Pregnancy first signs when. How to determine the term of pregnancy in the last month

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Many women are convinced: there is no delay of menstruation - there is no point in the pregnancy. However, there are symptoms even earlier than a delay that make it possible to say about the coming pregnancy with a high propriety.

There are changes, sometimes slightly noticeable, which, in combination with intuition, make it possible to learn that she will soon become a mother.

The first sign of early pregnancy - drowsiness and weakness

You feel disappeared, even if all night slept hard. The fact is that the pregnant woman instantly accelerates metabolism. It is necessary to support the body - your and future kid, but at the same time causes fast fatigue. Sleep as much as you want! And try more often to lie down.

The second sign of the coming pregnancy is nausea

In some women, the morning nausea may appear literally from the first days of pregnancy. This is due to a sharp drop of blood sugar. Nausea (toxicosis) most often accompanies future mom only throughout the first trimester. However, some are tormented by nauseous all nine months.

Try to eat as regularly as possible, turn in the diet only natural products.

The third sign of early pregnancy - breast augmentation

Literally in the first days after conception, you can experience discomfort from the wearing bra. The chest will noticeably swell and increases, and after a while they darken the nipples.

The fourth sign of early pregnancy - a change in taste and smell

About the passion of pregnant women to salted cucumbers Know everything. But this is just one of possible options Changes in taste. You can start there are products that could not look and watch. Most often, the future mothers "pulls" on sour or salty. But your favorite dishes can cause disgust. It happens. That an unpleasant metal flavor appears in the mouth, poisoning the pleasure of food.

The smell also begins to deliver problems: you suddenly understand that you can not, for example, fry potatoes, because you are sick of smell of oil. In a clean and ventilated apartment, it suddenly begins to make the smell of tobacco smoke ...

Fifth sign of early pregnancy - forgetfulness and disadvantage

The purpose of the body is now alone - successfully endure the child, and everything else is now "superfluous", optional. Therefore, future mothers are often in a scattered state - they forget the keys and money, not able to solve a simple crossword, they remember for a long time, why they left the house ... do not be scared: it is temporarily, at later all normalizes.

Sixth sign of early pregnancy - change of basal temperature

This is happening before the delay. The basal temperature rises sharply. If ovulation occurred - the temperature is kept at the level of 37-37.2 degrees a few weeks. If the conception has not come - the next day the basal temperature comes back to normal.

Seventh sign of early pregnancy - allocation

Already on the 6th day after conception, you can detect small bloody issues. They suggest that embryo implantation occurred. But such sections do not always appear and not everyone is normal.

The eighth sign of early pregnancy - frequent urination

If a week passed after conception - may appear frequent urges To urination. This is because in the pelvic area, blood supply is increasing, and the bladder sends a signal about the fullness, even if quite a bit of urine accumulated. Urination frequency is usually normalized to for the fourth month Pregnancy.

Ninth sign of early pregnancy - emotional instability

A woman on an early pregnancy can suddenly, without reason, to cry or offended, and after a minute it's fun to laugh or feel unusual happiness. The irritability of future mothers is a reason for numerous stories and even jokes.

Tenth sign of early pregnancy - deterioration of well-being

The woman's body is introduced into the body, half the chromosomes of which is alien, as it is received from the child's father. So that there is no rejection, the immune system is somewhat low, that is, the body's protective forces work not in full force. Therefore, a pregnant woman is more often susceptible to colds and ailments.

The main thing is not to take potent drugs without a consultation! They can cause serious harm to the crumb.

Eleventh sign of coming pregnancy - intestinal distention

The intestine with the onset of pregnancy becomes more "lazy", gas formation increases, constipation can be tormented, the volume of abdomen increases. From this trouble there are many safe, gentle products.

All these signs of pregnancy may arise long before the delay, signaling that the pregnancy occurred, and should be treated for its body especially carefully.

Olga Moiseeva for Women's magazine "Charm"

Every woman planning pregnancy diligently trying to track the symptoms on early timing Pregnancy, persistently listening to his body. The slightest change in work internal organs Already give the first hope that the miracle happened. Many women try to recognize early pregnancy, often resorting to completely ridiculous pagan traditions. But you should not blame them. Perhaps they are simply not informed by these issues.

How to recognize the first symptoms of pregnancy in early time

Since ancient times, people tried to learn to recognize first signs early pregnancy Various people's methods. Modern medicine Located by all required means for accurate diagnosis. During the first week after the conception occurred, the fertilized egg "wanders" in the uterine pipes and the uterus, "looking for" a comfortable place to attach to the inner wall, from where the development of the embryo begin.

Symptoms of pregnancy for a woman who has a conception for the first time, can manifest as follows:

Such states should be considered responsibly, because in fact, the immune system is significantly reduced during this period. A woman becomes more vulnerable to penetration of various infections into the body.

After a couple of weeks after conception, the Montgomery tubercles show themselves - barely noticeable bumps around the nipples. The chest becomes so sensitive that he reacts to the slightest touch of swelling or light pain. Around the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples, the peel chips a little, which confirms the conception.

Exact signs of pregnancy

In early terms, no signs of pregnancy may not be observed. Such cases are not rare. Some women pay attention to changes in their body only due to the lack of menstruation.

Nausea and vomiting in the early stages - one of the explicit signs of the coming pregnancy. It is on this sign that women correspond to the conception occur in absentia. This is toxicosis. The reasons for this symptom to this day remain a mystery to medicine.

Many researchers carefully believe that toxicosis is the reaction of the body to intoxication. The first reaction to conception - rejection foreign bodiesAs if the immune system, including its protective mechanisms, is trying to get rid of the alien body. There is another version - a psychological reaction. You can even assume that psychosomatic. Most often, women who are not yet ready for motherhood are also susceptible to toxicosis. Consequently, the body is immersed in a state of shock, sometimes sufficiently long time.

Toxicosis of psychological origin is also peculiar to those women who for a long time Can not get pregnant and suffer from it. On the contrary, those who like fire avoids pregnancy are constantly suspected of unwanted conception and with special impact tracked the slightest changes in the behavior of the internal organs.

Perhaps you will be interested in:12 ways to tell toxicosis "no"

In the early period of pregnancy, chaotic organ disorders are not excluded gastrointestinal tract. Ponos I. increased gas formation Some are taken for signs of toxicosis. In general, the maternal organism simply produces "setting" the work of the internal organs, adapting them to new circumstances. But also should not be excluded and all sorts of intestinal infectionspenetrating the body at the time of weakening immune system. It is advisable to eliminate sharp, smoked, fried food during this period, to reduce the consumption of sweet and salted. An excessive amount of salt will provoke swelling, which will give an increased load on the organs of the cardiovascular system.

The increase in the mammary glands, accompanied by their heating, soreness and redness, indicates a hormonal reaction in the body to conceive. This condition can last up to two or three weeks. Dairy glands are configured on breast-feeding. Not excluded insignificant allocations from the glands of light yellow or white color. This colostrum is the first portions of the future milk for the baby. Such discharge should not be in concern in cases where we are talking About pregnancy, however, in ordinary life This phenomenon can be a symptom of disorders of the female sexual system. In such cases, a mammologist should be examined.

Lumbar pain Woman may experience at the moment of menstruation, however, when they are conjugate pulling pain At the bottom of the belly without menstruation, it can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy.

Elevated urination accompanied by painful sensationsmay be a symptom of the exacerbated cystitis. The bladder as no other body responds to changes in the uterus, with which it actually comes into contact with the outer walls. If the uterus behaves excitedly, which often happens in the early period of pregnancy, frequent urges appear to urinate.

After conception, many women have high risk of inflammation of the urinary system organs. Especially susceptible to kidney infections. Therefore, lumbar pains may be a symptom of pyelonephritis. Gain owl syndrome In the lumbar region carries a high threat of miscarriage in the early stages. It is in the first trimester and frequent miscarriages occur. If there are some pathological manifestations of pregnancy, the woman is put in the hospital for "saving". Here doctors take care of her, continuously tracking the slightest violations and preventing them.

Fast fatigue and continuous drowsiness in our time are not considered something special in the behavior of the organism of many young people, however, this is one of the signs of pregnancy. If the woman did not complain earlier on such symptoms, then, most likely, this is a sign of pregnancy. The nature of drowsiness during pregnancy to this day is not fully clarified. Most likely, this is caused by the hormonal restructuring of the body, but should not be excluded and psychosomatic reactions when the woman is subconsciously configured to keep the embryo, trying to protect it from negative influences from outside.

As the deadline increases, new symptoms will be added:

  • skin itching throughout the abdomen;
  • swelling of the lower and upper limbs;
  • change of appetite and food preferences;
  • more acute reaction to different odors;
  • gait changes;
  • new postures in a dream;
  • metal taste in the oral cavity;
  • the appearance of a rug on the cheeks;
  • increased salivation;
  • itching the inside of the palms;
  • skin raishes on the face and decolte area;
  • abundance isolation of white from the vagina.

Blood analysis pregnant will show increased content Hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced by placenta tissues after embryonic implantation already 6-8 days after successful conception. Perhaps this is the most pretty sign pregnancy.

There are often cases when lactation Woman pregnant again. The first sign of the pregnancy is a sharp reduction in the development breast milkthat immediately becomes noticeable when feeding. The taste of milk is also changing somewhat, and the baby can abandon breast milk at all. So the body redistributes its resources, preparing another pregnancy.

The aggravation of the thrush in the early periods of pregnancy occurs in many women. Ignore or wait for the thrush to be held by itself not worth it. Urgent treatment is necessary until the infection has come back to the embryo. Treatment appoints a observing gynecologist.

Ultrasound procedure

For final confirmation of the coming conception, an ultrasound study is carried out. A few more than a few years ago, this procedure could only dream. Ultrasonic devices began to appear in the countries of the post-Soviet space only in the early 90s.

Now ultrasound is a widespread and accessible to each procedure. When it is assisted, the rapid diagnosis of almost all internal organs is carried out. IN female consultation Uzi are prescribed on the fifth week of pregnancy. On this time it is still very difficult to determine the floor of the future child, you can only confirm the fact of conception. If parents insist on additional ultrasound In order to determine the floor of the future kid, they are made at the twelfth week of pregnancy or later.

In cases where the observing doctor suspects the pathological development of the fetus, the ultrasound is carried out more often to avoid possible risks. Table No. 1 shows the embryo parameters after ultrasound for weeks of pregnancy.

Table # 1. Normal embryo parameters after an ultrasound study on weekly pregnancy.
Dimensions (millimeters)
Gusty bag
inner diameter

do not measure

do not measure

do not measure

do not measure

Whether to interrupt pregnancy

Sometimes a woman has to do difficult choice Meanwhile, keep the frost or interrupt pregnancy. There is a lot of objective and subjective factors. In any case, the final word in this difficult question must remain for the woman.

During pregnancy, a lot is spent vital energy and the resources of the body. In addition to the fact that the growing embryo now requires increased livelihoods, the maternal organism undergoes significant losses. It is more complicated when it seems to be aware of life resources. Weak immune system of many modern girls Does not easily transfer pregnancy. The body simply turns out to be not ready for this. In this case, it may be decided to interrupt pregnancy.

Having heavy forms chronic diseaseswho tend to exacerbate during the conception period, is a high degree of risk for pregnant. When it comes to the life of a woman, an abortion is inevitable. Similar states may cause chronic pyelonephritis, ulcer of the stomach and duodenal gut, chronic cholecystitis, cardiac insufficiency, hepatitis, bronchial asthma, post-tramatic syndrome, diseases of the binder and tendon, epilepsy.

In cases where the pregnant woman was transferred to rubella, doctors recommend to make an abortion. This dangerous disease will inevitably affect embryo Development, Having deprived the body of the future infant of many functions of life support, being in the womb.

Help psychologist

The hormonal restructuring of the body, the inevitable stressful situations during the period of tooling and the delivery, as well as many subjective and objective factors immediately reflect on the mental state of the woman who decided to become a mother. The closer the duration of childbirth, the alarmer it becomes in the soul in a pregnant woman. And very sad if these days it is granted to herself.

Probably not worth a lot to say that every pregnant woman should be surrounded by the care of his loved ones in this not easy period Her life. Unfortunately, there are often cases when pregnant does not feel the support of his family, little rest, spends a lot of time "on the legs", continues to serve the family, without reducing physical exercise. Accumulating stress can provoke postpartum depression.

As soon as the baby appears on the light, the mother's body throws into the blood a large number of hormones. Now the next hormonal restructuring starts, only in reverse order. Followed by female sex system Configured on the lactation period. Often during this period in the body failures and inconsistencies accepted norms.

Staying in a state of postpartum depression, a woman can refuse the baby born, ignore him, not to give the chest, try not to touch the baby. Postpartum depression is very dangerous for women who have decided to give birth to enough early ageWhen the psyche is injured by numerous doubts about the need to make children at this age. A woman can be even on the verge of suicide. There is nothing shameful in this. These states can be stopped if you take the right measures on time.

Today, the visit to the psychologist does not represent fear and shame for most people. Until recently, many thought that by contacting a psychologist, we could consider themselves almost crazy. Unfortunately, such prejudices were caused by the insufficient awareness of our society when public opinion It was formed so far, it can be said "on the street", and they treated psychological knowledge as to the near-scientific knowledge. Now everything is different. And it pleases.

A pregnant woman is entitled to seek help to a psychologist on any time if she feels an increased feeling of anxiety, he experiences insomnia, fears, aggravation of the general mental state. To report your visit for support to a psychologist is not necessarily members of the family.

What can and what can not be in early pregnancy

The body of each person is very individual. And the symptoms of the same diseases can manifest themselves in different ways. Many women planning the first pregnancy often ask a question - can not be signs of pregnancy in the early stages? Answer is an affirmative.

If the girl plans pregnancy, then in any case she will listen to their body every day. Implantation bleeding is not manifested. Sometimes it is so insignificant that it is possible and not to notice a few drops of blood released, for example, at the time of hygiene procedures.

When the conception occurred, and the ultrasound study confirmed this fact, one should thoroughly think about their further actions. In the first place will stand the food diet and the day of the day. As soon as possible, toning drinks that can provoke miscarriage on early stages, such as coffee, black tea, low-alcohol cocktails and beer. It is necessary to now control the consumption of salt and sugar. Increased swelling, which is difficult to avoid during pregnancy, will result in shortness of breath, quick fatigue, joint pain, drowsiness.

Pregnant women should be protected from the so-called "passive" smoking. Fully eliminate alcoholic beverages with difficulty manage to go now. Sometimes there is a need to adopt alcohol tincture in therapeutic purposes. Of course, such techniques need to be coordinated with a observing doctor.

Pregnant women stand out a large amount of progesterone hormone, due to which there is an increased formation of opaque discharge from the vagina, not smelling. Such states, many girls observe during their ovulation. With the end of menstruation is reduced and leaving at all. After the delivery, the body behaves in a similar way.

However, you should pay attention to flakes, accompanied by unpleasant odor. These are signs of various venereal or fungal diseases. High likelihood of fetal damage in such cases. Visit to the doctor is obligatory, self-medication is unacceptable. Many women in habit are starting at home to sharpen, which can lead to miscarriage. It must be remembered that on any pregnancy time, the dysfunction is categorically prohibited!

When detecting a brownish shade discharge, the urgent consultation of the gynecologist is required. This is a disturbing sign for pregnant. In this case, we are talking about the life of the mother and the high threat of miscarriage. Dark discharge Can signal the "fetal" of the fetus. If during the pregnancy period not to collect regular data on the state of the embryo, then you can not notice the formation of various pathologies.

Conception and first 2 weeks of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most responsible periods in the life of a woman. Some are carefully prepared for this, everyone planned and waiting with impatience. For others, this may be an accident, but to leak is no less exciting and joyful than in cases where everything is thought out.

Nowadays, most women use pregnancy tests to make sure this event. In addition, it is usually made themselves to know the changes starting in the body that are recognized as the first signs of pregnancy.

Do you feel signs of pregnancy?

Every woman has their own individual characteristics. Some fully manifest all possible signs. And someone, on the contrary, can only feel the most basic or not to feel at all.

The situation is also related to the question: when are the first pregnancy symptoms appear? There are women who have these signs have become noticeable at the end of the first week after conception (but more intuitively). Many feel characteristic changes closer to the month of alleged pregnancy. Sometimes these deadlines increase, and the woman feels that pregnant is already much later.

Still specialists, answering the question: how many days after conception, the first signs of pregnancy appear, they say that they cannot be found earlier than ten days after conception. Most often it is two or three weeks.

It also happens that certain symptoms are false indicate a pregnancy, although in fact relate to something else.

It is important to comprehensively consider signs in the first days of pregnancy, and not draw conclusions on the basis of some one.

Of course, if we talk about reliability, the most reliable ways to determine pregnancy are the test and visiting a gynecologist.

The most basic symptoms of pregnancy

Consider the most common symptoms that indicate the birth of a new life in the female organism.

What other symptoms can be observed in the first days?

  • Study urination. In fertilization, the process of producing hormone hgch is launched, as a result of which blood supply increases in the pelvis area. So the woman feels a call for emptying bladderEven if it is not filled enough. The frequency of such urges is usually increasing at night.
  • Fast fatiguability. Acceleration of metabolism, especially at first pregnancy, can cause a woman with a sense of constant fatigue, desire to dive into sleep. This is the natural mobilization of the body for successful toaling and developing the fetus. Rest at this time is necessary. A combination of high fatigue with other symptoms acts a serious reason to make a pregnancy test.
  • Taste preferences are changed. Improving the level of hormones leads to a change in taste and addictions in food. Often, women feel a metal taste in his mouth. The desire to eat something sharply may appear (someone pulls on sweet, someone in salty) or, on the contrary, you can stop your favorite dish. Sometimes a woman has a saliva selection.
  • The feeling of smells changes. A pregnant woman often enhances susceptibility to various kinds of smells. If many of them she did not notice before, now she is trying to avoid in every way. Moreover, the negative perception of some odors leads to nausea.
  • Headache, frequent mood change. Hormonal changes can not affect and on the psyche of a woman, her mood. It appears a feeling of limitless happiness, then tears suddenly approach. A woman can become more vulnerable and disturbing, irritable and demanding. Usually I. headache Appears more often.
  • Constipation, bloating. Due to the action of the hormone of progesterone, work can deteriorate digestive system, in particular, the intestines. To help your body when this problem occurs, you need to use more fluid (primarily water), products containing fiber, use special preparations and make gymnastics. To fulfill the last two items, you must consult with your doctor.
  • Reducing immunity, the appearance of colds and nasal congestion. The body's forces are sent to full development fetal, therefore susceptibility to various diseases rises. And the impact of hormones on the nasal passages leads to their congestion.
  • Acne. The sign is completely optional, but some women note its appearance during pregnancy. Sometimes he begins to disturb even those who did not come across acne.
  • Dark the vertical line going down from the navel. This feature can give themselves to felt both in the early stages, and in a later period of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy during breastfeeding period

Frequent cases when woman having big babymay become pregnant again. What symptoms do you indicate?

  1. Reducing the amount of milk.
  2. Changing the taste of breast milk, as a result of which the baby can refuse him.
  3. There is a swelling of the chest, the soreness of the nipples, as a result of which feeding causes discomfort.

The bigger characteristic signs Notes a woman, the higher the probability of the occurrence of pregnancy. But confirmation of any sensations and reactions should be reliable ways: the passage of the test and consultation by the doctor to eliminate the likelihood of complications of pregnancy from the very first days.

How to determine pregnancy without a test, which is happening in the body in the early stages, when symptoms of pregnancy are manifested, and what they, the first days after conception, are looking for answers in our article.

The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay will prompt a woman that she will soon become a mother. When you expect two strips on the dough, in all changes in the body are looking for hints for what has happened. How to recognize yourself?

The slightest disabilities, irritability or - immediately thought in the head: I will have a child. Many mothers really say that these were the first symptoms of pregnancy.

You can still hear the opinion that the forgetfulness is indicated for conception, the increased chest and spiritualized facial expression.

Of course, all these signs of changes in the body can signal long-awaited pregnancy. But far from always such symptoms are indicators of an interesting position.

How to recognize the first signs of pregnancy in ancient times

Even hundreds and even thousands of years ago, people learned to recognize the first signs of pregnancy. IN ancient Egypt, for example, to learn about interesting position Women, for her prepared "check" drink.

It consisted of a special grass and milk Mom, who gave birth to a boy. If such a mixture caused a woman with vomiting, the verdict was unequivocal: pregnant!

Ancient Jews asked for a woman to go through soft grass, and then studied her traces.

Unfortunately, it did not react information to this day, how can I interpret prints and determine the pregnancy in the footsteps, but modern doctors learned simpler and exact signs The fact that the woman is waiting for the baby.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester

Even planning pregnancy is impossible to determine that conception occurred. Moreover, the symptoms for 2 weeks can also remain unnoticed. Many women have delays in the menstrual cycle and they perceive the absence of menstruation as another failure.

Within 1 week there are no obvious symptoms of pregnancy. Fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination, drowsiness is usually written off on signs of PMS.. Rarely who involves pregnancy and runs in a pharmacy for the test.

The first signs of pregnancy: symptoms in the second week

In the second week after fertilization there are no obvious sensations in the body that indicate a pregnancy. The processes also flow as in the first week.

A distinctive feature is to reduce immunity future mom. The fact is that the embryo is perceived by the woman's body as an alien body. Protective functions fall to preserve pregnancy. For this reason, colds are possible.

Symptoms for 2 weeks of pregnancy:

  • drowsiness
  • insomnia
  • weakness
  • long belly can sob
  • chest sensitive
  • headaches
  • pulling sensations in the lower back

In the second week of pregnancy, the embryo is already tightly attached to the uterus and all nutrients receive from female organism. Heart, vessels and a communal bubble begins to form.

How to detect pregnancy in early time

Woman wants to know for sure whether she will be mom this time, whatever the symptoms of pregnancy before the delay. Find out the result in different ways.

Conduct blood test on hgch

The fastest I. accurate method Definitions of pregnancy in the early stages. In addition, it gives results before delay - on the 5th day after sexual intercourse.

  • pregnancy hCG ranges from 20 to 150 honey / ml
  • Pregnancy increases from 100 to 4870 honey / ml
  • Pregnancy HCG fluctuates in the range of 2500-82,000 honey / ml
  • Pregnancy HCG in the blood can reach 151,000 honey / ml

Make a pregnancy test

The best time for testing is the day when they detected a delay. Previously, it does not make sense to do because you can get false negative result. There are some simple ruleswhich must be followed when conducting a pregnancy test.

  • read the instructions and follow it
  • do the test in the first days after the delay
  • use morning urine for testing
  • if the test shows a controversial result - to make one more

Visit the gynecologist to detect pregnancy

In the early period of pregnancy, the gynecologist is inexpictive. In the first weeks after conception, changes in the sizes of the uterus and the walls of the vagina are invisible. Nevertheless, if pregnancy is suspected, the doctor will send an ultrasound or prescribe a blood test for HCHG.

Victoria Taranenko, Gynecologist:

"Doctors are definitely relying on the facts. And if mom builds assumptions looks at external first Signs of pregnancy, then a gynecologist, as a rule, with a 90% accuracy, maybe if there may be a pregnancy, and about 100% pregnancy says change in the form of the uterus. This feature can check the obstetrician or ultrasound, the error of the results of which does not exceed 10%. "

Signs of pregnancy in early terms

Exactly an increase in pregnancy hCHG level In the blood, listening to the heartbeat or the results of the ultrasound. All others - only possible first Signs of pregnancy

  • Small discharge

    If you find on underwear Several brown drops, it may not be at all monthly, but. It is likely that it is now the cage that will become a child, "travels" in search of an uterine wall. This is one of the very first signs of pregnancy. But! This process can occur without any discharge.

  • Raising

    Do not be lazy: Watch your basal temperature During the cycle. If you are pregnant, or the temperature takes up to 37 degrees, or it will fall sharply for one day in the second phase menstrual cycle. This process is called "Implantation Slore".

    The reasons may be two. First, from the middle of the second phase, the production of progesterone hormone is reduced, which is responsible for raising the temperature, but if you are pregnant, it begins to be generated again. Therefore, temperature fluctuations occur. Secondly, during pregnancy, an estrogen hormone will be released, which reduces the temperature.

    See our

  • Constant weakness and fatigue

    Many women who still do not recognize their position believe that they just got sick. And this is partly true. One of the causes of weakness is to reduce immunity. Some future mothers in the first or even appear even cough and runny nose.

  • Sensitive breasts.

    If the sensitivity of nipples is sharply enhanced, then it is likely that you are pregnant. Appears such a symptom throughtwo weeks after conception. On the. The chest can react even on a gentle touch, can swell or just root. The darkened skin around Area Nipples can also point to pregnancy.

  • Bugurg Montgomery

    Montgomery's tubercles are such tiny bumps on the Arole of the chest, resembling hisic skin. They do not constitute any threat to your health, but their appearance is often a sign of a woman's pregnancy.

  • Insomnia.

    In many women, insomnia may appear in connection with changes in the body. Future moms are not poured, even if they went to bed early, and did not wake up with the first roosters.

    IN sleep can be clone and in the middle of the day, just for the workplace. And this is nothing if the work is not related to the danger, so go to a more "calm" department in advance. It is not worth worrying: just the body has their own ways to report their new status.

  • Nausea, smell sensitivity

    This is a classic sign that appears on . Approximately half of future mothers came across such unpleasant sensations. But do not rush to rejoice, if this indicator appeared in the morning: maybe in the evening you just ate something "not that"?

  • Pain in the lower back

    Back pain or lower back maybe a little tangible . And such "strips" in the lower back will accompany future mom throughout the entire period of pregnancy, periodically letting themselves felt.

  • Owl of belly

    During pregnancy, the intestine becomes "lazy", and does not think that in the process of digestion, he needs to follow the level of gas formation. The bloating can also be felt because the intestines wall swell a little.

  • Frequent urination

    Two weeks after conception, you can feel frequent urge to the toilet. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, and not, as it is considered, stretching the uterus or the pressure of the fetus on the bladder (the child is still too small).

  • Menstruation delay

    This is perhaps the most common first. It was, noticing him, we confidently go to the pharmacy for the test. But if the cycle is irregular, you should not rely on the delay.

The symptoms of pregnancy twins are no different from the listed signs of pregnancy in the early stages. The fact that in the body of a future mother is growing several embryos can be found on the planned ultrasound.

Signs of pregnancy. Symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages (video)

Exact signs of pregnancy in early time

  1. Enhance hCG level in blood. "Money hormone" begins to increase 7-10 days after. Analysis on HCHG is quite reliable in determining pregnancy. Therefore, I have given blood from Vienna in any laboratory, you can learn about your position even before menstruation delay.
  2. Listening to the heartbeat kid. With the help of an electronic stethoscope, hear how the child's heart beats, you can 10-12 weeks. The frequency of its heartbeat is 120-160 shots per minute.
  3. Ultrasound procedure (Ultrasound). The recommended term for the first ultrasound is 7-12 weeks, but it is possible to determine the term of pregnancy from 2-3 weeks.

The first weeks of pregnancy is a very responsible stage in the development of the embryo, so the woman is extremely important to know about the development of pregnancy from the early terms, which helps to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

When does the early symptoms manifest?

It is believed that the delay is the very first sign of pregnancy after conception, but it is not: let's figure it out when others appear, more early symptoms (Before delay) and what are they?

According to the science of embryology (the teaching on the development of the body from the moment of fertilization), from the first days in the body of a woman begins hormonal restructuringcontributing to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of this pregnancy.

Therefore, the very first early signs And the symptoms of pregnancy The woman begins to feel even before the delay of menstruation, but after a few weeks after conception. How to understand that she became pregnant in his feelings and health status?

Symptoms that a woman feels

Tirelessness, drowsiness. When the first signs of pregnancy begins after conception, a woman can note such symptoms as weakness, a constant desire to sleep. Even after a long sleep, no sense of vigor and strength appear. It may break the day of the day: a desire will appear early to fall asleep, and wake up deep at night with subsequent insomnia until the morning.

Emotional instability, irritability. Frequent shift Mood from Euphoria to a feeling of deep sorrow, there may be laugh and tears at the same time. The attitude towards situations to which were previously indifferent were changed. Floodyness and light vulnerability is especially present in emotionally impressionable ladies.

Change and perversion of appetite. Most women note an increase in appetite, the absence of a sense of saturation causes a woman more often and more ordinary. Some women have an appetite decreases and even disgust to the dishes beloved earlier, or a desire to eat dishes, which previously she did not prefer to use it.

Nausea and vomiting They are classic, more often than other sites in pregnancy. Nausea is characteristic more in the morning clock. Even the memories of some food can cause nausea and even vomiting. The degree of severity of toxicosis may be different in women from mild to severe.

Increased chest sensitivity. The slightest touch of the chest, when the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear, can manifest itself unpleasant and even painful sensations. There is a feeling of gravity in the chest. In very rare cases, it is possible to reduce the sensitivity of the breast in some women.

The change sexual attraction . When pregnancy, a woman can loosen and strengthen sexual desire.

Painting pain in the lower abdomen. Minor pain may appear, which is associated with an increase in blood flow in the organs of a small pelvis.

Pain in the lower back It may appear after the slopes (for example, during cleaning).

Alternation of feelings of heat and chills, non-associated external factors (at optimal temperature mode) may appear several times a day.

Disgust to smells. The usual perfume smells can give you a sense of discomfort, and even cause nausea and vomiting. Interesting the fact that you will begin to like unaccustomed smells (gasoline, nail polish).

Disorder digestive tract . A pregnant woman can begin to disturb the bloating, increased gas formation, leaning to constipation.

Frequent urge to urination. A woman marks more frequent urge (even at night).

Dizziness, headache, faintingthere may be a consequence of a reduction in pressure during pregnancy.

Muscle crampsit is often noted, especially at night.

What signs are noticeable outside?

When after conception, the first signs of pregnancy occur, they can be seen from the outside:

  • Damage to skin Areoles nipples. The skin around the nipples acquires a darker color.
  • Strengthening the venous network on the chest. Vienna on the gentle skin of the chest is visible more clearly, their diameter increases.
  • Increase breast. During pregnancy, the chest increases by 1-2 size.
  • Pigmentation of a white belly line. The line running from the bottom of the sternum to the pubic is becoming darker.
  • Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of external genital organs. Due to the increase in blood supply and venous stagnation of blood, the mucosa of the genital organs acquires a blue character (this is especially noticeable on the genital lips).
  • Increase the discharge from the vagina. Strengthened development of the events of the vagina should be reinforced.
  • The appearance of thrush. During pregnancy changes the acidity of the vagina, which creates perfect conditions For the reproduction of fungi genus Candida. In this connection, white may appear curchase discharge with sour smell.
  • Small swelling of the hands, legs. You can see that the rings that you worn earlier became small, and with difficulty removed.
  • Temperature increase. Normal phenomenon For a pregnant woman is a slight increase in temperature, which is associated with a hormone progesterone.

Now you know when you can feel the first signs of pregnancy, what they happen and how to find out, determine. Consider what happens at this time with the body and causes all the symptoms.

What happens to the body?

The physiology of a pregnant woman undergoes significant changes. Then, when the first signs of pregnancy after conception, both before the delay and after it appear.

This contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for having a child. Most organ systems start "work" in reinforced mode.

Endocrine system

The most pronounced changes in the body of a pregnant woman occur in the hormonal system.

Pregnancy is "The Kingdom of Progesterone Hormone". This hormone begins to actively produced by the yellow bodies of the ovary at the beginning of pregnancy, then when forming the placenta, it takes on this feature.

Progesterone has many effects:

  • Expansion of blood vessels(What explains the dizziness, decline arterial pressureThe increase in the lumen of the vessels leading to the venous stagnation in the organs of the small pelvis, to the appearance of the drawing on the chest, there is an expansion of venous capillaries of external genital organs than and caused by the "Sonyth" of the mucous membranes)
  • Impact on the center of thermoregulation(In the hypothalamus there is a temperature regulation center, progesterone affects it, increasing the temperature of the body as a whole, which is why pregnant women are somewhat higher, there is no need to worry about this)
  • Influence on the urinary system, contributing to the fluid delay in the body, which is the cause of eccles of pregnant women.
  • Impact on the intestinal wall, slow down the peristals of the digestive system, from where a tendency to constipate appears.
  • Suppression of the immune system. One side. This is a protective response of the body to the development of the fetus, but this may contribute to frequent infections and cold illness. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and carefully refer to your health.
  • Influence on the cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, increasing the number of secreted fluid, increase the viscosity of the secret, which can contribute to the emergence inflammatory processes During pregnancy, as favorable conditions for reproduction of microorganisms are created.

During pregnancy occurs reinforced production of the melanoform hormone adrenal glandswhich causes the pigmentation of the nipples, the pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen.

Hormone - placental lactogen contributes to an increase in breast size, increasing its sensitivity by increasing the iron tissue.

Increases the activity of thyroid hormones(thyroxine, triiodothyronine), which contributes to an increase in the heart rate (therefore, pregnant women often have tachycardia, even at rest).

Outdoor and internal genitals

When first arise explicit signs pregnancy sex lips become empty, acquire a "blue" tint due to the venous blood state of blood.

The walls of the vagina are somewhat thicken, become edema, in the form of the vagina expands and extends. Selection of genital organs increase in the amount of their character normally light, mucous, without unpleasant odor.

The most significant changes undergo the uterus. This muscular body increases many times its dimensions proportionally to the child's growth. Much increased and blood flow in the uterus. Uterine artery significantly increase in diameter, which contributes to normal blood flow.

Nervous system

The susceptibility of the nervous system to all sorts of influences increases, for this reason, women celebrate inexplicable mood differences (From a complete decline of strength to the state of euphoria and joy), the performance is reduced, the drowsiness, drowsiness increases, irritability appears.

Due to functional shifts in nervous systemThe change in the action of the mediators appears nausea, elevated salivation, vomiting, the sense of smell, susceptibility to different smells is exacerbated. Due to increasing excitability in peripheral nerves, frequent convulsions are noted, even at night, numbness of the fingers.

Kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system

During pregnancy, renal blood flow is significantly enhanced, and as a result of this, frequent urge to urination appear. However, it also contributes to the anatomical proximity of the bladder and the growing uterus.

The peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract slows down (due to the impact of progesterone on the smooth muscles of the intestines), so pregnant women often suffer from constipation, intestinal distension, increased gas formation.

Due to the expansion of venous vessels of the recycled venous plexus, a woman may have a hemorrhoid that has never bothered before.

Increases the frequency of respiratory movements, more late time Pregnancy can even appear shortness of breath, due to the pressure of the uterus on the wall of the diaphragm.

Cardiovascular system and metabolism

Cardiac frequency increases. The volume of blood in the body of a woman is rising. Appears pressure declaration (This is especially brightly manifested in women, initially prone to hypotension).

The need for calcium, iron and other minerals increases, as well as the need for vitamins. Carbohydrate exchange is characterized by an increase in blood glucose. There is an increase in blood cholesterol.

What the doctor says about the manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay, look at the video:

If you find that similar changes began to take place in your body, then you should contact a specialist in order to reliably find out if your dream come true!


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