What happens during pregnancy in the body. Strength test and weight gain

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With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to rebuild in a new way. Changes are taking place both physiologically and psychologically. All body systems are tuned in the best way for the development of the fetus, as well as for the period of childbirth and lactation. All organs future mother during this period, they experience a significant load and increase. That is why chronic diseases of a woman can worsen during pregnancy. This is worth bearing in mind. That is why it is advisable to immediately register with antenatal clinic, to carry out the necessary tests to keep under control your well-being, and, accordingly, the well-being of the future baby.

Changes in the cardiovascular system

When a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to represent a system: mother - placenta - blood. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a woman has a new organ - the placenta. The organs begin to experience a serious load due to the placenta. First of all, the heart is under stress.

The placental circulation appears.

The heart muscle literally increases in volume. Due to the placenta, the volume of blood in the body increases by half.

It is because of changes in the work of the heart and the volume of circulating blood of a woman that pregnant women can suffer from varicose veins. Dilated veins in the legs during pregnancy indicate that the uterus is putting significant pressure on the veins. This is usually a hereditary problem. If relatives suffered from varicose veins during pregnancy, then it is advisable for the expectant mother to follow these rules in order to avoid its appearance:

  • control weight during pregnancy so that there are no sudden jumps.
  • do not sit or lie for a long time, help blood circulation with movement.
  • raise your legs more often in a supine position so that the blood drains from the lower extremities
  • wear elastic tights.
  • eat foods rich in vitamin C


The expectant mother needs more oxygen. Therefore, the respiratory system of a pregnant woman works twice as powerful. There is a rise in the diaphragm by about 4 cm. But, despite this, the volume of the lungs increases due to the chest. At the same time, the frequency of inhalation and exhalation does not change until late in pregnancy. This is why shortness of breath during pregnancy can be alarming, if it is present, you should see a doctor.


The greater tension of the kidneys in the body of a pregnant woman is due to the fact that now the kidneys remove metabolic products from the body not only of the mother, but also of the baby. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is actively produced, because of it, the tone decreases. Bladder which can lead to urinary stagnation. That is why pregnant women are more susceptible to urinary tract infections, recurrence of cystitis or pyelonephritis. To avoid these situations, it is important for pregnant women to consume a lot of clean water, and diuretic teas can also be drunk to prevent cystitis.

Changes in the digestive organs

Nausea, vomiting during pregnancy (toxicosis) is caused by nothing more than changes in the work of the digestive organs of the pregnant woman. The taste of a pregnant woman also changes.

Did you know that a woman's sense of smell during pregnancy is exacerbated 11 times! This is how nature protects her from unwanted products.

There may be an aversion to certain odors, or there may be a very clear and distinct desire for a particular taste in the mouth. Pregnant women may be concerned about constipation. This is due to hormones in the placenta that affect bowel tone. Heartburn of pregnant women is associated with the fact that the pregnant uterus displaces the intestines and stomach, as a result of which some of the contents of the stomach can return to the esophagus, thereby causing heartburn. Rid yourself of these unpleasant sensations the expectant mother can take antacids(Rennie) and eating at least two hours before bedtime.

Changes in the reproductive system

The reproductive system undergoes the greatest changes during pregnancy. First of all, the uterus changes. The pregnant uterus is constantly enlarging.

The volume of the uterus by the end of pregnancy increases by about 500 times!

This is due to hormones in the placenta that help stretch muscle fibers. Irregular contractions of the uterus are noted, becoming more frequent towards the end of pregnancy. Thus, this organ prepares for childbirth. The entire uterus is, as it were, entwined with blood vessels, their number increases.

Depending on the timing of pregnancy, the position of the uterus also changes. In the third month, it goes beyond the pelvis, and on last dates pregnancy, the uterus reaches the hypochondrium. Correct position provide ligaments that thicken and stretch during this period. It is because of the tension in the ligaments that pregnant women can experience pain on the sides of the abdomen when they change their body position.

The external organs of the reproductive system swell during pregnancy. There may even be a slight varicose veins veins, this is due to strong blood flow.

Mammary gland

With the onset of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to prepare for lactation. This is manifested in an increase in the amount of adipose tissue and the number of lobules in the breast. The breast of a pregnant woman is enlarged and swollen.

Psychological changes during pregnancy

The change in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman is reflected in her psychological health. Emotional background the expectant mother becomes unstable. A woman can get very upset and cry over a trifle. Sometimes there is an unreasonable anxiety, anxiety. The mood can change several times an hour, from ecstatic joy to deep sadness. How used to be a woman realizes that this nervousness is associated with " interesting situation”, The softer the mood swings will be. To subjugate your feelings to the mind, you need to realize their cause, and various psychological methods will also come to the rescue:

  • develop a sense of humor. Making fun of yourself and the situation can help you deal with negative emotions.
  • do not drive yourself. Accept your pregnancy and change your lifestyle for it. Understand that now you can no longer work as before and do a lot of things.
  • if you are a rather patient person, you can try meditation or auto-training, this will also help you to relax.
  • don't hold back your emotions. If you feel like crying, give vent to your tears.
  • share your concerns with loved ones who can listen and support.
  • remember that these mood swings are temporary and that after childbirth hormonal background stabilizes.

Perhaps the most important thing is to treat yourself and your position with love and understanding. Do not demand too much of yourself, find the pluses of an "interesting position.", dream of a future baby, prepare for his appearance. All this will help to minimize negative emotions during pregnancy. But it is clear that a pregnant woman cannot and should not be in a blissful state all the time. Embrace all your emotions.

Did you know that the baby inside the mother can dance, cry and laugh? Listen to good music to cheer you up and your baby.

To better understand yourself and what happens to your body during pregnancy, read the literature on this topic. When you understand why you are experiencing certain sensations, half of the anxiety will be removed as if by hand. Be a literate mom-to-be.

Video - changes in a woman's body during pregnancy

In this case, the nerve endings embedded in the walls of the uterus are irritated. Mechanical stimulation is converted into electrical impulses that go to the central nervous system along the centripetal nerves; the "information" received from the receptors is analyzed, after which certain "commands" are sent to various organs and systems along the centrifugal nerves. This is where the many different physiological changes in the woman's body begin, aimed at facilitating the functioning of organs and systems in new conditions for them. With the onset of pregnancy, the activity of the glands also changes somewhat. internal secretion; there are certain hormonal shifts that cannot but affect the body. Gradually, the body of a pregnant woman is, as it were, rebuilt. But adapting to new conditions is not the only goal of the "perestroika process"; changes that occur in various systems and organs are also necessary for the woman's body to acquire additional capabilities: a new organism has arisen, which must be provided with oxygen and nutrients and from which carbon dioxide and metabolic by-products must be removed in a timely manner. In other words, the restructuring in the mother's body is also aimed at ensuring the vital activity of the organism of the embryo, fetus.

Pregnancy and childbirth are a big burden on the body, which can and must naturally cope with healthy organism women. But if health is undermined, then certain difficulties may arise, which, if possible, are corrected by doctors.

It is clear that with age we do not become younger or healthier, especially if we did not take care of our health in advance.

Theoretically, any extragenital pathology ( Extragenital pathology- deviations in the work of organs and systems that are not related to the sexual sphere.) can negatively affect the reproductive function of a woman, because during pregnancy, our body works in a special mode.

  • There are changes in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • The consumption of various nutrients by cells and tissues of our body changes
  • There are changes in the functioning of the immune system.
  • The load on the excretory system is increasing.
  • The volume of circulating blood almost doubles by the end of pregnancy.
  • Work changes digestive system women.
  • The importance of the smooth functioning of the endocrine system is increasing.
  • Respiratory system women are exposed to more and more stress.
  • There are changes in the load on the woman's musculoskeletal system.
  • Here we will briefly talk about the changes in the body of the expectant mother in general; Let's consider these changes systematically. In the future, talking about the course of pregnancy by months, we will talk about specific physiological changes in dynamics.

    Changes in the nervous system of a woman during pregnancy

    The nervous system of a woman during pregnancy is tuned to bear a baby, and the reproductive function becomes a priority. The excitability of the uterus is reduced, which contributes to its relaxation until the onset of labor, when this organ again becomes more excitable to ensure generic activity... The work of other systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory) is intensely stimulated by the nervous system to complete the task of bearing a child.

    It is clear that if a woman is under stress, her nervous system will also not be able to coherently and adequately work on the task of carrying a child, and various disruptions in her work are possible (the tone of the uterus, for example, may increase due to negative emotional experiences).

    As pregnancy progresses, the excitability of the cerebral cortex changes; excitability decreases somewhat by about the middle of pregnancy, then this excitability begins to gradually increase, and twelve days before childbirth, the excitability of the cerebral cortex again decreases. Excitability of the spinal cord and reflex excitability of the brain, on the contrary, increase by the middle of pregnancy, then gradually become less and about two weeks before childbirth grow again. The longer the gestation period, the more interoreceptors become in the uterus, and the sensitivity of these interoreceptors increases. The tone of the autonomic nervous system changes. As a result of all the changes described, a woman during pregnancy may have frequent change moods, opposite emotions can often replace each other; a woman is often irritable, at the same time, she is characterized by a state of drowsiness; sometimes she is worried about mild pains of a neuralgic nature; there are cramps in the calf muscles; there may be nausea that ends with vomiting; there are various changes in taste, increased salivation (hypersalivation), constipation may occur.

    Changes in the endocrine system of a woman during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the amount of hormones released changes. It should be said that other hormones are released only during pregnancy. Thanks to hormones, certain changes in metabolism occur; hormones affect the growth of the uterus, the preparation of the mammary glands for the secretion of milk, etc. Significant changes are undergone by such an important endocrine gland as the pituitary gland. The course of pregnancy is influenced by adrenocorticotropic hormone, gonadotropic hormones and lactogenic hormone, which are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. In the ovaries, after the end of ovulation, the so-called corpus luteum is formed; it is a gland that produces progesterone, a hormone that helps a woman's body prepare for pregnancy. The mucous membrane of the uterus under the action of progesterone becomes loose and moist, it accumulates nutrients; under the influence of the same hormone, the excitability of the uterus decreases; corpus luteum hormone affects breasts- it is under its influence that changes occur in the glands, preparing them for the process of milk formation. The corpus luteum functions actively for about twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, then the gland regresses; however, with a decrease in the activity of the corpus luteum, the activity of the placenta increases. The thyroid gland increases its activity with the onset of pregnancy, however, during the second half of pregnancy, activity thyroid gland falls. The parathyroid glands during pregnancy function somewhat more actively than usual. There is a significant increase in the adrenal glands during pregnancy; the size of the adrenal glands increases due to an increase in the number of cells and due to the accumulation of lipoids, in particular, cholesterol. Due to changes in the activity of the adrenal glands in many tissues in the body of a woman, tone increases during pregnancy.

    Changes in a woman's metabolism during pregnancy

    Under the influence of changes in the nervous and endocrine systems in the body of a pregnant woman, the course of metabolic processes (metabolism) changes. The activation of all metabolic processes... The body accumulates proteins quickly enough; they are needed for the growth of the uterus, mammary glands and, of course, for growth intrauterine fetus... The accumulation of carbohydrates is also very active; these substances are deposited not only in the liver and muscles (as usual), but also in the walls of the uterus and in the placenta. Fats also accumulate in the body of the expectant mother - mainly in the subcutaneous tissue. Vitamins (A, B, C, E, D) are retained. macro- and microelements necessary for the growth and development of the fetus - salts of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc, etc. In the second half of pregnancy, water begins to linger more actively in the woman's body.

    Changes in the woman's respiratory system during pregnancy

    The load on the respiratory system is gradually increasing. This is due to the fact that as the fetus grows, it needs more and more oxygen, and at the same time, more and more carbon dioxide is required to be released. The following circumstance is also important: the uterus grows rather quickly and over time puts more and more pressure on internal organs from below, and they, in turn, press on the diaphragm; therefore, the diaphragm can no longer take on its former active participation in the act of breathing; in this regard, the excursion of the lungs is significantly reduced. In order to adapt to the changed conditions and ensure a sufficiently intensive gas exchange, a woman has to breathe more often; in addition, her rib cage- by the end of the second half of pregnancy, this becomes more and more noticeable.

    By the end of pregnancy, the expectant mother's oxygen demand almost doubles, and becomes even higher during childbirth. The volume of oxygen consumed increases, the respiratory muscles work in an enhanced mode to provide the pregnant woman and the baby with oxygen, the chest expands. Therefore, any chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory tract of a woman are likely to impede this function. The respiratory rate remains the same during pregnancy (16-18 times per minute).

    Changes in a woman's cardiovascular system during pregnancy

    The stress on the cardiovascular system increases with the course of pregnancy. This happens for several reasons: firstly, an additional circle of blood circulation appears in the body, which is called the placental, and this circle becomes larger as the fetus grows and the placenta develops; secondly, in a woman's body, the volume of blood gradually increases; thirdly, the network of blood vessels that feed the uterus grows strongly; fourthly, with the growth of the uterus, the heart is under increasing pressure from abdominal cavity, from the side of the diaphragm. As a result of all these changes in the body of the expectant mother, new conditions are formed, to which the heart has to adapt. The number of heart contractions increases, the muscle layer of the heart is hypertrophied. In some women, blood pressure changes during pregnancy (however, these changes are of a short-term nature) - in the first months of pregnancy, blood pressure rises slightly, and in last months pregnancy - slightly increases. However, it should be said that in most women during pregnancy, blood pressure is stable.

    Changes in the hematopoietic system, in the blood of a woman during pregnancy

    With the course of pregnancy, the hematopoietic organs work more and more intensively. The total blood volume in a woman's body increases quite significantly (up to 20%). The number of erythrocytes increases, and with them the amount of hemoglobin, the number of leukocytes increases. But basically, the mass of blood becomes larger due to plasma.

    Changes in a woman's digestive system during pregnancy

    The restructuring of the functioning of the nervous system and the system of endocrine glands, which occurs from the very beginning of the pregnancy period, has, let us say so, some by-effect... It is expressed in the appearance of nausea and vomiting in a woman, in certain changes in taste perception, in a violation of appetite, etc. Upon completion of the restructuring of the activity of organs and systems, the side effect also disappears by itself. During pregnancy, under the influence of the nervous and endocrine systems, the tone of not only the smooth muscles of the uterus decreases, but also the tone of smooth muscles embedded in the intestinal walls; as a result, the peristaltic activity of the intestine is significantly slowed down, which can lead to constipation. The glands that produce digestive juices do not change their activity. The liver of a woman during pregnancy works with a slightly greater load, since metabolic by-products (differing in toxicity) are retained and neutralized in it not only from the mother's body, but also from the body of the intrauterine developing fetus. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, the organs of the digestive system will mix somewhat in the abdominal cavity, but this does not have any noticeable effect on their function.

    Changes in the female urinary system during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys gradually increases. The larger the fetus becomes, the greater the load on the mother's kidneys (due to the more intensive activity of the kidneys, water metabolism is regulated not only in the mother's body, but also in the body of the intrauterine fetus; also, the kidneys excrete metabolic products from the body of the expectant mother, and from fetal organism). The volume of urine excreted by a pregnant woman during the day is approximately one and a half liters. Over time, the growing uterus takes up more and more space in the abdominal cavity, so the kidneys and bladder are somewhat displaced. As a result of some displacement of the bladder, the urethra stretches and straightens slightly. There is also a distension of the bladder. These changes are especially significant towards the end of pregnancy.

    Changes in the skin of a woman during pregnancy

    A very noticeable change in connection with pregnancy is the appearance of pigmentation. V the greatest number pigment is deposited in the skin of the face, in the areola (areola) and in the abdomen - along the so-called white line. The reason for the increased pigmentation is the intense activity of the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex. Due to the rapid growth of the pregnant uterus and an increase in the abdomen, pregnancy stripes appear on the skin of the abdomen, which are also called stretch marks (the skin is stretched, its connective tissue and elastic elements are separated). Pregnancy stripes occur in most women, but these stripes are most pronounced in women with insufficient elastic skin... The color of pregnancy stripes varies from reddish to bluish-pink, stripes do not have a specific direction. Similar stripes can occur on the skin of the mammary glands and on the skin of the thighs; the cause of these bands is different - an increase in fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue.

    Changes in the subcutaneous tissue of a woman during pregnancy

    A gradual accumulation of fat occurs in the subcutaneous tissue - provided, of course, that the woman's nutrition is well organized and sufficient. The main places of fat deposition are subcutaneous tissue in the abdomen, thighs and mammary glands. The role of fat deposition is very significant; they represent energy source reserves and reserves building material; in addition, fat deposits successfully perform a protective function - they protect the pregnant uterus, various internal organs and mammary glands from injury, soften the mechanical effect; also, fatty deposits help a woman's body to retain heat, and hence the energy that is spent on heating the body.

    Changes in the skeletal system and in the ligamentous apparatus of a woman during pregnancy

    A very important change associated with pregnancy on the part of the support apparatus is a rather significant increase in mobility in the joints. pelvic bones... The reason for the phenomenon is in serous impregnation and loosening of the symphyseal cartilage and in simultaneous serous impregnation, stretching of the so-called synovial membranes, ligaments of the joints. In addition, osteophytes appear on the inner surface of the frontal bone - pathological bone growths of small size; osteophytes also appear on the inner surface of the parietal bones. These growths arise and develop as a result of local productive inflammation of the periosteum. Osteophytes do not show any symptoms. Having reached a certain size, they stop growing and for quite a long time (many years) remain without any changes. There is no need for osteophyte therapy. If a woman does not eat properly during pregnancy, if her diet does not have enough products that are sources of calcium and phosphorus salts for the body, sources of vitamin D, then this woman may experience bone softening. The reason for the phenomenon is simple: the named substances are necessary for correct growth and the development of the intrauterine fetus, and if these substances do not enter the mother's body in the required amount (the physiological need for them is not covered), then they are simply "washed out" from the mother's bone tissue; the inorganic component of the bones becomes smaller, and they soften; at the same time teeth suffer greatly.

    Changes in the mammary glands of a woman during pregnancy

    Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, there may be some changes in the mammary glands. Let us recall that these changes are not the last in the list of possible signs of pregnancy. In the mammary gland, the number of glandular lobules gradually increases, the lobules themselves somewhat increase in size, so the gland at first seems to become more tense, but then the increase in the size of the gland becomes more and more noticeable. As the gland grows, it needs more nutrition; therefore, the vascular network develops intensively - the blood vessels become wider, branch out and become denser. Through the skin covering the mammary gland, the dilated saphenous veins shine through with bluish bands. The nipples enlarge over time. As the smooth muscles embedded in the nipples become more excitable, it is noted hypersensitivity nipples when touched. The pigmentation of the areola is gradually increasing. On the surface of the areola, there are special nodules known as the montgomeric glands. When you press on the mammary glands, colostrum is released from the nipples - a thick, sticky yellowish liquid.

    Changes in the genitals of a woman during pregnancy

    The uterus undergoes the most significant changes in the genital organs in connection with pregnancy. If before pregnancy the length of the organ is about 6-8 cm, and the width is within 4-5 cm, then by the end of pregnancy the uterus can reach 40 cm in length and 27 cm in width.If before pregnancy, the weight of the uterus rarely exceeds 100 grams , then at the end of the gestation period, the weight of the organ can be from 900 to 1200 grams. The size and weight of the uterus increases due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscles embedded in its walls. Muscle fibers become many times longer and thicker, in addition, the number of smooth muscle fibers increases. As the uterus grows, the blood and lymph vessels that feed the organ increase in length and thickness, and the number of nerve elements increases. The ligaments that fix the uterus become thicker and longer. The cervix is ​​also preparing for the upcoming birth. Its tissues are loosened and softened, thereby increasing the extensibility of the neck. Similar processes - loosening and softening - take place in the walls of the vagina, as well as in the external genitals. These processes are possible due to the retention of fluid in the tissues. Blood flows to the vagina and external genital organs, therefore, the color of the named organs changes noticeably; they turn bright red, they may even acquire a bluish tint. Due to the influx of fluid, the external genital organs become more and more edematous; puffiness is most pronounced at the end of pregnancy. There are characteristic changes in the ovaries; these organs are somewhat enlarged during pregnancy. In one of the ovaries, the corpus luteum functions, usually until the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy; then the corpus luteum regresses. During pregnancy, the fallopian tubes thicken. As the uterus grows, the tubes are straightened, at the same time their position changes - from slightly inclined to almost vertical.

    Changes in the work of a woman's immune system during pregnancy

    Immunity is the body's immunity to foreign (carrying other genetic information) agents.

    There are two main types of immunity:

    • congenital (or specific); passed on to us by inheritance, protects against diseases, unusual for humans and also brings some individual characteristics immune response to illness;
    • acquired, which we receive in the process of life year after year, encountering certain foreign microorganisms. Such immunity is acquired naturally when we can directly face some kind of disease, as well as artificially in the form of a vaccine against a particular disease (well-known vaccinations to all).

    When foreign proteins enter our body, it, having discovered their difference from its own, immediately reacts and begins to produce special cells (antibodies) to fight uninvited guests.

    Sperm and a fertilized egg are also foreign cells for female body that must be fought, but under normal circumstances, he does not.

    The process of fertilization and implantation of an egg is an immune phenomenon, since our body rejects all foreign cells, except for sperm and fertilized egg!

    This is such a mystery of nature that allows us to become pregnant and give birth to children.

    Obviously, a woman must have a good immune system that can prevent failure at a crucial moment and ensure the implantation of a fertilized egg, its growth and development.

    A woman's immunological problems can contribute to miscarriage.

    Increasing the load on the excretory system of a woman during pregnancy

    Due to the increasing load on the excretory system in a woman during the carrying of a child, changes in the work of the kidneys are noted. They begin to function with an increased load, since it becomes necessary to remove from the mother's body not only her metabolic products, not also metabolic products developing baby... Such a "double" load can lead to the appearance of inflammatory diseases of the excretory system (urinary tract infections, pyelonephritis).

    During pregnancy, both the anatomy and the function of the kidneys change: their size increases, the renal pelvis and ureter expand, the tone of the ureters and bladder decreases, and the filtration of the kidneys increases.

    The body of a healthy woman copes well with such loads, but if a woman has some kind of kidney pathology, this can affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the expectant mother.

    Not only the kidneys, but also the liver are involved in removing the metabolic products of the mother and baby from the body. Therefore, if a woman had any liver problems before pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. Also pay attention to your own condition if you feel heaviness in the right hypochondrium and aching pain, tell your doctor about it.

    With the onset of pregnancy, the beginning of a new period in a woman's life is observed. By this time, in the body of the expectant mother, nature has provided for a number of changes of a physiological nature, designed to create optimal conditions for carrying a child. Thus, optimal conditions are created for the development of the fetus. A lot can change in 9 months - self-awareness, mood, life goals.

    Pregnancy is rightfully considered a special state of the body, characterized by a whole range of typical transformations.

    Can be observed following changes in the body during pregnancy:

    • absence of menstruation - due to functional changes in the ovary, changes in the state of the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity are observed;
    • prolonged rise basal temperature due to the influence of the hormone progesterone produced by the ovary;
    • the placenta is formed;
    • the appearance of the expectant mother also undergoes changes, the weight increases markedly;
    • the cerebral cortex ensures the coordination of the functioning of various organs and systems in the direction that provides suitable conditions for bearing a fetus;
    • changes in metabolism are observed, as well as the volume of blood circulating in the body;
    • the indicators of the composition of the blood, as well as the systems of its coagulation and stopping bleeding, change;
    • the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems also undergoes changes.

    Thus, the body completely rebuilds its functioning, taking into account the new state of the woman.

    What are the changes in the body for during pregnancy?

    Carrying a child is a natural process, which is accompanied by the physiological restructuring of a woman's body. The woman's body during this period functions in a new mode, there are increased loads on it.

    During the course of pregnancy, from the first days, a number of structural physiological changes in the woman's body during pregnancy are observed, which are aimed at achieving the following results:

    • supplying the developing fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen, as well as nutrients important for the full development of the fetus and bearing the child;
    • elimination of fetal waste products from the body of a pregnant woman;
    • preparation of various systems of the woman's body for the upcoming birth of a baby, as well as his breastfeeding.

    These tasks are generally aimed at maintaining reproductive function human, therefore, changes in a woman's body during pregnancy can be called quite natural and physiological. If the body is not able to fully adapt, conditions that are unfavorable for the health of the child and the pregnant woman may develop. Under the influence of increasing loads on the body, in the presence of chronic diseases or disorders in the work of certain organs, a deterioration in the state of a woman's health, as well as the development of pathologies of pregnancy, can be observed. To avoid possible problems needed on early dates come to the antenatal clinic for registration, hand over required analyzes and get expert advice.

    The condition of a pregnant woman can be monitored and corrected by a doctor as a result of examinations, as well as laboratory and instrumental studies. Having passed the tests, you will need to determine the indicators of blood, urine, etc. Based on the information received, you can preventive measures in order to avoid the development of any complications during the course of pregnancy, and most effectively prepare for the upcoming birth. It should be noted that the physiological course of pregnancy is characterized by its own indicators, in general, do not coincide with the norms for healthy person... In addition, for each trimester of pregnancy, the rates of these indicators differ.

    What changes can be observed in the body during pregnancy

    There is a point of view that this period is a kind of endurance test for the female body. Thus, overstrain and overwork should be avoided during pregnancy. V Everyday life for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to create conditions so that she can successfully adapt to the changing conditions of pregnancy and safely bear the child.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy: body weight and metabolism

    During pregnancy, weight gain is normally about 10 kg, generally reaching from 8 to 18 kg.

    In this case, the weight gain is dispersed approximately according to the following principle:

    • the fetus along with the placenta, including also membranes and amniotic fluid- from 4000 to 4500 g;
    • the uterus, as well as the mammary glands - a kilogram. The weight of the uterus from 50-100 g increases to 1000-1200 g;
    • blood - about one and a half kilograms;
    • adipose tissue - 4000 g and tissue fluid - 1000 g.

    In the first half of pregnancy, the increase is about four kilograms, in the second half - twice as much. In the presence of a body weight deficit before pregnancy, with its onset, a more significant weight gain may be observed. In connection with this phenomenon and in order to fully develop the fetus, attention should be paid to the diet of the expectant mother. You will need to provide balanced diet, including the required amount of nutrients. It may be necessary to supplement it with calcium preparations, which is necessary for the development of the child's skeleton, as well as iron for optimal hematopoiesis.

    In order to meet the needs of the bearing fetus, the woman's metabolism is largely rebuilt. The amount of digestive enzymes produced by her body increases. The lungs are saturated with a large amount of oxygen due to the higher concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, it increases the amount of nutrients that are transported by the placenta into the blood of the fetus. Due to increased metabolism and the need to provide for the needs of the fetus, a woman needs to consume more vitamins.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy: the nervous system and respiratory organs

    During the course of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine and nervous systems of the woman's body is rebuilt. In the first few months, a reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex can be observed, as a result, reflex activity subcortical and spinal cord. Further, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases and remains in this state almost until the end of pregnancy. By the time of childbirth, the opposite phenomenon can be observed, while the activity of the spinal cord increases, which leads to an increase in the reflex and muscular activity of the uterus. It is often possible to notice that pregnant women are kind of immersed in themselves. Perhaps the appearance of irritability, mood swings, drowsiness. In addition, it is known that until the end of pregnancy, most of the impulses coming from the uterine receptors are blocked. These mechanisms are provided by the central nervous system to preserve the pregnancy.

    Due to the increase in the content of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls are additionally relaxed, while the lumen in respiratory tract increases. The body's need for oxygen in the expectant mother is increasing. In order to supply oxygen to the growing fetus, the volume of air inhaled in one movement increases, as well as (towards the end of pregnancy) the respiration rate. Thus, the rate of ventilation of the lungs increases significantly (by about 40%). About a third of this amount of air is used to supply the fetus, 10% - for the placenta, the rest is used in the woman's body. If shortness of breath or other breathing disorders occurs, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy: cardiovascular system, blood pressure and blood composition

    We can say that the main load in the course of pregnancy falls on the cardiovascular system. To supply the pregnant woman and the fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, the heart and blood vessels pump more blood - its volume increases by about one and a half liters, reaching its maximum value at about the seventh month of pregnancy. In this case, there is an increase in the left ventricle, heart rate increases and the minute volume of blood increases. Thus, the heart and blood vessels function under increased stress. At the same time, the occurrence of systolic murmurs is not considered a pathology; in most cases, these phenomena disappear after pregnancy.

    Blood pressure during normal pregnancy does not change in most cases. In the first trimester, it can be slightly lowered (with lethargy and drowsiness). At about the 16th week, the pressure may increase by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. The initial value should be taken into account blood pressure women before pregnancy to judge its changes in dynamics. An increase in systolic pressure by 30% is regarded as pathological symptom... In addition, it is believed that diastolic pressure should not exceed 70-80 mm Hg. Art.

    The processes of hematopoiesis during this period proceed in an enhanced mode, the composition of the blood also changes - there is an increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and blood plasma. To enhance the synthesis of red blood cells and improve blood viscosity, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein in food. In addition, iron supplementation is often indicated. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes in the blood may slightly increase. The platelet count, as a rule, does not change significantly.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy: genitals, endocrine system, endocrine glands

    In the area of ​​the external genital organs, there is an increased blood supply, the cervical canal of the uterus is expanded. The tissues of her, the uterus itself and the vagina are characterized by significant looseness, acquire softness and elasticity necessary for subsequent childbirth.

    The endocrine system affects future pregnancy even before fertilization. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries ensures the development of the egg and promotes fertilization. For normal development The hormones produced by the woman's endocrine system also play an important role in the fetus - they stimulate the development of its bone tissue, brain development, and energy production.

    Noticeable changes in the female body during pregnancy are caused by the influence of the endocrine glands. The ovaries are slightly enlarged, one of them contains up to fourth month pregnancy corpus luteum. Further, the production of hormones (progesterone and estrogen) is taken over by the placenta. The number of blood vessels expanding and braiding the uterus increases, which increases and by the end of the gestation period reaches more than 30 cm in height. By the beginning of the second trimester, it goes beyond the pelvic zone, with the approach of childbirth, it appears at the hypochondrium. The volume of the uterine cavity increases significantly, its weight increases to 1-1.2 kg (excluding the fetus). The enlarging uterus is held in the desired position of the ligaments (while their thickening and stretching is observed). Sometimes, especially when changing the position of the body, pain occurs in these ligaments, caused by their stretching.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy: digestive organs and excretions

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, you can often observe manifestations of early toxicosis - nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting in the morning refers to it characteristic features... Taste sensations may also change, and strange food addictions may appear. Most often, these phenomena stop by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, sometimes later. Under the influence of hormones produced by the placenta, intestinal tone decreases, therefore, a tendency to constipation is often observed. Over time, the enlarging uterus displaces the intestines upward, while the stomach also moves, which can cause some of its contents to be thrown into the esophagus. Hence the emerging feeling of heartburn, which can be dealt with by taking antacids. In addition, the last meal is recommended no later than two hours before bedtime, as well as placement on sleeping place with a raised headboard.

    During this period, the kidneys function in a mode of increased loads, ensuring the excretion of urea from the body, maintaining optimal pressure indicators and regulating water-electrolyte metabolism. If they were previously attended by inflammatory diseases, with the onset of pregnancy, their exacerbations are possible. In the process of gestation, the uterus exerts tangible pressure in the bladder area, therefore, there may be an urge to urinate more often. Renal filtration of the blood is increased, while the appearance of the amount of sugar in small quantities can be observed. Nevertheless, the appearance of protein in the urine may indicate the presence of an inflammation process or gestosis. At the final stage of gestation, the appearance of small edema can be noted.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy: musculoskeletal system, skin, mammary glands

    Due to the influence of the hormone relaxin, the ligaments of the joints are loosened. Thus, the joints of the pelvis become softer, which increases their mobility and prepares the conditions for childbirth. Sometimes there is a slight discrepancy of the pubic bones - when a so-called "duck" gait appears in a pregnant woman, you should inform the doctor about it. Peculiar changes during this period can be observed on the skin. Quite often, pregnant women notice an increase in facial pigmentation, in the area around the nipples, as well as on the abdomen along the line that rises to the navel. There is an increase in the mammary glands, an increase in the number of lobules and adipose tissue in them, coarsening of the nipples. Closer to childbirth, the production of colostrum is started - when the nipple is squeezed, a few drops of thick, light liquid may appear. Sometimes on the skin around the navel and in the lower abdomen, as well as on the chest and thighs, you can observe the appearance of arcuate stretch marks.

    Changes of this kind indicate the physiological adaptation of a pregnant woman to bearing a fetus. In order to prevent the development of pathologies, it is recommended to take measures that contribute to the creation of suitable conditions for the development of pregnancy. These include the formation of a balanced diet, drinking enough fluids, eliminating bad habits, ensuring a sufficient level physical activity and stay in the fresh air.

    Changes in the body during pregnancy - video

    Oddly enough it sounds, however, it is true: in women during pregnancy, almost everything changes, from taste preferences to character. I would like to immediately warn and reassure loved ones and relatives, this is fixable, as it was written on Solomon's ring: "Everything will pass", and with inside: "It will pass this too." So there is no reason for concern, it is only necessary to be more attentive and tender towards the expectant mother, especially if she is expecting her first child. Especially changes in the character of a woman, and not in better side affect husbands. Poor fellows, they are the ones who take the blow. So it remains for them to wish patience and good luck in fulfilling the whims of his wife.

    Why character changes during pregnancy

    Considering this question from a physiological point of view, the answer is quite simple. In the brain of the expectant mother, the so-called dominant of pregnancy is formed, which is subsequently transformed into a generic dominant. The dominant function of pregnancy is simple and obvious. It protects a woman from all sorts of stresses while carrying a child, activates such an animal instinct as the protection of offspring, and inhibits the work of the central nervous system.

    Brain inhibition negatively affects a woman's intellectual abilities. But this is only temporary. The pregnant woman becomes forgetful, absent-minded, inattentive. It is already difficult for her to concentrate on a specific task, especially if she is still working. It is good if colleagues and the boss are aware of such changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother, and close their eyes to all the shortcomings and blunders in the work. And if the other way around? Scandals, reprimands, threats are inevitable, which further traumatize the woman and shatter her nervous system. All of these changes that occur with the mental abilities of a woman, doctors call encephalopathy of pregnancy or mamnesia (from the word amnesia, which means forgetfulness or loss of memory).

    The following factors affect mamnesia:

    • woman's age,
    • her marital status,
    • relationships with relatives (primarily with mother and husband),
    • chronic diseases,
    • fatigue,
    • constant fatigue,
    • financial situation and much more.

    In addition, in pregnant women, the volume of circulating blood increases, especially in the later stages, which leads to inevitable cerebral edema. No, not to that terrible diagnosis, about which everyone has heard, and so, to mild edema (pregnant women are generally prone to edema, for example, during the production of a cesarean section and an incision of subcutaneous fatty tissue, blood flows from the vessels, almost half diluted with water).

    Psychological reasons for "spoilage" of character

    Changes in the character of a pregnant woman can be explained by commonplace reasons. Well who can understand future mother that she could not open the refrigerator and get what she wanted from there? Or suddenly any dish became disgusting? But insomnia, negative thoughts and fears about the upcoming birth, worries about the test results or just going to the antenatal clinic make a woman nervous.

    Being able constant stress, the pregnant woman is getting old to get rid of him, merging the negative reaction on her loved ones. In addition, the whirlwind of thoughts about the future child and his dowry, about the place where he will sleep, and so on completely knocks out all the other seemingly no less useful thoughts (pay the rent, cook dinner for the husband, wash). Any reproach, even if justified, will be perceived by a woman as a hint of her failure, and even a mockery, which will only aggravate the situation.

    First of all, a lot depends on loved ones, and the most important thing for this period of a woman's life is a husband. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions, coziness and warm atmosphere for the pregnant woman. Free a woman from unnecessary things, let her take care of herself and the baby, think about the beautiful and exciting (the birth of a child).

    For mothers-to-be, a few tips:

    • get a notebook where you can write down all cases and questions that arise;
    • more being outdoors, walking, swimming and special exercises for pregnant women
    • try to rest more, especially after service (lie down with your favorite book - why not?);
    • review your diet, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, do not forget about vitamins for pregnant women;
    • try to avoid conflict and stressful situations.

    Anna Sozinova, obstetrician-gynecologist

    Pregnancy this is a normal (physiological) process that occurs in a woman's body during intrauterine development fetus. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes profound transformations. With the normal development of pregnancy, all changes that take place in a woman's body are aimed at creating a harmonious relationship between the mother's body and the developing fetus. Also, from the very first days of pregnancy, the preparation of a pregnant woman's body for future childbirth and breastfeeding begins.

    Below we will consider in more detail the most important changes in a woman's body during pregnancy, as well as their significance for normal evolution of pregnancy itself, childbirth and lactation period.

    Body systems that undergo changes during pregnancy
    From the very first days of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman undergoes profound transformations. These transformations are the result of the coordinated work of almost all body systems, as well as the result of the interaction of the mother's body with the child's body.

    Nervous and endocrine system changes
    The main roles in the implementation of the transformations of the female body during pregnancy are played by the nervous and endocrine systems.

    At the level central nervous system(brain and spinal cord), complex nervous mechanisms are triggered, aimed at maintaining the constancy of substances in the body of a pregnant woman, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. For example, it was noted that up to 39 weeks of pregnancy, impulses coming from the sensitive receptors of the uterus are blocked at the level of the spinal cord, which allows the preservation of pregnancy and prevents premature birth... Changes in the central nervous system lead to some changes in the mood and behavior of the pregnant woman. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may notice increased irritability, fatigue, drowsiness - all these are defense mechanisms developed by the central nervous system to prevent excessive fatigue of a pregnant woman. Changes in smell (intolerance to some odors), taste and gastronomic preferences, as well as incoming nausea, vomiting and dizziness are associated with a change in the tone of the vagus nerve (the nerve that regulates the work of most of the internal organs).

    It is well known that the nervous and endocrine systems are in close interaction. This interaction is especially clearly manifested during pregnancy, the normal course of which is the result of the interaction of these two systems. The inclusion of the endocrine system in the development of pregnancy takes place even before fertilization. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus (the center of the brain responsible for the transmission of nerve signals from the nervous system to the endocrine system), the pituitary gland (the central human endocrine gland) and the ovaries (the sex glands of the woman's body) make possible the development of the egg and prepare the female reproductive system for fertilization. From the first days of pregnancy until the 10th week, the development of pregnancy is supported by hormones secreted by the ovaries. During this period, there is intensive growth placenta of the fetus. The placenta, as you know, in addition to the role of nutrition of the fetus, also synthesizes hormones necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. The main hormone of the placenta is estriol (it is also called the protector of pregnancy). This hormone stimulates the development of blood vessels and improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

    In smaller quantities, the placenta synthesizes estrone and estradiol. Under the influence of these hormones, the reproductive organs of a pregnant woman grow: the uterus, vagina, mammary glands, an increase in the volume of circulating blood in the mother's body (to improve the nutrition of the fetus). In case of disruption of the functioning of the placenta (during various diseases mother or fetus) may occur abortion or impaired fetal development (underdevelopment).

    Also, the placenta synthesizes progesterone, which stimulates the development of the mammary glands and prepares them for lactation. Under the influence of progesterone, the muscles of the uterus and intestines relax. Progesterone has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, determining the sleepiness and fatigue described above. The effect of progesterone on the development of adipose tissue in a pregnant woman is important. The storage of nutrients in adipose tissue during pregnancy is necessary for the nutrition of the fetus and the formation of milk in the postpartum period.

    In addition to hormones synthesized in the placenta, various hormones produced by the endocrine system of the mother's body play an important role. It should be noted that at the initial stages of development, the body of the fetus is not able to synthesize many hormones, but they come to it from the mother's body. So, for example, extremely important factor fetal development are thyroid hormones. These hormones stimulate bone formation, brain growth and development, and energy production. To meet the needs of the fetus, the mother's body synthesizes large amounts of hormones.

    Various incoming changes, such as skin pigmentation and an increase in the width of the bones and facial contours, arise due to the action of the pituitary gland of a pregnant woman, which synthesizes melanotropin (a hormone that stimulates the production of skin pigment) and somatotropin (a hormone that stimulates the body's growth).

    Metabolic changes
    Metabolic changes during pregnancy are aimed at meeting the needs of the developing fetus. It is clear that for the normal course of metabolism, and, consequently, the development of the fetus, the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the mother's body is necessary.

    To increase the amount of assimilated food, the mother's body produces more digestive enzymes. At the level of the lungs, blood oxygen saturation increases. This is done mainly due to an increase in the number of erythrocytes, and an increase in the content of hemoglobin in them.

    In the blood of a pregnant woman, there is an increase in the concentration of glucose and insulin, as well as fatty acids, proteins and amino acids. All of these nutrients cross the placenta into the blood of the fetus, thereby providing the developing body with material for growth and development.

    It is important to change the metabolism of minerals in the body of a pregnant woman. There is an increase in the concentration of many minerals in the blood: iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, magnesium. Like nutrients, these elements enter the fetal bloodstream through the placenta and are used by the growing body for development.

    During pregnancy, the woman's body needs more vitamins. This is due to an increase in metabolic processes, both in the body of a pregnant woman, and with the fact that part of the vitamins from the mother's body passes into the body of the heart and is used by it for its own development.

    Internal organ changes during pregnancy
    During pregnancy, many internal organs undergo significant restructuring. These changes are adaptive in nature, and, in most cases, are short-lived and completely disappear after childbirth.

    The cardiovascular system mothers have to pump more blood during pregnancy to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. In this regard, during pregnancy, the thickness and strength of the heart muscles increases, the pulse rate and the amount of blood pumped by the heart increase in one minute. In addition, the volume of circulating blood increases. In some cases, blood pressure increases. The tone of blood vessels decreases during pregnancy, which creates favorable conditions for an increased supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues.

    All of the above changes in the cardiovascular system completely disappear after childbirth.

    Respiratory system works hard during pregnancy. The breathing rate increases. This is due to an increase in the need for the body of the mother and the fetus for oxygen, as well as in the limitation of respiratory movements of the diaphragm due to the increase in the size of the uterus, which occupies a significant space of the abdominal cavity.

    The most significant changes, however, occur in the genitals of a pregnant woman. These changes prepare a woman's reproductive system for childbirth and breastfeeding.

    Uterus the pregnant woman increases significantly in size. Its mass increases from 50 g - at the beginning of pregnancy to 1200 - at the end of pregnancy. The volume of the uterine cavity by the end of pregnancy increases more than 500 times! The blood supply to the uterus is greatly increased. In the walls of the uterus, the number of muscle fibers increases. Cervix filled with thick mucus, clogging the cavity of the cervical canal. Fallopian tubes and ovaries also increase in size. In one of the ovaries, there is a "yellow body of pregnancy" - the place of synthesis of hormones that support pregnancy.

    The walls of the vagina are loosened and become more elastic.

    External genital organs(small and large labia), also increase in size and become more elastic. The tissues of the perineum are loosened. In addition, there is an increase in mobility in the joints of the pelvis and a discrepancy pubic bones... The changes in the genital tract described above are of extremely important physiological significance for childbirth. Loosening the walls, increasing the mobility and elasticity of the genital tract increases their throughput and facilitates the movement of the fetus along them during childbirth.

    Leather in the genital area and along the midline of the abdomen, it usually becomes darker in color. Sometimes “stretch marks” (striae gravidarum) form on the skin of the lateral parts of the abdomen, which after childbirth turn into whitish stripes.

    Mammary gland increase in size, become more elastic, tense. When pressing on the nipple, colostrum (first milk) is excreted.

    The body weight of a pregnant woman increases in size. Normal weight gain at the end of pregnancy is 10-12 kg. Or 12-14% of the body weight of a pregnant woman.

    All the changes described above that occur during pregnancy should be distinguished from the signs of the so-called "imaginary" or "false pregnancy". A false pregnancy occurs when a non-pregnant woman is convinced that she is pregnant. This situation is observed in a number of cases in patients with mental or endocrine disorders. At the same time, the power of self-hypnosis of a woman is so great that some physiological changes characteristic of a real pregnancy occur: an increase in the mammary glands, the appearance of colostrum, the disappearance of menstruation. Examination of the patient helps to establish a diagnosis and recognize a false pregnancy. It is also important to recognize a false pregnancy from a simulated pregnancy, in which a woman knows that she is not pregnant, but, based on some considerations, tries to convince others otherwise.


    • Kokhanevich E.V. Topical issues of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductology, M Triada-X, 2006
    • Savelyeva G.M. Obstetrics, Medicine, M., 2000
    • Karr F. Obstetrics, gynecology and women's health, MEDpress-inform 2005


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