growth. To clarify the state of the fetus, cardiotocography is carried out (it is prescribed at a pregnancy period over 32 weeks).

Approximately 50% of cases in patients with a low-body is a risk of abortion. In future mothers with this diagnosis, premature birth is twice as often (more often with pronounced lowland).

In kids born by mothers with this diagnosis, hypotrophy (weight deficit) of varying severity occurs approximately 20% of cases with moderate lowland, and up to 75% of cases - with pronounced.

Approximately 80 genera from 100 in women with low-handed (with a dead pregnancy) are marked by the weakness of generic activity.

With pronounced lowland, an acute respiratory failure (hypoxia) of the fetus occurs in about 20% of cases.

Futive Mama with a diagnosis of "Malovodie" appoint comprehensive therapywhich is necessary for improving uterine-placental blood flow and metabolism in the placenta, and also contributes to the restoration of gas exchange in the mother-placental-fruit system. Treatment is accompanied by regular surveys - a pregnant woman take an ultrasound weekly and once every three days - doppler image of blood vessels (allows you to determine the blood flow in vessels). The attending physician may appoint other surveys.

With timely therapy, the state of the fetus is usually improved. In cases where this does not happen, future mom Prepare to planned Cesarean section. If the state of the fetus deteriorates, the cesarean section can be carried out in an emergency.

What happens to the baby?

Baby very quickly develops

Fru4 obstetric week Pregnancy is significantly gaining weight. The kid has a fatty tissue, and it is 7%. The weight of the fetus reaches an average of a little more than two kilograms. The kid changes and looks already quite formed. His skin becomes familiar to us light pink. Wrinkles disappear, and the skin is smoothed. The whole body of the child covers the original grease. It will disappear closer to 38 week. But the gun gradually disappears from the body of the baby.

The baby needs to receive as much calcium as much as possible, so you need to closely monitor your diet. The child will take all the necessary vitamins and minerals from the mother's body, so you need to eat as much fresh vegetables, fruits as possible, or special vitamins so that the mother's health remains strong.

On this term, all the most important bodies in the baby are already working. This applies to the heart, intestines and lungs. To control the heartbeat, the woman passes the CTG to be calm for his baby.

What happens to your mother?

The child lives with your emotions

Thirty-fourth week of pregnancy is an ideal time to relax and enjoy your status. The tummy is already rather big, but still not so big so that it was very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. There are frequent false contractions. Sometimes women have quite a strong pain with such fights, and in such cases you need to contact your doctor. To distinguish such contractions from the real is very simple:

  • These contractions should be repeated through a certain amount of time, and the interval must gradually shrink.
  • False contractions or, as they are also called, Bracston Hicks fights pass during walking.
  • The fights subside during the taking a shower or bathing.

During this period, it should be as soon as possible to fill itself with positive emotions. Walk together with your husband or girlfriends in movies and theaters, visit the cafe and just have fun. Positive energy is transferred to the child, and it becomes as good as you.

What is considered the norm at 34 weeks?

Move to share training and real contractions

Pregnancy for the 34-35 week is accompanied by some painful sensations, which are considered normal for this period. The most common are back pain and abdomen. Such discomfort female is tested because the uterus grows rapidly, and with her the stomach is growing. It goes out large number hormones. The body prepares himself to the upcoming birth and expands the birth's paths for the child.

But you need to know that you should not write off the process of preparing for childbirth frequent pain in the lower back and stomach, which does not pass. Such painful sensations may be symptoms of premature births, so if any pain occurs, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

If you notice frequent contractions that do not pass and become stronger, and the interval between them decreases, call an ambulance. This also applies to the case if you have moved water.

Birth at 34 weeks

At 34 weeks may occur

Birth in 34 pregnancy weeks are considered early, but it sometimes happens. There are some factors that affect this process, and usually a doctor who leads a woman knows about risks and warns if necessary. It is worth noting that the children who were born on such a term survive and almost in all cases can breathe independently. Of course, the first time the baby born during this period will need a special care. Mom with a child will be in the hospital under a special supervision. Such children are called born ahead of schedule. You should not worry, the baby is absolutely nothing to be different in the development of its peers. The only difference is that it will not have such a big weight at birth.

Twin - this is a huge happiness that many parents dream of. Women who are waiting for such a surprise, very often give birth at exactly 34 weeks. Due to the fact that the kids are two, it is hard to convey them to the desired date. Ideally, it is considered to give birth twins at 36 weeks, but in 34 with children everything will be fine if there are highly qualified doctors nearby.

Mandatory procedures and analyzes for a woman during this period

Be sure to pass all the procedures

Ultrasound for 34 weeks of pregnancy is not considered mandatory, since the planned surveys have already passed. But many still make another ultrasound during this period, because you can learn a lot useful information. Deciphering the results should do a specialist

  1. First, you can see what state is the placenta. This is very important, since any deviations from the norm can cause a lot of negative consequences.
  2. Secondly, during this period, you can find out whether the umbilical cord is accustomed around the neck of the child so that doctors know what kind of measures to take.
  3. Thirdly, at 34 weeks you need to see where the child is located. He fell down the head, as it will depend on it, as a woman will give birth: herself natural way or with help cesarean section. Also, during the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to say whether there is a pregnant woman or a multi-way.

Major or Multi-way in a pregnant woman in 34 weeks

Be careful to any changes.

Having conducted an ultrasound for the 34 week of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to exclude everything possible problems with a placenta. Malotion during pregnancy happens quite often. It may arise both in the first trimester and in the third. Diagnose such a disease can only specialist. As for multi-way, this disease is easier to notice. Signs make themselves known almost immediately:

  • weakness;

Pregnancy 34 weeks Malovodie | Amnisure.

Question: Hello! I was put on ultrasound of mlovodia, I have 34 weeks. I wrote actsigin and Kuraltil. I would like to know these drugs anything negatively affect the health of the kid? And on the basis of which there is a small one?

Answer: Hello! Malotodie most often occurs due to disturbed placental blood flow, infection or leakage of spindle water. The prescribed drugs negatively do not affect the fruit.

  1. Malology: Hello! At 32 weeks, I was put on the ultrasound (index 7), ...
  2. Effect PreparationVopros: Wife received calcium glucanate, indomethacin candles, genferon candles under a period of pregnancy ...
  3. malology: Hello. On the ultrasound at 21 weeks I put a lower amniotic fluid index ...
  4. Major. I will ask: Hello! The ultrasound was diagnosed with Major. IAZH - 7.6 cm. Term ...
  5. Malology: Hello, Irina Petrovna, today was on planned ultrasound 32 weeks and ...

Malodia during pregnancy 34 weeks can provoke fetal hypotrophy.

Malotodie is an insufficient amount of arrogant fluid - less than 500 ml, which occurs in 0.5% of pregnant women. Malotion can lead to hypoxia of the fetus and delays in its development.

Major during pregnancy: 34 weeks

Major can cause such complications as: strong pain in the stomach during the fetal movements; The skin of the fetus becomes overnumber; The fruit begins to lag from the main fetometric indicators; due to the fact that the uterus strongly squeezes the fruit, possibly the curvature of the spine; a significant reduction in the motor activity of the fetus; Development of fetal hypoxia.

In the 34 weeks of pregnancy, at least, the risk of prematurely rising increases twice, compared with the pregnancy flowing normally. In the case of a dead pregnancy, the most common consequence of the sense is weak generic activity. With moderate lowland, children are born with varying degrees hypotrophy, mainly in satisfactory condition.

The reasons that caused the lowland may be: bacterial infections during pregnancy, malformations of the fetus, metabolic disorders in the mother, feature of the structure of the epithelial tissue of pregnant and others.

Malotion during pregnancy 34 weeks is found when ultrasound. Using dopplerography, the amount of accumulating waters and the state of the fetus are assigned additional analyzes To determine the cause of the lowland. Treatment Malotion consists in the treatment of the main disease, which caused it, also prescribed medications to improve the work of the placenta.

The insufficient amount of amniotic fluid is as a sign of the pathology of the fetus, so it can itself lead to the development of pathology (the fetal of the skin of the fetus with the shell or the fetus of the umbilical umbilical system that prevents its normal development). In some cases, when the threat to the health of a woman or the life of the fetus arises, a cesarean section is carried out.

Malotion in pregnant women. Causes, consequences, treatment for pregnancy.

Malovodie - pathological condition for pregnancy, which is expressed by a decrease in the number of ammunition waters. Pathology is quite rare (4% of cases) and usually suggests that pregnancy proceeds with deviations.

The development of the fetus is more dependent on the amniotic fluid (spindle water). It is she protects the placenta and umbilical cord, protects the fetus from mechanical impacts, ensures the metabolism between it and the mother. The amount of accumulate waters is increased along with a pregnancy. Normally by 38 weeks they reach 1000-1500 ml. For pronounced Malovodia The amount of accumulating water is only about 500 ml. The lack of them can negatively affect the health who has not yet born baby. If the amount of water has decreased by 400-700 ml, they say moderate Malovodia.

Causes of Malovodia

Malotion during pregnancy may occur for the following reasons:

  • Congenital fetal renal defects. Major, in this case, is observed with early deadlines Pregnancy.
  • Severe chronic diseases in pregnant women (disease of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, kidney disease, etc.).
  • Infectious diseases of the genital organs (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.)
  • Obesity.
  • Strong dehydration of a woman caused by diarches, vomiting.
  • Smoking of pregnant.
  • Transferred bacterial, viral infections (influenza, ORVI).
  • Torch infection (herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis) suffered during pregnancy).
  • Placenta pathology (placental insufficiency, premature aging Placents, developmental anomalies).
  • Multiple pregnancy (by one of the fetus is often combined with the presence of a multi-way one).
  • Transferred pregnancy.
  • The leakage of spindle water, as a result of damage to the fruit bubble.

Symptoms Malovodia

The symptoms of moderate lowland are practically not expressed, the well-being in pregnant women is not broken. The pronounced multi-way in pregnant women is characterized by the following signs:

  • The inconsistency of the size of the abdomen with the period of pregnancy. With an external examination of the gynecologist, there is a decrease in the height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus and the abdomen circle compared with the indicators for this period.
  • Appearance painful sensations During the movements of the fetus.
  • The appearance of periodic moving pain At the bottom of the abdomen.
  • The deterioration of general well-being (nausea, weakness, dry mouth).

Confirm or refute the lowland during pregnancy is possible only on ultrasound. However, to form a diagnosis of one ultrasound procedure will not be enough. The study must be carried out several times in a row for 1-2 months.

The consequences of multi-way

At least the fruit becomes vulnerable to external mechanical impacts, the likelihood of squeezing it internal organs It is quite high, which can lead to the development of closures, spinal curvature and many other violations. In the small number of accumulating waters, the fruit can not move freely, its movements are apparent, and this is not the best way It affects his physical development. In addition, the baby begins to test the shortage of nutrients in the oily waters. Because of the lowland, the fruit can lag in development, testing oxygen starvationAs a result, the brain begins to suffer. His skin is drained, hypotrophy develops.

With a low probability of cord compression and intrauterine death of the fetus, very high. Sometimes fights are formed between amnion and fetal skin, which in the future acquire the nature of the threads, heavy. These ships and threads wrap part of the umbilical, fetus, causing it disfiguring, amputation of fingers, limbs.

In half cases, a pregnancy with a low-end premature childbirth.

Treatment Malovody

Treatment of pronounced lowland depends on the period of pregnancy. If the pathology has been identified in the third trimester, the pregnant women are hospitalized to the hospital, where vitamins are introduced, drugs that improve the delivery of oxygen to the fetus (actovegin) and blood circulation in the placenta (KARANTIT). Preparations are also prescribed to maintain blood sugar and pressure levels. If necessary, treatment of infections and other diseases provoked by lowland. The state of the fetus is monitored daily on KTG (cardiotokography). If possible, pregnancy is prolonged to natural labor. If the state of the fetus deteriorates, then the urgent caesarean section is carried out.

If pathology has been revealed up to 28 weeks of pregnancy, then usually doctors recommend to interrupt it, since its outcome is impossible to predict in most cases.

Treatment of moderate lowland can be carried out outpatient, provided that pregnant will take all appointed drugs, limit the motor activity, eliminate severe physical exertion.

Major during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment | Moderate lowland on 32-38 week

Soon you will become a mom, but along with the joyful expectation of the baby, suddenly the doctor puts the diagnosis of lowland. The main thing is not to panic, you should know that everything will be fine, so as not to pass the alarm to the baby. When pregnancy, lowland is a rather rare disease (in comparison with a multi-way), which is characterized by a reduced amount of accumulative water.

It is believed that moderate lowland on the period of pregnancy in 10 weeks corresponds to 30 ml, by 14 weeks - 100 ml, at 38 week - 600 - 1500 ml.

Signs Maldia: A woman feels sharp pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, weakness appears, her sick. Such symptoms should alert pregnant, and at the same time she should immediately consult a doctor.

Even modern medicine The reasons for the lowland during pregnancy are not fully clarified. It is believed that it may arise in women with disturbed exchange process Substances with genital diseases that have undergone viral colds suffering from fetoplacentar insufficiency.

Let's find out what is dangerous such a disease and the future mommy threatens, as well as their kids. In time, not cured pronounced lowland in pregnant women can lead to further complications of the fetus. Birth can flow quite long, with painful fights and slow opening of the cervix. With such a diagnosis, the baby cannot receive normal conditions for the development, which often leads to the destruction of its spine and the incorrect development of joints.

Under Major, there is a tendency to conduct a planned cesarean section during childbirth.

There are early and later multi-way. Early can be revealed under a period of 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. It is associated with imperfect fetal shell functions. Later, the lowland is manifested about 33 weeks of development of the fetus.

Very important

Moderate lowland is most dangerous for 32 - 34 weeks, when the fruit is especially rapidly developing and it needs a space.

Treatment is largely depends on what time the pregnancy was detected. Big risk It represents in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. By decision of the doctor, childbirth can go throughout the week.

Deal may also develop in women who significantly overshadow pregnancy. In the treatment, the lowland is usually prescribed drug therapy associated with the improvement of uterine-plastering blood flow, gas exchange, regularly estimating the state of a woman using an ultrasound.

Many future mothers receive answers to many questions, entering this or that forum:,

Be healthy and safeguard you!

After an article by Malovodiya during pregnancy read

Treatment Maldiation during pregnancy: chance to give birth to a healthy child

The amount of amniotic fluid is very important for the normal flow of all pregnancy, but even more important for the kid himself, its proper development and nutrition. In the oilyoploid waters are present useful materialwhich are so necessary for the fetus for the right development inside the womb:

  • hormones
  • vitamins
  • oxygen.

This, besides, an important and only way to feed the fetus, reliable its protection against injury, infections and other adverse events. We must not forget that the amount of water throughout the pregnancy can change. The value has a gestation period.

Symptoms and causes of pathology

When a woman is low, the woman most often does not feel any deviations and cannot determine the pathological condition. Sometimes pain in the abdomen area, which become more painful and tangible at the time of the fetal movement are manifested. Some pregnant women feel nauseous, the total weakness is constant dryness in the mouth.

Malotion, like pathology, studied not enough. Most often caused infections. In addition, it is possible to identify a number of critical factors that affect pregnancy. Specialists clearly distinguish some:

  • sharply and highly increased pressure - a signal for future mommy, since this directly depends on the appearance of lowland;
  • metabolic disease, hormonal background in a woman;
  • toxicosis on late time pregnancy;
  • all sorts of vices and anomalies identified during the intrauterine development;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • ensuring, because after the expiration of the placenta, it loses its initial qualities and functions, aging, peels off;
  • the coating aqueous shell of the epithelium is not developed sufficiently;
  • the secretory function of the aqueous shell is lowered;
  • harmful habits of pregnant women (smoking, consumption even in small quantities of alcoholic beverages, drugs);
  • inflammatory processes, infectious and bacterial infections, in their time badly or insufficiently cured;
  • chronic diseases, their aggravation.

As soon as the slightest suspicions on Malovodie, specialists should exclude congenital villocks In the development of the fetus. Especially this should be given to pregnant women up to 28 weeks. If there has been an infection of the future kid, it can also be the cause of the disease. In this case, there is a need to carry out a full examination for a hidden infection. The disease may occur then if the fetus significantly reduces the separation of urine during chronic hypoxia.

In 40% of pregnant women with a similar diagnosis, the lag is diagnosed from the norm of the overall sizes of the kid. If the decrease in the oil-free waters has occurred sharply, squeezing between the walls of the uterus and the fruit, which entails a sharp oxygen starvation, up to the death of the future child. The fetal skin and the walls of the uterus can also be formed. Urgent intervention requires lowland during pregnancy - treatment must be immediate.

Diagnosed by lowland at ultrasound examination. If, on a certain time, the conchion of the belly of the woman and the height of the bottom of the uterus is significantly behind normal development, the pregnant woman complains about the insufficiently active movement of the fetus, the uterus's palpation is rather dense, and the heartbeat is determined quite clearly, and during inspection the doctor independently without special equipment will be able to diagnose Major. Moreover, if with a vaginal inspection, a fetal bubble is flat, the diagnosis is confirmed.

Methods of treatment Malovodia

First of all, it remains important to clarify the cause of the occurrence of lowland. To this end, it is necessary to conduct some surveys:

  1. The amount of amniotic fluid will show Dopplerography and ultrasound.
  2. Analyzes and strokes will help to identify the disease transmitting sexually.
  3. The general state of the development of the fetus, his well-being will give KTG (control over the state of the heartbeat of the future kid).

Only after thorough diagnosis and clarify the causes of the appearance of pathology, the degree of its severity, the doctor determines how to treat lowland during pregnancy. With excessive weight of pregnant (obesity), a specialist may assign a specific diet that will not negatively affect physical development and the state of the future kid.

Such measures are directed primarily to restore the normal operation of the placenta. Mostly treatment is integrated: the use of medical drugs, vitamins, the function of which eliminate the causes of the disease.

According to the severity of the disease, the doctor will determine stationary or outpatient treatment. In the hospital, as a rule, are pregnant with a pronounced pathology of the lowland. The whole complex of treatment is appointed here, a woman is under constant supervision of specialists. If lowland is threatened with the fetus, and allows the period of pregnancy, the doctor makes a decision on early childbirth by the cesarean section.

In-interest, moderate lowland during pregnancy does not require a woman's stay in the hospital. It is enough to be on an outpatient treatment where pregnant will receive a number of recommendations on the supply regimen, restricting motor activity, full elimination of physical exertion and reception of medical drugs.

In case of detection, lowland, further actions are directly dependent on the period of pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks this diagnosis does not play a big big role and does not carry the embryo negative influence. If, after a comprehensive examination and evaluation general status The future kid even up to 28 weeks revealed the pathology of the fetal development and diagnosed by Malovodie, medical testimony experts insist on interruption of pregnancy. If lowland has been revealed to 34 weeks - it is recommended to conduct appropriate treatment. And only in case of its ineffectiveness, a woman is offered early childbirth.

But no matter how things are in fact, doctors will first of all, will determine and accordingly appoint the treatment of the disease, which provoked initially low. At the same time, special medical preparations are appointed.

They should improve blood circulation and metabolism in the placenta for sufficient supply of fetus by oxygen and other substances that are necessary for the development of the future kid. The need for regular passage of ultrasound examination, cardiomonitoring, dopplerography on high-quality equipment is an important condition for the diagnosis.

What is the danger of lowland?

If you do not pay for a qualified help in a timely manner, miscarriage may occur or premature childbirth. The flow of labor in this case is long, the contractions are ineffective and very painful.

For the baby, Malovodie also tatts a lot of unpleasant and even hazardous consequences. Malovodie provokes a variety of complications for the development of the fetus. This is the poor development of the skull and the brain as a whole, and the delay in the intrauterine development.

If the amniotic fluid is not enough, the fruit can get injuries. It ceases to actively move, which leads to a violation of the functions of the spine and the hip joints. The future kid suffers from the lack of oxygen, which in turn can lead to the development of vices. The child will be born small and weak. In the worst case, fading occurs.

To avoid unwanted consequencesIt is necessary to regularly observe the doctor and inform him of all new symptoms. With the slightest suspicion, the specialist will give direction on the ultrasound, after which it can clearly appreciate the whole degree of gravity of the disease or exclude it at all. In any case, the output is one if moderate lowland is detected during pregnancy: treatment, and later prevention.

Prevention of the disease

There are no specific prevention measures. It is important to observe general recommendationswho are somewhat capable of protecting a woman from the lowland. During pregnancy shows exclusively lung physical exertion, balanced and proper nutritionDaily walks.

We should not forget about the reception of vitamins and passing all the necessary analyzes. Severity on any time is contraindicated, the active lifestyle should be replaced calmer. If a pregnant woman with a diagnosis of Malovodia complies with all the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctors, she has a chance to give birth to a healthy child.

And the main thing - under no circumstances should be baked. Extra nerves and complete despair will not benefit to you or the future kid. Major diagnosis is not the worst thing that can happen with a pregnant woman in this responsible period of her life. Modern medical equipment and a variety of new drugs are able to help a woman not only to endure a child, but also to give birth to him.


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